HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944_09_06 Town Board Minutes a REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK, HELD SEPTEMBER 6 , 1944. In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse , Town of Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8:15 p.m. (Eastern War Time) . Present: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Griffin, Embury , Stiner , Keeler Absent: None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Attorney Delius , Assessor Smith, Comptroller Orsino, Town Engineer and Supt. of Highways Foote . The minutes of August 9 , 1944, were approved as presented. The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to read the communi- cations. The Town Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of the notice for the sale of the Ford chassis and the monitor water nozzle , which were recommended to be disposed of by the Fire Department. The Supervisor asked if there were any bids. The Town Clerk reported that none were received. The Town Clerk was directed to notify the Fire Department. An undated letter was received from Pars. Alice F. Engel , stating that because of the unsafe condition of a sidewalk on North Chatsworth Avenue , she had an accident which resulted in a broken finger. The letter was referred to the Town Attorney. The Town Attorney advised that later in the meeting he would discuss the matter with the members of the Board. A letter dated September 1 , 1944, was received from Dr. Sol Shapera of 649 Test Boston Post Road , in which he stated his objections to the sale of property known as 652 Boston Post Road , for certain uses. He stated that the Village of Mamaroneck had already approved of the sale and that he wished that the Town would consider his and the objections of his neighbors. Copies of agreements and two certification forms were received from the New York State Post War Public Works Planning Commission cover- ing the Town' s share of the cost of plans for the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Drains Project , known as Serial 323 , for the approval of the Town Board. I Councilman Stiner reported that this was part of the proposed postwar plans for the unincorporated section of the Town, and offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Griffin, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement and certification forms with the New York State Post War Public Works Planning Commission, for the proposed Project , known as Serial 323. A letter dated August 15, 1944, was received from Mrs. Eleanor L. Stevens , junior stenographer in the Department of Public Welfare , stating that she wished to tender her resignation effective August 15, 1944. On motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Stiner , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that the letter of resignation be ordered accepted with an expression of appreciation for the services rendered to the Town by Mrs. Stevens. A letter dated August 29 , 1944, was received from Dr. Edward Kahn, in which he reported an accident and claimed that it was the fault of a driver on one of the Town garbage trucks . The Town Attorney stated that he wished to discuss the matter later in the meeting. A letter dated August 25, 1944, addressed to the Town Attorney was received from the State of New York Department of Agriculture and Markets , stating that contracts in proper form entered into with the Westchester County Dog Protective Association are being approved until the court decides otherwise. The Town Clerk presented the agreements signed by Mr. T. Roosevelt Allen, President of the Westchester, County Dog Protective Association, Inc. for the term July 15, 1944 to December 31 , 1944. The Town Attorney reported that they were in the same form as the previous year. It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council- man Embury , unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Westchester County Dog Pro- tective Association, Inc . , for the term July 15, 1944 to December 31 , 1944. Said agreement to be subject to the approval of the State of New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. The following reports for the month of August , 1944, were received and ordered filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments; Report of the Building Inspector ; Report of the Plumbing In- spector; Report of the Mamaroneck Health Center ; Report of the West- chester County Dog Protective Association, Inc. (July and August) . A letter dated September 6 , 1944 , was received from Leo N. Orsino, Comptroller , in which he requested that certain funds be tran- sferred within the 1943 Budget. It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED , that the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to make the following transfer : FROM: 1943 Unexpended surplus - $200.00 T0: Miscellaneous Expenditures - Town Audit $200.00 a The Supervisor announced that bids had been received for repairing the roof at the old Town Hall , and asked the Town Clerk to open same. The following bids were received: NEW ROCHELLE ROOFING, CORNICE AND SKYLIGHT WORKS , INC. $630.00 Without removing existing roofing a distance of 4" along all edges of roof. REX ROOFING COMPANY, INC. $516.00 Without removing existing roofing a distance of 4" along all edges of roof. talith removing existing roofing a distance of 4" along all edges of roof - $530.00 HARRISON ROOFING & TINNING CO. $422.00 Without removing existing roofing a distance of 4" along all edges of roof. With removing existing roofing a distance of 4" along all edges of roof $517.00 (It was suggested that a metal edging might be used at a cost of 825.00 in addition to the $517.00 for the complete job) . Following some discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the contract for $422.00 be awarded to the lowest bidder , Harrison Roofing and Tinning Co. - FURTHER, that the Building Inspector be authorized to supervise the work. The Town Clerk advised that there was one (1) bid from Carmelo Santoro & Son, for replastering the ceiling of the Auditorium of the old Town Hall. He was directed to open the bid which proposed to do this work for $810.00. The members of the Board discussed the plans for this work and decided not to proceed at this time. The Supervisor asked if there was anyone present who wished to address the Board. The Town Clerk informed the Board that Dr. Sol Shapera , who was present with Mr. Thomas Skinner , had just filed a petition with seventeen (17) names for the attention of the members of the Board. The petition stated the objections of the signers of the use of the property known as 652 Boston Post Road , as an automobile wreckint place. Mr. Frank J. Nardozzi , attorney , representing Mr. Anthony Annunziata , the prospective purchaser of 652 West Boston Post Road , asked to address the Board. He explained that his client intended to use the property for an outdoor sales space with the possibility of building a regular salesroom for automobiles and parts , after the war. "These are the premises on which we bid," he said. We are not coming here for the purpose of misleading the Board and the people of this community." Typewritten extracts of the Village zoning ordinances were at hand , and the Town Attorney was asked to define the provisions of 155 the ordinances. The Town Attorney stated that without the whole printed form of the ordinances , it would be very hard to give the complete de- finition of the ordinances as they related to the question of the use referred to. Dr. Sol Shapera referred to his letter and the petition of the people of the neighborhood and stated that this question concerning the use had arisen after the last Village Board meeting at which the sale was approved. There was full discussion during which the Supervisor reminded the members of the Board that the bid of the prospective purchaser present was not the only bid, nor was it the highest net bid. Dr. Shapera referred to the Village zoning ordinances , and there was discussion as to whether or not it would be necessary for a variance for the use referred to. Mr. Nardozzi discussed the provisions of the zoning ordinances with the members of the Board. Following further discussion, Councilman Keeler moved and Councilman Embury seconded the following resolution which was , upon roll call , unanimously adopted; WHEREAS , the zoning restrictions affecting pro- perty known as 652 Boston Post Road come under the jurisdiction of the Village of Mamaroneck; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board defer action until the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck has had an opportunity to reconsider the sale of this property for the use proposed by the prospective purchaser. The Supervisor suggested that while consideration was being given to the properties approved for sale by the Village of Mamaroneck that it might be well to consider the bid of $1250. on the property known as Trupel-Shaw building , and which bid was the only one received for this property. He added that a certified copy of the resolution approving the bid had been received from the Village. It was on motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously resolved: WHEREAS , the Village of Mamaroneck has hereto- fore acquired by deed in lieu of foreclosure , property known as Section 9 , Block 11 , Lot 20A1 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Village of Mamaro- neck; and WHEREAS , the Town of Mamaroneck owns certain tax liens upon the same property which is known upon the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 901 , Parcel 92 , representing arrears of taxes due it which were heretofore levied against said property; and WHEREAS , the Village of Mamaroneck, by resolution duly adopted August 14 , 1944, accepted an offer through H. Edward Block, real estate broker , on behalf of Harold F. Morrow, for the purchase of the property in the amount of $1,250. , which acceptance , however , is conditioned upon similar action being taken by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS , this Board considers it to the best interests of the Town of Mamaroneck to approve such offer and to authorize the sale to the end that the property may be sold free and clear of all taxes and the proceeds of sale , if any, divided; NOIN , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck agrees that property known as Section 9, Block 11, Lot 20A1 (Treupel-Shaw property) on the tax Assessment Map of the Village of Mamaroreck, and known upon the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Eamaroneck as Block 901 , Parcel 92 , be sold for $1,250. FURTHER RESOLVED , that the net proceeds of such sale shall be divided between the Town of PRamaroneck and the Village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the amount due each as of the date of such sale. The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that one bid was received for the so-called Seigle Property , in the amount of $5500. with 120 days for the closing of title , which bid was not approved by the Village Board. Councilman Griffin moved for the approval of the following petitions received from the Assessor and Councilman Stiner seconded the following resolution, which was , upon roll call , unanimously adopted: WHEREAS , the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years , pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 , as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act ; and WHEREAS , after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the cor- rection of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the assessment rolls for the year 1944 , taxes of 1945, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 7 John J. Murdock $3 ,200 $2 ,000 $5,200 (711-266) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 7A Elsie M. Wright $2 ,810 52 ,000 $4,810 (711-264) 7 21A 7B add to Parcel 198 J.J. 11urdock $ 390 8 390 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1943 , school tax of 1944 , which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 7 John J. Iururdock $4,000 $2 ,000 $6 ,000 (711-266 be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : 159 Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 7A Elsie Er. Wright $3 ,500 $2 ,000 $5,500 (711-264) 8B 7 21A 7B J.J. Murdock 500 500 add to Parcel 198) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1944, taxes of 1945, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 8 John J. Murdock $3 ,200 $2,300 $5,500 (711-207) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 8A John J. Yurdock $2 ,310 $2 ,300 $4,610 (711-207) 7 21A 8B Elsie M. Wright $ 890 $ 890 (711-264) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1943 , school tax of 1944, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 21A 8 John J. Murdock $4,000 $2 ,000 $6 ,000 (711-207) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land ImE. Total 7 21A 8A John J. Murdock $2,890 $2 ,000 $4,890 (711-207) 7 21A 8B Elsie M. Wright $1 ,110 $1 ,110 (711-264) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1944, taxes of 1945 and the assessment roll for the year 1943 , school tax of 1944, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 6 41 49B-50B Sears Roebuck & Co. $1 ,170 $4,500 $5,670 (609-206) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 6 41 49B Sears Roebuck & Co. $1 ,000 $2,500 53 ,500 (609-2o6) 6 41 50B Salvatore Albanese $ 170 $2,000 2 ,170 (609-633) Combine Parcels 633 , 638 & 643 in the name of Albanese into one Parcel 633 , Block 609 FURTHER RESOLVED , that the assessment roll for the year 1943 , school tax of 1944, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Section Block Lot Owner Land_On1K 7 9 1 to 4 Michael J. Jennings $11 ,000 (704-419) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land_Only 7 9 1 & 2 Thomas B. Sutton 6 ,325 (704-429) 7 9 3 & 4 Michael J. Jennings $ 4,675 (704-419) FURTHER RESOLVED , that the assessment roll for the year 1944, taxes of 1945, which shows pro- perty now appearing on the roll as follows : Section Block Lot Owner Land Only 7 9 1 to 4 Michael J. Jennings 8 8,700 (704-419) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Only 7 9 1 & 2 Thomas B. Sutton $ 51000 (704-429) 7 9 3 & 4 Michael J. Jennings $39700 (704-419) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment rDll for the year 1943 , taxes of 1944, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp,. Total 7 58 4A-4B K. Watkins Corp. $50,000 $17,500 $67,500 (720-.1) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp Total 7 58 Part of Lots (720-1) 4A & 4B K. 'Watkins Corp. $32,300 $32 ,300 7 58 Part of Lots (720-222) 4A & 4B Roger Hackney $17,700 `$17,500 $35,200 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1944, taxes of 1945, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : 1 Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 58 4A & 4B P. 'Natkins Corp. $45,000 $17,500 $62,500 (720-1) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 58 Part of Lots (720-1) 4A & 4B Y. Watkins Corp. $27,300 $27,300 7 58 Part of Lots (720-222) 4A & 4B Roger Hackney $17,700 817,500 $35,200 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1943 , school tax of 1944 and the assessment roll for the year 1944 , taxes of 1945, which show property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 6 33 25 to 28 Dorothy Lateiner $2 ,500 $2 ,500 (604-154) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the - provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imn. Total 6 33 25 to 27 Dorothy Lateiner $1,875 $1 ,875 (906-154) 6 33 28 (add to E.P. Jennewein & 625 625 906-164 and change number Von P. Vande Horst to 906-162) The Supervisor stated that it was in order to receive the reports of committees. Councilman Griffin presented the report of the Department of Public Welfare , for the month of August , 1944, which showed as follows: Year Case Load Individuals Total Expenditures 1943 30 6o $ 1 ,387.16 1944 29 60 1 ,375.98 He presented the following reports which were received and ordered filed : Claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from August 9 to September 6 , 1944; Statement of Bank Balances as at 9 A.I.T. Sep- tember 6 , 1944: Report of the Supervisor for the month of July , 1944; Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures , January 1 to July 31 , 1944; Summary of Redeipts and Disbursements , January 1 to July 31 , 1944; Analysis of Estimated Revenues, January 1 to July 31 , 1944. Councilman Griffin stated that he had read in the newspaper that a councilman in the city of New Rochelle had asked for some control over the love flying aeroplanes using the landing fields on Long Island. Er. Griffin said it was becoming quite a nuisance and that from in- formation received from the Supervisor he believed that the matter would be handled by the County. He added that he believed that the Civil Aeronautics Authority had control over the planes. Councilman Embury stated that there was nothing to report for his departments . He said that he had a letter from Tom Aitchison, bits of which he read.. Councilman Stiner reported that notice was received from the County of Westchester ; Civil Service Personnel Officer , to the ef- fect that Miss Connie Mondello had passed the examination for the position of junior stenographer and that she is now certified for a permanent position. On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Griffin, the following resolution was upon roll call , unanimously adopted : WHEREAS , the Personnel Officer of Civil Service in the County of Westchester has certified a list of eligibles for the position of junior stenographer , which list carries one name , namely , bliss Connie S . Mondello , 516 Fayette Street , Mamaroneck, New York; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that hiss Connie S . Mordello be and she hereby is appointed to the permanent position of junior stenographer in the Department of Town Of- fices , which carries a minimum salary of $900. and a maximum salary of $1200. This appointment being effective as of September 1 , 1944, at an annual salary of 51040. Councilman Stiner reported that there had been some dis- cussion with the New Rochelle authorities with reference to the bridge on the road leading to Premium Point. He said that there had been some talk about getting the County to take the bridge over . The Supervisor stated that he believed that the municipality would first have to take it over before the Countv would take it over. Following further discussion the matter was left on the table until the Town Engineer and the Town Attorney could advise the Town Board as to the procedure. Councilman Keeler reported that the Fire Chief has re- quested that the siren now used as an alarm in connection with civilian protection be continued permanently for the use of the Fire Department , as some members of the Department are in sections where the fire whistle cannot be heard. This , Councilman Keeler , explained , has come about through discussions on the repairs to the cupola where there is a temporary cable , which could be removed if the siren is made permanent. The cable is attached to the cupola from the service lines a distance away and during storms causes quite a pull on the structure. He re- commended that the request of the Fire Chief be approved. The members of the Board agreed that this be done and authorized Councilman Keeler to include this work with the repairs being made to the cupola. Councilman Keeler stated , in connection with civilian defense , he wished to report that E1r. Harry B. Jennings , Director of the Control Center and Chief 7arden, U.S. Citizens Defense Corps , of the Town of Yamaroneck, had resigned, and that Mr . Charles Garland, his assistant had been carrying out the duties in connection with this work. He said that everybody was satisfied to have him continue to carry on this work. On motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Embury , it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Mr. Charles Garland be and he hereby is appointed director of the Control Center and Chief Warden, U.S . Citizens Defense Corps , of the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board. Councilman heeler reported that he had inspected the pro- perty known as Block 312 , Parcel 45 on the assessment map of the Town, which property was discussed with Mr. A.F. Beringer at the last meet- ing of the Tovin Board. He said that while he favored the sale of the property for Mr. Beringer ' s offer of $1 ,000 , he did not wish to do anything which would effect the assessment roll. He explained that Ir. Beringer , along with the cash offer , had asked for some adjustment on the assessment. The Supervisor asked the Comptroller to go to the telephone and ask Mr. Beringer to make clear his offer . The Comptroller reported , following the telephone call , that Mr. Beringer did ask for a reduction in the assessment along with his cash offer. The members of the Board unanimously agreed to reject the offer. The Supervisor recommended the following resolution, which was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Embury , upon roll call , unanimously adopted: WHEREAS , on June 21 , 1944, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck passed a resolution accepting the offer of Artemise Casanave to purchase the property designated on the assessment roll of the Town of IlIamaroneck known as Block 942 , Par- cel 169 , for the sum of $900.00. said resolution being conditioned upon the approval of said offer by the Village of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS , on June 26 , 1944, the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck, by resolution duly approved said offer of sale ; and WHEREAS , subsequent to the execution of contract , and on the 22nd day of August , 1944 , title was conveyed to said Artemise Casanave; WHEREAS , the receipts and disbursements in con- nection with said property are as follows: Receipts: Sale Price $900.00 1944 State , County & Town apportionment 6.48 0906.48 Disbursements: Broker ' s Commission 90.00 1942 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer Tax 15.37 1942 School Tax 63.67 1943 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer Tax 15.26 1943 School Tax 64.12 1944 Mamaroneck Valley Sevier Tax 15.24 1944 School Apportionment 5.32 Foreclosure cost includes title search , postage , service , title policy including recording , ad- -- vertisement , referee ' s fee and legal services 26.15 Stamps 1.10 296.23 Net Receipts $610.25 169 showing the net receipts to be apportioned between the Town and Village of Mamaroneck to be $610.25; WHEREAS , the amount of unpaid taxes and per- centage due the Village and Town are as follows : Town Village - Taxes , Interest & Penalties to 1/6/42 $1 ,662.67 $2 ,230.08 Percent of Distribution 42.17 57. 83 Amount to be distributed 257.35 352. 90 NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that in accordance with the percentages above set forth that there be paid to the Village of Iaama.roneck 57. 83% of the net receipts of $610.25 or $352.90. FURTHER RESOLVED , that these disbursements be made from the receipts of the aforementioned transaction. FURTHER RESOLVED , that the commission due Mr. Edward J. Payne , broker , who brought about the sale , in the amount of $90.00 , be approved. Said payment to be made from the proceeds of the sale of this property. The Supervisor recommended that there be a compromise of tax arrears on the following. On motion by Councilman Keeler , seconded by Councilman Stiner , it waas , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on property known as Block 720 , Parcel 1 , at the face amount of the liens plus interest at the rate of six (6) per cent from the date of sale: Tax Sale Amount of Interest Year Year Lien at 6% Total 1942 1943 $1788. 52 $134.14 $1922.66 1943 1944 1526. 76 22.90 1549.66 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized , em- powered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on property known as Block 720 , Parcel 494, at the face amount of the liens plus interest at the rate of six (6) per cent from the date of sale: Year of Amount of Interest Sale Lien at 61 Total 1941 $ 121.82 23.75 $145. 57 1942 116.96 15.79 132.75 1943 122.64 9.20 131.84 1944 117.19 1.76 118.95 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, em- powered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on property known as Block 830 , Parcel 50 , at the face amount of the liens plus interest at the rate of six (6) per cent from the date of sale : Tax Sale Amount of Interest Year Year _ Lien__ _at 6 __ Total 1939 1940 $ 84.47 $21. 53 5 106.00 1940 1941 87. 12 16.98 104.10 1941 1942 88.18 11.90 100.08 1942 1943 92.05 6. 90 98 .95 1943 1944 77.12 1. 15 78.27 - FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized , em- powered and directed to accept the face amount of the liens plus interest at the rate of six (6) per cent from the date of sale , in payment of the following tax liens on Block 722 , Parcel 383 , to be assigned to the Atlantic TSunicipal Corporation, New York, N.Y. Tax Sale Amount of Interest Year Year Lien_ at 65 Total 1942 1943 8 499.93 537.49 $537.42 FARTHER RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized. , em- powered and directed to accept the sum of $135.87 in full payment of the following tax liens , owned by the Town of Mamaroneck: Tax Year Sale Year Amount of Lien 1938 1939 $ 25.94 1939 1940 24.67 1940 1941 25.42 1941 1942 25.73 1942 1943 26. 83 1943 1944 26.21 FURTHER RESOLVED , that the 1944 town tax in the amount of $11. 90 plus penalty of 830, and the 1944 school tax in the amount of $11.79 be paid in full. The Supervisor recommended the following , which was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Embury , upon roll call , unanimously adopted: PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck at a regular meeting duly held September 6th, 1944 , adopted the fol- lowing resolution: RESOLVED , that this Board upon receipt of the sum $50. , convey to Lula M. Rogers , certain property now owned by the Town which is bounded and described as follows: ALL that lot , plot or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County , New York, and known by and as the "Five foot Right of May" in Block 403 on map entitled "Plan of Lots called Larchmont Gardens situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York" made by Long and T,"filler , Civil Engineers , and filed in the County Clerk' s office , Division of Land Records (formerly Register ' s office) on September 11 , 1911 as map number 1949 , said lot or parcel being more particularly bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of Myrtle Boulevard where the same is intersected by easterly line of Lot 74 , Block 403 , and 173 running thence northwesterly along said easterly line of Lot 74, 11. 37-49 ' 48" W. 130.23 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 74; thence northeasterly across the Right of Tay N. 520-10 ' -12" E. 5 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 73; thence in a southeasterly direction along the westerly line of Lot 73 , S. 370-49 ' -48 E. 130.23 feet to a point in the northerly line of Lyrtle Boulevard; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of Myrtle Boulevard S . 520-10 ' -12" W. 5 feet across the "Right of Way" to the point or place of beginning. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board, upon receipt of the sum of $25. , convey to R. Paul Kite , cer- tain property now owned by the Town which is bounded and described as follows: ALL that lot , plot or parcel of land lying , being and situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County , New York, and known by and as the three (3 ' ) foot "Reserve Strip" along the easterly boundary' of Lots 54-55 and part of Lot 56 , Block 425 on map entitled "Plan of Lots called Larchmont Gardens situate in the Town of I:,Iamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York" made by Long and miller , Civil Engineers , and filed in the County Clerk' s office , Division of Land Records , (formerly Register ' s office) on September 11 , 1911 as map number 1949 , said lot , plot or parcel being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the rear line of Lot 54 where the same is intersected by the dividing line between Lots 53 and 54 and running thence northwesterly along the rear line of Lots 54-55 and part of Lot 56 , N 310-45' -07" T. 122. 50 feet; thence northeasterly at right angles to the last course across the "Reserve Strip" a distance of three (3' ) feet to a point in the westerly boundary line of lands now or formerly of the Highridge Realty Corporation (commonly called the Larchmont Sports Club) ; thence in a southeasterly direction along said westerly boundary line S . 310-45' -07" E . 122. 50 feet; thence southwesterly at right angles to the last course across the "Reserve Strip" a distance of three (3 ' ) feet to the point or place of beginning. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board, upon receipt of the sum of $15. , convey to Walter R. Gresser , certain property now owned by the Town which is bounded and described as follows: ALL that lot , plot or parcel of land lying , being and situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York and known by and as the three (3 ' ) foot Reserve Strip along the easterly boundary of Lot No. 53 , Bloch 425 on map entitled "Plan of Lots called Larch- mont Gardens , situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York" made by Long and Miller , Civil Engineers , and filed in the County Clerk' s office , Division of Land Records (formerly Register ' s office) on September 11 , 1911 as Map Number 1949; said lot , plot or parcel being more particularly bounded end described as fol- lows : BEGINNING at a point in the rear line of Lot 53 , Block 425 where the same is intersected by the dividing line between Lots 1 and 53 and thence along the rear line of Lot 53 , N. 310-45-07" 7T. 51.29 feet to the corner of Lot 54; thence northeasterly at right angles to the last course across the "Reserve Strip" a distance of three (3) feet to a point in the westerly boundary of lands now or formerly of the Highridge Realty Corporation (commonly called the Larchmont Sports Club) ; thence in a southeasterly direction along said westerly boundary line S . 310-45' -07" E. 51.29 feet ; thence southwesterly at right angles to the last course across the "Reserve Strip" a distance of three (3) feet to the point or place of beginning. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a permissive referenduri as provided in Section `5 64, subsection 2 of the Town Law and that the Town Clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution as provided. in Section 90 of the Town Laver. FURTHER RESOLVED , that subject to a permissive referendum, such conveyances be made by quit- claim deeds and that the Town Attorney be authorized to prepare such deeds . TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , that the adoption of the said resolution is subject to referendum upon a petition being filed with the Town Clerk, as provided in Section 91 of the Town Law. By Order of the Town Board Dated , September 13 , 1944 Robert D. Payne Town Clerk The Supervisor presented a letter dated August 15, 1944 , received from The Larchmont Visiting Nurse Association, Inc . , in which it was advised that Miss Jean K. Lowder , the regular visiting nurse for the past two years had resigned on September 1 , 1944. It was stated that Mrs. Charlotte Diehl Heinrichs , the substitute nurse has temporarily taken the place of Miss Lowder and that the salary checks for this position should be made payable to Mrs. Heinrichs. It was on motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Council- man Griffin, unanimously RESOhVED , that the notice of resignation of Miss Jean K. Lowder from the position of visiting nurse in The Larchmont Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. , be accepted. FURTHER, that Lars. Charlotte Diehl Henrichs be appointed temporarily at the pleasure of The Larchmont Visiting Nurse Association, Inc . and the Town Board of the Town of T;Iamaroneck, and that the salary checks for this position be made in the name of Mrs . Charlotte Diehl Heinrichs. The Supervisor called to the attention of the Board that it would be necessary to borrow on certificates of indebtedness $95,000 to meet the obligation for the balance of the year. He pointed out that a year ago this time this borrowing was in the sum of $130 ,000. Tdr. Griffin introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT MORE THAN $95,000.00 CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARCIMCK, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OF TAXES LEVIED FOR TOWN PURPOSES . RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER, NEW YORK, as follows - Section 1. In anticipation of the receipt of unpaid State , County, Town and Town District taxes for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1944 and ending December 31 , 1944 , and for the purpose of providing moneys (a) to pay to the County Treasur- er the amount of unpaid State and County taxes , and (b) to meet the lawful expenditures of the Town and of the town districts under the appropriations for said year , the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness 177 of the Town in the total principal amount of not more than $95,000.00 , pursuant to Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 of the State of New York, as amended. Section 2. It is hereby determined and delared: (a) The total amount of State , County , Town and Town District taxes levied in said Town for said fiscal year , is $1 ,278,462.96. (b) The total amount of said taxes due and unpaid, is $100,249.74. (c) The total amount heretofore borrowed and outstand- ing in anticipation of the collection of said taxes , is none . Section 3 . The following matters in connection with said Certificate of Indebtedness are hereby determined: Date : October 10 , 1944 Maturity: July 1 , 1945 Denomination: To be determined by the Supervisor Interest rate per annum: To be determined by the Supervisor Number: To be determined by the Supervisor Form: Substantially the form determined by resolution adopted January 4 , 1939 , except that said Certi- ficate shall be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the Town Clerk, and shall re- cite that it is issued pursuant to the provi- sions of the Westchester County Tax Law, con- stituting Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 , as amended, and by virtue of a resolution duly adopted by the Town Board on October 6 , 1943 , for money borrowed in anticipation of the col- lection of unpaid state , county town and town district taxes levied in said Town for the fis- cal year commencing January 1 , 1943 . The Supervisor is hereby authorized to determine all matters in connection herewith not determined by this or subse- quent resolution and his signature upon said Certificate shall be conclusive as to such determinations. Said Certificate of Indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the Town Clerk and shall have the corporate seal affixed there- to. The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to sell said Certificate of Indebtedness at private sale at not less than par , without advertisement or public bidding and to deliver the same to the purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price plus accrued interest from the date of the Certificate to the date of delivery. Section 4. The faith and credit of the Town of Mamaro- neck are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness and , unless otherwise paid or payment provided for , taxes shall be levied on all of the taxable property in said Town in an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest. On motion of Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Stiner , the foregoing resolution was adopted- by the following vote : AYES : Supervisor PIandeville Councilmen Griffin, Embury , Stiner , Keeler NOES: None He also informed the Board that since there has been im- pounded in the Tax Lien Certificate Fund sufficient money to pay $15,000 in tax lien certificates maturing July 1 , 1945, there would be a savings of $68.62 in interest if paid at this time. It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Yeeler , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and he hereby, is authorized to pay out of the Tax Lien Certi- ficate Fund the sum of $15,000 to redeem tax lien certificates in a like sum. Such certi- ficates being part of those which mature July 1, 1945. The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that claims had been presented by the Westchester Joint water ',forks Teo. 1 in the net amount of $440. 07, which claims represent open items due the tUater Company for various jobs performed over a period of time. He said that in addition there is due the Town, from the 7ater Fixed Properties Account , the sum of $1074.60 , which amount should be paid by the Water Company. He explained that when these two transactions are com- pleted the Town' s account with the Water Company will be all cleared up, as of December 31, 1943. Following some discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Emburv , seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to transfer -- from the surplus water revenues to the capital fund , Water Distribution System, the sum of $440.07 and that the following claims be paid from said Capital fund , Water Distribution: Westchester Joint Fater Works No. 1 J.O. 879 Purchase Order No. 7C79 Tee 3/29/37 Lowering Service Line at the/Residence , 62 Palmer Ave . , Larchmont , N.Y. Labor 810.69 Insurance . 53 2 ' -2/4" Copper Pipe .31 2-3/4" L/C Cplgs. 1.69 $13.22 Supervision 1. 98 15.20 Dec . 1940 Jan. 1941 Changing Location of Hain on Dundee Road , a/c installation of drain by Town of Mamaroneck: Labor 8107.07 Insurance 5.35 Truck 4.00 6 '-3/41' Pipe 1. 55 1-3/4" C/C Coupling .34 33 ' -6" C . I. Pipe 27. 18 2-611 222o Bends 12.83 Ni#'-Leadite 1.95 3#=-Yarn .46 1-61' C. I. Plug 1.04 5-gals. gasoline .38 4-gals. kerosine .34 $162.48 1601 Zlisc. Engr. Foote Job Order No. 1315 1942 July 16-25 Installation of Fire Hydrant , and making the necessary changes of meters at the Town Yard as per the attached itemized statement : 5207.16 Job. Order No. 1153 1601- Misc. 1940 June-Nov. Re-Locating Fire Hydrants on Fenimore Road in and for the Town of 1amaroneck, as per the attached bill: 5353 .73 J.O. 1398 1601- Misc. 1943 Lowering six service lines on West Brookside Drive (in bed of Sheldrake River) as per the attached itemized bill: X100.35 J.O. 1328 1601- misc. Removal of Hvdrants Nos. 84, 139 , 142, 143, 169, 170 AND 221 ocated on Mohegan, Fenimore and Eton Roads, as per resoution of Town Board Nov- ember 1942: , Labor 554.46 Insurance 2.27 57. 18 Less credit for the following salvaged materials: 1-30" extension piece 11. 50 1-18" It if 8.05 2-121' 1' It 10.00 2-1201 extension rods 13 .38 1-18" It it 7. 50 1-3011 II it 12.00 6- fire hydrants 93.60 456,03 CREDIT: 398.85 The Supervisor read the following letter received from Mr. Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes : August 29 , 1944 Honorable Town Board Town of Mamaroneck Ne York Gentlemen: I am receiving , from time to time , payments on °Town-owned property. " In each instance these payments do not include either penalties or in- terest. While this , of course , it entirely cor- rect yet at the same time I would appreciate a blanket resolution by the Town Board authorizing the Receiver of Taxes to accept such payments with- out penalties or interest. I believe I should have such a resolution for the purpose of audit either by our auditors or the State authorities and would appreciate your passing such a resolution. Very truly yours , ( signed) Henry R. Dillon Receiver of Tares It was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council- man Embury , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized to accept the payment of taxes on Town-owned properties , at the face amount , excluding penalties and interest . The Town Attorney recommended the following resolution, which was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously adopted - WHEREAS , in foreclosure proceedings instituted by the Town against Mervin C. Pollak, sometimes knoirn as H.C . Pollak, et als. , the referee , duly appointed for the purpose by order of the Supreme Court , sold to the Town of Mamaroneck, property described as Block 901 , Parcel 126 , (old number Section 9 , Bloch 11, Lot 4) on the Assessment Yap of the Town of Mamaroneck: and WHEREAS , the said referee has applied to the pal;ment of certain taxes , assessments and tax liens owned by and due to the Town of I, amaroneck, together with interest and penalties thereon to the date of sale , the sum of $5,829.82 , which taxes , assessments and tax liens are required to be cancelled by the provisions of Section 54 of the Westchester County Tax Act , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the following taxes , assessments and tax liens are hereby cancelled: Block 901 - Parcel 126 Year of Amount of Lien Interest or Penalty Sale or Tai: to August 8th.1944. Total 1939 H2.22 8 555.80 X1438.02 1940 680.76 347. 19 1027. 95 194 702.32 273 . 90 976.22 1942 625.30 166. 83 794. 13 1943 639. 67 95. 96 735•E5 1944 560. 76 16 . 82 577.60 Block 901 - Parcel 126 1944 S.C.T. $261. 72 $18.33'; 220.05 (penalty) The Town Attorney recommended the approval of the following resolution which was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Ernbury , upon roll call , unanimously adopted- WHEREAS , this Board on the 12th of July , 1944 , adopted resolutions for the conveyance of cer- tain property notrr owned by the Town of Mamaro- neck , to Louis C . Smith, Jr. , which is more par- ticularly described in said resolution:, and WHEREAS , said resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum, as provided in Section 64, subsection 2 of the Town Law, and the Town Clerk was authorized to give notice of the adoption of the resolution, as provided in Section 90 of the mown Law; and WHEREAS , such notice has been given by publi- cation, proof of which is on file with the Town Clerk: NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute and deliver to Louis C . Smith , Jr. , a deed to the property described in the resolution of July 12th , 1944, upon receipt from said Louis C . with , Jr . , of the sum of $50. The Town Attorney referred to the letter received from Mrs. Alice F. Engel which was read earlier in the meeting. He pre- . sented. the police report with photographs of the sidewalk where the accident is alleged to have happened. He advised that Mr. Holbrook a nephew of Mrs. Engel had telephoned to inquire what was going to be done in the matter. The members of the Board discussed the claim made by Mrs. Engel , and it was decided to direct the Town Attorney to advise both parties that the Town does not feel that it is liable. The Town Attornev referred to the claim made by Dr. Kahn and requested Town Engineer Foote to submit the written report to the members of the Board. A copy of the record on the police blotter was submitted along with the cory of the report to the Insurance Com- pany Following full discussion the members of the Board decided against entertaining the approval of the claim. The Town Clerk was directed to notify Dr . Kahn. At 10 :45 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Town CIerk