HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_04_18 Town Board Minutes `F7
HFLD APRIL 18, 1945
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House , Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 8:15 P.M. (Eastern War Time) .
Present: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Embu:ry , Stiner , Yeeler
Absent: None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Town Attorney
Delius , Assessor Smith , Comptroller Orsino , and Accountant Finson.
The minutes of the meetings of March 28, 1945 and April 13 ,
1945, were approved as presented.
The Supervisor requested. the Town Clerk to read the communi-
A letter dated April 16, 1945, was received from Pau. A. Yerick,
chief of Police of the Town, in which he advised that the International
Association of Chiefs of Police have developed a nation-wide Brake
Emphasis Program, and he asked that the Town Board adopt a resolution
authorizing participation in this Program. That Chief Martenson of
the Village of Mamaroneck and Chief Keresey of the Village of Larchmont
have offered to cooperate with him in this Program. Fie advised- that
a public demonstration to acquaint the public of the advantage of
having good brakes will be held on May 5, weather permitting, at three
o ' clock P.M. on Mamaroneck Avenue near the Mamaroneck Avenue School.
The members of the Town Board were invited to be present if
the plan neets with their approval.
Following some discussion, it was on notion by Councilman
Embury , seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call , unanimonsly
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck join in the
nation-wide Brake Emphasis Program, and that hief
of Police , Pahl A. Yerick, be and he hereby is
authorized to cooperate in the proposed public
A letter dated April 16 , 1945, was received from Paul A. Yerick
Chief of Police , in which he advised that temporary patrolman Daniel V.
Carriero of the Town Police Department has resigned on April 15, 1945.
On motion duly made and seconded the resignation iiras accepted.
The Town Clerk presented a claim received from ti:e Assessor
for expenses in connection luith a trip to Albany on April 17 , 1945, to
confer with Mr. R.B. Slack, Secretary of the New York State Tax Commission ,
in the amount of $15.35.
It was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman
Stiner , upon roll call, unarimoizsly
RESOLVED, that Assessor James M. Smith be allowed
for his expenses in connection with his trip to
Albany on April 17 , 1945 to confer with the Se-
cretary of the State Tax Commission and that his
claim in the amount of $15.35 dated April 18, 1945
be paid out of the funds in the budget for travel-
ing expenses.
The following reports for the month of March , 19459 were re-
ceived and ordered filed.: Report of the Receiver of Taxes & Assessments;
Report of the Town Clerk; Report of the Building Inspector; Report of
the Plumbing Inspector ; Report of the public Health Nurses; Report of
the Westchester Count., Dog Protective Association,
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished
to address the Board.
Mr. Arthur Richards , Executive Engineer of the Village of
Larchmont stated that he had a memorandum requesting the Torn to deliver
to the Village Yard the bundles of clothing left by citizens at the
Weaver Street Fire Station and at the Bose & Parker Garage. Also that
the Town trucks assist in delivering the bundles , as finally packed, to
the Federal Warehouse in Hawthorne.
The Supervisor recommended that Mr. Richards leave the
Mamaroneck with the moan Clerk who was requested to see the matter through.
Mr. Richards said that in connection ttrith these drives there
were other expenses , and he presented a bill for the Towns portion as
Town' s portion of cost of ,printing and mail-
ing circulars for collection of clothing 538.94
Telephone at Consumer Center ,
January 1943 to April 1945 126. 59
The Supervisor stated that this is a natter for the approval
of the War Council of Civilian Defense and recommended that the bill be
turned over to Councilman Keeler to be considered by the War Council,
Mr. Richards said that the Village Board had requested him
to take up some other matters with the Town Board and he presented a
certified copy of the following resolution-
At a regular meeting of the Board. of Trustees of the
Village of Narchmont , N.Y. held in the Trustees " Room at the
Municipal Building in said Village at 8-00 P.M. on the 16th
day' of April , 1945.
PRESENT Spencer Greason, Acting Mayor
Aaadrew E. Tuck
Gail Golliday
Arthur W. Coombs , Trustees
ABSENT Mayor Frank S . Washburn
The following resolution eras duly moved by Trustee Tuck,
seconded by Trustee Coombs and unanimous adopted
RESOLVED, that the following parcels of ground be pur-
chased by the Village of Larchmont pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 169 of the Village Law for the purpose
of use as public parks , said parcels being
Block 701 , Parcel 175, located on Lorenzen Street
11 701 11 195, 11 11 1. 11
'' 701 11 2270 11 BP 11 tl
704 f1 121 " " Larchmont Avenue
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Board of Trustees and
of the Town of Mamaroneck be requested to place such
parcels of ground on the tax exempt list of the assess-
ment roll of said Town.
There was considerable discussion during which Mr. Richards
presented a map showing the property referred to and he stated that
the Village Board wished to request that penalties and interest be
waived on the tax arrears on the property referred to
Following discussion the members of the Town Board decided
to refer the matter to a committee comprising of Mr. Keeler and Mr.
Stiner to report back at the next meeting of the Torn Board.
Mr. Richards presented the following cony of a letter mailed
to the Town in 1944:
October 30 , 1944
Town of Mamaroneck
158 West Post Road
Mamaroneck, N.Y.
We understand that you are now the owner of pro-
perty in the Village of Larchmont known as Bloch 615,
Parcel 1, Te find on our records the following unpaid
liens held by the Village against the above mentioned
Tax Year Late of Sale mL of Lien Interest* Total*
1932 2/15/33 30.13 43.38 73. 51
1933 31/15/34 29.90 39.47 69.37
1934 3/13/35 29.00 34.30 63.80
1935 3/10/36 17.98 19.42 37.40
1936 3/10/37 18.62 17.87 36.49
- 1937 3/10/38 18. 54 15® 57 34.11
1933 3/10/39 19.05 13. 71 3.2.76
1939 3,12/40 18.91 11®35 30.26
1940 3/12/41 1302 6.49 20.01
1941 3/10/42 1302 4. 80 18. 12
1942 3110/43 13.26 1.18 16.44
222023 TOM 432727
*$222.23 less 120 - $195. 56
When payment of the above liens has been approved , we
would be pleased to figure interest on the liens to the
expected date of payment.
Fours very truly ,
Village Treasurer
*Book 59-1 , Sec. 4, Sub. 3 , Page 43.
Off tax roll for 3. years , 1943-44®45
Put back on tax roll for tax of 1946
*(Were pencil figures.,
Mr. Richards said that the above property referred to was on
the tax roll and the Town requested that it be removed when it became
the owner and: that according to law it will be off the roll for the
- three years permitted ending this year. That next year they must put
it back on the roll again. He asked what the Town was going to do
about the old arrears referred to in the above letter. The mater
was laid on the table.
Mr. T. Roosevelt Allen appeared with a delegation of the
Board of Directors of the Humane Society requesting additional funds
for the extra work done in connection with the dog quarantine for rabies.
This year , he said , there was such an appeal made by Dr. Holla and because
of the great amount of publicity given on the radio , in the press and
throghout the County Health Department , they were compelled to do this
extra work. That funds were borrowed from their Building Fund to carry
on the work. He asked if the Town could appropriate the sum of $400 to
recompense the Society for the actual work performed
The Supervisor said that he believed the Town SrroLrld be willing
to cooperate provided all the other municipalities are willing to con-
tribute in the same fashion, He stated that he did not grant to go about
obtaining these funds and. then finding out that the. other towns are not
willing to do their share . He said that he thought that the best answer
was if the other local communities wrill do their share that Mr. Allen
could rely upon the Town to find. the $400,
Mr. Allen said that he intended to go to the City of Rye , the
Village of Mamaroneck, and the Village of larchmont , and make similar
requests . He said that the Village of Larchriont was the only place,
where a less amount , or $200 , would be asked because the area is smaller
and the services rendered is quite a lot less than the services rendered
to the other communities.
One of the members of the group , Mr. David 'Moffat Myers , said.
that although he was more or less an outsider , he knew the hard work
these people are doing. He said that theirs is a very valueable service
to the community and did not see why this community should not recompense
the ,Society for its services whether the other communities do or not
Councilman Kesler stated that the Town is governed by budget
requirements where certain funds have been set aside for certain purposes.
Mr. Allen said his first thought was to come to the Town to
start the hall rolling but in the meantime will go to the, other communities
and will drop back to report what progress has been made with the Other
The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the
reports of committees ,
Councilman rmbury stated that with reference to the special
committee on the memorial to former Councilman Griffin, he wished to
report that he had at hand the memorial which had been engrossed. by
Ares & Rollinson and that it was a very fine piece of work. He passed
it around to the members of the Board who affixed their signatures.
Following some discussion , it was decided that Supervisor Mandeville
present the same to Pars, Griffin.
Councilman Embury presented the claim iron Ames ec Rollinson
in the amount of $75,00 for their work.
The Supervisor moved and Councilman Stiner seconded the follow-
ing resolution, which was , upon roll call , unanimously adopted -
RESOLVED, that the claim from Ames & Rollinson,
dated April 16 , 1945, in the amount of $75.00
for their work in connection with the memorial
to former Councilman E.C. Griffin, be and it
-- hereby is approved.
Councilman ymbury reported that a meeting of the Park Depart-
ment was held last evening and that at the present time there is a total
of 1314 names on the Honor Poll , of which 572 are of the
Village and 742 of the Town. That there are 30 gold stars and there
is room for less than 100 more names as the .Roll now stands. That the
Architect estimated the amount of $2 ,600 for building the complete
proposed memorial which the Park; Corilission thought was very reasonable ,
He said that he pointed out to the park Cornriission that this amount
was not available at the present time but that thev would confer with
Mr . Foote and get estimates for the present requirements , which is the
improvement of the back panel along with sufficient grading , etc .
The Supervisor informed Mr. Embury that this was on Mr . Foote ' s
agenda for Monday morning.
Councilman Embury also stated that the Park Department has
acquired from the New Haven Railroad some cedar timbers for putting a
fence around the area in back of the Station.
Councilman Stiner said that he had nothing to report . He
said that he had visited Mr. Foote and that he is feeling better and
expects to be on the job Monday morning.
Councilman Keeler presented claims of the Fire Department
in the amount of $1 ,581.47 which he recommended approved . He said
he assumed the' the amounts billed for hydrant rentals were correct
inasmuch as he had no knawledge of what these amounts should be.
Accountant Pinson informed him that the Westchester Joint
Water Works rental rates are set by resolution of the Town Board and
the others are by contract .
The members of the Town Board sitting as the Board of Fire
Commissioners considered the claims , and it was on motion by Councilman
Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED , that the following described claims be
and their hereby are approved and that the Supervisor
-- and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to
pay same out of the Budget for the Fire Department -
Fogarty Bros. 61.,31
Goldie ' s Cut Rate Store , Inc . 28.70
Gunn Bros . Oil Co, Inc. 45.00
G.W. Derrell 35- 51
Ditchel Oil Corporation 60. 50
New York Telephone Company 47.25
Harry J. Pickard. 8, 50
The Portable bight Co. , Tne. 18.42
Rayr;ond & Fealey 12.45
The State Insurance Fund 375,34
Suburban Fuel Oil Service , Inc. 90.00
Westchester Lighting Company 19.33
Westchester Joint Water Works
No. 1 (Hydrant Rentals) 726.66
New Rochelle Water Co.
(Hydrant Rentals; 52.50
Grand Total $1 ,581.47
Councilman Keeler presented the annual report of the Department
of Public Welfare for the year 1944. He also rresented the report of
the Department of Public Welfare for the month of March , 1945, which
shows as follows:
Year Case Load Individuals Total Expenditures
1944 32 62 $1 ,384.30
1945 24 53 1 ,171.92
4 °
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a letter dated
April 17, 1945 from Jr. William H. Fernschild in which he offered
$400. for the Town-owned lot known as Blocl; 208 , parcel 420 , fronting
Kohegan Road. The Supervisor advised the members of the Board that
the book value to the Town is $800. and that after looking at the
property he woud be glad to recommend that it be sold for $500 That
it is nostly rock. He asled for authorization to negotiate with Mr ,
Fernschild , and on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council-
man Keeler , it was , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be. and he hereby is
authorized to negotiate for the sale of Block 208 ,
Parcel 420 , for the total sum of $500. with Mr.
Wil.iam Fernschild and that the property be. sold
subject to the easement shown on the Town map.
The Supervisor presented and read the following received
from the State of New York, Department of Audit and Control.
Albany 1 , N.Y.
Frank C. Moore
State Comptroller
Owen A. Mandeville , Supervisor
Town of Mamaroneck
364 Boston Post Road Date March 31 , 1945
Larchrront , New York Invoice: ,'To. 217
The compensation, for actuarial purposes , of your
employees who here members of the SeI,stem for the fiscal
year ended June 30 , 1944 was $114 ,387.00.
The following rates , as certified by the Actuary ,
applied to the compensation set forth above , produce your
proportionate share of the cost of operating this System
for its fiscal year ended June 30 , 1944
Normal Contribution .0410372 4,694.12
Deficiency Contribution 3 ,118.36*
Administration Contribution .00198978947 227.61
Cost of checking Prior Service to
For Special Acturial Studies
This amount represents the minimum deficiency payment.
Following some discussion, it was on motion by Councilman
Stiner , seconded br Councilman Keeler , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated from
cash surplus funds now available the sum of $8,040.09
to be used in ravment of the Town' s contribution to
the New York State Employees ' Retirement System in
accordance with notice from the New York State Em-
ployees ' Retirement System dated March 31 , 1945.
The Supervisor supplied each member of the Board with a copy
of the following statementsd
Statement of Bank Balances as of 9 A.M. April 18 , 1945
Supervisor' s Statement for the month of March, 1945
Summary of Receipts and Disbursements
Analysis oil Budget Appropriations & Fxpenditures
Analysis of Estimated Revenues
Claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from I4arch 28 to April 18 , 1945
The Supervisor stated he had received a letter from the Vnion
Savings Bank, offering to purchase a purchase money mortgage , owned by
the Town of Mamaroneck, and which represents a portion of the proceeds
of the sale of property on Mamaroneck, Avenue , foreclosed by the Town
of Mamaroreck and thereafter sold to Gunn Bros. Oil Co. , Inc. , and
Salvatore Amico, upon which there were unpaid taxes due to both the
Town and Village.
Upon motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman
Embury , it was unanimously)
RESOLVED, (provided. the Village of Mamaroneck adopts
a similar resolution) that the Supervisor is hereby
authorized to sign, execute and deliver to the Union
Savings Bank of Westchester County, an assignment of
a certain mortgage made by Gunn Brothers Oil Company ,
Inc. and Salvatore Amico , to the Town of Mamaroneck,
dated December 27 , 1944 and recorded. in Liber 4261 of
mortgages , page 317 , in the office of the County Clerk
of Westchester , Division of Land Records , on December
28 , 1944, originally in the principal sum of $4,500 ,
upon , which there is rocs due $4,455, upon *payment to
the Town of Mamaroneck of $4305 together with in-
terest at the rate of 5% per annum uron $4,455, from
March 289 1945 to the date of the delivery of such
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the proceeds of the sale of
this mortgage , when received , be divided and apportioned
between the Town and Village in the same manner as the
cash proceeds were distributed and as set out in re-
solution adopted by this Board on December 29 , 1944.
The Town Clerk informed the Supervisor that ,Mr. Buxton C.
