HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942_08_19 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK, HELD AUGUST 19, 1942 In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Town of Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8 p . 4. (Eastern War Time) . Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brewer, Griffin, Idandeville Absent: None The presence was also noted of Deputy Town Clerk Alice E. Wheelock, Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, and Town Engineer and Superintendent of Highways Foote . The report of the Town Clerk for the month of July, 1942 was received and ordered filed. The Supervisor presented the follov,ring financial reports for the period from January 1 to July 31, 1942, vrhich were ordered filed: (1) Summary of Receipts and Disbursements; (2) Statement of Budget Appropriations and .Expenditures; and (3) Analysis of Estimated Revenues . The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons who wished to address the Board. Mrs . James J . Florence, 2471 Elm Place, New York City, appeared before the Board to request permission to pay the tax arrears on her -property known as Block 411, Parcel 252, at a reduced. amount. She stated that she would be able to make a payment at once if some compromise could be reached. After considering her reu ,iest the Board authorized the Supervisor to discuss the matter with Mrs . Florence and to present his recommendation to the Board for final approval. There being no others present who wished to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. Councilman Mandeville reported that because of the difficult drainage problem at the corner of Murray Avenue and Colonial Avenue a pump: of larger capacity is needed in addition to the sewer pump already installed at that spot. He recommended the purchase of a four=inch centrifugal gasoline driven pump on vaheels with a pumping capacity of 40,000 gallons per hour at a cost of approximately $875 .00. The Supervisor reviewed briefly the work that had been done by the Town on the drains in the Murray Avenue and Colonial Avenue section. He explained. that in spite of this during heavy rainstorms the motor of the sewer pump installed in a pit at this location is often covered with water and a netiw pump is needed to supplement it. He pointed out that a new and larger pump would result in a consider- able saving in labor. Town Engineer Foote stated that the new pump could- be used in many places for many purposes and would be splendid for pumping out cellars in time of floods . On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to purchase one (1) four-inch centrifugal gasoline driven pump with a pumping capacity of 10,000 gallons per hour at a cost of approximately $875 .00, the same to be charged against the 1942 budget. Councilman Mandeville presented a report received from the Department of Public Works of Westchester County of an investigation of Town highways made by that department. On motion by Councilman 'Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, the report was ordered entered in the minutes as follovis: TOWN ROAD INSPECTION PlIAT!kRONECK inspection made by Mr Avery on Iday 6th and 7th, 1942 CONCRETE PAVEMENT ROCKLAND AVE. Concrete section in good condition. HARMON DRIVE In satisfactory condition. Some slabs at joints slightly uneven. Drainage satisfactory. Concrete curb in fair condition. CHATSWORTH AVE. Concrete section in good condition. ROCKNGSTONE Concrete section in good condition. All joints AVENUE satisfactorily filled. Curb and drainage in satisfactory condition. FOREST AVE. In fair condition. Some cracks in concrete slabs and some unevenness at manholes. All joints and cracks well filled. HOMER AVE. and In good condition. ORSINI DRIVE BYRON LADE, MAPLE HILL DRIVE & DIMITRI PLACE and DANTE AVE. In good- condition. Some asphalt patches in pavement. All joints satisfactorily filled. WEST GARDEN RD. In smooth riding condition. All joints satisfact OLD WHITE PLAINS Traveleaay e ROAD Extensive c numerous sm line . All checked and should be r in fair con filled. Drainage satisfactory. ensively patched. Uneven crown. cking on northerly half of road-, 1 holes and raveling along gutter les should be filled., raveling 11 grass growing along gutters oved. Guard rail and rubble curb tion. FENI1,10RE ROAD Premix bituminous top section in good condition. Wi.P. A. project progressing on day of inspection. CAERLEON AVE HOIJ`ELL AVE, HAWNTHORNE ROAD, MEADOVJT PLACE In smooth riding condition. Surface cracking in places but no holes . Rubble curb, gutters and drainage satisfactory. MYRTLE BOULEVARD In smooth riding condition; no holes; severe cracking on some sections . Heavy traffic. P;,ADISON AVENUE Premix section in good condition. In smooth riding condition. Pavement extensively cracked on some sections . No holes . Drainage All sections in good condition. CHATSWORTH AVE. In good condition. All in smooth riding condition. Uniform crown, no holes, very few cracks in pave- ment . Drainage satisfactory. All in smooth riding condition. Very little cracking of pavement surface. Fever small holes at intersection of Lookout Circle and Hillside Road. Drainage satisfactory. VALLEY ROAD In smooth 'siding condition. Some cracks in pavement but no raveling or no holes. GLENN ROAD In fair condition. Smooth riding but surface quite extensively cracked. No holes . Drainage satisfactory. BIRCHFIELD ROAD & MAPLEFOOD STREET In good condition. no holes , Very few cracks . Drainage satis- factory. DAYLON TERRACE In smooth riding condition. Road has no drainage ditches on one side of road. EMERSON ROAD In good. condition. EDGETATER LANE & PRESTON STREET In good condition. COOPER LANE In good condition. VINE ST. & STATION ROAD In smooth riding condition but surface very badly cracked. Surface vrater penetrating subgrade. Very heavy parking and traffic . Entire surface in need of bituminous surface treatment. BITMIINOUS MACADAM Bituminous macadam section in fair riding condition. Few small holes in travelvray but condition not dangerous . Large pile of excavated material piled along shoulder of road for widening purposes . (WPA project) . FENIIORE ROAD DURHAId ROAD AVON ROAD Bituminous macadam section in very good condition. In fair riding condition. Travelway uneven crovm; very few holes . Rubble curb in fair condition. No recommendations . DUNDEE ROAD OXFORD ROAD MOEGAN HOTELS Bituminous macadam Section All in fair condition. Travelway slightly wavy and irregular but no holes . BERESFORD ROAD In good condition. ROCKLAND AVE. Bituminous macadam section in fair riding condition. Travelway very uneven but no holes . Curb, gutters and drainage satis- factory. HILLWOOD ROAD & CARROLL PLACE In smooth riding condition. Drainage satisfactory. In fair riding condition. Travelways narrow in places; rough riding, uneven crown but no holes . Very little traffic . Drainage ditches should be graded and cleaned. Narrow, irregular travelway hardly room for -" 2 cars to pass . ' Few small holes in travelway. Steep grades . Drainage appears satisfactory. In fair riding condition. Travelways slightly rough and irregular crown. Few small holes in travelway on Dillon Road. Drainage and curbs satisfactory. HARRISON DRIVE P,Iacadam section in fair riding condition. Surface badly cracking but no holes . Drainage appears to be generally'', satisfactory. Recently re-surfaced and in very good condition All in smooth riding condition; uniform crown, no holes. Curb and gutters in good condition. Drainage satisfactory. CAA,IPBELL STREET & RICHBELL ROAD In smooth riding condition. No holes in travelway; uniform crown. ' Drainage satisfactory. ROCKRIDGE ROAD In smooth riding condition. Few small holes in travelway. Condition not serious . Drainage satisfactory. REVERE ROAD (Fulton Road) In good condition; smooth riding travelway - no holes . Curbs in good condition. In good condit HADISON AVENUE Bituminous macadam asection in fair riding con- dition. Traveway wavy but no holes. Drainage satisfactory. ' FIFTH AVENUE In fair riding condition. Quite uneven travelway. No holes . Shoulders and drainage ditches should be re-graded. LAFAYETTE ROAD In good condition Dead-end street. POPLAR ROAD In fair riding condition. Travelway slightly wavy, but no holes. Drainage satisfactory. ROCKINGSTONE AVE. Bituminous macadam section in fair condition. Pavement extensively cracked. Raveling in some places . Surface in need of repair and bituminous surface treatment. OVERLOOK TERRACE In poor condition. Travelway badly cracking, Edgevrood 'Terrace)raveli.ng in !places . Surface in need of bituminous seal coat. BITCH ROAD and In fair condition. Few small holes in travelway, FERN ROAD some raveling along edges . Surface in need of bituminous surface treatment. G All in rather poor riding condition, particularly Vine Road. ' Number of holes in travelways, ravel- ing in some places and evidence of general crack- ing of pavement. Surface of roads wavy and rough in some places . All roads in need of surface All in rather poor riding condition. Travel-ways quite uneven, some holes . Edges raveling in places . Refuse in gutters should be removed. Quite extensive checking and cracking of pave- ment in a, number of places . FOREST AVENUE (East of Weaver, Street) EAST BROOKSIDE DRIVE Pavement badly cracked, no holes . Smooth riding. Surface in need of bituminous seal coat. Drainage satisfactory. Bituminous macadam section in fair riding con- dition. Few holes in travelway and edges of pavement raveling - uneven crown, badly cracking. Entire surface in need of seal coat. HUDSON PLACE Narrow travelway reasonably smooth riding. No holes in travelway; no drainage ditches . No recommendations . Very little traffic . SHELDRAKE AVENUE In fair condition. Uneven crown and some ravel- ing along gutter line . No drainage ditches . Flat crown of travelway, drainage fair. HOLLY PLACE Combination of bituminous macadam pavement and what appears to be oiled treated surface in poor condition. Uneven and extensively patched travelway.) Edges along gutter line badly ravel- ing, some washing along gutters . Holes in pave- ment area.', Drainage poor. COLONIAL AVENUE In smooth riding condition. No holes in pave- ment. Regular crown. No drainage ditches . BRIARCLIFF ROAD Surface in poor condition, holes in travelway. irregular crown, no drainage ditches . Surface in need of bituminous treatment. CRESCENT ROAD In fair riding condition. Crown and grade reasonably smooth. No holes in pavement. Drainage appears to be satisfactory. EAST BROOKSIDE DRIVE Pavement badly cracked, no holes . Smooth riding. Surface in need of bituminous seal coat. Drainage satisfactory. 64 VALLEY STREAKS In fair riding condition. Pavement cracked ROAD WEST in several places but condition not serious. WEST BROOKSIDE DR. In fair condition. Surface in need of bituminous seal coat. LITTLE FAMS ROAD In good condition. BARNUM ROAD In fair riding condition. Travelway smooth but in need of bituminous seal coat. ELLISWORTH DRIVE and STONEY SIDE DRIVE In fair riding condition. Few small holes in travelway but condition not serious . Drainage satisfactory. In good condition. HICKORY GROVE DRIVE EAST In good condition. S In sraooth riding condition. Gutters slightly uneven in some places . Drainage generally satisfactory. In fair condition. Few small holes in travel- way and raveling along gutters, but condition not serious . Drainage satisfactory. In good condition. PRESTON STREET In smooth riding condition. Even crown; curb and ditches in good condition. CABOT ROAD Surface in fair condition. No drainage ditches. Very little traffic . Dead-end street. No re- co emendations . BALDWIN AVENUE Narrow travelway in fair condition. Very little traffic . No drainage ditches . No re- commendations. DURHAN!I ROAD Dirt section in poor condition. Large boulders across road making a dead-end street. No traffic on this section of Durham Road. No recommendations . MOHEGANI ROAD (Dirt and gravel section) . In very rough riding condition. Quite impassable. No traffic no recommendations. ROXBOROUGH ROAD Gravel road in fair condition. Travelway very narrow. Dead-end. street. No recommen- dations . Very narrow rough travelway - not room for two cars to pass . Passable. Very little traffic ! No recommendations . HARRISON DRIVE OLD WEAVER STREET BYRON PLACE VALLEY PLACE 0'A -_ Gravel section quite rough. Numerous small holes in travelway. Travelway quite wavy and washboardy; Recommend fill holes and smooth up travelway. Combination surface of dirt, cinders, gravel, macadam surface, poorly graded and maintained. Very little traffic . No large holes in travel- way. No recommendations . Narrow travelway, irregular- and poorly graded travelway. ', Drainage condition poor. Very little traffic . Dead-end street. No recom- mendations '. Cinder and gravel surface in poor condition. Washboardy' surface with numerous holes . No drainage ditches . Very little traffic . CREST AVENUE Cinder surface poorly crowned and graded. Pools of water in middle of travelway. No drainage ditches . Roadway should be shaped to shed water. SENATE PLACE Narrow travelway, poorly graded and crowned. No drainage ditches . Very little traffic . Dead-end street. No recommendations . THOMPSOh PLACE Cinder and dirt surface in fair riding con- dition. uneven crown, no holes . Verdi little traffic . Ido recommendations. WINDSOR STREET Fairly smooth riding surface, badly cracked. Fen small holes in travelway. Very little traffic . Because of shipping dif coming winter Councilman Mandeville recommended that the Town purchase its supply of rock salt for 1943 now. He said that the Town has ample storage space and that the salt will not deteriorate that 25 tons be purchased from International Salt Company at about $17. 50 per ton, the cost to be charged against the 1943 budget. On motion by Councilman , seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to purchase 25 tons of rock salt for the use of the Highway Department during 1943 from the International Salt Company at a price of approximatly $17. 50 per ton, the cost of the same to be charge against the 1943 budget . Councilman Mandeville reported that the possibilities of pur- chasing a used truck of a recent mode! are not very hopeful and stated that he would report any new developments to the Board. Councilman Handeville discussed with the Board the condition of an old drain at 7 Locust Terrace, Dillon Park. He explained that the pipe is broken in several places and that during the recent rain- storms one of the catch basins had overflowed, washing away the steps at 7 Locust Terrace. He stated that it would cost approximately $1500 to instal a new drain in Locust Terrace running to the Town pipe ease- ment which leads down to the salt meadow and that the steps could be repaired for about $100. After discussion the matter was referred to the Superintendent of Highways with the recommendation that the steps be repaired and that an appropriation be included in next ,yearts budget for installing the new drain. Councilman Mandeville reported that on Barnard Road at the end of the street there are two catch basins, one of which is broken and causes the water to flow down into the driveway of the house owned by John F. Nichols at 259 Barnard Road. In order to repair the catch basin he said that it would be necessary to do some of the work on the lawn of the Nichols house . After discussion the Town Attorney was authorized to draw up a letter from Mr. Nichols to sign granting the Town permission to do the work on his lawn and the Superintendent of Highways was directed to repair the catch basin. Councilman Mandeville introduced the following preambles and resolution: WHEREAS, on September 2, 1941 a resolution was adopted authorizing the issuance of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars bonds of the Town to pay a portion of the cost of public improvement Work Relief Projects in the 'Town, dated September 15, 1942 and to mature One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars on September lst in each of the years 1943 to 1916, both inclusive; and WHEREAS, a second resolution was adopted on September 2, 1941, authorizing the issuance of a certificate or certi- ficates of indebtedness of the Town in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand ($$4,000.00) Dollars in anticipation of the issuance of said bonds; and indebtedness was thereafter WHEREAS, a certificate of the issuance of said bonds, issued in anticipation of WPA-22, dated September 15, being certificate number 15 1942, in the principal 1941, maturing September (4,000.00) Dollars, bearing amount of Four Thousand fifty one-hundredths per centum interest at the rate of payable at maturity, and said (50/100ths) per annum payable at maturity and said certificate is still outstanding NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of uiestchester, New York, as follows: Section 1. That the upervisor be and he hereby is authorized to extend for-period of six months the out- standing indebtedness not represented by certificate of indebtedness number WPA 22 in the principal amount of Four 'Thousand ($4,000.00', Dollars dated September 15, 1941 maturing September 15, 1942, bearing interest at the rate of fifty one-hunredths per centum (50/100ths) per annum payable at maturity to be dated September 15, 1942 maturing March- 15, 1943 . Said new certificate shall be delivered together high interest to September 15, 1942 on the outstanding certificate, upon surrender and can- cellation of said presently outstanding certificate. Section 2. The Supervisor is hereby authorized to determine all matters in connection with said certificate of indebtedness, the determination of which is not pro vided for by this or subecuent resolutions and his sig- such determination. Said certificate shall be conclusive as to the Supervisor and shall certificate shall be signed by Town affixed thereto and Said certificate shall be in the form substantially in accor with resolution adopted October 4, 1939, and shall be numbered VuPA-24. Section 3 . Said cerificate hereby authorized to be issued shall be a general obligation of the Town of Mama- roneck and the faith and credit of the Town are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said obligation, and unless otherwise paid or provided for, a tax suffcient to provide for the payment thereof shall be levied and collected. , in form substantially in accord Section 4- Said bond in the amount of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars authorized by resolution adopted September 2, 1941 in anticipation of the issuance of which said certificate and said renewal certificate have been and are to be issued, shall be dated March 1, 1943 and shall mature, One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars on Septem- ber 1, 1943 and One Thousand (81,000.00) Dollars on March 1st in each of the years 1944, 1945 and 1946; and said resolution authorizing said bonds is hereby amended accord- ingly. Section 5 . This reslution shall take effect imme- diately. on motion of Councilman Mandeville and seconded by Councilman Griffin, the foregoing preambles and resolution were adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brewer, Griffin, Mandeville Noes: none Town Attorney Delius presented the proposed amendments to the Building 'Code, Plumbing Code and General Ordinance of the Town, which he stated. Councilman Brewer, Building Inspector Rate and other interested parties had studied, and suggested that the Board set a date for a public hearing on the amendments . On motion by Councilman , seconded. by Councilman Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Building Code, Plumbing Code and General Ordinance of the Town be held on September 2, 1942, at 8 PM. at the Town Office, 158 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York, pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law, and that the 'Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to publish the notice in "The Daily Times", the official newspaper, on August 22, 1942. The Town Attorney stated that he recommended settlement of the certiorari proceedings instituted by Harry Rodwin, John D. McGrath, and Adrian P. Burke, as Trustees under a Declaration of Trust, dated the 18th day of April, 1936, and Plan of Reorganization for Series GW-1 Mortgage investments issued New York Title and Mortgage Company, to review assessment for the year 1941(taxes of 1942) upon property in the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont, known as Block 602, Parcel 701, on the assessment map on the basis of a reduction in the assessed value from 8210,000 to $175,000 for the year 1941 (taxes of 1942) . Councilman Bates introduced the following resolution which was seconded by Councilman MandeviIle: WHEREAS, heretofore and on or about the 8th day of October, 1941, a writ of certiorari was obtained by Harry Rodwi.n, John D. McGrath and Adrian P. Burke, as Trustees under a Declaration of Trust, dated the 18th day of April, 1936, and a Plan of Reorganization for Series CW-1 Mortgage investments issued by New York Title and Mortgage Company owners of Block 602, Par- cel 701, to review the asessment for the year 1941 (taxes of 1942) ; and WHEREAS, a return to said writ was duly filed by the Assessor and Board of Review on or about the 17th of November, 1941, and no further proceedings have been taken; and WHEREAS, the Town Attorney, and Assessor recommend to this Board that the proceedings be settled and dis- continued upon the reduction of the assessment from $210,000 to ';$175,000 for the year 1941 (taxes of 1942) ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the year 1941 (taxes of 1942) upon ;property known as Block 602, Parcel 701 assessed for $210,000 be reduced to $175,000, provided the certiorari proceedings now pending in the name of Harry Rodwin, et ai, as Trustees etc. , be discontinued without costs to the Town of Mamaroneck. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tovn Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipulations to obtain orders of the Supreme Court providing for such reductions and the refund of any excess taxes paid. The Deputy Town Clerk react a letter dated kugust 19, 1942, from Henry E. 1dendes, Chairman of the Town of Idamaroneck VSar Council, requesting the Board to appropriate not more than $50.00 per month for clerical assistance for the War Council from time to time . Follow- ing discussion the letter was referred to the Executive Committee of the War Council for their consideration. The Supervisor explained that a budget had been prepared by the two villages and the town for the unincorporated section and submitted to the county for civilian protection purposes. He said that he had inquired of Budget Director' William B. Folger howl purchases for civilian protection services should be made and had been informed that the county intended to do the buying. The town is to make requisition for supplies, the requisition goes to the County Director of Civilian Protection for approval and titen is referred to Mr . Folger. The Super- visor suggested that in view of the fact that it is going to be so difficult to make purchases under this plan, the Town should go ahead and use the $3, 500 he was authorized to borrow for defense work until the end of the year. Councilman Mandeville stated that he was not in favor of securing civilian protection supplies through the county plan because the town would not know what it was going to be charged for them. Councilman Brewer also exressed his disapproval of purchasing through the county if there is any way it can be avoided . The Supervisor explained that the Town Attorney had originally informed the Board that the only may that the town could secure money for civilian -protection purposes was through the county. Fie said that he was in favor of using the $3, 500 and not purchasing anything through the county, Chief George Burton of the Fire Department presented the following statement concerning the expenditures on the re-building of the Cities Service Truck: Peter McAvoy and Son Re-building Truck $757.00 Eureka Fire Hose - 1 Fog Nozzle 33 .00 County Motors - Blinker Light 7.15 Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Handlights 6.99 Ed. Storms - 20 ft. Roof Ladder S •SO L. Earl Miller - 2 Dietz Spotlights 9.90 Free Parking Service Station - 1 Battery 16.31 Eureka Fire Hose - 6 Indian Tanks @ $16.95 101.70 $94o.S5 The members of the Board coruiended the paid and volunteer firemen for their untiring work in fixing up the Cities Service Truck. Chief Burton also presented a letter requesting the approval of Mr. Frank Truco as an Emergency Driver of the Fire Department to serve without pay at the pleasure ', of the Fire Council and the Town Board. On motion by Councilman Brewer seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief Mr. Frank Turco be and he herebv is approved as an Emergency Driver of the Fire Department to serve without pay at the pleasure of the Fire Council and the 'Town Board. On motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A to Chapter 62 of the Laws of 1909 as amended., the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize and empower the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck to collect the 1942 school taxes for Union Free School District No . 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, which, under the provisions of Chapter 105 of the Lars of 1916 as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Law, become a lien and are payable on September 1st, 1942, in two partial payments each amounting to fifty per cent (50%) of any such school tax as levied; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck is authorized and empowered to receive the payment of such partial payments or instalments of the 1942 school taxes for Union Free School District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck at any time but subject to the same penalties as are specified and provided in Section 18 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 for the neglect to pay the total amount of the school taxes after the levy thereof; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of any such partial or instalment payment of the 1942 school taxes for Union Free School District No .1 in the Town of Mamaroneck shall not be deemed to affect in any manner any right of the Town of Mamaroneck under any general or special Act, to enforce collection of the unpaid balances of such taxes as may remain due and owing to said Town, but such rights and pourers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce collection of the unpaid balance of such school taxes, together with interest, penalties and other lawful charges . On motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that this Board do and it hereby does designate "The Daily Time" , a daily newspaper published in the village and town of Mamaroneck; and "The Larchmont Times" , a weekly newspaper published in the village of Larchmont, town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing the notice of the collection of the 1942 school taxes as required by law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said notice be published in "The Daily Times" on Wednesday, August 26, 1942, and in "The Larchmont Times" on Thursday, August 27, 1942; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the Westchester County Tax Act, the Town Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for 1942 school taxes, the expense thereof to be a town charge . The Supervisor reported that letters had been received from the following persons in regard to the condition of their property following the recent heavy rainstorms: Caroline W. Funk 10 Harmony Drive Marie Umbach 839 Harmon Drive Kurt S. Safranski 122 Brookside Drive Marshall M. Holcombe 14 Harmony Drive Leicester H. Sherrill 17 Bonnie Briar Lane C.G. Gredler 4 Kenmare Road At the suggestion of Councilman Brewer the Supervisor was authorized to send a letter to these individuals outlining the situation to show what has been done by the town in the past in connection with drainage and to point out the problems involved The Supervisor outlined for the Board what has been done by the Town since 1935 in connection with drainage and flood conditions Councilman Mandeville stated that he would like to see a study of the conditions that may lead to the floods Councilman Brewer expressed the opinion that the Town has no legal responsibility in the matter but if it could alleviate the situation he was in favor of doing so. He pointed out that it will be necessary to make a study of the entire area affected by floods and not only of the unincorporated section The Supervisor explained that a hearing was held by the U.S. Army Engineers in the Municipal Building of the Village of Mamaroneck on March 19, 1943 and that in its survey the federal government was going to ascertain whether or not water was diverted from the Pinebrook Drain to the Sheldrake RIver when the Larchmont Reservoir was enlarged He reported that during the recent flood there were two Army men here observing condition and that he was sending to the federal government a folder with newspaper clippinh of the flood conditions together copies of the letters received from Town residents to be considered as an appendtix to the record presented by the Town at the hearing on March 19, 1942 Following further discussion Town Engineer Foote was directed to obtaint estimates of the cost of making a survey of what effect the changes made in the Larcmont Reservoir had had on the Sheldrake River At 10:30 PM the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Deputy Town Clerk