HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_03_05 Town Board Minutes up R E G R Tr77 T_V 07 P, TOV!N BOARD, _ 01rN OF TT 1947 -A RO T�itCv x HK TJL" -H- 5, Tn the Council of the Vp-n.-ver Street 7i_­� Hcn,s,� , Tovm of The meetinu to order b� Sl_inerviso�n ?�t 8: 15 Pa',J� ( R^stern Standar,� Tivn- ) � Pres,:mt- SUo-"T7i_so1 nd.-,�T 7 7 7 I _mreil- n Stirrer, Hills , VVatpon, EMIOUM7 The nr8sence tvas not­r oil Town clerl, Gronbfrc�, Town Attorne7�r DeliuF . CoT%m:,)troIle- Or, ino and Pccountan-'I. Pir,zon. The minutes of Januaf7 22 end Feb=-�.;_ry 5. 1947 ens --ooroved as cresentede 1-, letter dateft Febru,7=\ 20, 19�_7, vTras recs ,7eti from ViilaCe �Ierl, 5 of Taro.o�r req Ae srei- 1:�� T,ord, of the -VI -11aue -iont� -, sting tha of -uinniemt., ilnclud4L-r- 7rot�n� _na-3hi? cs Emd_ the Tovvn6s re istratlnr boobs Fo1^ their re-aistra-ion and election d,97S , T)Tarch 8 an:. g -n_ 2s 7o� U - L - _t 4�7- rec,_:Tes � vjf�s nod - b7 the Villerre of Me,,inarmeck. The -,--e cf this ,iimrent was -rants,"_ to the VI111.6.Zl. of T -rchn,ont and, the Vill,:,7e of T naroneoi, . The folIoviTin ,: reiDorts Svere r-C,°. '1led :Fnd. ordered lolaraed on file, Tm�jn Clerks Re-oort for th; -,Tear 1--.-)rt of the Re3eivelr of 71a7es 9nd for the T, Onto. of Februar-, ,. 1947; Rer-ort of the 1,`vest- aheste'r, •c71nt7 DO: -Protecti,7e Assocf --ntion' for the month of Febr-ar:,r7r 194.7- Statement of Bs.nk Rcilpanaes as of maroh 3 , 1�C�A7- T,jsi- of o1alye, a-,)dil7e�� and paid b7 th�_, Conptrolle- -Prom. Febrilar-5 to Town Clerk .a rer)ort for the month of .7---ru'ar7, 1947, hhe Suoervisor asced If the.re ?m7one present v7ho Y!,I_she�ft to e nneur before the Board. There was nores-nt a d-le-cation fro2n the Taroh-n2ont Veterans ' 37"lildircv Cor-oora-tion, and Hr. :0ohn v® TT.errit�- , sapItrnan for t e roup 1nfcrned the Yr-rrb-rs of the Boa-: that the -our7coF;P IMF -;,-npear2,nc? ,jss t-_ --ort Or the -or0 7ress of ' heir rrofact to 'Ipt- , and to dis3us the ncoss-Ib4li ' v of the TL-_)Tnn installirs�7 the lultj,lities ® A C^P7 Of the -�eners-,I, llontract= ­t ".matS of the flin-al crjnFtr-aratiIcn costs T,-,T2,s dis'7ri'lbut_-d to each of the Board. Hr. -Ifferritt oointed out t-hpt tne tot?l cost for each of- the 50 units i 10, s ,)resenti-� $ 92Z:. , exp-1-0sille. the ccsts- the ropdF , ­atP_r and sewers . He sa--,,q on b-haIP of 'toe me:rnbers of the Larchmont 77eteransv Buildin7 Corporation and 'bel-cruse of the inc-ep�e_ in the final cost, 07er the o-riginal estinate— lie -,xlas r?cnesting assistence from the 7o-,,vn in the i;stail?tior of the a':bove- I i .1 rnent,' oned u+-il',ties ar', the Town� s e7:pense. He sa` thf� est irnsted that the v.raTorit1- o�' the houses would be coi_-m-leted b7 71-me C�rrj `� t-1 yn therefore,. twas beco-mdne� 5r, imp,�rtant factor, te _- said that the Sll-oer�iqor h�d_ 75r. V-rri 7 and addresses of the veterans who livs in Larol---n-or he sa d. he di,i no', 1"s-ve the list nreDR_redt i. i-Lmes it wa�, found that t1hree-fiftha Of their zrov,-p live 1,arohr,iont lbefore remest-d the na--.nes t . 'cut u,nfortunat�-­T-v Ho�ever , in checl,.�_'n- or had in The Su-oer7T! 50- Rsl ed 14r, 1,-,erritt v.,hat 8s -L7.ranCe t1s, -rour, had frorr, the Contracior hat the fi7,1.i_res submitt-d. at this meetirE vmuld nc� be --h?-n-ed asair.4 545 Section Block Lot Owner Ton? lno Total r. is 15B to 21 005-73 ) A W r "Inor Y 112, 000 114,000 126,00c; bT corr-et,id �s follows . in scoorAnce with the urn-isions of su?dY.rfwon 5 of Section 30 Section KOCR lot QT,rrner lend inne Total 1 18 15B t a 2a- (405-74) & BB WA. Miller & W 012,350 011,000 '26,350 1 15r, (405-67) Carrinz Puccini, 550 550 77RTHER RES01WD, that ths asses2ment nQ! for the year 1946, taxes of 19A7, which sho7s propertv no- Anearing on the roll as folinws - Section Block Tot Owner 1''Ond Total 9 74 20, 30, 31 (934-29) 35 & 35 Dr. Sell an Tebold e1q,000 --- ----- to corrPctPA as follows . in rccorNnca with thi. zrovisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 ; Secticn Block Lot Land OnIT 9 7A 31 & 38k Dr. Plbert SAW- [F,100 ( sq) 9 71 29, 30, MOW 35 & 36B Dr. Selian Hebald 112 ,000 7URTHAR PASS ED, that thy.,` ssTessment roI2 for the 7avr 1951, tsyEs of 1947, which shows nronerty =,F ap2earing on the roll as follows : Section Block Lot-- -07nen Land onl- 9 92 3 & I George V Mitchell 012,000 �e Corrects& as followss in m3nordonce with the nrovisions of FnWinison 5 of Se3ti= 30 Section Bloat Lot Owner 17n? aniv 9 9? A n 4B David B„ HaeTzvish (044-20, 9 92 3A & 4A Georne Q Pitch-01 2,750 (944-1) 9 92 30 A AG Ceorge C . Mitchell S,500 FT,.' THER R3SOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1941 and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show property no,.,,, appearing on the roll as follows ; W Section Block Lot Owner Larchmont Estates , inc Land Only 146,12,7) 9 21 iA harohmont Fstvtesjncs 30000 19IS-252) Councilman Tatson informed the members of the 7,7ra that At, had ottanded the Public HearinZ held on Yorch A, by the VillvZe of Sears- ?Q, on their rezonlnZ plan which covers the entire Vills,Ze � He said all the nroyent7 along Griffen Avenue and including that port of the Hall nrorsr& in Scarsdale are in the nronosod 7onlrZ nallirZ for a minirm- 0-ea of 20,000 s ft. He soil *here was not a Lreat deal of discussion and there were no pb-ientions covering the are? nionZ Oriffen :_vends® The rain discussion was in reference to nhnn-inZ the heioht Prez of apartment houses from six' story to f0ur-FtW minimum. Councilman E7pbnP7 stated that he had nothing to reocrt for his committees . Council= Stine v read a rebort on gerbaZo collections On ...hich P study had been made for the past three mninths ® This report showed tha '� one of the crews was working less hours to cover their route than the other. He said on the basis of these figures it was intended to switch. some of the are, from one ore- to the other in an effort to ecuslize the working time of do two crews . He further stated that hre verola had beer folio-ing ur evern garbage complaint with a personal visit and tbet in a m0crM Of cases the complaints were unjustified. Examules were Men such as receptacles not in sacessihip laces: receptacles with rotted oat bothomF; receptacles with no covers , etc. He 7ointed out that the receptacles with no covers waz the -ource of the smoke from the incinerator caused by the fact that an raim days the :arbeSe Sot very Wet. Mr. Stiner reported that a further study was being made in an effort to improve the ;nti7i; collection system. The Symervisor pointed out that technically the Town lid not have to Zo on the tPxna7er' l property to collect garba2e, but out of courtesy this rns being dons in an effort to rointaining a clean aW tidy Town and it was intended to continue the present pr9cfIcs , Councilman Hills presented and read the followfny7 March 3, 1947 Town Board of the Town of wwyaroneQ: 158 Vest Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New Yor1r Gentlemsni On Dece4ber Q. 19K this housinZ committee was anvointed by ths Town Board with instructions to • n_. = - Iq--s77 to determine the housln.Z needs of veterans lid ^Z in the 7ninvorporated be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 3W Section Block of Owner land Or17 21 i larchront 7stete7 , !no, $12, 725 QW-A 9 21 iA harohmont Fstvtesjncs 30000 19IS-252) Councilman Tatson informed the members of the 7,7ra that At, had ottanded the Public HearinZ held on Yorch A, by the VillvZe of Sears- ?Q, on their rezonlnZ plan which covers the entire Vills,Ze � He said all the nroyent7 along Griffen Avenue and including that port of the Hall nrorsr& in Scarsdale are in the nronosod 7onlrZ nallirZ for a minirm- 0-ea of 20,000 s ft. He soil *here was not a Lreat deal of discussion and there were no pb-ientions covering the are? nionZ Oriffen :_vends® The rain discussion was in reference to nhnn-inZ the heioht Prez of apartment houses from six' story to f0ur-FtW minimum. Councilman E7pbnP7 stated that he had nothing to reocrt for his committees . Council= Stine v read a rebort on gerbaZo collections On ...hich P study had been made for the past three mninths ® This report showed tha '� one of the crews was working less hours to cover their route than the other. He said on the basis of these figures it was intended to switch. some of the are, from one ore- to the other in an effort to ecuslize the working time of do two crews . He further stated that hre verola had beer folio-ing ur evern garbage complaint with a personal visit and tbet in a m0crM Of cases the complaints were unjustified. Examules were Men such as receptacles not in sacessihip laces: receptacles with rotted oat bothomF; receptacles with no covers , etc. He 7ointed out that the receptacles with no covers waz the -ource of the smoke from the incinerator caused by the fact that an raim days the :arbeSe Sot very Wet. Mr. Stiner reported that a further study was being made in an effort to improve the ;nti7i; collection system. The Symervisor pointed out that technically the Town lid not have to Zo on the tPxna7er' l property to collect garba2e, but out of courtesy this rns being dons in an effort to rointaining a clean aW tidy Town and it was intended to continue the present pr9cfIcs , Councilman Hills presented and read the followfny7 March 3, 1947 Town Board of the Town of wwyaroneQ: 158 Vest Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New Yor1r Gentlemsni On Dece4ber Q. 19K this housinZ committee was anvointed by ths Town Board with instructions to • n_. = - Iq--s77 to determine the housln.Z needs of veterans lid ^Z in the 7ninvorporated 549 Section of the Town of Usmaroneck and to make recommendations in regard thereto, The co!.,mlitteo beld Fe .._ .,,1 7eekinwo and formulated 2 question- alre a copy of -nich is attached hereto, from which it sou,-,ht to elicit certain facts rertpinln7 to the individual needs of the veterans. The questionaire was subsequentiv mpiled to the veterans who had lived in the unincorporated section and wbo entered the armed forces from our township, The results are as follows: 760 Questionares sent out. 241 Completed and returned 78 Returned with -c forwarding address. The committee then proceeded with , stady of the 241 returned questionares . An analysis of these cases indicated a diverVM of individual housing problems . After due consideration we are of the opinion that a majority of these problems are a Uart of the larger hoes irg jicturn annAr-ntinZ the rationr it is felt ho-evw, that in the unincorrorated section o" the Town of Mpms-oneck there srT Fnmn 25 cows of individual 7eteranc who have real nressing housing nroblynF which demand the immediate attention of tie community. in our re,Fvrad indIment we belif7e sincerely that the owners of various apartments in the 1'ownshi7 nor so!-o. wVAout sacrifice to themselves , the pro- >!on of the 25 veterans 7en- rions? above by a170tinZ to then the first available sp2rtments� Towards this end we suZZest end recommend that the Town Boord cor'Ln�,ni3ate with each apartment house owner and famillarl?e him with the n-osving housing needs of these worthv, needy veterans. EncloFed herewith Pro the names , Wrescos an? the mazimiuna amount of rent that the 25 neediest veterans can afford to W7_ RITPeCtivFI7 Yours : /s/ Neorge F„ Mills , 7r, Chair-= Veorge Burchell Peter Kane Anthony Gagliardi Following discussion, the Supervisor suggested that Covnnilman Mills , as chairmen of the committee contact the various apartment owners and managers throughout the Town in an effort to obtaining their cooner- stior in 91leviating the situation for these needy casesn He suggesterl thst it Hills write a letter to each apartment owner explaining the "atterp Councilman Mills rero"YcJ that at the annual meeting and election of officers of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department held at headowortors On K=W, Februar7 17, 19470 the following men were elected for the year 19?71 oeorge T. 7urton, Chief; Leonard W. Ericsono First Deputy hiefy Frank Turco, second DepuJ7 Chief; Arthnn M, Brown, Secretary; Theodore F� Tvnk: Treasurer; Dp Charles Weller, SurZeon. councilman Mills c7!d oil of these men were very capable and 551 Y1 vo n7cellent records as firemen. He recommended. the Board' s vpnroval i On notion by Councilman Hills , seconded_ 7 Councilman Emblir7, it 7as a L nvn i'f;101J.,51.Ty7 RESOLVED, that the section of the Fire D -pa�.rtmen,a_ in it selection of officers for the year 1947 a be and it hereby is ratifie_d. and that record of these _.-.- selection be placed in the files of the Town, -- Councilman Mille read. the Fire Report for Ant,ebrupr7_ 1917, which showed as follows! Feb, Z mw, Still =. l rm-- T:TL1l..ls 33 Weaver Street -- R-,.:bishon Fi..re no Damage 9 y,ir;rors Alarm ®° 5th Avenue & Val3ez, Place °- '?rush Fire_,. I. no d 70 ge e n _°° Full lzlnrn Chatsworth n�._rde s not. iSton Ze '¢.n Tnci?� .^q.1.,07"` - fine— No Damane Oar dens _ - 10 _.® Still Alarm ®a VV'+ftaP.d Foos Dr7.v.a., °a ?rush Fire— No D,^.mpgp 23 Minor Old White lain` Road 7 r f fo Ave.— Tractor motor on _Fire __ Dalmnie i- i? i es __ T.- _ 110.00. _ v0 V_Y',. .. Typo � ` 4 Still Al,a.rT'!.m-.m oilmen. 8 Dell 407, Ne7 1-?nC'_ el.l.e Hot. .fishes in basket innited Toad- shingles On side of house. Damage ann. G;lSeGG® TOT A1, F 1 R-7 D 1! A?—v; 3 Still Alarms 'i Minor .lambs Estimate? Vm Rge ---125.00 I Full n_7 o r-- vcuncilmsn Mills presented the f following- March 3; 1947 Mr. Owen. A. Han;devi l l.° Supenvi sor Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y� Dear Sir�The °olio '-nc inspeCtiors were made during the month of rPeRTt 1'rTTS and 1,FCTIPIE D`' !__SINGS Chatsworth Sa"rdenc 1 Stonecrest ®archnont Hills ' No violations Opt Haven r,,resds Avonmore Smith Residence l Vaterons Hot s lnZ) — harchmont Gab les Mops ,. brooms and other household. equipment left ft pn fire esce. - W z Notified all tenants having outlets in escones to keep 1 landings and steps clear i nn 7 Obstr„ctione y Alden House - TTo mire screens on inn _merry or chi=07S brokpnp Order-? superintendent to replace same as scon as Tlossibis lorchmont Acres -Incinerator hopper on Ath floors building OF . not closinS proper!!: nozzels on house T sn missi nc on tor floor , bt2i lding F"7 and rd floor, buildini 59 . kotified SuDerin- tendent to re-clace some immediately and also to wd>sh, and tlftt-n springs on all fire ?cars to insure proper, cloainEm it nonter shut-off s-itAes_ for oil burners in builvinZs Pre located just outside fur- nace room door incase? in red boxes . Results of the Survey of the number of fFnilies living in Yrortoeny; or multiple dwellings inspecteR in the district are as followsm Chots-arth Stonearest Oak Haven ircade larchmont A=nvore C1755 aND MQV7RYS Gardens 153 larohmont Hills 84 Fa !!den House 78 24 !eons 7 10 170 jM4vrtls 4 -ships 29 Smith Residence 7 31 Lerchmont Acres %f 6 3uliVings ) 384 Total of 888 families Ronnie 1rin- Winged Foot Post Lodge Tal!7-Ho Loyal inn Veterans Forvi&n Wors Building I No violations r-z= M=3 Upon previous recom-mendaticns , two exit docrs were made to open out; three doors installes Pnd equinned with panic bo!tF • sipht eKit .S Ins 7a re installed in the U. P.W. building. PUBLIC MR09% STORES Myrtle Geroge I? Chatsworth MaEe ) No violations Heiser ' s Delicatessen Aristede Linden' s Stationery No violstionz Chinese Laundry Pl?za Phnroacy - liaht switch at top of caller stair- way broken. Proprietor recuested to repair sems immediately. Son re- inspection, found violation removed. MrZo TeFuty Salon-lamn card mire strung along woodpri We from ping to electric clock. req) ested proprietor to inst^ll 57 cable for electricity to MOM UMSTRIAL PLANTS Sohenle7 Laboratories ® No violations Weaver It Firehouse - three neT e7it signs installed in Luditorium; panic bolt installed at East exit; five other exits open out or uVara. Each Saturday evening, a tour of insnection is made at places A Dublio assembly to check on lighting; fire exits , parkin- ind other stfet7 measures for the publfc� On Fehrni-7 7t>; on Pla"m y1s recefns? fron Ch:stsworth ?srdens � 7non investimotion it :as found thWInvess of magazines Too rut into thn irninerator on the sixth floor , -hich blocked the chimney, causK2, an eb,_nfance of smote to back u2 on floors below. The situation was immediately corrected without any dpm5g- to the buildins. The mOnt7!7 fire drill of the deportment -. ,..c held on the eueninZ of February 18th at the Chatsworth Gardens Apartments . As -Prt of the trill, 7wrious Srouns of Fen made tours through the entire plant to familiarize thersel-es Ith the buildirps , AF a result of these tcurs . a -"mbsy of non7lFintF came to no f5cm son- of the men that oon- Miens in t were not up to s0ndarl . with various Y-rs'.S of violations and fire hazards existing thrcvEhcut the building. To deterrine "he Isrtaint7 of these reports , 1 made an in- sneaticr, of t V obe y At ot h avcrtg = zed and to Ecne degree , e7a;1spits0 2h5n, -erF no fire ha7sr5s of -ry 7=7" ns-aa; and 1- 77 09' rllr, the �v!!M-_ -qF -V 'n non 0000 07MOK, Mch is 2--trinin ovF=2C or M-Z . in makirE an ln2yeotlon, one must realize that a certain anount of normal rubbish on? trash will an-unplate Aalln in a picot varsirZ IR3 fami!02 . The-; is no one nolleirZ the hrols , stalr7ayF , dumbnYter shutes , elevator pits , etc , , daV und night , and Fires ?eople are as they are and 2an"ot be chzn22d, v nor mil anornt of rubbish and trash Till accumulqto in the Dismas wentfonef instead of Y-MS 05posed of in the 7ro7er manner. The nainksneonca crews at the Chats7orth SarAns do an excellent job, and rubbish In not slio7ol to 72curulnt- over a day or "uc Pt the most Th Post also be borne in mind OR.-* sil of the stair- ways, halls , dumbwaiter Anhes and store roomy ore rode A concrete ond steel, including the doors ! so that if by accident a fire should Est started th-owZh the careles9ness of some one-. it would be confined art co-TA d- no damage to life or property. The store 'norm: in the buildinZ are full , but this a-not!tntes no -!Vation. vince Met 19 the nor-nns for ­1�_-Ich they 7,17sne Cax9t"uc�tsd_ Nothing armbnstible or MLM7 inflammable is score? in these roons; so there is practicElly no,. o pop siblity of a fire getting started. Hy numerous ins-eec tin ns over the past five years have ne-sr di-novered, anything ir-!Zulrr in the store rooms of this apartment hoops, TO e7cellent cooneration of Ohs superintendent on this score to Me 5 Zuerqnt-s of no irrsZ`rlarit7- The meter rooms in the plant are being used in some cases for storage since the management is orange? for storage Mae at the present time . This ccnditlor constitutes no 74ointlon as the same rules apply to the meter rooms that i have desorAbY for the stons -ocrs The ro7mr were oriZinaliv designed vs sto-- room- but -eye converted into meter rooms to eliminate having the meters installed in the hallways where psonle -ould have access to then and possibly cause accidents , The oster rooms are kept locked at all times and are only accesible to authorized nersonnel. The snonrintenlort of the ChatsTorth5orders has reqinstec,- me to netition the me7b--- of the Fire D-nartment not to tamper 7ith the incinerator doors on any future occaslono On February 18th the in.. finer doors were opened, causing a strong draft to send Partisil.7 burned paper up the chimney where it blocked the screening at the topo This caused the smoke to back U_ and kill the draft supporting the fire in the pits � Any fire inspector 7ast "- r2ery and careful in m?king his in8nections; but he also must be reasonable , cooperVive and nd over- hearing. The main nurnose and aim of an irsnacyor is to see that firs hazardq do not exiF;, And shou3d any exist, Lave they ellminatel . The ,mourt of fire loss snq the number of calIQ for fire on the premiseT -�-rina, the rest five years, is sufficient proof of the excellent condition of th; builaing with regard to fire hazards � A Ourther point regardima the Chatsworth Gardens which cannot be overemphnsined ,too stronjv is the font that the roof is very QnZerouq as it is not enclosed entirely -ith a WOW 7011, Sections or 'he roof drop seven stories into the court vard. Anyone working on the roof shoold be extremely careful about walking b2okwards or slipping. Lights and rope lines are of prime immortRnap before undertaking' any task on the rowN Respectively 1"bmitted Michael G. Gallagher Lt. &M.F.D. Anoroved: George Burton Chief, T. K.F.D. Councilman Mills stated that he hgA at hand a number of billP, from the Fire Department totalinZ which he 10 chocked. lie, renommon?eV the roval of the bills as presented. Sol7entol Chemical Products The members of the Town Board sitting as the Toord of Fire Commissioners considered the claims , and on ,cti= b7 Courailman Mills .. 5pnordod by Corncilman Silner , it 7os, 7von roll coil, unOnt-Oys!7 RESCE77DO that the following Opscribed claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to Pay sane out of bvdvet for the Wire Den Rrtment: Suburban Fuel Oil er-ice, !no . 4& 50 The C .Q, Braymer Co . incu 12800 ReZinald Qbb Kra Le 5aoo Ry& Orewer , inc . A. 53 The Portable Light Co. , lna � Sol7entol Chemical Products Louis j. Preston 3500 1 . 1 A. AutomcfAve Co. 1l59 Person Clothes , As. 255 95 Alpine Disinf000inz Co K50 Globe motorist Supply Cc� , Incp 3 .01 Turton n Fertcn, inn WK) GaIdins "vt Rate Store , Tno . 37, 05 0. Mueller 1W57 jose-h J. Minichiello IDWO 559 1 Ford7n- l=-:.7.'^ Hprks 0.915 7estchester joirt ' ater Varks 7"' l 17.71 Now vcrk 7elerhone Co. 41®75 Testchester LQhtint Co. 31.52 G.w. Merrell 81. 5i Westchester Toint hater Work s No.! H7drent Rental Grand Total 8071^02 73F. S6 The Sunervisor stated that he had at hand a letter fro'm Comptroller Orsino recuestins authorization to tronsFer funds within the 1945 Bud-et. On motion by Council-an Stiner, seconded by Councilmen EmbuU,. it 7rs, upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the Comptroller and Sunervisor be and they hereby are directed to make transfers within the 1946 Budget , as follows: GENERAL TOWN To: Deqt � of Town Officee light 14. 910 Supplies 85x72 Dente of Town Clerk FIRE L19HT AND WATER DISTRICT Fire Department Suonliss Dent , of Elestionc Registration 20.01 Seneral Election 32. 00 Labor 89.00 Rent 48.00 Trar3nortstion 134. 00 Equipment 3.0 Dent. Receiver of Toxes Supplies Sri is Dent . Board of Appeals Sonn7jes 03M Publishing Notices 2002 Dept . BlQ & Plumbing Travel Exnense 78022 SU'alies 31090 Dort . Hiscellaneous Publishing NotHes 280i From: Dent. Kiscellaneous taxes - Town owned property S938 0A Toes DeDtn of Amwessores Office curio' es 27.15 hew TPPS 33.77 From! Deed & Ftm. Abstracts 60 9? 701 Dept„ justices of Psoce Supplies 6.05- From: Steno. Charges 5.4F, FIRE L19HT AND WATER DISTRICT Fire Department To: Truch Driwers ?5?.9i Water 3A0 insurance 3.58 One A Oil W�A2 Miscellaneous i5.58 Ecuiument ?2739 lothinS 31912? Renairs to AnildinS 97. 60 RenaSrs to Ruipment 9% T9 VAR?A&F DISTRTCT To: Salaries 40 23 Truck Repairs 75?A9 Dump Maintenance 240A7 incinerotor 131436 From ; Equipment 1164,24 DEPARTWENT OF POLICE Tol Patrolman 1214.95 Trom; PoWne Chief .08 vt Lieutenant Al2 sa Ser-n?nts ii50l16 insurpnce 14.59 To! Telephone 37& 73 Traffia Si3nals 455.07 Repairs Hends-. vrters SQ5 Qas ? Oil 424.61 Repairs to Cars 797. 51 Purchase of Cars & notorcyGWS321.90 From: irsuvanc�, ClcthinZ Traffic Safety 077STDE VIVIAVES - 0TSC7!LWW7S Front Nurses NT O',� P!•RYS To: Park groundsmen 24-4. 51 TQAt & Power its Materials A Shrubs 77200 Regairs I 7juipment 220.42 393. 02 1067- 05 2300 20?e 00 r-7m nity'll 60,34 Teleohon- & Plarm 21a02 Retirement S7ste- 429, 88 Office Supplies 01. 155 Materials 6807 Hose 3.2_, Yondernization 703®00 Con7ention Expenses 106.34 Street LiZhtlng K5�30 Hydrant RsnW 90 23 VAR?A&F DISTRTCT To: Salaries 40 23 Truck Repairs 75?A9 Dump Maintenance 240A7 incinerotor 131436 From ; Equipment 1164,24 DEPARTWENT OF POLICE Tol Patrolman 1214.95 Trom; PoWne Chief .08 vt Lieutenant Al2 sa Ser-n?nts ii50l16 insurpnce 14.59 To! Telephone 37& 73 Traffia Si3nals 455.07 Repairs Hends-. vrters SQ5 Qas ? Oil 424.61 Repairs to Cars 797. 51 Purchase of Cars & notorcyGWS321.90 From: irsuvanc�, ClcthinZ Traffic Safety 077STDE VIVIAVES - 0TSC7!LWW7S Front Nurses NT O',� P!•RYS To: Park groundsmen 24-4. 51 TQAt & Power its Materials A Shrubs 77200 Regairs I 7juipment 220.42 393. 02 1067- 05 2300 20?e 00 r-7m nity'll 563 f_so. at� From! /Park Foreman 4010.08 Water 141®30 Retirement Fund 130425 Gas & Oil 3033 enera.l Eculament 38.31 kenairs to Building 11000 DEP ARTMENT ON REVEFS `"o' 017 & Repairs 327. 13 Front Foreman 50.00 Sever vaintenance Men 28V05 Power 28415 Insurance 140.8 Retirement Fund 48. 15 materials 20.53 C othin^ 10.7'. The Surer-i_sor informed the members of the -toarC) that c.rth r Horton hPs resigned from his position as Automotive Mechanic and wished to recommend in his plans the appointment of Joseph Donohue, w :pable .F man snd an ex im � Followino discussion, it was on motion by Councilman .5' tiner, seconded by Cnuncilwan Mills ,s , upon roll call , unan sr_ousiv QTS 'TED, that Joseph Donohue be and be hereby is appointed to the _position Of Automotive Mechanic (n on-GoP peti'.r,j_ve) at an annual salary Of W700. offeative February 8, 1947Q The Supervisor stated that, he hod at hand n resolution fro the Village of Mamaroneck in coD ec =on with the sale of to Hem nronerQ. PoliowlrS discussion, at was on motion F Councilman Watson seconders by Councilman ncil :ai Embury, u*ion roll call, the following .as L.nani^ mrO s,I7 adopted: :,i OT'R'-'rS , the V ._11._,.ge of Mamaroneck, through the institution of an act ion in the County Court of Westchester County en- titlR.d " in the Hatter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens 'Pur- suant to t_rticl e VU -A3 Title I of the Tax Law by the V7 l o nF.e of Mamaroneck, Ties; of Delinquent Taxes for 1940 has be- co-, an nCrn.' is the owner of a number of narcels of Real _state s'atunts in he ,Village of'Mamaroneck end `'own of iiy me n onecu> and both the V 11 _.-e or ,,ny ronech and Town of i ama.ro- -.,eoV hold tax liens on said Darosis Of reel rroron,.,.tyn and -;-T-S,h_C- n sitar''' to Section 1n- h 4 an - wee_® 5 ; _a:r _ c �.r_� 5H of the lax _. _ . �. me t was entered into between the l7 l =iZe of tic. ononer;'.'.'' _an'. the I'o'^.'n o] Mamaroneck, which morJ^-'vother tri_ Zs set forth the irit.erests of said nuniciU._ iti.. , in -ulna ro- Dertiea. being .'foreclosed® the manner of the s:_,l . of spill properties! and the manner of the distribution of the .Drocgndo reoei` ed foom said sales; and _--_.- W E EIS e Village f Vamarorr_c, has pursuant to Rho.t- ,, tht. l .�_1._. _E C __ ___ __ ..__,. an agreement had with the Town of Na nar,onE.ck ^,dvert;iser for and has heretofore received bids on certain properties owned_ by the Town of Mamaroneck, as well as on certsin rropertl4s owned by the \Til i _.me o Mamaroneck�..aroPec_C it the Town, of I Fina.ronecks and V ` M 7"7RT�!-5 , the Board of Trustees of tie VillpSe of Mgw,rone&xr Anne winsn consideration thoreto and after due deliberation acospied the bids hereingfter listed as to Price end terms th—pin set forth: and WHERRIS , since receipt of said bids this Board has wi-or consideration thereto, and after due deliberotion, it is RESOL7TD; that the bids hereinafter l stsi be sconoted at the ;rice and t-rrs therein set for tha Villys BlocV lot K 6 LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED 1N SECTION & Toom Bloc7- Parcel 332 359 Bidder john Se Tests,- Amount Terms 0300. Cash The Supervisor re •orted that a check in the amount of 0821947 was recsi70d frOn h: of Torchnont on _:i' s Town In she ins of the distribution of Proceeds received from sale of in Rem foreclosed Pro- i norties. Of th, I a"ount j763M was o beinS naid to the School on socour, f the 1934-32-32 school taxes � The Sunervisor informed the members of the Board that the Receiver of Tgxes had re e w questd the usun! resolution hich must be adooted at this time of the year to provide for the methoA of collection of 7 tames, On motion by Councilman EmbuM seconded by Councilman Watson, it was , upon Poll call, unanimous!7 RESOL7ED, that pursuant to Section 96A of Chapter 60� of the Consolidate? Taws as amended, 'Iyno-_ =s the Tax 7pw, the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments of the Town, of Mamaroneck is authorized to collect the 1947 State, Count?, To7n "Istrint taxes and "cter rent t,,h--oh become a lien Anr 1, 1947, in two Partin! Payments saah amountinS to fiftv ner cent of the total of said taxes end 7ater rental 77RTHER RMOTUTDY that the Receiver of Ty-xes and Assess- ments is authorized and enpowered to receive such partial 0y7ment- or instalment, of tames and water rents at an'77 time prior to the sale of tax liens but sublent to the snme nenalties as are specified and proviced in Section 18 of Chapter 105 of the laws of 1915 as amonded, for the neject to pay the tote! amount of said taxes, and water rents; 7RTHER RKOLVED, that the acceltanoe of an7 such partial onvnent or instalment of the 1947 taxes and water rents , shall not be doomed to Effect in an7 manner any right Of the Town of Mamaroneck under any General on Soecial V-,r to enforce collection of arT unuaid balance of such taxes End water rents as ms7 rsnair ova and owinS to the Town of ?anaroneak but such • Qhts vn • voTerF shM ronoin in full force and effect to enforce the collection of the unneid b"la.nces of such taxes .inn water ronts to- her with interest oenalties Rrd other isi-ful vhzarLss � on notion ' 7 CM-Mman 97tsOny seconded bv Councilman 7'IbUr7, it was upon roll call, unanimously 56' RTSOV75, that in accordance with the provisions of' Section 20 of the Westchester 00=0 Tax lot, " The Daily Times", the official newspaper nablished in the Village and Town of Mempronsell be- and it hereby is desinnatod as the n—suaner in Kich the Receive.,,-- of "axes and Assessments shall publish the notice of the collection of State, County, Town and District taxes and Water Rents; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said vublication be made on March 12, 1947.. in " The Daily Times": vnd be it 77PTHIR PTSCIUMD, that in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 26 of the Yestchester Count? Tax Act; the Oown Toard do and it hereby Cc's direct the Receiver of Tayss an? Assessments to moil to esch Tax- payer of the Town of Ramaronesk: vhcne address is Ynann to said Receiver of Taxes end issessments , a tan hill ,or all tzmas and -iten rentsj the expense thereof to be a to7n charge, FURTHER RESCIVED, that rursuant to lhaotsr 82 CY the Laws of 1944, the Town Board hereby apLro-nd the of= Ti3jal form cA tan receipt used by the Receiver of TaxeT in the year 1917 Ar taxes for ths year 1947. The Su,nsrviqor informed the members cf the Bo -o nf tha xe t tas collentod on in Rem nrc7ertles as of Faroh 4, 1917 amounted to $21,417. 91 and the interest on Ams amounted to B2,01.0% He said that out of the 33d parcels in the in Rem proceedlnZ, 53 have been paid and tb.ere were six parcels on which the taxes were cancelled, leaving a balance of 275 parcels in the in Rem foreclosure The Supervisor stated that he had a request from Tm. S . Erill Attorney for Hr. Frederic A. Gilbert, for the enecution and delivery of a quitclaim deed by the Town comerin.3 property formerly known as :at No . 3P and described as "Pap of First subliviTion of ?rand Park, Village one Tuwn of Wa-proneol; Vestchester County, Fe- York, filed in the Ron Sistor 's Office of the County of �astchsster, now known as the County ClerIvs office , Division of Land Records , Vestchester County, on TM 17, 1870, as Map Ni. 159. -hich The revue Wis in the form of s letter states that certain ton leases n. near on the records of the County Tren sure rl� office, no­ the Cor niissionxr of Finance, County of Westnhester, which indicate that the Town of R?marorech purchased from the County Treasurer at sales held bv the County Treasurer in the years 180-3-4, 1000 year leases covering this property. On the other hand, the tax arrears re- cords of the Town of Mamaroneck cont5in no reference to these lasses , or are there any -snord_2 in -he office of the Receiver of Taxes indi.- catinZ TnvtWnZ to be duo nr this propert7 -hich in 1o7 part of Bloo(i 908, Pa-cal 404 on the to assessment map WilowinE discussion, it was on motion by Councilnen Imbury, seconded by Councilman Stiner, Unon roll Call, unanimously RESOTv7D, that the Supervisor execute and deliver a quitclaim Need to Frederic N. Silbert , oil the rQhtE _ 01hic ord interest of tho To 7r on snid Lot No , 39 and described is " Map of First sobd7..vis3on of Grand Par% Village in? Town of MaTaroneck, Westchester County, New York and filed in the R.Oa as Mop No. 4590 571 RET�,I:PP _117"I TN? 07 777 TOWW BOARD, 09FN 07H MAMARONFCY, HELD MARCH 26, 1947 in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire Hoose, Town of Mamaroneck, Ner Yorke The meeting was Inli'd to Orler by Supervisor Tvndnvill,n et SrIT P,M, ( Eastern Standard Tim& Se present: Sunervisor Yandevil>, Councilmen Stiner5 Pills , Tstson, Fmbur7 Absent : None The presence was n1so noted of Town Ciork Trombe •g, Tow1c, nttorne7 Delius, Comptroller Orsino, ToTn A •countant Finson, and Town Engineer and Superintendent of Hiebays , A.J. Foote. The minutes of March 5, 1947, were ar •roved as presented. 1 letter doted Farch 20, 1947, was received from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes , advising that he had been shownreceintT far Town Top of 1918 for $3.22 and School tax of 1918 for f? ,85 , as per -s-=sFmPQ7 roll of 1217, an property then known as Section 8, Blo3h 77 , lot 10, and rFn) nsQnv authorl7vt4nn from the ToTn Board to cancel these tpxas from A, reccids. on motion by Councilynn Tvtson5 seco ➢?e? by Councilman Stinen it wiso upon roll, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Aceiver of T-veF and Assessments be euthorize? to cancel the Town Tax of 1918 in the amount of $3.0 and the School Ta7 of 1918, in the anount of $?.35 against rrojert7 known as SectiOr So Block 77; Lot 10o now known as Flock 831, Pvrcel 339m The follosvinE reports 7erl recei7ed and ordered 71avl? On file, Report of the Bujilinj and Plumbing Tnspector for the month of Februir7: 1947: Report of the Town Cler! for the month of February, 1917! List of Ciai7s buditel end Psi? by the 30mytroller from harch 5, 1947 to va=z ?61 1947 (Sunnern of Receipts and Disbursements fron jan1 ar7 7-to February 2q,1347: ) Of Rece_�'___)te and- Di-burserents from 7,nunr T I to Tebruvr7 ?8, 19471 inal7sis of Estimated Revenues fro" jnnnpr7 3. to February 28, 19471 Ara l7sis of EvdSet Aurr oar? ntions and 7xper?i�ureo% from jPr=7 1 to Febw7Vr7 Ko 107. The Town Clerk state? that he had at hand , lo? Fs from the Vow Haven, Railroad covering ceritin Tsrcels Of lane ­,Ich are portions of the Railroad ' s Tpstbound Station grounds at harchmont, He stated thst this lease ba? been 100r07e? bv Or� 7ootp, Town Enjne-r, the Part Com- mission, and Wr• Delius, Town Attorney. Following Ksc"sviono it was on motion b7 Courniltn. Stiner, seconded bn Counstionn Y0> ; noon roll evil: unnninOU07 RESOLVED, that the S; -ervis0l bt Pythorized to siZn !ease between the Wow York, TeT Ha-en and Hartford Railroad Company and the ""^_ `'n of Mamaroneck on-pring three cort7in nsrcels of ion! located Worther!7 of ths tracks and Haster!7 of Chatsworth Swenue, be!%