HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946_01_06 Town Board Minutes 3
In the Council Room of the weaver Street Fire House , Town of
Mamaroneck, New York .
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 8:15 P .M . ( Eastern Standard Time ) .
Present: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Stiner, Mills, Jr. , Watson, Embury
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg, Town
Attorney Delius; Comptroller Orsino, Accountant Finson.
The minutes of December 5, 1945, were approved with cor-
rections .
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who
wished to appear before the Board.
Mr. Charles Mink, Architect, representing Mr. Frank
Guadagnolo appeared to ask the Boards views on building a one-
family apartment over the garage and service station being erected
by Mr . Guadagnolo.
The Supervisor asked Mr . Mink if he had discussed this
with the Fire Department or Mr . Rate , the Building Inspector.
Mr . Punk replied that he had not. Following discussion
it was decided that 1,1r. Mink discuss it with both the Fire Depart-
ment and Nor. Rate and also submit elevation drawings, including
that facing the railroad tracks.
Mr. Morris Stern appeared before the Board requesting
that the Town accept an offer of '$359.51, on behalf of a client,
in payment of the face amount of the tax liens for the years 1941
to 1944 inclusive , on property known as Block 812, Parcel 170. He
said that this property consists of five vacant lots located in the
Harbor Heights section of the Village of Mamaroneck and that the
owner had invested a great deal of money in the original purchase
of these lots.
The Supervisor explained to Mr. Stern that it is the
Board' s policy on offers of this nature to accept the face amount
of the tax liens plus interest at 6%. He suggested that Mr. Stern
consult with his client further in trying to obtain the additional
$46.41 in order to complete this transaction. Mr. Stern stated he
would take this matter up with his client.
Mr. Jonathan T. welsh and Mr . Warren K. Friar appeared
on behalf of the American Legion Post #90, to ask the Town Board
to turn over to this post the old Town Hall located on Prospect
Avenue . Mr. 71elsh informed the members of the Board that the
Committee had investigated many homes which would not be large
enough to house their prospective membership. They had also fi-
gured on purchasing a lot to build a home but that building materi-
als would not be available for quite some time. He said that it
is their desire to get a place large enough for a membership that
may reach 1,000 in order that the returning veterans may have a
vat the first
o � ' mention to renovate place to meet. It would
be their i
floor of the old Town Hall to make club rooms; a kitchen and a din-
ing room and on the second floor would be their meeting room. Both
� lu
representatives of Legion Post 90 asked the members of the Board
to give it their consideration. This the Board promised to do .
Mr. Oreste Poccia appeared to ask that a new water pipe
be installed on Laurel Avenue where he is building some new homes.
He said that the present 111 pipe which is twenty-two years old has
four houses connected to it, and requested that something be done.
Mr. George Polera, appearing on the same matter, stated
that he was the one responsible for stopping the further tapping
Of this water line inasmuch as it was a private water line installed
and paid for by his family. He said that he was in favor of the
installation of a new and larger main at the Townts expense but
objected strongly to this installation for which an assessment for
its cost would be levied against his property.
Following further discussion, the Supervisor agreed to
take up the matter with the Westchester Joint Water Works and re-
port back at the next meeting.
Mr. William J.RT. Merritt appeared before the Board in
regard to property known as Section 9, Block 94, Lot 7. He said
that some time last August he had negotiated with the Village of
Mamaroneck and had arranged to purchase the deed to the above men-
tioned property from Bonded Municipal Corp . for the sum of $150.
The Village of Mamaroneck then agreed to accept this deed and in
turn sell the property to him for one-third the assessed valuation
or X1,350. He also stated that Manager Johnson had informed him
'that the Town had always gone along with the Village in these sales
and that this was the proper procedure to follow and by obtaining
the deed this would wipe out all the foreclosure costs .
Mr. Merritt asked the Town Board to give consideration
to his offer of 81,350 for this property, which offer does not cover
the face amount of the taxes owned by the Village and Town.
The Supervisor pointed out to Mr . Merritt that in all his
negotiations with the Village, Manager Johnson had pointed out to
him that any offer accepted by the Village would still have to be
subject �he the approval of the Town Board.
Following further discussion the members of the Board in-
formed Mr. Merritt that this matter would be discussed later in the
The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished
to appear before the Board. There being no response , he requested
the Town Clerk to read the cormunications.
The Town Clerk presented and read the affidavit of pub-
lication of the Advertisement which appeared in the Daily Times on
December 28, 1945 in reference to the sale of property known as
Block 915, Parcel 32. He informed the members of the Board that
there was only one bid which was received from Mr. Donald B. Abbott
in the sum of $20105. All cash. A certified check in the amount of
$210.50 accompanied the bid.
In dicussing the offer made , the members of the Board
decided that inasmuch as the property is located in the Village of
Mamaroneck, that an expression be obtained from them as to their
approval or disapproval.
Mr. Abott who was present, further explained that if
his offer is accepted, that in time he intended to enlarge his
present establishment.
A letter dated December 28th, 1945, was received from
Mr. Edward F.N. Uthe , Executive Secretary, Association of Towns,
giving notice that the annual meeting would be held in the city
of Albany, N.Y. on February 20,21 and 22'1946 . Also enclosed
was a Certificate of Designation for the Town' s voting delegate
and alternate at this meeting.
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman
Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury:, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Town Attorney Delius and Town
Accountant Finson be and they hereby are de-
signated and authorized to represent the Town
of Mamaroneck at the Annual Meeting of the As-
sociation of Towns of the State of New York to
be held in the City of Albany, New York, on Feb-
ruray 20, 21 and 22, 1946; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comptroller is hereby
authorized to audit their claims for the expense
of the trip, said amounts to be paid out of the
items in the budget for traveling expenses, res-
The Town Clerk reported that an application for a dance
hall license was received from the Bonnie Briar Country Club which
application had been approved by the Police Department, Fire De-
partment and Building Inspector.
It was on motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Council-
man Stsner, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the application of the Bonnie
Briar Country Club for a dance hall license
for the year 1946 be approved and the Town
Clerk be directed to issue same .
The following reports for the month of December 1945 were
received and ordered filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
Report of the Town Clerk
Report of the Building Inspector
Report of the Westchester County Dog Protective Association
Report of the Plumbing Inspector
Report of the Plumbing Inspector for the year 1945
The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with
the reports of the committees.
Councilman Watson presented two petitions received from
the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to
permit the apportionment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman
Stiner, it was, upon roll call ,unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain
- years, pursuant to the provisions of section 33 of
chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known
as the Westchester County Tax Act; and
WHEREAS, after%consideration this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petition for the cor-
rection of said assessment roll:
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year
19452 taxes of 1946, which shows the property
now appearing on the roll as follows:
Section Block Lot Name Land Imp. Total
4 33 1 & 2, Christine Moll $5,500 $3,500 $9,000
6 to 10
(410-338) 29 to 36
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of section 33:
Section Block Lot Name Land Imp. Total
4 33 1 & 2 James Mancusi $10000 01,000
4 33 6 to 10, Christine Moll $$4,500 $$3,500 $8,000
(410-338) 29 to 36
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the
year 1945, taxes of 1946, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Section Block Lot Name Land Imp, Total
2 6 - Harold J. Kennedy & W $30500 5$6,500 $10,000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of section 33:
Section Block Lot Name Land Im_ Total
2 6 plot Diana Booth 2,000 $6,500 08,500
2 6 pt of bl H.J. Kennedy & W $51,500 5$10500
(225-228) 6
On incineration, Councilman Watson reported that for the
fiscal year ending November 30, 19450 4,827 tons of garbage had been
burned,of which 54% was for the Village and 46% for the Town. He
pointed out that October was the peak month in which 472 tons were
burned. He displayed a graphic chart showing the increase and de-
crease in costs, garbage burned, and oil consumption.
Councilman Watson stated that at the last meeting Mr . Foote
was instructed to have ready for this meeting the contracts for the
purchase of two Brockway chassis and two Gar Wood Load Packers, from
Brockway Motors and Gar Wood.
