HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946_05_28 Town Board Minutes 143
HELD MAY 28' 1946
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 7:30 P.M. ( Daylight Savings Time) .
Present: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Stiner, Mills, Watson, Embury
Absent : None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg, Town
Attorney Delius, Comptroller Orsino and Accountant Finson.
The Supervisor introduced Mr. James S. Bixby, District Engineer
of the State of New York, to the members of the Town Board and a group
of interested citizens representing the local municipalities and various
organizations throughout the Town.
Mr . Bixby appeared at the Supervisor' s request to explain
the proposed plans of the State of New York in connection with the
New England Thruway.
Mr. Bixby explained that he did not come here to make any
statements, but to answer a few questions regarding the proposed route
of the New England Thruway and its effect upon this community. He had
with him the maps of the proposed route in the Town.
In answer to several inquiries, Mr. Bixby stated that the
present plans are only tentative and that the State had not completed
its surveys with respect to the Larchmont Station. One idea was to
tunnel under the Station, but Mr. Bixby informed those present that
the high cost might prohibit this.
Many residents of Harmon Drive queried Mr. Bixby as to the
effect of the proposed route in that particular vicinity. He explained
that the present plan is now under consideration because it provides the
straightest alignment with the least damage to private property. He
added that there must be a minimum radius of sixteen hundred feet at
all places.
As to the noise and odors, Mr. Bixby explained that there
will be. a minimum of sound from the trucks since there will only be a
slight grade of three per cent in places thereby eliminating the necessity
of shifting gears. He said he did not think the noise and odors would
be as bad as people anticipated. Mr. Bixby stated that according to
present plans access or egress in the Town would be at .Qaxwell Street.
Mr. Bixby again pointed out, that the present plans are only
tentative and said that he would be glad to return at a future date to
discuss the progress made.
The Supervisor and the members of the Board thanked Mr .Bixby
for attending the meeting and suggested that the meeting proceed with
the regular order of business.
The minutes of May 1, 1946, were approved as presented.
A letter dated May 18, 1946, was received from Hon. B.J.
Santoro, Chairman of the Flag Day Committee of the Mamaroneck Lodge,
No. 1457, B.P.O. Elks, inviting the members of the Town Board to its
annual Flag Day Services on Friday, June 14th, 19462 at 6:30 P.M. The
members of the Board made note of the date.
The following reports for the month of April, 1946, were
ordered placed on file: Report of the Department of Public Welfare;
Report of the Building Inspector; Report of the Plumbing Inspector;
Report of the Town Clerk; Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
Councilman Watson presented the following petition received
from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to
permit the apportionment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman Watson seconded by Councilman Embury,
the following was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for
the correction of the assessment roll for a certain
year, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of
Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known
as the Westchester County Tax Act; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll,
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1945,
- taxes of 1946, which shows property now appearing on
the roll as follows:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Only
4 40B & 41B C . Belle Salmon $"7,000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Lard Only
4 41B F Raymond Papernow $ 750
4 41B & 40B
(412-648) C. Belle Salmon $6,250
On the subject of Recreation, Councilman Watson referred to
the resolution adopted at the previous meeting and stated that he would
like to recommend Mr. Arthur Hamilton of 138 Murray Avenue and Mr.
- G. Austin ffharry of 87 Echo Lane, Town. These names met the unanimous
approval of the members of the Board.
-- The Town Clerk was requested to inform Mr. Hamilton and
Mr. Wharry of their appointment.
Councilman Embury presented the Welfare Report for the month
of May, 1946, which showed as follows:
Year Cases Individuals Amount
1945 , 20 39 1,073.02
1946 18 35 710.52
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a registered letter
dated May 13, 1946, received from Iir. George W.L. LaBranche,Jr. ,
President of Post Road Securities Corporation, advising that his Cor-
poration is desirous of liquidating, as soon as it is financially able,
the total amount of taxes due upon its properties known as Block 6142
Parcel 567; Block 614, Parcel 586; Block 614, Parcel 17; Block 6140
Parcel 220; Block 614 Parcel 240. A check for $5,080.88 was attached
in payment of the 1939, 1940 and 1941 taxes' together with interest and
penalties, in return for which the Corporation requested that the Town !
agrees that no action be taken against this property until June 1, 1947,
at which time payment of at least the 1942 and 1943 taxes will be made.
Also that the Town withhold any foreclosure action until the end of that
calendar year, at which time they intend to pay the remaining taxes.
Following discussion, the members of the Board agreed to
grant the extensions requested in said letter.
The Supervisor stated that a request was received from Mr.
Benno Elkan, 75 prospect Avenue, Larchmont, N.Y. for an amendment to
the Zoning Ordinance, reclassifying property on the south side of Palmer
Avenue between Burton Road and Weaver Street, from A Residential to B
Multiple family, or apartment house.
The Town Attorney pointed out that a public hearing upon ten
days' notice would be required. Oh motion by Councilman Stiner, se-
conded by Councilman Embury, it was upon roll call, unanimously
— RESOLVED, that the following notice be published, in accordance
with the lava, in the Daily Times, the official newspaper of the Town:
TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
will hold a public hearing, pursuant to Section 264 of the Town
Law, in the Council Room at the Weaver Street Fire House, on
the 3rd of July, 1946, at 8:15 o' clock P.M., to consider an
amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck
and to the map accompanying and forming part of the Zoning
Ordinance, so as to show all property, description and diagram
of which follows, as being within a "B" Use Area or height Dis-
trict instead of an "A" Use Area or Height District, which is
its present classification.
BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of Palmer
Avenue, where the same is intersected by the westerly
line of Burton Road, and running thence southeasterly
along said westerly line of Burton Road by the lands
of Kraft, Austin, Frey and Campbell to the end of
Burton Road, and to the lands of Bingham: thence
northeasterly across the end of Burton Road to the
lands of Larchmont Apartments, Inc. : thence south-
easterly along the boundary line between Bingham
and Larchmont Apartments, Inc., to a point on said
line which is 100 feet westerly from the westerly
line of the Boston Post Road, which point is on the
boundary line of "C" District Business; thence
southwesterly on a line paralled with and 100 feet
westerly from the westerly line of the Boston Post
Road (which line is the boundary line of "C" Dis-
trict Business) through properties of Helen Gordon
and David Potts, Jr. ,Post 1156, Veterans of For-
eign Mars to a point in the boundary line between
lands of Veterans of Foreign Wars and lands of
John and Henry Dietz; thence westerly along said
line between Dietz and Veterans of Foreign Wars to
lands of the Town of Mamaroneck; thence northerly,
westerly, southwesterly, northeasterly, and north-
westerly along the lands of the Town of Mamaroneck
to lands of Whitestone; thence southerly and westerly
along the boundary line between lands of Whitstone
and lands of the Town of Mamaroneck, to the southerly
line of Palmer Avenue, thence northeasterly along the
southerly line of Palmer Avenue to the westerly line.
of Burton Road the point or place of beginning.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons interested will
have an opportunity to be heard at the above stated time and place.
Dated, June 21, 1946 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
The Supervisor stated that it was the usual procedure at this
time to appoint the Board of Review. He recornended that the present
members, Councilman Stiner, Mr. Percy M. Bibas and Mr. Eugene Riviere
be reappointed.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Mills,,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that in pursuance of Section 7a of the
Westchester County Tax Act, a Board of Review is
hereby appointed to consist of three members, all
being resident taxpayers of the Town, who shall
serve at the pleasure of the Town Board as follows:
Munroe Stiner, who is to serve as such member in
addition to his duties as Councilman of the Town
of Mamaroneck; Percy M. Bibas, and Eugene Riviere.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the compensation of Percy
M. Bibas and Eugene Riviere is hereby fixed at the
sum of $250. each and that Councilman Stiner serve
as a member of the Board of Review without com-
pensation as a member of such Board.
A vote on the foregoing was as follows:
AYES: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Mills, Watson, Embury
-- NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Councilman Stiner
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a letter from Mr.
C. DeWitt Rogers, Jr. , tendering his resignation as a member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals, effective May 23, 1946.
on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Stiner,
it was unanimously resolved that the resignation of Mr. DeWitt Rogers,
Jr. be received with regret and that the Town Clerk be instructed to
send a letter to Mr. Rogers expressing in the Town Board' s behalf the
appreciation of the entire Town of the valuable services rendered by
him during his tenure as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The Supervisor stated that the resignation of Mr. Rogers, Jr.,
created two vacancies on the Board of Appeals for Zoning and it was his
recommendation that Mr. Munn Brewer and Mr. George Burchell be appointed
to fill these vacancies.
Following discussion it was on motion by Councilman Watson,
seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that Mum Brewer be and he hereby is ap-
pointed a member of the Board of Appeals for Zoning
to serve the unexpired term of C .Dellitt Rogers,Jr.,
ending February 19, 1950 .
FURTHER RESOLVED, that George Burchell be and he
hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Appeals
for Zoning for a term of office of five years, ex-
piring February 19, 1951,
The Supervisor suggested that examination of Glick-Freedman' s
annual report for the year ending December 31, 1945 be postponed until
the next meeting. The members of the Board agreed to this suggestion.
Regarding the Summer schedule for the Town Offices, the Super-
-- visor reported that the banks throughout the township would be closed
on Saturdays during June, July, August and September. He recommended
that the Town Offices be closed accordingly.
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner,
seconded by Councilman Mills, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Offices be closed on Saturdays,
during the months of June, July and August.
The Supervisor presented a statement of the receipts and dis-
bursements on Block 619, Parcel 33 and Block 819, Parcel 23, which pro-
perty was foreclosed by the village and sold to Llazoni Lodge and Charles
Lanza, respectively. He stated that the apportionable share of the net
receipts due the Town amounts to $1,034.18 and that this amount does not
include the Mamaroneck Valley Sewer and School taxes on this property
from the date of acquisition by the Village to the date of sale, which
will be received in addition.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson,
it was, upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes is hereby authorized
to accept the sum of $1,160.86 in full payment of all
taxes and tax liens open on the Town of Mamaroneck tag
- records,as of this date , on property known as Block
819, Parcel 33; Block 819, Parcel 23.
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that for the
first time since 1935, the Town would not have to borrow tax lien certi-
ficates of indebtedness . He pointed out that last year the borrowing
amounted to $104,000 on uncollected liens, but this year sufficient
surplus has been accumulated through the sale of real estate and the
collection of tax arrears to cover this year' s uncollected taxes.
Councilman Stiner stated that he had nothing to report for
his departments.
Councilman Mills reported that Fire Chief Burton has advised
that the War Department has allocated a 1943 Dodge LaFrance Unit with
a 500 G.P.H. M idship Mounted Pump, to the Fire Department. He said
the cost of same would be in the neighborhood of $1,800 .
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Mills,
seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to purchase
from War Assets Administration a 1943 Dodge Truck
powered pumper, Class 500, with a 500 G.P.M. Pidship
Mounted Pump No. 9655, Serial No. 81315808, J.S. Reg.
No. 503022, out of funds! available in an amount not
to exceed $1,800.00,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted by this
Board on February 6, 1946, authorizing the purchase
of a new pump for the Mack Patrol Wagon at a cost
not to exceed $850.003 be rescinded.
Concilman Mills presented a list of claims from the Fire
Department, totalling $2,151.38. He stated that he had checked the
bills and recommended their approval.
The members of the Board sitting as the Board of Fire Com-
missioners considered the claims, and on motion by Councilman Mills,
seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp-
troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same
out of the budget for the Fire Department:
Max Goldman, Inc. 28.20
Westchester Lighting Co. 26.45
Henigsonls Lumber Co. 25.86
New York Telephone Company 24.03
G.W. Merrell 30.65
Merson Clothes, Inc. 318. 00
Free Parking Service Station 61.99
Hillside Service Station 2.90
A & A Automotive Co. 1.05
Globe Motorists Supply Co. , Inc. 17 .69
A. Sockolof, Sr. 13.00
John Del Angelo 250.00
Solventol Chemical Products,Inc. 12.00
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co., Inc. 60.32 872.14
Westchester Joint Water Works No.l
Hydrant Rentals 730.00 ."
Grand Total ,1602.14
State Insurance Fundy 459.00
Westchester Lighting Co. 2.00
French Cleaners 12.00
Richard Thorburn 24.00
Crossroads Auto Parts 21.46
Sidney Vogel 5.50
Globe Motorists Supply Co.Inc. 25.28 $549.24
Grand Total
The Town Attorney presented the proposed agreement between the
Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont, in reference to the
properties acquired by the Village in the In Rem foreclosure proceedings.
on motion by Councilman Watson., seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, ,that the Supervisor is authorized to sign
the agreement with the Village of Larchmont in regard
to cancellation of taxes on properties to be acquired
by the Village in In Rem foreclosure proceedings, pro-
viding for resale of the same by the Village and the
apportionment and distribution of the proceeds of the
sale between the Town and Village in the following
WHEREAS, the Village of Larchmont heretofore on
January 7, 1946 adopted a resolution, pursuant to
Section 162 of the Tax Law, electing to proceed
hereafter to foreclose tax liens, pursuant to
Title 3 of Article Vll-A of the Tax Law; and
WHEREAS in pursuance of such resolution and the
provisions of Section 165 (a) and (b) of the Tax
Law, the Treasurer of the Village of Larchmont on
February 13, 1946, has filed with the Clerk of
Westchester County a list of parcels of property,
all affected by unpaid taxes and tax liens held
and owned by said Village, which on said date
had been unpaid for a period of at least four
years after the date when the tax assessment or
other local charge represented thereby, became
a lien and has caused notice to be given by pub-
lication, posting and mailing as provided in said
sections; and
WHEREAS, the time for redemption of said tax liens i
fixed in said notice, to wit: April 5th, 1946, has
now expired and there remain still unpaid, certain
taxes and tax liens which are shown upon a list here-
to attached and made a part hereof and marked EXHIBIT
A; and
WHEREAS, certain of these parcels of property, so
shown upon said list marked EXHIBIT A, are subject
to collection of arrears of taxes and/or tax liens
due the Town of Mamaroneck, where such parcels of
property are situated in both the Town of Mamaroneck
and the Village of Larchmont, more particularly those
in Sections 6 and 7 on the Town Assessment Map and
the Village Assessment Map; and
WHEREAS, the list marked EXHIBIT A, contains the
designation of such parcels by section, block and
parcel number on the Village Assessment Map; and
WHEREAS,both the Town of Mamaroneck and the Vil-
lage of Larchmont have indicated their willingness
to agree , pursuant to Section 166-a of the Tax Law,
that all parcels of property which are indicated
upon the list hereto attached and marked EXHIBIT A
upon which they respectively own tax liens shall bd
sold free and clear of all taxes and when re-sold,
that the avails therof be divided between the Town
of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont, instead
of proceeding under subdivision 3 of Section 165-h
of the Tax Law.
(1) That the final judgment to be entered, pur-
suant to Section 165-h of the Tax. Law, in the matter
of the foreclosure of tax liens pursuant to Article
V111-A2 Title 3 of the Tax Law, by the Village of
Larchmont, now pending, shall provide that the con-
veyance directed to be made by the Village-Treasurer
to the Village of Larchmont, shall also provide that
such conveyance small be made subject to this agree-
ment between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village
of Larchmont;
(2) That the-Town, upon the delivery of such
conveyance, shall cancel all tax liens of taxes which
have become a lien prior to the date of such convey-
ance and note upon its records that such cancellation
is made pursuant to this agreement between the Town
of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont, and will
not thereafter include any such liens in any Tax Lien
(3) That the Village of Larchmont will offer for
sale, all the parcels of property conveyed to it and
refer any offers received for the purchase of any such
parcels, to the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck ,
for approval as to the rice and terns of sale before
actually selling any of such parcels of property;
(4) That upon the sale by the Village of Larchmont
of any such parcels with the approval of the Town Board
of the Town of Mamaroneck, the proceeds or avails thereof,
less brokers' commissions, if any, shall be distributed
between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larch-
mont as follows:
(a) Bypaying to the Village of Larchmont the
proportionate cost of the aforesaid-In Rem Fore-
closure proceeding which shall. not exceed the sum
of '$10.00 for each parcel foreclosed and sold;
(b) By paying or allowing all taxes levied
and which have accrued or become liens subsequent
to the date of such conveyance to the Village of
Larchmont; ,
(c) By paying to the Town of Mamaroneck
such part or portion of the net proceeds as is repre-
sented by a fraction, the denominator of which is
the total of all taxes at the face amount thereof
and without penalty or interest, owed both the Town
of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont as of
the date of such conveyance and the numerator of
which is the amount of such taxes at the face amount
theieof and without.-penalty or interest, owed to the
Town of Mamaroneck as of the date of such conveyance;
the Village of Larchmont receive any rent or other com-
pensation for the use and occupation of any such
parcels of property, then the amount so received, shall
be included in the proceeds of sale after first deduct-
ing, however, the usual and necessary expenses in con-
nection with the management or renting and maintenance
of the property from which such rent or other compensation
is received.
the Village of Larchmont, after acquiring any such parcels
of property, use or occupy them for a public or municipal
purpose under circumstances where, if such property were
privately owned such Village would be required to com-
pensate the owner as provided by law, the Town of Mamaro-
neck shall be entitled to receive from the Village:; its
share of the fair market value of such property which
fair market value shall, for the purpose of this agree-
ment, be deemed the price at which the Village of Larch-
mont acquired the property, and the share of the Town shall
be computed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision
(4) of this agreement, using such fair market value as the
sale price .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set
their hands and caused their seals to be hereunto affixed,
this 20th day of May, 1946.
By Owen A. Mandeville , as Supervisor
Charles J. Gronberg, as Town Clerk
By E. Spencer Greason, as Mayor
The Town Attorney reporting on the deed of the Old Town Hall
Building to the Village of Mamaroneck, sug ested that a resolution be
adopted by the Board that upon receipt of $100. this building be con-
veyed to the Village of Mamaroneck. He added that this was subject to
a permissive referendum and the resolution would have to be published
and would then automatically become effective thirty days after date of
RESOLVED, that the following notice be published in
the Daily Times, the official newspaper of the Town:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the
-- Town of Mamaroneck at a regular meeting duly held
May 280 1946, adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED that this Board, upon receipt of the
sum of $100. , convey to the Village of Mamaro-
neck, the property known as the Old Town Hall,
on Prospect Avenue in the Village of Mamaro-
neck, and known and described on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, as
Block 907, Parcel 276.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is sub-
ject to a permissive referendum as provided in
Section 4, subsection 2, of the Town Law and
that the Town Clerk is authorized and directed
to give notice of the adoption of the resolution
as provided in Section 90 of the Town Law.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that subject to a permissive
referendum such conveyance be made by quitclaim
deed and that the Town Attorney be authorized to
prepare such a deed and the Supervisor to execute
and deliver the same.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the adoption of said re-
solution is subject to a referendum upon a petition
being filed with the Town Clerk as provided in Section
91 of the Town Law.
Dated, June 1, 1946 BY ORDER OF TIM TOWN BOARD
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
In discussing the Branagan foreclosure, the Town Attorney
reported that it might be possible to obtain a deed in payment of the
sum of $100.00.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Mills
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be authorized to
obtain from Franklyn P. Branagan a deed for the sum
of $100.00 for the property known as Block 410, par-
cel 1.
The Town Attorney reported the following in connection with
the certiorari proceedings pending on Ralod Realty Corp. (Orienta Apart-
ments) . He stated that in spite of the fact that Mr. Albert W. Lockyer
had previously appraised this property for a total of $385,0000 con-
ferences and discussions had resulted in his writing a letter which
in substance stated that the best value which Town could hope to
rAaintain for the year 1943 would be $365,000 and for the two succeeding
years 1944 and 1945, $375,000.
The Town Attorney read the letter in detail which contained
facts and figures as to income and expenses and which in particular
commented upon the fact that the building is a very expensive one to
operate and this expense is not particularly reflected in the rentals
and that these rentals are frozen under 0PA regulations.
The Town Attorney stated that the best offer of settlement
which he could obtain was 03650000 for all three ,ears and it was his
feeling that for the later years, 1944 and 1945, the value should be
After some discussion, the Town Attorney was instructed to
proceed with the preparations for trial and to retain fir. O.C . LTIerritt
as expert for the Town.
The Town Clerk presented the following, which was on motion
by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 465 of the Laws of 1935s which amends sub-
divisions 1 of Section 102 of the Town Law, the Town
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby determines
to allow and pay the following employee in an amount
not to exceed six cents ( .06) per mile for the use
of his own automobile for each mile actually and
necessarily tr a ve led by him in the performance o£
l I
the duties of his several positions: Thomas J.
The following reports were received and ordered placed on
file: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to April 30, 1946;
Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures; Analysis of Estimated
Revenues; Statement of Bank Balances as of May 28s 1946; List of Claims
Audited and Paid by the Comptroller from May 1 to May 28, 1946.
At 10:00 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk