HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_08_15 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD , TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD AUGUST 15, 1945 In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House , Town of Mamaroneck, New York, The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8: 15 P.M. (Eastern Peace Tune) , Presents Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Keeler , Stiner , Fmbury, Watson The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Town Attorney Delius , Comptroller Orsino and Accountant Finson The minutes of Jule 18 , 1945, were approved as presented . The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to address the Boards Mr. Richard Wood appeared regarding the foreclosure action being brought by the Town against Rockcliffe Estates . As president of the Corporation he offered $4,000 to settle the tax arrears There was considerable discussion during which the men- bens of the Board felt they were not inclined to look upon the offer as a. favorable one. The Supervisor stated that the file was not at hand and he could not recall the total sum of the tax arrears , but that the amount offered by Mr. wood did not appear to be very large as against what he thought was the total. The Supervisor stated that he would. furnish the members of the Board with the figures and sketches of - the property so that a. complete study could be made. Some of the members said that they would like to view the property before making any decision. It was agreed that there would be further discussion at the next meeting of the Town Board® The Town Clerk read the following letters State of New York Department of Audit and Control Albany August 9, 1945 Mr. Owen A. Mandeville , Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck Mamaroneck, New York Dear Mr. Mandeville A newspaper item quoting your recent report to the town board for the three month period including April , May and June , has just been brought to my attention. Your report indicates excellent progress. Tax collections have improved , outstanding short tern indebtedness has been reduced and a yeas-end surplus is anticipated, 633 3 Improvements of this character do no just happen. They are the result of efficiency and hard work on the part of local officials. As Comptroller , I wish to congratulate you and the other officials of the Town of Famaroneck upon the achievements evidenced in your report. Very truly yours , //signed/ Frank C. Moore State Comptroller The members were pleased with the comment from the State Comptroller. The letter was ordered. received End filed. The Town Clerk read the following letter: August 31 , 1945 Honorable Town Board Town of Mamaroneck Nev York Gentlemen: On September 219 1937 the Town assigned tax liens on property known as Block 222 , parcel 293 for the sale Years of 1930 to 1933 and 1935 to M.C. Pollak, Attorney, and on August 21 , 1939 Mr. Pollak assigned these liens back to the Town of Mamaroneck in exchange for other liens. When adjusting these tax arrears with the Comptroller ' s — figures , the taxes that were assigned to Mr. Pollak and reassigned back to the Town were left out of the adjusting figures. The taxes are as follows- Year of Tax S.C.T. School 1929 36.35 2.37 1930 28. 53 1®45 1931 27. 93 14>90 1932 29.62 15.64 1934 aL. --_--_ Totals 163.77 X34,36 These taxes were paid on July 7 , 1945 and will you kindly pass the necessary resolution authorizing the Comptroller to adjust his books accordingly. Very truly yours , HRD:cm /signed,/ Henry R. Dillon Receiver of Taxes On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Keeler , it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the folowing tax receivable control accounts be increased in the amounts below, stated.: 635 Year-of. Tax S .C.T. School 1929 536.35 2. 37 1930 28. 53 1.45 191 27.93 14. 90 1932 29:62 ' 15.64 1934 41 . 4 Totals $163.77 n34R36 - The Town Clerk reported that the Building Inspector had handed to him a. sketch showing the Rigano property on Brookside Place off of Rockland Avenue. He said that the Building Inspector advised that the water main in the street is more or less a private line as the street was never taken over by the Town and that Mr. Rigano approached Mr. Thresher , Superintendent of the Water Company for a connection and was told that first he must receive approval from the Town Board before permission could be given for a con- nection. The Supervisor stated that there was another matter in his files to come before the Board on the Rigano property and that first it might be well to consider the matter , wrhich involves tax arrears, before consideration is given to the water connection. The