HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946_09_04 Town Board Minutes 287 REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD SEPTEMBER 4, 1946 In: the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of Mamaroneck, New York. I The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8:15 P.M . ( Daylight Savings Time) . Present: Supervisor Mandeville Councilman Stiner, Mills, Watson, Embury Absent: None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg, Town Attorney Delius, Accountant Finson, Town Superintendent A.J. Foote, and Assessor Smith. The minutes of July 22, 1946, were approved as presented. Councilman Watson presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. He advised that he had divided the apportionments in two groups; ore , due to sales, and the other taken by the Village of Mamaroneck In Rem foreclosures. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Stiner, the following resolution was, upon roll call ® unanimously adopted: HERE S, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the laws of 1916, as amended, known, as the Westchester County Tax Act; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the cor- rection of said assessment roll; it NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .., that the assessment roll for the year 1945 , taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show property now appear- ing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Ouvner Land Imp. Total 9 34 1A Joaquin Henriques $5,100 $5,100 (911-91) f be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro® visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 34 1A1 Joaquin Henriques $2,500 2,5 00 (911.-91) 9, 34 1.4 Antonio Galvao &, Ors. 2,600 2,600 ( 911-101) i I FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the near 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the roll as follows - Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp® Total 7 38 11 & 12 (716-455) 7 & 8 Waldo D. Barlow & Vd $9,000 $$5,200 814,200 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp® Total 7 38 11 & 12 VPa1do D. Barlow & W $4,800 $5,200 $107000 (716-455) 7 38 7 & 8 R. Channing Barlow 4,200 4,200 (716-477) FURTFER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 76 1K Sheldrake Glen Builders ,Inc .j 1,650 X1,650 (801-320) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision, 5 of Section 33; Section Block Lot Owner Land imp. Total 8 76 1K1 Anthonv Testa 825 X825 (801-320) 8 76 1K2 Sheldrake Glen B1d.rs .Ino. 625 825 (801-328) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follovrs: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 24 59 to 64 Claude M. Twombley $6,500 $8,000 $4;149500 (114-322) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land T_mp. Total 1 24 62 to 64 Claude M . Twombley $3,150 j?3,150 (114-322) — 1 24 59 to 61 Genevieve Ercolano 3,350 $8,000 11,350 (114-330) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the bear 1945,. taxes of 1946, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows 291 Section Block Lot Owner Land Im p Total 1 24 59 to 64 Claude M. Twombley X60500 67,000 X13,500 (114-322) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33® Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 24 62 to 64 Claude M . Twombley x3,150 ~;3,150 (114-322) 1 24 59 to 61 Genevieve Ercolano 3,350 ,?7,000 10,350 (114-330) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: i Section Block Lot Owner Land Only 1 5 6 Rockcliffe Estates x,.1,450 (104-52) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land. Only 1 5 6B Lewis H. Pratt & IN $700 (104-56) I 1 5 6A Rockcliffe Estates Inc. 5750 (104-52) FURTIiER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 13 33 to 36 Rose Stouter 82,000 1>3,000 ; 5,000 (223-400) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land. Imp. Total 2 13 34 to 36 Rose Stouter ;x1,500 ¢3,000 ?4,500 (223-403) 2 13 33 G.K. Enright 500 500 (223-400) FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows i 293 Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 8 35 to 38 (810-20 & 80) 43 to 44 Louis Savone :ZP000 84,000 $73000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 Section Block_ Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 8 36 to 38, (810-20 &c 82) 43 & 44 Louis Savone u2,500 4,000 $6,500 8 8 35 Louis Giancola & 'IT 500 500 (810-80) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Only 8 56 10, 13 & 14 Broad Avenue Realty Co. 45,800 ( 817-456) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land: Only I 8 56 13 & 14 Broad Avenue Realty Co. A5,000 (817-456) - 8 56 10 Eugene Riviere 800' (817-476) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Only i 8 100 5,6 &, 7 Happiness Holding Corp. (82,250 (826-445) be corrected a s follows, in accordance with the provisions of s bdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land On 8 100 6 & 7 Happiness Holding Corp. 4)1,500 (826-445) 8 100 5 Anthony Brondoli 750 (826-450) On motion by Councilman Matson, seconded by Councilman Mills, the following was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment -roll for certain nears, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and 295 WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the cor- rection of said assessment roll; NOW,THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which shod property now appearing on the roll as follows : -- Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp® Total 9 10 2 to 11 , 14 (902-497) 158, 16-17 18A, 20 to 25 Louis Bender ? 10,000 ,90000 119,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 10 2 to 11, pt. of 14, 15B , 16, 17 (902-497) 1HA, 20 to 25 Louis Bender X9,900 9,000 18,900 9 10 Pt . of 14 Village of _Jamgk. 100 100 (902-523) FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947, which show property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot. Owner Land Imp. Total -- 8 76 7 to 10 `,'ailbur F. Palmer $1,500 ''10200 1;"2,700 (801-284} be corrected, as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33e Section Block Lot Owner Land Lmp. Total 8 76 9 Village of Ma:iimroneck 375 a?375 ( 801-287) 8 76 7 8 Ptilbur 7. Palmer 750 $1,200 ,$1 ,950 I (801-289) , 8 76 10 ifiilbur F. Palmer 375 375 (801-284) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year. 1946, taxes of 1947, which show property now appearing on the rolls as follows, Section Bloc'_ Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 77 10 Lr 11 WM. ( Vittina) Gironda y1,200 ` 1,400 ;;2,600 (831-339) R- Uv 11297 Section_ Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 77 10 7m (Vittina) Gironda & 1`1 c,p600 p13400 23000 ( 831-33:x) 8 77 11 Village of Mama'k 600 600 ( °31-341) - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the Tear 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll -.-- for the year 1946, taxes of 1947 , which shore pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Only 8 100 3 ?- 4 Susie Orrico 1,500 ( 626®453) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions f Section 33: visions of subdivision 0 Section Mock Lot Owner Land Only 8 100 3 Village of Mamaroneck x750 (826-453) 8 100 4 Susie Orrico 0750 ( 826-455) F-URTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the -tear 1945, taxes of 19463 and the assessment roll for the gear 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot owner Land Irtp. Total 8 54 8, 2B u (020-80) right of way Albert Puller $5,000 °$1,500 °;;:6,500 be corrected as follows , in accordance with th.e pro- visions of subdivision of Section 33: Section Block Lot Orvner Land Imp. Total 8 54 Pt . of Lot 8 ( 820-211) Meadow Ave . Albert ➢4iller $2,800 8200 ;3,000 50x75 8 54 Pt . 8, 2B & ( 820-80) right of way Village of D4 ,mlkm 82,200 41,300 X3,500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment -roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll ar the ;ear 1946, taxes of 1947, which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot® 0vungr Land Onl? 8 51 37B to 41B Ralph Gironda $1,320 ( 818-85) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- --- visions of subdivision of Section 33s .-.- -.---- 299 Section Block Lot Owner Land 017, 8 51 Pt . 37B Ralph Gironda 85 ( 818-85} 8 51 Pt. 37B, ( 818-94) 36 to 41 Village of Mamaroneck , 1,235 -_-- FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945, taxes of 1946, and the assessment roll for the year 1946, taxes of 1947: which show pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 76 2 to 6 Wilbur F. Palmer $1,875 $1,000 Q2,875 (601-294) be corrected as follows , in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 76 2 & 3 Wilbur F. Palmer $750 $1,000 $13750 (801-301) 8 76 4 f: 5 Village of Mamaroneck 750 750 (801®297) j 8 76 6 Wilbur F. Palmer $?375 A375 (801-294) The Town Clerk presented and read the affidavit of publication — for the bids on property known as Block 913, Parcel 260. Bids received are as follows: John E . Freeland, 111 Valley Road $6,200 Larchmont, New York (Cheek in amount of $2620, attached) J. Dinolfo & Co. Inc . $39335 (Check in the amount of `?333.50 attached) Barney Epstein, Inc. $4,855 cash (Check for $575. attached) $52355 Cash & Mtg. Charles L. Daymon $x4,250 The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to make a bid. There being no one , the bidding was considered closed. Following discussion, it was on motion by Supervisor Mandeville , ` seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board accepts the offer of John E . Freeland, 111 Valley Road, Larchmont, New York, in the stem SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ($ 6,200.00) DOLLARS, all cash, to purchase the property known as Block 913, Parcel 260, on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is instructed to draw the necessary contract for 01 the sale of property in accordance with the terms of the offer and acceptance , and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to