HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946_07_22 Town Board Minutes 213
HELD JULY 22, 1946
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 8:15 P.M. ( Daylight Savings Time) .
Present: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen, Stiner, Mills, Matson
Absent Councilman Embury
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg and
Accountant Finson.
The Town Clerk presented the affidavit of publication calling
for a public hearing to consider amendments to the provisions of the
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, and reclassifying the
Elkan property shown on the tax assessment map of the Town as Block
407, parcel 1.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished
to speak in opposition to the granting of the proposed changes.
Mrs . A.J. Frey of 12 Burton Road, stated that she was not in
opposition to the granting of these changes for the proposed veterans'
housing excepting that if this did not materialize, would it be possible
to return this property to Class A residential. She said it seemed to
her that if the classification remained A-3 it could be turned into
Class B very neadily..
The Supervisor stated that the procedure now.being followed
would have to apply for any future rezoning that was made. He also
stated that the Town Board did not have a final say in any proposed
change of Zoning because a property owner has the right to appeal to
the courts if it is his belief the property could not be used for any
other purpose.
Mr. John Merritt of the Larchmont Veterans' Association, in
answer to Mrs. Frey' s question if the proposed project dad not materialize,
stated that at the present time there were no stumbling blocks other
than the sewer. He said that the majority of the materials had been
secured and the financing had been arranged.
Replying to numerous questions regarding the location of the
garages, the Supervisor stated his interpretation of the proposed amend-
ments was that wherever possible the garages would be in the cellars or
would be gr-ouped at the rear of the property.
Mrs. F.J. Haugelstine of 200 Palmer Avenue, stated that she
was not against the veterans' housing project, but just anxious to pro-
tect her property.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished to
speak in opposition to the proposed amendments. He stated that he knew
there were many present who were in favor of these changes. There being
---- no one who desired to speak, he declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
.RESOLVED, that the Zoning Ordinance, as last amended
September 16th, 1942, are hereby amended as follows:
1 . ARTICLE 11, Section 2, is hereby amended, - read
as follows:
regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and
the location of buildings designed for specified uses the unincorpo-
rated part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divided into seven
classes of districts: First A-Residence Districts; Second A-2 Residence
Districts; Third A-3 Residence Districts; Fourth B-Residence Districts;
Fifth B-2 Residence Districts; ,Sixth C-Business Districts; Seventh D-
Industrial Districts as shown on the amended Use District Map which
accompanies this Ordiance anted which 3 hereby amended to read follows:
Use District Map are hereby declared. to be part therof. No building
or premises shall be erected, alter&d or used for any purpose permitted
in the Use District in which said building or premises is located,
except as herein provided.
2. ARTICLE 110 SECTION 3 is hereby amended to read as
B and B-2.
In a residence District designated A on the map mentioned
in this ordiance no building or premises shall be used and no
building shall be erected, which is arranged, intended or designed to be
used as a house or dwelling for more than one family.
In the districts designated A-2 on the map mentioned in this
Ordinance, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall
be erected which is arranged, intended or designed to be used as a
house or dwelling for more than two families.
in the districts designated A-3 on the map mentioned in
this Ordinance , no building or premises shall be used and no building
shall be erected which is arranged, intended, or designed to be used
in whole or part for any purpose except the following:
(a) Any use permitted in residence A and A-2 districts.
(b) Community or group dwellings, so arranged and de-
signed as to consist of three to six one-family dwelling sections,
arranged in a group or row, provided that between each two adjoining
one-family sections, there stall be a fire resisting wall of brick or
concrete, not less than eight inches in thickness, so constructed as
to be capable of meeting the National Board of Fire Underwriters'
standard one-hour fire test, and provided further that there shall be
no direct communication at any point through such wall between two
adjoining one-family dwelling sections, except such as may be necessary
for water, sewer, steam, gas pipes, and electric conduits, and that the
roof be covered with fire-proof shingles or other fire-proof roofing
In the districts designated B on the map mentioned in
this Ordinance, no building or premises shall be erected which is
arranged, intended or designed to be used in whole or /part for any
purpose except the following:
(a) Any use permitted in residence A, A-2 and A-3 districts.
(b) Multiple dwellings as described in Section 17 of this
Ordinance, or hotels .
