HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_12_05 Town Board Minutes F REGULAR MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING BY AND BEFORE THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK, HELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN L01, DECEMBER, 5, 1945 In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House , Town of Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8.15 P.M. (Eastern Standard Time) . Present : Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Keeler , Stiner , Embury , Watson The presence was also noted. of Town Clerk Payne , Town Attorney Delius , Accountant Finson , and Councilman-Elect Mills , Jr. The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the receipt of bids for property advertised. The Town Clerk read the affidavit of the publication of the advertisement which appeared in the Daily Times on Novem- ber 24 and December 1 , 1945, for the sale of various Town-ouned parcels of property. The Supervisor informed those present that it iirould be in order to proceed with the opening of the bids and so directed the Town Clerk. The bids showed as follovrs : PARCEL 1. - Office of Jane Cornell - On behalf of client , Mr . Alfred Willis of 132 Larchmont Avenue , Larchmont , N.Y. , offer on Parcel 1 as per advertisement , $6 ,130. A certified check for $613. was attached. PARCEL 2. - Francis P.W. Feldman - Offer to purchase Parcel #12 of the property known on the Town assessment map as Block 942 , Parcel 124, for the sure of $3 ,325.00 cash. P certified check for $350. was attached. Office of W.C . Burbank, Real 'state , made by J.F. Levin on behalf of Mr . Alfred B. Karet , bid of $4 ,000. for Block 942 , Parcel 124. A certified check for :5400.00 was attached , Peter C. Doern, Jr . Inc. , on behalf of Jacob Ackerman and John Baltz , offer of 1114 ,750. all cash for property known as Block 942 , Parcel 124. A check for $475.00 was attached. PARCEL 3. - Peter C. Doern, Jr. , Inc . on behalf of Fauity Holding Corporation offer of $3 ,600. One-half cash, balance on terms . A certified cheer, for $360. was attached. The Supervisor asked if there was any bidder present who wished to address the Board. No one responded. The members of the Board proceeded to consider the bids and following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded. by Councilman Stlner , upon roll call ] unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board accepts the offer made by the office of Jane Cornell on behalf of client , Mir . Alfred Willis of 132 Larchmont Avenue , Larch- mont , N.Y. , in the sun of $6 ,130. to purchase the property described as follows: Parcel 1. Lots No. 94-103 Inclusive on Map of Marchhmont Ridge , property of Fenimore Cooper Estates , Inc . , Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County , New York, portion of Section No, 5" filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records , Westchester County , New York, as Map No. 3942 and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 205, Parcels 40 and 48. Lots No. 58 and 59 on Map of Larchmont Ridge , property of Fenimore Cooper Estate , Inc . , Town of Mameroneck , Westchester County , New York, addition to Section No. 4" filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records, Westchester County , New York, as Map No. 3793 and known on the Tax Assessment Flap of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 208 , Parcel 505® Lot No. 84 and a part of Lot No. 84A and pert of Lot No. 85 on section map entitled "leap of Larchnont Ridge , property of Fenimore Cooper Estate , Inc . , Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County , New York showing Lots No. 88 and 89 and a resubdivision of Lots No. 84 , 85, 86 and 87 , etc , " filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records , Westchester County , New York , as Yap No. 4191 and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 209 , Parcel 232, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is in- structed to prepare the necessary papers and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign the con- - tract and deed conveying title to Mr. Alfred Willis, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town recognizes Jane dornell as the broker who brought about this sale and that she shall be paid the rate of commission fixed by the Westchester County Realty Board from the proceeds of this sale. On motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded. by Councilman Stiner , it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby accepts the offer of Jacob Ackerman and John Baltz , in the sun of 54,750. cash , made through the office of Peter C . Doern, Jr, Inc. , to purchase the following described property; Lots No. 1 and 2 as shown on the map entitled "Map of Eagle Hommocks , Town and Village of Mamaroneck, Westchester County , New York ," made by A.J. Foote Engineering Corporation and filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Division of Land. Records , Westchester County , New York as Nap No. 3571 and known oft the Tax Assessment 1, Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 942 , Parcel 124. FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign the necessary contract and deed conveying title to Jacob Ackerman and John Baitz. 7 Fr 'j7 v' t FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town. recognizes Peter C . Doern, Jr . as the broker who brought about this sale and that he shall be paid the rate of commission fined by the Westchester County Realty Board from the proceeds of this sale . FURTHER RESOLVED , that the acceptance of this offer is subject to the approval by the Board. of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck in vier, of their in- terest as owners and holders cif tax liens due the Village of Mamaroneck upon the premises. On motion by Councilan Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board accepts the offer of Equity Holding Corporation, in the sun of $3 ,600 . made through the office of Peter C . Doern, Jr . Inc , to purchase property described as followlss Part of Lot No. 22 and Lot No. 23 as shown on the ma.n entitled Map of Eagle Hommocks , Town and Village of Mamaroneck , Westchester County , New York" , made by A.J. Foote Engineering Cor- poration and filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records , Westchester County , New York, as map Nom 3571 and. known on the Tan Assessment Yap of the Town of PrTamrroneck as Bloc'' 942 , Parcel 659. Upon the terms stated in said offer , to wit, Fifty 50%` : per cent in. cash and fifty 50% per cent on one yec.r purchase money mortgage with interest at 4.5% per annum and. containing prepayment and release clauses providing for release of portions of property as follows: For release of that portion of the pre- mises described as part of Lot No. 22 on said Map , '$1 ,000 for release of that por- tion of the premises described as Lot No. 23 on said Map, $1 ,000; FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Toren Attorney be end he hereby is instructed to draw the necessary contract for the sale of the property in accordance with the terms of the offer and acceptance , and that the Supervisor be and he. hereby is authorized to acknow- ledge and delver the deed accordingly. FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town recognizes Peter C . Doern , Jr . as the broker vho bra-Light about this sale and that he. shell be na.id the rate of commission fixed by the Westchester County Realty Board from the proceeds of this sale . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of this offer is subject to the approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck in view of their in- terest as owners and holders of tax liens due the Village of Mamaroneck upon the premises. The Supervisor suggested. that the meeting proceed with the regular order of business . The minutes of the meeting of October 17 , 1945, Were ap- proved as presented. The Supervisor requested. the Town Clerk to read the com- munications The Town Clerk read the following letter ; November 23 , 1945 Honorable Town Board 158 'Test Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York Att: Robert D. Payne , Esq . Town Clerk Gentlemen: I will be released from active military duty on November 28. Since my term of office as Council- man expires on December 31 , it seems to me to be in the best interest of the Town and of the Town Board that the continuity in office of the member who re- placed me and who will succed me on Jannary Ist be not interrupted for so short a period. For this reason i have decided to forego the privilege of resuming office accorded me tinder the lade I have written this letter so that you will knolm my intention and may act accordingly and so that you, as vaell as those who elected me four years ago, may know that my failure to resume office is not because of lack of interest or indifference. With best wishes for your continued. success in the administration of the Town' s affairs , I am MB:RS Sinccrely yours , /s/ Dann Brewer The members of the Board requested the Town Clerk to send, a letter to former Councilman Bremer expressing appreciation for the spirit of cooperation shorn by Para Brewer in this voluntary act. A letter dated. November 13 , 1945, was received. from Mr. John C. Forrar , in which he made application for appointment of dog enumerator for the unincorporated area of the Town for the year 1946. On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded. by Councilman Embury , it was , unanimously RESOLVRFD , that pursuant to the provision of Sec- tion 108 of the Agriculture and Markets Law , John Ca Forrar be and he hereby is appointed as dog enumerator for the unincorporated area of the Town of Lamaroneck, New York, for the Dees 19460 A letter dated December 1 , 1945, was received from Police Chief Paul A. Yerrick advising that officers Eugene DeVeau. and Christopher Loveley have both been honorable discharged from the Armed Forces and have returned to duty on the police force. , That Officer DeVeau reported for duty November 24 and Officer Loveleyn December 1 Y5 On motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Stiner , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that the Town Board does ratify the re- instatement by the Police Department of officers Eugene DeAeau and Christopher Loveley , who have been honorably discharged from the Armed. Forces at the salaries provided for in the Civil Service Compensation Plan. A certified copy of the list of arrears for water , as of September 3C , 1945 , from the Westchester Point Water Works PTo. 1 , was referred to the Receiver of faxes . The following reports for the north of November 195, were received and ordered filed. Report of thie Receiver of Taxes and Assessments ; Report of the Building Inspector , Report of the Plumbing Inspector :, Report of the Mamaroneck Health Nurses; Re- port of the Westchester County Dog Protective Association. Mr. Charles Mink, Architect , for the proposed service station and taxi office being erected on Myrtle Boulevard by Frank Guadagnolo , appeared to advise the members of the Board that the owner was experiencing some difficulty in obtaining materials as specified in his plans and specifications. His purpose for appear- ing mas to find out trrhether the members of the Board would object to modifying the front elevation to permit the use of some other building material other than tile facing. There was considerable discussion during which the Supervisor advised that there are some of the materials available and suggested that other work proceed while the wort, where materials are not available be held in abeyance until such time as they can be obtained. The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished to appear before the Board on matters other than the proposed. budget . There being no one , he declared the public hearing cren for the pro- posed budget of the Town for the year 1946 . The Town Clerk read the affidavit of pu.blica.tion of the notice of the hearing published in the Daily Times , official newspaper , on November 24 and December 1, 1945. The Supervisor asked those present how they wished to have the proposed budget considered. He said that of course the simplest way would be to have each one raise objections on the items in which he was interested , but that the most thorough way is to follow, the procedure of previous years and go page by page . All agreed to follow this procedure . The Supervisor called out each page and asked for comments. At Page 17 , Department of Highways , a question vas raised. by Mr . Baum, President of the Larchmont Gardens Association, as to whether the Town Board had provided sufficient funds to maintain the roads of the Town in proper condition so that later on there would be less chance of a major repaving program. The Supervisor explained. that the roads are being maintained very well and that during the last four or five years curbing has been installed in many sections where the surfacing vans not protected at the edges. He pointed out that curbing is one of the greatest pro- tection to roads as it binds the surface into a solid block. .v e At. Page 25, Department of Parks , the question was brought up regarding the Honor Roll as to whether it night not be more practical to expend money for a so-called living memorial rather than for a monument or plaque . Mr . Embury , chairman on Park matters , explained. that the exrenditure for a living memorial would be considerably larger than what has been contemplated and that provision for the riairtenance - of such a building would have to be considered. He displayed a sketch drawn by Mr . Otto Eggers , inter- nationally known architect , and pointed out that the principal item is the ornamental bronze eagle which expenditure would be approxi mately one Half the cost of the entire memorial . He pointed out that the prorosed permanent memorial would complete the Park picture and that if the village of Larchmont cane into the plan on a pro rata basis the amount of money to be expended by the Town would be very small in comparison to the amount that might be needed for a community hall or similar type memorial. Mrs. Ruth Green explained that she was invited by Mrs. Dillon, who is a member of the County recreation Commission, to attend one of their meetings in White Plains , at which meeting there was discussion about living war memorials , and that it was said that similar discussions were, takirg place all over the. Country. The consenuus of opinion , she said , was that bronze tablets or plaques eventually do not mean anything . They befone weather beaten and forgotten as does everything else not in use , whereas a community house world be of use where organizations could have a place to meet . She said that she had also discussed this ;with the ilayor of the Village of Mamaroneck and, was informed that plans for a living memorial in the form of a stadium at Harbor Island were already formulated . The Supervisor pointed. out that a building of this type would have to be a general town charge and paid for by all the taxpayers of the Town. During the discussion it was pointed out that a memorial building would run into a considerable expenditure which in turn would require a bond issue . Councilman Embury maintained that the memorial planned would not run into a large expenditure and that is only natural to place such a :memorial in the Station. Park. Councilman-Fleet Mlills , Jr . inquired about the possibility of irnrroving the area owned by the Town and, known as the Town Yard. The Supervisor advised that considerable work had already been done at the Town Yard to prepare it for use at a later date when the Town could afford the money to complete the preject . He informed those present that a living memorial such as the one suggested would require a bond. issue and that the charge would be a general town charge , therefore , reouiring the consideration of the taxpayers in both villages. That this , with mixed ideas , would only delay the construction of the nemorial. He recommended that the Town proceed with the present plans . There were a number of questions asked about minor items and after all persons who desired. to speak on the budget had been heard , the Supervisor asked. those present their wishes. Mrs . Ruth Green stated that she wished to offer a motion from the floor that the preliminary budget for the year 1946 be approved. Mr . Herbert Baum stated, that he Twished to second the motion offered by Mrs . Green. There was a unanimous vote by those present.