acknowledge and deliver the deed accordingly, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of this offer is subject to the approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck in view of their interest as owners and holders of tax liens due the Village of Mamaroneck upon the premises . The Town Clerk was directed to return the deposit checks of the unsucessful bidders . The Town Clerk presented the affidavit of publication covering the purchase of a new truck reconnended by Mr.A.J. Foote , Superintendent of Highways. The following bids were receivedt Mack-Intl Motor Truck Corp. $4,995.24 Brockway Motor Company, Inc. 5,490.00 Following discussion, the bids were referred to Town Superin- tendent A.J. Foote for study and recommendation. The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to read the Communications.; A letter dated September 2, 1946, was received from K. Kenneth- Smith, in which he requested the Torn Board to accept his check in the amount of . 106.86 in full payment of the 1946 Town and County Taxes . He explained in his letter that this check was made out on April 6 and mailed from New York City but had never been cancelled and the fact that these taxes remained unpaid was brought to his attention by the Bowery Savings Sank. Mr. Kenneth-Smith, who was present at the meeting offered to show the members of the Board his bank statements to verify the statements .made in his letter. The Supervisor informed Mr. Kenneth-Smith that it was not necessary to do this as his standing in the community was of the highest, and advised him that the matter would be taken under consideration. A letter dated August 13, 1946, was received from Mr. 'N.E. Thrasher, General Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water 'Works No. 1, advising that the Board of Trustees of the Water Works have felt that the Mamaroneck Pumping Plant has been inadequately manned and supervised.. In view of this the Board of Trustees had authorized the employment of an Assistant Superintendent and two or three more employees - The Supervisor explained that the position of Assistant Super- intendent was not a new position but one left vacant by the death of Mr, Nordmarn. He explained that numerous repairs were being made at the Plant and asked d the members of the Board to visit the same at their convenience. The Town Clerk read a petition signed by the residents of Thompson Street, requesting that a street light be installed at the end of carried t p the street nearest the Railroad. The petition carried the approval of Police Chief Paul A. Yerick. The Supervisor stated that he had taken this matter up with the Police Chief who advised that the street light was necessary. The matter was referred to Town Superintendent A.J. Foote ® 303 Application for dance hall license for the year 1946 was re- ceived from Gaetano Nani of Nani' s Restaurant . The Town Clerk Advised that the application had been approved by the Building Inspector, Police Department and Fire Department. On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the application for dancehall license received from Nani' s Restaurant be approved and the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to issue the license . The Town Clerk inquired if the Board, in accordance with the provisions of Section 75 of the Election Law, desired to publish notice of registration as has been done in the years past. On motion by Councilman hills, seconded by Councilman Watson,, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordacce with Section 75 of the Election Law a notice be published in the "Daily Times" on September 27 and October 4, 1946, giving a list of the places of registration within the Town of Mamaroneck, a statement of the days and hours of registration and a brief description of the boundaries of each election district in the Town. the The Town Clerk read a petition received from,/Assessor re- questing the approval of a number of pages of the Assessment Maps, showing corrections made by the Town Engineer as of June 1, 1946 and covering corrected lines of School District No. 2, which corrections have been approved by the Board of Education. On motion by Councilman Matson, seconded by Coucilman Stiner, it was, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Board approves of the changes in the assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck as of the first of June, 1946, and the said maps are here- by corrected and rectified as of June 1, 1946, in the following places: Pages 301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 329, 340, 341, 3443 347 The following reports for the month of August, 1946, were ordered placed on filet Report of the Receiver of Taxes; Report of the Westchester County Dog Protective Association; Report ort of the Building inspector. The Supervisor asked if there was any one in the room who wished to be heard. Mr . Arthur H. Motley, a resident of the Town, appeared on be- half of the Steffi Nossen School for dancing, requesting permission for the use of the auditorium of the Iffeaver Street Fire House to conduct dancing classes . He explained that as one of the parents of the many cnildren who attend these classes, these instructions have been of great value . He urged that consideration be given Mrs . Nossen' s request as a search was made for a place to hold classes and no place was available to accomodate all of the students . Fire Chief Burton, who was also present, informed Mr. Motley thatl Mrs . Steffi Nossen had been invited to the meeting of the Fire Council on Friday evening when this matter would be given consideration. 305 Mr. R.F. wood, appearing on behalf of Rockcliffe Estates ,Ine. appeared to slake a request for the return of a portion of land in the bed of Briar Close which had been deeded to the Town several years J. He explained the return is desired because of a change in lot lines in connection with a house he is about to build on the property. Town Engineer Foote advised the members of the Board he could see no objection to deeding this piece of property back to Mr. Wood. Following discussion, the matter was referred to the Town Attorney. Mr. O'Neill, a resident of the Town, appeared before the Board in reference to some cottages being built by Ackerman A Baltz, Builders, on Harrison Drive . The Supervisor informed Mr. O. Neill that after a conference between the Builders and our Building Inspector, the construction of these cottages at the present time has been abandoned. He also in- formed Dr. O'Neill that if in the future these plans were resubmitted he would be very glad to notify him.. The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the reports if committees. Councilman Watson. reported that at the last meeting a letter from Mr. Edward Ely Hoxie was referred to him concerning suggestions for a recrea .ional program. Mr. Watson advised that he had acknowledEed Mr. Hoxieos letter and thanked him for it. He referred the matter to the Town Recreation Committee for their study of recreation facilities and needs for the entire Township including this area. Councilman Embury presented and read the Welfare Report for the month of August, 1946, which showed as follows: -- Year Case Load Individuals Amount 1945 19 26 x,770.61 1946 15 22 654.43 Councilman Embury informed the members of the Board that he had delivered the memorial to Mrs . Victor Stempf and had received the following letter from her: 15 Park Avenue New York 16, New York August 8, 1946 Dear Dave, Please . extend my thanks to the Town Council for its beautiful tribute to Victor. It is a great comfort to know how much Victor' s efforts were appreciated by his friends and associates . The scroll will always be one of may treasured possessions. Sincerely yours.. Dorothy Councilman Stiner reported that the Engineering Department had completed its work on the Post 71ar Program and the plans and speci- fications had been sent to Albany. He also reported that the Board of Review had completed its work and he would send out a report, in this connection, to the members of the Board. Councilman Mills stated that he wished to recommend to the Town Board, as the Board of Fire Commissioners, approval of Fire De- partment claims totaling $1,251 .22. The members ofthe Board examined the claims and it was on motion by Councilman Mills, seconded by Councilman !Uatson, upon roll call; unanimously f RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and. Comp- troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same out of the budget for the Fire Department: New York Telephone Company x38.39 Westchester Lighting Company 27 .20 G.I.V. Merrell 21 .18 Mamaroneck Plumbing Supply Co. 22.11 A .B- A. Autotive Co. 4.43 Eureka Hose Div. U.S. Rubber Co. 60.80 American-LaFrance Foamite Cora. 12.11 4186.22 Westchester Joint Plater Tjor,',Ts Hydrant Rental 730.00 Scarsdale Plater Department Hydrant Rental 335.00 Grand Total 4¢1,251.22 Councilman Mills reported that Lt. Michael F. Gallagher of the Fire Department had made the following inspections daring the months of July and August, 1946' July 12, 1946 1 . Smith Property, 65 Palmer Avenue ( Residence reconverted into apartments for Veteranse housing) - Bare electric wires strung fro°a basement ceiling. Light switches and sockets on upper floors in poor condition. Fire escape on second floor blocked. Old furniture and boxes stored in basement consti toting a fire hazard. Ordered leases to remove violations and to install one fire extinguisher on each floor. Reinspected August 22, 1946 - Extinguishers not in- stalled . Fire escape on second floor blocked. Switches and sockets in poor condition. Basement in good order and fire hazard eliminated. Took positive stand and ordered violations removed immediately. Will inspect again at an early date . July 18 . 1946 1. Larchmont Gables Apartments, Post Road and Alden Road. No violations found. 311 The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that it has been the custom for the Town to borrow on revenue certificates the un- collected taxes levied for 1946 State County and Town taxes in order to pay the County of Westchester the balance due it on the 1946 State and County levy. He stated that in the 1946 Budget provisions was made of an amount of ` 67,000 for the payment of tax lien certificates maturing in 1946, which certificates represented the balance of the borrowing for the uncollected portion of the 1945 State, County, Town and School taxes . He further stated that due to the sale of Town-owned properties and the collection of tax arrears in the past fesv months had netted sufficient funds to enable the Town to liquidate these tax lien certificates . In this way the X67,004 becomes available to pay the County and for the first time since the Town has been on a budget system it will be un- necessary to borrow on the uncollected 1946 taxes. The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a check for $794.72 from Mr. Alex Codino to settle tax arrears on property known as Block 125, Parcel 427. Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the offer of Alex Codino to settle and pay the tax liens representing taxes levied prior to April 1, 1941 and including State.. County and Town taxes which became due April, 1941, upon premises known as Block 125, Parcel 427, on the Tax Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, be accepted; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes is hereby authorized to accept payment of all taxes levied for State , County, Town, Town District and School Districts purposes up to and including the -- tax levied for State ,, County and Town purposes for the year 1941 and which became due April 1, 1941: without penalties or interest as authorized by Chapter 917 of the Laws of 1934 as amended; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of aforesaid sum in payment of taxes levied prior to April 1, 1941, is conditioned upon payment of all subsequent taxes and/or tax liens with penalties and interest to date of payment; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above liens are to be assigned to Florence Mussachio, 75 Murray Avenue, Larchmont, N.Y. The Supervisor reported that the Ford truck which was authorized for purchase on February 6, 1946, had been delivered with additional equip- ment, amounting to $558.26 for there would be an extra charge . The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a letter received from Mr. W.E. Thrasher, General Superintendent of the Westchester joint 'Water Works, regarding the installation of fire hydrants by the Village of Scarsdale, in the Griffen Avenue area of the Town. Following discussion, the Town Attorney was instructed to - prepare the necessary agreement. .._ .. ...._._. 1 i The Town kttorney reported that a petition had been received by Garrison R. Corwin and Thomas R. Fisher, Jr. , and others, for per- mission to transfer to Scarsdale Bus Corp. a certain consent to operate buses in the Town of Mamaroneck. Following discussion, the Town Attorney presented the following, which was on motion by Councilman 'Matson, seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: 'WHEREAS this Board heretofore granted a permit under Sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Corporations Law, by resolution duly adopted June 12, 1942, to Garrison R. Corwin and Thomas R. Fisher, Jrs. , co- partners and doing business under the firm name and style of Scarsdale Bus Company, to operate buses from Larchmont Station, along Myrtle Boulevard and Weaver Street to the Mamaroneck-Scarsdale boundary line, as part of a through route from Larchmont Railroad Station to the Scarsdale Railroad Station; and I WHEREAS, petition has been filed by Garrison R. Corwin and Thomas R. Fisher as co-partners, and Scarsdale Bus Corporation, a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, requesting approval of the transfer of this permit to the Scarsdale Bus Corporation, a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted for the transfer of the consent or permit granted on June 12, 1942, to Garrison R. Corwin and Thomas R. Fisher to operate buses from Larchmont Station, along Myrtle Boulevard and Weaver Street to the Mamaroneck-Scarsdale boundary line, as part of a through route from Larchmont Railroad Station to the Scarsdale Railroad Station, to Scarsdale Bus Corporation. FURTHER RESOLVED, that such transfer is conditioned and made subject to all of the provisions, terms and con- ditions set forth in the resolution of this Board, adopted June 12, 1942. The members of the Board discussed the matter of Mr. K. Kenneth-Smith, and it was decided that the Town Attorney write a letter explaining that granting Mr. Smith' s reugest would mean setting a precedent in other cases. At 10:15 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn Town Clerk