HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_03_26 Town Board Minutes RESO!770, that in accordance with the nro7islono of
section 25 of the :estshester Covnt7 Tax Act, n The
Daily Times", the official newspaper nublished in
the village and Town of Kemnronechf be and it hereNT
is degiansted as the r—F-paper in -hichthe Receiver
of Taxes and issessments shall publish the notice of
the collection of States County, Town and District
taxes and Water Rents; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that said rublication be made on
March 12$ 1947, in " The D02y Times": ond be it
FURTHER PFS0177% that in accordance with the zro-
7isions of Section 26 of the Teatchester Countj Tax
Act ; the Town Board do end it hereQ dOes firect the
Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each Tax-
toyer of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known
tG said Receiver of Taxes end Assessments , a tar bil-j,.
,or all taxes and water rents, the exrense thereof to
be a to7n sharge.
nws of 1942, the
finial form of Ta
Tsves in the 79ar
rorsuant to Thapvr 82 of zhe
Board hereby approved the Of-
Qyt used by the Recsiver of
for taxes for the year 1947.
The SuPervis= informed the members of the Board that tAxse
collent-A on in Rem prowrties as of Yaroh 1, 1917 amounted to $21, 417.01
and the interest on same amounted to b2,171X8. He said that out of the
334 parcels in the in Rem proceedln2, 53 have been paid and th.ere rare
six parcels o-n ,!a l ^ the taxes were cancelled, leaving a balance of 275
narcels in the in Rem foreclosure
Ths ``t n. stated that he had a request from Wo_� 9 - Bril-
Att,r),j_y for yr, I Frederic N. Gilbert, for the enecution and delivery of
own as lot
a quitalaim dead by the Town coverin3 property formerly kn
No 79 and ?ascribed as "Map of First subdivision of grand Part, Villa'A
one Tuvn of Mamaroneck, Testchestar County, !Q07 YOM filed in the Re-
SistarvE Office of the County of Westchester, now known as the County
Clery 's office , Division of hand Recordss Westchester County, On 3M
17, 1870, vs Hap Nc 459�
The raquestlis ir .. e form of P letter states that certain
ten leases appear on the records of the CO 1O Treasurer '5
office, nc the of Finance , County of Nest the ster, which
indicate that the Town of p?marnnscic purchased from the County Treasurer
at sales Kit bv the County Treasurer in the years 180-3-4, 1000 year
leases novering this property- On the other hand, the tax arrears re-
cords of the Town of Yanaroneck contain no refererne to these losses ,
no WIF there ynv record: in *he office of the Rlcei7er of Taxes indi-
cotlyZ ort-OhIrL to be 6— nr this prOgerW which ig no port of BloclT
?Frcel 404 on the tax assessment man
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilmen 7nbur7q
seconded by Ccunoilman Stiner, 7pon. roll Call, unanirou5!7
RESOLw7D, that the SurervisOr executs and deliver el
quitclaim teed to Fraheric N , 011"t , JIJ the
t4 *1Z Rna irtere9t Of th- To. n on said Lot No. 39 and
described is " pa2 of First subdivis5on Of OrInd Park ,
Villags and Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester Countys
New yorw and filed in the R.O. is Man NO- 4590
The Supervisor state? that he had at and a letter from Mr.
HeW R. Tillon, Receiver of Taxeo requestinS authorizaticn to cancel
certain old taxsE from the or-esrE records Tf the Town for tbn years
1875-1875, on Block 9002 parcel 123, The letter states that when
rr. Smith transferred these taxes to the Dresent arrears bo-1 he carried
these items over shovins them over. because he was not certain what Tee'
meant by the nor&" comfomise"; therefore, carrving thes� tRwea :--- sr,
order to be safe „ Attached to the letter was an affidavit from Mr.
ChsrleF 7. Heffner certif7ing to the fact that to far as the records
in TI ite platns are concerned, there are no taxes or liens outstandin�,�
alFinst thiF P"09art7,
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Embury
seconded by Councilman Mills , upon roll call, unanimous7-,7
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes ant AFsessmente
be and he hereby is authorized to nanzel the follosinE
taxes from the arrears records of the Tcwn of Ma-aro-
block 12
Year of Ta. x Amount
1875 i< 5.51
1876, 3169
The Town ittorne7 stated that he 4nd a request from Mr. Edward
H. PetiZor, President on? Ltto=7 for Larchmont Estates , !no, for
fact on of a 4udZment rsTresentinZ costs and disbursements in in appeal
to the Appellate Division by the defendant, Lorchmont Estatesy inc. , in
an action to foreclose tax liens unon vropqrty owned by lerchnont Estates,
Inc . in thim foreclosure procending the Defendant, Larchunnt Estates,
Tno . had filed an answer and upon motion by the Town the judZnont -as
ornn-aFa in fpvo- of the To-va by Special Term of the Sunre-P Court and-
from this the Defendant aunealed, Thereafter the action was discontinued
upon stipulation which provided for the payment of taxes upon two out of
three jarcs? s involved in the foreclosure a'- �7o,�-nta syeed upon b7 the
stirui?Qor. In view of this Hiruletfon which provided that the action
be discontinued without coEtso the Town Attorney recommended that this
judGment be satiafipd.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Stirrer,
it -vs . upon roll call, unanimously
RESOTTED; that the Sup
authori7ed to siSn and
meet- against :wrchnont
of Q42 .884
arvisor be and he hereby is
Jeliver satisfaction of iuQ-
Astntes , Inc. , in the amount
At 9: 15 Pm& the Board uranimousl7 resolved. to adlourna
Tn th® Council ROOM Of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of
yamRrorecho Few York.
The Meeting WTs called to order by SUPer"Or
Pt Br K P Y. ( Eastern Standard Tire) .
Present, Sumen7isor Mandeville
Councilmen Stiners yijIs ,, Tntsonp Emb=7
Absent i None
The nresence was siso not of 7owr Clerk Tovin
ittornev Delius . COTIntroller OrsinO5 Town kocountant FinsOn. end Town
Hng%W and Su;erintendent of HiEhws7s , k J- Foote-
The minutes of March 5t 190, wore P7P"vnd as Presented'
j letter datew March 20, 1947, Was re""" fron Henry R. Dillon
Receiver of Tames , sdvjsirZ that he had been shown receivto for Town T&-�
62 ,85 - as nor zseonFw&n47
OT 1919 for Q.22 and School tax of Isis for 2 _ - , 1 -7 , lot 10;
roll of 1917, on prorsrt-�-, then known as Section 8, BiOcz /
and roqn act inZ nuthori7cf4on fro- the Town Board to cence7 these taxes
from the records.
on motion by Connoilron Watson, Seconded bw Councilman Stiner�
it was, upon roll, unanimously
RISOLVED, that the Anceiver of Taxes ond Assessmente
be authorize? to cancel the Town Tax of 1918 in the
amount of 93z ?2 and the School Tax of 1918, in the
v7oynt of Q?.95 aSainst Droperty known as SectiOr
8, 31och 775 iot K. now known as Block 831, Fircel 3390
The folio-Env reports were received and ordered placed Cr file:
Report Of the Buildino and Plumbing inspector for the MDn% of February:
1947: Reucrt of the Town Clerk for the month of Februar7 1247; list
of cIaj7F . budited end Paid by the Comptroller from March 5 1947 to
n3in, ?F 1947, of Receipts oY d Disbursements fro januar7
Dinbursaments from JRruPrV
to February EMU' ) of Receipts and-
1 to February 23, 047; Ansl7sis of Estimated Revenues from jenuom
to Februar7 28, 1947- Nalvsis of Budzet Appropristions and Expenditures
from Txruvr7 1 to 7efrusr7 98, 1947.
The Town Glory state? that he had at bond 0 10?Fs from tho
Won Hevpn FailroM Covering oew-f�ifn --�roejs of land 11 ich are jortiOnS
of the Railroad' s 70stbOvnd Station grounds at jarohnont . Ho state? that
this lease he? been annrovod b7 "r� 7notpj Tc-n VnEine-r, the Part CO--
mission, end Ur. Dejias5 Town Attorney.
Following jinnussion, it Tvs on motion by Council= Stiner.
seconded b- ConncOnon Miller ; vWn roll cyll, unn"Ou" s
RESOLVED3 th the Su,ernlsor to rythorized tO sign
!ease between the Now YOrV TeT Hover PTA Hartford
Frilroed Company ?rf thn ",on of Mararonevi on-pying
three co-tFin pa lc of inn! loosto? Northeriv of
the tracks and Haster!? of Chots7orth f7enues ineing
573 j
Portions of th on grounds at Yorch-
_on• � The leaFn to run from Torah 1, 1947 until ter
ninated b7 either Party b7 a written nctMe at least
thirt7 jM prior to thn dv0- of ternin-tion, at a
vea-In rental- of 91,00.
Councilman Watson presented the follo-inE petitions receinsd
from Ohn Apsesnor for the -orreation of the assessrent roll so as to
permit the anDortionment of taxes.
On rotion b7 Councilman Watson; senonjed by Councilman Emb✓V.,
the follo7ioZ was , vpon roll call, o rennin ous17 adopted:
-,71HER-211S , the I or had, prosenJeri retition? fop the
corraWon of the assesoment roll for certain VOWS
pursuant to the rrovisions of Section 33 of Ch4otnr
105 of the la-s of 1912, as amendeA5 known as tine
?estahestsr County Tax lot; and
after Ke consideration this Board finds V
desirable to Front said ontitiors for the ccrreotio'r,
of svAj nsF-ssoent roll;
RESOLURD, that the assessment roll Of 1946, taxPo
of 719 �75 �rrhioh, shows PrOPert7 now appearing on th,
roll as follo7s ;
Section Block Lot
AR Dist
land Ion.
0'1'1 000
04'800 0192000
Vp corrected as follows, in accordance with the
vrowinors of sublivision 2 of Section K ?
snotion Flock lot 07nnic
Distd-I 71moroft 00ro.
wst .Q
2 Dist . on 1 . Pos ers 014__P
013-650) nist .
lov: POO
land Ino
6239 , ? v 139 , I85.
153,7SE Q9,000 SS21AS5
22,01T-' n,o h_j^
F7RmEvv RmOT7FD, mot the PpTnss-ent rcl! of 1216,
taxes of 1947, whict Thows -rojert7 now appespyr-
on th- roll as follows:
section Elook Lot own Von? CK-7
27 197, 201 21
t, T in conapdarav with th'a
710-Inions of -nVffvf &f77 7 of 500ticn 33,
syntion Flock 70t
!04_22 1 33
lea, 2on
01 ,01 1 lv�
1 27 OF 2Z
( Fon.wq) 33 varion- R.H. DVY�
Tnrl CnV,
FURTHER RISAMIP, that " sss"Ment roll " 19"'
taxes of 1947, Whinh ShC7s DrOPert Y now Wes"I 0r'
the roll PS ADOWW,
Snotion 31oul 704- owner !on? OnI7
Rninn P. n - 117 "laso
be norreatsd as follows , in accordanne -Sth the nro-
visions of ubdivlslcn 5 of Section 30
Section Block Lot 07ner- hFn6 on!-,,
;I ail W9-121) Do-!? 7. QiZht 625
4 �oroth7 & andrews.
FURTHER FAS01710, that the asssonnert roll Of 1946,
taxes Of 19AT , vVich shows provertv rno onns-PAn7
on the Poll 20 'allows',
Section Noam Tot Owner Tonf. OnI7,
A? FT to 117
Hildreth T. Ninhon
be corrected as follows, in accordinos with the pro-
u1sions of sYbdT7W -n F of qFavAr 33 �
SWIcn B look To,' 07nW onl
5 49 So to 101-� i70
VIS-277) 713dreth T. Pinton
9 19 110 to 1AL-5
- I .;rfolen B. Q-ttlefisid 220
F"RTWT F7SO177D, that the assessment roll of 195%
W=s of 1947: 7h!cb swo7- 7rcrerty now argearAnZ
onthe roll as f'1107s -
Section Block Lot owner Land imn. Total
7 to 7BO 8
1715-34) 1510 71Z 7nthlw-n Osborn 00000 9;'000 AIIA3000
be corrects? as f,llowE , in accordarca with the nro-
visions of subdi-Ision 5 of Section 33-
Section Block Lot - Owner - - Tpnd --Inc. Total
7 44 15BI 16 Ksthieer Osborn 14 ,000 A 500 01,500
7 44 7B, 8
(715-0a) Ear, j. McCabe f1,000 $5,500 S0,500
PURTHER. RESOIVED, that the assessment roll of 1915,
taxse of 194A and the assessment roll of 1919 , taxss
of 1947 , -,,:n - peorinZ on the
-Koh shv7 property now an
roll Ps fol!07ST
seact ion 71oclz
T, ICl_ -v n® Total
S i 1 75
� 7, 0;500 q7 , EOO ''18� 000
be co" --act-dlin c acor,'Isnce 7,-ith the nrro-
Q Zlec` on 53,
F; -' -rs of
70j- Owner d
S 61 1
7 7 0 0,0 ��7, 000
ne I i
-P-a nly ottmsn ( V-" I 0, Ti Y.
? .500 71000 9, �00
council.,rian i`F_tsor re_�-O]'ton_ ':hall- the la t -Wee+_z-7,P
h9 th- in,cinerstor. 7-- e f
-rac had.
Or nor He
nd v,
n-e;n relined and 'he mair aami�),�rs had baen
i7r ic_3 _nq plat l he _o
The 6uper7i-1O- Tho�,nrson of 4 Diandee
"present d b�e he vi8he
- -0
he ra 7 r
V'r , 17hoyi-son re��`ec! -Ehvt h-,- vT�as - r ne C,a Cl!- 0
The SU-OV� SO,- said lis ',vas to 1i7 .re hirn present. rn6.
th ,t the -ceetinS -ploceed ,,Tith the re2�ular order Of b-i sines� .
The Sxi-oerVjSOr ,,_-rted that he ha,,� a-4
c f 'M,7.-0 onec.� ap,:=v lnv t-he� s 9 Ie 5 Of n1nc, s of ")re-Pert
th�� V
nenciFtion thst these sales
in he4r _i-j R-n foreoloR1�1. -vas his recon-
On p�,ction b-�,r Sti�er, s econded b- Covmcilnar Mli, 119,
fcllcwin�,- was, unon !-01-i C9,11 , Unar_i ouslv edc-tedl.
til a ?Till a 7 tin 4ns4 at 1 -r
of �m a3" j-on in `I.h� Ccoan of Wl'estcheste-_- Co-jnt7,
entilt.-Ie6 " In the, Tilatter Of the Fo_re-�Icsure of Ta_�, .7 Ilens
7 Siinnt -,, - -he T- , I -
o Tjj_�,, -- e 3 of
L v Til
Of` DFIirq,1,=mt T=es fo- 7, 945" ,.
has b°com_- and nov7 1- the oxner of a mu,-nbec of
of Reel _Fstae si-tuate in the Vil'P-Le of ivimmaroneck and
mou�1,j of T,TaYriarmnno!r� and
T IL-T7- z -S both 1 r V_iL
llage of Yar.e;aronsoi md Town of
h,:Id C. !-Lens on s�,id Of res! 'r0fert7T
- �a-�v szrae-
TDER .5 -L�ant to �-ectjcr, 165H Of the, T 7, U.
, 7- urs -
n.ent vv';<S en".rered into the Viljla.:e of I a r ie_r a n e_3 1 r
and the Tio-,vn n ' Mamaronea!,�, nhi,h ^.,nongq Other thin,gs set
9 3rth the itF'a Of ' Y" -icpI in the Prc--rt1;5`
- r
fo-e-,l the rmanner Of the ec�l,es Of sSA6 10"Ope t
his CO�'r,-
rri te-F
The Sxi-oerVjSOr ,,_-rted that he ha,,� a-4
c f 'M,7.-0 onec.� ap,:=v lnv t-he� s 9 Ie 5 Of n1nc, s of ")re-Pert
th�� V
nenciFtion thst these sales
in he4r _i-j R-n foreoloR1�1. -vas his recon-
On p�,ction b-�,r Sti�er, s econded b- Covmcilnar Mli, 119,
fcllcwin�,- was, unon !-01-i C9,11 , Unar_i ouslv edc-tedl.
til a ?Till a 7 tin 4ns4 at 1 -r
of �m a3" j-on in `I.h� Ccoan of Wl'estcheste-_- Co-jnt7,
entilt.-Ie6 " In the, Tilatter Of the Fo_re-�Icsure of Ta_�, .7 Ilens
7 Siinnt -,, - -he T- , I -
o Tjj_�,, -- e 3 of
L v Til
Of` DFIirq,1,=mt T=es fo- 7, 945" ,.
has b°com_- and nov7 1- the oxner of a mu,-nbec of
of Reel _Fstae si-tuate in the Vil'P-Le of ivimmaroneck and
mou�1,j of T,TaYriarmnno!r� and
T IL-T7- z -S both 1 r V_iL
llage of Yar.e;aronsoi md Town of
h,:Id C. !-Lens on s�,id Of res! 'r0fert7T
- �a-�v szrae-
TDER .5 -L�ant to �-ectjcr, 165H Of the, T 7, U.
, 7- urs -
n.ent vv';<S en".rered into the Viljla.:e of I a r ie_r a n e_3 1 r
and the Tio-,vn n ' Mamaronea!,�, nhi,h ^.,nongq Other thin,gs set
9 3rth the itF'a Of ' Y" -icpI in the Prc--rt1;5`
- r
fo-e-,l the rmanner Of the ec�l,es Of sSA6 10"Ope t
1 579
and the nsnrer OR the distribution of -he ?rocee?s r6-
Geived from said sales : and.
VOEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck. has pursuant to an
a7reament had 73_th the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for
and has herftofcre received bids on cent in properties
owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town of MimarO-
nSSR3 and
THEREAR , the Board of Trustees of the Village Of kayvrOneck
have j7en consideration t1aereto and after ?us deliberation
accepts? the bids hereinaftso listed as to Orice nnd tet"
therein set forth; and
v77REVS , since recisiot of said bids this Bonrl has Liven
consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is
Rwoimv, that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at
the nrice and terms therein set forth:
iillme. Town
Know lot WON- -psrcel Bidder Amount
73 SY 52S Rocco PetTonlc
832 700 Rocco petacclo i0o.
78 2? B32 70' Rocco petaccaic, 100.
40 15 914 19-5 "rank 1. "enson Won
78 17 832 683 Emil A � Ferralles 200.
31 13 832 399 Antonio Cesinelli 23 .
19 27A 9OF 291 R. wriEht 230.
is 12 901 265 Ft . of john C . Teh 10200,
12 13 90i 355 " Front Aa Gonsoles 1,310,
Supervisor stated that he had at band a request
from COW
for ,th,,j,,tjO, to transfer funds within the
1947 WdSet
The Fu vAcor ss-71alned that this tr-Wer -as nsuPs?W7 to pay
for th�
installing r new exit door from the call block at the
rear of
cost of
the bvildir,Z as rn3vmnende? 107 the "misviOne' of the State Denartnont
of Conrectiont
Folio-olio' Wipousnionn it was an 7ctlmn by
snnor6ed b7 Councilman St'neri upon call call, nnen!MOUS17
RTSojvFD, thvt the Comstroller End Sun is" be ana
thS7 her eV nrm ?lrectsd to make tranferr within this
1947 budZ-t, as
FRO r. 0,t,jAS Villapss . misc . Ensendituras
Health Nurses
TO: moyne 7enartment,
� In super
Yond7, Freslf" of
nertayn tax parcels
Rion m 1
rara-1 430.
yonairs to wenjuarterz �Y550=)
! scr reported thnt he hal nrranund -ith Mr. W.
Rackledga mclying Ccrporaticn 0 en �010 tayas or,
knorn and nevorThad as Ficol 225, parcels 771 and 712 ,
Block 105, Parcel lot, Block 107, Parcel 2Q Block AS,
581 I
These Pori-it 00"Oltrto "For7al '" " not QnZ Boo
fil d
and ore lzid alonE the bourdErleg of subdivision Mrs -
by this corporation and In ranv cases they present the onl7 aO3ecs to
streets which have teen laid down in th3 subdivision so that it 40uld-
be desirable for the Town, or the Corporation; to retain control 0-F'
these stri-s -
?27- 14017 has ni. ,s7Fd to rive the now a see? covering B100
,y, S,,,,,jscr vointsf out has
221, paroals 771 and 772, -hich ae-A-1
been prevared by the ToTn Attorns7. and in addition, to Pa7 the sun-
fra upon the remair-ir7
of 130, against the c2noellation of all tax arre
rarcels : Rich are Block 109, par cE2 1 ; Block 106 , parcel 105 BlocP
107, Force! 20; 51001 108, Fac'Col 130-
Following discussion, it rqF on notion Q council=xn Stiner,
spoondea b, Councilmen, Emburv, unon roll call, unanimously
- __ 11 , ,, op., is n �, unwo , president
A-Voche' dge Holding cornoration, be sccelzea .,nu
upon recz!j;t of 130.00 and a deed in Droper form
the tones Qainst these aarcelp be nFro?lled.
The MerwisOr read a letter from Korri's orynsteir , 100"W
for Front 2, Ottman, submitting an affidavit presented by Ccu&7 Securities ,
Inc , stating that a lien sold by the Tc7n in 1910, rej7Fs9n71nE the ,
COU07, T--r 7nG School taxes for 1932 , in the sun of 129073 And beer,
paid by Mr, ottman to County Securities , !no . and th,7 had ret-rned to
Frank Ottman the lien and the satisfaction thereof. Also an affidsvV
bv Frqnk A . ottman stating that the original joen had been lost Ma MOT-
not , after aus and dilikent search be found, and ashirS that a duplicate
--jins to indemnify the Town against losses which ma7
lien be issued and a &�
result in the origir;l ien being found-
Following discussion, it Tas on motion by Council 'n Enbury�
seconded b7 Councilmen "Ots0n, upon roll cpll, unanimously
3��!S a duulicate lien
- LWED� that jursnant to the provisions of Section
51 of the vestchester County Tax not ', - In 409
be issuea to cover lien Yo . 141, dated May alp -
cove-%J Section 8, Block 55, Lots 3,4,8 and 2, such
lien to be issued to CountY Securities, in= , so that
the save -fay be felivered -ith a satisfaction to the
Receiver of taxes for canwsjjation
The Super-ison Irssented a letts'" dated March 12, 1947s frOM
cry District yo. 1, rejuestinE th,
the SoFrj of vduovtion, Union F i tares for the qnhonj 7ear
..n e_to horr07 the bal,ncs of the unnoi? Fcheo
jqin-?7� He also 7"PS an a certificate from the TeCTi7P_r of Tomes
statina that the amount of tares remaining unpaid as of March 26, 19A7
for th; schoV district -as Q12,135 . 62. HE said it 7as estimated that
132,000. should be borrowed-
Councilmen w1jis Introduced the following resolution!
Section 1. in anticiration
school tames for the fiscal Veer
endinS June 30, 1947 end for the
of the receipt of
beoinning July 1,
unnaid i
194; and
to nay to the Tnovauler of Union Free Echo,! D! strict,
No. 1. of the Town Of Tai?maroneovs the amount of un-c"01
?Ohool ta7s? , the Supervisor is hornb thorVed and
directed to issue a Tax Anticipation Mote of the Town
in a total wrinoioal 2mount not oxceeaing $320000.00
pursuant to Section 31 of Chapter 105 of thy 10-Ts Of
a -al r�z v'!7' 7
1010 of the State Of Ne7 York, �)s a7"e-c-la " __w'
40 Sic ,-on QA�00 of the as Sol Finance I= Of the State
of No- York.
Section 5, it is hereby determined and declared;
(aj The total amount of School tzxss levied in talc''
Town for said fiscal year is
(b) The total aMOUnt-, Of said toy's ?OF and unne id.
is 172,155.62;
(c ) The total amount heretOKre borrowed and out—
Vqnllng in Anticipation of the collection of said
taxes is nons
Section 5. The not, Issued qnjor this resOlvtimll
shall be lots! 61V7 1, 19A7 and shrIl m?tW? on Soon-,
tenber 1, 1947 and the date of rnt=V7 of such note
or =7 renews! thereof shall net extend bs rond the 3lose
of the arylinable period provided in Section 24-00 of
the Local Finnnce how Of the S tat e of New York for th
naturW of such notes.
Section 4. The "unervisor is hereby euthorKA
to determine the intamssh rate and all oth-, matters in
connection herewith not determined by this or subsequent
resolation and his siEnaturs upon said note shall be won-
olnFive as to et -ant ormixation, The note issued here-
under shall be substontialI7 in the form of a model Forn
of Mote Ps7sble to Borrower" set forth in schedule B of
the Lcoal Finance Law of the State of New York and sball
he signed by the Supervisor and by the Town
Clerk 2nd & V7 have the seal of th Town affixed thprvto�
Section 5. The supervisor in hereby further anth-
orized to issue said note and to borrow the nrincipal
amount thereof vs he--bv determined fron restrve fund
resultinS from moneys reheived from the redemption of trsn-
sferg of tax Done as provided in Roction 32 of Chovter
105 cf the Tows of 1911 as issndedo
section 6. The f0th d en credit of the To nn Of
Honoroneck are hereby pled2ed for the runctov!
of nrincinal of and interest on cold a s
note and unlec
other-19P upia or payment nroviKed for, taxes shall be
lerinjinn all of the tv7-T_bje aroperty in ?Rid Town in an
,ficient to pay said arincinPI and interest,
1, 0,,,,jlmpn, mills , aPconded Q Cop�lollwi� n vEmbur-7
the for PSOW vesc!K"On was adopted by the followinS 70tel
AYES : Sunervisor Mandsvtl`
counciinan stiner, Hills
Watson, Embu=
The SunervisOr informed the Members Of the Bwr? thst he hod
neZattntrd-with the Trustees of the Es ate of William T� wood for the
setylevent of Ki "a pr 16 74roe" owned 1C in the Town of
hvnororfcy� He said an offer was made Of 012 SO" in full 7a7TPnt Of
71, tame; or& or ton arreors on the ii jnr011v �
ofter nonsiderzble discussion and • fter the Jogrd hod exonined,
a pop showing the varicus lots involved: it was the feelinS of the Board
thot th.4� off;, of 512 ,goo, for NY, tv7ee on thin rrOgertV Was One that
should be acnepted UT I the To-n- It ,, ,inted out that the majority
O_ this property is very poor and there mQht be difficu3tv in _nroetinIq
it in the e-ent the Town should take title to it-
vollowing furth,sr discussion, it was on motion by Councilman
Embur7, seconded by Courcilmsn kat0c% upon roll call
RESOLUED, that the
of njilian m . Tood
of taxes incindinS
the foilmulnZ TWO
offer of the Trustees of the Eststs
to settle and comorimise Mrs"
all taxes for the 7ePr 1946 upon
,is be accepted-
Block PRrcel
7ORTHER RESOLVED, that the Recel-er as Taxes be auth-
ori7ed to accept the sun Of qy,000. and uncr the Py-
ment of such sum to apply the sum of 01,694, 80 with
interest and oenaltieT to dote to the Ta70ent of the
jqjf jvdjniio�l, COUT-It7, Town5 District arc- School Taxes ,
ind aTY17 the balonce to the payment of arrears of taxes
upon the aforesaid oarOels and uno- sm3h payments being
00F.10 Mary the soon 70-d Upon the tax arronrs records
The vote on the foregoing resointiOp was as follows:
AyEs ! Councilman
jp7st Yons
Stiner, it
Watson, Ambur7
rvisor Ynnoeville
V The Sup?:'vis0 ' cmyllsndod that in View of th" redenViran Of
orr5o7lont-17 100 77"T" 7ant-- no! in the onainn list T. jr �>P-�
TY Rem proceeding, and since the dote Of re deMirtion so fixed by the
notice expired March 27 1947 • ? funther extersion of sixty days 07
587 1
The Town Attorney was instructed to take Cl :_ necessary steps
to bring about this extension ZjvinZ the owners of nrorprtv until M07
31, ign to redeem their properties includlr fi
Z the ling of a =Plemlntal
list , and uublishinE and mpil%g noticee to all 7ersons Those properties
have not been redeemed to date.
The super-iso- brovZht up the -Pttsr of the proposed utilities
for the Larchmont Housing Corporation.
pr, A,j. Foote , Town EnZineer and superintendent oHijwws ,
nresented e set of specifications and a map covering the street irprov-
ments , sewer and water maing , wAich members of the Board exemined.
The Supervisor said that Counalinvn. tson and himself had
not recentiv with the gerers! ContraTtcrs End Mr. john Merritt End dis-
ensved fUI27 the entire rroject� it this conference he had reqiested a
s0terent , o-er an authori7s? sigrature, giving the fin" costs of each
unit, including all costs with At exception of the nos* of Anstallinq
utilities . in response to this reouest, the spronvisor read a letter
Uted Varc h 2q from john Pollak, Secrevar7 of Shennsrd-Folink, lnc ,
OensrV Controntors : stating that the cost of these dwellinus would cost
ap7rco:102teiv j11,000.
jftPr discussion, it -q felt that the veterens connected with
o>is p_rep 4ect will nW some assistance and the SUPSMSOr recommended that
- Y . - ro7ided by 30w; "o that the Wr7d wor1r,),
the Town ao-verolse Tor bids, 99 10
be in a better POeiti or to detppminp "ore accurately the cost of ins"rilin:-,
, give the yablic an ouportun1tv to exuress
the utilities. He said this 70ulu 6-
tyeir oniricn re2qrding the instellstion of these utilitieF by the Town�
HF rointed out that in the event the Torn did this rork the tones derived
fron the PrVeOt 70nldo in three or four 70ers3 offset the anount of mons7
spent by the ?o7nt
Thcripson, in speaking for himself TO a ta=75r: saij the
Boar? SNOVIA it 17"7?6hetio towards acirE wVgt the7 onn in helping the
veterFns -ith the installation Of the public utilities,
Following further lisaussivro it mRs on notion b7 COUW17230-
mills , spoondod t7 Ccuncol-nn Watson, In On roll call, vnsr=0007
RFSCIVED, that the Superintendent. Of Highways and the,
Town Clerk be authorKed to publish the following Notice
to Bidders, in the Deily Times, for three weeks commencing
April 2, 194%
Novics is hereby given M& seple bj,-Io . ,ill re l_ed
Kv the Town Board of the Town of Na"aronenk, Nestcheotow Coynty5
is York, between 8 and 8:15 o ' 010ch P-M- Has tern Standard
Time, on Anril 23, 3947, jr the Council Room at the Mover
Street Fire House, and there at a regular meeting of the Town
Board pablicly opened and read riou& for furnishing r
materials , too c5 machAnery, e;uTPm&t and appliances of
every kind and deveri--tion -,.,.Thatsoever, and providing the lebor
recnired for in-Orl"I-57tt st 31von Park, Palmer Avenue , in
the rnincornorvted Section of the Town of sew Tory',
in accordance with the pion; and specifications drawn an-
prepered bv A j- Facts , To-n Ensineer and Surerirte-denn of
Hqh-awT , he now on fRIP in thi Office of the Town Mer%
copies of instructions to Bidders , Earn of MI, F"m Of
C,j±,,,t, pan, of perf,rwanne Bond and of the Plans and
Specifications may be inspected at the Office of the Engineer
and all information
'Saaquo"D Sol jamo
Q G U.0 ato�I'S lq go U631 4 Moo sm so WPM
qjq jo qQaQGj Mla map (Oil A-40M VMS"
00141pnow pocz U! s4as qons 10 M24a, u3so "Sp;jq.nwn 'am 04
DIG 04 Glow aq lly-
sislyna lCom , fald A no, &u-slion au ,013''
Savilou (050m) nal so punm Y '415 quo,
U11 go ;Usunpa noda '!Ica 410, U04.0a 4100, 191 Oqualy U001 aq--�
-g-Ut3 ausla ju 111LOO
eqq UOY4 nao[40 O� SQ4 PUT= 04 put
"'o aa-C✓j vq4 04 OGGP noa oazoL U"ej '44 40Ty"
Do TTq Lus qaacoa as as Ing!I q 11Z no m qc& jan Z41qjSCE U.01
POUTWip4al Sq =64 so ''as n4ownsa
04 ST 4qhjj Gqj PM
almasols Ws e'n1ozo 10
4paaquco GaI4 3u-�jjavl 553§5y, &wvs
SGAamea -gusoa U.11 Gq-
_ �
- 40=4usc
go Izvo0aujaGa Gm
Lanows aq, U; C+ r4 ' QUA jj§ psyj"Oja
sq4 00 OCTqaOssond a14 no no"; 1140saylu; an �:74nsqp':;
-0001 0
noq4je SU14jussa 03 :so! OUT 4zU,0"-s
Uvol aqq Tu"ansup 2 ajoy z va anonvin Low Ono! Sq4 an as;nyasm
yus zmaiuo qons Y4;. pum moo; q0n; a; ''ISGE EOCE Piz; qqj ,,
all; psi qsTuavj C4 400n;uvo xq4 go G-q, .7,-,Sp
US4 wjkoj� Yujul'a G, 11j. "Ovy'" 1411SICOAT SAL.
010=1 Gn4 ", ;QU7 -',400 no,
;160 10 1 ''nownd 0q; !�E .Lzu, zq4 qq;. sunnjamwt
qWz"4Uo3 z C;�7 a,4us 04 n192 K- 11-70 _71"A J.
IOQZ2 1! PUS jjA &IQ jn LOU 0�10; L on go,:, jji�1
, , , MM
no! al 14z;s GQ4 ah" OP 5; �)
ao "WOE 1supla-sH aw a;n4g I U05A uUmp go
In 04 omma IQ 4UMM Gq4 10 §91 4065 mGA BUT! so Kno
Gq; uh AMC PS1064A80 S psyMalozoa 0, ";q
1301 ao Gj,, C ,41 U11 001 -
one! 00 anwj. ' ' n ,Uyl 001 - @Gnp.ne, 'GaOR cases
SS01 no vvvn a! - SGjoqU6a UGAGS ky)
SSG! no Slow Url Ccol -
Gsaj ac Snow UIL CM -
Sol ao Sjc& � vqk -IS 0012
1 SSG! ao 80 cm I - SPA -10 L7
;jo a!; go SOG41 j6djoulla 6q
-jac, 'POOR 4sod
4SNA oil S -4 o 4unnualulwas."s Put zGenjoua U00L
PTIS 1&qOCE m0a; P0,104q3 aq Law gaon aqq pulpas&n
!he Supervisor oresentod n l0tts0 j0t" Fs"Jr7nr7 20, 1947�
n I,rl��x
recef7K! from the old Town of Vanaroonck Historical SCID,-' s°-'v
the k7poirtment of Mr , willfam q. �vlwher 93 Town Historian.
Following u1scussions it man on notion b7 Councilman StInsr,
secondw Vv councilman Mills, "ron roll ?S11,
RRS0177D, t_ a_ lr "Illiam 1. Fuloh= be ZyDointic
as Town Historian, without conpenantion, to serve
at the plyasur7 of the To-n Bosrd.
council-ar Winer stated that he had nothinS to rezoYt for
his committees .
Councilman Mills preser-ed a list of OlRiry ProT the YK-F Ds--
nartment totalifg 12103 e stated that he had cheaked the bills
ins revo-npnded thell ?7=07aV
The members of the loarl sittinE as the Board of Fire Com-
missionen- Pon5ide-ea the claims, PrA on motion Q Councilman Mills�
seconded by Councilman- Enbu-rT it as upon roll cell, unanimously
FFSONED, that the fol- orm's described oinims be and
thS7 hsreQ Srs 07YrOved r"_ the funer"s or and Coop
troijar be and the7 hereb7 are authorized to Pay saW
out of the budgst for the Fire Deportment!
Tnrrbull lZency, inn.
The Ohio Chemical & Mfg. C%
nutomoti7- on,
The nny,72 ocypanTl-
OPOI70000 Oil Co. Tnc
rinian W. Merrivi-
L. 7arl Miller . lnc .
Tho7as B. Buhlar. Agent
Anthon7 L. Gagliardi
7,5o Rubber Co. 7ureha Fire Hose Div
,s,) ycrl- Teinchone Co"MOTInT
Teskohestor lightinz COW-nu`17
west . joint 7ster WrOF , Yo. I
HVd7;nf Rentri,
orard Total
Councjlm?n Mills renorte? thot out of five
c7,1 contsgted, two hV offerel to ocoyerytw
with hin
in 0
tnining apartnertF
for rePQ 7etOrans ,'
lot of credit
Thomns on, stated thst the n of the
for the very fine job they are dOirY
Board con
Supervisor thanked Hr. Thompson on betilf
Of the
of the Bonn&
for hip kind comnnnty �
At 10 o 'clock Pr V� the no9rd unaniwous> reSO7VPd 00 71"07"