HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_11_05 Town Board Minutes X45
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 8:15 P .14. ( Eastern Standard Time) .
Present : Supervisor Mandeville
Councilman Mills, Watson, Embury
Absent : Councilman Stiner
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg, Town
Attorney Delius, and Accountant Finson.
The Town Clerk presented and read the affidavit of publication
of Notice to Bidders requesting bids for the construction of the war
The bids were as follows:
F9asillo Construction Co. , Inc . $13, 700.
M.E . Maloney Const . Co. 159339.
Marcello Mezzullo, Inc , 149000.
Thomas Iv?axwell 15,3 51
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Embury, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the bids received be referred to the
Town Engineer and the Park Department for study and
The minutes of September 24, 1947 were approved as presented
The minutes of October 15th, 1947 were approved with corrections .
The Town Clerk informed the members of the Board that he had
at hand a communication from the Bureau of Dog Licensing advising that
the time of taking the dog census was changed by the Legislature and the
law now requires that the census be taken during the month. of December
making it necessary to appoint its enumerators before December 1.
He stated that he had at hand an application from Mr. John C .
Forrar for the position and recommended his appointment.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Embury, it was, unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 108
of the Agriculture and Markets law, John C . Forrar be
and he hereby is appointed Dog Enumerator for the un-
incorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
year 1948 .
A letter dated October 281 1947, was received from Police
Chief Paul A. Yerick advising that the Board of Police Cosrs�issioners
had appointed two patrolman: namely Edward Bakker of 45 Dillon Road, '
Town and Louis Turco of 106 Myrtle Boulevard, Town, at a starting salary
of $2, 700. per year. These men are to fill the vacancies caused by the
resignation of Patrolman Robert Ingham on February 1, 1947, and the re-
tirement of Patrolman John Gilfoy on August 1, 1947.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Edward Bakker and Louis Turco
be and they hereby are appointed to the position
of Patrolman of the Town of Mamaroneck at an annual
salary of $2, 700. each, commencing November 1, 1947,
A copy of a letter was received from Village Manager Johnson,
dated October 22, 1947 and addressed to MTrsa Julie B. Krause in which
he acce_ .pted her resignation as public Health Nurse, effective as of
October 11, 1947® The letter was ordered placed on file®
A letter dated October 28, 1947, was received from 1r ® L.R.
Dodson, Secretary of the Board of Police Commissioners in which he advised
that the Cor„r�:ission gave its approval to the request in the petition of
the residents of Winthrop Avenue and Plymouth Street, that these streets
be made one-way® The letter was ordered placed on file.
The following reports for the month of October 1947 were
ordered placed on file :
Report of the Westchester County Dog Protective Association
Report of the Building Inspector
Report of the Receiver of Taxes
Stataient of Bank Balances as of November 1, 1947
Claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from October 15 to November
7, 1947=
Councilmen lv7atson and Embury stated they had nothing to rqnrt
for their Departments ®
The Supervisor reported that he had at hand Village of 11amaro-
neck resolutions approving the sales of property in their In Rem action®
It was his recommendation that these sales be approved®
- On motion by Councilman Alills, seconded by Councilman Embury,
the following was upon roll call, unanimously adopted
WHEREAS, the Village of aMlamaroneck through the institution
of an action in the County Court of Westchester County,
entitled 11 In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens
Pursuant to Article Vll-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the
Village of Yamaroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 1945119
has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels
of Real Estate situate in. the Village of Mamaroneck and
Town of Mararoneck; and
INIEREAS, both the village of Mamaroneck and Town of
ia,.aroneck hold tax liens on said parcels of real
property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16jH of the Tax Law an
agreement was entered into between the Village of
Mamaroneck and the Town of 1.amaroneck, which among
other things set forth the interests of said munici-
palities in the properties being foreclosed ; the manner
of the sale of said properties ; and the manner of the
dirt-d:bution of the proceeds received from said sales ;
and J
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, has pursuant to an
agreement had with the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for
and has heretofore received bids or certain properties
owned by the Town of Mamaroneck as well as on certain
properties owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the
Town of Eamarneck; and
TIEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck
have given consideration thereto and after due deliberation
accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms
therein set forth; and
WHEREAS, since receipt of said bids this Board has given
consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is
RESOLVED, that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted
at the price and terms therein set forth:
Village Town Assessed
Block Lot Block Parcel Bidder _Amount_ Valuation Terms
76 50 Lot 17B 801 202 Janes Sarlo $150. $7001 Cash
( Joseph S . Faillace
596 814 404 Broker)
31 7, 8 814 419 Anthony Fontecchio $850, !, 850. Cash
(Joseph S .Faillace
51E 1920 818 34 Rev. B. DelNegro
(Joseph S . Failace
818 Pt.24 Broker) ifOOO. 5, 000. Cast,
10 818 Pt .20
51A 16 to
30 Inc . 818 40®48®
69 9 821 Pt . of Robert Squillace 200. 800. Cash
162 (Joseph S. Faillace
77 15916 831 352 Jos . Hellerbrand 315® 900. Cash
(Joseph Faillace
The Supervisor_ :: stated that he had at hand an agreement in
triplicate from the Westchester County Park Commission which provides for
the extension of the lease dated October 189 1945 covering vacant land used'
as a temporary nursery.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson,
it was, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign the extension agreement which
provided for the extension: of the lease dated
October 18, 1945 with the Town of Mamaroneck, cover-
ing vacant land on the Pelham-Port Chester Parkway
used as a temporary nursery, for a period of one year
ery.Tding October 31, 194.8, at the same annual rental of
$1.00 and subject to the terms of the original lease.
The Supervisor advised that the Bureau of Federal Census has
Asked the Duparf4mantxxmf Testchester County Department of Planning to
create two census tracts in the Town for the purpose of following the
growth and development of different areas and requesting the Town
Board to create two census tracts in the unincorporated area.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was, unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the request of the
Westchester County Department of Planning, the Town
of Mamaroneck, outside incorporated `tillages, be divided
into two census tracts, the first tract to be an area
bounded as follows ;
BEGINNING at a point where the boundary of the City
of New Rochelle and the Town of Mamaroneck inter-
sects the 'sands of the Westchester County Park
Commission, acquired for the Cross County Parkway;
thence along the southerly side of the Cross County
Parkway lands to cleaver Street ; thence southeast
along the center line of Weaver Street to the Boston
Post Road; thence southwest on the Boston Post Road
to the b.Dundary line between the Village of Larchmont
and the Town of Mamaroneck; thence along the boundary
dine between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village
-- of Larchmont, north, northwest to the tracks of the
New York, New Hagen and Hartford Railroad Company
and again along said boundary lime and said rail-
road tracks in a southwest and southerly direction
to the boundary line between the City of New Rochelle
and the Town of Kamaroneck at its intersection of the
tracks of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail-
road Company;
The second tract .tc be all the remaining portion of the
Town of P;?amaroneck outside of the incorporated Villages
of Larchmont and Yamaroneck.
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that the
istallation of water mains in Elkan Park is now complete and that -the
total cost of these mains was $10, 788 .56 . He explained that the ''later
Company had advanced the funds for the cost of this construction and it
was now in order for the Town to refund the moneys due them for the in-
stallation of these mains .
On motion by Councilman E,'mbury, seconded by Councilman Tr'lat m,
it .,vas, upon roll call, unaninously
RESOLVED, that the claim of the Westchester Joint Water
Works No . 1, in the amount of $10, 788 .56, representing
the cost of water mains in Elkan Park be and it hereby
i approved �n+-� the Supervisor an' Comptroller b nd
s a � 1 ed � � _� and e a �.
they hereby are authorized to audit and a this claim;
.J y pay s
.. . ......... ....-...___..._
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby
authorized to transfer the sum of $10, 788 .56 from
surplus of the `eater District presently available
in order to effect this payment .
The Supervisor presented a letter dated October 20, 1947
from James C . :Yarding, Comrissioner of Public ',dorks, advising that tune
County has extended for another year its contract <vitYi the State Depart-
ment of Pubic erlorks for the remc,al of snow and ice from ;.ne St, e
Highways in ',"Testa Nester County.
On motion by Councilman It7atson, seconded by Councilman A"ills ,
it r,ras, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ma9iaroneck extend its
contract dated November 89 19469 for an additional
year with the County of 7estchester, for the removal
of snow and ice from the State Highways -within the
T own 9 in accordance with Section 12 of the Highway
Lava as amended.
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that he had
at hand an estimate from, the Westchester Joint i9ater v7crks ho . I in
the amount of $425.70 for the cost of extending a 6°§ -water main in
Stratford goad to Highland Road.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman hills,
it -,,c,-as , upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that 'the --stchester Joint 7'ater 7'orks W0.1
is hereby authorized to install 70 feet of bps water
main on Stratford. Road from the and of the present
main to the end section on Huguenot road, in accordance
with estimate dated September 19, 1947, for the sum of
-- $425.70.
The Supervisor presented a claim for the renewal of the Town' s
membership to the Association of Town for dues in the amount of $9e6
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the To-wn of t,`anaroneck continue its
membership in the Association of Towns of the State
of New York for the year 1948, and that the annual
dues of $96.00 be paid out of the item set aside for
this purpose in the 3948 Budget .
Councilman i;"ills presented the fire report for the month of
October, 1947, which showed as f ollo-ws s
Oct . n 2 rounds - P'eadoivs on fire - 24 Deane Place Ave .
Still alarm - Smelled gas in home - Hrs . Ames 41 Edgewood
15 Emergency Call _ Call for inhalator - Kayser hone , 'Weaver
St . First aid rendered. Rd ;
21 Two rounds - Brush fire at Bonnie Briar Lane and Roxboro
25 Two rounds - Brush fire in bask of Harrison Drive
O 'Connors Cottage
25 Sti=1 Alarm Pile of leaves on fire at "c lonial & Senate p !
26 Tiro rounds - Alarm from Police Dept . Brush on fire at
Palmer Ave . & 77eaver Street
T_,vo rounds Brush fire on RichbbTTId. Box 561
28 Still Alarm - Brush fire on Burton Road - Boy; 561
Still Alarm - Short circuit on outside wire coming from
pole b y Forest Avenue - Box 129
l Still Alarm - CaII from County Control Center riving to
back .fire headquarters .
RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
sane out of the budget for the Fire Department :
Bonnie Briar Country Club $ 465.00
fiat hew Conte 6.40
Fred Zulch 67.45
G.77. Merrell 9.85
The State Insurance Fund 8.06
Goldies ' Cut Rate Store, Inc. 3 .95
-- William K. Fordyce 6.15
L. Earl Miller, Inc . 70.00
Sirlin' s 3 .47
';cestchester Lighting Co. 2.00
New York Telephone Co. 1.75
New York Telephone Co. 19.43
Gustave Albers 11.00
Grand Total $674.51
The Town Attorney stated he had nothing to report.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished
to address the Board.
Mr . Bernardo Fraioli, P-Tessers . James and Augustine Sansone,
?Builders, and Mr. Carl L. Norris, a resident, appeared to ask_ that some-
thing be done about the road condition of Senate Place .
Mr . Fraioli stated that he had just completed the building
of a new residence and that three other houses had been built this year,
and the road is in a very bad condition. He said it took him about two
months to remove some large boulders from the street to make it passable .
Tr . A, Sansone said it took him three days to make an entrance
--- to his property.
Air . Norris pointed out that in one particular place there is
a sag in the road and there is always a puddle in the middle of the
street . He suggested that if the Town would dump some clean ashes it
would help a little .
The Supervisor informed the delegation that he would ask the
Town Highway Department Superintendent to make a recommendation as to
what should be done, and report to the next meeting.
1V-1r. Llunn Brewer, Attorney for Alan Carnoy, Builder, appeared
before the Board in connection with the application made by Mr . Carnoy
a short time ago for the installation of utilities at a development on
Lafayette Road.
lTr. Brewer recalled that at the time 1'r. Carnoy made the re-
quest for roads, sewer, water and gas, the Town Engineer had prepared
an estimate for approximately $16,000. based on these utilities . He
said that since then some further work and study had been made and kir.
Carnoy is presently negotiating to enter into a developer ' s agreer:.ent
with the utilities companies which would reduce the original estimate to
$12,000.9 provided that the Town would supply the remainder of the work.
Mr. Brewer presented a petition signed by 100% of the residents
and property owners asking the .Town Board to act favorably on the appli-
cation of _v1r. Carnoy to obtain from the Town,Sewer and road improvements
to serve the property lying between and in the vicinty of Lafayette
Road, Wadison Avenue and Lester Place .
It was pointed out that if the Town will bear the expense of
continuing the sewer and road into the property in question, IIr . Carnoy
will undertake to improve the neighborhood with twelve (12) single-
family dwellings of good character.
Mr. Brewer stated there was no need to remind the Board of
the appearance of that section of the Town which is unsightly at the
present time . He pointed out in detail the advantages which would
accrue to the Town by the development of this property as he saw them,
namely-, (1) Assessed valuation increase ; (2) the improvement of an
area which is not a most attractive one at the present time ; (3) helping
the housing situation.
He said he thought the Board might feel that they would be
setting a precedent in granting this request and pointed out that other
towns are helping in similar situations .
The Supervisor stated that this request deserves very serious
consideration and how serious it is remains to be decided by the entire
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at
9:35 P.M. , to meet on November 10, 1947®
Town/ ter' �
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