He stated that he had at hand a contract from Brockway
Motor Company, Inc. in the sum of 5$5,392, less trade-in,for two chassis
__ Gar Wood 9 cubic yard Load Packer bodies, in the sum of $4,540.
Mr. 'Watson explained that the Gar Wood price included the mounting
of the Load Packers on chassis, ready for operation, and also paint-
ing of the units.
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Watson,
seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call, unanimously.
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
- is authorized to enter into contracts with
Brockway Motor Company, Inc. for the purchase
of two Model 146W Brockways, less trade-ins,
for a total sum not to exceed $5,392; and with
Gar Wood Industries Inc. , for the purchase of
two Gar Wood Load Packer garbage and rubbish
units, for a total sum not to exceed 84,540,
This price includes the installation of the
Load Packer mounted complete on chassis and
ready for operation, and also includes paint-
ing of the unit.
Councilman Embury stated that he had nothing to report
for his Departments.
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a check in the
amount of $279.25 from Emile Rellstab. This check represents the
face amount of the tax liens for the sale years 1940 to 1944 inclu-
sive with interest at 6% and the 1945 Town and School taxes with
penalties, on property known as Block 220, Parcel 346.
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Em-
bury, seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver, of Taxes and Assess-
ments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered
and directed to accept payment from Emile Rellstab
for the following tax liens on property known as
Block 220, Parcel 346, at the face amount of the
liens plus interest at 6% from the date of Sale;
Sales Year Tax Year Amount of Lien Interest at 6o Total
1941 1940 840.31 811 .09 851.40
1942 1941 12.22 2.60 14.82
1943 1942 49 .60 7.69 57.29
1944 1943 49.57 4.71 54.28
1945 1944 51 .20 1.79 52 .99 8230.78
The Supervisor reported that at a meeting of the Board
of Supervisors on December 27, 1945, the following resolution.was
offered by Supervisor Joseph G. Saile of White Plains:
RESOLUTION NO. 182, 1945
RESOLVED, that the County Executive be and he
hereby is requested to communicate with the
Executive Officer of each City and Town in the
County of Westchester to ascertain their views
regarding the formation of a Westchester County
Committee on Housing, each of them or a duly de-
signated representative to be a member thereof.
--" The Board .funetions of such a Committee would
include : -
1. The determination of which City or Town
needed most and could best use the different types
of trailers and othertemporary housing offered by
:the State or Federal Government.
2. It would offer a central point for discussion
and possible amendment of the various different Build-
ing Codes in the Cities and Towns so as to facilitate
the use of temporary housing, if it is decided that the
same is advisable .
3. Such a committee would have the benefit of ad-
vice from the County Departments of Law, Health, Wel-
fare , Public Works, as well as the County Planning Com-
4. The problems of each City and Town could be
worked out insofar as these problems and their solu-
'ions affected a neighboring City or Town.
5. The establishment of a central Office where
all pertinent facts on housing could be collected and
In discussing the resolution with the Supervisor, the mem-
bers of the Board decided to consider the matter and discuss it fur-
Cher at the next meeting.
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that the
County Trust Company had bid .315% on the $150,000 certificates of
indebtedness authorized by the Board on December 28, 1945, to be
sold by the Supervisor in anticipation of the collection of the
1946 taxes .
The Board expressed: its approval of this interest rate
_! and the Supervisor' s action in awarding the certificates to the
County ,Trust Company as the low bidder.
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand an application
for the renewal of the Town' s membership to the Association of Towns
with a bill for dues in the amount of $98.00.
It was on montion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Council-
man INatson, upon roll call, unanimously ,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck continue its
membership in the Association of Toucans of the State
of New York for the year 1946 and that the annual
dues of $98.00 be paid out of the item set aside
for this purpose in the 1946 budget .
The Supervisor presented the following statements: State-
ment of Bank Balances as of Januaryl, 1946; Claims audited and paid
by the Comptroller from December 6, 1945 to January 8, 1946.
The Supervisor stated that he wished to proceed with the
matters of organization if the members of the Board did not object.
( Continued on next page )
Councilman Stiner moved the adoption of a resolution to
approve the salaries for all Town Officials and employees and to appoint
officers and employees for the, year 1946. This motion being duly se-
condedby Councilman Mills, . Jr . 'it was duly adopted as follows:
Section 1. That the salaries of all elected officials
of the Town of Pdamaroneck for the year 1946 are to be
the salaries stated and appropriated in the annual
Budget or Estimate for the year 1946;
Section 2. That the following persons are hereby ap-
pointed as Town Officers as of January lst. 1946 in
accordance with the provisions of the Town Law and
for the respective terms and at the annual salary
or rate of compensation hereinafter stated, such
annual salary or compensation to be paid from the
amounts appropriated in the annual Estimate or Budget
for the year 1946 or so much thereof as shall be sufficient
to pay the salary or compensation as hereby fixed- :
Title Name Salary Term
Town Attorney John L. Delius $6600.00 Jan .l. 1946 to Dec.31,1947
of Highways A.J. Foote 2600.00 Jan.l, 1946 to Dec.31 ,1947
Town Engineer A .J. Foote 1900.00 Jan,l, 1946 to Dec.31,1947
Assessor James M. Smith 3960.00 Jan.l , 1946 to Dec.31:,1947
Comptroller Leo N. Orsino 800.00 Jan.l, 1946 to Dec.31,1947
Section 3. That a bond be required for the faithful
performance of the duties of each of the following
-- officials in the amounts stated, with sufficient
sureties to be approved by this Board and the form
to be approved by Town Attorney:
Comptroller $10000.00
Superintendent of Highways 1,000.00
Section 4. That the following positions shown in the
Budget or Estimate are hereby continued and the annual
compensation for the same in the year 1946 is hereby
fixed and shall be paid from the amounts appropriated
in the annual Estimate or Budget for the year 1946 or
so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay such
annual compensation to be paid as of January 1st, 1946:
Title of Name of Civil Service Salary or
Position Incumbent Classification Compensation
Caretaker Ruben Catoe Non Comp $ 900
Telephone Operator Wilhelmina Schroeder Comp 1620
Int. Acct. Clerk & Steno. Jean Corbia it 1800
Accountant Alexander Pinson If 3600
Junior Stengrapher Connie S. Mondello It 1200
Senior Account Clerk Leo N. Orsino " 2800
Assessment Clerk ( P.T . ) Rutledge H. Rate " 550
Senior Typist Frances Riley " 1860
Senior Stenographer
her Mar aret Barnes 1920
Social Case Worker SupervisorMyra K. Neumann " 2160
Int. Account Clerk Ethel Ehrichs " 1500
Title of Name of Civil Service Salary or
Position Incumbent Classification Compensation
Custodian Harriot Price Comp. 720
Public Health Nurse, P.T. Charlotte D. Heinrichs °' 900
Public Health Nurse, P.T. Mary -A.-Peck t1 900
Bldg.& Plbg. Inspector,
including Services to
Dept . of Engineer Rutledge Rate t° 2100
Police Chief Paul A. Yeriek " 4250
Police Lieutenant Paul Euiler Bf 3650
I Police Sergeant Louis Boivin " 3250
Police Sergeant Francis Waterbury It 3250
Patrolman ( Detective) Chauncey Smith " 3000
Patrolman George Blenniss It 2850
Patrolman John Gilfoy It 2850
Patrolman John Grenan Pi 2850
Patrolman Leslie Lund " 2850
Patrolman Anthony Faillace " 2858
Patrolman John Caputo " 2850
Patrolman Harry Dworak ° 2850
Patrolman. William Cunningham " 2850
Patrolman James Knox " 2850
Patrolman Lawrence McAllister ° 2850
Patrolman James Mancusi " ($2650 to ll/l/46
then to $2750)
Patrolman Philip Millheiser " 2850
Patrolman Eugene DeVeau " 2850
Patrolman Christopher Loveley 11 2850
Custodian Fred Dworak i 1200
Park Foreman Thos. M. Aitchison, Sr.Non Comp. 2400
Fire Lieutenant Patrick Nolan Comp. 2600
Fire Lieutenant Michael Gallagher It 2600
Fire Lieutenant Michael Harrington It 2600
Fire Truck Driver Joseph Miller Non Comp. 2400
Fire Truck Driver Alfred Moll It it 2400
Fire Truck Driver Earl Mellor t1 It 2400
Fire Truck Driver Louis Testa it It 2400
Fire Truck Driver Michael Hannan It It 2100
Motor Eqpt. Oper. (Garb. ) Paul Fortuna " " 1920
Asst. Supt. Public works,
( Sewer & Highways ) IGZichael Merola Comp. 2700
General Repairman George Osborne Non Comp. 2500
Police Sergeant Vacant Comp.
Asst . Park Foreman Vacant Non Comp.
Section 5. That the employment of the last named
persons to the aforesaid positions is in accordance
with the classifications made by the County Personnel
Officer, under the provisions of the Civil Service
Law of the State and any vacancies which now exist
or which may, from time to time, occur in said
positions , are to be filled at salaries set in
accordance with the provisions of the salary scale
adopted by the Town Board and in the conformity with
the Civil Service Rules and amendments thereto
for Towns, Villages and special districts in West-
chester County, New York.
Section 6. That a bond be required for the
faithful performance of the duties of each of the
following employees in the amounts stated, with
sufficient sureties to be approved by this Board and
in the form approved by the Town Attorney:
19 1
Senior Account Clerk, in the office
of Receiver of Taxes 010,000.00
Building & Plumbing Inspector 1,000.00
Accountant, Office of Receiver of
Taxes 10,000.00
Section 7. That the following persons are hereby
appointed to positions classified as exempt under
the Civil Service Law, such appointment to be made
-- as of January 1st, 1946 and to continue at the
pleasure of the Town Board, at the annual salary
or rate of compensation hereinafter stated, which
is to be paid from the amounts appropriated in the
annual Budget or estimate for the year 1946 , or so
much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the annual
salary or compensation as hereby fixed:
Title Name Salary or Compensation
Welfare Officer Charles D. DeVinne 2000
Sanitation Man Curtiss Major 1920
Sanitation Man Anthony Cugliari 1920
Sanitation Man Matthew Halley 1920
Sanitation Man Alfred Johnson 1920
Sanitation Man David Lyde 1920
Sanitation Man John Catoe 1920
Stenographer (P.T. ) Marjorie V. McCulloch 400
Section 8. That a bond be required for the faithful
performance of the duties of the following official
in the amount stated, with sufficient surety to be
approved by this Board and the form to be approved
by the Town Attorney:
- Welfare Officer $1,000.00
Section 9. That there is hereby appropriated from
the amount levied in the annual Budget or Estimate
for 1946 for "Department of Police, Patrolman" the
sum of $2250. to be paid as salary or compensation
to the following named temporary patrolman now serv-
ing as such by virtvr,: of an appointment pursuant to
the provisions of Chanter 47 the Laws of 1943:
as long as the period of their appointment shall
Edward Westfall $2,250.00
Section 10. That the salaries of all officers,
elected and appointed, and of all employees, be
paid semi-monthly on the last and 15th days of each
Section 11 . That there is hereby appropriated from
the item in the annual Estimate or Budget°for 'the
year 1946 for the Department of Highways, Item 1,
the sum of $1,500, and from the Sewer Department,
Supervising foreman (P .T . ) the sum of $1,200 as the
annual salary and compensation of Michael A. Merola,
-- Assistant Superintendent of Public Works for services
as foreman in the Departments of Highways and Sewer.
Section 12. That there is hereby appropriated from
the item in the annual Estimate or Budget for the
year 1946 for the Department of Highways, Item 1,
the sum of $1,200; Item 3, the sum of $ 500, and
from the Sewer Department, Maintenance Man, the sum
of $800. as the annual salary and compensation of
Edwin George Osborne, General Repair Man, for services
in the Departments of Highways and Sewer.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution becomes effective
—_ as of January 1, 1946.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salary scale of Civil Service
employees of the Town of Mamaroneck, adopted January 5,
1944, is hereby amended as follows:
Telephone Operator Minimum Maximum
From: $ 1,080 $1,440
To: $1,080 $1,620
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect
as of January 1, 1946.
The following letters were received:
December 8, 1945
Honorable Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck
New York
Subject to your approval I desire to deputize
Mr. Leo N. Orsino as my Senior Account Clerk to perform
any and all of the duties of the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments, including thereamong the duty of receiving
tax money, giving receipt therefore in his name, and
entering same upon the records and depositing the tax
money in the bank as required by law.
Yours very truly,
Henry R . Dillon
/sl Receiver of Taxes
December 8, 1945
Honorable Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck
New York
Subject to your approval I desire to deputize
Mr. Alexander Finson, Accountant of the Town, to receive
tax money, give proper receipt therefore in my name and
enter same upon the records and deposit the tax money in
the bank as required by law.
Yours very truly,
Henry R. Dillon
Is/ Receiver of Taxes
On motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with a request received
from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, this Board
hereby approves of his appointment of Leo N. Orsino
Senior Account Clerk, as Deputy Receiver of Taxes, and
his designation of Alexander Finson, Accountant, as
a person authorized to receive tax money, give proper
receipt therefore in his name , enter such payments upon
the records and deposit tax money in the bank.
The Town Clerk reported that pursuant to Subdivision 10 of
Section 30 of the Town Law of the State of New York, he had appointed
Miss Wilhemina Schroeder as Deputy Town Clerk for the' term of office
ending December 31, 1946.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, it was , unanimously.
RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Town Clerk of
Miss Wilhelmina Schroeder as Deputy Town Clerk, in
accordance with his certificate dated December 28,
1945, and this day presented to the Board, is hereby
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Charles J. Gronberg, be and he hereby
is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the term ending December 31, 1947
FURTHER, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign the Certificate of Appointment
of the Registrar of Vital Statistics to be filed
with the New York State Department of Health.
The Supervisor asked the Board members their wishes
insofar as the dates of the Town meetings are concerned.
On motion: by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Council
Mills it was, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the regular meetings of this Board
be held on the first and third Wednesdays of each
month at 6:15 P. M . in the Council Room of the t7teaver
Street Fire House .,
The Supervisor recommended the appointment of the
following committees for the year 1946:
Councilman Edward F. Watson - Assessments
Councilman David A. Embury - Legislation
Police Pension Fund
Welfare and Parks
Councilman Monroe Stiner - Personnel
Councilman George E. Mills, Jr. - Fire Protection
Veterans Service
The Board unanimously approved the foregoing appointments.
The Supervisor stated that it would be in order to appoint
the auditors to examine the Town' s records for the year 1945.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was, upon the roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the firm of Glick-Freedman, Certified
Public Accountants of New Rochelle, New York, be ap-
pointed to audit the records of the Town for the
year 1945.
FURTHER, that the compensation for this service be
in the amount of $1,200.00.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills , it was, upon the roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following banks and trust companies
in which the funds of the Town of Mamaroneciand its
various districts' and' departments_are'. now deposited
shall continue to be depositories of such funds
for the year 1946 upon the same terms and conditions
as now obtained, including security deposits now in
- County Trust Company, Mamaroneck, New York
MBank of Westchester, Larchmont, New York
First National Bank, Mount Vernon, New York
Chase National Bank of New York City
Huguenot Trust Company of New Rochelle
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the "Daily Times" of Mamaroneck be
designated as the official newspaper of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing notices .
The Town Clerk presented the lease for one year covering
the rental of the premises of 158 West Boston Post Road used for the
Town Offices .
It was on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Coun-
cilman Mills, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, THAT THE Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign the lease for the rental of the
premises used as the Town Offices at 158 West Boston
Post Road, Village of Mamaroneck, which rental agree-
ment is provided for in the 1946 Budget.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the brokers listed below are
authorized to issue the following policies
_ covering the Town of Mamaroneck and should
be renewed during the year 1946:
Goffe & Griswold Public .Off icialIs Bonds
Brewer Insurance Volunteer Fireman' s Lsab
Thos. B. Sutton Auto P.L . & P.D.
Turnbull Agency, Inc. P .L. Town Offices & Town Hall
P.L. Police & Fire House
P.L. & P.D. Non-ownership ( Fire & Police)
J. Dinolfo & Co. Inc. Contractor' s P.L. & P.D.
Thos . B. Buhler Fire & Theft Auto, All Dept .
Insurance on contents Park Garage
',Halter C . Burbank P .L. & P.D. Non-ownership Fleet Policy
Depositors and/or Forgery Policy
Gen . Liab. Highway, Bridges & Parks
The Town Attorney approved and presented the surety bonds
required for the office of Comptroller, Superintendent of Highways,
Deputy Receiver of Taxes, (2) , Building and Plumbing Inspector, Pub-
lic welfare Officer and Town Constables, (3) .
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the surety bonds covering the above
mentioned positions be approved.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, it was upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 465 of the Laws of 1935, which amends sub-
division 1 of section 102 of the Town Law, the Town
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck herebydetermines
to allow and pay the following Town Officers and
employees in an amount not to exceed six cents per
mile for the use of their own automobiles for each
mile actually and necessarily travelled b7,7 them in
the performance of the duties of their several offices
or position:
Assessor James M. Smith
Building & Plumbing Inspector Rutledge H. Rate
Social Case worker Supervisor Myra K. Neuman
The Supervisor stated that it was in order to appoint
three members of the Police Commission, a member of the Board of Trust-
ees of the Police Pension Fund, and one member of the Board of Park
Commissioners .
RESOLVED, that the following be and they hereby are
reappointed as members of the Board of Police Commissioners
of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, to serve at the
pleasure of the Town Board.
Clair V. Johnson
Victor H. Stempf
Loren R. Dodson
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills, the following was adopted, Councilman Embury not voting:
RESOLVED, that Town Councilman David A. Embury be and
he hereby is appointed a meriber . of .the Board. of Trustees
of the Police Pension fund for the term ending December
31 ,1946.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills ,it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Mr. John A. Wang be and he hereby is re-
appointed as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners
of Park District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, New
York, to serve for the term expiring December 31, 1948.
On motions by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman
Mills it was, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Cornelius J. Quinn be and he hereby is
appointed a member of the Board of Appeals for Zoning
to serve the unexpired term of Orson A Raynor, ending
February 19, 1948 .
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman.
Mills, the following was adopted, Councilman Stiner not voting:
RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article 2, Section 12
of the plumbing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Follow-
ing be appointed to the Examining Board of Plumbers, to
serve for the term ending December 31, 1946:
Councilman Munroe Stiner
Town Engineer A.J. Foote
Dr. Ellsworth J. Smith
Mr. Francis McGeough
Mr. Victor Krsss
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by council
Mills, it was, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following gentlemen be and they hereby
are appointed constables to serve for the term expiring
December 31, 1946, without salary:
Rocco V. M igliaccio 243 Knollwood Ave . , Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Bernard Amoruso 797 Old White Plains Rd. Mamaroneck,
New York
Joseph DiBuono 907 Lester Ave . , Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Provided that each file a bond in the sum of $,52,500. for
the faithful performance of their duties. Said bond to
be approved by the Town Attorney and the premium for same
be paid out of Town Funds.
The Town Attorney reported that he had at hand the renewal
of contract between the Town of Mamaroneck the Village of Larchmont and
the Larch-wont Public Librarv. He called attention to the fact that the
amount has been increased to $8,187.36 and that there is only 8,100.00
in the 1946 Budget for this proposed contract.
Following discussion,. the Board referred the contract back
to the Town Attorney to be amended to call for payment of $ 80100.00.