HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_07_05 Town Board Minutes 5 A. , 51
HELD JULY 5, 1945
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House , Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 8:15 P.M. (Eastern War Time) .
Present: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Keeler , Stiner , Embury, Watson
The presence was also note of Town Clerk Payne , Town
Attorney Delius , and Accountant Finson.
The minutes of June 20 , 1945, were approved as presented .
The Supervisor suggested that at this time the Public Hear-
ing be held on the application, of the Fordham Transit Co. Inc.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished
to talk for or against the application.
Mr. Sol Paseltiner , Attorney, representing the Fordham Transit
Co. Inc. appeared and explained the reasons for his Company making
application for the modification of the original consent so as to
allow for the pick-up of passengers in New Rochelle. He said that
there world be no change in the procedure in so far as the Town of
Mamaroneck is concerned as there was no request for the taking or
discharge of passengers in the Town area.
Councilman Watson referred to the possibility that after
restrictions are lifted on gasoline that added buses to accommodate
the New Rochelle residents would be increase congested traffic con-
Mr. Sol Paseltiner replied that his Company is now using larger
vehicles which are running with empty seats and that it has been figured
that they can accommodate the people of New Rochelle with the same number
of buses.
Councilman Embury inquired if the Company contemplated giving
service from New Rochelle to the Bronx,
Mr. Paseltiner replied , "Yes. °
Councilman Embury asked how many passengers would travel
from New Rochelle to the Bronx.
Mr. Paseltiner replied that he did not know but that the
Traffic Manager of the Company who was present could furnish the figures
a little later.
The Supervisor interrupted by insisting that Mr. Paseltiner
answer the question which had been asked by Councilman Embury. He re-
minded the Attorney that the Board was holding this Public Hearing to
consider their application and that any information requested should
be furnished.
The Attorney promised to give Councilman Embury the information
before a vote was taken on the application.
Mr. Frank J. Zwick, attorney, representing the County
Transportation Co. and the New York, New Haven Railroad Co. , appeared
to enter objections to the granting of the consent. He stated that
if permission is granted by the municipalities and the Public Service
Commission that this line might lead to impairment of service by the
County Transportation Co. ,and continued, "although of course we will
do our best to maintain the best service we can. " Be pointed out
that there would not only be heavy competition for the New Rochelle-
Playland traffic , but also the New Haven Railroad would be affected
by the competition from New Rochelle and New York, both up-town and
down-town. He claimed that the plan of this bus line was to make con-
nection with the New York subway system.
Be said that on behalf of the trustees of the New Haven
Railroad he wished to enter a protest against the granting of the
consent as it would put a very heavy drain on the revenues of the
Company. He read a prepared statement shoeing the amount of taxes
paid by the Nev., Haven Railroad and the County Transportation Co. to
the Town of Mamaroneck. He further pointed out that the County tran-
sportation Co. operates its buses in all kinds of weather all year
around and that it is unfair for another Company to step in and take
the cream of the revenues.
Mr. Zwick furnished some further detailed information to
the members of the Town Board , after which the Supervisor asked if
there was any one else to be heard for or against the application.
There being no one , he declared the hearing closed and advised the
representatives ob both Companies that the Town Board would take into
consideration all that had been said, and after a study of the matter
come to a decision as soon as possible . He told them that their would
be notified as to the results of the deliberations of the Board.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished
to appear before the Board.
Mr. Charles A. Mink, Architect , appeared with Mr. Frank
Guadagnolo and presented a sketch showing the floor plan and front
elevation of the proposed service station and taxi office for the
property approved for sale by the Town to Mr. Guadagnolo, subject to
his submitting plans for the property being situated on Myrtle Boulevard
and known as Block 133 , Parcels 890 and 901.
The Town attorney informed the members of the Board that he
had explained the details of the sale to Mr. Guadagnolo and that they
were accepted.
Following discussion, the Supervisor suggested that five
copies of the sketch be made for the members of the Board so that they
may study same.
Councilman Reeler suggested that a synopsis of the specifi-
cations be drawn to accompany the sketches. Mr. Mink promised to get
these to the members of the Board before the next meeting.
The Supervisor asked Attorney Delius if he had anything to
bring before the Board.
Attorney Delius referred to the two offers on Parcels 3 and 4
received at the last meeting and stated that Mrs. Doyle was informed by
letter that her offer was too low and that if she would meet the offer
of Q250. , which is the offer for the adjoining property , that the
Board might approve the sale . Be said that there was no reply.
He recommended that the offer of Mr. Henry M. Leigh in the
sum of $250. for Parcel #4 be accepted and that the Supervisor be
authorized to sign the deed for the transfer of same.
On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman
Embury, it was , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the offer of Mr. Henry M. Leigh
in the sum of $25C. for the purchase of property
described as follows , be approved;
ALL those certain lots , pieces or parcels of
land situate , lying and being in the Town of
Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State
of New York, known and designated as Lots Nos.
352 and 353 on a certain map entitled "A cor-
rected map of 428 Lots of Long Island Sound
Land and Improvement Co. at Larchmont in the
Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New
York" , made by Fletcher Herdt , Surveyor , dated
July 27, 1892 and filed in the office of the
Clerk of the County of Westchester , Division
of Land Records , formerly Register ' s Office ,
on Juiy 29 , 1892 as Map No. 1033.
Said premises being formerly known as Lots
Nos. 75 and. 76 , Section 1 , Block 65 on the
Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
and being now known as per of Parcel 398,
Block 124 on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign and deliver a deed for the same
to Henry Pi. Leigh.
Concerning the proposed abandonment of "old Weaver Street"
which adjoins the park area at the intersection of New Weaver Street
and Palmer Avenue , the Town Attorney said that he had discussed this
matter with Town Engineer Foote who suggested that in view of the
fact that the law provides that one-half of the street abandoned
reverts to the adjoining owner , that a quitclaim deed be obtained
from Mr. C.C . Merritt .
Following discussion the Board instructed the Town Attorney
to get a quitclaim deed from Mr. G.C. Merritt for that part of the
road abutting his property.
The Town Attorney reported that he had received a letter
from Mr. Richard F. Wood , President of Rockcliffe Estates, requesting
that the foreclosure proceedings be delayed for ten days pending a
possible offer to compromise the taxes on property held by the Cor-
Following discussion the Attorney was instructed to proceed
with the foreclosure without delay.
The Supervisor presented a letter dated June 20 , 1945, re-
ceived from Wm. H. Johnson, Village Manager , in which it was advised
that the Village Board of Mamaroneck had approved the sale of the
property known as Section 8, Block 82 , Lot 23 (Block 819 , Parcel 33)
to the Lodge Alessandro Manzoni #258 , for the sum of $525. A certified
copy of the resolution was attached.
It was on motion by Councilman Feeler, seconded by Council-
man Stiner , upon roll call, unanimously resolved;
THEREAS , the Village of Mamaroneck has heretofore
acquired by deed in lieu of foreclosure , property
known as Section 8 , Block 82, Lot 23 , on the tax
assessment map of the Village of Mamaroneck; and
0, 99
VM REAS , the Town of Mamaroneck owns certain tax
liens upon the same property which is known upon
the tax assessment map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 819, Parcel 33 , representing arrears of
taxes due it which were heretofore levied against
said property; and
WHEREAS , the Village of Mamaroneck, by resolution
duly adopted June 11 , 1945 accepted an offer from
Lodge Alessandro 19anzoni , No. 258 , Order Sons of
Italy in America, for the purchase of the property
in the amount of $525. , which acceptance , however ,
is conditioned upon similar action being taken by
the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS , this Board considers it to the best in-
terest of the Town of Mamaroneck to approve such
offer and to authorize the sale to the end that
the property may be sold free and clear of all
taxes and the proceeds of sale , if any, divided,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro-
neck agrees that property known as Section 8 , Block 82 ,
Lot 23 on the tax assessment map of the Village of
Mamaroneck, and known upon the tax assessment map
of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 819 , Parcel 33 ,
be sold for the sum of $525.00.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the net proceeds of such sale
shall be divided between the Town of Mamaroneck and
the Village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the
amount due each as of the date of such sale.
The Supervisor referred to his memorandum to the members
of the Board dated June 26 , 19459 with reference to the lot known as
Block 222 , Parcel 293 , on which Mr. Andrew Bellanca had made a second
and final offer for tax liens, He annoQnced that replies from the
members of the Board show that all were in favor of disposing of
the tax liens for the $400. offer. He suggested that a resolution
be adopted to approve the same.
On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman
Embury , it was , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed
to sell by assignment the following tax liens on pro-
perty known as Block 222 , Parcel 293 , for the sum of
$400. , to George G. Rapp , 482 Weaver St. , La.rchmont ,
New York-
Sale fear Tax Year Amount of Liens
1930 1929 $ 27.74
1931 1930 21.48
1932 1931 ?o.68
1.933 1932 32.42
1935 1934 29.61
1939 1938 38.97
1940 1939 25.09
1941 1940 37.95
1942 1941 37.83
1943 1942 39.06
1944 1943 39.04
1945 1944 40.13 .$400.00
The Supervisor read a letter dated June 19 , 1945, received
from Frank S. Washburn, Mayor of the Village of Larchmont , in which
there was reference to Parcel 671 , Block 601 , and the fact that the
Village of Larchmont would accept a deed from the Town in lieu of
taxes due on this property.
The Supervisor stated that this matter had been open for
a long time and he recommended that because of the easements through
the property same be conveyed to the Village of Larchmont.
On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman
Emburv , it was upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign a deed conveying the property
known as Block 601 , Parcel 671 (metes and bounds
description to be furnished by the Town Engineer)
on the assessment map of the Town, to the Village
of Larchmont , in lieu of the payment of tax-arrears
on this parcel , due the Village of Larchmont by the
Town of Mamaroneck.
The Supervisor presented two letters, each date ; July 5, 1945,
received from Mr. Walter C. Burbank, Real 7statp Broker. One letter
referred to Parcel 25, Block 205, on the assessment of the Town on
which a client of Mr. Burbank' s , Mr. Raymond T. Maston, Jr. offered
$1106.00. A check in the amount of $100. as proof of good faith
was attached. The other referred to Parcel 1 , Block 205, on the
assessment map, on which Mr. Vaston offered $757. 50. A check in
the sum of $100. was attached as proof of good faith on this offer.
The Supervisor explained that the property is situated
near the corner of Mohegan Road and Avon Road where Mr . Watson re-
sides , these lots being joined to his property on each side.
There was discussion , after which it was decided that the
Town Attorney be authorized to prepare a legal notice to the effect
that the Town was offering this property for sale , bids to be re-
ceived at the next regular meeting of the Town Board.
It was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by
Councilman. Stiner , upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED , that the following notice be published
in the Daily Times, the official newspaper of the
The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck will accept
bids for the purchase of the following described two parcels
of property acouired in tax lien foreclosure proceedings ,
provided such bids are received by the Town Clerk on or
before July 18th, 1945, at 5 o' clock P.M. at his office
at 158 !pest Boston Post Road in the Village and Town of
The plot or parcel of land. designated as Lot No. 90
-- on a certain map entitled "Map of Larchmont Ridge ,
property of Fenimore Cooper Estates , Inc. , Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County , N.Y. , portion of
Section No. 5" , dated March 12 , 1933 and. filed in
the office of the County Clerk, Division of Land
Records , formerly Register ' s office , Westchester
County, New York, on March 16 , 19339 as Map No. 3942,
being also known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1938 as Section 2 ,
Block 8A, Lot 90 and being designated on the rre-
sent Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck,
as Block 205, Parcel 1.
Parcel IT
The plot or parcel of land designated as Lot No. 92
on a. certain map entitled Map of Larchmont Ridge ,
property of Fenimore Cooper Estates , Inc . , Town of
Mamaroneck, I'lestchester County , Y.Y. , portion of
Section No. 511 , dated March 12 , 1933 and filed in
the office of the County Clerk, Division of rand
Records , formerly Register ' s office , Westchester
County , New York, on march 16 , 1933 , as Yap No.
3942 , being also known on the Tax Assessment Yap
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1938 as
Section 2 , Block 8A , Lot 92 and being designated
on the present Tax Assessment leap of the Town. of
Mamaroneck, as Block 205, Parcel 25.
The two above parcels are sold subject to covenants , re
strictions , easements and rights of way contained in former
deeds and instruments of record on file in the County Clerk' s
office , Division of Lard Records , formerly Register ' s Office
of Westchester County , lighting and telephone agreement , with
right to trim trees , recorded in Liber 2843 of Deeds , page 42
in the office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester , Division
of Land records , formerly Register ' s office, any state of facts ,
including changes in street lines which an accurate survey may
show: any state of facts that an inspection of the premises
show, rights to the natural flow of the brook which flows
through the premises and adjoining premises, rights and ease-
meats to use and maintain poles and. wires upon or across the
premises; and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck and
amendments thereto.
Bids must be made separately for each. of the two above
described parcels .
All bids must be accompanied by certified check for 10
of the amount bid and in the event the bid is rejected the
check will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder.
All bids should be contained in an envelope addressed
to the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck and should be
plainly marked. "Bid for Property."
Bids will be publicly opened. at the Town Board meeting
to be held at 8015 P.M. on July 18,1945 in the Council Room
in the Weaver Street Fire House in the Town of Mamaroneck.
The right to reject any or all bids submitted pursuant
to this advertisement is reserved, by the Town Board.
_ Dated. , July , 1945
By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck.
Robert D. Payne , Town Clerk
The Supervisor read- the following statement received
from the Receiver of Tares and Assessments and certified to by
the Town Accountants
1 - $ 21 ,S22.7C
2 11 ,483.07
3 5,725. 57
4 8091.68
5 2106.31 $ 49,229.33 - Unincorporated
6 $ 5,388.81
7 60621oS6 $ 12,020.67 - Village of Larchmont
8 $ 10 ,145.46
9 1.232,62 $24.683.08 - Village of Mamaroneck
Grand Total-$ 85,933.08
92.869% Paid. - 7.131% Unpaid
Special Assessments - $1 ,958.15
Water Arrears 11 . 59
Verified and found correct-
/Signed/ Alexander Pinson
Town Accountant
The Supervisor presented the semi-annual report of the
--- financial condition of the Torn which was commented upon by the
members of the 'Board as being; excellent , and that copies should be
sent to the organizations within the Totem as well as a cony to the
newspaper for publication . Councilman Keeler suggested that this
be done in order to acquaint the people of the community with the
financial condition of the Town.
The following statements were distributed to the members
of the Board: List of claims audited and paid by the Comptroller
from June 2C to July 5, 1945; Report of Bank Balances as of 9 A.M. ,
July 5, 1945.
Councilman Keeler reported that he had at hand a number
of bills from the Fire Department totaling $930.38 which he had
checked, He recommended the approval of the bills as presented .
The members of the Town Board sitting as the Board of
Fire Commissioners , considered the claims , and it was on motion by
Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call ,
RESOLVED , that the following described claims be
and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor
and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized
to pay same out of the budget for the Fire De-
Neer York Telephone Company $ 6. 75
The portable Light Co. Inc. 1012
Harold 0. Thomsen 5.24
Globe Motorists Supply Co. Inc. $ 41. 57
Plaza Pharmacy 2.48
G. Roy Hall 9. 50
Ramon Martinez 48. 50
Eureka Fire Hose Division 26.91
The C.G. Braxmar Co. Inc. 9.15 $151.22
Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 726.66
Hydrant Rentals
Fire Service Charge (Hydrants) 1250
Councilman Stiner reported in connection with the Board
of Review by stating that there were four more parcels to inspect
before the final work is completed.
He reported that the semi-annual meeting of the Examining
Board of Plumbers had been held on ,Tune 30 , 1945, at 11 A.M. , and
that there were no applications. He advised that all the members
of the Board were present.
Councilman Embury presented the report from the Department
of Public Welfare for the month of June , 1945, which showed as
follows :
Year Case Load Individuals Expenditures
1944 30 64 $1 ,371.04
1945 19 33 726.30
Councilman Watson presented a, petition received from the
Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit
the apportionment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman Watson , seconded. by Councilman
Stiner , the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHFRFAS , the Assessor has presented a petition for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain
years , pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of
Chapter 105 of the haws of 1916 , as amended , known
as the Westchester County Tax Act ; and.
WHEREAS , after due consideration this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petition for the cor-
rection of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED , that the assessment roll for the year 1944 ,
school tax of 1945, and the assessment roll of 1945,
taxes of 1946 , which shows the property now appearing
on the rolls as follows :
Section_Block_Lot Name Land Imy. Total
1 6 llo
(109-104) 111 W.R. Farrell & W, 17,000 013 ,000 520 ,000
be corrected as follows , in acccrdance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
There was full discussion, following which it was on motion
by Councilman Stiner , seconded- by Councilman Keeler , upon roll call ,
RESOLVED , that the application of Fordham Transit
Co. , Inc, filed on June 20 , 1945, and hearing for
which was held July 5, 1945, be and it hereby is
- denied , and the Town Attorney is hereby authorized
to notify all parties involved .
At 9:45 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk