HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949_09_14 Town Board Minutes 783 MInIUTES OF P. SFECIPL i,LT_F.TITC CF 1T'E TO;,S. BOARD OF !H77 TO: D. OP i HI^T`AROTT'.CK, HELD SEPTET:,MFR 24th ' 19499_ !1' THE AUDITORIUM AND COT'MIL ROOF; OF TSLT 1"T"AVFR STREET FIR-F, HOUSE 9 TO?"7 U OF TM:'AROTMCK, HE"' YORK, The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8#15 o'clock P. M. Daylight Saving Time. PRESF T: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen: Emburv, 11"atson, Mills and MIcKeever ABSENT - None Presence was also noted of Town Attorney Delius , Town Accountant Pinson and Toren Clerk_ Gronberg. supervisor Siandeville called the meeting to order and greeted those present® He praised the beauty and cleanliness of the auditorium and spoke of the church services which are now being held there® He then went on to sav that the Board would defer the regular order of business to deal with the public hearing. The Tot'n Clerk presented' a.nd read the affidavit of publication of the notice of public hearing. Supervisor Mandeville said the Board would first hear from those who wished- to register opposition. Mr. Joseph Scarano of New Rochelle , said he owned property in the Town of Yama.ror,eck located on Fifth Avenue , Lester Place and V.1illiams Place . He registered his opposition® P,Tr. Leo Fish, 8 Huguenot Drive , has lived there since September , 1929= He stated he was in favor of the closing of this road. He -- said he had many times taken up with the Police Department , the idea of making Lafayette Road. a ore-way street or closing it be- cause of the dangerous corner at the intersection. of Lafayette , Huguenot Drive and Chatsworth Avenue , He said he believed- the Police would verify the fact that this is a danger spot® Mr. Pat Giacomo, P:adison Avenue , Town, stated that he is one of the owners of property running from Fifth Avenue to Lafayette Road. He said he believed that closing the street would decrease the value of his property® He opposed the application. He also stated that he believed , if the road were closed , it would create a fire hazard® Mr. Joe Giacomo , Tradison Avenue , Town, opposed the application, saying if the road were closed. it would delay a fire truck going to a fire. Lrs . ;Sam Cariero, 627 Fifth Avenue , Town, opi_osed the application. Mir. Anthony Cariero, Fifth Avenue , Town, said he had been there for the past 25 years. Sewers have been put in and the section improved® He registered opposition to closing the road. &'_r® Golly said he owns a greenhouse on Fifth Avenue and about 30% of his customers use Lafayette and Mra.dison Avenue to come to - his shop. He said he did not believe any of the older residents in that section would want the road closed® T:Tany times , he said 11we need the Police because of trouble 7,ith childrenl' , etc. The street has been there , 1Tr . Golly said. , about 40 years ; also there has been a property dispute and his property line has been moved 8 feet, This was to accommodate a new building put up by Yr. Carnoy. He said , 9117e are going to tr,,,7 to straighten out that situation" ® '785 Mr. Robert G. P/oelfel , Ed.gewood Avenue , said he occasionally used this road and he did not believe in closing public streets. The Supervisor explained, in reply to a. request that the fire hazard be explained , that the Chief was present but he believed it might influence the situation in some way. Mr. F. Tilliams said he owned 300 feet on Fifth Avenue and Lester Place . He registered opposition. Mr. T�loelfel asked if the situation could be explained. and Supervisor Vandeville said he thought Mr. Ricardi could. do this. Mr. Rex Ricardi , 15 Lafayette Road , said he and the other residents from Lafayette Road were at the meeting to respectfully urge the Board to dead.-end 11adison Avenue . He said some of the oldest resi- dents of Larchmont, including Hr. Fish , Major Thompson and also the Police Chief were in accord with this. Mr. Ricardi said. they were concerned t-ith the deterioration of the community. He said he did not wish to infringe on anyone ° s rights. They get better police protection nog„ and are well aware of the fire hazard and inconvenience they will experience if the road is closed. He said he has lived there 6 years and has never seen apiece of fire equipment go through Lafayette Road. He said they also appre- ciated the difficulty of getting to the hospital in case of an emergency but "we are willing to take that risk" . FIT. Ricardi CYent on, "but unless we are insi.11ated in some way and I am not spea'__ing of segregation or discrimination. In my daily life , I an associated with an organization v�,Thich stands four-square against anything of the sort. But we have witnessed the deterioration and if a beach-head is established and we are compelled to move and the assessments drop and taxes go down, ve will lose , but eventually the section above will be affected. Then I moored in, the street was 1/2 feet higher than it is now." - rir . Ricardi said his remarks were "not connected1rTit'_h any political angle or monetary cause" . "There was a commercial aspect to it at one time" , he said , "but the residents d;4dn°t go along r?ith that" . Carnoy and Kr. 7 otter had aprroached the residents with an idea of building multiple dwellings and closing the street , but this was rejected.. Tt[r. flTorton H. Engel , 6 Lafayette Road said he believed it would in- crease the value of Pat Giacomo' s property. He has seen children nearly hit by a car on three occasions. Er. Louis Bernstein, 1 Huguenot Drive , said. his son had a very narrow escape. In his judgment , during the middle of the daY , 75e of the traffic going '.down that street; . is corwiercial. He believes the traffic goes through what is obviously a residential street, to avoid the light. 2,1rs . Donald Hobbs , Madison Avenue , said there are 30 little c'-:ildren k on Tladison Avenue and Lafayette Road. She said they themselves had put up signs and she had attempted. to police the road, all to no avail. Mr. Giacomo registered his opposition to closing the road. !l?rs , Leo Fish said Lafayette is a. ne':* street and she wondered what _J people did before it was built. She was in favor of closing it. Mr. Henry Rothman, 22 Lafayette Road, said he made a test and started on Chatsworth Avenue and Huguenot Drive , and driving 24 miles an hour , it took him 15 seconds. He then proceeded to go to the same point by way of Chatsworth: Avenue and T"yrtle Boulevard and it took 6G seconds. He said "1"e are quibbling about 45 seconds" . I Mr. Ralph Thite , 16 Lafayette Road said he wished to protect the children. Yr. Robert S. MacCallum, 8 Lafayette Road , said he had lived on Lafayette Road 8 years and he t'-ought Mr. Ricardi had made a very important point when he said the road had. settled 3 1/2 feet and disregarding the traffic hazard., there has been a break in the street at least $ times. During the summer , there was a break in the water main on Havilands ' lawn. He said he believed from the economic point of view, the road should be closed. -- lir . Carnoy said there is nothing new about this problem. 1Ir . Foote told him that when the first house was built there , Mr. Allen had asked him to close the road. Mr. Donald Hobbs , 97 P,ladison Avenue , said he would like to see the street closed. Mrs . R. bert S. 11acCallum spoke about the proposed new truck high- way . She said a natural exit for that parkway would be there , which would add to the hazard of "our street" . Supervisor Mandeville said the tentative plan for the express high- way is to be parallel with the railroad and the outlet ;mould be at the road near the incinerator. YLT,.. 1ulp, II Lafayette Road , said his boy had been one of those who was hit. He would like to see the road closed. Mr. Sam Cariero said in all the years he has lived in Larchmont , there has never been such a request . He said "I never heard of such a thing in Plestchester County" . IIe went on, M l'hen we finally got Fifth Avenue improved and. the houses built , iTfe always welcomed. people". Then a request was made to have Madison Avenue improved and it was granted. 1147e can' t help the situation now. 71e helped pay taxes for this improvement and now they don't want us to use it . They should pay back the Town for the sewer and road and then shut it off and make a private nark of it. If you should close that street there is nothing to stop people from closing other streets . In other words , I understand our tax is not just an area or district tax but includes the whole toTVnship. If there are any more of these requests and if this goes through I think it will be discrimination." P.Zr. Giacomo said he owned trucks and had insurance and his insurance cost $400. a truck and his license plates 8100. a truck. Supervisor Mandeville said he tirould like to bring up oneuest;on. This situation was brought about by a petition which requested a public hearing. There was a suggestion that these people would like to have it considered on a trial basis. In other words , instead of closing the street entirely , there would be a barrier for some limited time. This would naturally not eliminate foot traffic. Mr. Ricardi said this had been his suggestion and he felt they had earned the right to a trial. Councilman Embury asked what Mould be thought of a traffic light or a slower speed limit . The answer was in the negative. Councilman Hills asked if every property owner on the street had agreed to the closing . The reply was "yes" . . A letter , dated. September 14th , 1949 , v'+"as received. from Charles i4® Baxter , an attorney, stating that he represented 7auve Realty Corpor- ation and that they were opposed to the closing of Madison Street . Supervisor Yandeville announced the public hearing closed and said the Board would adjourn to the Council Room. The Town Clerk reported that he had received two bids in answer to an advertisement published , for the purchase of three Harley-Davidson motorcycles® The bids are as follows- James R. _R.anso:ne , La.rchmort , 7T. Y. X2 ,365.40 Reggie Pink, Inc. , Chite Pla.irs , ITF, Y. 2 ,369.90 The bids 5,,rere referred to Chief Yerick for recommendation and it was suggested that he look into the matter of the carburetor on the nevTv machines; . The Town Clerk rresented an affidavit of publication of notice to bidders for the construction of shore proteCtlOn Of Lal'ChmOnt Gar-dens Lake in the Town of Namaroneck. The following bids were received- Name of Bidder- Item I Item II Dominick Marrello & Son fi15,coo. S1 y200. Peckham Road Corporation 3 ,695. 1x200® Barber & Coccola 2 ,500. 750. Nunzio Fiore 9,700® 200. Fred Girardi Construction Corp. 11 ,950. 790. Following Discussion and on motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Mills , it was unanimously RESO VED that the above bids be referred to the Town Engineer and to the Park Department with power to act. The Clerk read a letter dated August lst , 1949 , addressed to Super- visor P,'ar_devi lle by Chief Yerick in which the Chief e::plair.ed that the Hotorola Communications System had given excellent service to - date . The coverage has been complete in every respect and the mairterance expense is at an absolute minimum. A letter dated September 9th, 1949, was received from Mr. L. R. Dodson, Secretary of the Board of Police Commissioners, together with the application of Lieutenant Paul Euiler for retirement, effective October lst, 1949. It was the recommendation of the Police Com- mission that this application be accepted. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge this with regret . A letter dated September 14th, 1949, was received from Chief Paul A. Yerick, informing the members of the Board that a testimonial dinner honoring Lieutenant Euiler and Sergeant Boivin tarould be held at the Sagamore Inn, on ?Monday, September 19th, at 7®45 P . 1J. The members of the Board made note of the date . The Clerk read a letter dated August 5th, 1949, sent to Supervisor Mandeville from Mr. Frank E . Booth in which 11r. Booth commended the Supervisor and the Highway Department for their prompt attention to his request for the removal of two trees . The Clerk presented a pamphlet received from the Westchester County Planning Board . The Clerk was instructed to send this pamphlet to the Zoning Board. A letter dated September 14th, 1949 was received from 11r. L. R. Dodson, Secretary of the Board of Police Cor_:r°issioners, together with the application of Sergeant Louis Boivin for retirerent, effective October lst, 1949. It was the recormendation of the Police Commis- sion that this application be accepted . The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge this with regret . 791 A letter dated September 13th, 1949, was received from the Reverend John J. Flynn, in which he conveyed his personal thanks and also the gratitude of the Catholic residents of the Weaver Street area, for the approval which the Council granted for the use of the Weaver Street Fire House Auditorium for Sunday services . The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge this with thanks . A letter dated August 5th, 1949, together with a report relative to operation of buses of the County Transportation Co. , Inc . in the Town of Mamaroneck for the six months ending June 30, 1949, was presented. The following were presented: Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society for July and August, 1949 ; Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, August, 1949; Building Report , August, 1949; Town Clerk' s Report, August, 1949 ; Statement of Bank Balances as of September 1, 1949; Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January lst to June 30th and January lst to July 31st, 1949; Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures, January lst to June 30th and January lst to July 31st, 1949; Analysis of Estimated Revenues, January lst to June 30th and January lst to July 31st , 1949; List of Claims Audited and Paid by the Comptroller from August 3rd to September 14th, 1949; Attendance Report for August, 1949 . The Town Clerk requested authorization to publish the usual regis- tration notice in the Daily Times . On r,.otion made by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of Section 75 of the Election Law, a notice be published in the Daily Times on September 30th and October 7th, 1949, giving a list of the places of registration within the Town of Mamaroneck, a statement of the days and hours of registration and a brief description of the boundaries of each election district in the Town. The Town Clerk requested permission to destroy some old worthless equipment now stored at the Chatsworth Avenue School. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to destroy t'le following worthless equipment: 10 upright stands 6 desks 2 tables Councilman Matson presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll, so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Mills, the following resolution was , upon roll call, unanimously adopted: w!1EREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain ,years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code , known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS. after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said roll, ' i I II NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949 and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950 which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec. Elk. Lot Name Land onlZ 1 52 28 to 33 Trans , Oceanic (133-42) Trdg . Co. , Inc . $1, 500. be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec.Blk. Lot Name Land only 1 52 30 to 33 Theodore Sirkin 1,000® (133-42) & trT 1 52 28 & 29 Trans-Oceanic (133-52) Trading Corp. 500. FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 19481 taxes of 1949 and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950 which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: I Sec . Blk, Lot Name Land Imo. Total 1 66 lA & 1C 17n . A. Palmer Est . 49800 200 5, 000 (131-328) (Town of 1�iar aroneck) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: See . Elk. Lot Nare Land Imp. Total_ 1 66 1D Carl Ronconi 800 800 (131-343) 1 66 1A & 1C Smith Const . Co. 49000 200 4, 200 (131-328) FURT-ITTER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949 whicP shovs property now appearing or the roll as follows: Sec . B1k.Lot Name Land Irip. Total 2 8A 95 to 103 Jane Cornell 49800 3, 000 79800 (205-48) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Narre Land Imp. Total 2 8A pt ® 95 96 & 103 (205-51) .48 acres Harold H. Dugan 1, 500 3,000 4, 500 2 8A pt . 95 25 x 140 (205-4.8) .06 ac . Jane Cornell 175 175 2 8A 97 to 102 (205-59) 1.06 ac . Jane Cornell 3,125 3, 125 I I 7 I FURTI�R RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1949 taxes of 1950, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk._Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 8A 95 to 103 Jane Cornell $49800 . 16, 500 219300 (205-48) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 8A pt . 95 96 & 103 (205-51) .48 acres Harold H. Dugan 19500 16, 500 18,000 2 8A pt. 95 25 x 140 (200-48) .06 ac . Jane Cornell 175 175 2 8A 97 to 102 (205-59) 1.06 acres Jane Cornell 3, 125 3, 125 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 taxes of 1949 and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950 which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk._Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 28A B (213-175) Julius Alexander 23, 600 5,000 289600 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: -- Sec . B1kkLot Name Land Imp. Total 2 28A C .436 ac . Carl J. Carpino & w 1, 500 3 , 500 5,000 (213-285) 2 28A B Julius Alexander 227100 1, 500 23, 600 (213-175) FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 taxes of 19499 which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows- Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 17 9.63 acres Highridge Realty Co. 13, 150 15, 250 284400 (210-789) (211-333) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: !, Sec`Bik._Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 17 Plot .12Ac John K. t?ilson & vP 500 500 (210-950) 2 17 9.51 ac . (210-789) (211-333) Highridge Realty Co 12,650 15, 250 279900 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1949 taxes of 1950, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: 7 Sec . Blk. Lot Iiar:e Land Imp. Total 2 17 9.63 ac (210-789) (211-333) Hio'nridge Realty $16, 650 15, 250 31, 900 Co. be corrected as follov.s in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk_. Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 17 .12 acres (210-950) John K. 17ilson & T 500 500 2 17 9. 51 ac . (210-769) (211-333) Highridge Realty Co .16, 150 15,250 31,400 FURTIT,R RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 (taxes of 1949) and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950 ich show property now appearing on the roll as follows : Sec . BIk.. Lot Name Land only 7 42 1B Howard S . Heighan 7 42A 4A & t1,. 49000 (714-94) (Geo. ;. Sheldon) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot ITame_ Land on 7 42A 42 (714-96) Floyd A . Ewald & Pi 2, 500 (77 .5 x 110 ir .) 7 42 1B) 7 42A 4A) 92.5 x (714-94) 100 ir . Howard. S. T_'eighan &, *;"d 1, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 taxes of 1949 and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950 which shoiia property now appearing on the roll as follows : Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 8 8 63 to 68 Briarcliff Con- (811-130) struction Co . 2, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 8 8 66 to 68 Banjarin F . Andruss 1, 250 (811-130) 75x95 i 8 8 63 to 65 Briarcliff Const . (811-136) 75x95 Co. 19250 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949, and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950 which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land. onlz 8 25 17 & 18 Fred B. Barber (815-827) & 7. $1, 500 (Vil. of ilamk. ) 749 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land onl5r 8 25 18-24100 Albert A. Sichel & W $ 750 (615-827) I 8 25 17 - 25x100 Fred B. Bamber & 7 750 (815-630) -- I FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949, and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950, which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land Imp. Total 8 64 11 to 13 Est . of Emily Foley 2, 250 69000 81250 (802-104) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land Imp. Total 8 64 12&13 Roy H. Foley, 1, 500 3,000 41500 (802-119) Ex. & Ors . 8 64 11 Herbert L. Johnston (802-104) & TI 750 3, 000 3, 750 FUME= RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949, and the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950, which show property now appearing on the roil as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land Imp. Total 9 19 19, 198 & 2 Theo . Bataakes 22, 500 109000 32, 500 (906-87) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land Imo. Total 9 19 2 50x110.5 Theo. Bataakes 18,200 1,000 19,200 (906-S7) 9 19 19 & 19B Lightbody Bros 4,300 9,000 13000 (906-320) 50x80 rear FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 taxes of 1949, and the assessment roll of 19492 taxes of 1950, which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only i — ' 9 74 9,10211 Lionel E. Pavlo $16,000 (942-31) so be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of ,Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 74 9A, 106 sq.ft. Waverly P. Cohen 25 . (942-63 0) 9 74 9,10,11 (942-31) 64,400 sq.ft. Lionel E. Pavlo 152975 . FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948: taxes of 1949, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec. Elk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 229,1025 Edmund LaVoie 16,190. 4,6,5 & 7 (956-175,250'27223062332,320,2245 & 236) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 6 120x95 Louise Salko & (956-320) Hus. 2,535 . 9 104 4A 60x100 Louise Salko & (956-332) Hus. 555 . 9 104 2,9210,52 4B,5 & 7 -- (956-175,250,272006 Edmund LaVoie 12,500. 335,2242 . & 236) FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 2,9,1O,S 1/2 of 4 5 & 7 Edmund La Voie 12,500. (956-1752250,272 3062 3382224,236 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 5 120x100 William C. Wallenstein 1,710. (956-224) 9 104 7A (956-236) 70xl0O William C. Wallenstein 900. 9 104 229310, 8,4B,7B Edmund LaVoie 92890. (956-1753250,272 3062338,243 i FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 12,229210 8x/+ 5,6,& 7 Edmund LaVoie $18,400 (956-123,175) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 12B Charles Pindyck 1,090. (956-128) 52 1/2 x 150 ir. 9 104 12A Alvin Finger 12120. (956-123) 52 1/2 x 150 9 104 219,10,8, 426252 7 Edmund LaVoie 162190. (956-175,250) FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 12,7,9, 1018,4 Edmund LaVoie 16, 500. (956-123,236,259, 272,3062332 ) be corrected as follows in accordance Trith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 12B Charles Pindyck 1,090 (956-128) 52 1/2 x 150 ir. 9 104 12A Alvin Finger 1,120 (956-123) 52 112 x 150 9 104 7,92102 8 & 4 Edmund LaVoie 1/+2290 (956-2362250 272, 306,332] FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1949 taxes of 1950, which shows property now appear- ing on the roll as follows: -- Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 719,102 8 & 4 Edmund LaVoie 142290 (956-236,250 272, 306,332] be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec . Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 -104 _ 4,A 60x100 Louise Salko & Hus.$ 855 . 9 104 719,10 8 & 4B Edmund LaV (956-236,250 2722 oie 13,455. 306,3385 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1949, taxes of 1950, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 7,91101 8 & 4B Edmund LaVoie $132435 . (956-236,250 2722 306,3383 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Sec. Blk. Lot Name Land only 9 104 7A 55x100 ir. William C. (956-236) Wallenstein 900. 9 104 9,10,8 4B & 7B Edmund LaVoie 122535 . (956-250,272 306 338,243] Councilman Embury stated that he had nothing to report for his departments. Supervisor Mandeville said he had received a resolution from the Vil- lage of Mamaroneck, requesting approval of a sale of property known as Block 12, Lot 15, to John J. DeRuzza. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Mills, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, through the institution of an action in the County Court of Westchester County, entitled, "In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens pursuant to Article VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village of Mamaroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 194511 has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck hold tax liens on said parcels of real property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law, an agree- ment was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck which, among other things, set forth the inter- ' ests of said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales; and WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck has, pursuant to an agreement had with the Town of Mamaroneck, advertised for and has heretofore received bids on certain properties owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck has given consideration thereto and after due deliberation, accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms therein set forth; and WHEREAS, since receipt of said bids, this Board has given con- sideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms therein set forth: LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTION 9 Town Village �,,r Total Assessed Elk. par. Blk. Bas Bidder Amount Valuation Terms 901 285 12 15 John J. DeRuzza $150. $1,o00, cash Supervisor Mandeville requested a resolution setting October 3rd, 1949 as the date for the next auction of Town owned property. On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the next- auction of Town owned property will be held on October 3rd, 1949 in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House at 8:15 P . M. Supervisor Mandeville requested a resolution extending the sick leave of Charles Seufert, Custodian, and the continuation of his son in his place. On motion made by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Mills, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Charles Seufert, Custodian, be and he hereby is granted an extension of leave of absence from September lst to December lst, 1949,, and FURTHER RESOLVED that John Seufert be and he hereby is appointed to continue as Custodian during the absence of Charles Seufert. The Supervisor informed the Board that a tax note in the amount of $35,171.48 was due on September lst, 1949. He reminded the Members of the Board that this note was issued to the Town of Mamaroneck General Funds for funds advanced to make payment due to the School Board for the balance of the 1948 School levies. He stated that there had been collected to date $16,582 .36, leaving a balance of $18,589.12, which is represented by tax liens bid in by the Super- visor at the annual sale of tax liens, held May 25th, 1949, and which are now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck. This amount can be paid by the use of General Town Surplus Funds which are available. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Mills, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to liquidate on his books and records, the tax note in the amount of $35,171.1,.8, which is payable to the General Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck and which note represents the amount advanced to pay the balance of the 1948 School levies. Councilman McKeever reported on the rubbish situation in the Town. He said that 24 loads had been picked up during the month of September. Councilman Mills submitted the following reports: i Fire Report for August, 1949 August 3, 10:35 P . M. 11:00 P . M. Box 543, Still alarm, remains of demolished building rear of Town Yard. No damage, Engine 3, Mellor. August 10, 12?26 P . M. 12: 50 P. M. Box 512, Minor alarm, Hommocks Road, brush fire, no damage, Engine 3, Muller. - August 11, 10:20 P. M. 10:35 P . M. , Box 137, Still alarm, Homer Avenue and Murray Avenue, wooden platform ignited from combustion - of wet lime. No damage, Engine 3, Deputy Chief Thomsen. August 25, 7:15 P . M. 7:30 P. M. Box 211, Full alarm, No. 26 Harmon Drive . Rubbish in cellar ignited. Apparent cause, wet garden lime. No damage, Engine 2, Truck 2, Patrol, Chief Burton. August 26, 8:20 A. M. 8: 26 A. M. Box 231, still alarm, car fire, Harmon Drive, no damage, Engine 3, Muller and Testa. 8091 August 27, 9: 12 A. M. 9: 54 A. M. Box 561, Full alarm, Boiler room, Building I. Larchmont Acres, Oil on fire in boiler pit. Extinguished with fog. Phone cables destroyed and smoke damage to boiler room. Engine 2 and 3. Truck 1, Patrol, Chief Burton. August 29, 5: 10 A. M. 8:30 �L. M. Box. 251, full alarm, Pautke, 918 Harmon Drive, oil burner, damage confined to burner, Engine 2, Truck 2, Patrol, Chief Burton. August 30, 11:56 P. M. 12:40 A. M. , Box 111, Emergency call, Milford Church, Gables Apartments, stricken with heart attack. Oxygen ad- ministered. Patient revived. Patrol, Mellor and Pendergast. Summary: 1 emergency call 3 still alarms 1 minor alarm 3 full alarms Respectfully submitted, Geo. Burton Chief Inspector' s Report for July. 1949 Bonnie Briar Club. The following corrections on the top floor which is used primarily as sleeping quarters for eight or more employees, have been fully complied with. Al. installatio of outside exit door and metal fire escape 2. installation of inside exit to second floor 3 . installation of additio al extinguishers 4. installation of Bx cable in place of rubber covered wire 5 . installation of red electric exit signs 6. increase of pressure on standpipes The serious hazard to life which had prevailed in these quarters in -- case of fire has been, to a large extent, eliminated. In addition, operations necessary to control a fire in this part of the house have been simplified and expedited because the additional stairs provide easier and more convenient means of entrance. Considering the age and construction of the premises possibility of a serious fire is, at a minimum. Arcade Building. Frequent instructions to tenants to exert every effort to eliminate rubbish and other hazards . Considering age and construction, conditions satisfactory. j All other multiple dwellings and business establishments in good condition. Water Company again requested to comply ,Tith requests regarding painting and testing of hydrants. Fence erected by Mr. Carnoy encroaching on Town property corner of York and Durham Roads, make use of hydrant at that intersection impractical. Referred to Water Company and Mr. Foote. No response. Respectfully submitted, Geo . Burton Fire Inspector Councilman Mills presented a list of claims for Fire Department expenditures and stated that he had checked the bills and recommended approval and payment. i i I The members of the Town Board sitting as the Board of Fire Commis- sioners considered the claims and on motion by Councilman Mills, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and thtt the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: Arthur M. Brown $50.00 County Motor Products, Inc. 4.05 Joe & Patsys 5 .00 Lott-Merlin, Inc. 9.00 G. W. Merrell 21.86 Myrtle Garage, Inc . 2-.35 - New York Telephone Co. 8.75 Wesco Paint & Glass Co. 14.76 Westchester Lighting Co. 43 .45 A. & A. Automotive Co. 12.70 New York Telephone Co. 5 . 50 $178.12 The Town Attorney submitted a letter from Messrs. Dunlap, Otto & McGovern, together with an affidavit made by Dante, Porricolo in con- nection with a request made by Mr. Porricolo for the issuance of a duplicate lien on premises known as Block 609, Parcel 307, in order that he may satisfy the same. After discussion, and upon recommendation of the Town Attorney, the following resolution, moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Council- __ man McKeever, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Dante Porricolo, residing at No. 43 Bayard Street, New Rochelle, New York, is owner of Block 609, Parcel 307, on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, and also the owner of a certain tax lien for taxes on said Block 609, Parcel 307, levied for the year 1946, having purchased the same from the Town of Mamaro- neck on May 28th, 1947, totalling $58.55; and WHEREAS, said lien was among the papers and other possessions, together with a number of other liens on the same property, also owned by Dante Porricolo; and WHEREAS, through some inadvertence or accident, the said lien for the year 1946 was lost; and WHEREAS, Dante Porricolo has satisfied all prior liens on said property except the one for the year 1946, which he cannot locate, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a duplicate lien covering premises known as Block 609, Parcel 307 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, sold by the Town_ on May 28th, 1947 (taxes of 1940 may be issued pursuant to the pro- visions of the Westchester County Tax Law (Section 582 of the Westchester County Administrative Code) so that the same may be surrendered to the Receiver of Taxes, together with a satisfaction, and marked satisfied. Mr. Robert Marcus appeared before the Board to request further policing of Richbell Road, suggesting that a silent policeman be placed at the entrance to Richbell Road . It was suggested that he contact the Police Commission. Chief Burton appeared and requested permission to have the patrol car painted. He stated that he had received the following bid.s: Myrtle Garage, Inc. $375 .00 Peter McEvoy & Son, Inc. 395 ®00 -_ Following discussion and on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Mills, it was unanimously -- RESOLVED that the estimate of Myrtle Garage, Inc. in the sum of $375 ® for painting and lettering the patrol wagon be and the same hereby is accepted. Chief Burton also said that he had received very favorable comment concerning the use of the Fire Hoiz e Auditorium for Church services . There being no further business, the meeting ad.journed at 10:15 P . M. to meet again on October 5th, 1949- T Cl k i i I