HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949_05_04 Town Board Minutes 6791
iiiINL�T'ES OF A REGTTLAR i �'ITIP' G 0� T?'E � 0'�IP' BOARD OF � -TE T O1 T 0
PRESENT : Supervisor Sandeville
Councilmen: Embury, '7atson , Mills and iTcKeever
Presence Tuas also noted of Town Attorney Delius , Town Accountant
Finson and Town Clerk Gronberg.
Supervisor F!iandeville called the meeting to order at 8:15 o 'clock
P. M. (Daylight Saving Time)
T!"r . Alan L. Carnoy appeared before the Board and stated that IFr.
A. J. Foote was preparing a map for him which was incomplete at
this time . He wondered whether the Board would like to listen to
his proposal. The Supervisor suggested that , inasmuch as Mr.
Foote Is ?plan would have to be considered., Frr. Carnoy should vrait
until the plan is complete and appear at a subsequent meeting of
the Board.
Fir. J. VI. Floreth and_ LTr. Robert Williams , representatives of the
Larchmont Acres Tenants ' Association, appeared before the Board and
stated that they were seeking relief from two most annoying situa-
tions. The first was the muddy and dirty condition of Richbell
Road. Concerning t'-_is , they wished to make part of the record , a
letter n*ritten by i,r. Thomas Farmer , dated. April 26 , 1949 , and
published in the Tlarlaroneck Daily Times . The letter follows :
"Editor , The Daily Times :
-- Dust Bowl conditions on Richbell Road from Palmer to the Post Road
have reached_ an unbelievable disreputability - (yes , that y7ord is in
the dictionary - the ones I really v�rant to use would have to be printed
on asbestos. ) For over a. 1,7ear , now, the a.pastment projec
t has been
changing from the mildly irritating stage to an absolute nuisance .
I have never seen a municipality permit such disregard of r_ ublic
welfare and safety. True , the Town did put some gravel in the six
inch deep holes , w1nich stayed about 48 hours . If the authorities had
to sleep here at the Acres with the cars clanking into these holes
all right , I am sure the next day would find. the Road Department
filling them with a properly bonded material which 7,ould stay put.
All this last Sunday afternoon traffic was limited to one wa-'r
due to from 12 to 16 cars which people moving in, had parked 'head
on into the curb , adding to the bad condition caused by the open
trench. Had they been forced to park parallel to the curb, as we do
in obedience to police regulations , the bottle-neck would have been
just the length of the open trench. And why don't they park parallel?
Because the rzud and dirt is so thick for about four or five feet
from the curb on that side of the street that no one can get out of
a. car. They have pulled, planks out from the curb to wal!, on, then
go away and leave these planks sticking out into the street , hence
causing all the crazy parking. Even the workmen arriving between
7:30 and 8 A. NI. on a. perfecth7 Clear street (because we 've been put
off at night) park bumper to bumper on our side of the street leaving
na.ry a s�a.ce for an Acreite to pull up later in the morning,
77hen it rains the whole street is a shambles of mud - when dry , the
dust that hangs i_n the air is choking. 7indo77s can never be opened
during the day and now, even the nights are bad if not worse , because
all cars bounding through raise it in clouds behind them. You see ,
it ncrr includes all the dirt from last summer plus tons more added
in the last six months - (less , of course , that which has been de-
posited in the Acres Apartments via windows and footsteps. )
Exaggeration is defined by ITr. Webster as 'To enlarge beyond the normal '
- These conditions are very certainly 'beyond the normal ' but I have
-. not exaggerated one iota.
17hat has become the most densely populated electoral area in the
torinshiW certainly deserves better consideration than it has been
As 7inston Chur. c- ill said in returning a criticism of his having
ended a sentence i"Tith a preposition - this is the type of mismana.ge-
ment 'up with which I «ill not put. '
Thomas Farmer"
The Supervisor explained that he was entirely sv-mpathetic and. aware
of the condition of this road and said. he would -have Chief Yerick
a-jpear before the Board and explain what vra_s being done to clear up
the situation.
Lir. Floreth then -oresented a petition signed_ by the residents of Larch-
mont Acres , protesting the ban on all-night parking on Richbell Road,
T!,,r. Floreth said that it was the understanding of the tenants that
this was , in a sense , a discriminatory measure as this restriction is
not beinF� enf orced in any other area in the Town. The Town Clerk
was instructed to refer this netiticn to the Police Commission 77ith
the Board's recommendation that this ban be lifted.
iTr . Alfred S . Schechter , an attorney from T� hite Plains , appeared in
behalf of the L,Iodern Swimming Pool Company , Inc. and stated that his
client vrished to request a contract conditioned upon a change in
zoning rather than upon a. variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals ,
to hermit him to use the nroDerty for business. Fellol.- ing a lengthy
discussion, the Board was unanimous in its decision that the contract
must be co_-Aitioned uron obtaining a variance from the Zoning Board.
Chief Yerick ,rho had been called, in, explained the difficulties he
has had -1-ith the contractor of the ne7T apartments on Richbell Road..
In col:.cli-sion the Chief said he r,,ould do his best to see that the
conditions are remedied.
The minutes of April 6th, 1949 were anrroved as presented.
The To-,rn Clerk read a letter dated April 29th , 1949 , received from
the Fordham Transit Company, Inc. , requesting permission from the
Town of Pamaroneck to overate buses over the short strip of Palmer
Avenue Extension which is located in the Town, 11'et77een the Nero
Rochelle boundary-line and the Village of La.rchrnont. The roembers
of the Board decided to take no action at this time , Wending sore
definite action by the Village of Larchmont< The Town Clerk t?as
instructed to advise Fordham Transit Company, Inc. of this decision.
The following reports vrere ordered received and placed on file :
Report of Receiver. of Taxes and Assessments for April , 1949
Building Report for April , 1949
TOTiari Clerk's Report for April , 1949
Attendance Report for April , 1949
Clams Audited and Paid from April 6 to ITay 4, 1949
Summary of Receipts and Disbursements , January 1 to Ivtarch 31 , 1949
Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures , January 1 to
I:4arch 31, 1949
Analysis of Estimated Revenues , January 1 to L'Tarch 319 1949
Statement of Bank Balances as of May 1, 1949
Councilman Watson presented a petition received from the Assessor
for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the
apportion ment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman 'Iatson, seconded by Councilman Eirbury ,the
following resolution was , upon, roll call, unanim..ously adopted:
"MERP_AS , the Assessor has presented a petition for the cor-
rection of the assessment roll for certain years , rursuaant
-- to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the hlest-
chester County Administrative Code , krmrm as the Westchester
Count, Tax Law; and
7,°77EREAS , after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction of
said gssessment roll ,
RESOLVIED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949
which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Sec Llk Lot flame Lard_ only
6 (608-582,593 a.
681 also
614-588 Post RdQ ,Sec. Corp. S650A
be corrected as follows , in accordance with the provisions
of subdivision 5 of Section 557*
Sec DIU,. lot Name Land only
6 (614-588) Post Road- Securities Corp. X140
6 (608-582) H. ii. Shields 20
6 (608-593) Roswell C . Nye 215
6 (60-616) Eterimer Realty Co. , Inc. 115
6 (608-630) Roswell C . Nye 50
6 (608-618) 110
Councilman rtatson reported that it would be necessary to make a few
repairs to the Incinerator to get it in shape for the su,-raer , namely,
the motor operating the ?gain doors , the main dampers and the furnace
Councilman Em-bury stated he had nothing to report for his departments.
Upon motion made by Councilman 7Jills , seconded by Councilman E`cKeever ,
the fotlovrin,_ resolution was unanimously adopted:
7I.1?EREAS , Fire Lieutenant Patrick J. Nolan has served the Town P
of IJamaroneck as a paid fireman since 1919; and
I'T HEREAS , for 30 vears he has rendered faithful service to the
Fire Department of the Town of I,Iamaroneck and devoted himself
wholeheartedly to the duties imposed upon him, and in addition
thereto, has earned the affection and respcet of the Fire Dis-
trict of the Unincorporated Section of the Torn of 1,Zarnaroneck�
7 1HEREAS , he has now applied for retirement as of June 1st , 1949 ,
under the applicable provisions of law,
Y197 , TgrRF H ORE, BE IT
RESOLVED that this Board extends to Fire Leiutenant
Patrick_ J. TTola.n, its thanks and aT)nreciation for his
long and faithful service and grants to him 30 days '
terminal leave of absence , with -pay.
FuTRTHF:Ri RFSOhVED that the Clerk be directed to send a
carry of this resolution to Fire Lieutenant Patrick J.
After discussion, on motion made by Councilman ll:TcKeever , seconded
by Councilman a°]atson , it was , upon roll call, unanimously:
RESOLVED that Dominick L.oia.coni and Alfred Johnson
who are nor* employed as sanitation men on a per
diem basis and e—emr_t from civil service , be
11 placed on a salary basis as of Hay 1 , 1949.
FT?RriNER RESOLVED that the amount of their
salary be fixed at X2 ,590. per year , and
that the amount necessary to compensate
them for the balance of the year 1949 be
transferred from the item '?'ages" to "salary
of Sanitation Yen" in the Garbage District
Budget for 1949.
The Supervisor Presented to each councilman, a list of hi_ghviay
equipment which is no longer o_ use to the ToTr and he recomnend.ed
its sale . On notion by Councilman Embu.ry , seconded by Councilman
J.IcKeever , it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby instructed
to insert the folio?^ring notice in the Yamaroneck
Deilt Times :
The To-7n Board of t'.%?e Town of T1ar,aroneck has for
sale , miscellaneous equipment , a list of rr,ich ma.1T be
obtained from the Town Clerk.
It is being sold on an "as is" basis and can be
inspected at the Town Yard, Palmer Avenue , Larchmont ,
Ne York.
Bids should be addressed to the Tot^tn Clerk, 158
Nest Post Road , T1amaroneck, N. Y , and should be
accompanied by a check for the amount of bid.. The
envelope should be marked on the outside : "Bid. for
Hiscellaneous Ecuipment" . Bids will be accepted on
individual items or on all items as a unit.
Bids id ll be received until 5:00 P. !& on Tray
18, 1949.
The Town Board. reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
Dated: liay 11 , 19949 Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
Town of Mar,aroneck, N. `T
Supervisor I.Iandeville presented- a. report on the replacement
of an existing sewer in I!Iadison and Lafayette Streets , showing the
cost to Vay 3 , 1949 , amounting to $39131.98. It t^.'a.s estimated
that the entire job will cost approximately 849200.
The Supervisor stated that he had received a request from Elkan
- Park Association to lease some Town-owned propert7 in their
immediate vicinity , to be used as a playground.
on motion made by Councilman ?`Matson, seconded by Councilman
Embury, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RE SOLVED that this Board- lease to C . Benjamin Brush ,
Jr. , Edward J. O 'Rourke , Jr. , and T. Alan Conklin,
as representatives of Elkan Park Association, the
follo�.,-irg described premises , for p I_a
v g
r ound p ur-no
at a r,oi.nt in the boundary line between. lands of
the Town of T.Tama.roneck and lands now or formerly belonging
to Bingham, said point being 60.40 feet as measured. south-
easterly along said beundar7, line from its intersection
with the southerly line of Let 34 as shown on "Nap of
Elkan Park Property of Larchmont Veterans ' Building Cor-
poration" , Toran of Liar-.la.roneck, Westchester County, N. Y. ,
made by A. J. Foote . Surveyor , December 15, 1946 , and. filed
in the County Clerk' s office (Division of Land Records)
as Dian Sip. 6250; thence running along the aforementioned
bound.ar77 line S . 5€ degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds F®
52.80 feet :, S. 82 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds E . 30.60
feet ; S. 57. degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds E . 22.22 feet to
a point; thence running through lands of the Town of
I:'arnaroneck, the follot,ing courses and distances : S. 38
degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds Mt. 13?.20 feet T% 50 degrees
53 minutes 30 seconds 17. 101.0 feet and P7. 3d degrees
03 minutes 10 seconds E. 114.01 feet to the point or
place of beginning.
FTT T?3E'R RESOLVED that the Tovrn Attorney is hereby in-
structed to -ore-pare a lease which is to contain a can-
cellation clause on 30 days ' yritten notice and that
the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign
such lease .
Councilman MIcKeever presented each member of the Town Board 1,1'
a copv of the Fenimore Road Sewer Report.
Councilman hills presented the following report:
April 1 , Box -246 , 3 :15 P. 11. 3:35 P. T% 4 Dundee Road, child locked
in ba.t'_n room, Chief ' s car , minor alarm, number of men responded. 5.
April 2 , Box #=163 , 4:08 P. I?. 4: 35 P. IT. , minor alarm, Lafayette
Road and Chatsworth Avenue , Engine 39 number of men rest=on.ded., 4,
-- rubbi sn on fire , no damage . i
April 2 , Box #'163 , 6 : 57 P. P3. 7:30 P. 1!1. , still alarm, Lafayette
Road and Chatsworth Avenue , brush , no damage ; Engine 3 , number of
men responded 2.
April 3 , Box =,'544, 11:05 A. 1,11. 11:25 A. I,.. , still alarm, Rock Ridge
Drive , brash, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded 13.
April 3 , Box X414, 1-45 P. I"1. 2;06 P. IT. , still alarm, Fenimore
Road, brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded. 6.
April 4, Box ;712 , 2.40 P. rI. 2: 52 P. IJ. , full alarm, Avonmore
Apts. , Boston Post Roar'-- , sire it kitchen stove , 'ors. Bauer , Apt®
8C hurt her left arm against stove; the Doctor was called, Engine
2. Aerial Truck, number of men responded 31.
April 4 , Box , 165, 432 P. N.. 4-48 P. i:I. , still alarm, France Place
-- and Rochelle Road, brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men
responded 2.
April 4, Be--',-, -x254, 4: 55 P. PI. 5:12 P. R4. , still alarm, Rockland
Avenue and. Eton Road , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of
men responded. 2.
April 4, Box $'-411, 7;25 P. Ii. 7:45 P. I'1. , minor alarm, Fenimore
Road. & Village Line , brush , no damage , 'Engine 3 , number of men
respond-ed 45.
April 10 , Box i5ll, 9-45 A. lI. 11: 50 A. ICI. , minor alarm, Weaver
Street , brush, no damage , Eraine 3 , number of men responded 7.
April 10 , Box x=313 , 11- 50 A. 1.1. 12- 55 P. TI. , minor alarm, Sackett
Circle , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded 11.
April 10 , Box f-'163 , 11-20 A. Pd. 9 11: 45 A. £I. , still alarm, Lafayette
Road. , brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men res»o_n_d.ed
April 13 , Box ¢x261_, 4:18 P. iI. 6 :15 P. Ili. , still afarmq Baldwin
Estate , Rockland Avenue , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of
men responded 2.
April 14, Box /7216 , 11:32 A. I.E. 11:40 A. Io. , still alarm, 20 Lans-
downe Drive , *Tire from lamp burning: , no damage , Chief's car , number
of men responded 1.
April 14, Box_ 11-141 , 4: 55 P. !T- 5-17 P. Z=. , still alarm, Vine Street
brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded 3.
April 17 , Be-, x316 , 1:45 P. 11. 2 :07 P. ;. , still alarm, 14 Bonnie
7a7, , child lacked in bath room, Truck 2 , number of men responded 6..
April 17 , Box #435, 4:10 P. 1,I. 4:40 P. I& still alarm, 165 Crriffen
Avenue , short circuit in wiring; in washing machine ,. Engine 3 , number
of men responded 4.
April 21 , Box X712 , 2 -43 P. M. 3:04 Pa hI. , minor alarm in back of
Sagamore Inr_, brush, no damage , Engine 39 nu.�ber of men respond-ed 18. �1
April 24, Box X164 1:12 P. LT. 1:30 P. 14. , full alarm, 5 Pdormandy
Road. , explosion in gas range , no damage , Engine 2 , Truck 2 and
Patrol, number of men responded 63. '
April 24, Box L344, 5:20 P. P.I. 5°30 P. LI. , full alarm, Rockland. and
Forest Avenues , brush , no damage , Engine 2 , Truck 2 and. Patrol,
number of men responded 48.
April 25, Box x;`155, 9:00 A. P.I. 9:20 A. M. still alarm, 25 Hillside
Road. , child locked in bath room Truck 2 , number of men responded I,
April_ 27, Box 7'726 , 1:10 P. H. 1:40 P. P.I. , minor alarm, Wildwood
Circle , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded 13
April 27, Box 7-554, 1:00 P. M. 1:10 P. id. , still alarm, 13 Copley
Read, steam comii-ig out of hot cater boiler , no damage , Engine 3 ,
m r of men respond-ed 1.
number _
April 28, Box 742 , 1:38 P. H. 2:10 P. T. , minor alarm, Dean Place ,
brush, no d-amage , Engine 3 , number of Tien responded 5.
April 28 , Box_ 1211, 8:00 P. Idi. 8:10 P. Ij. still alarm, 187 ?""Teaver
Street , grease on fire in oven, no damage , Engine 3 , number of
men responded 5.
April 29 , Box 122 , 11:45 A. K. 12 :10 P. P.I. , minor alarm, Hy- tle
Boulevard. and Thompson Street , brush, no damage , Lngine 3 , number
of men responded 18.
April 30 , Box ¢¢174 12:36 P. Isi. 1:03 P. 1` - full alarm, 7 Acorn Lane ,
roof fire , Engine 2 , Truck 2 and Patrol , number of rnen res-,onded , 31.
Totals for month
4 full alarms
9 minor alarms
14 sti 1.1 alarms
no damage by fire
George Lt . Burton
Fire inspector
Councilman dulls presented. a list of claims from the Fire Department
totaling 4;219.96. He said. he had checked the bills and recom-
mended their a-oprova7_.
The members of the Town Board , sitting as the Board. of Fire Com-
missioners , considered the claims , and on motion by Councilman
!,,Tills , seconded by Councilman Ernbur;?, it was , upon roll call,
RESOLD that the following described claims be
and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor
and- Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized
to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire De-
nartment :
Arthur 1sI. Brown 350®00
Wesco Fire Equip. & Service 52.63
The Seagrave Cor poration 12.00
Fama.roneck Plumbing Supply, Inc. 51.38
Arrova Lamp & Gift Sho-ope 6.96
Bose & Parker Yotors Corporation 5.�7
Neva York Telephone
one Company 1._2
Councilman Pulls reported that he had an estimate from E. Lartook
in the amount of 5115.. for furnishine and. laying lineoleunm, for the
tvao entrances to the Fire House. It vaa.s suc 'ested that , perhaps ,
it mi-ht be wiser to install asphalt tile si ?ilar to that, which is
in the Council room. Councilman PdTills stated that he mould ob-
tain prices for installing asphalt tile a.nd. report at the nest
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
?vas unanimously resolved to adjourn at 9: 50 P. P. to meet again on
J,-C, r 18th , 1949.
io?Tr jerk