HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943_02_03 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Town of Mamaro-
neck, 14erti York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at
88 P . !A. (Eastern Jar Time) .
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Griffin, Mandeville and Keeler
Absent: Councilman Bates .
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney
Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Orsino, gown Engineer and Superin-
tendent of Highways Foote and Welfare Officer DeVinne .
The minutes of the meeting of January 6, 1943 and of the joint
conference betvreen the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck and
the 'Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck were approved as presented.
The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to read the communi-
cations .
A letter dated January 22, 1943, was received from Mr. Gustave
Simons of 515 Weaver Street, Town in which he stated his objections to
the erection of a shelter or waiting room for buses near the intersec-
tion of Bonnie Briar Lane and Weaver Street.
A letter dated February 1, 1943, was received from Mr. Thorn-
ton Earle of 17 Althea Lane; Town; in which he favored the erection of
a shelter for bus passengers .
A letter. dated January 30, 191 3, was received. from Mrs. H. M.
Lianss of 37 Bonnie Briar Lane , in which she stated that she was the
originator of the idea of requesting the erection of the shelter and
that through her friends and neighbors had obtained the signatures on
the petition filed with the Town Board. She said that the residents
wished to thank the members of the Town Board for their cooperation and.
at the same tune wished to apologize for the fact that they asked for
something which aroused unpleasant publicity. She informed the Board
that the petitioners had decided to let the matter drop .
Foilowing some discussion the Board ordered the letters re-
ceived and filed.
A letter dated February', 3, 1943, was received from Jerome
A' . Barry, Cormrander of the local observation tower of the Aircraft
GJarning Service, referring to earlier correspondence in connection
with a request for an appropriation to cover expenses at the post. He
advised that the 'Town of Harrison'. the Villages of Larchmont and Mama-
roneck had already made their appropriations .
The Supervisor stated that he thought that it vvas in the same
category as the rationing board.
Councilman Mandeville stated that he was in favor of an ap-
propriation and added that he did not think that as a body the Town
Board should sit aside while other communities are carrying the burden.
He recomaended that $100 covering, the Town' s share for 1942 and 630
representing an amount for the first six weeks of 1943 at the rate of
$5 per week be allowed out of the', item for civilian protection services
so as to pay up arrears .
After further discussion the following motion offered by
Councilman Mandeville and seconded by Councilman Griffin, was upon roll
call unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS. the form Board'' of the 'Town of Mamaroneck
has considered the recuest of Jerome A. Barry
Commander of the local observation tower, and
in view of the vital im-oortance of maintaining
an aircraft warning service for the protection
of life and property-, also the fact that the sur-
rounding communities, for which the observation
post is rendering its services, have made their
proportionate appropriation, and that the 'Town of
Mamaroneck is within the area served and mentioned to
pay its share towards this war emergency measure;
RESOLVED, that the 'Town of Mamaroneck appropriate
out of its budget item of 1943 for civilian protection
services the sum of $100 to pay in full the 'Town' s
contribution towards the expenses of Ground Observa-
tion Post Ile . 559a for the year 1942, further that
the sum of 430 be appropriated out of the same budget
to represent the Town's contribution to the Observa-
tion Post for expenses or the first six weeks of 1943
at the rate of $5 per week.
The Town Clerk reported that Mrs . P . D, Wesson, an officer
of the Town of Mamaroneck Adult activities and Recreation Council had
stopped at the Town Offices and handed in an estimate for supplies and
equipment, which estimate was addressed to Mrs . H. J. Brewer, Chairman
of the Council, and that she had advised the Town Clerk that ➢Mrs . Brewer
had referred the matter to her. The estimate was referred to the Super-
visor .
A letter dated February, 1943, was received from Lt. Com-
iia'rder 'Thos . C. Jaleski of the United States Navy, requesting that due
to his reduced income that the taxes be reduced on his residence at
126 N. Chatsworth Avenue, Town. The letter was referred to the Tovm
The 'Town Clerk reported ',that the Association of Towns was pre-
paring a scroll to be presented to the former Secretary of the Associa-
tion, Mr . Frank C. Moore, now Comptroller of the State. A form was
passed to the members of the Board for their signatures .
The 'Town Clerk reported that at the time that the last elec-
Lion maps were printed an extra supply of plain maps were ordered for
distribution to the public at cost and that during the year there had
been a large demand from several of the departments of the Town, the
schools and organizations for the maps for planning civilian protection.
He stated that a, record had been kept of those handed out for this pur-
pose and a charge could be made for them but that he thought that maps
for this use should be given without charge as their use mould benefit
the full community. He requested permission to mark the record of
these maps "exempt', from fees . "
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded. by Council-
man Mandevilie, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town clerk be authorized to
mark his record of maps given out for the use
of Town departments, the schools and organiza-
tions for planning of civilian protection "exempt
from fees' .
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of January
1943, was ordered received and filed
The report of the Comptrollers Department of claims audited
and paid by the 'Town from January 20, 1943 to February 3, 1943 was
ordered received and filed.
A report dated January 25, 1943, was received from the County
Transrortation Company, Inc. pursuant to the 25th Paragraph of the
Consent granted by the Town. A check in the amount of $318 .34 made to
the Town of Mamaroneck accompanied the report.
Mr. Orson A. Raynor appeared before the Board to inquire if
the Town had any ordinance controlling taxicab rates . He said that
during present conditions with gasoline rationing causing the limited
use of private cars and the increased use of taxi service, it seemed
reasonable to expect that there should be some regulation of rates . He
referred to two instances in which he said he thought that the passengers
were overcharged. One was a trip a client from Mr . Ravnor from his home on
Edgewood Avenue, Town, to Webster Avenue, New Rochelle, the charge being
$1. 50, the other being a trio made by Mr. Raynor from his home to Larch-
mont manor, the charge being 75 cents . He said that the meter charge
from New Rochelle in a taxi from that city to Larchmont was 70 cents and
that he could not see why it cost double to use a Larchmont cab to New
Rochelle . He also referred to the New York City rates .
Councilman Mandeville asked if Mr. Raynor thought he could
compare the New York City rates with rates in this area. He said that
he was sure that the taxi men had set up a basic rate of 35 cents to any
point in the unincorporated area and that after 8 P. M. the rate is
It was pointed out that the municipality can not control the
rates outside of its boundaries .
Mr. Raynor stated that passengers were picked up in the
unincorporated area and that he taht that the Town could compel the
taxi men to instal meters and abide by definite rates .
Councilman Griffin stated that they could not get meters at
this time and that it is a bad time to try to enforce such an ordinance .
Mr. Raynor stated that something should be dome.
Councilman Keeler related to an experience which occurred a
few years back and stated that at the time there was nothing that he
could do about it.
Attorney Delius advised that he would look into the law and
report back.
Councilman Mandeville stated that he thought that the Town
was fortunate in having good cabs with good drivers and reasonable rates .
Councilman Griffin stated that he had asked Mr. DeVinne to
attend the meeting and give his views as to whether or not the proposed
cash relief plan: would work to to the advantage of the 'Town.
Mr. DeVinne stated that it is the most economical and most
equitable plan and. that in this day and age when boys are in the armed
services their checks for dependents do not cover the complete needs
of the de-pendents and that the cash plan would riot shove up
dents as receiving welfare aid. He said that with the cash they could
establish themselves in the community. He said that he expected that
cases would increase when the department will be called upon to supple-
meat the government allowance and that he thought that the plan would
not alone help to make the recipient feel self-supporting but it would
also cut down the clerical work in the welfare office and in the comp
troller' s office. He explained the present system whereby the claims
are first audited in the welfare office and then again in the Town
comptrollers office before the check is paid. He stated that with the
proposed system he would plan to give the checks out twice a month. He
invited the members of the Board to pay a visit to his office to see the
systera which is now in use.
Councilman Keeler asked, what the members of the Board wished
to do with the proposition.
Councilman Griffin stated that Mr. DeVinne had indicated
that he favored the plan. He asked Hr. DeVinne if he thought that
$4, 000 would be a sufficient amount to start the system.
Mr . DeVinne stated that he thought so, as the fund would be
a sort of revolving fund. He explained that at present the State re-
funds are received within about ninety days and that with the new sy-
stem the refunds could be returned within about thirty days . He
started that tliere may be some objection to the cash plan from the land-
lords as they will say that the recipient v,could spend the cash and not
pay the rent. He said. that he felt that the 'TOG'Fn has been a good rent
collector for the landlords for a ! good many years and that it was about
time that they took care of their ',own affairs .
Councilman iviandeville asked if there was any way in which the
rent money could be turned over to the tax receiver to pay up tax arrears .
He said that he was in favor of tlie plan with the exception of that part
which concerned rents . He said that he believed that there would be
some difficulty in seeing to it that rents were paid.
a'4r . DeVinne explained that the people would receive a budget
with the check so that there ,could be a complete understanding as to
the expenditures, also that his department would ask for receipts .
Councilman Mandeville stated that he believed that if some-
thing was not done, the agent would wind up in Ir. DeVinne' s office
aaskine for the rent.
The Supervisor asked about the gas and electricity bills .
Mr. DeVinne stated that the department would ask to see
Mr . DeVinne advised the Board that it would take about six
or eight months to get the system going.
Councilman Griffin stated that he would be inclined to go
into the plan.
Mr . DeVinne advised that the experience of the County has
been very good.
During discussion it was agreed that rents would be a prob-
iem and it was decided on motion by Councilman Beeler, seconded by
Councilman Griffin that Welfare Officer DeVinne be authorized to draft
a plan which would be adaptable to the Tom of lilamaroneck and to pre- .
sent same at a later meeting.
Councilman Griffin presented the report for the Department of
Welfare for the month of January, 1943, which shotiwed as follows :
1. Food
2. Shelter
3 . Fuel
4. Light, Gas o,; Watf
5 . Clothing
6. Eledical Services
7. Other
Family Cases
Number of cases receiving full
home relief
Nusber of individual in families
receiving full home relief
Laount of relief granted to full
home relief cases
91. 25
226 .17
Total $3,049. 53
$1,081. 56
Councilman Griffin stated that there was nothing to report
for the Park Department other than that they had been without a clerk
since Paliss Toomey left the service of the Town. He said that they
were waiting for the other departments to decide upon filling the posi-
Councilman Griffin presented a petition received from the
Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit
the apportionment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman 'Griffin, seconded by Councilman
Mandeville, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for
the correction of the assessment roll for 1942, taxes
of 1943, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of
Chapter 105 of the Laws of 19 66, as amended, known as
the Westchester County Tax Act; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said !petitions for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1942,
taxes of 1943, which shows property now, appearing on
the roll as follows :
Section Block Lot
Land only
4 41A 19 (412-160) Wm. T. Wood Estate $1,150
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro-
visions of sb-division '5 of Section 33 :
Section Block Lot
4 41A 19A(412-164) Vui-q. Land only
Wood Estate $ 435
alker 715
4 41A 193(412-143) Rose
Councilman Keeler reported that he had received a letter with
reference to the Ford pick-up truck which was bing loaned to the Town
for the decontamination squad. He said that he would find out the cost
of protecting the To .n with insurance by adding the truck to the list
in the non-ownership policy. He said that there was nothing to report
for the Fire Department .
Councilman Mandeville reported that the Highway Department had
removed the snow during the large storm better than any municipality in
this vicinity . He said that special attention was given to the Boston
Post Road because of the transportation of war materials . He said that
the nev, arrangement and the increse in pay had raised theefficiency of
the department.
He informed the Board that Anthony Carriero, one of the truck
drivers on garbage collection, had left the employment of the Town and
that Philip Librandi had been recommended to fill the vacancy and that
Willian. Persip was recommended to take Mr. Librandi's place as sanita-
tion man. He suggested that whie these positions are held at the
pleasure of the Board that the Board approve the transfers .
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council-
man Keeler, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Philip Librandi be transferred to the
position of truck driver in the Garbage Collection
Department and that William Persip be transferred to
the position of sanitation man in the same department;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that both gentlemen shall serve at
the pleasure of the Toc n Board and for the prevailing
rate of pay for each position.
Councilman Mandeville called to the attention of the Board
the loss by death of Dr. Wm. H. Mills, Chairman of the Town of Mamaro-
neck Adult Activities and Recreation Council.
The Supervisor recommended that an appropriate resolution
be prepared.
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded. by Councilman
Griffin, the following resolution was upon roll call unanimously
tiiIIHEREAS, this Board has learned with ?nrofound
sorrow of the death of Dr. William H. !4ills5
Chairman of the Town of 11amaroneck Adult Acti-
vities and Recreation Council, for the past eight
years; and
WHEREAS, by his fr
his duties and his
self to every one
manner, his devotion to
c spirit he endeared him-
.as in contact with him;
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby express its
warmest appreciation for his services to the com-
munity and hereby extends to the members of his
family its most sincere sympathy on the occasion
of his very untimely death.
The Supervisor reeom
be appointed to audit the Town
On motion by Councilman
Griffin, it was unanimously
ed that the firm of Glick-Freedman
ords for the year 1942.
, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED, that Ii-iessrs . Glick-Freedman, certified
public accountants of New Rochelle, New York, be
and they hereby are appointed auditors of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the year 1942 at the compensation
set forth in the budget namely, 51,000.
The 'Town Attorney recommended. and 71r. Idandeville introduced
the follovuing resolution:
WHEREAS, the State 'Comptroller of the State of New
York has heretofore certified under date of January 19th,
1943, that the sum of 'a6,923 .77 is payable by said 'Town
to the said State Comptroller pursuant to Section 78 of
the Civil Service "Law; and
WHEREAS, when such ''arrounts become due and payable, to
wit, February 21st, 1943, there will be no funds available
to make such payment;
RESOLVED. by the z
County of Udestchester,
Section 1. It is h
certificate of the State
York, dated January 19th
by the Tovvnto the said S
and that no funds will b
on the 21st da, of Febru
able for such purpose.
Section 2. Pursua
-- 78 of the said'. Civil Se
hereby authorized to be
credit of the Town in a
and collected for the p
troller the said sum of
payable pursuant to sai
Board of the Tower of Mamaroneck,
follows :
ereby determined that upon the
Comptroller of the State of New
1943, there has become payable
tate Comptroller the sure of $6,923 .77,
e available to make payment thereof
ary, 10/43, and none are nov„ avail-
t to the direction of said Section
vice Layv the said Supervisor is
row said. sucl of P'6,923 .77 on the
tici-nation of taxes to be levied
rpose of paying to the State Comp-
$6,923 .77 certified by him to be
Section 78 of the Civii Service
The Supervisor shall issue a certificate of indebted-
ness in the name of the Town in the principal amount of
such loan pursuant to Section 78 of the Civil Service Law.
Section 3 . Pursuant to said Section 7S of the Civil
Service Law there shall be included in the next annual
budget of the 'Town of P,amaroneck an item in the sum of
p6,923 .77, the proceeds '!vjhereof shall be applied to the
payment of the certificatesof indebtedness hereinabove
Section 4. The f
said Certificates of I
Date : March 1, 19.
Haturity: January
Denomination: 66,
Interest Rate: To
lottiing matters in connection with
ebtedness are hereby determined:
15, 1944
e determined by the Supervisor,
not exceeding six percentum per
Numbers : To be determined by Supervisor.
Form: Substantially in accordance with re-
solution adopted January 4, 1939 .
Said certificates of in
Supervisor, countersign
have the Totivn seal affix
hereby authorized and d
in connection therewith
sequent resolution, and
debtedness at private s
advertisement or public
to the purchaser upon r
accrued interest from t.
Indebtedness to the dat
Section 5 . The f
roneck are hereby pledg
principal of and intere
ness, and, unless other
taxes shall be levied o
Tom in all amount su.ffi
ebtedness shall be signed by the
d by the Tovpn Clerk and shall
ed thereto . The Supervisor is
rected to determine all matters
not determined by this or sub-
to sell said Certificatesof In-
le at not less than par, without
bidding, and to deliver the same
ceipt of the purchase price, plus
e date of the Certificates of
of delivery.
ith and credit of the Town of Idama-
d for the punctual payment of the
t on said Certificates of Indebted-
ise paid_, or payment provided for,
all the taxable pro_Derty in said
ien.t to pay said principal and
Section 6. Said sum of : 6,923 .77 is hereby appro-
priated out of the proceeds of said certificates for the
purpose of paying to the State Comptroller the said amount
certified by him and the Supervisor. is directed to make
such payment .
On motion of Mr. PZandev
foregoing resolution was adopted
AYES: Supervisor
NOES: None
Councilman Landeville
e, seconded by _Ur. Griffin, the
the following vote:
iffin, Mandeville and Keeler
troduced the following resolution:
Section 1. The su
to pay the portion to b
provement work relief p
or by the authority of
an- other work relief a
including the cost of f
and equiprsent for such
ER, NEVd YORK, as follows:
of 69,000. is hereby appropriated
borne by the To , n of public im-
jects in the Tov undertaken through
e IMork Projects Administration or
ncy of the Federal Government,
nishing labor, materials, supplies
ojects and incidental e-Qenses in
connection therewith, the said public improvement vvork
relief projects to include only projects having a period
of probable usefulness of at least five (5) Years computed
from September 2nd, 1941, the date of the first indebted-
ness, whether to rorary or permanent, incurred to finance
any portion of the cost thereof. To meet said appropria-
tion, bonds of the Torun in an aggregate principal amount
not exceeding $9,000. shall be issued.
Section 2. Said bonds shall be designated. "General
Bond of' 1943, Series I, " shall be dated Idarch 1, 1943, and
shall mature in annual installments of -)rincipal on Sep-
tember lst of each vear, 02,000. in each of the years 1943
to 1945, both inclusive and $3,000. in 191+6.
Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceed-
ing six per centum (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually
on the first days of September and March in each year, to
be expressed in a multiple of one-tenth or one-Quarter of
one per centum, the exact rate to be determined by the
Supervisor upon receipt of bids, shall be numbered in order
of ma.turiti- from l to 9, both inclusive, shall be of the
denomination of x1,000. each., shall be payable as to both
principal and interest in lawful money of the United States
of America, at the office of the First iIational Bank of
Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, heir,, York, or at the option of
the holder, at the principal office of the Guaranty Trust
Company of New York, in the City and State of New York,
shall be coupon bonds, registerable as to principal and
interest, and small be signed by the Sul:,ervisor and the
corporate seal of the Tovrn shall be affixed thereto and
attested by the 'foam Clerk a:nd- the coupons attached thereto
shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of the
Supervisor . Said bonds shall be issued pursuant to the
follo- ing laws of the State of I'Jew York, as amended . Chap-
ter 752 of the Lauri of 1933, the Tov.n Laura, constituting
Chapter 62, and the General h1unicipal Law, constituting
Charter 24 of the Consolidated Laws .
Section 3 . The faitn. and credit of said Tovri shall be
and are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the
principal of ania interest on said bonds, and a tax shall be
levied annually on all of the taxable property in said 'Totem
in an aincura sufficient to pair the principal of and interest
on said bonds as the same shall become due.
Section 4. Resolutions entitled-: "Resolution a_ppro-
priating the sum of 04, 000. to pay, a portion of the cost of
public improvement work relief projects in the Town and
authorizing the issuance of w4,000. Bonds of the Town of
Maa2aroneck for said purpose", adopted September 2, 1941, and
"Resolution appropriating the sum of $5, 000. to pay a portion
of the cost of public improvement v,ork relief projects in the
Tov,n and authorizing the issuance of X5, 000. Bonds of the
Tov�m of iamaroneck for said purpose", ad.opted February 13,
1942, are hereby repealed, rescinded and revoked to the ex-
tent of the appropriations and author .zations herein con-
tained, except that nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to affect the validity of any obligation issued in
anticipation of the bonds authorized br said resolutions .
Section 5 . Said bonds shall be sold by the Supervisor
_ upon sealed proposals to be received on February 10, 1943,
at 11 o ' clock k. Isi. Eastern liar Time, at the 'Tov:n Offices,
158Ivest Boston Post Road, in the Village of Uamaroneck, in
said Tovan, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to cause a. notice of sale of said bonds in sub-
st&,ntia.11y the fora hereinafter provided: to be published
at least once in the "Daily 'Times" , a newspaper published
in the 'To;n of Ma_narcneck, T-hick is hereby designated as
the official newspaper of the Town for the purpose of such
publication, not less than five nor more than thirty days
prior to the date of the sale, and also to cause such
notice of sale to be published at 'least once in the
"Daily Pond Buyer", a financial newspaper published in
the City of +er° York.
Section 6 . Said notice of sale shall be in substan-
tiallti the following form:
X9,000 .
TGv'Iy CF it il-',ROGl ECK, 14EIv YOFLK
Tne Supervisor of the Toy:'Tn of Pdla.maroneck, in the
County of v'yestchester, !'Vevv York, will receive sealed
bids at the Toti^rn Offices, 155 hest Boston Post Road, in
the Village of ivia�maroneck, in said town, on V,ednesda.y,
FebruarI 10, 19G3, at 11 o' c;ock A. 111. , Eastern G'Iar Tine,
$9,000 par value General Bonds of 1W,3, Series
I of said tomm, dated Larch 1, 1943, maturing X2,000
on September 1 in each of the ,years 1943 to 1946,
inclusive,. and �,1,000 on September 1, 1967; denomina-
tion X1,000, coupon in form, registerable as to both
principal and interest; purpose and period of useful -
ness, to provide funds to pay a portion of the cost
of Public Improvement 14ork Relief ?rejects having
pericds of probable usefulness of five 7,ears, authorized.
by Chapter 762 of the Laws of 1933, as amended. interest
September 1, 19/,3 and serli-annuall-,- thereafter on the
first da,-s of Larch and September in each .rear and at
maturitjr, and princival of said bonds will be payable
in larfu_1 monev of the United States at the office of
the First idaticnal Bank of Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon,
Ivey', York, or at the option of the -[-,older, at the -prin-
cipal office of the Guaranty Trust Compan,,, of Nett, York
in the City County and State of I'!e-u fork.
Bidders must state in their bids a single rate of
interest v,lhich all of the bonds are to bear, expressed in
a ma- of 1/4 or 1/10 of one per centu�a (1 ) but not
e-ceeding six per century (6-P) per annum and -:rust state the
price offered. The bonds will bear the io,'rest rate of
interest stated b,lr anlr bidder in a dully acceptable bid and
will be atiarded to the bidder stc:tina such lo .est rate . if
two or more bidders offer to take the bonds at the same
lo-"rest r�:te, the bonds will be awarded to the bidder offer-
ing to pay the highest price therefor.
2do bid i,ill be accepted for separate maturities or at
less than the par value of the bonds, or unless accom-)mued
by a certified check or bank draft upon an incor�corated bank
or trust company, payable to the order of the "Town of
La.rnaroneck, Neva York" for 8130. 00, being two per centum (2%)
of the amount of the bonds. No interest will be allowed
upon such check or draft. Checks of unsuccessful bidders
- will be returned prorantly. The check of the successful
bidder will be retained to be applied in part payment for
the bonds or to secs.re the 'Imm against anv loss resulting
from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of
his bid.
The 'Tc ,vri operates under the Town Law, constituting
Cha-oter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of I�Jew
All proposals togeti�er i.ith check or draft must, be
enclosed in a. sealed envelope endorsed. "Proposal for Bonds"
and directed to Mr. Bert C. 7,.2cCulloch, Supervisor, Town
of SJiamaroneck, New York.
The right is reserved to reject any or all bids .
The bends `rill be valid and legally binding obliga-
tions of the Town and the 'lo,+,n will have poi^rer and will
be obligated to levy ad valorem taxes
upon all of the
taxable property -,rith.in the Town for the pas-Tjent of the
bonds and interest thereon, without limitation of rate or
amount. The opinion of iylessrs . Sullivan, Donovan &
Heene'_:an of Neoa Yor=2 City to this ef-Lect v,i l be furnished
to the successful bidder.
The purchaser must pay accrued interest to the date of
delivery of the bonds .
The enactment, at any time prior to the delivery of the
bonds, of Federal legislation i,mich in terms, by the repeal
or omission of exemptions or otherrise, subjects to a
Federal income tax the interest on bonds of a. class or
c'naracter which includes these bonds, will, at the election
of the purchaser, relieve the purchaser from his obligations
under the terms of the contract of sale and entitle the pur-
chaser to the .return of the amount deposited with the bid.
No bid conditioned in any respect other than upon this
notice of sale will be accepted.
The bonds v.iill be prepared under the supervision of and
authenticated as to genuineness b,-r the 'First National bank
of Boston and a duplicate-orlgina.l legal opinion and a certi-
fied. ->)hotostatic copy of the transcript of proceedings will
be filed with the First National Bank of Boston, where then
may be ins-3ected.
The bonds will be delivered on or about March 1, 1943
at the First hat-onal Bank of Boston, 67 ydil 6'treet, Boston,
Tlassachusetts, or, at the option of the purchaser, at the
princ Tp,-, office of The York Trust Company in the laity
and State of herf York.
FlNaiu Cl ^-.L S'T. Sr r EIJT .S OF F H3RUr_RY 4, 19!,3 .
1. assessed valuation of real -property
according to the last completed assess-
ment roll. 79,4905490
2. Average assessed valu_tion of real
propert-, as determined b-- the last
completed assessment roll and the
four -orscedirg rolls 82,084,9088
3 . Total bonded debt including issue
above :proposed_ 35717, 500
(The above stater.ent of bonded debt does not
include the debt of anv other subdivision
having povrer to lev,r taxes upon anv or all
of the property subject to the ta_ing power
of the
G . Population, 194u Federal Census - 225214.
Amount of Last Amount of such tax- mount of such
Four Preceding_ es uncollected at taxes uncollected.
Tax Levies end of fiscal rear as of Feb. L. 1943
1939 0 1,2683935 6 117,333 v 38,451
194U 1,305,068 186,920 49,163
1941 1,354;365 110,279 60087
1942 1,382, 547 1361676 129,821
k detailed- report
f 1naY'-C'_al situation of
interested iDidder.
Dated: February j4, 1943
Section 7. This re
On motion of Councilman
Griffin, the foregoing resolution
AYES: Supervisor 1,1
Councilmen G
PJOES: Tione
the essential facts as to the
Town will be submitted to any
ution shall take effect
ndeville, seconded by Councilman
s adopted by the follov.'ing vote:
if fin, 2AIndeville and heeler
The 'Totirn Attorney reported that Westchester Joint Ivater 4'dorks
ho . 1 reluired a resolution fixing the amount of the hydrant rental for
On ?option by Councilman 'landeville, seconded by Councilman
Gri`'"f in, it eras unanir:7ously
RESOLVED that ti-le rental
District Ido. 1 be fixed"
budget for the year 1913
The Tou_n. Attorney read a
dressed to the Town of jii�i__ri�,.roneck,
attorney, tiaith ruhich he enclosed a
Branch of the Church of Our Lord J
to have their property exempt from
viere referred to the Assessor.
The follom;in.57 resolution
seconded by Councilman Keeler. upo
clHL'F.ExS, the Village of
aco,uired by deed in lieu"
knoirn as Section 9, Bloc
Ta:; kssessment Lap of th
jii;HLLREriS, the Town of IIa ,
upon the Same ";property v,,
Assessment lulap of the To
Parcel. 195, representing
were heretofore levied a
1"I'IiEREkS, the Village of
adopted Januar7- 25th, 19
Frank J . idc damara, for t
the amount of P-25000, ech
conditioned upon si_a-Ilar
Board of the Town of IAam
V'IjEREkS, this Board cons
of the TOL"C 11 of ilamaronec
autriorize t-re sale to th
sold free and clear of a
sale, if any, divided.
RESOLVED that t=',e Town B
agrees that property kno
Cortlandt and Delancy Av
feet on Cortlandt kvenue
Delanc;% kvenue, being pa
on the Tax_ Assessment Ile
sold for �a2, 000.
for fire hydrants in Fire
t 40 .00 a hydrant for the
letter dated January 25, 1943, ad.
from Mr. 'Uesley M. Messersisith,
signed, petition of the Mamaroneck
sus Christ of the Apostolic Faith,
taxation. The letter and petition
as or, notion bar Councilmen 11andeville,
roll call, unanimously adopted.:
maroneck has heretofore
f foreclosure, property-
!/7, Lots 1 and 2 on the
Village of l'damaroneck;
oneck omens certain tax liens
ch is known_ upon the Tax
of Lla.maroneck as Block 915,
rrears of taxes due it which
inst said property; and
a-maroneck, by resolution duly
3, accepted an offer from
e purchase of the propertl in
ch acceptance, however, is
action being taken by the Town
roneck; and
dens it to the best interests
to approve such offer and to
end- t'r.--t the property- maIr be
1 taxes and the -proceeds of
and of the 'Town of Mamaroneck
n as the northeast corner of
Hues, with a frontage of 100
and a de"Dth of 125 feet on -
t of Block 915, Parcel 190,
of the Town of Idlanaroneck be
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the net proceeds of such
sale shall be divided between the Town of Mamaroneck
and the Village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the
amount due each as of the date of such sale.
The Town Attorney presented the following proposed agree-
meat .
i?GREEIENT made the clay of January, 1913, between the
TORN OF MAHAPONEW a municipal corporation in the County of
Westchester and State of Nev York., hereinafter referred to as
the "Town" and VILLAGE OF 1' AIs'IAROBECK, an incorporated village
in said County, hereinafter referred to as the "Village" .
WHEREAS, the Town and the Village each own tax liens on
the following tax lot, situated in the Village :
Block 913, Parcel 227
Section 9,
as shown on the Tax I'di
Map of the Village of
(old number Section 9, Block 50, Lots
C 3, 5B and 9)
Block 50, Lot 3
ap of the Town of Mamaroneck and on the Tax
Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS, at a regular
February, 1943, the Town Boa
tion authorizing the Supervi
agreement mitt the Mayor of
of tan liens held by the Vil
hereinabove mentioned, and
hHEREAS, at a .regular mE
1943, the Board of Trustees oI
Lion authorizing the Mayor of
went with the Supervisor of tr
tax liens held by the Village
inabove mentioned,
NOW, THEREFORE, in cons:
mutual promises of the partie
48 of the Westchester County `.
of the Village Law as amended
respect to the aforesaid. lot:
FIRST: The Village sha
foreclose its tax lien or tax
of them as it is advised to s
inabove mentioned. In the e
Q the Town to individuals or
premises hereinabove mentione
Village for the purpose of fo
it may hold affecting said pr
liens sold as a foresaid.
SECOND: upon the sale o
shall be sold free and clear
and assessments, and the proc
and expenses of sale, if insu
meats in full, shall be livid
in accordance with the provis
Lawn as amended, but if said
pay all taxes and assessments
eting held on the 3rd day of
of the Town duly adopted a resolu-
r of the Town to enter into an
e Village, covering the foreclosure
ge and the Town affecting the lots
=eting held on the day of
the Village duly adopted a resoiu-
the Village to enter into an agree-
e Town covering the foreclosure of
and Town, affecting the lot here-
d.eration of the premises and the
hereto, and pursuant to Section
an Law as amended and Section 133
it is hereby agreed as follows in
.1 bring an action or actions to
liens thereon or such one or more
ie on, covering said premises here-
rent that tax liens have been sold
corporations, affecting any of the
4 the Town shall assign to the
,eciosing the same, such liens as
>mises which are subsequent to the
said lot in foreclosure, the same
f Town, School and Village taxes
ads of sale, after paying the costs
ficient to pair all taxes and assess-
d between the Village and the Town
ons of Section 133 of the Village
oceeds of sale are sufficient to
in full, they shall be so applied.
THIRD: The entire expense incident to the foreclosure ac-
tion or actions shall be borne by the Town and the Village in
proportion to the Town and Village taxes unpaid as of the day of
the foreclosure sale . The 'Town hereby authorizes the Village
to bring the foreclosure action or actions and to advance the
expenses thereof and agrees to pay its proportionate share of
said expenses upon demand by the Village to the extent of the
moneys theretofore appropriated. and on hand for such purpose.
FOURTH: Out of the proceeds of the sale in the said ac-
tion or actions, there shall be first deducted the expenses of
the action or actions and of the sale. The net proceeds shall
then be divided between the Town and the Village in proportion
to the Town and Village taxes unpaid as of the day of the sale
in foreclosure.
FIFTH: At the foreclosure sale, the Village shall make a
-- bid in a sure which shall not exceed the 'Tor,n and Village taxes
and assessments unpaid as of the day of the foreclosure sale
plus the costs and taxable disbursements. The deed shall be
taken = the name of the Village, but the Village shall hold
title to such premises for the Village and the Tovn and shall
not dispose of the same except with the consent of the Town.
Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to require the execu-
tion of such deed by the Town and so long as the Town shall, by
resolution, consent to such sale, the deed shall be executed
solely by the Village.
SIXTH: Upon re-sale of such lot by the To,'m and Village,
the net proceeds of such sale shall be divided between the Town
and Village in proportion to the amount of Town and Village
taxes and assessments unpaid as of the day of the foreclosure
sale .
11V VVITIVESS Vii-HEREOF, the parties have hereunto set
their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
It tivas on motion by
Councilman Griffin, upon roll
RESOLVED, that the
authorized to sign
between the 'Town of
BY (L. S. )
BY (L.S .)
Gilman Mandeville, seconded by
, unanimously
Supervisor be and he hereby is
the foregoing proposed agreement
lamaroneck and the Village of
Councilman P;landeville presented the following letter to the
Tolnrn Clerk of the Town of lflamaroneck;
Toven Clerk
Tonan of Hamaroneck
158 _�est Boston Post Road
blanssoneck, New York
Dear Sir:
I desire to ret-i re
man of ti
RESOLVED, that Mr . Burton C. Nleighan, jr. be and
he hereby is appointed to the office of councilman
of the Town of IVlama.roneck, New York, to fill the
vacancy left by the resignation of Councilman Gwen b .
Mandeville; and be it
qualify* by filing the
The statutory oath of
and filed with the Town Clerk.
The following letter
. Burton C . Idieighan, Jr.
tutory oath of office.
was signed by Councilman i1eighan
February 2nd, 1943
iulembers of the 'Iov,,n Board of the 'To-cn of Mamaroneck
158 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, N. Y.
This is to advise you that I have been commissioned
Lieutenant-Commander of the United States Naval Reserve and
have been called to active duty, with orders to report on
February 4th, 1943 .
the United States, I desir
ber of the Neva York State
to the Comptroller of the
my intention so to do, and
give notice to your Board
the rights and privileges
Pdiilitary Law, as added by
Supervisor McCulloch in
the call to service had come ouit
wished personally to thank the rile
support in carrying out the affai
wished to start with Councilman G
senior member of the Board..
y' entry into the armed services of
to maintain myT rights as a mem-
etirement System. I have written
tate of Neva York, giving notice of
i desire also in this letter, to
f my election to take advantage of
rovided by Section 246a of the
hapter 505 of the Laws of 19/-�2.
Very truly yours,
Bert C. ,lcCuiloch
oryned the members of the Board that
suddenly and that in departing he
bens of the Board for their very fine
s of the community. He said that he
iffin first because of his standing as
He thanked Eiir . Griffin for his faithful performance during
their ten ;Tears together as members of the Board and stated that it was
indeed a ;Measure to serve with him.
He stated that as far as Mr. Idlandeville was concerned, he
could not think of any one who was more industrious as a member of the
Board and that he thanked him for his fine work in the highway and other
departaents of the Town.
To Councilman Keeler he
Mr. Keeler had been a member of t
his evidence of full cooperation.
said that for the short time that
e Board he wished to thank him for
He said that he wished- to extend his profound thanks to
Councilman Hates and all of the department heads and employees who
were present at the meeting and those who vaere not present and that
without their devoted help the results attained at present could not
Councilman Griffin stated that it was ten years that he and
Supervisor 161cCulloch had served together and that he enjoyed serving
vuith him and considered him a very excellent official. He said that
he considered it a great loss to see him leave but that under the cir-
cumstances nothing could be done. '' He said that he hardly, knevr the
Supervisor before they came on
then they had built a great fr
Mr. Mandeville stated t
for five ;years and that he enjoye
visor. He said that there were
ences but that it was like other
better when you make up again.
he could wish the Supervisor too
the Board together but that since
ship out of it.
at they had been on the Board together
the close association with the Super-
imes when they had had their differ-
lose associations that it always feels
e said that he could not think of hove
uch luck in the service of the country.
Councilman Keeler stated_ that he had been a member of the
Board for such a short time that he did not expect that there would be
a parting as early as this . He said that he was one who opposed the
Supervisor when he was elected to the office but that later he was very
glad to be one of those to support him. He said that a very good
friendship had resulted and that he offered him his best wishes .
Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman
Griffin, seconded by Councilman Keeler, on roil call
RESOLVED that the letter dated February 2, 1943,
received from Bert C. McCulloch, notifying the
Town Board of his call to active duty in the armed
forces of the United States of America, be received
and ordered made part of the record; and be it
FURTHER. RESOLVED, that it is declared that there now
exists a temporary vacancy in the office of Supervisor
of the Town of Mamaroneck, hew York.
On motion by Councilman Keeler, seconded by Councilman heighan,
n was chosen as temporary chairman of the Board.
Mr. Griffin w� temporary 1
A letter dated February
neck Republican Town Committee, s
Mr. Owen A. Mandeville to fill th
by the departure of Mr. Bert C. M
also stated that the suggestion w
the Co 2nittee at a meeting. The
in the records .
Councilman Keeler moved_
following resolution:
WHEREAS, a vacancy exis
induction into military
Supervisor, duly electe
January 1, 1912 and ter
February 4th, 1943; and
3, 1943, was received from the Mamaro-
;atins that the Committee recommended
position of Supervisor left vacant
iCulloch to the armed services . It
is a result of a unanimous decision of
letter was ordered received and placed
and Councilman Iuleighan seconded the
;s on this Board due to the
service of Bert 0 . McCulloch,
1 for a term commencing
iinating December 31, 1943, on
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 678 of
the Laws of 196,2, this Board desires to fill the
temporary vacancy which exists by reason of the in-
duction of Bert C. ?McCulloch as aforesaid, into the
military service of the United States;
RESOLVED, that Oven A. Mandeville, is hereby appointed
Supervisor, to fill the temporary vacancy existing
in the office of Supervisor, pursuant to the provisions
of said Chapter 678 of the Laws of 1942; and
visor, execute and file
provided in Section 25
undertaking for custody
by Section 283 of the H
the same form and for t
Board upon the election
visor and that such bon
Company authorized to t
New York as surety and
a charge against the To
wen A. Mandeville, as Super-
an official undertaking as
f the Town Law, and also an
of highway moneys as required
shady Law, in substantially
e same sum as required by this
of Bert C. McCulloch as Super-
shall be executed by a Surety
ansact business in the State of
hat the expense thereof shall be
r {.
A vote being taken upon
AYES: Councilmen H
NOES: None
Supervisor LcOullo
Mr. Mandeville stated t
community well.
the resolution resulted as follows:
eler, Griffin; Meighan
being present but not voting.
t he would do his best to serve the
The meeting adjourned at 11