Meighan, Chairman of the Mamerorneck Republican Town Committee had
asked him to convey a message to the effect that the Committee re-
commended for consideration the return by reappointment of the follow-
ing gentlemen to the Board. of Review Messrs, Munroe Stiner , Percy
M. Bibas and Eugene Reviere
The Supervisor asked if there were any other recommendations
and there being none , he offered the matter for discussion, following
which it was on motion by Councilman feeler , seconded by Councilman
Embury , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that in pursuance of Section 7a of the
Westchester County Tax Act , a Board. of Review is
hereby appointed to consist of three members , all
being resident taxpayers of the Town, who shall
serve at the pleasure of the Town Board as follows ;
- Munroe Stiner , who is to serve as such member in
addition to his duties as Councilman of the Town
of Mamaroneck; Percy M. Bibas , and Eugene Riviere ,
FURTHER RFSOLVED, that the compensation of Percy
M. Bibas and Fugene Riviere is hereby fixed at the
sum of $250. each and that Councilman Stiner serve
as a member of such Board,
A Grote on the foregoing was as follows :
AYES, Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Embury- and Peeler
NOES : None
NOT VOTING: Councilman Stiner
The Town Clerk stated that there was another message to the
effect that the Town Committee had recomeended Mrs. Leyte Andersen ,
36 Howell Avenue , Town , for the appointment of school director to
fill the Vacancy left by the death of miss Emily Lindsley
The Supervisor asked if there were any other recorr,.endations
and there being none , he offered the matter for discussion following
cahich it was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council, lman
Keeler , upon roll call , utnanimously
RESOLVED, that Mrs. Leyte Andersen be and she
hereby is appointed to the office of school di-
rector for the Town of Mamaroneck in the Second.
Advisory District of Westchester County , New York
State , New York, for the remainder of the year 1945,
The unexpired. tern of the vacancy to be filled by
election at the next general election.
The Town Attorney recommended the approval of the follotiving
WHEREAS , heretofore writs of certiorari were obtained
by INTIERBORC INDUSTRIALS , INC. owner of property de
scribed on the assessment map and assessmert roll of
the Town of I:amiaroneck as Block 120 , Parcel 260 ,
Block 120 , Parcel 79 and Block 121 , Parcel 1.36 ,
for the year 1944 (tax of 1945) and
WHEREAS , the Assessor and Board of Review of the Town
of Mamaronock, duly filed return to said writ , Orville ,
C . Sanborn was oprointed referee and no further pro
ceedings have been had; and
WHEREAS , the Assesor recommend to
this Board tha, settled and discon-
RESOLED,, that
(tax of 1945) u
Industrials , Inc. 4 described upon the assessment
map and assessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck,
as Block 120 , Parcel 260 , Block 120 , Parcel 79 and
Block 121 , Parcel 136 , be reduced as followes:
Block Parcel Lana Inrrovements Total
120 260 $ 31000 $3 ,000
120 79)
120 136) 78,300 1, 0o 79,800
Block Parcel Land 1rurroverrents Total
120 260 $3 ,000 - X3 ,000
120 79)
121 136) 45,500 1 ,500 47 ,000
provided the certiorari proceeding , now pending in
the name of Interborc Industrials , Inc. for the year
1944 (tax of 1945) be discontinued without costs ,
against the Tolrpn of Mamaroneck, except referee ' s
fees , if any.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby
authorized and directed to sign the necessary sti-
pulation to obtain an order of the Supreme Court
providing for such reduction and the refund of
excess takes Paid, if any.
The foregoing resolution was on motion by Councilman Keeler ,
seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call, unanimously adopted,
The Town Attorney said that he had at hand a letter from
Mrs. Cullen which was referred to hire requesting the Town Board to
give consideration for the refunding of contributions made by her
late husband, Mr. Sohn Cullen, to the Town of Mamaroneck Police
Pension Fund,
Mr . Delius informed the members of the Board that there is
nothing which can be done , that the provisions of the State law as
it now stands does not rermit the Police Pension Fund to return
these contributions. He further stated that the Town Board: has no
Jurisdiction in this matter and this should properly be referred. to
the Trustees of the Police Pension Fund.
The Town Attorney reported that the quest en in sharing
in the additional appropriation for snow removal costs had been
referred to him at the last meeting and that he had brought back
from Albany yesterday a copy of the law. This , he said , he discussed
with Accountant Finson and that in his opinion the Town would share
in this additional appropriation.
At 9:45 P.M. the Board unaninously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk