HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942_10_07 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK , NEW YORK HELD OCTOBER 7, 1942 In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Town of Mamaroneck, A. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8.15 P Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Brewer, Griffin and Mandeville Absent: Councilman Bates The presence was also noted of Deputy Town Clerk Alice E. Wheelock, Assessor James M. Smith and Town Engineer and Superintendent of Highways A. J . Foote . The minutes of the meetings of September 2 and September 16, 1942, were approved as corrected. ' The Supervisor suggested that the regular order of business be postponed in order to Year those present who wished to address the Board. Mr. Stephen P . Glennon, President of The Howell Park Associa- tion, accompanied by Mr . John G. Copelin, addressed the Board concern- ing the proposed improvement by The Howell Park Association of the "Weaver Street Chapel Property" at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street and presented a sketch of the landscaping planned. The Supervisor reviewed for the Board the discussions that had taken place about two years ago when Mr. G. Y. Fenton, then Presi- dent of The Howell Park Association, had suggested that the association improve the property after the Town had acquired it. Councilman Brewer inquired whether or not the Park Department was going to take over the property or who was going to maintain it. The Supervisor explained that this was the first time that the plan had been presented and that the Highway Department could take care of the park along with the other small parks which they maintain throughout the unincorporated area. Mr. Glennon pointed out that the plan had been laid out so as to required a minimum amount of care . Councilman Breyer suggested that out of deference to the Parr: Commissioners the plan should be submitted to them for comments or suggestions . Councilman Griffin stated that they would like to see the plan but that he knew that with their present appropriation they could not take care of an additional park. It was finally agreed that Councilman Griffin should submit the sketch to the Board of Parr Commissioners and that the Board would defer action on the matter until the next meeting. _ The Board thereupon resumed the regular order of business . Councilman Griffin presented four petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes . On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Brewer, the following resolution was upon roll call unanimously adopted: 0 WHEREAS; the Assessor has presented petitions dated October 7, 1942, for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916; as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the asssment rolls for the years 1941 and 1942, taxes of 1943, which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Section Block Lot C 6 49 SB to 14B, Morris 34,35,36 (615-5) Land Imp.. Total enthal $4,300 $4,300 be corrected, as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp . Total 9 6 49 34,35,36 Morris Rosenthal $3,950 32,000 $3,950 (907-355) (618-5) 9 6 49 83 to 14B Hildreth F. Winton 350 3,000 350 (907-411) (61S-202) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1942, taxes of 1943, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Section block Lot Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 31 6E,21B County Trust Company $13,000 22,000 35,000 (907-355) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot owner Land Imp. Total 9 31 21B County 'Trust Company $10,000 22,000 32,000 (907-355) 9 31 6E Thos . 'Colantino 3,000 3,000 (907-411) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1941, school tax of 1942, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Section block Lot Owner Land imp. Total 7 16C 240 to 245 Benj . C. Posner $ 9,500 9, 500 (712-575) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33 : Section Bock Lot Owner Land imp. Total 7 16C 240 to 242 Benedict Ginsberg $4,750 4,750 (712-575) 4 750 7 16C 243 to 245 Benj . '', C . Posner 4,750 , (712-580) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1942, taxes of 1943, which shows property now appearing on the roll, as follows : Section Mock Lot Owner Land Im . e1 $27,500 17, 50.0 in accordance witt;. the on 5 of Section 33: Land Imp. St. John 812,800 n Total 45,000 Total 12,800 3,400 14, 500 17,900 Hatten 8,000 8,000 1 3,300 3,000 6,300 Councilman Griffin presented the report of the Public Welfare Department for the month of September, 1942, which showed as follows: September September 19L l 1942 Case Load 184 109 individuals 705 368 Case Days 5282 2980 Total Relief Expended $7,243 . 59 $4077.33 Average Cost Per Case 39.37 40.16 Average Cost Per Individual 10.27 11.59 Average Cost Per Case Day 1.37 1.47 Average Cost Per individual Per Day .358 .435 Councilman Griffin reported that the Board of Park Commissioners had been asked to approve an honor, roll for which three sketches had been submitted and to select a location in one of the Town parks . He said that the Park Commissioners had thoroughly approved of the honor roll and had selected the design by Mr . Otto Eggers and the location suggested by Mr. Eggers at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Murray Avenue near the flag- pole . The Supervisor explained that the honor roll had been planned for one thousand names so that it would be Large enough for the names of those from the unincorporated section and possibly the Village of Larchmont. He read an estimate from Tovan Engineer Foote of $511.00 as the cost of constructing the roll including the insertion of the names at 10 cents a name . He suggested that the amount be included in next year Is budget. Councilman Breeder suggested that the matter be taken up with the whole question of defense. The Supervisor presented a statement of the expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck War Council and Office of Civilian Protection from January 1 to September 30, 1) 2, and of the estimated requirements from October 1 to December 31, 1942. On motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the following statement of expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck War Council and Office of Civilian Protection be and it hereby is received, approved., ordered spread on the minutes and filed: 71 1 (924-1) Helen Guni be corrected as follows provisions of sub-division Section mock Lot Owner 9 71 64,800 Leopold A so . ft. (924-1) 9 71 24,300 Helen Gum s+,; ft. (924-12) 9 71 505270 i,4 rilyn P sq. ft. (924-14) 9 71 21,000 Helen Gum sq. ft. (924-131) Land Im . e1 $27,500 17, 50.0 in accordance witt;. the on 5 of Section 33: Land Imp. St. John 812,800 n Total 45,000 Total 12,800 3,400 14, 500 17,900 Hatten 8,000 8,000 1 3,300 3,000 6,300 WAR COUNCIL AND CIVILIAN PROTECTION EXPENTURES JANUARY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1942 Paid Claims Unaudited and outstanding claims Total 1942 Budget Appropriation $1,375.00 1942 Supplemental Appropriation 3,500.00 Total $4,875.00 Expenditures & Authorizations : Salary - Office Secretary 350.00 350.00 Telephone Service 515.85 99.95 615.80 Armbands 296.25 8.78 305.03 Supplies and materials 358.94 119.05 477.99 Office repairs, labor and equipment 433.04 433.04 Identification. photos, finger- priniting Maps, etc. 39.15 241.36 153.16 Medical supplies 192.73 Siren equipment, installation and 280.51 maintenance 976.62 143.56 1,120.18 Fire equipment repairs and new equipment 774.05 9.64 783.69 Rationing Board 365.93 365.93 Total expeditures and equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,455.72 622.34 $5,078.06 Amount expended in excess of appropriations . . . . . . . $203.06 Estimated Requirements from October 1 to December 31, 192 Telephone ,Service Clerk' s salary - September 16 to December 31, 1942 $150.00 Maintenance of sirens 175.00 Office supplies, etc . 25.00 Armbands 100.00 Medical supplies 20.00 Total requirements 200.00 Over-expenditures to October 1, 1942 $670.00 Total amount required 203.06 $873.06 The Supervisor reported that he had requested. reimbursement from, the funds collected by the salvage Committee for the five salvage boxes constructed by the Town. He aslo reported that he had received a letter from Wesley M. Messersmith of the Emergency Medical Service requesting permission to purchase from Grasslands Hospital twenty-one 21) units of blood plasma at %5.00 per unit and six (6) sets of apparatus to administer the plasma at $3.00 each or a total cost of $123.00 for the purpose of equipping the three casualty stations of the Town for an emergency. Mr. Messesmith alos requested that a telephone with a Larchmont number be installed in Casualty Station 2in Larchmont Acres because of the diffculty experienced by that casualty station under the present system of using the superintendent's telephone which has a Mamaroneck number and is outside of the casualty station. He said that these amounts had been included in the above statement. Following discussion the Board approved of the purchase of the blood plasma and the installation of a telephone in Casualty Station 2 in Larchmont Acres . . ...... ......... .. Councilman Mandeville expressed the hope that a safe place was being provided for storing the blood plasma. The Supervisor recommended the transfer within the 1942 budget of $500 from the "Publicity', Fund" and "100 from " Traveling Expenses" of the Department of Supervisor to the War Council budget to be used to,' ard meeting the deficit and the estimated requirements of the War Council. On motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to transfer vaitl in the 1942 budget $500 from the "Publicity Fund" and $100 from "Traveling Er.penses" of the Department of Supervisor to the liar Council budget. Councilman Brewer stated that he thought that the Town had done very well and deserved to be congratulated for having done so much for defense for the amount of money expended. The Board again discussed the matter of constructing an honor roll. Councilman Mandeville stated that in his opinion the honor roll should. have been constructed '',six months ago and that he was in favor of getting it done as quickly as possible. The Supervisor inquire, where the Board was going to get the money to construct the roll. Folloriing further discussion the fwollotwing resolution was moved by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Brewer, and upon roll tail unanimously adopted RESOLVED, that an honor roll be constructed imme- diately on Town park property at the corner of Murray Avenue and Myrtle Boulevard and that the Supervisor and the Comtroller be and they hereby are authorized to tranfer from the Public Welfare Department budget to the Highway Department budget an amount sufficient to cover the cost thereof. Councilman Mandeville introduced Mr. F. M. Taylor, tree ex-oert, whom he suggested the 'Town permit to clear, off all dead trees on Town-owned property at no cost to the Town. Councilman Bremer suggested that bids be secured for the ..,o rlr. The Supervisor suggested that the Superintendent of the Park Department be notified what trees 'were going to be removed in order that the Torn r,ould have a record of them. it was agreed that before the next meeting of the 'Town Board Mr. Taylor wonid make a survey of the property and submit a bid arid. that the Supervisor should contact Mr. John Jubb and any other persons who might be interested in doing such veork to see if they wished to submit bids . Councilman Mandeville reported that the old Dodge that had been used oy the Highway Department had been stripped by the Town mechanic of everything cf any use and that Mr. Foote Lould like to receive permission from the Beard to contribute the remainder to the salvage campaign. On motion by Ccuncilrnan Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Brewer, it was upon. roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that Superintendent of Highways Foote be and he hereby is granted permission to contri- bute to the salvage campaign what remains of the old Dodge oiwned by the, Highway Department. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear Mr. Emil Zvirin, realtor, who reported to the Board that he had been unable to secure any increase in the offer of his client, Mr . H. S . Woodward, 138 Rockland Avenue, for the Town-owned lot adjacent to his property. He stated that because of the amount of rock on the lot he considered his clientIs offer of $400 a good offer and urged the Board to accept it . The Board members stated that they were not in favor of selling the jot for less than the mount of back taxes due, namely, $559 .39, exclusive of the 1942 school of tax, which would have to be paid by the purchaser. Mr. Zvirin stated that would report their decision to his client . The regular order of business was resumed and the Supervisor requested the Clerk to read the communications . A letter dated September 19, 1942, was received from K. G. Van Sciver, Clerk to the Board of ducation of Union Free School District No. 1, informing the Tonn that the new Treasurer of the School District is Mr . Alan Abeel of 9 Homer Avenue , Town. The letter was ordered filed. A letter dated October , 1942, was received from Charles L. Tarren, principal of the Evening Stool of Union Free School District to . 1, asking permission to conduct class in welding at the Town Yard under the direction of Mr. Emilio occiasion on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for approximately sixty evenings . On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Brewer, it was upon roll call unanmously RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Charles L. Warren, principal of the Evening School of Union Free School District No . 1, to conduct a class in well being at the Town Yard under the direction of Emilio Poccia on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening for approximately sixty evenings . A letter dated September 29, 1942, was received from William H. Johnson, Village Manager, informing the Board that the Building inspector of the Village of Mamaroneck had made an inspection of the cremises described as Section 8, Block 87, Lot 1 (666 Old white Plains Road) , commonly known as the Gironda Building, and had submitted a report, a copy of which he enclosed, in which he stated that unless certain necessary repairs were made imuediately, he would have to con- demo the building. Mr. Johnson stated in his letter that he had re- commended to the Village Board that the building be torn down but before taking any actiin the Village Board wished to be in accord with the Tow Board and would, therefore, like to receive a recommendation from them. Following discussion it was on motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman Mandeville upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Clerk be directed to inform Village Manager William H. Johnson of the Village of Mamaroneck that the Town Board will be glad to cooperate with the Village Board but before express- ing any opinion they would like to know what the Village Board recommends or what action it takes in connection with the demolition of the premises known as Section 8, Block 87, Lot 1 (666 Old white Plains Road) . A letter dated October 3 , 1942, was received from The Larchmont Gardens Association, in which was enclosed a copy of a resolution adopted by the association opposing the proposed construc- tion of the Pelham-Port Chester Parkway as a mixed vehicle traffic highway and urging the Superviser to take such legal proceedings as may be permitted to stay the transfer of the property for this purpose . After the resolution was read it was upon motion by Cou.ncilmarh Griffin, seconded by cilman Brewer) upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the request of the Larchmont Gardens Association that the Supervisor take legal proceedings to stay the transfer of property purchased. for the Pelham-Port Chester Parkway; for the purpose of constructing a raixed traffic highway be and it hereby is referred to the 'Town Attorney for a opinion. Supervisor McCulloch stated that he was opposed to the construction of the parkway as a mixed that he was opposed to the to oppose it oil the Board of Super approximately $5,800,000, to which interest on bonds would have to be making a total of almost $8,000,000 which Westchestsr Count is giving to the State of New York He said that over a period of about fifteen fears the Town has lost about $600,000 in taxes and that we in the Town are making a terrific contribution to take care of thorough traffic for New Rochelle and Port Chester. Councilman Mandeville stated that a highvaay is going to reduce the assessed valuation of property in the Town over $1,000,00 and that it is going to cause a great many 'Headaches to the community A letter dated September 16, 1942, was received from Jerome A. Barry, S .D.C.D. of the Aircraft warning Service stop the Municipal Building of the Village of Mamaroneck, requesting from the Town of ;Iarnaroneck the sum Of 100 .00 to help meet the expenses of operating the warning service . The Supervisor explained that every community in the area covered by the warning service had contributed $100.00 to carry on the work except the Town of Mamaroneck. On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby appropriates the such of $100.00 to be paid toward the cost of operating the Aircraft Warning Service atop the Huniclpal Building of the Village of Mamaroneck. Councilman Brewer stated that it was up to the federal govern- ment to provide funds for maintaining the Aircraft Tarning Service and that the Town Attorney had sometime ago rendered an opinion in regard to the matter. The Town Attorney stated that the Town can not appropriate money to be paid to tree federal government, nor can it provide funds to be paid to the Aircraft Warning Service because it is not incor- porated, but if the money is to be paid to an individual for his ser- vices, that would be a different proposition. Councilman Brewer stated that the Town Board has to meet whatever obligations it may have protect the residents of the commuity but at the same time it has preserve whatever legal formalities there may be . Councilman Mandeville said that he hoped that nobody on the Board would ever see the day when they would regret this "penny- pinching" and stated that this was an act of prevention which the Town should take the same as other communities Councilman Brewer repeated that he was in favor of doing anything that has to be clone but before this war is over thousands of dollars are going to be spent and the Town should not spend the money illegally or until it knows what it is going for. He suggested that the Board work out some kind of formula in paring appropriations for the rationing Board, interceptor command and so forth, which will follow some legal formally lity. Councilman Mandeville thereupon wihtdraw his resolution and the Board agreed that before appropriating $100 for the Aircraft iUarning Service, a statement should be secured from Mr. Barry setting forth in detail the purpose for which the money is to be used. Fire Chief Burton addressed the Board concerning the problem of heatine the auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse . He explained treat because of the Control Center which is located in the firehouse; it had been necessary to keep the auditorium heated continually and last year that had been responsible for their el.ceeding their budget appro- priation for heating. he suggested that gas be piped from the kitchen and a gas heater provided for heating the Control Center and that the auditorium not be used all winter long for meetings of various groups . Councilman Brewer stated that the auditorium is a meeting place for ti!e To-am where various defense activities important to civi- lian morale are carried on and the heating of the auditorium is, there- fore, necessary. He inquired where such meetings could be held if the auditorium were not used. Chief .Burton suggested that the schools might be used because they are heated all Printer long. He pointed out that if the auditorium vrere heated this Winter it would be necessary to weather-strip it, provide blaci.out curtains for it and also make certain repairs to the furnace for which parts may be difficult to obtain. Councilman Mandeville stated that he did not think that it would be necessary r to black-out the auditorium. The Supervisor pointed out that the auditorium when lighted at night is absolutely in violation of the dim-out regulations and that residents in fiat section have been complaining because it has not been blacked-out. Following further discussion the Board directed Tcv+rn Eneineer Foote to secure estimates for weather-stripping the auditorium Chief Burton also discussed with the Board the serious situa- tion which is developing because the great number of volunteer fire- men vrho are being called to the armed services . He said that thirty- six :i en Yiad already been called and asked whether or not employees of tree Park Department could cooperate with the Fire Department especially dur-ina the fall season in putting at brush fires . Councilman Mandeville said that he was opposed to using highway or garbage men for this work The Supervisor pointed out that the Fire Chief has a problem and needs assistance in fighting fires . Councilman Brewer suggested that Chief Burton make a survey of the volunteer firemen who are available during the day to fight fires . Chief Burton recommended the appointment of Hans Schmidt as an emergency driver for the Fire Department, to serve without pay at the pleasure of the Fire Council and the Town Board. On motion by Councilman} BrePrer, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, it ,uas upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, Mr . Buns Schmidt be and he hereby is approved as an Emergency Driver of the Fire Department to serve without pay at the pleasure of the Fire Council and the Town Board. A letter dated Septeraber 15, 1942, alas received from Mabel Norton Mills of 1424. N. Gardner Street, Hollyvood, California, request- ing permission to pay the 1938 school tax on Block 112, Parcel 280, in the face amount of the 'Lien. On motion by Councilman Breyer and seconded by Councilman Mandeville, it was upon roll call , unanimously W RESOLVED, that the request of Kabel IQorton iaills to pay the 1938 school tax on Block: 112, Parcel 280 in the face amount of the lien, be and it hereby is denied with regret. A letter dated October 1942, was received from the Larch- mont Gardens association, requesting the Town Board to make a survey of what factors contributed to produce the floods in the Larchmont Gardens area and also outlining suggestions of the association that some arrangement be made with the village of Larchmont so that the level of water in the Larchmont reservoir is kept at two feet below the top of the darn and tYrat earth dams built at the gullies at Bonnie Briar and at Rockland Avenue . A letter dated October 1942, was received from Colonel R. G. Powell, Corps of Engineers, Board. of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, -War Department, Washington D. C. , in reply to a letter from Supervisor McCulloch dated September 25 , 1942, urging that a survey be made to develop a plan of improvement for flood control of the Mama- roneck and. Sheldrake givers. The Supervisor suggested that both letters be considered by the Board at a special meeting the following week to discuss the whole problem of flood control. He stated that he would also like to enlist the services of Congressman Ralph A. Gamble in urging that an appro- priation be made to conduct a survey of the flood area. The Board expressed approval of this suggestion. A letter dated. September 19, 1942, was received from Peter C. Doerr, Jr. , Chairman of upecial Real Estate Committee of Mamaroneck Realty Board, in reply, the Town Clerk' s letter requesting suggestions in connection with the sale of town-owned property . Mr . Doern stated that it was the opinion of the mamaroneck Realty Board that the Town should dispose of its vacant lots at any offer that is obtainable in the present rmarket because of the adverse conditions affecting the sale of vacant land today, provided the zoning code and the character of the neighborhood is maintained. The letter was ordered filed. The Supervisor asked if the Board wished to take any action on the auditor' s report for the year 1941 which had been received and studied by the Board. The Board took no action on the matter. Councilman is Mandeville moved the folloviing resolution which v;as seconded by Councilman Griffin: follows : RESOLVED, that the firm of Glick-Freedman, 271 North Avenue, New Rochelle, New York, be and it hereby is appointed as the auditors of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1942. A vote taken on the foregoing resolution resulted as follows: AYES: Councilmen, Mandeville and Griffin NOES: Supervisor McCulloch and Councilman Brewer The resolution, therefore , did not carry. The report of the receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of September 1942, was received and filed. The report of the building, Inspector for the month of September, 1;42, was received and filed. The report of the Mamaroneck health Center, Inc . for the month of September, 1942, was received and filed. The Town Attorney stated that all the papers had been pre- pared for the project to remove the rails in Palmer Avenue and re- commended that the Supervisor be ,authorized to sign a bill of sale transferring the rails and so for to the Metals Reserve Company, an agency of the federal government, so that they may proceed with the Project. Upon motion of Councilman Mandevil1e, seconded by Councilman Brewer, the following resolutions unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, William G. O'Brien, Industrial Specialist of the Special Projects Salvage Section, Bureau. of Industrial Conservation War Production Board, has by letter the 20th day of July, 1942, requested the Town of ijamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, to transfer, by bill of sale, all unused street car rails, track fastenings, and other matallic track material lying in the streets of said Town to Metals Reserve Company, a subsidiary of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, an agency of the united States Government, for a nominal consideration, and to grant permission to Metals Reserve Company to remove the above described material from where now located in the streets of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of the incorporated villages; and . WHEREAS, said rails, track fastenings, and other metallic track material, are urgently and immediately needed in connection with the war, program; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, is desirous of having said rails, track fastenings, and other metallic track material removed from its street and is willing to contribute the same to the successful prosecution of the vvar program; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, 1. That Bert C. McCulloch, Supervisor of the Town of Marriaroneck, be authorized to convey title of said rails, track fast Wings, and other metallic track fastenings to Metals Reserve Company by bill of sale, the form of which shall be approved by John L. Delius, Tovrn Attorney of said Town of Mamaroneck 2. That Metals Resery Company be and is hereby given permission to remove said rails, track fastening and other metallic track material located in the streets of the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incor- porated villages, the location of which has been estab- lished by War Production Board in said letter, and for that purpose to disturb the pavement in the streets where said rails are located; this work to be carried out in accordance with specification to be approved by Commissioner of Public Works of Westchester County, who shall assure himself that the work is being done with minimum interference with the movement of traffic, and. that the slots from which the rail is removed are re-filled with a suitable available paving material. 3 . That no damage to the streets will be claimed by the Tovrn of Mamaroneck, providing the Metals Reserve Company performs the aork in accordance with the terms conditions and specifications set out above. A letter dated September 24, 1942, was received from James C. Harding, Commissioner of Public Works, inquiring whether or riot the Town wished to sign an agreement with the County in order to secure the beriefit of a State contribution in the amount of $50.00 per mile for the removal of snow from State highways . Town Superintendent of Highways Foote explained that this is the usual agreement entered into with the County each year and pointed out that the Board should indicate whether or not it wished to remove the snow from the State highways within the villages . On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement with the County of Westchester for the purpose of securing to the Town the benefit of the State of New York contribution for the removal of snow from State Highways in the 'Town of Mamaroneck including State highways aside the Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont The 'Town Attorney reports that he had received an offer from k.r . T. Harold. Forbes to transfer by deed to the Town the property --- knovan as Block 503, Parcel 212. He explained that there were taxes amounting to ; $2,500 without interest and penalties or $4,370 with interest and penalties . He said that if the Board wished to accept the property, he would like to be authorized to proceed with the matter in order that he might make a title search. On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Breyer, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town accept the deed to the property known as Block 503, Parcel 242, provided there are no liens, judgements or other encumbrances against the property. The Town Attorney reported that he had contacted John G. Byler, Burleigh R. Waterman and Samuel H. ' Pomerance who had submitted offers to the Town Board for certain lots acquired by the Town in the recent foreclosure proceedings against the Fenimore Cooper Estates and had been unable to get any increase in their offers . Following discussion it was upon motion made by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the following offers heretofore received by the T`ovdn Board for the purchase of certain lots acquired by the Town as result of tax lien foreclosure proceedings and now own by the Town, be accepted: 1. Offer made by John G. Byler to purchase Block 208 Parcel 487 for the sum of $599.17 subject to school tax due September 1st, 1942 2. Offer made by Burlegh H. Waterman to purchase Block 208, Parcel 54 for the sum of $986.37, subject to school tax due September 1st, 1942; 3 . Offer made by Samuel H. Pomerance through Nildred Sanford, licensed real estate broker, to purchase Bloch 200, Parcel 525, for the sum of $750. , subject to school tax due September lst, 1942• FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized to prepare the necessary contracts to sell, providing for a deposit of 105% of the purchase money at the time of signing the contract and providing further that bargain and sale deeds stall be given by the Town of Mamaroneck subject to covenants and restrictions of record, any state of facts an accurate survey may show, and the zoning restrictions, and providing in t'ne case of the contract for the purchase of Block 208, Parcel 525 that Hildred Sanford is recognized as the broker and entitled to a commission of 75 . payable when as and if title closes . FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is authorized. to execute and deliver a deed to the several persons whose offers to purchase are accepted, which deed shall con- form to the provisions of this resolution. kl Vii: The Supervisor stated that the Adult Activities and Recreation Council had requested funds to carry on the usual Christmas toy project. He explained that the Board had originally appropriated $500 for the W. P . A. recreation project of which $160.98 had been expended, leaving a balance of $331.09 and suggested that this balance might be used for the to project. On Notion by Councilman Mandeville. seconded by Councilman Brewer, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Corptroller be and they hereby are authorized to make available for recreation the unexpended balance of $331.09 of the original amount of 3500 appropriated for the W. P . A.recreation project. At 10: 55 P . M. the Board 'unanimously resolved to adjourn. Deputy Town Clerk