HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_06_04 Town Board Minutes 7 REGULAR MEETING OF THE TO WN BOARD, TOWN OF HAM]A O NECK HELD JUNE 4, 1947 in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Yandeville at 8: 15 P.1'. ( Daylight Saving Time) . Present : Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Stiner, Mills, ndatson, Embury Absent : None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg, Town Attorney Delius, Comptroller Orsino and Town Accountant Finson. The minutes of May 21, 1947, were approved as presented. A letter dated June 3, 1947, was received from the Secretary of the Mamaroneck High School General Association, thanking the Town for permitting the use of three voting machines for their school elections on Inlay 23, 1947. The letter was ordered placed on file . A letter dated May 29, 1947, was received from lldr . Edward Ely Hoxie asking if the Town Board could suggest a place suitable for a temporary community center where it can be conducted by the 11useum of Arts and Industrial Crafts . The Town Clerk was instructed to reply that there is no available space at this time, but if any of the members of the Board hear of one, they shall be glad to communicate with T..r . Hoxie . -- The following reports for the month of P"ay, 1947, were received and ordered placed on file : Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments ; Report of the Building Inspector ; Report of the 7,Testchester County Dog Protective Association; Statement of Bank Balances as of Junel, 1947 ; Sumrary of Receipts and 1�isbursements, January 1 to P;?ay 319 1947; Analysis of Estimated Revenues, January 1 to Play 31, 1947; Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures, January 1 to May 31, 1?47. I The Town Clerk presented the affidavit of publication calling for a public hearing to consider certain amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town, The Supervisor asked if there was any one in the room who wished to speak in opposition to the proposed changes . There being no one who desired to speak, he declared the hearing closed. On notion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of ;Mamaroneck, adopted June 21, 1922, and as last amended by resolution adopted July 22, 1946, is hereby amended - as follows : 59 Article 11, Section 7, is hereby amended to read as follows - Article 11 Section 7. GARAGES AND STABLES. Except in residence A-3 districts . where community or group dwellings are erected, a private garage for not more than three automobiles owned and used exclusively by an in- dividual resident of the unincorporated part of the Town of 1,4amaroneck for his private use, shall be permitted in residential district s9 if erected at least 7- feet from the front property line, unless said garage is made part of the main dwelling or. in case of severe topo- graphical conditions, or where a lot is less than 100 feet in depths the distance may be less than 75 feet upon the consent of the Board of appeals . On corner lots, a garage shall also be set back at least 30 feet froma side street unless, upon the consent of the Board of Appeals, a less set-back restriction be permitted. In residence district A-3, where group or community dwellings are erected, accessory garages for not more than one non-commercial vehicle for each dwelling section, within the smalls of such row or group dwell- ings on or below grade, or in groups of one-story fire resisting units on the same plot with the row or group dwellings to which such garages are appurtenant, provided such group of garages shall not be built within two hundred feet of any street, shall be permitted. A garage for not more than three motor vehicles may be permitted in a Class B and B-2 residential district for the exclusive use of the occupants of an apartment house if erected on the same lot or plot of land with such apartment house building, upon the consent of the Board of Appeals . A commercial .,garage may be permitted in business districts upon the consent of the Board of Appeals . A public automobile garage or gasoline service station shall be permitted in industrial districts, and may be permitted in business districts, only after the proposed location of the same has first beep? approved by the Board of Appeals . Under no circumstances shall a per=m,it be issued for the erection or enlargement of a garage for more than three motor vehicles, a group: of garages for more than three motor vehicles, or for a gasoline service station or for the conversion of any premises, not so used, to be used for such purposes in any district whether it be a business or industrial district if any part of the lot or plot in question is situated within a radius of two hundred feet of, or within any portion of a street between two intersecting streets in which portion there exsists ® 1. A Church,or 2. A hospital maintained as a charitable institution, or 3 . A Public library, or 4. A duly organized school, other than a public school, conducted for children under sixteen years of age and giving regular instruction, at least five days a week for eight or more months a year, or 5. A public school, or 6 . dl theatre containing e co to Wing at least 300 seats , No exceptions to the provisions of this section shall be made except upon the consent of the Board of Appeals . A private stable for one or more horses owned and used exclusively by an individual resident of the unincorporated part of the Town of 61 !, Mamaroneck for his private use, may be permitted in residential dis- tricts, if erected at least seventy-five feet from the front property line . Upon corner lots, said stable shall be set back at least twenty-five feet from a side street, unless, upon special consent of the Board of Appeals, a lesser distance be permitted. A commercial stable may be permitted in business districts upon the consent of the Board of Appeals. A public livery or boarding stable shall be permitted in industrial districts, and may be permitted in business districts only after the proposed location of same has first been approved by the Board of Appeals . (2) Article 111, Section 9, is hereby amended to read as follows- Article 111 SECTION 9. AREA DISTRICTS, Classes A , A-2 and A -3 . In these area districts the set-back and minimum dimensions of yards and courts and the maximum percentage of lot occupancy shall be as follows ; SET BACK- No part of any building shall be built within 30 feet of any street line, except that on corner lots such buildings may be set back a less distance from 1he side street upon the consent of the Board of Appeals . REAR YARDS: Classes A and A-2. In these area districts there shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen per cent of depth of the lot. This yard need not exceed twenty-five feet in depth, provided it has a depth of not less than five inches for each foot of building height, Class A-3 ® In these area districts there shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than 25 per cent of the lot with a minimum depth of 25 feet entirely unoccupied. SIDE YARDS: Classes A and 'A-2,. In these area districts, two side yards shall be provided at the curb level of every lot . The least dimensions of each yard shall be six feet . area Class A-3 . In these/districts two side yards shall be provided, the least dimensions of which shall be 15 feet . PERCEFTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: No building with its accessory build- ings, shall occupy in excess of forty per cent of the area of an interior lot, nor in excess of fity per cent of a corner lot . SUNLIGHT . Every room in which persons habitually live, sleep, eat, rest or 1,,iork shall have a total window area of not less than twelve (12) per cent of the floor area of such room, and from the inner edge of the lowest sill of every such window there shall be an open unob- structed angle of light of not less than 45 degrees to the sky, measured from the vertical, measured over the average level of the opposite wall of any court, or over a line representing the maximum height to which the opposite wall of a building on an adjoining lot, or across a street n.ay be erected, but towers, spires and similar projections, which may exceed such height as provided in Section 19 of the Zoning Ordiance shall be excluded in computing such angle of skylight . GROSS FLCCR AREA. In areagd;stricts A and A-2, no dwelling or house shall be constructed with a total/floor area of less than one thousand one hundred ( 1,100) square feet, not including basements, enclosed porches and attics which are not intended to be used for 63 residence purposes, and in area districts A-3 no duelling or house shall be constructed with a total gross floor area of loss than Nine hundred ( 900) square feet, not including basements, enclosed porches and attics which are not intended to be used for residence purposes . (3) Article lll, Section 10, is hereby amended to read as follows : Article 111 SECTION 10 . AREA DISTRICTS ® Class B. In these districts the set back and minimum dimensions of yards and courts and the maximum per- centage of lot occupancy shall be as follows : SET BACK: All parts of a building shall be set back as follows: four stories or 46 feet or less in height , 30 feet ; five stories or 58 feet in height, 35 feet ; six stories or 70 feet in height, 40 feet, from the street line on each street on which it faces, except than on corner lots such buildings may be set back a less distance from the side street, upon the consent of the Board of Appeals . REAR YARDS: A rear yard is required on each lot . Such rear yard shall be at least 20 feet deep behind a building or rear projection three stories or more in height and at least 15 feet deep behind a building less than three stories in height . `Where a lot is less than 100 feet deep at the time of the passage of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or regulation, one-half of the diminution in depth of the lot, below 100 feet, shall be subtracted from the pre- scribed depth of the rear yard, provided that no rear yard shall be less than 15 feet in depth® , SIDE YARDS: A side yard is required along each side lot line not a street line . No wall of any building or accessory building shall be within less than 15 feet from any side lot line . Open spaces between parts of buildings on the same plot shall be not less than 20 feet in width in the case of buildings 2 1,12 stories or, less in --- height ; Not less than 25 feet in width, -with respect to a three-story building , and not less than 30 feet in width with respect to a build- ing more than three stories in height -wherever such intervening open spaces are the sole means of bringing adequate exterior light and air to windows of a living room or sleeping room. An accessory building over 60 feet from any street line and not over trio stories in height may be within not less than three feet from any lot line intersecting such street ® No cornice shall project more than one-quarter of the width of the open space nor more than three feet in any case but may project one foot in any case . Chimneys r_ay be erected within a side yard provided they do not exceed 10 square feet in horizontal external cross section and do not obstruct free ventilation. A fire escape an outside stairway, or a balcony to a fire tower may project not more than five feet into the side yard. '71 thin the limits of a side yard, no fence or wall ( except a retain- ing wall) shall be more than four feet high unless the part above such height be not *.core than one-quarter solid in which case the total I shall not exceed ten feet ® COURTS: An open space to be called a " court" and conforming to the provisions of this section shall be provided wherever any room in which persons live, sleep or congregate, cannot be adequately lighted or ventilated from the street or yard. The minimum width and areas of courts shall conform to the follow- ing: For a building four or more stories, minimum width 30 feet, minimum area 1800 square feet . 65 For a building three stories, minimum_ width 25 feet, minimum area 1250 square feet. For a building two and one-half stories or less, minimum .width 20 feet, minimum area 800 square feet. No fence or wall ( except a retaining wall) more than four feet high unless one-quarter solid above such height , shall exist within the limits of any required lot line court where such fence or wall is distant less then two and one-half feet from any lot line provided the total height of such wail does not exceed 10 feet . PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: The following limitations shall govern together ?aith the restrictions for set backs, front, rear and side yards and courts as set forth in this section. (a) a building occupying not more than 37 1/2% of the lot area may be erected to a height not to exceed six stories but not in excess of 70 feet . (b) a building occupying not more than 40% of the lot area may be erected to a height not to exceed five stories but not in excess of 58 feet . (c) a building occupying more than 40% of the lot area shall not be erected to a height greater than four stories nor more than 46 feet . (d) no building shall occupy more than 45% of the lot area. Article V1, Section 24 is hereby amended to read as follows : Articll V1 SECTION 24. APPEALS . An appeal may be taken to the Board of Appeals by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board, or bureau of the town. Such appeal shall be taken within such times as shall be prescribed by the Board of Appeals by general rule, by filing with' the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of Appeals , a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. the officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board, all the Papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from., unless the officer, from whom the appeal is taken, certifies to the Board of Appeals, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, that , by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imrinent peril to life or property, in �rhich case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restrain- ing order which may be grantdd by the Board of Appeals, or by a Court o£ record on application on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. The Board of Appeals shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal or other matter referred to it and give public notice thereof , as well as due notice thereof to the parties in interest and decide the same within a reasonable time . Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. Any person or corporation, other than the Town of P'anaroneck, making any application to the Board of Appeals under the provisions of this Article , shall pay to the Building Inspector of the Town of L'iamaroneck, h� sum of Ten 10. Dollars to cover the cost of advertising the notice of hearing, upon each application filed. Article V1, Section 25 is hereby amended to read as follows: Article V1 SECTION ''25. JURISDICTION. 