HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944_10_04 Town Board Minutes REGULAR METING OF THE TOWN BOARD , TOWN OF MAMARONECK,
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse , Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at
8:15 P.M. (Eastern War Timel .
Present : Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Griffin, Stiner , Keeler
Absent: Councilman Embury
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Attorney
Delius , Town Engineer and Supt . of Highways Foote , and accountant Finson.
The Supervisor announced that the Town Board was in receipt
of a petition signed by seventy-seven citizens from the vicinity of
Coolidge Street and Shadow Lane , many of which, it appeared , were pre-
sent at this meeting.
He addressed the group by stating that the Town Board was
aware of their objection to the establishment of a dog shelter in the
proximity of their neighborhood because of their attendance at the
Village of Larchmont Board meeting on the Monday evening preceding this
meeting. He said that he believed that the group was awaiting an answer
and that the answer is "that this is not going to happen. "
He informed them that the Town Board did not seek this site.
That some fifteen years ago the same parcel of land was selected as a
site for a shelter by the local Humane Society and agreed upon by the
officials at that time , and that recently Mr. T. Roosevelt Allen, the
president of the local organization had discovered this and again had
presented the question to the Town Board.
He said that the Town Board wished to carry out the will of
the people and that by the presence of so many citizens and the petition
whichieas filed , it did indicate how the people feel about the matter.
He said that a motion would be in order to rescind the action
of the Town Board at the last meeting. He asked the members of the
Board for comments.
Councilman Griffin stated that it is a very necessary thing
and that it deserves a lot of consideration. But in view of the fact
that there was so much opposition the Board would abide by the wishes
of the people.
Councilman Stiner explained. that when the application was
made for this site , the Town Board, was led to believe that the matter
had been taken up with the officials of the Village of Larchmont and
that it was all. right to proceed. However , he said , it now appears
that there is considerable objection, so that in view of this , as the
maker of the motion, he would gladly offer a resolution to rescind the
action which tools place at the preceding meeting.
Councilman Keeler said that he wished to second the motion
and at the same time make the following statements: "We entered into
agreement in good faith and thought it was the proper thing to do since
the Society had no other place to go. We withdraw the previous re-
solution approving the lease and gladly do so because of the fact that
so many people find it objectionable. The Board complies with the
wishes of the local residents living near the property effected. "
The following resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote
of the Board:
WHEREAS , a petition with seventy-seven (77) signatures
was presented and a large delegation appeared before the
Town Board in opposition to the lease being drawn be-
tween the Town of Mamaroneck and the Westchester Shore
Humane Society , for the rental of Block 601 , Parcel 671
on the assessment map of the Town;
RESOLVED , that the action of the Town Board at the
meeting of September 20 , 1944 , in connection with this
proposed lease , be and it hereby is rescinded.
The members of the group thanked the members of the Town Board
for the action taken. They then departed.
Before proceeding with the regular order of business , the
Supervisor informed the members of the Board that Councilman Embury was
ill and could not be present.
The minutes of September 20 and 27, 1944, were approved as
The Supervisor requested the Torn Clerk to read the communications.
A letter dated October 2 , 1944, was received from Mrs. Elizabeth
M. Stabler , in which she advised that the Junior Assembly of Larchmont is
concerned with the fact that there is no centr2l Youths ' Center in Larch-
mont for teen age children. She asked if the Town Board would appoint
one of its members to serve on the Youths ' Council and advised that a
meeting would be held on October 16 at eight P.M. in the Weaver Street
Fire House.
Following some-discussion the letter was referred to Council-
man Embury for a report on the activities of the Organization and as to
if and how the Town Board should be represented.
The following letter was read:
October 3 , 1944
Mr. Owen A. Mandeville , Supervisor ,
Town of Mamaroneck.
Dear Mr. Mandeville :
The Larchmont Gardens Association wishes to go
on record as commending our Town Government most highly
for the effective measures taken in clearing up the de-
bris and other traces of the hurricane of September 14th .
We appreciate the efforts of all concerned.
Very truly yours,
(signed) David Butler , Secretary
The letter was ordered received and filed.
A letter dated October 4 , 1944, was received from Comptroller
Orsino in which he requested authorization to make certain transfers
within the 1944 Budget.
It was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman
Keeler , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Comptroller
be and they hereby are authorized to make the fol-
lowing transfer within the 1944 Budget:
Department of Public Welfare
Medical Advisor $950.00
Repairs to Building $950.00
A letter dated. September 28, 1944, was received from Mr.
Charles D. DeVinne , Public Welfare Officer , in which he recommended
the appointment of Mrs. Theodore R. Wilbert to the position of inter-
mediate stenographer on a part-time basis. The pay to be at the rate
of 825. per week.
Following some discussion, it was on motion by Councilman
Stiner , seconded by Councilman Keeler , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that subject to the approval of the County
Personnel Officer of Civil Service , Mrs Theodore R.
Wilbert be and she hereby is appointed temporarily to
the position of intermediate stenographer in the De-
partment of Public Welfare on a part-time basis at
the rate of $650 per annum, effective as of Septem-
ber 229 1944, to serve at the pleasure of the Town
A letter dated October 4, 1944, was received from Mr. Walter
Weber , Jr. , in which he offered the sum of $25. for the L"odel T Ford
truck chassis with two motors formerly used by the Fire Department.
Following some discussion, it was decided to follow the re-
commendation of the Fire Department in their letter of August 22 , 1944,
in which they set a price of not less than 8125. The Town Clerk was
directed to advise Mr. Weber.
The Town Clerk presented a letter dated September 21 , 1944,
received from Mr. Irving S . Watkins , addressed to Mr. Dillon, Receiver
of Taxes. Mr. Watkins offered the property known as Block 115, Par-
cel 143 , at the corner of Rockingstone Road and Forest Avenue as a
site for a permanent beauty spot or Park. He said that the owners
wish to relinquish the property and present it to the Town.
Following some discussion, the letter was referred to Council-
man Embury.
The Town Clerk informed the Board. that Village Manager
Johnson had telephoned to complete the arrangements for the advertise-
ment of property known as the Pleasant Hour Grill property.
Following some discussion, the Town Attorney was authorized
to complete arrangements with Manager Johnson.
The following reports for the month of September, 1944, were
received and ordered filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
ments; Report of the Building Inspector; Report of the Plumbing In-
The Supervisor asked if there was anyone present who wished
to address the Board.
Mr . Edward Ely Hoxie appeared as a representative of a
"Juniors ' Achievement Group. " He informed the members of the Board
that Judge Baxter , Mr. Henigson and Mr. Merrell, and others , were
members of a committee and very much interested in the movement and
that the Lions ' Club had also become quite interested.
He explained that his reason for being at the Town Board was
that he is furnishing space for quarters which will also be used as a
museum at 49 Edgewood Avenue , and that a question has been raised by
the Building Inspector regarding an occupancy permit.
Following some discussion the matter was referred to Attorney
Delius to inform Mr. Hoxie as to the limits of the Town, in so far as
zoning is concerned.
The Supervisor stated that it was in order to receive the
reports of committees.
Councilman Griffin read the report of the Department of
Public Welfare for the month of September , 1944, which showed as fol-
Year Case Load Individuals Total Expenditures
1943 29 64 $ 1 ,124.94
1944 27 52 1 ,412 ,52
He presented the statement of claims audited and paid by
the Comptroller from September 20 to October 4, 1944, which was or-
dered filed.
He presented and read a statement of the bank balances as
of 9 A.M. October 4, 1944, showing a total on deposit in all funds of
Councilman Keeler read the following two paragraphs from a
letter dated September 25, 1944, from the Westchester County War Council ,
White Plains , N.Y. :
"Divisions of Civilian War Services must remain active
to strengthen the war service programs and to allay
local war impacts. Volunteer Offices must remain open
and on efficient basis so as to be able to supply needed.
As soon as we receive the required information from the
State and Federal war agencies concerned, we shall acquaint
local war Council Officials with the specific activities
they will be requested to assist. The list will undoubtedly
include Salvage , Bond Drives , Blood Donations , Recruiting
and all the others that have contributed to the successes
against Germany and to the safeguarding of your own areas
against war-caused dislocations. "
He said that he wished to point out the importance of the
continuance of the local division of the War Council.
He recalled that some years back, it was decided to reduce the
insurance coverage on the old Town Hall , Prospect Avenue , Mamaroneck, to
$3 ,000. He pointed out that while there are certain repairs being made
to the building and that there have been repairs made in the past that
it is important that the Town raise the coverage to provide ample in-
surance and also to cover the 80% co-insurance clause.
He advised that the Town' s insurance broker has recommended
coverage in the amount of $25,000. He said that he wished to recommend
coverage of $10 ,000 which he believed would be ample for the Town' s
needs. He also recommended that the policy be for a three-gear term,
effective immediately.
Following some discussion, it was on motion by Councilman
Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is
directed to request the Town' s insurance broker to
increase the fire insurance coverage on the old
Town Hall now being used as the welfare Office on
Prospect Avenue , Village of Mamaroneck, from $3 ,000
to $10 ,000 , to be effective immediately, and to run
for a term of three years from date.
Councilman Stiner stated that he had nothing new to report
on personnel. That routine work was going on as usual in connection
with drainage and sanitation.
He also reported that he and Councilman Keeler had studied
the proposal submitted by Mr. Jules M. Gorlitz for the purchase of
property known as Block 942 , Parcel 710 and one half of Parcel 659.
He advised that Village Manager Johnson had been contacted and pro-
posed prices had been discussed.
It was agreed that Parcel 659 should not be divided but
should be sold as one parcel for the sum of $2 ,000. He explained that
Mr. Johnson was of the opinion that Parcel 710 should be sold for
about $750.
The members of the Board discussed the proposed prices and
it was recalled that there had been some talk about a figure of $500.
for Parcel 710. Taking this into consideration and Mr. Johnson' s figure ,
it was decided that a fair price would be $600.
The file was turned over to the Town Attorney and he was
directed to notify Mr. Gorlitz that the Town would consider the sale
of the properties at the above figures , subject to the approval of
the Village Board. He was also directed to return the deposit check
in the amount of $750. which had accompanied the last offer for both
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that he
had received a check in the amount of $1 ,000 from the New York State
Postwar Public works Planning Commission, which is the State ' s share
for detail plans and specifications of the Town' s Proposed Sanitary
Sewer and Storm Water Drain Project , known as Serial 323•
He advised that it would be to the interest of the Town
for Accountant Finson to attend a meeting of the New York State mem-
bers of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States
and Canada , at the Hotel Syracuse in Syracuse , New York, on November 9
and 10.
He asked the members of the Board if they wished to authorize
Mr. Finson to attend the conference which is for the purpose of dis-
cussing important problems confronting local government officials.
It was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Council-
man Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that Accountant Finson be and he hereby
is authorized to attend the meeting of the New York
State members of the Municipal Finance Officers
Association of the United States and Canada at the
Hotel Syracuse in Syracuse , New York, on November
9 and 10 , and that he be reimbursed for his expenses
out of the item in the budget for traveling expenses ,
not to ertceed $50.
The Supervisor read the following letter:
October 4, 1944
Members of the Town Board,
158 Boston Post Ed.
11amaroneck, N.Y.
I wish to advise the members of the Town Board
that Temporary Patrolman George Flynn of the Mamaroneck
Town Police Department has resigned from said department
as of October 1 , 1944.
I also wish to bring to the attention of the members
of the Town Board that at a meeting of the Board of Police
Commissioners held on October 2 , 1944 the Commissioners
appointed Mr. Louis Combree of 17 Addison St. Larchmont ,
N.Y. a Temporary Patrolman to the Town Police Dept . ef-
fective October 16 , 1944 at a salary of $2100.00 a year
plus a 5% war bonus for the remainder of the year 1944.
The salary to be increased to $2250.00 a year starting
January 1 , 1945.
Very truly yours ,
(signed) Paul A. Yerick, Chief
Town of Mamaroneck
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council-
man Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the resignation of Temporary Patrol-
man George Flynn be accepted with regret.
- During the discussion which followed it was decided to
appoint Pair. Louis Combree at the salary suggested for the balance of
1944 and fix the salary for 1945 when the budget is prepared.
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council-
man Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that Mr. Louis Combree of 17 Addison St. ,
Larchmont , N.Y. be and he hereby is appointed ten-
porary patrolman in the Town of Mamaroneck Police
Department , effective October 16 , 1944 at a salary
at the rate of $2 ,100 per year plus 5% war bonus ,
to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board.
The Supervisor read a letter dated September 21 , 1944, re-
ceived from Mrs. Neva M. Collins , R.N. in which she advised that be-
cause of domestic reasons she wished to resign from her position as
Public Health Nurse , to become effective October 15, 1944.
It was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council-
man Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the resignation of Mrs. Neva M.
Collins , registered nurse , be and it hereby is
accepted with regret.
The Supervisor presented a letter dated September 28 , 1944 ,
from Helen E. Auer , President of the Mamaroneck Health Center , Inc . in
which she advised that an application had been received from Miss Mary A.
Peck, 48 Church St. , White Plains , N.Y. for the position of Public Health
Nurse on a temporary basis.
It was explained that examinations for public health nurses
in New York State are out for the duration and that there is no eligible
list of nurses. Also that 1:7iss Peck's application has been on file with
the County Personnel Officer of Civil Service. Miss Auer stated that
the Health Center would like to give Miss Peck a provisional appoint-
ment as of October 15, 1944.
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council-
man Stiner, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that at the suggestion of the Mamaroneck
Health Center and subject to the approval of the
County Personnel Officer , the Village of Larchmont ,
and the Village of Mamaroneck, the Town Board hereby
approves of the provisional appointment of Miss
Mary A. Peck to the position of Public Health Nurse ,
effective October 15, 1944, to serve at the salary
provided for in the budgets of all concerned.
The Supervisor called to the attention of the Board that
there are vacancies in all of the positions of constable , and that
the matter had been under consideration for quite some time. He
advised that there were three people who seek the positions , namely ,
Rocco V. Migliaccio; Bernard Amoruso; and Joseph DiBuono.
There was some discussion on the matter following which it
was decided to require a public officials ' bond in the amount of
$2500. for each of the positions.
It was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council-
man Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following gentlemen be and they
hereby are appointed constables to serve at the
pleasure of the Totem Board , without salary:
Rocco V. Migliaccio 243 Knollwood Ave. , Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Bernard Amoruso 797 Old White Plains Rd. , Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Joseph DiBuono 907 Lester Ave. , Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Provided that each file a bond in the sum of $2,500
for the faithful performance of their duties. Said
bond to be approved by the Town Attorney and the pre-
mium for same be paid out of Town funds.
The Town Attorney recommended the following resolution, which
was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon
roll call , unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS , heretofore writs of certiorari were ob-
tained by Henry Healy Realty Company , Inc. , owner
of property described on the assessment map and
assessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 719 , Parcel 214 and Block 719 , Parcel 248,
for the year 1943 (taxes of 1944), ; and
WHEREAS , the Assessor and Board of Review of the
Town of Mamaroneck, duly filed returns to said writs ,
and no further proceedings have been had; and
- WHEREAS , the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend
to this Board that the proceedings be settled and
discontinued upon the reduction of the assessment
from $29,500 and $73 ,000 to $26 ,950 and $64,280 re-
RESOLVED, that the assessment for the year 1943 (tax of 1944) upon
property owned by Henry Healy Realty Co. Inc. and described upon the
assessment map and assessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 719 Parcel 214 and Block 719 Parcel 248 be reduced as follows:
Block Parcel Land Improvement Total
719 214 $17,000 $12,500 $29,500
719 248 55,000 18,000 73,000
719 214 $12,950 $14,000 $26,950
719 248 46,280 18,000 64,280
provided that the certiorari proceedings now pending in the name of
Henry Healy Co., Inc. for the year 1943 (tax of 1944) be discontinued
without costs against the Town of Mamaroneck
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized
and directed to sign the necessary to sigh the necessary stipulation
to obtain an order of the Supreme Court providing for such reduction
and the refund of excess taxes paid, if any
At 9:35 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn
Town Clerk