HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_06_18 Town Board Minutes II REGULAR MEETING OF TIHE TO17,rN BOARD, TOWN OF LTAIIAR014ECK, yLD JUNE 189 1947 In the Council Room of the ?Beaver Street Fire House , Town of P,Iamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor I,'andeville at 8: 15 P .M. ( Eastern Standard Time) . Present : Supervisor P,-anddeville Councilmen Stiner, Hills, ?Batson Absent : Councilman Embury The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg , Town Attorney Delius, and Town Accountant Finson. The Town Clerk_ reported that the rinutes of June 4, 1 1,),47 were not ready for approval. The Town Clerk presented a letter dated June 9, lc,)47, received from L`r. Ely Hoxie, enclosing a copy of the plan for development of the Town yard. He advised that a meeting was to be held. in the in- terest of a community Center to combine with the PDlaseum of Arts and Industrial Crafts and wished, to call attention to the possibility of corbining these two projects if the people of ASamaroneck and Larchmont , can be induced to -work together . The Supervisor asked IlTr . Hoxie , who was present, if he had anything to say. Lj1r . Hoxie discusses th% possibi iiM of building around the present building located at the Town Yard As used for storing miscellaneous equ' prnent . He said additions could be made as were found necessary and by starting with something very small it could work into something very interesting . The Supervisor asked Pr . Hoxie what this proposed project would cost and Yr . Hoxie replied that it might start at $50, 000. The Supervisor stated that he did not think this Board wwould be inclined to encourage an edifice of this kind and certainly not until the bonded indebtedness jrras reduced more than it has been in the past fev: years . The Supervisor asked the members of the Board for an expression and it was felt that (1) the Town Yard was not the proper place for a municipal building : ( 2) the Town was not in a position to undertake such an expensive proposition. 1"r . Hoxie further expressed an interest in purchasing a parcel vwnich is included in the Town' s In Rem foreclosure and adjoining his _ . property on Edgewood Avenue . He described the plot as rocky with a piece fronting on i:'yrtle Boulevard. He explained his idea for the use of this property as an addition, to his 1,Tuseum of Arts and Crafts . As to the idea for i�ahich 1'r . Hoxie contemplated using this property, it was suggested that he should determine from the Zoning Board whether or not this property could be used for such a purpose . After considerable discussion, Councilman Plills %%s appointed as a Cor, mittee to make an inspection of the property and report his find- ings to the Board. �6a85 I The report of the Town Clerk for the month of !Aay, 1947, was ordered placed on file . A letter dated June 11, 19479 was received from the Alumnae Association of the Steffie Nossen° s Teen Age workshop, thanking the Town for making available the use of the Auditorium at the ?weaver Street Fire douse for their Eteunion. The letter was ordered placed on file . A letter dated June 12, 19479 was received from Lr . L.C . James , requesting to be advised if a decision has been read-ied in the proposed change in the name of Emerson Place to 1,2aple Hill Drive . The Toxin Attorney was instructed to reply that the Board decided not to take action. The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the reports of the committees ® Councilman 7atson stated that he had nothing to report for his Departments. Referring to the bids that were received for the Althea Lane Seger, the Supervisor recommended postponement of the construction of this sewer until Fall. The members of the Board agreed to this suggestion and the Town Clerk was instructed. to return the deposit checks to the various bidders . The Supervisor stated that there were two apportionments on Proceeds of Village-ovrned property which should be made : namely; the old Bank Building distribution and the Homrocks distribution, but that action on then: should be deferred until after the Village of 17amaroneck Board meet, which would be konday, June 23 , 1947. Following discussion, it was suggested that the Board meet -- at a special meeting on Tuesday, June 24, 1947 at the Weaver Street Fire House at 8: 15 P.M. , to act on these matters ® The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a resolution from the Village of Idamaroneck approving the sale of property in their In Rem action. It was his recom endation that this sale be approved. On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilran ?'iatson, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: iEREAS`, the Village of Yamaroneck through the institution of an action in the County; Court of ,7estchester County, entitled Y1 In the 11atter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens Pursuant to Article V11-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village of Yam.aroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 194511 , has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of Real Estate situate in the Village of 1'ar-aroneck and Town of Ear.aroneck; and HFREAS, both the Village of Rlarraroneck and Town of 1amaroneck hold tax liens on said parcels of real property; and _ '. nEREs_S, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law an agree- rent was entered into between the Village of I' araroneck and. the To*mmn of Famaror_eck, which among other things set forth the interests of said mu.nicipa� ities in the properties being foreclosed; the canner of the sale of said properties ; and the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales ; and 681 7TE RE As the Village of a.maroneck has pursuant to an __r, agreement t had with the Town of hamaroneck advertised for and has heretofore received bids on certain properties owned by the Town of Mamaroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village of P:'-anaroneck in the Town of Namaroneck; and 7HEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Yamaro- neck have given consideration thereto and after due deliberation accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms therein set forth; and THERMS, since receipt of said bids this Board has given consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED, that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms therein, set forth: LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTION 9 Village Town Block_Lot Block_Parcel Bidder Amount_ Terms 56 13A2 921 47 aarguerite Dm Schrenkeisen $1950. Cash The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that the Board of Trustees of the Town and County Officers Training School, in cooperation with the Association of Towns, the New York State Association of County Superintendents of Highways and Cornell University, are jointly sponsoring a state-wide school for Superintendents of Highways, to be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, on July 1 and 2, 1947® It f=:gas his recommendation that Yr . Foote and Yr . Ward attend this training school. Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded. by Councilman I: ills , upon roil call, unanimously RESOLVED, that ToTn Superintendent of Highways , A.J. Foote, and his assistant, Janes P . lard, be authorized to attend. the Training School to be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, on July 1 and 2, 1947; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenses shall be paid by the Town. The Supervisor stated that in compliance with Section 142 of the Highway Law, a legal Notice was published in the Daily Times covering the purchase of a new Ford Pickup for the Highway Department . Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Eills, upon roll call, unanimously resolved WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways did on June 4, 1947, duly recorr_rend the purchase of certain highway equipment pursuant to the provisions of Section o 142 of the Highway Law, and a notice of such recommen- dation has been duly published as provided in such _ __ section; X079 THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the To-nn Superintendent is hereby authorized to purchase- One (1) 1947 half-tcn Ford Pickup truck equipped with spare tire , 'neater and defroster, at a cost of $1, 149 .77, less tales . FUiTHER RESOLVED, that for the purpose of making pay- went for the aforementioned truck, the sum of $1100. be appropriated from surplus money ( General Town Funds) to the Highway Budget for the year 1947, °' Item 111, laci_inery Fund." The matter of uniforms for the members of the Fire Department was brought up and Councilman ITills explained that there was approxi- mately $r00. in the 1947 budget for this item. He stated that originally the intent had been to purchase part of the uniforms this year and part in 1948 . He further stated that the complete uniforms would amount to approximately $2, 000. The members of the Board discussed this matter and it was decided that as long as these uniforms vaould not be ready until Fall, it 1nrould be better to purchase the complete uniform and pay the $800. from the 1.47 budget and the balance to be included in the 1948 budget . The Supervisor stated that the Board should novv, take action to make the funds available for the payment of the irc.prevments being done at Elkan Park. Counc-liran Watson roved the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Hills, upon roll call, unanimously ^Zr' -C�I�lT D that for the purpose of r7a'_F-�ng the payi'gents ., required to be made under the provisions of the contract �ii�,;__ Da fi� ! 0o. , r 'n na � ,nv �1� Daniel F . f� acnamee . Tnc . for the -, and curbing of the road at Elkan Park, zhe sum of $18,OOC. be a propriatecl from surplus money ( Generral Tot•+rig i vnd' to the Highway Budget for the year 1947, °t Item 1V, 4iscellaneous" . FURTITER RESOLVED`, that there be advanced from surplus ( General Town) , the sun sufficient to pay the amount lode Daniel F . :=acNamee Co . , Inc . for construction of ofd � ono a !ar bec �� r tn- ar 1 4 � 'IQ d so as to include'n lode in addition to items therein contained, the amount of $12, 750. for the construction of such sewer . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount required to reimburse the General Fund by reason of advance of moneys to Sewer District Ivo. 1, be 'Levied and collected from Sewer Dis- trict No. 1, as part of the Budget for the year 1948 ® The Supervisor presented Certificate No. 1, on Contract 7107 Elkan Park Improvements, covering the period Lay 12 to June 12, 1947, which shows that under the terms of the contract a payment to Daniel F . 1.1acNamee Co. Inc . is due on the Sewer and Plater Items . He recorrended that the Board approves the payment in accordance vvrith the terms of the Contract ® discussion, it was on motion by Councilman ?'latson, llo-wing disc .. Fo g g - seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the amount of $ 8, 758 .65, for the various items of work completed. by Daniel F . 1-ac- under Contract 4-`1079 Elkan Park Improvements, as certified. by the Town Engineer is hereby approved. ......__ _.. .... _.. .. 91 The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that when the Welfare Department was moved out of the old Town Hall Building, the electric drinking fountain was taken to the Town Garage . Since numerous repairs were necessary to put the unit in working condition, which would cost about$48. , it was suggested that perhaps the fountain could be sold back to the Gramatan Springs Company. The Supervisor said an offer of `35.00 was made by the Gramatan Company for the purchase of the electric water cooler . It was his re- __ commendation that this be accepted. Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman '.Watson, - seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the offer made by the Gramatan Springs Company, Inc . , in the amount of 835. for the Electric Water Cooler, be accepted. Councilman Stiner stated that he had nothing to report for his departments . Councilman Eills presented the report of fire inspections made during the month of Pray, 1947, which showed as follows : ADRTDENT_HOUSES_and_P_iULTI 1E D` ELLINGD Alden House } Leon Apartments Chatsworth Gardens } Stonecrest } No Violations Larchmont Hills ) Arcade ) Smith Residence ) Oak Haven No violations . Ordered house hose tested for leaks and connections . Avonmore - Clothes lines strung adjacent to electric and gas meters . Ordered same removed. immediately. Larchmont Acres -Found house hose removed from stand pipe connections in basement of Build- ing No. 3 . Had building manager replace same immediately. Larchmont Gables - Extinguishers overdue for recharging . This violation was reported last month after notifying superintendent to have extinguishers recharged as soon as possible . Notified Yessers . Posner & Posner in ivount Vernon, New York, building managers, by letter dated. June 14th, that a dead line of six days was set for removing violation before turning case over to Town Attorney to press action. CLUBS and TAVERNS Bonnie Briar } Alden Lounge ) Johnson Restaurant ? No Violations Post Lodge ) Sagamore Inn } 693 Loyal Irn Inn Found t�,,ao lights installed vaith lamp cord through wood partition to outlet in adjacent room® Ordered violation removed immediately. 7,7INGED FOOT CLUB - No violations , Upon previous recom- mendation, extinguishers were installed in furnace room and in kitchen® STORES® --- Chinese Laundry ) Vargo Beauty Salon ) Linden Stationery ) No violations Chatsworth Valet ) Gristede Brothers ) Helmer ' s Delicatessen - Found roorly installed lamp cord attached to wood partition extend- ing from outlet to electric clock. Ordered sane rer.oved ir__mediately® Plaza Pharmacy - Found lamp cord from ceiling fix- ture fastened to wood beam for additional lighting ® Ordered same r emoved immediately and Droner installation made if additional lighting is necessary or desired. PUBLIC-GARAGES® Pfyrtle 1 Cadillac ) No Violations MISCELLANEOUS: -- V.F .-,,,'T. Building Schenley Laboratories ) No violations Murray Avenue School ) In addition to the above inspections, a check is made at places of public assembly each Saturday evening to guard against overcre,wd-ing, illegal parking , exits , proper lighting and other safety factors for the public . Respectfully submitted, /s%➢Iichael F . Gallagher Lt . T.E.F®D ® Ap? roved: /sf George Burton Chief The Town Attorney eras instructed to take the necessary steps to secure the refilling of the fire extinguishers at Larchr-iont Gables, as requested by the Fire Insrector . Thal�swpnrsrzasorxwa�,cn$lruxtadx�r�x�akax� xre g����zry The Supervisor asked if there was any one in the room who to address the Board® - 1:r . George L. K_ettner, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the Estate of Helen Gilr. an and explained that his client was the owner of a parcel of real estate on Boston Post Road, inpraved Twith a house which was a t least 100 years old . He explained that it was presently rented 695 and had a total income of $35.00 per month. The Town Attorney explained that the Estate has presently pending certiorari proceedings on this property for a number of past years . I"Ir . Kettner offered, on behalf of the Estate , to pay the 1940 taxes ( tax sale of 1941) and the face amount of the tax liens for the years 1941 to 1946 inclusive ( tax liens for sales 1941-1947 inclusive) . In addition, j2,r . Kettner stated they would pay the 1947 State , County and Town tax together with the penalties which had accrued to the date of payment . Folloning discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Mills, seconded by Councilman lWatson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes be authorized to accept the sure of $3 , 769.69 against property known as Block 921, Parcel 164, in payment of the face amount of the State, County, Town and School taxes for 1940 ( Sale of 1941) ¢ the taxes of 1941 to 1-946 inclusive ( Sales of 1942-1947:rthe face amount of the tax liens ; plus the 1947 State, County and Town tax_ with penalties . The above liens to be assigned. to Lard eriteD. Schren- keisen, 50 Locust Avenue, New Rochelle, N.Y. A dele.�at icn of residents� livins on Lester and Th 13 lli ms Place appeared before the Board and through their spokesman, l:Ir . �aJ.T . Keon n the neighborhood and not a taxa er) ( tPho said he was resident �of g _p Y recuested again that the Town improve Lester and t:illiams Streets . Pair . Keon stated that these roads were unsur laced and in such condition that it was impossible to get fire apparatus, snow removals or delivery service on these streets . The Supervisor pointed out that the Town had never accepted these as public streets and there was no money available for this im- provePent . He explained that they had a serious drainage problem and in the event that a surface )!as to be put on theca streets the cost of doing the _r rovemen�� ould be very expensive , - P.tr . J8seph ' illiams stated that the residents of these streets pay a. total tax apnroximately $2, 000 . per year and it was felt they were entitled to the improvements requested. The Supervisor explained that this Board would make no commit- ments, but when the 1948 Budget was being prepared, this matter would receive serious consideration. I The Town Attorney presented the agreement between the Ta°rn of uamaroneck and the V l_age of Larchmont , in reference to the Town° s In Rem foreclosure rrcceedure , and on notion by Co'uncllran Fatson, se- conded or Councilman Stiner, it Peas, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to sign the agreement with the Village of Larchmont, which is substantially similar to the agreement. between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont vo���x���x��r ���x�x ox��d i��x�xxY3rS�#�x�rxxgti��xbyx�i�� which was on or about Pay 28, 1946 in connection Proceeding for 1946 brought by the it the In Rem Pr g with � Village of Larchmont . I 69 The Town Attorney presented the proposed agreement between the Town of Ear,.aroneck and the Village of Tvlamaroneck, in reference to properties acquired by the Tocm in the In Re4n foreclosure proceedings , On motion by Council-an ji;ratson, seconded by Counci lr an Stiner, it was, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to sign the agreement t'with the Village of IJamaroneck in regard to cancellation of taxes on properties to be acquired by the Town in In Rem foreclosure proceedings, pro- viding the resale of the same by the Town and the apportionment and distribution of the proceeds of the sale bet",,aeen the Town and Village in the ollow- ing form: VREP.S , the Town of Pramaroneck heretofore adopted a resolution, pursuant to Section 162 of the Tax Law, electing to -roceed hereF�fter to foreclose tax liens, pursuant to Title 3 of Article 7A of the Tax Law,i; and Pd'T REPS, in pursuance of such resolution and the provisions of Section 1645 ( 2) and (b) of the Tax Law, the Supervisor of the Town of l:iama.rcneck has filed with the Clerk of T'estchester County, a list of parcels of property, all affected by unpaid tax liens held and owned by said Town, which on said date had been unpaid for a period of at least four years after the date «Then the tax assessment or other local charge represented thereby, became a lien, and has caused notice to be given of publication and rrail- ing as provided in said sections ; and 1HEREAS, the time for redemption of said tax liens fixed in said notice, to i"rite I-_'ay 31st, 1947, has now expired and there rer.cain still unpaid, certain taxes and tax liens which are shown upon list heretofore attached and marked Exhibit A; and T`FHEREAS, certain of these parcels of property, so shown upon said list, marked Exhibit "A4l , are subject to collection of arrears of taxes and/or tax liens due the Village of Marraroneck, where such parcels of property are situated in both t:^.e Town and Villar of >ramaroneck, more particularly those in Sections - and 9 on the Village Assessment Hap; and WHEREAS9 the list marked Exhibit "A" contains the designation of such parcels by Block and Parcel nurber on the Town Assessmentlliap; and THEREAS9 both the Ta�r�n and Village of 'Kamaroneck have indicated their willingness to agree, pursuant to Sec- tion 166 A of the Tax Lavw, that all parcels of property which are indicated upon the list hereto attached and marked Exhibit "A, upon which they respectively own tax liens - shall except as hereinafter provided be sold free and clear of all taxes and «when re-sold, that the avails thereof be divided between the Town and Village, instead of proceeding under Subdivision --- 3 of Section 165H of the Tax La��w® 6:99 WEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck is the owner of each of the parcels of property described in the attached Schedule "B" , which parcels it acquired. in Tax Lien Foreclosure Proceedings either under Title 3, Article 7A of the Tax Law or under the provisions of the Village Lain. 1V0T,ThEREFORE , THIS AGREEL-ENT 17ITI�ESSETH; (1) That the final judgment to be entered, pursuant to section 165H of the Tax_ Law, in the matter of the foreclosure of tax liens pursuant to Article 7A, Title 3 of the Tax Lauer, (..:.Delinquent List of 1G47) by the -Town of Mamaroneck, now pending, shall provide that the con- veyance directed to be made by the Supervisor to the Town of Mamaroneck, shall also provide that such con- veyance shall be made subject to this agreement between the Town and Village . ( 2) That upon the conveyance to the Town of parcels included in Schedule "B" , the Town hereby agrees, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to convey to the Village of Eamaroneck, the parcels of property described. in Schedule "B" , conveying to the Village full and com- plete title to each such parcel of property, subject to all taxes due either the Town or Village as of tie date of such conveyance . (3) That the Village upon the Wivery of such con- veyance , shall cancel all `:tax liens or taxes which have become a lien prior to the date of such conveyance and note upon its records that such cancellation is made pursuant to this agreement between the Town and Village of Famaroneck and will not thereafter include any such liens in any tax lien sale, except as provided in Para- graph "2" hereof . (4) That the Town of Mamaroneck will offer for sale all the parcels of property conveyed to it and refer any offers received for the purchase of any such parcels, to the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck for ap- proval as to the price and terms of sale before actually selling any of such parcels of property. ( 5) That upon the sale, by the Town, of any such parcel, with the approval of the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck, the proceeds or avails thereof shall be distributed between the Town and Village as follows : (a) By paying to the Town, the proportionate cost of the In Rem Foreclosure proceeding which shall not ex- ceed the sum of $25.00 for each closing up to two parcels, and the sum of $5.00 for each additional parcel in such closing . (b) By paying or allowing all taxes levied and which have accrued or become liens subsequent to the date of such conveyance to the Town of Liamaroneck9 (c) By paying to the Village of Eamaroneck such part or portion of the net proceeds as is represented by a frac- tion, the denominator of which is the total of all taxes and/or tax liens , owed to both the Town and Village of 1 II I4amaroneck as of the date of such conveyance and the numerator of which is the amount of the taxes and/or tax liens oared to the Town of Mamaroneck as of the date of such conveyance ; (6) IT IS FU TEER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that should. the Town of Mamaroneck_ receive any rent or other compensation for the use and occupation of any of such parcels of property, then the amount so received., shall be included in the proceeds of sale after first deducting , however, the usual and necessary expenses in connection with the management or renting of the property from which such rent or other compensation is received® (7) IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that if either the Town or the Village hereafter desires to useo. lermanently hold any of the properties ac- quired hereunder for municipal or public purposes, and whether or not the same is reconve;,>ed to the Village of Mamaroneck, then the Town or Village, not so using or acquiring as the case may be , is to receive its share of unpaid taxes on the basis of an agreed or fair value of the property thus permanently used or acquired by such Town or Village, and each is to pay to the other its proportion or share of unpaid taxes in accordance with the formula expressed in the agreement and on the basis of such fair value . That upon the sale by the Village of any parcel deeded to it pursuant to Paragraph "2" of this agreement, the sale of such property and the distribution of the proceeds derived therefor shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs " 5" and "b" of this agree- ment . IN irzITNESS 7HEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of June , 1947 • TOWN OF IS?AMARONECK By: Owen A. Prandeville Supervisor VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK By: William E. Johnson Village I+tanager SCHEDULE A Property Serial Name of Last Description Number Known Owner _Block Parcel 196 Elizabeth Lynch 803 101 197 Equitable Mortgage & Title Co. 806 264 198 Dorothy Kittay 815 190 199 Mary Pidgeon 815 388 200 Therese Simon 817 451 70 3 II SCE DULE A ( Continued) Property Serial Name of Last Description Number Known Owner BlockParcel 201 Village of Eamaroneck 817 635 202 Village of hamaroneck 818 20 203 Robert Johnson & Wife 818 78 204 Ralph Gironde 818 85 205 Albert Hiller 820 211 207 Giovanni Pettinato 822 362 211 Jeremiah W. Jenks 827 453 214 William Cronin 833 262 217 Village of Mamaroneck 901 265 216 Village of Mamaroneck 901 290 217 Village of Eamaroneck 901 355 218 Brittany Homes, Inc . 903 465 219 Samuel Lightbody 912 162 222 Village of Eamaroneck 922 1 223 Village of namaroneck 922 110 224 Village of Mamaroneck 922 193 225 Village of Mamaroneck 923 1 226 Erfina Sebato 923 29 227 Village of Eamaroneck 923 30 228 Alfred L. Elgar 930 421 229 Yrs . keta E . VonBernuth & ors ® 931 251 230 S .M.H. Corp. 935 240 232 C . Belle Salmon 936) 26) 943) 1) 212 Georgia B. Jenks 827 465 - SCHEDULE B _i._. Property Serial Name of Last Description Number_ Known_Owner _Block __Parcel 201 Village of Yamaroneck 817 35 202 „ 818 20 215 u u 901 265 216 " 901 290 217 „ 901 355 222 n n 922 1 223 " " " 922 110 224 922 193 22 „ u 923 1 227 „ „ 923 30 The list of claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from June 4 to June 181 1947, was ordered placed on file . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to meet at a special meeting on June 24, 1947® l" Tow,- _erk,/