HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943_01_20 Town Board Minutes REGULAR _,1FETING Or'' 'THE 'TO',,(N BO,?,RD TOlJ I OF llE aIRROriECK, NEW 1OR.K HELD JAvIIARY 20, 1943 In the Council Room of the 'Weaver Street Firehouse, Toii"n of biamaro- neck, Nev, York. The meeting vvas called to order by the Supervisor at 8 P . h1. (Easter°_. Gear Time) . Present: Supervisor _dcCulloch Councilmen Griffin, Mandeville, Beeler iibsent : Councilman Bates The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Deli-has, :LSS2SS01' Smith, TONull Engineer and Superintendent of Higt! Ta.ys and Consulting Engineer L. E. Van Etten. The Supervisor welcomed Pv'Ir. Anthony Russo, President of the Larchmont Gardens Association and. 11r. Lualter F. Brady and 11r . David Butler, members of the Flood Control Committee of the Association. He suggested that the regular order of business be suspended in order to discuss the reports submitted by Consulting Engineer Van Etten and the Flood Control Committee of the Larchmont Gardens Associa- tion, Hr . Russo stated that Ale was sorry that Mr. Richard Land, who prepared the latter report, could not be present at the meeting . The Supervisor suggested that Pair. Van Etten er:press some of his views on the problem. Mr. . Van Etten stated that he was quite familiar with the west branch of the aheldrake River and that there was not very much more to sav than that which was included in his report. He added that he was not familiar v,,ith the east branch of the river. He said that he had gained a ,great deal of knowledge about the i%est branch of 'the river through his long years of surveying experience and that from 1891 to 1941 he had been engaged on some kind. of engineering or surveying work on every piece of acreage land through which the west branch of the She- drake River runs from �,'ilmot Road oil the north do-,,,,n to and including Larchmont Gardens . Coancilmari i�,Iandeville recalled_ that in 1935 the Pine Brook area had been flooded by waters from the Larchmont Reservoir and asked_ idr . Van Etten rahy this happened, Mr . Van Etten explained that he termed this an "accidental overflow, 1' . He stated tt.,a.t the reason why he did so was that when Larchmont Reservoir hio. 2 was being raised to the new spillway, the '_Height of the elevation was above the old ground in the northerly and middle ravines of the Pine Brook valley and that dikes were planned to be built under W. P . A, in these tvvo ravines to a height to accommodate the extra supply and that there was some delay in the construction of the dikes . In the meantime construction work was going on for the new darn while the dikes were not fully completed, and the dam was either cornpiated or nearly so when a heavy storm came and. raised the water to such an extent that it ca"ie through one or both ravines and ran dovm Pine Brook Boulevard and caused rnich damage in Dlew Rochelle. He added that lie did not think that the Sheldrake River caused a large flood at that time . Councilman Landeville asked- if the of too soil and trees innevjdevelopments in Scarsdale had anything to do vdith the added flood craters . i'ir . Van Etten stated tfia.t tvis did contribute more than people would think. He also stated that the building of ne-1 highvTays and roads such as the Hutchinson River Parkway and 'roads in the new developments mould cause a more rapid run-off. part, reimburse for said expenditures, with the result that there is now due and owing to the Town of Mamaro- neck, a balance of 080.68 for street and sewer improve- ments, and to the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, as agent of the Tovm of Miamaroneck as aforesaid, for installation of pipe for fire hydrant and water mains, the sum of _�153 .25, and V,FiEREAS the uestchester Joint Water Works No. 1, as agent for the 'Town as aforesaid., in consideration of the agreement to reimburse it as aforesaid_ for the fire hydrant and water connections, did agree to refund to the Trustee, from revenues derived from water meters installed in houses which are served by its water distri- bution system, the amount advanced by the Trustee, i.e. Bbl, 250, WITNESSETH; FIRST: The Trustee hereby assigns to the Town of P;lamaro- neck and to the L'Jestchester Joint Water 1Vor ks No . 1, as agent of the Toren of h1a.maroneck, the right to receive the refunds from water rates or meter charges, to the extent necessary to pay first the balance of 453 .25, due the Westchester Joint -VVater Works 14o. 1 as agent for the Town of Llamaroneck and second, „980. 68, being the balance due to the 'T'own for materials used in connection with the construc- tion of streets and sewers, it being understood and agreed that any amount of such refunds over and above the total SUM of 01,133 .93, sh.all be paid to the Trustee. SECOND: The Trustee hereby authorizes the Westchester Joint Vater Works No. . l to apply the revenues derived from meter charges as aforesaid, to the payment of the balances due as set forth in Paragraph "FIRST" . I1J Vl1TTvESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has set his hand and seal, t'_n.e 'To fn of T'llamaroneck has caused these presents to be execL!.ted byr its Supervisor thereunto duly authorized and the seal of the Torn affixed thereto, duly attested by its Tov,rn Clerk, and the Westchester Joint Water Works I4o . 1 has caused ti)ese presents to be signed by its chair- man. LS. T01'J14 OF MA1,,IAROIdECK BY Supervisor VVES'TCHESTER JOINT GuATER VJORES M. 1 BY The Town Attorney reported that to date no insurance had been fu,rrishee 'cLy Patsy Serrechia for the removal of dead wood from Town property and that it d.id not appear as though "_r, Serrechia would start the work. The Town Attorney stated that as requested at a recent meet- ing he was _presenting a written report dated January* 13, 1943, on the _ matter- concerning the 11aria DeBartolo property situated at the corner of Emerson Place and Murray Avenue. The Town Clerk was requested to wrer_ are copies and mail same to the members of the Board and the report ,,as ordered received and filed in the To records for reference . The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P . Iii Tow 1e _ Councilman Keeler inciaired if' baffle boards are used on the dam. MI Lir . Van Etten replied 'yves" and t'_zat the Village of Larc'_amont has the right to flood t'ne Vuazdproperty 3 feet above the normal level. He said that in his report he referred to the baffle boards . Councilman Keeler inciuired about th.e blou,i-off valve . clr . Van Etten stated that the valve does not give a great amount of relief but that it helps . He added that it did not carr,, off the surplus vaater quickly. He said that with the present construc- Lion it is almost impossible for the water to go do= the Dine Brook. He said that the west branch of the Sheldrake River starts in Scarsdale and that some of the trouble is very clear to him; that the new roads and. drains and new developments r,ith cleared lands cause a quick run-off and that the same rains rahich cause floods now only help to make up the headwaters years ago. Councilman Aandeville pointed out that the Toti,n of S:2as^aroneck eras not alone v,ith flood problems, that Pelham, Neva Rochelle, Rye and Iidhite Plains also had problems rahich v,ere caused during the same storms . 1dr . Van Etten stated that vahen the rivers won' t take the ,-eater it car hardly be expected that the drains can take it. Councilman landeville stated that when the tide is up, it T akes the condition much worse . Ir . Van Etten stated tilat in some of the urge flood areas in the counts;,- the very large rivers can not take the flash floods . He pointed out that recently 27 bridges in one count j- were wiped out during one storm. Council,.nan Griffin stated that lie understood that the best control of flood waters was by a '', storage system. Mr . Van Etten stated t the outlet, whether it be a rive widened, He said that his reco th.e best engineering talent obta that the .merica.n Society of Eng He stated that, of course, the F very best if an appropriation co Harbors Committee. He said th.a deepen and widen the river becau t this was right and that secondly, or a drain, should be deepened or endation vrould be that the Town secure able for the planning and suggested eers be referred to for information. eral governnent' s services were the d be obtained through the Rivers and it was not his recommendation to he th.ol.'.ght that it would be too costly. Councilman Keeler inquired about the report which ?raas sent to the War Departr�,ent . The Supervisor stated th .t it r,as still being considered as a recorinendation and that it could not go through for an appropriation because of something else connected with the war effort which was given -preference. 41r. Keeler stated that '', he thought that the Town would receive a. copy of iAr . Vroman' s report. The Supervisor stated that it was promised at the joint con- ference but that it had not been received. He said that he thought that there were two ways to handle the matter, either a try for an ap- propriation through the Committee on Rivers and Harbors or through ap- plication to the Conservation Committee of New York State. He said that the surrounding communities contribute to the condition and that it should be a State or Federal project. Councilman iandeville stated that even if the ^loran did try to get the very best engineering''; talen and the equipment to start the work, it would be impossible at this time because of the war effort. The Supervisor stated that he was in touch with Congressman Gamble and had received -uord that everything in connection with the war effort ,Tould come first and that while flood conditions have existed for pears, such problems would have to wait until the war is over. He said that a meeting was held in the County Offices where representatives discussed thirty different areas in the county affected by floods and that Public U;rorks Commissioner Harding stated at the meeting that through legislation the county would be able to proceed with plans but that at the present time he did not have the engineers to do the work. The Supervisor said that Scarsdale is not affected very much but that they are in the water shed area and that there is consider- able argument on their part and regardless of their objection legisla- tion is being prepared. Councilman Keeler stated that at least it is a move in the right direction. 1vir . valter Brady asked if it would be feasible to have Larch- mont Village hook up with the town water supply so that the town could use their reservoir as a basin. He stated that if the town has to wait for all of the surveys mentioned ''so far, the town would. be washed out. He asked if some arrangement could be made so that the village would not have to store extra. water and that the town sup_ plir them with an equal amount. He stated that if then licere tied in, it would help the Village of -,,?amaroneck as well as the town. as the two reservoir basins may take the worst of the floods . He asked what it would cost to buy the water from Larchmont if they were called upon to let part of their supply out . Councilman Griffin informed 1dr. Brady that there was a time when Larchmont purchased water from Vlestchester Joint tidater Vorks, No. 1, but th2Lt since they raised the dam this was not necessary. Lr. Brady stated that he thought that the arrangement mentioned_ ipaould_ take care of three-quarters of the flood waters . He added that he thought that it would be a simple matter to find out how much water would have to be let out and the 'cost of same . A question was raised as to whether or not the adjoining pro- perty owners of hornes would object to the water being let out of the reservoir. Councilman 'Mandeville stated that the most important question was how mane were going; to benefit by it as against the cost. He said that the problem should be solved at the least amount of cost. Councilman Griffin sta matter was a county problem. The Supervisor stated would be what could be considers that when the Larchmont reservoi same time that the Westchester J water from the New York City sys idlr. Brady asked if it IQew York Cit-,r system. The Supervisor replied the output of the local water su Hr . Brady asked if the how the plan would work out. Councilman Keeler Bugg the Village of Larchmont. Councilman PJlandeville Richards told Julien Elfenbein t that he thought that the whole at the question about the reservoir a safety spot. He pointed out is low during dr-y spells it is the nt Water Vdorks, No . 1 is purchasing M. st much to purchase water from the t it cost three times as much as was some way to find out in a hurry sted that a conference be held with ated that Larchmont Village Engineer t he would not lower the water a bit. The Supervisor stated that he had asked Mr. William Thrasher, Superintendent of 'oestchester Joint Water V'lorks, No . 1, to prepare some figures on this plan. He stated that lie thought that the east branch of the Sheldrake River caused the most trouble and that the Larchmont end was not a great problem. He pointed out that with 4'dhite Plains and Scarsdale involved this was a county problem and that as said before, some movement is being made towards taking care of this end. Mr. David Butler asked about the feasibility of cutting through as suggested in Mr . Landrs report, so as to drain off from the Larchmont Gardens Lake down through the Hommocks and out to the Sound.,. Councilman Mandeville explained the conditions along this pro- posed drainage line and that the tide comes in across the Hommocks pro- perty during large storms . The Supervisor explained that Town Engineer Foote had a plan to take the water off above the fails where the relief is needed and run a line dow.n to the Sound along a similar route, but that the cost was prohibitive . He suggested that study be continued until figures are received from Mr. 'Thrasher. Mr . Butler said that there was one more thing that he wished to speak about and that that was about a boulder in the bank of the Sheldrake River near Valley Strem Road and his property. He said that the force of water had turned the large boulder half way around and that he would like to have the town send some man up there to remove this ob- struction in the river bed. The matter was referred to the 'Town Engi- neer. The members of the Board thanked the gentlemen for attending the meeting. Mr. George J . Freedenberg, representing The Phoenix Life Insurance Company, appeared to request the 'Town Board to consider settlement of certiorari proceedings brought to review the assessments on Block 806, Parcel 141 and Block 806, Parcel 163 . Following some discussion the request was denied. The Supervisor recommended that the meeting proceed with the regular order of business . The minutes of the meeting of December 29, 1912, were approved as presented. A letter dated January 12, 1943, was received from I;lr . Clair V. Johnson, Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners, in which he stated that the Board recormmend.ed. Mr. Loren R. Dodson of 29 Mohegan Road, 'Town, to fill the vacancy left by the death of Commissioner Luce. It was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Council- man Griffin, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that Loren R. Dodson be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Police Com- missioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. A letter dated January 6, 1943, was received from Fire Chief George Burton, recommending that a list of newly elected members to the Fire Department be approved. It was on motion by Coucilman Griffin, seconded by Council- man Keeler, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the action of the Fire Department of the 'Town of Mamaroneck in electing the following as active members of the department be and it hereby is ratified: Butterfield, Henry W. Deshensky, Charles Fordyce, William K. Hedberg, Oren Hall, Tilliam S. Hudig, John Johnson, Robert C. Konratn, William Levin, Julius R. Picket, Morway Rosenthal, Arthur A. Schmidt, Hans Stael.in, Richard C. Spencer, Philip A. Turco, Frank Valentine, George F. halden, Bernard tells, Stephen M. Mangles, Henry C. &Martino, Dominic T. Packard, George C. Perri, Frank Poster, Gerbrand, Jr. An announcement dated J< Association of Towns of the State' Annual Meeting would be held on ud( Febryar lc, 1943, at Albany, New tion of a representative was atta( Following some discus Mandeville, seconded by Council Suck, Theodore E. Goodwillie, Byron H. Hortsman, Charles F. Cowing, Albert B. Torre, Emil A. nuary 21, 1943, was received from the of New York, stating that the Eleventh dnesday and Thursday, February 17 and ork. A certificate for the designa- hed. it was on motion by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is designated as the representative of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the allowed out of budget i account. A petition dated Januar of the Bonnie Briar Section, requ shelter waiting room for buses on trance of Bonnie Briar Lane, was tion that hr . C. W. Moody had off of the shelter. Following some discuss Mandeville, seconded by Councilm RESOLVED, that the 'Town design a shelter which structure and removable lards near the intersec and Weaver Street be se tion be started, the co $100. Councilman Mandeville that another shelter was necessa and Boston Post Road. During discussion Engin necessary; to obtain ;permission fr Highways of New York State for th the Boston Post Road and included Town Attorney accompany uses for travelling be for this purpose in each 18, 1943, signed by thirty residents sting the construction of a small a site on Weaver Street near the en- eceived. It was stated in the peti- red to supply= material for the roof it was on motion by Councilman Griffin, unanimously Engineer be directed to ouid be a temporary and that a site on _public ion of Bonnie Briar Lane ected and that construc- t of which shall not exceed led to the attention of the Board at the intersection of Dillon Road er Foote pointed out that it would be m Joseph. Brady of the Division of use of a site on the land bordering in the State right-of-way. Mr . Foote was requested'', to get permission for the site. The 'Town Clerk presents licenses for The Loyal Inn, The P Country Club, and advised the Boa Fire Chief and Chief of Police ha it was on motion by C man Keeler, unanimously the applications for dance hall rkside Lodge and The Bonnie Briar d that the Building Inspector and approved same. ilman Griffin, seconded by Council- RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves of the applications for dance hall licenses for the following described premises and that the Town Clerk be authorized to issue such licenses : The Loyal Inn The Pa.rkside L The Bonnie Bri The following reports (1) Summary of Receipts and Dis dge r Country Club re ordered received and filed: sements from January 1 to December 31, 191;.2; (2) Analysis of Budget Appro riations and Expenditures from January 1 to December 31, 1942; Analysis of Estimated Revenues from January 1 to December 31, 192p2; (4) Report of Claims Audited and- Paid by the Comptroller from December 29; 1942 to January 20, 1943; (5) Report of the T'oydn Clerk for the Idonth of December, 19!;2 . The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the reports of corni7ittees . Councilman Griffin read the following letter: The Honorable Bert C. L4cCulloch, Supervisor and Iiiembers of the 'Town Board: Iviay I respectfully suggest that the Supervisor and Town Board of the Town of ibiamaroneck authorize the Town Welfare Officer to substitute cash for voucher relief. As a member of the Board of Supervise study and survey of th curred in a unanimous the administration of by the County Welfare been found to work suc Used in about 9 mies of case workers ' t refunds from the State. method for the case wor handling and value of r chants of the co l:zunit as an unfortunate . he citizens committee appointed by of v'destchester County for "The County 1,elfare Department" I con- ggestion for such substitution in unty relief. It now has been tried partxaent for several years, and has ssfully. of cases it has resulted in econo- me, ease in auditing a.nd. more prompt It provides a useful and effective ers to re-educate the client in the ney. It is preferred by the mer- and does not mark their customer MI, In cases where 'relief supplements other- earnings the ---- problem of the case worker is much simplified. Experience has shown that many relief clients are unfortunate rather than improvident, and that only in less than 51% of the re- lief cases is there found an inability to handle cash wisely. Voucher relief could be retained for this group. There is no ad funds must be on hand means that at the star out two weeks or a mon merchants receiving th on the same cash basis long run this would pr in the welfare budget. The suggested sirable and advisable and administrative vi (si! Iirs . F. tilfarren Green 9 CiiffwaLT Larchmont, Ill . Y. Jan. 15, 1943 . d expense to the Tov,,nship. Naturally meet the checks as presented, which of cash relief f rods would be paid earlier. On the other hand the r money that much sooner, could sell vailable to other customers . In the ably be translated into economies thorization would therefore seem de- om the financial, sociological oint. Respectfully yours, d) Ruth Green Councilman Griffin stated that such a plan had been considered by the Town Board for some time. He said that originally when there was a heave relief load, it was estimated that a revolving fund of 4'15,000 would be necessary to carry out the plan, but that at this time Welfare Officer DeVinne believes that $4 ,000 could be sufficient. He said that he thought that the plan would simplify bookkeeping and that it would not mark the unfortunate as does the voucher system, that when a check is given it can be cashed and that the party can shop in any store for their needs while the voucher limits the party to one store. The Supervisor stated more flexibility. Councilman Griffin sta was for it but that he thought t until Mr . DeVinne could attend a views . It was agreed that the next meeting . Councilman Griffin read received from Dr. Wm. H. ?Mills, i propriate funds to continue the r under the W. P. A. program. The Supervisor- informed remained in the item for 1 . P. A. ment budget for 1942 the sum of sidered for the purpose . During discussion it wa directed to discuss the needs for Airs . Anna L. Brewer, Chairman of Council. Following further dis Mandeville, seconded by Council t it appeared that it would give d that he thought that P!1r . DeVinne t the matter should be postponed own Board meeting to present his tter be left on the table until the a letter dated January 19, 1943, i which he requested that the Town ap- ocreation activities which were started the members of the Board that there expenditures in the Welfare Depart- 31.00 and suggested that this be con- recommended that Dr. Hills be the continuance of the program with ;he Budget Committee of the Recreation sion it was on motion by Councilman Griffin, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to expend the balance of $331. 00 remaining in the item for W. P. A. expenditures in the Welfare Department budget for 1942, for the continuance of the recreation program in the Town. Councilman Keeler repor to protect the Town against loss known as Block 914, Parcel 1, at Post Road. He stated that the c policy covering other properties time that the Town disposed of th He also reported that h Saturday and talked with the chie time there were no problems . He been helping with mechanical work were turning out metal work and g ed that public liability insurance ad been arranged for the property he corner of Fenimore Road and Boston verage had been added to the general f the Town and could be removed at any property by sale or otherwise. had visited the firehouse the previous and some of the men and that at the said that one of the new members had and that with his equipment the men dgets necessary for the department. Councilman dlandeville reported that the Highway Department had spread sand on the dangerous places during the slippery weather. Councilman tlandeville brought to the attention of the Board the fact that the Superintendent of Highways intended to raise the wages of the per diem employees in his department. After some discussion t from 620 cents to 75 cents an hou salary of George Osborne, doing m to the decision of the Supervisor The Town Clerk presente the Village of Larchmont, which a ledge of the Town. He stated th would waive interest on the a_moun but that the penalty and charges included: e Board recommended that an increase would meet with their approval. The intena.nce and repair work, was left and the Superintendent of Highways. the following bills received from cunts were unpaid without the know- t the Village had indicated that they s from the date of sale of the liens, rior to the sale would have to be 1932 Village of Larchmont taxes on Section 6, Block 4, Lots 5 and 6 9"26.60 Penalties and charges previous to sale 3 .92 1937 Village of Larchmont taxes on Section 6, Block 3, Lot 1 $21. 56 Penalties and charges previous to sale 2.66 Total $54.74 Interest waived on above from date of sale Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, RESOLVED, that the Comtroller be directed to request the Village of Larchmont to complete a claim form of the Town and attach bills in the amounts shown above; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be authorized to approve the claim for payment by the Supervisor. The Town Attorney presented a proposed agreement for the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Lamaroneck covering the fore- closure of tax liens held by the ','Town and the Village, affecting the property known as Block 913, Parcel 227, on the assessment maps of the Town of Mamaroneck, also known as the old First National Bank Building. Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded. by Councilman Keeler, upon roll tail, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Mamaroneck covering the foreclosure of tax liens on property known as Block 913, Parcel 227, on the tax maps of the Town of Mamaroneck;'', and FURTHER RESOLVED, that he be authorized to fix_ his signature to the agreement when, as and if the Mayor of the Village of Mamaroneck is authorized by the Village Board to do likewise . The 'Town Attorney presented a proposed agreement to be made by the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester Joint Water Works, No . 1 and the Trustee of the William T. Wood Estate for the adjustment of claims against the wood Estate for a portion of the cost of improvements in the property of the estate, which improvements were done as W. P. A. projects sponsored by the Town of Mamaroneck under agreement with the Wood Estate . Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign an agreement substantially in the same form as follows: AHEREAS the Trustee is hte owner of certain property in the Town of Mamaroneck, which property was hereto- fore improved with streets and sewers as well as water mains and water connections, all of which municipal improvenents were W. PA. projects, sponsored by the Town of Mamaroneck, and WHEREAS the materials for the construction of such municipal improvements were furnished and paid for by the Town of Mamaroneck and the Aestchester Joint Water works No. 1, as agent for the Town of Mamaroneck in extending its water distribution system, and WHEREAS the Trustee heretofore agreed to reimburse the Town of Mamaroneck or the Westchester Joint Plater Works No . 1 as its agent, for such expenditures and did, in