In the Districts designated B-2 on the map mentioned in this
Ordinance , no building or premises shall be used and no building shall
be erected which is arranged, intended or designed to be used in whole
or in part for any purpose except the following:
(a) Any use permitted in residence A, A-2, A-3 and B districts
(b) Multiple dwellings as described in section 18 of this
Ordinance, boarding houses or hotels.
Nothing contained in this section shall prevent a use for
one or more of the following purposes:
1. Dwelling, including the office of a physician, surgeon
or dentist, when situated in the same dwelling or used
by such person: as his private dwelling.
2. Churches .
3. Clubs excepting clubs, the chief activity of which is
a service customarily carried on as a business.
4. Farming, truck gardening, nurseries and greenhouses,
except when carried on or conducted for commercial
- purposes.
5. Railroad passenger stations .
6. Schools, libraries or public museums.
7. Accessory uses customarily incident to the above uses,
the term "Accessory use" however, not including a
business or any building or use not located on the
same lot with the building or use to which it is
accessory. A garage or stable shall be permitted as
per Section 7: of this Ordinance.
3. ARTICLE 11, SECTION 4, Subsection 14, is hereby amended
to read as follows:
14. Any trade, industry or use prohibited by Section 5 in
an industrial district.
4. ARTICLE 11, SECTION 72 is hereby amended to read as
SECTION 7. GARAGES AND STABLES, Except in residence A-3
districts, where community or group dwellings are erected, a private
garage for not more than three automobiles owned and used exclusively
by an individual resident of the unincorporated part of the Town of
m amaroneck for his private use, shall be permitted in residential dis-
tricts, if erected at least 75 feet from the front property line, un-
less said garage is made part of the main dwelling or in case of severe
topographical conditions, or where a lot is less than 100 feet in depth,
the distance may be less than 75 feet upon the concurring vote of four
members of the Board of Appeals. On corner lots, a garage shall also
be set back at least 30 feet from a side street unless upon the con-
curring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals a less set-back
restriction be permitted.
There group or community dwellings are erected in residence
districts A-3, accessory garages for not more than one non-commercial
vehicle for each dwelling section, within the walls of such row or group
dwelling on or below grade , or in groups of one-story fire resisting
units on the same plot with the row or group dwelling to which such
garages are appurtenant provided such group of garages shall not be
built within two hundred feet of any street, shall be permitted..
A garage for not more 'than three motor vehicles may be per-
mitted in a class B and B-2 residential district for the exclusive use
of the occupants of an apartment house if erected on the same lot or
plot of land with such apartment house building, upon the concurring
vote of four members of the Board of Appeals .
A commercial garage may be permitted in business districts
upon the concurring vote of four members of the Board. of Appeals.
A public automobile garage or gasoline service station shall
be permitted in industrial districts, and may be permitted in business
districts, only after the proposed location of the same has first been
approved by the Board of Appeals, by the concurring vote of four mem
bers thereof.
Under no circumstances shall a permit be issued for the
erection or enlargment of a garage for more than three motor vehicles,
a group of garages for more than three motor vehicles, or for a
Gasoline service station or for the conversion of any premises, not so
used, to be used for such purposes in any district whether it be a
business or industrial district if any part of the lot or plot in
question is situated within a radius of two hundred feet of, or within
any portion of a street between two intersecting streets in which
Portion there exists:
1. A church, or
2. A hospital maintained as a charitable institution, or
3. A public library, or
4. A duly organized school, other than a public school
conducted for children under sixteen years of age and
giving regular instruction, at least five days a week
for eight or more months a year, or
5. A public school, or
6. A theatre coxtaining at least 300 seats.
No exceptions to the provisions of this section shall be made
except upon a concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals.
A private stable for one or more horses owned and used ex-
clusively by an individual resident of the unincorporated part of the
Town of Mamaroneck for his private use, may be permitted in residential
districts, if erected at least seventy-five feet from the front property
line . Upon corner lots, said stable shall be set back at least twenty-
five feet from a side street, unless special consent of the Board of
Appeals, a lesser distance, be permitted.
A commercial stable may be permitted in business districts
upon the concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals.
A public livery or boarding stable shall be permitted in
industrial districts, and may be permitted in business districts only
after the proposed location of same has first been approved upon the
concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals.
5. ARTICLE 111 SECTION 8 is hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 8. AREA DISTRICTS. For the purpose of regulating
and determining the area of yards, courts and percentage of lot which
may be occupied by buildings hereafter erected or enlarged, the unincorp-
orated part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divided into seven area
districts, namely A, A-2, A-30 B, B-20 C and D as shown on the amended
area district map, which together with the designations shown thereon,
is hereby declared to be and is hereby made a part of this Ordinance
and the area districts designated on said map are hereby established .
Except, as hereinafter provided, no building shall be erected, nor shall
an existing building be structurally altered, enlarged or rebuilt, except
in conformity with these regulations. No lot area shall be so reduced or
diminished in area that the yards, courts or open spaces shall be smaller,
nor the number of families occupying a given area be greater, than pre-
scribed by these regulations.
ARTICLE 111, SECTION 9 is hereby amended to read. as follows:
SECTION 9. AREA DISTRICTS. Classes A, A-2 and A-3. In these
area districts the setback and minimum dimensions of yards and courts
and the ma ximum percentage of lot occupancy shall be as follows:
SET-BACK : No part of any building shall be built viithin 30
feet of any street line, except that on corner lots such buildings may be
set back a less distance from the side of street, upon the concurring vote
of four members of the Board of Appeals.
REAR YARDS: Classes A and A-2. In these area districts
there shall be a rear .yard having a depth of not less than fifteen per
cent of depth of the lot. This yard need not exceed twenty-five feet
in depth, provided it has a depth of not less than five inches for
each foot of building height.
Class A-3 . In these area districts there shall be a rear
yard having a depth of not less than 25 percent of the lot with a minimum
depth of 25 feet entirely unoccupied.
SIDE YARDS: Classes A and A-2. In these area districts, two
side yards shall be provided at the curb level of every lot. The least
dimensions of each yard shall be six feet.
Class A-3. In these area districts two side yards shall be
provided, the least dimensions of which shall be 15 feet.
PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: No building with its accessory
buildings, shall occupy in excess of forty percent of the area of an
interior lot, nor in excess of fifty per cent of the corner lot.
SUNLIGHT. Every room in which persons habitually live
sleep, eat, rest or work shall have a total window area of not less
than twelve (12) per cent oaugi}e floor area of such room, and from the
inner edge of he ill of every/window there shall be an open unobstructed
angle of light of not less than 45 degrees to the sky, measured
from the vertiele, measured over the average level of the opposite wall of
any court, or over a line representing the maximum height to which the
opposite wall of a building on the adjoining lot, or across a street
may be erected, but towers, spires, and projections which may exceed
such height as provided in Section 19 of the Zoning Ordinance shall
be excluded in computing such angle of skylight.
GROSS FLOOR AREA. In area districts A and A-2, no
dwelling or house shall be constructed with a total gross floor
area of less than one thousand one hundred (1,100) square feet, not
including basements, enclosed porches and attics which are not intended
to be used for residence purposes, and in area districts A-3 no dwelling
or house shall be constructed with a total gross floor area of less
than nine hundred ( 900) square feet, not including basements, enclosed
porches and attics which are not intended to be used for residence
purposes .
6. ARTICLE 111 SECTION 10. Subdivision (d) of the last
paragraph (PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY) is hereby amended to read
as follows;
(d) No building shall occupy more than 45% of the lot area.
7. ARTICLE 11, SECTION 120 The last paragraph (PERCENTAGE
OF LOT OCCUPANCY) is hereby amended to read as follows:
PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: No building with its accessory
buildings, shall occupy in excess on ninety percent of an interior lot.
This limit shall apply above the horizontal plane, twenty five feet
above the curb level. The entire area of corner lots may be occupied,
provided all regulations relative to light and " ventilation are complied
8. ARTICLE 111, SECTION 14, is hereby amended to read as
and A-2 districts no dwelling shall hereafter be erected or altered
to accomodate or make provision for more than ten families on an acre
of land, nor more than a proportional number of families on a pro-
portional acre of land, The maximum number of families which may
hereafter be housed on any plot of ground shall not exceed the integral
number obtained by multiplying the acreage of such plot, exclusive
of the area within the street line, by ten. The limitation imposed
by this
Section shall however,
not prohibit the erection of a one-family house on any plot which is
an owner' s entire contiguous holding containing, at the time of the
passage of this Ordinance , an area of less than one-tenth of an acre .
In the A-3 districts, no dwelling shall be erected accomo-
dating or making provisions for more than twenty-one (21) families on
an acre of land nor more than a proportional number of families on a
proportional acre of land.
In the B, B-2, C and D districts, no dwelling or multiple
. dwelling shall hereafter be erected or altered to accomodate or make
provisions for more than eighty families on any acre of land., nor more
than a proportional number of families on a S ctional part of any
acre of land. The ,:maximum number of families which may hereafter be
housed on any plot of Ground shall not exceed the integral number ob-
tained-by multiplying the acreage - of such plot, e.>clusive of the area
within the street line, by eighty.
9 . ARTICLE 111, is hereby amended by adding thereto a new
section to be known as SECTION 14 A, which shall read as follows:
SECTION 14 A. In an area district, a residence structure
Permitted in a more restricted district may be erected, provided that if
it is a one family dwelling, it shall conform witll the requirements of
area district A and provided that if it is a two-family dwelling, it
shall conform with the requirements of area district A-2, and provided
that if it is a group or conanunity dwelling, it shall conform with
the requirements of area district A-3.
10. ARTICLE 1V, SECTION 15 is hereby amended to read as
of regulating and limiting the height of buildings, the unincorporated.
part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divided into height districts
of which there shall be seven, known as follows:
A and A-2 ; (the forty foot height districts)
A-3 ( The twenty-five foot height districts)
B ( The graduated height districts)'
B-2, C and D ( The seventy foot height distrricts)
The unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby
divided into seven districts aforesaid, and the boundaries of such
districts are shown upon the amended zoning map attached hereto and made
a part of this Ordinance, and except as specificially provided no
building shall be altered, constructed or raised, so as to exceed the
height hereby established for the district wherein such building is
located, and said map and all the notations, references and other items
shown therein, shall be as such, a part of this Ordinance as though the
matters and items set forth by said map were all fully described here-
in. The height of such buildings is the vertiole distance from the
.level of the curb opposite the middle of the front of the building
to the top of the enclosure wall or to the highest point of the roof,
provided in case of a building located on a terrace, , the height
of the curb level may be increased by the .amount equal to the height
of the terrace above the same curb level, but not to exceed five
feet, and provided further that where the level of the land,
according to the Town Survey, is above the level of the curb, the Ver-
tical height of such building shall be measured from the first floor
door sill . There no curb exists, the height of a building shall be
measured by the center of the road bed , the grade of which shall be
established or approved by the Town Board.
The forty foot height districts as outlined on said map
shall be known as height districts A and A-2 .
The twenty-five foot height districts as outlined on said
map shall be known as height districts A-3
The graduated height districts as outlined on said map
shall be known as height districts B.
The severity foot height districts as outlined on said map
shall be known as height districts B-2. C and D.
11. ARTICLE 1V is hereby amended to a new section, to be
known as SECTION 16-A, to read as follows:
In the twenty-five foot height districts, no building shall be erected
or altered to exceed in height, twenty-five feet or two and one-half
stories, as defined in the Building Code .
12. ARTICLE 1V, SECTION 19 is hereby amended to read as
requirements in the height districts shall be subject to the follow-
ing exceptions and regulations:
First: In height districts A, A-2 and A-3 such public
buildings as are permitted in A: A-2 and A-3 use districts, churches
or schools may be erected to a height not exceeding fifty-five feet,
provided such structure shall have a set-back, side yards and rear ,yards,
complying with tle area regulations of this Ordinance .
Second: In height districts, A., A-2 and A-3, churches, cathed-
rals temples and other places of public worship may be erected as to
height, in accordance with this Ordinance, provided, however, that any
such structure shall set back from the street line not less than 50
feet, and shalt have a yard on each side of not less than 20 ft. in
- width and shall comply in all other respects with the area restrictions
of this Ordinance.
Third: Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the pro-
jection of a cornice beyond the street wall to an extent of not more
than four feet. Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the
erection above the height limit of the parapet wall or a cornice
extending above such limit not more than five feet.
13. ARTICLE 1V is hereby amended by adding thereto a new
section to be known as SECTION 20-A' Which shall read as follows:
SECTION 20-A in a height district, a residence structure
permitted in a more restricted district may be erected, provided that
if it is a one family dwelling, it shall conform with the requirements
of height district A. and provided that if it is a two-family dwelling,
it shall conform with the requirements of height district A-2 and
provided that if it is a group or community dwelling, it shall conform
with the requirements of height district A-3.
cost of building a 600 foot road and installing a sewer on the property
to be acquired for the Veterans' housing project.
Following discussion, the Supervisor informed Mr. Merritt
that if the Town decided to do this, it would be necessary to pay
for these improvements by a bond issue , which would be subject to
a permissive referendum.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished to
be heard. There being no one , he suggested that the meeting proceed
with the regular order of business .
The minutes of July 32 1946, were approved as corrected.
The Town Clerk read the following letter:
July 17 1946
Hon. Supervisor and
Members of the Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck
Mamaroneck, N.Y.
it is the opinion of the Board of Trustees of the Village
of Larchmont that the communities on the route of planes
flying to and from New York air fields should continue to
bring pressure to bear upon the authorities enforcing Civil
Aeronautics Regulations. The newspapers relate almost daily
stories of plane accidents, manes of which occur in residen-
tial areas:, resulting in grave injury and damage. These
accounts are causing more and more uneasiness among our
residents andcurgent requests from them for "something
to be done about it" .
As mayor of our Village I earnestly ask your cooporation
and serious consideration of the above matter for the
safety and welfare of our citizens. For your information,
communications concerning the enforcement of Civil Aero-
nautics Regulations should be directed to the Civil Aero-
nautics Administration, 385 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.
/s` Spencer treason, Mayor
Village of Larchmont , id.Y.
Following discussion, the letter was ordered placed on file .
A letter dated July 16 , 1946, was received from the Building
and Construction Trades Council of Westchester County, N.Y. , urging this
Board to approve the necessary change in zoning of a tract of land on
Palmer Avenue to permit the erection of homes for Veterans. The letter
was placed on file.
The Town Clerk read a petition received from the Assessor
requesting the approval of a number of pages of the Assessmm. t Maps
showing corrections made by the Town Engineer as of June 1, 1946, such
corrections being due to the sale or transfer of lots or plots, filing
of maps in the Department of Land Records in White Plains, and so forth.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Miner ,
it, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Board approves of the changes in
the Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck as of
June 1, 1946, and the said maps are hereby corrected
and rectified as of June 1, 1946, in the following
Page: 602, 603, 6060 610, 615, 701; 703, 709, 710
711, 713, 719, 803, 809, 810, 815, 817, 618, 819,
820, 821, 8232 8250 8260 827, 830, 832, 901, 902
906, 921, 922, 924, 927, 937, 940, 943, 956, 961 962
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a letter dated July
195 1946, received from Assessor Smith, which referred to Block 718,
Parcel 500, covering two small islands in Larchmont Harbor known as
Great Knob and little Knob. The Assessor is requesting this Board to
cancel taxes open on this parcel from 1938 to 1945, in the amount of
$84.08 as the property is located beyond the riparian mark.
The Board decided to take no action on this matter until the
next meeting.
The Town Clerk presented copies of the list of Polling Places
for the Fall Primary Election and stated that the Chairman of both major
political groups had approved the same .
The members of the Board examined the list and on motion by
Councilman Mills, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, upon roll call,
-- RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provision of
Section 66 of the Election Law, being Chapter 17 of
the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as
amended, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
hereby designates the place in each Election District
in the Town at which the meeting for the registration
of voters and elections and primaries shall be held
in the year following:
Mamaroneck Avenue School, Mamaroneck Avenue, I:Tamaroneck, N.Y.
Mamaroneck Lumber Co. ' s Office , 560 Fenimore Road, Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Mamaro Fire House, Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Central School, Boston Post Road, Iviamaroneck, N.Y.
Hillerest Apartments, ',Warren Avenue Entrance , Mamaroneck N.Y.
New Building, Chatsworth School, Forest Park Ave. , Larchmont, N.Y.
New Building, Chatsworth Ave . School, Forest Park Ave . , Larchmont, N. Y.
Larchmont Village Hall, Boston Post Road, Larchmont, N.Y.
1967a Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, N.Y'.
325 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, N.Y.
Chatsworth Gardens Apts. , 14 N. Chatsworth Ave ., Town. of Mamaroneck, N.Y..
Murray Avenue School, Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Murray Avenue School, Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y
Second Floor, Weaver, Street Fire House, Weaver St. , Town of Mamaroneck
3.Y .
First Floor, Weaver St. Fire House, Weaver St . , Town of Mamaroneck
Fenimore Cooper House, Larchmont Acres , Richbell Rd. Town of Mamaroneck,,
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded. by Councilman Watson
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED: that the rate of pail for the Election In-
spectors shall be as follows:
Primary Day August 20, 1946
12:00 noon to 9:00 P.M. $8.00 per day
Registration - Personal
Oct 7, 6, 9, 10, 11 _ 5:03 ..P.M., to 10:30 P.M. - (';4.50 per day
Oct . 12 - 7:00 A.H. to 10:30 P . - +10.00 per day
Registration - Non-Personal
Oct. 5 - 7:00 A.M . to 10:00 P.M. ) ;810.00 f or
Oct. 12 - 1.00 P.M.® to 10:00 P.M. ) each day
Election Day - November 5th
6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - $10.00 for day
$2.00 extra for Chairman
The following reports for the month of June , 1946, were re-
ceived and ordered place on file : Report of the Town Clerk, Report
of the Department of Public Welfare; Statement of unpaid State, County
Town and District Taxes as of July 1, 1946.
Councilman Watson presented the following report on garbage
Results for 2nd quarter of current Fiscal Year
(Mar. , Apr. , and May) Compared with same period last year .
1945 1946 Change
Tons of Garbage Incinerated
From Town of Mamaroneck 521.5 653.5
From Village of Larchmont 605 776.25
Total Tonnage - 1126.5 1429.75 1- 27
Percentage from Town 46.3% 45 .7;
Percentage from Village 53.7 54.3
Total cost of operation t-;2860.15 632991.01 # 4.6%
Total Cost Der ton Incinerated .',62 .54 2 .09 - 17.7%
Fuel Oil Consumption - Gallons 2400 200
Councilman Stiner reported that the Board of Review had
completed ninety per cent of its work and that in the near future a
full report would be mailed to the members of the Board.
Councilman Mills reported that he had at hand a number of
bills from the Fire Department totaling $1, 033.42 which he had checked
and recommended the approval of the bills as presented.
The members of the Town Board sitting as the Board of
Fire Commissioners considered the claims, and upon motion by Councilman
Mills, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp-
troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same
out of the budget for the Fire Department:
L. Earl Miller, Inc. $29.89
G.19. Merrell 24.54
Wesco Paint & Glass Co. 12.78
Chester Furniture Co. 60.00
Westchester Lighting Co. 12.53
-- Westchester Lighting. Co. 5.88
Westchester Lighting Co. 6.58
Westchester Lighting Co. 2.00
New Rochelle Water Co. 52.50
New York Telephone Co. 25.43
Hans Schmidt 41 .20
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. 4.00
Thos . B. Sutton Corp. 20.09
Henry J. Pickard 4.00
Westc'nester Joint treater Works 730.00
Grand Total $1,033.42
Councilman Mills suggested that the Members of the Board
give consideration at this time to acquiring a niece of property for the
purpose of installing an auxiliary fire station due to the development
that might be shade of property along the Old ,White Plains Road area.
The Supervisor recommended the appointment of Edward
Proch as a regular employee of the Town.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Edward Proch be appointed to the
position of Senior Engineering Aide in the En-
gineering Department, effective as of July 1,
1946, at a salary of w2,600;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 1946 Department of
Engineer Budget is hereby amended by the transfer
of $2,000 as follows:
Senior Engineering Aid $11,300
Office & Engineering Expenses 700
FURTHER RESOLVED, that these funds are hereby ap-
propriated from General Tomn Surplus.
The Supervisor requested a resolution to take care of
the balance due on the two garbage trucks which will be delivered short-
ly to the Town.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman
Stiner, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the 1946 Garbage Department Budget is
hereby amended by an additional appropriation of 56.000
to the item "Equipment"
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby auth-
orized to borrow these funds from General Town surplus
repayment of which will be in 1947 by including this
amount in the 1947 Budget.
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a resolution
from the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck, in connection with
"In Rem" sales in Section 9.
The Supervisor stated that the assessed valuation for
- these 47 parcels is $295,800; sales price, $113,145 and that the total
Town liens against these properties is .$203,515.25. It was his recommen-
dation that these sales be approved with the following exceptions: (1)
- All properties sold for $2,000, or less, be on a cash basis; (2) Property
known as Section 9, Block 89A, Lots 61 7, 6 , 9, 10, 11 sold for the
amount of $7,555. be all cash.
Following discussion and on motion by Councilman Watson, se-
conded by Councilman Stiner, the following was, upon roll call, unani-
mously, adopted:
WHEREAS; the Village of Mamaroneck, through the institution
of an action in the County Court of Westchester County, en-
titled " In the matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens Pur-
suant to Article Vll-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village
of Mamaroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 1945" , has be-
come and now is the owner of a number of parcels of Real
-- Estate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of
Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaro-
neck hold tax liens on said parcels of real property; and
WHEREAS; pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law an agree-
ment was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck
and the Town of Mamaroneck, which among other things set
forth the interest of said municipalitites in the pro-
perties being foreclosed; the manner of the sale of said
properties; and the manner of the distribution of the
proceeds received from said sales; and
WHEREAS, the, village of Mamaroneck, has, pursuant to an
agreement had the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for
and on June 24, 1946, received bids on certain properties
owned by the Town of Mamaroneck, as well as on certain
properties owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town
of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck
have given consideration thereto and after due deliberation
accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms
therein set forth; and
WHEREAS, since receipt of said bids this Board has given
consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is
RESOLVED, that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at
the price and terms therein set forth, with the following
exceptions All bids in the sum of $2,000, or less, and
marked- as mortgage shall be accepted only for the purchase
price of all cash.
VVil_l_age Town
B crc Lot Block—Parcel Bidder Amount Terms
4 Plot 904 1 R.J. Diforio 7,000 i2tg. 60%
5,6 All Lots 44 Cash 40%
in former 289
Badolato 131
13 tract
Part of
7 12 903 352 Emilo Poccia 300 Cash
9 2 Part of
— 902 450 Joseph P. Bohan 700 Cash
9 7 902 445 Hedda Paul Acdan 350 Cash.
9 10 902 430 Charles J.' Gronberg 300 Cash
BlocT"-Lot Bloe7 Parcel Bidder Amount Terms
11 16 901 54 Augustus Sansone 775 Cash
11 22923A 901 79 Joseph P. Bohan 3,000 Cash
11 23B 901 67 Joseph Greco 2,010 Cash
12 8 901 340 Hebrew,Inst.of Mam?k 1,000 Casa.
14 13,14,15 903 6 A. Rigano 3,000 Cash
23 8,9 911 476 Loreto Poccia &
Abe 'Hollins 500 "_utg.
23 17,18 911 453 Loreto Poccia &
Abe Wollins 500 M tg.
(24 Plot 910 1
(35 2 910 195 Poloini Realty Co. 10,000 Cash
25 4 910 220 Joacaim Lopes 400 Cash
26 3 910 407 Sebastin Pettinato 800 Cash
27 8,9 909 340 R.S. Diforio 2,,500 Cash
31 15C 907 390 Harry Jacobwitz 1,200 Cash
35 19 916 400 Joseph LaRoeco 600 Cash
38 1 909 153 Loreto Poccia 1,200 Cash
(41 A2A (7) Part of
916 74 Anthony Rigano 1,000 Cash
( awarded)
(44 8
Part of
44 12 & 13 916 74 Alfred Bloes 700 Cash
Part of
52 1 916 161 Joseph P. Bohan 19500 Cash
52 2B,3A 916 171 Sebastian Pettinato 13200 PRtg.
52 6,7A (1/2 of
7X) Part of
916 161 Frank M. McNamara 1x650 Cash
52 1/2 of 7A Part of
916 161 Frank J. Jarabin 350 Cash
53 22 915 74 St.John's Evan. Church 900 Cash
56 8B Part of
921 47 Antonio Lopreado 19325 Cash
57 7 920 317 Frank Salvo 400 Cash
57 14 920 352 James Sigure 24'0 Cash
Villa _e Towm
BloC Lot Block Parcel Bidder Amount Terms
57 31 920 492 Joseph P. Bohan 1,000 Cash
57 36 920 467 Joseph P. Bohan 1,500 Cash
58 36,37,38
39,40 920 161 Mortimer & Lee
Cassileth 30000 Cash
63 3,4,5, Part of
6,7, 926 16 Elfrieda Bloes 750 Cash
75 1OB,11B,21B 931 165
21A,22A 931 131 Dr. Seymour H. Fine 3,350 Cash
85 10, 11 938 50 Marjorie Welter 1,600 Cash
85 16, 17,
l8, 19 938 148 Sheldrake Glen B1drs.Inc. 3,100 Cash
86 1,2,3, 4A 937 13-12 Walter E. Dietrich, Jr. 2,175 Mtg. 60%
Cash 40%
86 4B1, 5B 937 195 W.S. Hammersfahr 75 Cash
86 9 937 41 D. Stansbury 2,010 Cash
93A 8 950 357 R.J. Diforio 1,500 Mtg.
-- 94 1 1 949 268 Emil 2virin 700 Cash
94 14 949 283 Evelyn Ogilvy 750 Cash
97 4B,5B 946 44&64 ' 714 Stuart Ave. Corp. 222100 Mtg. 60%
Cash 40%
99 1 956 1 Polcini Realty Co. 16,600 Cash
FJRTHER RESOLVED, that in all cases where the consideration is
to he paid partly in cash and partly in mortgage and where such
consideration is more than $2,000. the mortgage shall be for
not more than 60% of the consideration, the interest to be
not less than 4-1/2 % and the mortgage to mature not later
than five years from date.
On motion, by Councilman Watson., seconded by Councilman Stiner,
it was, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board accepts the offer of the
Mamaroneck Knights of Columbus in the sum of $500.00
all cash for the purchase of property known as Block
906, Parcel 294 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck.
-- On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman -tiner,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board accepts the offer of S.L. Pavlo
in the sum of $7,555. all cash, for the purchase of pro-
perty known as Block 942, Parcel 31 and Block 942, Par-
cel 224 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck;
FURTTTER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he
hereby is instructed to draw the necessary contract
for the sale of the property in accordance with the
terms of the offer and a cceptance , and that the Super-
visor be and he hereby is authorized to acknowledge
and deliver the deed accordingly.
The Supervisor stated that the new garbage trucks would be delivered
shortly and suggested that the trucks be offered for sale
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman 71atson,
seconded by Councilman Mills, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following notice be published in
the Daily Times on July 25,27,29,31 and August 2:
The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck has for
sale the following trucks:
1. 1937 International 1-112 to 2-ton chassis, damp
body and hoist truck #689, Model D35, Engine
#2783 (Our Truck 74, 6)
2. 1937 International 1-1/2 to 2-ton chassis, dump
body and hoist truck ; 689, Model D35, Engine
#2390 ( Our truck #8)
3. 1937 International 1-1'2 to 2-ton chassis, dump
body and hoist truck #689, Model D35, Engine
#2782 ( Our truck #9)
(Note : #8 and #9 trucks have high sides
for refuse collection.
They are being sold on an "as is" basis and can be
inspected at the Town Yard, Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, New
York. Bids will be accepted either on the individual trucks
or on the three as a unit. These trucks are being sold sub-
ject to delivery to the Town of new equipment .
Bids should be addressed to the Town Clerk, 158 West
Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N .Y. , and should be accom-
panied by a check for the amount bid. The envelope should
be narked on the outside," Bid for Trucks" .
Bids will be received until 5:00 P.M. on August 7, 1946
The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all
bids .
Charles J. Gronberg, Town Clerk
Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y.
The following statements were ordered placed on files Claims
audited and paid by the Comptroller from July 3 to July 22, 1946; Sum-
mary of Receipts and Analysis of Estimated Revenues January 9 to June 30,1946
At 11 o' clock P. Id1 . the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk