JULY 27, 1943
In the Council Room of the Bdeaver Street Firehouse , Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
Supervisor Mandeville and Mayor Santoro called the meeting
to order at 8:30 p.m. (Eastern War Time) .
Present: Mayor B.J. Santoro
Trustees Edward B. Dooley, James J. Jackson,
Edward J. Kuhn, Howard S. h1eighan
Village TIana.ger Wn. H. Johnson
Engineer Guy Vroman
Treasurer-Clerk Fred H. Bull
Attorney Anthony Sansone
Assessor Barney Epstein
Supervisor Owen A. Mandeville
Councilmen Eduard C. Griffin, Kunn Brewer ,
Munn Brewer
Town Clerk Robert D. Payne
Attorney John L. Delius
Assessor James &T. Smith
Comptroller Leo Td. Orsino
The Supervisor invited Mayor Santoro to open the discussion.
Mayor Santoro presented and read a proposed agenda, which was accepted ,
and copies were passed around.
The first item of business - Tere referred to by Manager Johnson.
He stated that following the latest report on the old First National
Bank building , it was decided by the village officials to recommend
that same be advertised for sale.
- Trustee Meighan suggested that a fairly large space be taken
in the local newspaper and that a New York City newspaper be used to
reach the out-of-town people. He presented and read a copy of the
proposed advertisement. He pointed out that the bids received would
be subject to the approval of both Boards.
There was some discussion on the value of the property and
assessments along Mamaroneck Avenue.
Trustee Meighan stated that the property is a key corner and
that its present condition does not help values in the neighborhood.
He added that it mould be better to have the building occupied, than
to have it become an eye sore.
Trustee Meighan suggested that the building be offered with
a set minimum price. He referred to the taxes on the building and
stated that the Village has turned the dorner on its bonded indebtedness
and that reductions in the tax rate could be expected from now on.
There was general discussion with several adding their views
on the proposed sale.
Supervisor Mandeville suggested that some one who specializes
in real estate auctioneering be employed to handle the sale. He stated
that an expert in this line could contact thousands of people who are
interested in investment properties through their mailing lists and
Following further discussion, Village Manager Johnson was
authorized to secure bids covering the cost of the sale , from firms
prominent in this field.
The Supervisor stated that it was in order to consider the
next item of business.
Mayor Santoro advised that Mr. Edward J. Petigor had talked
With Trustee Meighan about the property of the Larchmont Estates , Inc. ,
and the parking situation along Richbell Road.
Trustee Meighan informed those present that LIr. Petigor
requested an appointment and that a fear days later he stopped in.
He explained that 1;,"r. Petigor had asked for more time to
clear up his tax obligations with the Village and Town, and that such
time be extended to L.ay , 1944. Also, that something be done about the
parking situation along Richbell Road., in front of the property re-
ferred to.
Trustee DLeighan also advised that Mr. Petigor outlined his
part in the development of the property, known as Larchmont Acres ,
situated across the street from the property held by his corporation.
He further stated that he had paid in something like $35,000 in back
taxes at the time that the development was started , and that he should
be given some consideration at this time.
Supervisor Mandeville stated that Mr. Fetigor had received
every consideration possible and that lie could not have any complaint
with the Town Board.
There was general discussion during which Police Chief Yerick
of the Town was invited to the meeting. It was reported that at one
time during the day there were 53 cars parked along Richbell Road -
35 of which were without the Government stamps for use , 3 cars with
1942 plates , and one car without plates.
Chief Yerick advised that as many as 170 cars had been
parked on the road at night.
There was further discussion and Chief Yerick taas requested
to take up the matter with the Board of Police Commissioners of the
Town, and the Village officials said that they would go over the mat-
ter with the traffic commission of the Village , for that part of the
road within the Village.
It was agreed that if a change was decided upon, advance
notice would be given to the tenants of Larchmont Acres.
Mayor Santoro presented copies of a report of expenditures
made for the hommocks Club property up to July 1, 1943.
Village Manager Johnson and Village Engineer Vroman pre-
sented a map in connection with flood control showing the area in
the Village and Town which are part of the water shed, as against
areas in surrounding communities , which also contribute to flood con-
ditions in this community.
Following some discussion on flood control , it was decided
to wait until the County had completed its survey.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Town Clerk