HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_02_05 Town Board Minutes 515 R707 TAR ME' TTNG OF THE Trrp'N pO{tRD:, TO16T T OF TFl MARnNl CT{, HELD FEnRUZRY a' 1047 °7 In the Council Room of the Wenver Street Fire House , To';Tr:2 of The mp-tinz was called v,o order y i,r, Supervisor ^n.�oqil1c, , at 8,15 P.M. ( astern Standard Tint) Present! Sunervisor Mandeville Councilmen tSt:.%ner, Fills , Watson, 7r;!1'eur7 Absent Town Clerk Gronberg The presence was a0c noted of Town ittorne7 Delius and Accountant Finson, f Mr. F insnj ?sinf to t as Clerk f the Board in Mr. Oronbarn9c-ahs?:nesh Mr. Fi_ n presented ry °the. affidavit.��v f publication o7erins _ .$SS O..._ Tr,3'S'., Y._.c^^...,.. 1 t o_ � _. �„ the n„hlic hearing to be held on this drt,e, ?he Su-']ier. sor g7knt if nn. cne wished to he hea:!"d on the proposed reTon?_ngs Tir 4 er?_,'- k:lt in cT_ o?° %h..: rz c.r+ r• �_ .. �skwd 7hethor P n ^ph (Word P raIrn ph 121 e were not in Ures t con- tradiction to a`..slh other and recueFt,ed an internretation of the 'sordin�' i of these two paragraphs . The Town ,Utornev explainsd explains that the wordinZ fo,llo7a that of the uresent ordinance and were not in contradiction In that Paragraph 42.)e only restricts the number of houae2 or dwellings that could be erect.od on an acre of ground, whereas p r Ersph (1) specifically states that only one ,_;!.!N houses could bs built An Residence District A-4. Mr. Elting said he was representing the petitioners who hat , cQ ni:T?_ and filed the original petition ren_Ei, est3.3"g the change in ToniT^.,, A s s 37.0 he and ? `s surrounding Ye QhbOrs ,re heartily 1n f . %or of this i nr-noc_,* w as e z l ,,.i snen hcrc The Supervisor ,. °_ked Mr. Elting how many of the existing honye :°.n the area wsrn on plots of land less than 20,000 cr.:, ft> Mr. Elting ssi.d he had no knowledge, si }'_Pop Zh he t'CtOt?.Zht nraoti0017 '1l. of them were on plots of 20,000 sq ft� or mons. � Councilmen Watson state] that a map hs? been Drevereta- showing the dimensions of each plot and his recollection was there were only two i*iinY=o-eC" o rcels of lace than 23 ,000 s_a yt1 Mr., Robert Lo Loot of 1! RoU.'I_der tirae Lane, TamaronPck, N.Y. said he was authorized by all the r._,s .+1envT of Boulder Brae Lnno 'to saw t-,helr were in favor of the proposed rezoning. Th.e 5 ner°. icon pointed out that Bcol _er Vres i.s not included in the area under discussion. He also asked MT. Loeb the size of the _lots in that station. hr, Loeb said there were four residenrc.s on the strut of __- which two were on mots of "opproximate'_k.'4't t'0..000 F0 ft. and two on Ki1Qt9 7ornrrfnE 10,000 5q. Q. He Fail his house was on a ,p'lo't„ of appr oximately x.0;000 sq, ft. _ Selina pn� PGUTIS yaq aq GUS can, sq4 Oslo us MusquGGa, SUK pwasd -Gas GUO Sw6y w4 son PSITj qnq ±Sqq qo1qu U01414ya Sq4 qnq4 paulslaxw III OYe.^ is jG4Qvasq0 Gq4 GAaGaGad 04 '40ASIS mon oqj ans 000001 40qq put IsAam v uo ps4wqTs aaw S401 jq4 4UGAG aq q UT An4u0aj psoa 04 so Gynn aq pinoqs Lt. l-fir yTanA was 4sq4 4!G;PUa 4; Qs 000106 Jo analula I qqTM soon wqq u; 401a4syp EUI002 S jo U014saw vq4 04 pascado &jG4TUjj9P Sum OR aU6004sw Sy usqq aGawsp ions GT 4T nm out 4old SUTPITnq lonsun us nwq4Sea ;6M q4jGy AC06 4old I qqjv 4nq .1quu0s=sat put aysj Miq Oq no,, p1non g6l'OCL ••40' loccnool jo 6GZ!, LT S401a ev4dwy UT 4003 A Onwoaj 1001 jo S401d zoaj '"IaGp ;!not pww� -aoqq2TwU eq4 0214u saps 4&QK GGG 4ou t1noQ aq plus OR n; Qs 0000oa G4 PSS35joul 415 SGq 4T QM Ges 4o ply Sq plan vinnqusyn' aK 4yej nawnlo 0001gi go Knalula Vol pollso vanoE wo! Gq4 04 P14usevad U01 4140d sm 46vq ST UOT40alloosa STY PTsG 0014st ueujTounso eqnal va;ubs 000191 Vol sl1no a01414'd GY4 qzqq Sao 4T PGU2 ;s put 41 pepnow sy UyqA U0140.110yea STY pun PaGOE Uvol Gqq 04 114uss9ad so" Yo uolqT40 inuIslao yq4 yGyjcw psq wq I PTIS GR - assGaos go du Su;44no Gq4 uT alwound aijnTwavT Mal Zaen Kssao PIMS S204u0jj 001 'a X U01454!411 A 45W ;no 004UTOd eH '"Ma Una O"OU00 ao ""00 5 Uc Sao Yo1q, Slaw'd aoj 004uoa; Pew aqq UT GP IS 0q pinoqs UolqST11A woos PISS WE GUUGn; us;jTns UO lsoand z Qs1z ill;SH .'" q4TM 43104 -UOw 'Spurn 4ou G; 41 GOUTUa Gg4 go ;Uad qwq4 4d&4USS'adwa aq PTZS ` 'jam ;n0aUOUOMSH ownuyAv qana4s 10 11aua044v 'wasquena, GOUGUMS! maq .qSq4 jo aoAaj UT was Aqq opeuvaOU00 Gas 1 -040 isyno-E. apTs opjsl Vow Cqwvqqes Wqq so a; o' -niqSuoysGa Gaow Sq pluon 44j Qb puzSn0qq UG04jTj as uSq usymqaq ZUTY40MOS pTas GH .064u0n; loot S , 0 pesoddo osin ssm put uoTMqTwTj 8 400A 004 ST -Q Qs 000003 4`694 M14S put aqs4sg wouTad sq4 jo qaao. ;o aGswqvand qq4 pavquGsnadwj sq PT6S r -nsH q0tuoannoy "Pnoy SUT-ald a4lIg PIO laq;onvulaa jo 110yeH UqO2 ., nowTuyu I so 4GS Sq oq qOld z Van! 004 wov 04; ess 000,03 qoqq nej Asuooaqs M.A 4nq 0401a4sip pasodoad sq4 10 wuslsTwwa ZvTpjTnq go 4qBTaq put SMA QTS 4azA azGj J51q 4GS Qq4 ' 0.� yuolqoG'qo Ou Pvq Sq PISS OR -SUOTSIATPqns go 4uwu -dojvAGp Gqq UT djqSpanq w Gq PjqOw Psoj 0 UO s7squCaj 04 swuOTqwqTwT! 6001 v p OR Qn0jUTw =44Gq goo qq pluom 7 -is 0006 ol qnq4 -3 , Pe4sGs3ns OR -uoT414TwT1 Gzant 6 UGg4na sst � ql 000"06 4m 41GJ su, isloqn GY4 UO qooqaOqq3TGu Gqq 10 Ua43nanqo Gqq uwq42una4s JITa 70-cY& usTd Me it aoAej UT cum Gq NITY& M4 P9464S OR OPEOP SUM6 GUqpyj to uc puml yo 40anq a pauno q'qq 0414sa 11SE IY4 qG4u0sGvU.w' sq PILO Asuaoqqv .!'K 1q0GuOa6Nva ;SGaoy aaoqs 1uGjj;a; ulqsuv wj'l '4T MOO ACL SGXs4 ic, 41najsp o4 psal Allon4uGaw pun 2quodoad 8;q4 jo quzzlojeAep Gqq 4uavGad plaom WAq SIqq jo ucIq0TaqSya suluoz I 43qq pus 4'ej Gaswe 000,06 go SUOISIATPqns 04 glesqT pull 4ou Pip pual Gqq jo lydoaZoanq GY4 48q4 paulsiano Oslo OR .01quels, 11"Pusa aq 4ou 01non 1 . 4; bs ws" 00 000coz uo 41jnq vq plooqs qvq4 wdk4 Gqq jo sw3nov, OGSOJU on Monaqwuoo 3UM slexqata yGsodoaa yq4 q4 TO qwqj .2qvadouw siq SUTUTQCP'6 sllad�'16'1 oli"4 UY4 ;0 wouaUlivoo o Gq ylno& Gawqq 4sq4 put k4nsdoaa SM is SUOTT Gq4 qosoadds Oslo pinom Asnuaq! PUSISUR SOX nq4 go Gqnca pasodoad Sq; qoqq SUI47004SUPPUn S son q; pas OR .0&4asa 24U U00 Sawa josodoaf wq4 tools pous000q psumo sq qvTqo jeoand Gq4 !to Gq4 Aq Go uss Aq4 so 4094 KT41q3 dow Sq4 uo UO 410n! u; 0100a-ad Sq4 ;o U0141001 n4awymoadds Gq4 palop Sq4 04 P,4601PUT OR muaol Gq4 10 GausuTyao Zulus! SU14sly, sq4 ;o yq2uajqs Sqq Uo 9,61 UT Y4111 POOS u! POSSqOana Pat{ ay go q, osawz A;U;q4 1114101noadus jo Glwoaad OoPrq"j wavao; anq it vein Gq4 S-a" aq qVY4 paqsq -1 -1 'waswPOOL C 'SAV uspoo 003 jo Qv4skao ue;qvi -ap! PW ii !rthur Do 500--Onv Ptt=e7, said he rearesentod Theresa Terre owner of 79 sores in the ores and the Tib Really COrD. , owners of 22 scies along Oriffen Avenne and Fenimore Rowd , He said his clients had rurchased this Property in 1945 On the strenZth of the present zonM� ordinances and nail up the delinquent axes for a number of years. He said his clients had no obinctioh to the zoning of any other Property arnvided that it did not Winds those of his clients . He further stated % t his clients -ere completely opposed to any change whatsoever in the present zoning ordinance and wished to file their arotest aZpinst any change at the nresent time. The Supervisor thanked all the veople that were present and sai✓ the Town Board would take the entire malter under noes- i5sr9tion. The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the regular order of business. The minutes- of January 8, 1947, were approved as presented- Yr. Finson statef that he had at hand the followint,, oorr-muni- cationst Report from the Coun ✓ Transportation Co. , Inc. covering certain information which is reqnired by the franchise aZreement, toZether with a financial renort showing the ±rosR receipts for the Fix months ended December 31, 1946 for which a check in the amount of 1288.51 was reces ved. b7 the Town as their portion of the franchise tax under that aSrsementa The rensints were ordered by aned on file and the check was referred to the Accountant, a letter doted February 4, 19A7, was received from Police Chief Paul A. Yerick, advising that Tempc=7 Patrolman Robert In ingharr_ has resiSned as of February 1, 1917. The letter was ordered placed on fill , The following reports for ths month of Januarv, 1947 were ordered nleced. on file : Reports of the Building and Plumbing Inspector; Resort of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments; Report of the Westchester County Dog Protective Association; List of Claims audited and Paid by the Comptroller from January 22 to February 5, 1947; Stptement of Bank 'Bale es as of February 1. 1947. Councilman Watson presented the following petitions received from the issesnor for the co-rootion of the assessment roll so as to Dermit the vonortionment of tsxese On notion by Ccnncilnan Watson, seconded by Courailmsn Embur7, the followinZ was , upon roll call, unanimously adopted: 770FTAS, the issessor has presented ustitions for the correction of the Ass 5vsment voll for certain years , -pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of ChaN sr 105 of the laws of 1936o as nTended . known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and 11;'HEREAS5 after ?ns conalderstlon this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said Posessment roll; 707, THUEFORF, VP IT RESCIVED, that the assessment roll of 194i, taxes of 1247, which shows property now alpenrinF on the roll as follows- Section Block lot Ownsr Land Or, i 23 19 to 24 (114-10) 34 to 39 Elya •d !a Voie 1123950 be Corrected ps Onjlo7s , in necordance with thF nroviTiono of subdivision 5 of Section 30 Section Eloch Lot Omer land OnI:7 23 22 to 24 34 to 39 9 81 & 13 Margaret B , McFamara 23 0 .2012i I Vil. of Namy �n Rem) 12,50r) Ednand La Vois $90550 Harr7 Shifnan & VV' 3,400 FURTHER RESO-_-7-z7D� that the assessment roll of 19?5� taxes of 1946 and the assessment roll of 1942 , tares of 1947, which shoT property now appenring on the roll as follows; Semi ^e FV31 lot Ovne'_- and OnjL:T 9 81 & 13 Margaret B , McFamara Mean) '12 I Vil. of Namy �n Rem) 12,50r) bs corrected as follows , in accordance with the nrovissony of ion 5 of seyticn W" Ssetion ROOM Lot Owner Land OnI7 8 8i A Fred QsArini 25c" (032-3sq) 8 81 1,J Ism-39 A _FUR T77R taxes of of 19417, rolIT as Section Block Lot VES077EDo 19AS and w'hich sh follows- Village of Mamaroneck W;250 that the es "s the ns;es?msnt 37 property now 07ner ;ment roll of 1945s roll of 190, taxes appearing on the land On!7 9 103 30 to 023-25S) 43 Village of 35r) be corrected is follows , in accortance Tith the provisions of subdivision 5 of S;otion 33-, Section Block Lot (Owner land OMI7 10? TO to (823-251) 46 viijagn of up-aroneck 8 io? A7 X 48 C823-P99 ) Louis G Ferrari, 750 YTRTUER RPSOI77D; that the aFspsoment roll of 1945, taxes of 19W and the assessment roll of A?% VMS: of 1947P faich sho, propprW now appearing on the -oil Fs follows. 523 Section FBlock Lot (}r^,4'.ac°r Land Onl7 9 51 8B & MA Est. of Helen__ v lr .n 7921.-47) "'_1 of Hamk in Rem) be ccrrsohed as follows, in accordance with the arovisions of subdivision 5 of S-phlon 33T Section Block Lot 0-n?!- Land 0nI-'-,f 9 56 87- nntonlo no-o __ to $4,500 9 50 1.3'21 7`lilaes of ...7arC3r1eol,,-,- 5,250 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the e s _ssnent rM of 190 Ali taxon of 7945 nnd the vFness7ent roll of 1946, tinaz of 1947 , ",.. scri s hCl'"' nm?ua•-�� rc:,r .J.pnep'"`3_Cc v,x'i, the . rolls as f of " o7s - Section Block Lot 0.,.,`ner .nf Only 9 58 2.8 to 31 HAM. Williams Corn, I (920-2201 ( Y i l of Yr !�k) Rg y 000 be norrecteA is follows , in VMMMMS 7ith the pro-is'ons o.� subdivision o of Section_ 30 9 58 30 & 3i l='f'lur E. ° ones,, P1;000 9 5B RS ?r, 29 Village of iii rproneo77 1,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 190 to yes of 1947: which shoo^ pro ert y'..iy7 Yr ^.y;^", Z an the roll as fo, l o7s Q Secticn Block Lot O'xTier hpnd Onl7 9 86 i Chas . ___,. a & or so 1390000 4 tz �.e ¢ .fir-�pC°i'ei�. as f0l�..o is:, :�.Yt, `�.CCO":'d -.C, with n;e` nro _ si ns of ean?vdi.7 s ion 5 of Section 33- r Section Block ,lot Owner Land Onl7 (9-2S-I) 9 65 1B F1sanor F. L chtie 40,000 (925-4s) FURTHER RES0117FD, that the assessment roll on 19?60 tares of 1:9 ,7, which shown pronort7 now SwPPearinS on the roll as sollowst Section Bloch Lot Owner v Land !Mo. Total 9 79 7®1-SUI , (930-YS(930-YSTI 15 to 18L junnar Anderson Q7:000 05,500 p 2 5,00 m be corrernted as follows , in accordance �,,Fith thas -or---visims of smlod-Iv islon 5 of Seot-lor. 33e Sect,'.on Bloc!T Lot 9 79 18,Ls 175 7 14S , 7B Prlcill.^., Dib'ole T aln , I a Imm. Tot oc, 000 V I 11 62,500 xZ� ;500 9 79 15,16 1-71, 71A G-amnar Andel-san 5,000 coo 8,„000 Councilyqsn EL burT stated "hat he, h .d at 1, r , -he nnnu 7 Re-oo--t of the Toivn of Polio- D , �.-ty-,en' for the 7ePr 1945 He said th�- reoOle?t 77aS VeP7 inyell done sn.d quoted vari ol)-,-_ interestin7 from it. He reiDort• d that the TrustSps of the Police Ppnsion Fund had held ti eIr or -Im=-tion on Sundav to this Y,,ieet- 4nq anf. t1a° foil r a reTo e. -i— re-alecteds ChairT,man, D!'vid EvIbl=, Owen Yande-ville , Police Chief Pau-71, I, Yer`c!-, Sec-etsr7,. JoLn I. Deli-Tics TrepFulrer, Rufus K. Llierton. FFe ssi(2, +-S-`e reoort of and Disburseirients for th-- Tear hs,�,9, been submltt-d to the Tr,�ic �eea and aooroved. He f�,ir'her stated that M-1, Ed-ward a Decke-, mFidoS,.,, of former Chief of To- Tic-. D--ck--,- had di --d- f-aring thLn 19,16 and note(l th`-',t tlnrl— ember-p If the Town a', Impy-ciaroneck, Polic-a foree were ),,Ierlb< rs of the Pens,---n 2und had retired during 191IL6 ?rd "Ti thdrawr. I-h- monevs ccnt--4-I-),uted b-v- -herri to th-- Psns on 71 ndo I 1dr. J OEXeili, of the firr of Bleakle'TL_ a,--,eared and stated that -In-- -enresentexd the SS rs 7ra. tale over a 1-s-t of the frnnahis,� to oner--to buses fron, yorkc--a ?Iavlar r.mted ',o '13ernacchia Proe -, , Tnc. , b7 res,�,D,�tion of th,s Tol�,,M P�oard -r or aboiat, October !,/ , 7,971e T-T,�� T7.id that 1-- .S cilent 1�!eFtohe s';-p,» S•I—fn-c” a� Ine, had entlerea I-nto I 7Tith Be7nal,-,o.hi-a 3-o7 . -hereby th—r had s.. reef i-o that -oast of the route runs between Cit-7 of 'Kma-t Vernon nd �171snd, for vthich his cl,''ent. voli`d tale oTer, the op.--rptione He that t*,is -N.7---olei be strTotl-m in "7000rdance vith ani�. conditions set fo-th in the ori,Tin-1. fr=chisep it WaS on rno n I-V b7 Councilman 'F,iatson, uxpon roll call , un,f�mlrnr-1,,.Es!7 -h7 ��ss-i =nel.qt from Pe-re Broso that T 7,11estchester SUIrf-C- Tne. for the o-j,�r- _n,. I ation of an !-in- for ,;which a 4,-anc�hire v�as -ranted '-nom Pron Yorker-, to Plavland, which runs fron the Cii-tT c�' llaumt 1,7--r-n0n to P1aITI-a-0,d, is orovedp_ PURTHER RESOI`'-ED. that the sss-i .-n--fient and trqrsfer is to. a,11 ter-as set 'Crth in the resl-i o - tion adopted October 14, 1a.935® The n,-esented the lDr000sLd dlstrilor+ '= �07,erinp, the s a 1-- b7 t h ce jT, I I- o f a a r,-1 a a s 0<,,17 90 A- a-:-,a 1 nr9 i c h _- _ 'S hard b,-7x�,,r 7 7- o,,cz 7r n -cr oh e T o4 r n Bo a r §82,1.03, anr� that Ir �4dition to En said. -e had `,t hand a chscl? rin ' his the Town �,roiild share in e f I.T e-7ear rr or t ga 7,- to the e7 tert of 4,739 s 3� S-s o n!n.tter of intelrest , he �ollnt,-6 mtt that th-- 1973,1-33-312 527 taxes on this property amount to fl,529,92 and that is was proposed to Pay the 1946 state, county, town and school tam en from the nro •eeds and oppiv whatever balance to the payment of the 19W-33-32 school ta7es� Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Shiner, seconded by Councilman Mills , moon roll call, unoni7ous217 RES0177D, thot the son of AK4.93 be accepted b7 the Town of Manproneck as representing its short of the nurchssp Price of the promises kno„wn to Blocir 901, ParcelT 2997 131 and 44, and that said sum be, applied first to the payment of the 1,941 7tote, count7 town and school taxes with full nennitiss and the bolince to be appil-d to the 1934-30-3a school taxes as far as applicable; and FURTHER RES0177D, that the Receiver Of "V7el and Assessments be and he hereb" is authhori7nd to cancel all outstanding taxes andAr too liens on these -nor- celF after such pavnent on his records. The Supervisor inforred the members of the Board that of j180! 35.11 which had been unpaid for the 1934-33-32 school In-ies he had pail Q 23,725,89 to the school Board. The fun?s use? for these Payments wore recsinvy from the collection of school taxes for those years and transfers from the proceeds of the sale of Town and ViKaEn properties in an amount equal to the !PT1-33- •2 school taxes which were oven or csnoplled on the properties invoYed in the sales. The SUVerViSOr read a letter from Vilinge Attorney Anthony Sansone asking that certain resolutions reZerdin-g Miss by the Villege on Properties acquired in the in Rem Proceeding be amended so as to allow th, purchasers to give /110i cash and 600 "ort-ave. He stated that the original resolution provideO for all cash payments but that through some error the titles had been closed on the basis of 405 cash end 5S77 mortjase. Following discussion, it was on motion b7 Councilman Enbury, seconded by Covnn!TnY7 Stinar, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLUED, that the resolutions heretofore Pdonte? on July K, 1910 snd August 7, 1946, respentiveIV, b7 this, Board with reference to the foljowinS Properties be amended so as to nrovide that such sales be made on the basis of 40% cash and 60% mortsesea Village Town rT`oFT— Lot Bloom-P&30 93A 8 950 357 23 8 & 9 911 076 K 17:18 911. 153 section 9 Bidder R , Diforio Loreto poccia Loreto Poccls Section 8 Amolmt $1,500 & "be Wollins 500 & Abe Wollins • 00 101 29-32 825 304 Joseph DeMaria 56 1 ,9 317 4K Toreho Po. nis & Abe WollinT 1 ,000 The Supervisor renorted that he had a jetter from Frank S. pays 7sffort , Attorney, representing the owners Of PPOPert7 described as Block 224: parcel 998 on the Town Assessment man which was included in the ji-S+- of DelinC3=t Ta---_F for 1947 f In aeri P,-oceedinZ)' e The 7,e t st te�- tinat on Dena iaber 7,A. : 1 -,4-5 t s Re -j_Ver. of Ta-ee firnishe, to I -he ite7� this Lttorns7 OP UM-Daid tT7,"S dl,.d. not in(, -,ide of the 19�7 Schoo! t for The that -,ind-r the r""ou_mstcnces ii -- removed frori the in Fern list. on Y,-joticn Ccum(,f_:U:,an Stiner, sec-ond-ec! it r,011, 0 s 17 'q'- () the,,_t ths Rec_��iver of' -and I ­ jl� �� be and he hereh7 1 - 2-ilthorized to _Ialnc-7. s,h-cl T_n.-z -r- of o2z,�, 94: � e �fn 908. ME b- Counci_jY,,on 7�17atscme T'r,e 5 1)n,e r77 i Z 0 _h 7 - - I- , e �'�n , r' S'�­-��-'_I 'rhat - h2d at 'rarft r-sc'! ' n7'1 ­.- _gip the 1-1a_'e Of flamo ooneck aT_), f certain In Rean nrop�e ,rO7 .r..0 �I-je s c ales of r-corc, onded thes, s—.l es a-n C'n'C.7 7 e d n I.MOtiOn b7 Counoi'r,Ian Eirbur*I , . 7 a, Fef,�Cnde,d b-7 counl-11-on —0-:o d t ro-,h the irst4lution '7111 11R 17 C S V-"17a�-e, of v,rr�� , S � I h� of an ao'-on in th- Count7 COU_Y'_ of West.chester Count-7, sn- titied. "I 7-n the 1,,jatter of 'he Fore o 1 osure of Ta X 7,i_r4= Pm:,- S'. the Tax, b7 'he V ' - _je-n, t �o � rticio 7 of u , of LI.et of DeTirruent T7,-,-s fo-, hes is th- oT,mer of 7-1 � Inbe- of OsrOel- of, zitv2ate in -the VillaE,-_ of M-1,rrn.ar-oneol". and- Tcv!r, of TIn,-nroneckI _vnd �FTTT-R-EAS , both tlo- Villa2e Of TCIMQrcrOo!f and iOlur Of Mfmmaro- er in CI n e-ir ho 1 f t n7' r.)n s' Id PC ?!'o S 0 f r e Pr O_P'o t--' 7'R ""I'Sul-IrIt to S-ct ' nr, !C>5H of th�' T��7 �.:o­ o."Se- n,pnt i7a.s enter-,- irto bet TSen the° 7 ill?-e of W�rmaron,ck VT e ".17 arnon� other thin`s set ,nd the Town of th- forth the interests of ��aid, manicipalit's Pr o- bef=7 4oreclos to njannc_r o-P the 9^I_ nro�_)F-ties - and the. -,eni7,Ler of the, dlstrib­4-ior of the V - lesj sO ancl, guRF S , the Vij.la7e oil .1 -'1. s a_ 0 a tas g -",r u-r.t t n a.---�-7nent had with the Town of T,,-7arlarc-ne,clr aa7ertJ_Se'9 for on �7er�,jrl x ',-'..°S troj��e an�a has heretofo­ ree­ei77ed bi"a v) I- e o t---n h7 .,n.e TO M Of P r er TIT�T an-, neck In. the _,ro-certl c-,,s owned tl�_e Vil 1'��g_,e of M Town of Mamarore 1r- ?rd on-3 AIERE�'S, the BOar��' Of have -i-en cons Ide-retion JLIhe-etc cild Sete d�lle deliber�ation enprir� lis�-d �s to oric- and tlermc-! the bids her t"'ereir set lol h.- ark. I nt of ._ 11 bid_' thiP Boarc5. ha's LIve G: n * - s i der a t i on 'he r e 0 and afte-, due deliberation, it is -1, bids hearei m�f , r 7 1 �eq^ � cc° '`,9d. 7 te , b , ED , t h t� t h e - - at -he -?ri3e a-ad terne therein set fclth- WR The Sunervisor informed the members of the Board that he had nrenare? the Ann.up! Report of the Supervisor Re required by Article 0, Section 301 and he was filing the some -1th the Corptrollor of the 5tate of 7ew work and with the Town Clerk eq orescribed by llw� He stated that the Reuort would be nublinhed. in WIF entirety in the D0117 Times an Februar- 17, ign. The Super isor reported that at the lest mneon' of the Kestchester County Board of Super-isors the annortionment of th. 00ote, Co"rty, and County District taxes had been aporo7e? bv the Board, That Ohs _own of Mamaroneck' s share weR 0126,000 hilher than 1946, H,- evulained this incresse -as universal khrough ono, the runteinjUtTes throon' out the County and primarily caused Q in0rsFsPd splpriep for carnt" �"Pjn7ppp . bv overaticn of the County Unit Plan :7l ^l ; thc-7 Ock ov er the OcrnQ Rufast the entire cost of relief, and `07 a deficit in the assimats for Sross hosvital charEs-bask itany to the Tenn rtich 7nT caused t7 NAMY OPng C 'sty of Ohs horpitsl Couhrilwan 52iner ve-cotod on the Merrill -. Fromm,!! in OP7-rd to nror2rt- cone? b- OF T,7,c of Ha-zoonve" 27 Torost !-wnv- . T; 105 Pron eravinlrZ the PrOPS07 it Tas fornd that there Tas an easement running tai rDuEh the lot W i t t,he 7eSterl- bcondaW Yrs _ He saia it nit a nary wics plot and could W "tTlIaO f2snite the fact there was an ei-erent in there. AnIlowing discussion. the Sucervipor was requested to advi5e Mr. Brummell thst the lot -as for sple and suSSastinZ thst he -ale an nffer. That the hoard wool? be W111-Z to oansider a bil in the neighbor- hocd of qw. Ocuncilown hills n-Psentne the following reports of %?oPcHons msdp by the Town of MamsronecV Fire Depa-tmentT, February 4, 1947 mr , Ven A. Mandeville , Supervisor Town of Ware ronsch, NX. Dear During the month of jenuary, 1947, a total cf 3B inEpectionT were mads by the undersigned. 1 rencrt of c=14tions fount is herewith submitted for your inforraticn: ,;_PAR7',r7NT HOTTSTS Tarchnont Hi l',, Stoneoren Anaronsnts ' No violations r I larchnnnt Acres LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTION 8 and 9 7illove Town B1oW____Tot Block Parcel Bidder Amount Terns 13 Plot B 809 U Pre dfV F. handmon $1,600 cash 81 7 BY 359 Alfred Sostilio 350 onsh 83 16, 17 P9? 354 Col u"biwRepublicarc League, Inc . 500 cash 58 24 920 245 Anthony Placitelli 350 cash The Sunervisor informed the members of the Board that he had nrenare? the Ann.up! Report of the Supervisor Re required by Article 0, Section 301 and he was filing the some -1th the Corptrollor of the 5tate of 7ew work and with the Town Clerk eq orescribed by llw� He stated that the Reuort would be nublinhed. in WIF entirety in the D0117 Times an Februar- 17, ign. The Super isor reported that at the lest mneon' of the Kestchester County Board of Super-isors the annortionment of th. 00ote, Co"rty, and County District taxes had been aporo7e? bv the Board, That Ohs _own of Mamaroneck' s share weR 0126,000 hilher than 1946, H,- evulained this incresse -as universal khrough ono, the runteinjUtTes throon' out the County and primarily caused Q in0rsFsPd splpriep for carnt" �"Pjn7ppp . bv overaticn of the County Unit Plan :7l ^l ; thc-7 Ock ov er the OcrnQ Rufast the entire cost of relief, and `07 a deficit in the assimats for Sross hosvital charEs-bask itany to the Tenn rtich 7nT caused t7 NAMY OPng C 'sty of Ohs horpitsl Couhrilwan 52iner ve-cotod on the Merrill -. Fromm,!! in OP7-rd to nror2rt- cone? b- OF T,7,c of Ha-zoonve" 27 Torost !-wnv- . T; 105 Pron eravinlrZ the PrOPS07 it Tas fornd that there Tas an easement running tai rDuEh the lot W i t t,he 7eSterl- bcondaW Yrs _ He saia it nit a nary wics plot and could W "tTlIaO f2snite the fact there was an ei-erent in there. AnIlowing discussion. the Sucervipor was requested to advi5e Mr. Brummell thst the lot -as for sple and suSSastinZ thst he -ale an nffer. That the hoard wool? be W111-Z to oansider a bil in the neighbor- hocd of qw. Ocuncilown hills n-Psentne the following reports of %?oPcHons msdp by the Town of MamsronecV Fire Depa-tmentT, February 4, 1947 mr , Ven A. Mandeville , Supervisor Town of Ware ronsch, NX. Dear During the month of jenuary, 1947, a total cf 3B inEpectionT were mads by the undersigned. 1 rencrt of c=14tions fount is herewith submitted for your inforraticn: ,;_PAR7',r7NT HOTTSTS Tarchnont Hi l',, Stoneoren Anaronsnts ' No violations r I larchnnnt Acres M4 Arcade building - oteamer trunks stored in hallways , 6uperinten- dent ordered to remove same. Reinspected andi found violaticn vemn-ad. Oak Havnn - TrssL, ter. Surerintandent ord9red tc, have some re7o-e?. Reinspects? and foun-a violation reroveV Tarchront Satins-7yfl nil ishosic overdue for rechorlinE X-tifiel Bulid!rZ Manager of vlola:lon. Upon rainspecticn, 7icistion was rs,M07ed, Alden House - nnit Ascr to ou tea_fe tarrone on first floor was found looked. Superintendent ordered to keen exit door o-en at all times for fire eseape, or for entrance of firemen in oase of firea Chatsworth aardens- All house home equipped with new gaskets Four New York oil burners installed in buildin7s W and "M All burners eouinnW. with fuhlie MOT , master switches it - stmirweys . 3pah oil feed line is erAyDed with a gate val-e shmt-off and oc,,,h`'„ tPry is 21"Alled it" a shut off v7lve� on too of oil tvnk� Smith Residence - Reconverted for Veterans mutiple dwelling Wl_ violations which have been pending fox, a considerable period of time , hsve been removed. =95 !ND TIVERNS Tall-Ho L07al Tnr Nani' s Restaurant No Violations carl' s Winged Foot Bonnie Briar Post Twodge New exit installe! at west end of building.. making a total of four exits . All exit doors equi-ped with uanic bolts . Alden Lounge Lame cord wire used to ca ry electricity through nqrhtion Proprietor order-i to -P"ove ?TT? i immedivtelv HT was also rpqigsten to install e7tirEuishere in kitchen as soon as nossible. STORFS OriFtadn Pros* Plaza Pharmacy Ghr"aworth uniet No ViolationF, Chatsworth Stationery Helmer 's Delicatessen 4170P MPnern Pordside Furniture PUTTIC WRAMS Ronconi Myrtle Cbmtsworth Fill side Service Bose & Parker Dillon Road - No Violations Soda and asif extingui she rs ewtv. p....q ,t,r ordered to recharge same lumediatpiv. SCHOOLS lurray Avenne - No violstirns Mortessori - No vlolationz � Classroon foorc e,ifled with nwic boltF . haproved application for New York State Permi& MISCELLANEOUS Schen!7 laboratc& Woodcraft Studio No Violations in Pndition to the above insoections , a check is mads each Sctur?07 n.- nine' at Tlaces of public 79sclTb17, to Eunrl Lainst over- crow?TnZ, improper parkin E, which mil ht impede proZrnss of fire apparatus, blockins of fire exits , iiEhtinZ and other safety messurps for the rublic- On Tams v- Ktha fire occurred in an elevator motor st the Oak Ha-en Aoertmentn The fire was extinZuished Tithout any outside damage or injur7- Resoectfull75 //a./ Hinhoel P, UslInzher Lto T.M.F.D. lPPRO77D: neorZ, P. Purton Chipf T .A&Q 77RF REPORT FOR jANUIRY, 1947 • en. 13 Still Alarm -- Van Riper, 39 Cooper Lane ®_ Furnace burst from overhentinE no fire damaZe Jan 14. Still !!arm Colnon, 553 Wevver St. ®- broken water pipe water shut off jan� 17 Still Alprm -- Oristede Bros . Chatsworth vs, ®s Smoul?,rinz fire in vnwdvqt under stairway located after 1 hour search no damaSe Jan. 7E Minor Slorm Brush Lvon Road -- To 59=ge jam, 22 ao St7l 1pro jchnscn 19 lanxisdown, Drive ®® locked out of hovs�' jan. 23 Still Alarm m Smith 39 Barnum F^a`.'l.® ?as leak fro, ot -7tFr heat-r- an= 23 1935 7ord Senan Donyge to i1nition system inn 23 Still n1pra Marcus, Larchmont AcrV oven on fire jan, 26 o a ull Alarm Mare llo 27 Harmon Dr!vo Rubbish in cellar no damage Tsn. 28 Full Alarm— Osk Haven Qt� Allevator motor Dom2ge A71. SSO. ion. 29 Full Alarm -- Shapiro 81 Arcalsi?e Drive oven fire soQ! damaEe from smoke TOTAL 7-RE 6 Still Alarms Estimate Danaa- 2 Minor AisrmF 3 Full Alarms 53V Fpbruary 35 1947 vrn jeorze HO Mills , jr� 'iro Commissioner Town of Mamoroneck Dear Sir!, I hove recently made a thorcuEh insnection of the premises at 01108 H7r-yv Svenue. This d-nIlinZ is nvintsins? in an s7nonticnal!7 fine manner with every Precaution 17inst fire or its proSress being observed by the owners , The buildinZ his ample exits in addition to on outside porch. on the second floor that would Provide WW means of eZresn in a Wre emergenW- Any Ursmiles desiZned nn maintained in such a manner as the -VovF mentions Promises mir!nl7s; the w7or? of fire, and should be regarded vs an asset to our community. Very truln yoursy /s/George Burton Chief CoureSiven Mills fart her reno"ted on the survey presently beinE made ccncernin, veterFns housing in the Town. He said that out o]`,'.. f the 760 questionaires sent, 115 were returned with no forwarding addreT7 and 230 re-olles had been r-n-Aved. He said the Committee had gone over the returns and it was found there were 32 veterenT whom they felt 00uld be ClaWifind as very needy . That of the 32, niZhteen had replied they COUld afford to 7a7 between QR58 and 025. Per month rent and the rem inZ fourteen could pay between 6,40. and Q60. ner month. He Pointed out that a ,,, eat majority of the renlleT indionted they were not- in favor of municipal tousInZ. That it was the opinion of the committee the nroblerl of needy cases could be solved by the cooneration of various people within the Torn. Councilman EmbuW asked how many of the thirty-two were present17 living outside the Town. I Councilman Mills replied that approximately ton former residents were livinn in arears as far as Vermont, but that oil of them had indicated the7 would he deliZhtn? to gp* back to the Tnw-y The Supervisor stated that when the Committee had made its fin,], report steps =7 then be taken to obtain an much cocoeration as nos; ibis fron all the residente of the 7­i Tnq The Supervisor informed the members of the T•oard that Town Engineer l.j. Facto and his isTistant, Yr. T.j. McKeever had done 0 very fine job in keeping the roads in the Town is as fire condition as Possible during the snow storn� He was ver7 happy to retort that no anoidentT had ocou 'r ed tn ". ° "orn despite the very don ZerouT drlv!nZ con_itionF . MV, The Town Attorney submitted an affidavit b7 HenV7 N. Oehmsen which sets forth that 4, is the owner of premises kno7n as ?lock 613, Parcel 07 on the Town issessment Map anialso is the owner of Lien No� ?53 sow? at tho annual sale in May of 1938, to Herman Yiller, in the sum of 0339. 11 and assi.Leal to Henry N 0ehmeen on ipril 18 . 1939. The affidavit stated that after an intelligent search of- all hi's records the lien has either been lost on destroTed and the owner in Peking that a duplicote lien be issued in order that same might be duly satisfied and cancelled of record. The deponent further sErees that he will in- de7nify the Town in the event this lien svbseqUSQt!7 is found. Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stinsr, seconded by Councilman EMOOM upon roll call unanimously RESO!77D, that the Receiver of Taxes and isvessnerts be and he hereby is authcrised to issue duplicate Tax Lien No. 258, sale of 1938, in the amount of Q339.11, aZainst premises known as Block 613, Parcel 47. The 70wn Attorney reported in references to the Co orgy fipa,v - 'ment. certiorari, on which four 7ears are wendinZ. That Mr. Harry ✓& Feller of New York City has agreed to make She apornisV for the Years involved for the sum of $600. and to testify at trivis , hear Ings , etce at the rate of 850 per day. Following discussion, it was on notion Q Councilman Stiner., seconded by Councilman Hills , uaon roll call, unanimously RESWURTs thot the Town Attorney be Puthorized to hire Fr. HVrv7 K. Keller as the Town's expert in tts certiorari obtained by the owners of the Colony Apartments and to make the anpraisels for the Veora involved for the sum of $200 0 and a charge of $50® Per day for each day spent teF"Ifyinz. The Town Attorns7 stated the time of redemption be exten?ed Fnbrupr7 21 to March 27 1947� He all the people that were {?f".anted . the recommendation made by the Tow that becovse on the Towni advised that The members a Attorney- of technical fifficulties 7n Ron foreclosure from notices would be sent to of the Board agreed to There hPing no further business , the Bcan? rd,41ovrns? at 9:45 PM TOWN CLERK k7inj Clark, A. Finson