667 (a) The Board of Appeals may hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official charged with the enforcement of this Ordinance and all matters referred to it thereunder or upon �,,rhich it is required to pass ® (b) The Board of Appeals may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination ap- pealed from and shall make such order, requirement, decision or deterrination as in its opinion ought to be made in the premises an to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom -- the appeal is taken® ""here there are practical difficulties or un- necessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this Ordinance, the Board of Appeals shall have the power in passing upon appeals, to vary or modify the application of any of the regulations, or aitexatimnprovisions of this Ordinance relating to the use , construction, or alteration of buildings or structures, or the use of land, so that the spirit of the Ordinance shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done ® (c) The Board of Appeals shall also have original jurisdiction with like power to hear and determine applications brought before it for variances from the strict provisions of this Ordi.aanep,and to grant appropriate relief without the requirement of a prior deter- mination of the Building Inspector or other administrative official of 'the Town, charges with the enforcement of this Ordinance, provided that where any determination has been made by such administrative official, an appeal must be taken as provided in Section 24 of this Ordinance and the rules and regulations of the Board, of Appeals® The Town Attorney reported that the redemption period on the Town' s In Rem action had expired on t,_-ay 31, 1947® He explained that under the lava there is a twenty-o day period in which an answer could be filed by a delinquent taxpayer and he had instructed the Receiver of Taxes that any one wishing to redeiamhis property within this twenty-day period should be allowed to do so. The Supervisor stated that as long as this matter was brought up, he requested permission to diviate from the regular order of business as he had certain offers at hand to present to the Board® He recommended that all these offers be accepted® The Supervisor presented an offer in the amount of $150.00, received from 16iss Lillian Ravenscroft, in settlement of taxes on pro- perty known as "Salt Yeadows" and a small plot on Valley Road® Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman 1,lills, seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes is hereby authorized to accept the sum of $150 .00 in full payment of the 1947 State, County and Town taxes and prior years ' taxes and/or tax liens on property known as Block 505, Parcel 264, Block 506, Parcel 3259 Block 131, Parcels 65 and 68 . The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a check in the amount of $524.04 to settle tax arrears on property known as Block 823 . , Parcel 61® I Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes be authorized to accept payment of the tax liens for the years 1935, 1936 and 1937, in the amount of $524,04 and to cancel from the records of the Receiver of Taxes the tax liens for the years 1938 to 1944 inclusive totaling $837.97. The Supervisor stated that he had at hand an offer made by is=rs ® J.J. Hynes, in the amount of `5979.26, for the settlement of taxes on property known as Block 701, Parcel 22® 669 Following discussion, it ,raas on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman 'Matson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes be authorized to accept the sum of $979.26, in payment of all the 1946 and prior years ' taxes, and/or tax liens on pro- perty known as Block 701, Parcel 22. The Supervisor presented a letter dated I4ay 29, 1947, received from the Village Treasurer of the Village of Larchmont, advising that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont has decided to retain various properties acquired by the Village in their In Rem Action, to be used for municipal purposes . ( A list of the properties was attached to the letter) . An offer was made of $11, 240.00 as the Town' s share, to pay the 1946 School taxes including penalties, interest and charges amounting to 8676 .05, and the rer. ainder of $10, 563 .95 as payment in full of taxes cancelled in accordance with their agreement. The 1947 Town taxes on these properties have been paid and the 1947 School taxes will be paid when due. Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilr::an 'Matson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board accept the offer made by The Village of Larchmont, in the amount of $11, 240.00, to be applied as follows : That the Receiver of Taxes be authorized to accept the sum of $676.05 in full payment of the 1946 ( sale of 1)47) school tares ; and That, the Supervisor be authorized to accept the balance of $10, 563 .95 as the Town' s share of the following In Rem properties : Block Parcel 603 487 613 18 613 118 616 300 703 286 703 416 435 713 2 53 713 341 730 151 The Supervisor reported that he had at hand resolutions from the Village of Yamaroneck approving the sale of property in their In Rem Action. It was his recomrendation that these sales be approved. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury it vas, upon roll call, unanimously resolved tdwREAS, the Village of Itamaroneck through the institution of an action in the County Court of 7'estchester County, entitled"'n The Yatter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens Pursuant to Article r11-A, Title 3 of the tax law by the Village of Iulam:aroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 1945" , has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of Real Estate situate in the Village of Mar, aroneck and Town of Mamaroneck; and IHEREAS, both the Village of `amaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck hold tax liens on said parcels of real pro- perty; and 711HEREAS, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law an agree- ment arras entered into between the Village of Lamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck, which among other things set forth the interests of said rr,unicipalties in the pro- perties being foreclosed; the manner of the sale of said properties ; and the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales ; and 1 I ',WHEREAS, the Village of 1amaroneck, has pursuant to an agreement had with the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for and has heretofore received bids on certain properties owned by the Town of Idamaroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village of I"4amaroneck in the Town of h'=amaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of mamaroneck have given consideration thereto and after due deliberation accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms therein set forth; and 717TEREAS, since receipt of said bids this Board has given consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED, that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms therein set forth: LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED_INSECTION $ Village Town Block Lot _Block Parcel Bidder Amount Terms _ 61 10 821 part of 505 John Tomasetti $200.00 Cash LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IFi_SECTION 9 12 14 901 Part of 355 Tomasino D iRuzzo $350.00 Cash The Supervisor presented a letter dated Is-ay 12, 1947, received from Police Chief Yerick, advising that Officers James Staropoli and George Mulcahy have completed a year on the Town' s Police Force as of May 1, 1947. He said these men are now entitled to the usual increase in salary which is $100.00, after having completed the first year, and said increassto become effective Iday lst, 1947® Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman_ Mills, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the salaries of Patrolamn James Staropoli and George Llulcahy be increased from $2600. to $2700. effective I. ay lst, 1947® Referring to &_r ® Theodore Zeiler ' s appearance at the last meeting, the Supervisor reported that Town. Engineer Foote advised that the sale or transfer of the plot at the end of Knollwood Drive is not recomrended due to a possible future extension of Knollwood Drive, 7ood Acres to connect with Knollwood Drive, Rouken Glen. The Supervisor stated that he had written Pc;r. Zeiler to this effect and that he had requested Lr® Foote to place a @➢ No Dumping" sign on this plot in an effort to keep the gardeners from dumping their clippings etc , The Supervisor reported that because of the resignation of Mr . Michael A. Merola, the Public works Department was being reorganized. He said he had discussed the matter with Mr . A.J. Foote and the fcllowing changes were agreed upon, P1r -lard, ,iho is filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of I.!;r i=cKeEvEr5 will novvPbe on the outside a. considerable portion of the day and because of this it was found necessary to turn over to him the car formerly ussd by 'r. I:ierola for the performace of his duties . imir . Osborne will also be on the outside considerably more, and in add.itl_on to his other duties he will be required to supervise and check on the i-ii.Le Cl-.i on of garbage t1irou.ghou.t the T'?v7n.. M?-is will necessitate his using the pickup truck at all of the time . 1 673 Larry Yarsella will assume the duties of labor foreman in the Highway Department and in the performance of his duties he will be re- quired to take the men to and from the different jobs, picking up small materials and supplies which would necessitate that Mr. L'arsella use the large dump truck and which, the Supervisor pointed out, would be a very inefficient and uneconomical procedure. It was for this reason that he felt a Pickup truck was an essential purchase at this time and he recommended that the Town purchase a 1947, half-ton Ford Pickup. The Supervisor further explained that as this would be a piece of highway equipment, there were certain legal formalties that would have to be complied with. The first step would be the publication of a notice of intent to purchase by the Town Board, at least five days prior to the date at which the anticipated purchase will be discussed. After further discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the Tot,=*n Clerk be authorized to place the requires', Legal Notice in the Daily Times at least five days prior to the next meeting which would be on June 18, 1947. The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that he also .had at hand a recommendation from Nr. Foote for the purchase of a new pickup truck. The Supervisor presented a letter addressed to Town Engineer Foote, from Daniel F. hacNamee & Co. , Inc . , requesting perrrission to sublet any part of Elkan Park_ Improvements Contract -#107, to the Circle Construction Corporation. He stated that he had a memorandum from 1",r . Foote recommending that this request be approved. Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Mills, unanimously RESOLVED, that approval is hereby given for the employment of Circle Construction Corporation as subcontr ctor under Daniel F. N"acNamee & Co. . Inc . on job known as 11 Contract -4107, Elkan Park Improve- ments ." The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to be heard. Mr . Kenneth Mink of 131 Paln.er Avenue, Larchmont, appeared and stated that he as a veteran felt that he should receive the same monetary consideration as the Town Board was extending to the Larchmont Veterans ' Housing Corporation. He amplified this by stating that the expenditure the Town is making for the utilties and road surfaces in the Elkan Park Development amounts to approximately $750. per unit, and he felt that as he had re- cently completed his house at the rear of 121 Palmer Avenue, the Town should make him a contribution of a similar amount. He said the cost of cast iron pipe being so prohibitive, he had abandoned his original intention of hooking a lateral sevier into the trunk sewer, and instead, --- had a septic tank installed. The Supervisor asked Mr . Mink whether he was requesting $750., or the cost of installing the septic tank. Id[r . Think stated that he thought he should be treated the same as the other veterans in that he should receive 5750® He was then asked what the cost of installing the septic tank and Mr. Mink said it cost about $350. 675 The Supervisor informed Yr. Link that the members of the Board would, give consideration to his request and that he would be advised of the Board' s decision. He further informed P;'.r. P_ink that the - Toxin was justified in making the expenditure in connection with the L•archmont Housing Project, but in this particular case the Town Attorney would have to advise the Board as to the legal aspect . The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the reports of Committees . Councilman Watson presented a petition received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes . On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Stiner, it was, upon roll call, unanimously resolved: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act: and TrviEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll, NOIN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1946, taxes of 1947 and the assessment roll of 1947, taxes of 1948, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Section Block_ Lot Owner Land Only_ 9 105 1 to 4 ( 960-172) Satan' s Toe,Inc . $159100 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land Orly 9 105 3 & 4 ( 960-172) Marion B . Elliott $ 7, 750 9 105 1 & 2 ( 960-183) Satan' s Toe, Inc . 79350 Councilman Embury stated that the only matter he had to report was that the new parking regulations at the Larchmont Station had been put into effect. He explained that the buses after discharging passengers were then required to park in the new area which had been set aside for them where they awaited the arrival of incoming trains . He said that this did' not tie up the area directly in front of the Station as it had in the past . He said the new arrangement seems to be a great improvement . Councilman Stiner reported that on a recent inspection of the Town' s highways with 1w-r. Foote, it speared to them as they were driving along weaver Street that the entrance to the new road, which was being constructed on Byron Estates, from Weaver Street should be widened, as a safety measure . Pedestrians who come along ':weaver Street cannot be seen because of thewall from, the road into Byron Estates . . .. . .__. ... 67 Following discussion, the Supervisor suggested that perhaps something could be done to correct this later on when the property was further developed. Councilman Mills uresented a list of claims from the Fire De- partment totaling $65.86 . He said he had checked the bills and recommen- ded their approval. The members of the Board sitting as the Board. of Fire Commissioners considered the Claims, and on motion. by Councilman Mills, seconded by --- Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp- troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same out of the budget for the Fire Departments A & A Automotive Co . $ 2. 58 L. Earl Killer, Inc . 9.02 Foley Hardware, Inc . 13 .90 Mamaroneck Plumbing Supply Co. 7.90 New York Telephone Company 6 .80 �� Eureka Fire Hose Division, U.S . Rubber Company 2,.66 $ Grand Total R�T Councilman Mills presented the Fire Report for May, 1947, which showed as follows : Islay 1 Larchmont Acres, False Alarm 2 Car fire on Myrtle Blvd . 4 Car fire on Myrtle Blvd . 7 Oven in '_Kitchen on fire. Mr. Carroll - 9 Locust Terrace 9 Car on fire . 17 naple Hill Drive - Mrs . Van Buskirk 13 Wood Shed on fire . - 162 Garden Road East - Mr . Brocklesky 15 Bacon burning in oven - 43 Bonnie Briar Lane 16 Brush on fire in back of Bonnie Briar Lane 16 Brush on fire near Larchmont Gardens 16 Brush on fire near Bonnie Briar Lane 23 Radio transformer on fire at 67 North Chatsworth Avenue Dr . Tumarkin 26 Mattress on fire Apt . 24D, Larchmont Acres - Mrs . Wescott 26 Grease on fire ( on stove) - K Orsini Drive - Mr . Morris 31 Locked out Mr . J. Forrar - 10 Wildwood Road 1 False Alarm 7 Minor Alarms 3 Still Alarms 3 Full Alarms Estimated Damage $125.00 The Supervisor stated that he wished to cor:mend the Weaver Street Fire Department for the spotless condition and splendid appearance of the equipment that was paraded on Memorial Day. He said he had also heard complimentary remarks from other taxpayers of the Town. The Town Attorney recommended the following resolution, which was on motion by Councilman Emibury, seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, in foreclosure proceedings instituted by the - Town against Rockcliffe Estates, Inc . at al, the Re- feree, duly appointed for that purpose by order of the i 679 Supreme Court sold to the Town of Liamaroneck property described as Block 105, Parcel 10, Block 104, Parcel 111, and Block 104, Parcel 1 and Block 105, Parcel 19 and WHEREAS, the said Referee has applied to the payment of certain taxes, assessments and tax liens owned by and due to the Town of Lamaroneck, together with interest and penalties thereon to the date of sale, the sum of $14,072.76, which taxes, assessments and tax liens are required_ to be cancelled by the provisions of Section 54 of the I.Vestchester County Tax rct. NOIN, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the follovaing taxes, assessments and tax liens are hereby cancelled; Block 105. Parcel 10 Year of Amount of lien Interest or penalty Sale tax- to May 6, 1947 Total 1938 $ 182.44 $ 197.03 1939 178.71 171. 56 1940 172.70 145.07 1941 174. 52 125.65 1942 174.24 104. 54 1943 144.05 69.14 1944 179.78 64.72 1945 185.06 44.41 1946 175.40 21.05 - 1947 187.34 State, County & -- Town Tax for 1947 11 .04 _-_�_ $ 29810.45 Block 104. Parcel 111 1941 $ 366 .05 $ 263 . 55 1942 307.13 184.28 1943 256.84 123 .28 1944 301.85 108.67 1945 310.57 74.54 1946 308.26 36.99 1947 329.30 State, County & Town Tax for 1947 ?99.17 __-- $ 3, 170.48 Block 104, Parcel 1 and Block 10 s_Parcel 1 1936 $ 327.60 $ 432.43 1937 512.59 615.11 1938 374.04 403 .96 1939 551.97 529.89 -- 1940 533 .31 447.98 1941 328. 54 236 . 55 1942 328.03 196.82 1943 271.08 130 .12 121.85 1944 348 .20 83 .57 1946 345.64 41.47 1947 369.23 State, County & Town Tax for 1947 223 .38 $ 8,091.83 The Town Attorney presented the Easement Agreement for the construction of the Althea Lane Sewer and he was instructed to record the same . In connection with the bids that were received at the last meeting for the construction of Althea Lane Sewer, the members of tie Board decided to postpone this :matter, until the next meeting of the Board. The Town Attorney explained that in connection with the In Rem action, it was now the appropriate time to enter into agreements with the two villages regarding the disposal of those properties which will be acquired in our present In Rem action. He stated that he had discussed the matter of these agreements with the attorneys of both Villages . As to the Village of Larchmont, the agreement would be exactly the same as that which had been entered into between the Town and the Village, except that it would be in reverse . As to the Village of P,4amaroneck agreement, he stated that there was some difficulty in that there were some 13 parcels of Village-owned properties included in our In Rem action. He said the Village of n4amaroneck Attorney requested that the agreement contain a clause in which the Town would agree to deed back to the Village those properties upon which they acquired title in their action. Following discussion, the Board instructed the Town Attorney to insist that the Village of Mamaroneck agreement should be .similar to the agreement with the Village of Larchmont, and no exception be made of the properties which they have already acquired. --- The Town Attorney discussed with the Board the advisability of amending the Building Code with regard to fireproof andsemi®fireproof' apartment houses . The Town Attorney said he would prepare a draft of the proposed changes and submit same to the members of the Board for their consideration. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10: 20 F.Pfi. I zz _ Town/C erk�/