HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942_08_05 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, 'Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at
8 P . L. (Eastern War Time) .
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brewer, Griffin, Mandeville
Absent: Nome
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attor-
ney Delius, Assessor Smith, Superintendent of Highways and Tovn Engineer
Focte and Welfare Officer DeVinne .
The minutes of the meetings of July 1 and July 15, 1942, tiaere
approved as presented.
The Supervisor advised the members of the Board that it would
be necessary for him to leave the meeting at 10 P. M. He requested
the Town Clerk to read the communications .
The Tovn Clerk read a letter from the Police Commission
advising that Officer Philip Millheiser has applied for leave of absence
pursuant to Section 246 of the 'military Lava, having enlisted and been
accepted for service by the united States Army.
On otion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman Griffin,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, 'that leave of absence is hereby extended
to Philip Hillheiser, Shield No . 123, of the Weaver
Street Police Department of the Town of .!Mamaroneck,
pursuant to Section 246 of the military Law, while
he is engaged in the performance of military duty.
The Town Clerk read a letter from William E. Thrasher, General
Superintendent of Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1, in which the
stated that an error was made in the certification of water arrears made
December 11, 1941, to the Town Board and which was included in the levy
of taxes for the year 1942, insofar as it contained an item of $19 .13
against the property of R. F.. Wood known as 26 Bonnie Way and covered by
account No. 7827-2. This property, the letter stated, was listed as
being Block 104, Parcel 1, instead of Block 104, Parcel 60.
Upon motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the levy of unpaid water arrears
be corrected so as to cancel the item of $19 .13
against Block 104, Parcel 1;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this be without prejudice
to the re-levy of the said amount of $19.13 against
Block 104, Parcel 60, hereafter.
A petition in the form of a letter and bearing thirteen
signatures was received from residents along Rockland Avenue, Carroll
Place and Sheldrake Avenue, protesting against the use as a highway
the tem-oorary roadway between Stratford Road and Rockland Avenue .
The members of the Board recalled that at an earlier meeting
a larger petition in favor of the use of the roadway had been received.
The Superintendent of Highways was asked to inspect the roadway and
remedy conditions referred to in the latest petition.
A .letter dated July 27, 1942, was received from Mr. William J.
Shea commending the Town on the action of a sewer valve which had been
installed to protect his cellar from flooding during heavy rainstorms .
A letter dated July 25, 1942, was received from Town Engineer
Foote, in which he advised that John Cullen had left the garbage
collection department to work for the New York, New Haven & Hartford
Railroad Company, also that Antonio Laicomohad been employed temporarily
to fill the vacancy. He suggested that Mr.Laicomo be approved as a per-
manent employee.
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Brewer, it was unanimously the employment of Antonio Laicomo
RESOLVED, that employee and the continuance of his
as a temporary permanent employee be and it hereby
is approved;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that he shall serve at the rate
of pay fixed for the type of work performed by the
garbage collection department.
The following letter was read:
Larchmont, N. Y.
July 17, 1942
Hon. Bert C. McCulloch, Supervisor
Town of Mamaroneck
155 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, 1 . Y.
Dear Mr. McCulloch:
Since I have entered the Armed Forces of the United
States, 1 hereby tender my resignation as a member of the
Velar Council.
My association with you and the members of the War
Council have been most cordial and I am sure that our Community
will be able to meet whatever is in store for it because of the
careful planning that has been made by this body.
With every wish for continued success and with the
earnest hope that our Community will come thru unscathed, I am,
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Wm. V. McCarthy, Jr.
The members of the Board expressed regret on accepting the
resignation and asked the Town Clerk to convey by letter their best
wishes and to than. Pair. McCarthy for his many services to the Town.
The following letter was read:
July 21, 1942
Hon. Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck,
Mamaroneck, N. Y.
I submit herewith my resignation as constable for
the Town of Mamaroneck, and desire to express my sincerest
thanks for the honor conferred upon me by you gentlemen.
With kindest personal regards, I am
Very truly yours,
(signed) Louis Bleitdeis
It was stated that Mr . Bleiweis is now employed in Rhode
Island and upon accepting the resignation the Town Board asked the
Town Clerk to express to Mr. Bleiweis their best wishes for his future.
Councilman Brewer recommended and it was on motion duly made
and seconded unanimously
RESOLVED, that Globe Ind-emnity Company Bond No. A315975
in the penalty of 11,000 covering the position of con-
stable of the Town of Mamaroneck and naming Louis Bleiveis
as principal, be and it hereby is ordered returned to the
Globe indemnity Company for cancellation and that the
return premium, if any, be paid to the Town of Mamaroneck.
A letter dated July 21, 1942, was received from Mr. William
H. Johnson, Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck, to which was
attached a copy of a list of proposed sales prices submitted by the
Mamaroneck Realty' Board on village owned "properties located in the
Town of Mamaroneck. Mr. Johnson stated that he was requested by the
Village Board of 'Trustees to endeavor to arrange a conference between
committees of both boards to discuss the proper disposition to be made
of the property referred to .
During discussion which followed it was recalled that at the
meeting held February 4, 1942, the Town Board decided upon a plan of
procedure for the consideration of sale proposals submitted by the
Village of Mamaroneck. The Board directed the Town Clerk to ask
Mr. Johnson to refer to the letter mailed to the Village following the
above mentioned meeting.
A letter was received from Superintendent of Highways Foote,
and Councilman Mandeville explained that following the rejection by
the Vicar Production Board of the application of the Town for the pur-
chase of a new truck, three months would have to expire before a new application would be considered.
It was recommended and on motion by Councilman Kandeville,
seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Highways of
the Town of Mamaroneck be and he hereby is authorized
to obtain and file with the Federal War Production
Board such papers as necessary for application for
permission to purchase a truck for Town needs .
A letter was received from Mrs . Elizabeth Gagliardi of
Center Street, Village of Mamaroneck, in which she reported damage
to her property caused by a flood following a recent rainstorm. She
said that she had notified the village and received no response, also
that if nothing was done to relieve the condition, she would have to
take the matter to court. The letter was referred to the Town Attorney.
A statement of tax arrears on Block 411, Parcel 252, owned by
Mrs . James J . Florence, was received from the Receiver of Taxes .
The Supervisor advised. the Board that Mrs . Florence had.
called at the office to request a settlement and that she was asked
to make a definite offer by letter. He said that the letter had not
been received up to this time .
The Town Clerk was directed to advise Mrs . Florence and
request that she submit a check with the application.
A letter dated July 29, 196..2, was received from Mrs . Charles
C. King of Lakeside Drive, Larchmont, in which she stated that she was
ill with heart trouble and that the doctor had ordered that she rest
quietly at home . She complained that a number of boys are fishing
dally in the Larchnont Gardens Lake and the outlet stream and creating
a nuisance by shouting and making other unnecessary noises . She stated
that there is an ordinance against fishing in the lake and stream and
she asked that the police be instructed to enforce the ordinance. The
letter was referred to the Board of Police Commissioners .
The following reports for the month of July were ordered
received and filed: (1) Report of the Receiver of Taxes; (2) Report
of the Building Inspector; (3) Report of the Plumbing Inspector; and
(4) Report of the PaTamaroneck Health Center.
The Town Clerk presented the following list of polling places
for the year 1942 which were discussed by the members of the Board.
On motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman
Griffin, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions
- - of Section 66 of the Election Law, being Chapter 17
of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as
amended., the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
hereby designates the place in each election district
in the Town at which the meeting for the registration
of voters and elections and primaries shall be held in
the year folloiwing the ensuing first day of October:
Mamaroneck Avenue School
Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Mahlstedt Office Building
560 Fenimore Road, Palamaroneck, N. Y.
Mamaro Firehouse
Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Central School
Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1
Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, N . Y.
New Building, Chatsworth Avenue School
Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y.
New Building, Chatsworth Avenue School
Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y.
Larchmont Village Hall
Boston Post Road, Larchmont, P.I. Y.
-- 1965A Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, N . Y.
325 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, N . Y.
Chatsworth Gardens Apartments
14 N. Chatsworth Avenue, Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Murray Avenue School
Town of .Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Murray Avenue School
Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Second Floor, Weaver Street Firehouse
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
First Floor, Yeaver Street Fire House
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, N . Y.
Fenimore Cooper House, Larchmont Acres,
Richbell Road, Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the
reports of committees .
Councilman Kandeville stated that he was very sorry to report
that Mr. Thomas J. Morrison, former building einspector of the Town, seconded
had passed away. He offered the following ,
by Councilman Brewer and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Thomas J. Morrison was for many years a
resident of this community and served as one of
its officials; and
WHEREAS, by his friendly manner, his devotion to his
duties and public spirit he endeared himself to
everyone who came in contact with him;
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby express its
deep sorrow occasioned by his death and regrets
the loss to the community of such a fine citizen;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a 'copy of this resolution be
sent to the members of his family.
Councilman Brewer reported that the war damage insurance
policy had been received and found in order and that the valuations
placed on the buildings and equipment were the same as the amounts
given in the fire insurance policies . He recommended that extended
coverage be added to the fire insurance policies to protect the Town
against loss from windstorm, riots, falling aircraft, et cetera. He
said that with the heavy traffic of aircraft from fields all around
us the Town should be protected from everything in connection with air-
craft that has nothing to do with ',war damage.
It was on motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman
Mandeville, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that an endorsement known as supplemental
contract No . 4 be attached to the fire insurance
policies of the Town to protect the Town against
loss which may be caused by explosion, riots, wind-
storm, falling aircraft, which items are not covered
under the war damage policy.
Councilman Breyer referred: to the letter fror2 -air. Keeler,
the Town' s insurance broker, concerning the extension of coverage
of the war damage policy to include roads, streets, curbs, sidewalks,
pipe lines, et cetera, and stated that it was too costly and that in
his opinion the Town did not need it.
Councilman Brewer raised the question as to whether or not
the fire and war damage insurance coverage for equipment housed in
Town buildings was sufficient. He pointed out that in the firehouse
alone the equipment could not be replaced for any amount near the
figure given in the policies .
Mr. Gilliam Horne of Mr. Keeler' s office was present and
Mr . Brewer asked him to have the equipment re-examined.
Mr. H. H. Hodgkinson of Hodge & Hammond, Inc . was present
and the following letter was read:
July 9, 1942
Toren of Mamaroneck
Tom Office Building
Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, New York
Attention: Mr. Bert C. McCulloch
We understand that you have
One (1) Ten ton Austin Western Road Roller, serial
No. 13046, with three wheels and scarifier vrhich
is approximately twelve years old; also
One (1) Used Gardner-Denver 315 cu. ft. actual air
delivered gasoline portable air compressor
mounted on wheels, serial 11o. 71557 that you
purchased on September 17, 1940-
We are offering you $3200.00 cash for the roller as
is where is, and $3000.00 for the Gardner-Denver compressor
as is where is .
We have applied to the Gar Production Board for per-
mission to purchase this compressor which was on the critical
list, and could not be rented or sold until permission from
the W. P. B. was received. Te understand that they have
notified you of the permission to deliver this machine to us
for the purpose of selling or renting it after same has been
rebuilt and put in first class operating condition.
The road roller of course, is not on the critical list
and no such permission is necessary as far as the government
is concerned as to its disposition.
We will bring these machines to our shop and thoroughly
overhaul them and crate them for export shipment to an army
base job. We are enclosing a copy of a letter we received
from the War Production Board granting us permission to pur-
chase the compressor and sell or rent same.
We would appreciate hearing from you soon with regards
to these propositions.
Very truly yours,
/s/ H. H. Hodgkinson
Mr . Hodgkinson presented the following copy of a letter from
the Year Production Board.
June 30, 1942
Hodge & Hammond, Inc .
1162 Grinnell Place
New York, N. Y.
With reference to your letter of June 22, 23 have -
instructed the Town of Mamarcneck, New York to deliver to
you the used Gardner-Denver compressor which you will rebuild
and offer for sale or rental.
Townn Clerk presented the following letter which was
received by the Town:
Washington, D. C.
June 30, 1942
In reply refer to
Torn of Mamaroneck
New York
This is your authority to deliver to Hodge &
Hammond, Inc . , New York, N. Y. , one used Gardner-Denver,
Model WBG-315 portable compressor, Serial 71557.
Very truly yours,
J. S. Knowlson
Director of Industry Operations
Following a lengthy discussion, during which Councilman
Brewer asked Councilman Mandeville if the HighTay Department had
use for the equipment during the war emergency and upon Mr. Mandeville' s
reply that he did not think so, it was decided that the Town would
proceed to arrange a rental agreement.
The Supervisor asked Mr. Hodgkinson if, as stated earlier,
he would submit the rental agreement.
Mr. Hodgkinson replied that he would.
Attorney Delius called to the attention of the members of the
Board Section 142-a of the Highway Law and recommended that the contract
be made according to its requirements .
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Highways be
and he hereby is authorized to enter into a rental
agreement with Hodge & Hammond, Inc . for the use of
the following Town-owned equipment on federal defense
One (1) ten ton Austin Western Road. Roller, serial
No . 13046, with three wheels and scarifier
which is approximately twelve years old.
One (1) used Gardner-Denver 315 cu. ft. actual
air delivered gasoline portable air compressor
mounted on wheels, serial No . 71557, purchased
on September 17, 1940. ,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rental agreement shall meet
the requirements of Section 142-a of the Highway Law
and be subject to the approval of the Tear. Attorney.
Mr. Harry Mariani of Lakeside Drive appeared and claimed
- that because of the lack of proper drainage his property had been
damaged during the recent rainstorms . He stated that he had offered
to pay whatever cash was necessary to repair his property if the Torn
would supply the labor.
The Supervisor informed. Mr. lariani that under the lair,, Town
employees could not do such work on private property.
Councilman Brewer stated that the Town was not at fault, as
the storm was the heaviest in years with more than five inches of
rain water.
Mr . Mariani stated that he did not ask for money for damages,
but that he thought that he could have the help of the highway work-
men. He said that he wished to file his protest and asked that the
drains adjoining his property be inspected.
Welfare Officer DeVinne stated that at the meeting held
July 1, 1942, a committee had been appointed to study the new State
law permitting small work relief projects . He reported that a study
had been made of the plan and that he wished to recommend that no more
work relief projects be opened in the Town, as conditions did not
justify such projects . He said that the present relief rolls did not
carry many unemployed workers capable of doing this work.
The Supervisor informed the Board that on February 13, 1942,
the Town Board authorized the borrowing of $5,000 for the Fenimore
_ Road W. P. A. improvement project, $$11000 of wihich was to go for the
supplemental project and $1,000 for payment of bills that had been
incurred prior to this date. He reported that as of August 1, 1942,
an unexpended balance of $82.93 remained for the project. He said
that a sum of approximately $1,000 of unallocated surplus money re-
mained in the W. P . A. Fund, which money represented non-expenditures
of previous W. P. A. projects and from the rental of equipment to the
County for the construction of the Halstead Avenue bridge. He re-
commended that this balance of $1,000 be transferred to complete some
of the work, on the Fenimore Road project so as to protect it from rain-
storms .
Councilman Brewer asked if this amount would finish the
project temporarily so that the Town could leave same.
The Supervisor replied that he thought that it would.
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Comptroller of the Town of
Mamaroneck be and he hereby is authorized to
transfer from the W . P. A. Fund the unexpended
balance in the amount of : 1,000 to the W. P. A.
Fenimore Road improvement project fund.
The Supervisor informed the Board that Superintendent of
Highways Foote discovered that the bridge at the outlet of Larchmont
Gardens Lake sould be repaired by the County. He said that the bridge
is 30 feet video and that the highway lays require counties to maintain
bridges over 25 feet in width.
Councilman Mandeville recommended and Councilman Griffin
seconded the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Town Atorney be and he
hereby is authorized to take up with the County
the question concerning the maintenance of the
bridge on lakeside drive over the outlet of the
Larchmont Gardens Lake .
The Supervisor stated that he tried to get the County to
put in a sidewalk along the Palmer Avenue side of the former Weaver
Street Chapel Property where the County is installing a curb. He said
that Town Engineer Foote had recommended that the sidewalk be constructed
and that the County would not do so without cost to the Town. He said
that they could do the job at low cost because all of their equipment
was on the site and that they agreed to do it for $150.00, the cost of
labor and materials .
Councilman Mandeville moved and Councilman Brewer seconded
the following resolution which was on roll call unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Town Engineer and Superintendent of
Highways has recommended that a sidewalk at a
width of four feet be constructed on the southerly
side of Palmer Avenue between the line of old
Weaver Street and the line of near Weaver Street,
a distance of approximately 150 feet; and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department of the County
of Westchester is now doing work with equipment
near this site;
RESOLVED, that the Town Engineer and Superintendent
of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to enter
into an agreement with the Public Works Department
of the County for the construction of said sidewalk,
the County to furnish the labor and the materials
and the cost to the Town not to exceed $150.00, which
shall be paid out of the highway fund.
Councilman Mandeville recommended that letters be sent to
the Highway and Fire Departments commending there for their work during
the recent storm and flood which followed. He, said that the Fire
Department hauled out thirty-four (34) cars where water was up to the
The Town Clerk was directed to send the letters .
The Supervisor stated that it was almost train time and
asked to be excused from the meeting. He appointed Councilman Griffin
to act as Chairman for the balance of the meeting.
Councilman Griffin took the chair and requested Councilman
to present the reports left by Mr . Griffin at his place on
the table.
Councilman Mandeville presented a petition dated. August 5,
1942, received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment
roll so as
to permit the apportionment of taxes .
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Bates, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition dated
August 53 1942, for the correction of the assessment
roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions
f 1916 as
Section 10 of the Laws o ,
of Nection 33 of Chapter 5
amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petitions for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment rolls for the years
1941 and 1942, taxes of 1942 and 1943, which show
property now appearing on the roil as follows :
Section Block Lot
5 22 (1. 55 acres) Atlantic 3ulunicipal
(Bik. 505, Parcel 433) Corporation
Land Imp. Total
$12, 500 2, 500 15,000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot
Land Imp.
5 22 ( .78 acres) Joseph D. Cvaniga 6050 2, 500 8,550
(Blk. 505, Parcel 433)
5 22 ( .77 acres) Atlantic Municipal 6,150 - 6,150
(Blk. 505, Parcel 446) Corporation
Councilman 11andeville presented the report of the Department
of Public Welfare for the month of July, 1942, which showed as follows:
Chairman Griffin stated that there was no report for the
Park Department.
Councilman Brewer stated that there was nothing to report
other than the insurance question which was taken up earlier in the
Councilman Bates reported that for a number of years
Mr . Sam Carriero, 627 Fifth Avenue, Town, has had considerable trouble
with water backing up into his cellar through the sewer connection
during heavy storms . He recommended that the Town install a check
valve to remedy this condition.
During the discussion which followed Engineer Foote was asked
about the condition of the server along Fifth Avenue . Mr. Foote stated
that the sewer is twenty years old and inadequate to take care of the
load during heavy storms .
Councilman Mandeville stated that the house is situated near
a loin spot.
Councilman Bates presented the estimate for the work and
recommended that it be done .
On motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman
Mandeville, upon roll call, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Engineer be and he hereby
is authorized to award to the lowest bidder the
contract for the installation of a four-inch
quick closing valve on the house sewer connection
of Mr. Sam Carriero at 627 Fifth Avenue, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
A vote taken on the foregoing resolution resulted as follows:
AYES: Councilmen Mandeville, Bates and Griffin
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Councilman Brewer
19 1
Case Load
Case Days
Total Relief
7,933 .60
$4,777 .78
Average Cost
39 .67
Average Cost
Average Cost
Average Cost
Case Day
Individual Per Day
Councilman Bates stated that there was nothing else to report
other than the question about storm water drainage for the Fenimore
Road project, which matter was acted upon earlier in the meeting.
Chairman Griffin asked that a date be set for the meeting to
discuss the financial report submitted by Glick-Freedman, the Town
auditors, All agreed that, if possible, the meeting be held on Wed-
nesday evening, August 12, 1942, and the Town Clerk was asked to tele-
phone Freedman' s office to see if he was available for that evening.
Chairman Griffin asked that the Town Comptroller be informed
of the meeting.
The Town Attorney recommended and upon motion by Councilman
Brewer, seconded by Councilman Bates, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS in foreclosure proceedings instituted by
the 'Town of Idamaroneck against Nicholas Leone, et al. ,
the referee, duly appointed for that purpose by order
of the Supreme Court, sold to the Town of Mamaroneck
property described as Section 2, Biotic: 36, Lots 46 and
47, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamar-oneck; and
WHEREAS the said referee has applied to the payment of
certain taxes, assessments and tax liens owned by and
due to the Town of Mamaroneck, together with interest
and penalties thereon to the date of sale, the sum of
8535 .78 which taxes, assessments and tax liens are re-
quired to be cancelled by the provisions of Section 54
of the Westchester County Tax Act,
RESOLVED, that the following taxes, assessments and
tax liens are hereby cancelled:
Section 2 Block 36 Lots 46 and 47
Year of Year of Amount of Interest or
Tax Tax Lien Penalty Total
1936 1937 $ 60.60 36.96 $ 97. 56
1937 1938 64.66 31.68 96.34
1938 1939 71.84 2.6.55 98.42
1939 1940 59.62 14.90 74.52
1940 1941 60.09 7.81 67.90
1941 1942 59 .90 .60 60. 50
1942 40. 54 40. 54
Total 8 535 .78
Attorney Delius stated that he -was prepared to submit the
draft of proposed amendments to the Town ordinances but that he would
rather wait until the full Board was present.
Councilman Breyer stated that he was in favor of amending
the Zoning Ordinance so as to include into zoned districts the streets
of the Town.
Following a short discussion the matter was deferred until
the next meeting.
The Town Attorney stated that he recommended settlement of
the certiorari proceedings instituted by Park A. Rowley and Sidney A.
Olson to revievr assessment for the year 1941 (taxes of 1942) upon
property in the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmcnt, known
as Block 720, Parcel 37 on the assessment map, on the basis of a
reduction in the assessed value as fixed by the Supreme Court in
certiorari proceedings for the previous year, i.e. , $51,900.00. He
stated further that the attorneys for the relators were willing to
accept such a settlement and discontinue the proceedings without cost.
Vii:tF y
Councilman Mandeville introduced the following resolution
which was seconded by Councilman Brewer:
WHEREAS, heretofore a writ, of certiorari was obtained
by Park A. Rowley and Sidney A. Olson, owners of pro-
perty described on the assessment map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 720, Parcel 37, to review the
assessment placed upon said property by the Assessor
and Board of Review for the year 1941; and
WHEREAS the Assessor and Board of Review duly filed
return to said writ and no furthe proceedings were
taken with regard to said proceedings; and
WHEREAS the Town Attorney now recommends to this Board
that these proceedings be settled and discontinued upon
the reduction of the assessment for the year 1941, from
$64,900 (being $22,900 on the land and $42,000 on the
improvements) to $51,900 (being $22,900 on the land and
$29,000 on the improvements) ;
RESOLVED that the assessment for the year 1941 (taxes
of 1942) upon the property now owned by Sidney A. Olson,
and described upon the assessment map and roll of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 720, Parcel 37, be reduced
from $64,900 to $51,900, provided that the proceedings
to review said assessment be discontinued without cost
to the Town of Mamaroneck,. It is
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby
authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipula-
tion to obtain orders of the Supreme Court providing for
such reduction, and for the refund of any excess taxes
Chairman Griffin asked if there was any other business to
come before the meeting.
There being none he declared the meeting adjourned at
10:15 P. V. 1
Town Clerk