question concerning the water connection rwas laid on the table . The following reports for the month of July were re- ceived and order filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments Report of the Town Clerk Report of the Building Inspector Report of the Mestchester County Dog Protective Association The Town Clerk stated that he had at hand for approval the claims filed by the Election Inspectors for their compensation for Primary Day, 'July 31 , 1945. He advised that the sum approved in the budget vras at the rate of $8.00 for this date . It was on motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVER, that pursuant to the Town Lawn the Town Board herebv fixes the salaries for the Election Inspectors for Primar , Day , Julq 31 , 1945, at the sum of $8.00 for the hours 12 to 9 P.m. FURTHER , that the Town Clerk be authorized to approve the claims and the Comptroller to audit same for payment. The Town Clerk informed the members of the Board that the requirements of the State Department of Audit and Control for the publication of a notice referring to the Report of the Examination of the Town ' s fiscal affairs had been complied with and that a proper certificate with an affidavit had been filed with the Department of Audit and Control in Albany. He added that to date no one had ap- reared at the office to examine the report. The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the reports of committees . Councilman Watson presented and read a petition received from the Assessor requesting the approval of a number of pages of the Assessment maps , showing corrections made by the "own Engineer as of June 1st, 1945, such corrections being due to the sale or transfer of lots or plots , filing of maps in the Department of Land Records in White Plains , and so forth On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Stiner , it was , upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Board approves of the changes in the assessment maps of the Town of Mamaroneck as of the first of June , 1945, and the 'said maps are hereby, corrected and rectified. as of June 19 1945, in the following places- Page: 501 , 604, 605, 609 , 610 , 611 , 614, 801 , 206 , 811 , 815, 820 , 8259 827, 112 , 7C4 , 706 , 7099 7109 711 , 712 , 720 , 721 , 9019 902 , 906 , 907, 911 , 912 , 9249 926 , 929 , 942 , 949 , 956 , 718 Councilman Watson presented the following petitions re- ceived from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Fmbury , it was , upon roll call , unanimously adopted: WHEREAS , the Assessor/hpresented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years , pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 , as amended , known as the Westchester County max Act, and WHEREAS , after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the cor- rection of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RFSOLVED that the assessment roll. for the year 1944 , School tax of 1945 and the assessment* roll of 1945, tomes of 196 , which shovrs the property nor appearing on the roil as follows: Section Block_Tot Nane Land Imp, Total 6 53 6'.'.!, 7,'T 9 (614-43) 871 & 24 Ralph Flendershot $13 ,200 $6 ,500 $19 ,700 be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33m Section Block Lot Fume Land Imp Total 6 53 pt of - , (614-66) 6T°,r Frances T. Convery $ 2 ,400 fi 2 ,400 6 53 pt of (614-61) 6,v & 751 E . Edw Bracken & tq I$ 2,4CC X2 ,400 6 53 pt 771,87T (cl4-43) & 24 Ralph FFendershot 8,400 !"6 , 500 x',14 ,900 689 FURTHER RESOLVFD, that the assessment roll for the year 1944, school tax of 1945, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Section Block Lot Name Land Orly 1 65 73 to 76 Town of Mamaroneck 51.600 (124-3g8) be corrected as follows , in accordance evith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 Section Block Lot Name Land OrIv 1 65 75 & 76 Henry Z . Heigh S 800 (124-403) 1 65 63 ° 74 Town of Manaroneck 3 80C (124-398) The Assessor presented the following petitions To the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck; I hereby petition your Board to correct the 1.944 Assessment Roll , for the tax of 1945, so as to show the assessment agairst property of J. Vaughn Penn , Block 129 , Parcel 282 , as follows- Land Imr - Total $4,600 12,600 $17,200 This had been finally assessed for that year as follows. Land Imp. Total $6,250 , $12,600 18,850 The taxpayer instituted certiorari proceedings which were settled and conrronised by resolution of this Board , dated November 1st , 1944. This assessment was corrected to the amount first stated in this petition, but , through inadvertence , this correction was not made on the Assess- ment Roll. The taxpayer , meantime , raid the State , County and Town Tax which became a lien April lst , 1945, upon the original assessment. I therefore request that this Board adort a. resoution, pursuant to Section 33 of the Westchester County Tax Act , to correct this assessment and at the same time , provide for the refund of excess of taxes paid. Dated., August 14th, 1945 ,/signed/ James Pia Smith Assessor Upon receiving the petition of the Assessor , made pursuant to Section 33 of the Prestchester County Tax Act , for the correction of the Assessment Roll for the year 1944 , tax of 1945, with regard to property of J. Vaughn Penn , Block 129 , Parcel 282 , it 7ras on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman heeler , upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED , that the assessment for the year 1944 (tax of 1945) be corrected so as to show the assessment against this property as follows- 641 Block 129 , Parcel 282 , J. Vaughn Penn Land Imp. Total $4,600 $12 ,600 $17 ,200 and it is FURTHER RPSCLVED, that the amount of the State , Town and County to for the year 1945 (assess- ment of 1944) paid by J. Vaughn Penn , upon the total assessment of $18 .850 be adjusted and so much of the tax as is not due by reason of the .reduction in the assessed valuation of the pro- perty , be refunded to J. Vaughn Penn in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 33 of the Westchester County Tax Act. In connection with Incineration , Councilman Watson re- called to the members of the Board that on the first of August , Town Engineer Foote had taken over the supervision of the operation of the incinerator plant. , which previous to this was under the super- vision of the Village Rngineer , Mr. Richards , for one year under an arrangement. He informed the members of the Board that he has been over the matter at some length with rlre Foote who is making a pretty thorough check of the operation of the entire plant. That it seems that some improvements in the operation can be made and that Mr. Foote is asking the advice of Mr. Henry W. Taylor , who was the Consulting Engineer on the project in the first place. That a thorough check has been made by Mr. Taylor with his suggestions on what is to be done to get it in better running order . That there will be more information for the members of the Board at the next meeting. The Supervisor said that he would notify Councilman Watson of future meetings of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Incinerator Commission. Councilman Embury read the report of the Public Welfare Department for the month of July , which showed as follows Year Case Load Individuals Amount 1944 28 60 $1 ,298. 81 1945 18 25 813.36 Councilman Embury stated that the Board of Park Commissioners had no neeting since the last Town Board meeting and therefore there was nothing to report for that Department. In connection with sewers , Councilman Stiner reported that some repair work had been done. Be pointed out that the Department could use more men and that it was amazing that with the few men Working, a good job is being done not only with sewers but with the streets. Councilman Keeler said that he wished to report that the members of the Fire Department had his permission to parade the apparatus in celebration of the news of V-Day. He said t] at the fuel oil tank at the Fire rouse has been leaking and that the boys dug up part of it to see if it could be repaired . It was discovered that a new one would be needed and it was decided to get prices for a 1500 gallon tank, which estimates would be submitted at the next meeting. rl u Councilman Keeler reported that he had at hand a number of bills from the Fire Department totaling $1, 510. 11 , which he had checked. He recommended the approval of the bills as presented. The members of the Torn Board sitting as the Board of Fire Commissioners considered the claims , and it was on motion by Councilman Feeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved, and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same out of the budget for the Fire Department° Wesco Paint and Class Co. $53 . 57 Globe Motorists Supple Co. , Inc. 4. 15 Embassy Clearers 48. 54 Eureka. Fire Hose Division 115.38 Eureka Fire Hose Division 39. 79 Leonard W. Ericson 48.00 Suburban Fuel Oil Service § Inc. 18,C0 Tlestchester Lighting Co. 3000 L. Earl miller , Inc, 4.65 New York Telephone Company 17,25 A. Shires 75,00 The Wooster Brass Comrany _21. 12 S 448®45 Scarsdale Water Department (Hydrant Rentals) 335®00 Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 (Hydrant Rentals) 26®66 _ " 1061.66 Grand Total . i5loil The Supervisor stated that he was very happy to report that a check had been received from the State of New York in the amount of 81533 .98 , in payment of the Town ° s claim for excess cost of snow removal during the 1944-1945 period. The Supervisor pointed out that t'_^is was done pursuant to Chapter 473 , La,-as of 1945, a special act , because of the past heavy winter season, The Supervisor stated that he. had at hand a letter from P,Tr. Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes , in Which it was advised that rr. Bernard I.a.ncia, a discharged veteran, was offering a check in pa,'yment of tax arrears on Block 222 , Parcel 338 , at the face amount of the taxes. During the discussion which follovaed , it was decided, that the members of the Board vrotuld be inclined to consider the offer at the face amount of the liens which amount wci),16 include exrenses and penalties to date. It ?"ras on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Feeler , upon roll. ca.li , unanimously RES0IVE'D , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept payment of the follovri_ng taxes on property known as Block 222 , Parcel 338 , at the face amount of the liens nrovidirg payment is made within thirty days: (Continued on next rage) 6 L5 Year Year Pen. & Tax Sale S.C,T. School Adv. Total Lien 1938 1939 °25.76 )1c. 51 ?5 5.10 $ 41.37 1939 1940 24.73 10.31 4. 95 39. 99 1940 1941 24, 73 10.59 4. 99 40.31 1941 1942 24. 96 10.24 4.97 40. 17 1942 1943 25.74 10.61 5. 11 41. 46 1943 1944 25®64 10.69 5. 11 41 ,44 1944 1945 _25-56 11 . 79 _5 .8 42.8 Totals °177. 12 $,74.74 $35. 71 $287.57 The Supervisor recommended the following , which was on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A to Chapter 62 of the laws of 1909 , as amended , the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize and empower the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck to collect the 1945 school taxes for Union Free School Dis- trict No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, and School District No. 2 , Town of Scarsdale , Few work, which , under the provisions of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 , as mended, known as the Westchester County Tax Law, become a lien and are payable on September 1 , 1945, in tcao partial payments each amounting to fifty per cent 50% of any such school tax as levied ; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck is authorized and empowered to receive the payment of such partial payments or instalments of the 1945 school taxes for 'union Free School District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, and School District No. 2 , Town of Scarsdale , Few York, at any time but subject to the same penalties as are specified and provided. in Section 18 of Chapter 1015 of the Laws of 1916 for the nel-lect to ray the total amount of the school taxes after the levy thereof. FURTHER RPSOLVED, that the acceptance of anv such partial or instalment payment of the 1945 school taxes for Union Free School District Vo.. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, and. School District No, 2 , Town of Scarsdale , New York, shall not be deemed to affect in any manner any right of the Town of Mamaroneck under anv general or special Act , to enforce collection of the unpaid balances of such taxes as may remain due and owing to said town , but such rights and rowers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce collection of the un- paid balance of such school taxes , together with interest , penalties and other lawful charges. On motion duly made and seconded , the following resolution was unanimously adopted- RESOLVED , that this Board doe and. it hereby does designate "The Daily Times ," a daily newspaper published in the village and town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of publishing the notice of the collection of the 1945 school taxes as reeuired by law; and be it 47 FURTHER RESOLVED, that said notice be published in "The Daily Times" on Monday, August 20, 1945; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the Westchester County Act , the Town Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments , a tax bill for 1945 school taxes , the expense thereof to be a Town charge. The Supervisor referred to the public notice for bids on the property situated near the Town Yard adjoining the property of Mr. Lee H. Whitestone. He advised that no bids were received other than the one from Mr. Whitestone , which was in the amount of Following some discussion , it was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board, upon receipt of the sum of `$300 convey to lee Whitestone certain prorerty now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck which property is bounded and described as follows, ALL , that plot , lot or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the Town of I'lamaroneck, Westchester County State of New York, Trnown by and as the northerly rortion of the property as shown on a map entitled Map of property be- longing to the Town of Mamaroneck ," made by L.E.Van Etten, Civil Engineer and Surveyor , June 1 , 1931 and filed in the County Clerk' S Office as Map No. 3925, said plot , lot or parcel being more particularly bounded and described as follows. BEGIFMING at a point , which point is the .southerly corner of Whitestone property , and running thence northeasterly along; the southerly boundary of Whitestone property , N. 34-37-00" E. 5.15 feet , N. 220-43 ' -00" E. 14.79 feet , N. 50-12T -17" E. 29.42 feet to lands of Haugelstinet thence south- easterly along the Haugelstine boundary line S. 620-23 ' -06" R. 76. 84 feet ; thence southwesterly through Lands of the Town of Mamaroneck S. 43°- 11 ' -381' 171. 63,66 feet to an angle point; t epee continuing through lands of the Town of Mamaroneck 17. 46-48 ' -22" w. 40.05 feet and N. 410-41 ' -50" " ® 9. 95 feet to the point or place of beginning. The alo=e parcel will be sold stabject to any state of facts which an accurate survey or an inspection of the premises will shot FURTHER RESOLVED , that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Section -- 64, subjection 2 of the Town Law , and that the Town Clerk. is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution as provided. in Section 90 of the Town Law FURTHER RESOLVED, that subject to a permissive referendum, such conveyance be made by a bargain and sale deed and that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized to prepare all necessary rapers ircluding a deed for the purposes stated in this resolution. The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that Mr . F.L. Norris has offered. $384.02 to settle tax arrears on Block 112 , Parcel 608 , which represents the face amount of the tax liens. Following some discussion, it was on motion by Council- man Stiner , seconded by Councilman n.eeler , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on property known as Block 112 , Parcel 608 , at the face amount of the liens rroViding payment is made within thiirty days- Year Tax _ _ Year _ Amount of Interest Pen. & ^dv. _ _`_ Total Lien 1929 1930 $10.90 n 5.24 1` 3®44 S 19. 58 1930 1975 1931 1932 11.42 11. 18 6.02 5.96 ' .6o 3. 58 21 ,04 20-72 1933 1934.. 10.62 5.24 - .40 19,26 1934 1935 16. 56 86 4® 20 26. 62 1935 1936 11.74 5. 82 3.60 21. 16 1936 1937 12.38 5.94 3.7o 22.02 1937 1938 13.33 6.24 3.10 22.67 1938 1939 15.46 6, 3o 3x36 25.12 1939 1940 18® 55 7/73 3. 90 30, 18 1940 1941 18. 54 7.94 3.93 30.41 1941 1942 18. 72 7.68 3. 92 30.32 1942 1943 19.30 7.96 4, 02 31.28 1943 1944 1944 1945 19. 23 8.02 8. 84 4.02 76 x.1.27 -- Z _19.17 _4 _32 Totals $227.10 $100. 79 456.13 15384.02 The Supervisor referred to a letter dated august 6 , 1945 mailed to the Councilmen asking their consideration of the sale , by assignment , of tax liens on Block 940 , Parcel 157 (vacant land) for the farce amount of the tax liens with interest at 60, the total sum being $471.91. It was on motion by Councilman Watson , seconded by Council- man Embury , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the Receiver. of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed to sell by assignment to Mr. Harold E. Edell , the folloring tax liens on property known as Block 940 Parcel 157 , at the face amount of the liens plus interest at the rate of six per cent from the date of sale , provided payment is made within theft; days: Tax Sale Amount of Interest year Year Lien at 6L_ 1940 1941 ° 44.05 13_.02 1941 1942 91.93 17.46 1942 1943 95.96 12.47 1943 1944 93.67 6. 56 194A 1945 97.81 .98 The Supervisor advised the members of the Board that Mr. Euclide Brondoli was again ready to pay a portion of the total tax arrears on his property known as Block 126 , Parcel 427, He recalled to the members of the Board that an agreement had been made with Hr. Brondoli quite some time ago that he could pay off these tax arrears in sums covering the open years and that the last resolution was passed on June 6 , 1945. It was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Council- man Stiner , uron roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed to accept payment of taxes for the following year on the following described pro- perty, the liens for which are held by the Town in the face amount of the taxes! Black 126, Parcel 427 Sale Year Tax Year State , County School Tax Amount Due 1940 1939 $70.49 $29.38 ;99087 The Supervisor presented a list of taxes standing against Property which is owned by the Town through foreclosure. He recom- mended that some action be taken to cancel these taxes off the record. On motion by Councilman Fmbury, seconded by Councilman Stine,r , it was , upon roll call , unanimously -- RESOLVED , that the Tax Arrears records and the record of unpaid taxes be corrected so as to cancel the lien of these taxes . FURTHER &SOLVED, that the amount thereof be added to the value of the various parcels of property upon which they were liens , to be liquidated when said parcels of property are sold , Block Marcel Sa1e_Yen Total Lien 112 236 1944 9. 73 124 398 1944 24.46 127 l06 1944 7434 132 410 1944 14. 57 132 435 1944 283. 87 132 469 1944 379.97 132 492 1944 30. 39 133 42 1944 22x97 133 89 1944 18. 52 133 95 1944 15. 57 133 148 1944 29,6.5 133 186 1944 19.27 133 269 1944 7015 133 204 1944 19027 133 229 1944 77.81 203 173) 209 1) 1944 1, 500. 81 225 846) 1943 488.04 203 260; 1944 733, 17 209 300) 1943 214.68 I clock P_.rcel Sale—Year Total Lien Cont. 204 156 1944 1 143 ,16 1943 42935 204 180 1944 122. 82 1943 36.40 204 247 1944 629. 82 1943 184. 50 205 1 1944 9007 1943 26®90 205 25 1944 102.48 1943 30.46 205 40 1944 102.48 1943 30.46 205 48 1944 244. 14 1943 72.06 2o6 97 1944 528. 51 1943 154. 90 206 208 1944 489,03 1943 143 -37 208 406 1944 155. 38 1943 45891 208 505 1944 177, 75 1943 52.45 209 47 1944 82813 1943 24. 52 209 232 1944 147®23 1943 43 . 53 312 45 1944 177.0 1943 6o.18 312 130 1944 318. 11 1943 107. 71 313 1 1944 82, 13 1943 24. 52 313 201 1944 6. 85 1943 2. 0 314 48 19d4 176. 53 1943 52.09 403 268 1944 10.38 502 254 1944 18 52 801 512 1944 96.22 1943 45®31 913 260 1944 148. 93 934 29 1944 282. 28 935 1 1944 35608 942 31 1944 2370 942 124 1944 178656 942 224 1944 267, 47 942 659 1944 134.11 The Supervisor stated that he wished to inform the mem- bers of the Board that since the last meeting the Fire Department was very much in need of a man to fill the temporary position of driver during the vacation period and that Mr. Michael Hannan of 429 Boston Post Road, a discharged veteran, had appeared at the opportune time. He said that he recommended him to the Fire Chief and that subject to the approval of the Town Board he was employed. He pointed out certain transfers which could be made to take care of the salary item. On motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the action of the Supervisor and the Fire Chief be approved and that Michael Hannan be and he hereby is appointed to the position of Fire Truck Driver (Temporary) for the period July 27, 1945 to October 319 1945 inclusive , at a monthly salary of 1175, subject to the approval of the Personnel Officer of the County of Westchester. FURTHER , that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to make the following transfers in the 1945 Budget to provide the necessary funds for the payment of the above: FROM: Fire Department - Insurance 1145.00 Street Lighting 205@00 Hydrant Rental 100.00 Fire Dept . - Repairs , Equipment 10=0 753. 25 TO Fire Dept . - Fire Truck Drivers 0553.25 The Supervisor stated that for some time there has been consideration given to increasing the pay of certain employees of the Highway Department. He asked if the members wished to take action at this meeting. On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Keeler , it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the per diem rate of nay of the following employees be increased , effective July 16 , 1945- Decieco ) Ireland ) Lambiasi) From 6220 to 700 Ward ) Perri ) Catoe From 750 to 8220 FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective August 1, 1945, the hourly compensation of R. Hamilton, chauffeur in the Highway Department , be increased from 82.5 to 900. The Supervisor recommended that the fire hydrant located in Burton Road , a Town highway , the charge for which hydrant has heretofore been paid by the owners of the Larchmont Acres Apart- ments , should now be accepted and paid by the Town. On motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , it was , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED , that the fire hydrant on Burton Road be taken over and paid for by the Torun of Nmaroneck as of September 1 , 1945. The Supervisor reed the following letter: LARCHMONT =_ POST 347 AMERICAN LEGION Post Office Box 347 Larchmont , N.Y. July 19, 1945 Honorable Owen A. Mandeville , Supervisor The Town of Mamaroneck, Town Offices 158 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York Dear Mr Mandeville: We understand that you are now , or shortly will , engage in the preparation of the budget for the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1946. I am writing you as Commander and for our Executive Committee. We have received a modest allowance in the paste This does not begin to cover our costs , especially this year because of the return of great numbers of our boys from the Armed Forces to our Town, The Victorious conclusion of the European phase of our War has increased our work. We ask for more substantial consideration in your Budget in order that we may discharge in the name of the Torun, the obligations of our Community to the returning Veterans. we have expended several thousand dollars of our own funds to provide fit facilities in our own Club , as a gathering place and meeting place for social activities of interest to the returned Veterans. Also we hpve arranged and carried out a series of parties to returned wounded soldiers . This activity goes on. Some of the members of your Honorable Board have seen our work„ we have in mind a series of ;Welcome Home Parties to our own Larchmont Veterans on a good scale giving expression to the Community thought that we are glad to see the bons home. Some are home for good and being discharged , others are merely spending the duration of their furloughs with us befowe pre- paration for combat duty in the Pacific . We feel it fair to ask the Town for $1 ,000.00 as its partial contribution, to our cost of doing this work. This in the last analysis is a Community-wide Job in which we ask you to join -- us. Very truly yours , /signed/ H.B. Zeigr , Commander American Legion The Supervisor commented that this was a reasonable request but that the law is against it, He said that he had dis- cussed the matter with the Tourn Attorney and that the only thing that he could suggest would be that the members of the Board try to use their best efforts to arrange in some fashion the possibility of assisting them it getting these funds The Supervisor ,presented a letter dated July 6 , 1945 from Mr W.F . Thrasher , General Superintendent of the Westchester joint Water Works in which Mr. Thrasher reviewed what has been done to date in connection with the proposed development of the Mercandante property fronting on Weaver Street , He outlinedthe requirements for grater supply purposes and furnished estimates on the costs. The Superviser explained that the Interboro In- dustrials , Inc., the owners of the property at the present time , are negotiating with the water Company for the terms under which the installation of the water supply system will be made® He said that he would keep the Board informed, The mourn Attorney recommended. the followng resolution, which was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Embury , upon roll call , unanimously adopted; WHEREAS , proceedings to foreclose certain tax liens now oVrned by the Town of Mamaroneck, ef- fecting property known as Block 915, Parcel ' 2 on the Tax Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which property is within the incorporated Village of Mamaroneck, and known as Section 9 , Block 53 , Lot 2 and 9 now pending; and WHEREAS the Village cf Mamaroneck owns certain tax liens upon the sane property representing arrears of taxes due it which were heretofore levied against said property; and WHEREAS , this Board has Suggested that an agree went be made pursuant to the authority granted to the Town Board by Section 48 of the 1,9estchester County Tax .Act , Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1.916 as amended by Chapter 133 of the haws of 1935 and Chapter 457 of the Laws of 1936 , and pursuant to similar authority granted to the Village Board by Chapter 755 of the Laws of 1936 , providing that upon a. sale of this property in an action to fore- close the liens of the Town of Mamaroneck, this property be sold free and clear of the Town, :School and Village taxes and assessments and that the proceeds of sale , after paying the costs and ex- penses of the sale if insufficient to pay all taxes and assessments in full; be divided between the Town and Village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the amount due such Town and Village as of the date of sale ; and WHEREAS , this Board considers it to the best in- terests of the Town of Mamaroneck to enter into such agreements to the end that the property be sold free and clear of all taxes , and the pro- - ceeds of sale , if any , divided; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT , do RESOLVED, that this Board (the Board of Trus- tees of the Village of Mamaroneck adopting a similar resolution; hereby agrees that the pro- perty known as Block 915, Parcel 32 , on the :assessment Map of the Tovn of Mamaroneck, and also known as :Section 9 , Block 53 , Lot 8 and 9 , on the Assessment Map of the Village of Mamaro- neck may be sold in proceedings pout pending for the foreclosure of certain tax liens owned by the Town of Mamaroneck, free and clear of all Town , School and Village taxes and assessments , and that the proceeds of sale , if any, after paying the costs and expenses of such sale and of the proceedings to foreclose , if insufficient to pay all taxes and assessments , in full , shall be divided between the Town and Village of He- maroneck proportionately to the amount due each as of the date of the sale. FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Town of Mamaroneck, as plaintiff in said foreclosure action , become the purchaser at the sale , such property shall not be resold by the Town of Mamaroneck or its Supervisor until after the price and the terms of sale be approved by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck, and that the proceeds of such sale , if made subject to the approval of said Board of Trustees , after payment of commis- sions and other expenses of said sale , ircluding also the usual fee of a title insurance company for insuring title of this property to the Town of Mamaroneck, shall be divided between. the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Mamaroneck pro- portionately to the amount due each as of the date of such sale , plus the amount due the Town and Village for taxes or assessments thereafter levied upon such property The Town Attorney recommended the following resolution , which was on motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman 'Watson; upon roll call , unanimously adopted- WHEREAS , this Board. , on the 20th of June91945 adopted a resolution for the conveyance of cer- tain property now owned by the Town, to Irene C. Flinn, which property is more particularly des- cribed in said resolution; and WHEREAS , said resolution was adopted subject to a pervissive referendum provided in Section 64 , subdivision 2 of the Town Law and the Town of Manaroneck was authorized to give notice of the adoption of the resolution as provided in Sec- tion 90 of the Town Map; and WHEREAS , such notice has been given by publi- cation, proof of which is on file with the Town Clerk; -- NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute and deliver to Irene C. Flinn, a deed to the property described in the resolution of June 20 , 1945 upon receipt from her of the sum of $500. The Town Attorney informed the members of the Board that Mr, Frank Guadaanolo and his attorney , Mr. Thomas Fasso, from New Rochelle , had discussed with him the proposed contract for the sale of the Town-owned property on Myrtle Boulevard to Mr. Guadagnolo and that some details had been cleared up. Tie asked the members of the Board their wishes on some other details , after which he informed. the members of the Board that he believed that complete agreement would be made on the contract very soon, The Town Attorney reported, to the Board that he and the Larchmont Village Attorney, had an interview with Judge John T. Loughran at Kingston, New York , regarding the Court of Appeals decision. in the Larchmont Manor case and that after discussion ,with him, he had suggested that the municipalities might move for re-argument of the case, The Town Board authorized. the Town Attorney to join with the Village Attorney in making such a motion, Councilman Watson suggested that in view that this was the first meeting following the announcement of the end of World War No. 2 , that he believed that it would be fitting for the mem- bers of the Town Board to show through some action their deep ap- preciation for the sacrifices made by the people of the community in the armed Forces. Fie proposed the following , with. the other members of the Town Board joining him° WHEREAS , this is the first meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck following of- ficial announcement yesterday° evening by Pre- sident Truman of Japan' s surrender and cessation. of hostilities in World War II°, and WHEREAS , about, two thousand men and womer of this Town have responded to the call of their country and served commendably in the Armed Forces of the United States with about fifty of them making the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives in this great cause. NOW, THEREFORE ; BF IT RESOLVED , that in adjourning this meeting we stand for a moment in silence in recognition and appreciation of these services by these men and women and in expression of our sympathy to the families of those who made the supreme sacrifice: and be it FURTHER RFSOLVED, that a record of this action be spread upon the minutes of this Board meeting and be made public. The approval of the above resolution was duly made and seconded and then voted upon by the members of the Board and all those present in the room, standing in silence for more than one minute The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M. Town Clerk