HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949_04_06 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR oEETIYG OF THE TOFF* BOARD OF THE TOP'N OF
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Yandeville at 8,,15
o 'clock P. P,I. (Eastern Standard Time)
PRESEYTo Supervisor I4andeville
Councilmena Embury, Watson , frills and icK_eever
The Supervisor suggested to the members of the Board that they in-
spect the auditorium of the Fire House as it has been completely
redecorated, and that they might visit the Town Offices which have
also been redecorated.
The Supervisor next took up the question of the disposition of
rubbish as hIr. Tala.ckvoy was present at the meeting in connection
r?ith this question, and lr. .Mandeville said he did not wish to
keep him any longer than necessary.
The Supervisor stated that the cost of labor for picking up rubbish ,
has risen from 81 , 578. in 1946 to 55,059. in 1948. He further
stated that notices had been sent to all residents of the Town in-
forming them that rubbish would be collected on the lst and 15th of
each month and that such rubbish must be on the curb , in containers ,
ready for these collections. The Supervisor went on to state that
at the present time there are about 30 dwellings where there are
piles consisting of anywhere from two wheelbarrows to two truck-
loads of rubbish, waiting for collection and it would take four
trucks with a loader , about a day to collect all this rubbish.
The members of the Board discussed this situation and it naas the
unanimous orinion of the Board that the Town Clerk si^ould trite to
Police Chief Yerick, informing the latter that the Town Board wishes
the Police Department to enforce the provisions of Chapter VII, Sec-
tion 3 of the General Ordinances of the Tov„rn, which provisions per-
tain to the disposal of rubbish.
It was suggested that a police officer s'.°ou.ld visit each of the
violators of the Ordinance and leave with each one ,. a printed
notice pertaining to the collection of rubbish and also inform
them of the provisions of Chapter VII , Section 3 of the General
Ordinances .
The minutes of the meeting of February 2nd , 1949 , were approved
as corrected.
The minutes of the meetings Of T rch 2nd and. 16th , 1949, were approved
as presented.
The Town Clerk presented an affidavit of publication of notice
-requesting bids for 58 pieces of 1” steel , varying from 3 ' to 10 '
in length , and weighing approximately 850 pounds.
The Town Clerk reported that one bid had been received from New
Rochelle Construction Co. , Inc . , in the amount of $80.
On motion made by Councilman TIcKeever , seconded by Councilman
Embury, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the bid of Few Rochelle Construc-
tion Co. , Inc. , in the amount of F;80. for 58
pieces of 1" steel , varying in length. from 3 ' to
101 and veighing approximately 850 pounds , be
and it hereby is accepted.
A letter , dated April 4 , 1949 , T,ra.s received from T;'r. A. Ru.kin.,
President of Ford.ham Transit Co. , Inc. , requesting that paragraphs
1 and 2 of the consent granted by the Town Board on January 21 , 19489
be eliminated.
Yr. Delius stated that it ?-as h is opinion that Paragraph 1 of the
resolution adopted by this Board on January 21 , 1948 , should not
be eliminated since it limits the route to through traffictet�^Teen
the Bronx and Westchester and excludes the possibilit77 of taking
on passengers between towns and villages north of the Bronx line.
kle stated that the Village of Yamaro_reck had granted 4 stopping
places within the Village of Liamaroneck, to the Fordham Transit
Co. , Inc . It was suggested that the bus might stop at the corner
of Richbell Road and Boston Post Road but since this point is also
in the Village of ITararoneck, no action was taken by the Board. P.7.
Delius was instructed to reply to I,Zr. Rukin and advise him concern-
ing ti-is situation.
A letter dated. March 24 , 1949 was received. from PT. L. R. Dodson,
Secretary of the Board. of Police Commissioners , notifying the Town
Board. that James J. O 'Brien, of 14 Dean Place , Larchmont , had been
appointed a patrolman.
Upon motion made by Councilman Fmbury , seconded by Councilman
Watson, it was unanimously
RESOLVF,D that James J. O 'Brien be and he hereby
is appointed to the position of patrolman temporary ,
at an annual salary of X2 ,700. effective April 1 , 1949.
FURTHT:R RL'SOLTP D that there be appropriated as compen-
sation for the said James J. O 'Brien, Patrolman, for
the balance of the near 1949, the total sum of 52 ,025.
from the Police Department Budget of 1949 "Patrolmen
$57,60o. " .
The Supervisor stated that this arpointment , at x;2 ,700, is made in
accordance *rri th the salary set forth in the resolution of this Board,
adopted December 29 , 1948 , and the salary- agreed to by Chief Yerick
at the time the budget was being prepared.
The follov7ing reports were ordered received and placed on file :
Building Report for February and Ti`arch , 1949
Torun Clerk' s Report for 1;arch , 1949
Re,00rt of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for Tlarch , 1949
Statement of Bank Balances , April 1 , 1949
List. of Claims Audited erd. Paid by the Comptroller , Harch 16 to April
6 , 1949
Attendance Report for parch , 1949
The Town Clerk presented Bond No. 5321045A, of the National Surety
Corr. in the amount of $1 ,004.63 , covering funds to be received
by the Town in connection, ,rith State Aid under Section 283 of the
Highway Law , which bond had been approved by the Town Attorney as
to f orr1.
On motion r_nade by Councilman embury, seconded by Councilman -Fatson,
it was unanimously
RF,SOLT7BD that Bond No. 5321045A of the T?a_tiona.l
Surety Corp, is approved as to form end the Super-
visor is hereby authorized to execute the same
and file the same pursuant to lau.
Councilman `7atson presented petitions received from the Assessor
for t'.e correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the
apportionment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman i' atson, seconded. by Councilman I:1ills , the
follo7,ing resolution was , u-,-on roll call , unanimously adopted-
'4FEREAS , the Assessor has presented petitions for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain
years , pursuant to the provisions of Section 557,
Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative
Code , known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and .
17-TEREAS , after due con-side_°ation , this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petitions for the cor-
rection of said assessment roll ,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes
of 1949 , which shows property naaappeari.ng on
the roll as follows .
Sec` Bk. Lot Name. Land Lnn® total
4 46A,47 & 48 Fred 'km A. Terry
(416-86) & 'I. 8,13 4-00. 18 , 500 319900
be corrected as follows , in accordance ,pith the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Sec ,_B1 Lot Name Land In;r,, Total
4 47B & 48 Kenneth B. Low
(416-112) & '':`• 4,000 -- 4,000
4 46A & 47A Fred 'ka A. Terry
(416-86) &_-F. 9 ,400 18, 500 27,900 �
FUG` ER. '3SOLVED that the assessment roll of
1948 , taxes of 1949 , which shows property note
appearing on the roll as follows :
Sec . Blk. Lot Naive Land Imp, Total
8 54A 13B Diamontino Peralta. 900 3 ,500 4,400
be corrected as follows , in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Sec.,..Ll_''. Lot Tdane Land Im,p. Total
8 54A 13B Village of
(820-500) I.4amaroneck 10 10
8 54A 13A. Diamontino
(820-54) Peralta 890 35500 4,390
FLTRTHF�R RFSOLT7FD that the assessment roll of
- - 1948 , taxes of 1949 , which sho,-Ts property now
appearing on the roll as f01107TS :
Sec . Blk. Lot Dame Land Imp. Total
9 104 various Ed.r_n_und La Voie 22,000 -- 22 ,000
(956-123 ,& 175)
be corrected as follows , in accordance with the
rovisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557=
Sec. Plk. Lot BTam,e Land Imr). Total
9 104 3 (956-212) Frank Horton &111. X3 ,600 - 3 ,600
9 104 various '�`dmund La Voie 189400 -- 18,400
(956-123 8 175)
F T TR T ME R DES0L`nD that t--e assessment roll of
1948 , taxes of 1949 , which shows -o'roperty now
aprearing on the roll as follotr*s .
Sec Blk Lot Name Land Ins. Total.
9 105 88 to 92 Satan's Toe , Inc . 9 , 500 -- 9 , 500
be corrected as follows , in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Sec Bl i. Lot mane Land I* . Total
9 105 88 to 90 .'."orris 7. Haft 6 ,000 -- 6 ,000
(961-197) ec 1IT.
9 105 91 & 92 Satan' s Toe ,InC. 3 ,500 -- 3 ,500
Councilman 'Uatson resorted that the door on the east section of the
Incinerator has been repaired and both units are no?r in use.
Councilman I:"cKeever stated he had nothing to report for his de-
partments and had not recently ins-pected the Holly Place drain.
Supervisor Ya.ndeville said the building of the drain is progressing
The Board took up the matter of the arplica.tion of Fordham Transit
Co. , Inc. , for -, err,ission to operate the present line , now termina-
ting at the Few Rochelle-11pnaroneck boundary line at Palmer Avenue ,
so as to continue along Palr_,er Avenue to the Vi'.iage of Larchrriont
to Forth Chatsworth Avenue and thence north on North Chatsworth �
Avenue to the Town Park and the east bound railroad station of
the New York, ie%,e Haven and Hartford Railroad -Station, mJhich arpli-
cation was noticed for a public hearing on the 19th of January , 1949 ,
and on which no action has been taken.
In connection with this application, Councilman 7-, bury reported that
he had contacted. 11r. 'Uang , Chairman of the Park Commission, for a
report from that Commission, and Mr. V.Tang , vaho was to be out of Town,
delegated the matter to I.-jr . Cargill , Vice Chairman. The Police
Department was requested to investigate the matter and Lieutenant
Euiler gave to the Commission, a detailed account of the situations
at its meeting held February 15th , 1949. Ttr . Embury further stated
that the Police Department is against letting the bus come into the
Station because it would mean the elimination of 8 or 10 cars to
make room for the bus and there is already a shortage of rarkir.g
space. Yr . Embury said the Police Department and Park Department
are definitel77 against letting the bus come into the station.
After discussion, on motion made b,,, Er_ibury , seconded. by
Councilman 1,11cKeever , it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the application of Fordham_. Transit Co. ,
Inc. , on which a public hearing was held. January l9th,
1949 , pursuant to public notice , is hereby denied.
Councilman ifilis submitted the following reports :
INSPECTOR°S REPOt^,,,PUI� rt? x,._1949
Oaks Haven - Incinerator screens installed- as previously directed
Larchmont Hills - conditions good, advisability of posting prohibi-
tive signs on door adjoining apartment of Nrs . De Long considered,
Chatsworth Gardens - Screen doors and awnings ordered removed. from
doorways opening unto roof. Standpipes on roof orderer', lubricated®
Stonecrest - conditions good
Alden Mouse - conditions good
Gables - co_ditions imrroved
Avienore - Incinera.tor screens not satisfactory
Hillside Arcade - conditions fair
All apartment superintendents requested to erect suitable insignia
denoting water and gas shut-offs on walls of buildings in direct
line from shut-off box at curb. Standpipe connections to be de-
noted in similar manner.
Hydrant in neva Prince hTillomrs development tested. IT'Taximum flo-;v 480
G. P. P.T. Greater floe: of seater is curtailed because this line is
reduced. to 4 inches where it passes through meter from main on Old
Flhite Plains Road,
Standpipe on third floor of Bonnie Briar Club tested:. Ineffective
stream through 5/8 inch nozzle tip,
Only exit from this floor is narrow wooden stairvay adjoining kitchen.
No standpipes on outside of building located.
From 18 to 24 persons sleep on this floor during summer , creating
serious hazard. Efforts to correct this situation in progress.
Respectfully submitted,
George T. Burton
March 8 , Box 733 , 2:15 P. ITT. 2:45 P. IT. minor alarm, Cottage Circle ,
brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 18.
Yarch 10 , Box 324, 4:45 P. PT. 5:10 P. 1T. full alarm, 12 Bonnie Briar
Lane , Engine 2 , Truck 2 , Patrol , number of men responded , 43.
March 10 , Box 712 , 7:35 F. IT, 8:00 P. iS. minor alarm, Dillon Road
and Post Road, brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded 52.
Parch 13 , Box 74-1 , 1:13 P- 1 . 1: 38 P. M. minor alarm, Dean Place ,
brush., no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded , 53.
Yarch 14, Box 123 , 1:33 P. 1I. 2:00 P. _H. , minor a.larrn, Edgewood Avenue
r d. 1 .
��e Engine number of men res ..ond-e , 5
brush , no d.�.rr.G" E 3 ,
March 14, Box 2249 2 :40 P. PEI. 2 :49 P. Y, still alarm , Fernwood Road �
and Clover Street , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men res-
ponded, 3.
March 14, Box 171, 8:45 F. LT. 9:35 P. 1T. ' full alarm, Iiaxwell Street
Incinerator Plant , no damage , excessive smoke , Engine 2 , Patrol ,
number of men responded, 43.
Harch 16, Box 432 , 9: 50 A. 1S. 10:20 A. IL.. still alarm, 0ld ltrhite
Plains Road , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 2.
March 17, Box 414, 10:04 A. I.T. 10.35 A. AT. , minor alarm, Durham Road,
brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 34.
Iiarch 17, Box 255, 5:45 P. III. 6:05 F. IT. minor alarm, Dundee Road ,
brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 26.
TCarch 24, Box 273 , 5:40 P. IT. 6:10 P. Y. , minor alarm, 71inged Foot
Drive and Fenimore Road , brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men
responded, 5.
Tla.rch 25, Box 133 , 2:37 A. 11. 2: 54 A. I.I. , still alarm, 3 Orsini Drive ,
mattress on fire in bed room, Engine 3 , number of men resronded, 1.
!larch 25, Box 133 , 7:31 A . M. 7.645 A. 1.1. 9 still alarm, 3 Orsini Drive ,
mattress on fire on porch , Engine 3 , number of men resronded, 2 .
Llarch 26 , Box 412 , 4:25 P. 11. 5:00 P. id`. , minor alarm, TTohegan Road-,
brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded. , 32.
March 28 , Box 342 , 12:30 A. Ili. 12:45 A. LET. , minor alarm, Holly Place , �
brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men resronded., 44.
March 28 , Box 176 , 7:38 A. IT. , 7:49 A. M. , minor alarm, Huguenot
Drive , brush , no damage , Engine , f men responded, 28
ne number o_
March 28, Box_ 172 , 10:12 A. H. 10:45 A. P.I. , full alarm, Fifth Avenue .
nice of lumber on fire , Engine 2 , Truck 2 , Patrol , number of men
responded , 34.
L"arch 28 , Box 381 , 10= 55 A. M. 11: 50 A. I,% , minor alarm , Durham Road. ,
brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 31.
March 28 , Box 362 , 11:08 A. M. 11: 50 A. T& , minor alarm, Bonnie Briar
Lane , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men resronded , 31.
March 28, Box 362 , 12:15 P. IT. 12:50 P. 1J. , minor alarm, Bonnie
Briar Lane , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men resronded , 21.
Larch 28, Box 163 , 2:00 P. H. 2:35 P. Ito. , still alarm, Garfield
Street , brush , no damage , Engine 1, number of men resronded , 9.
Yarch 28 , Box 362 , 1: 50 P. IT. 2:10 P. M. still alarm, Bonnie Briar
Lane , brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 2.
ITarch 28 , Box 128 , 4:11 P. 11. 4:25 P. M. , still alarm, Bryon Street ,
brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men res�.,onded. , 2.
March 28 , Box 555, 4:25 P. M. 4:40 P. M. , still alarm, Alden Road ,
brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men res-ponded , 9.
!.,'arch 28 , Box 414 , 8:05 P. E. 8:35 P. LT. , still alarm, Durham J:
Fenimore Roads , brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded , 15.
PYarch 28 , Box 144, 8:35 P. M. 8: 50 F. 1, . , still alarm, Leafy Lane ,
brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded , 19.
Na.rch 29 , Box 412 , 1:25 P. M. 2:25 P. LT. , minor alarm, Fenimore Road ,
brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men resronded, 16.
Mar- 29 , Box 413 , 6:06 P. 1.1. 7030 P. PSI. , minor alarm, Avon Road and
Fenimore Road. , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded; 33 .
March 29 , Box 158 , 8.-06 P. M. 8:36 P. 1L , full alarm, Rockingstone
Avenue , rubbish on fire along side of garage , Engine 2 , Patrol,
number of men responded , 47.
Pasch 30 , Box 552 , 11' 58 A. i.I. 12 :13 , still alarm, Howell Avenue ,
man fainted from cut on leg wwhile cutting branches off trees , Patrol.
14arc'_h 30 , Box 273 , 2 :35 P. 1-1. 3-000 P. M. , still alarm, 7inged Foot
entrance at Fenimore Road , brush , no damage , Rngine 3.
March 30 , Box 413 , 5:13 P. M. 5'40 P. 1% , Fenimore Road and Avon
Road, brush, no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded , 1.
March 30, Box 411 , 7-020 P. 17. 7:41 P. Y. , Fenimore Road and Grand
Street , brush , no damage , Engine 3 , number of men responded, 10.
Totals for month
5 full alarms
16 minor alarms
12 still alarms
1 emergency call
Respectfully submitted,
Chief George 1i . Burton
On motion made by Councilman Fills , seconded by Councilman Viatson,
it was unanimously
RESCUED that the claim of Frank Valle in the
amount of ,;285. for scraping floors in the
auditorium of the ?'leaver Street 'Fire House ,
be and it hereby is approved .
Councilman &?ills presented a list of claims from the Faire De-,rtn:ent
totaling $2 , 552 . He said he had checked the bills and recommended
their ar rova-l.
The members of the Town Board. , sitting as the Board of Fire Commis-
sioners , considered the claims , and on motion by Councilman Mills,
seconded- by Councilman 'Platson, it c�ras , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be
and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor
and Comptroller be and thev hereby are authorized
to pay same out of the budget for the Fire De-
partment :
Frank Valle ',�,1 „260.00
Franklin Clearers 44.00
Burton ec Fenton, Inc. 57.63
American-LaFrance Foamite Corp. 174.02
Turnbull Agency , Inc. 208.32
Francis C . Carr & Co. , Inc. 4.85
Francis C. Carr & Co. , Inc. 409.16
Goodyear Service Store 46.00
The C . G. Braxrsar Co. , Inc. 18.37
Alfred H. Edelen 16. 50
fflilliam K. Fordyce 7.00
Eureka. Fire Hose , Div. T?. S. Rubber Co. 6. 87
Pdew York Telephone Co. 7.15
Westchester Joint ?"a.ter '`Forks =1 13.00
Richard- Thorburn 132. 50
Davis-Kess Co. 7.45
A. cc A. Automotive Co. 2, 58
Hydrant Rental , The New Rochelle ',:,later Co. _ 2.20
Grand Total x:2 ,552.00
Town Clerk Gronberg was instructed to address a letter to Lieutenant
Eviler , who is in the Ne,,* Rochelle Hospital , expressing the pleasure
of the Town Board at his recovery.
The Supervisor presented a petition from the Assessor , requesting
a correction in the assessment roll of 1948 on vacant land known
as Block 116 , Parcel 89 which was erroneously assessed at �,19250,
On motion by Councilman i',1ills , seconded by Councilman17atson, it
was , upon roll call , unanimously
R ;SOL ED that the assessment roll of 1948
be corrected as follows:
Block Parcel Land, Imn. Total
116 89 $550. °— 8550o
Supervisor T.'and.eville presented an agreement for the extension of
the lease dated Tajr 7th , 1948, for vacant land used as a playground
at Grand Street and Sheldrake Avenues.
Fo110-vring discussion, it was , on motion by Councilman Embury , seconded '.
by Councilman Mills , unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to sign the agreement which pro-
vides for the extension of the lease between
the Town of Hamaroneck and the 7estchester
County Park Commission, covering vacant land
known as a portion of Parcels 1 , 29 59 22A , 23A,
and 24 on Sheet 10A , Pelham-Port Chester ParI7,7ay ,
for a period of one year , ending April 30 , 1950 ,
at the same annual rental of S5. and subject to
the terms of the original lease .
The Supervisor submitted a request for approval of a. sale of property
by the Village of 18ama.roneck which property had been acquired by the
Village in its foreclosure proceeding in rem,
On motion by Councilman I.,icKeever ; seconded by Councilman Embury
the following resolution eras , upon roll call , unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS , the Village of Affariaroreck, through the institu-
tion of an action in the County Court of Vlestchester County, entitled
"In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens pursuant to Article
VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village of Mamaroneck, List of
Delinouent Taxes for 194511 , has become and nocr is the owner of a
number of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of Iamaro-
neck and Town of ITamaroneck; and
T?HEREAS , both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of
Nrla.maroneck hold tax liens on said. parcels of real pronertV: and
WFIT-REAS , pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law, an
agreement was entered into between the Village of lava-marcneck and
the Town of Hem,aroneck which, among other thengs , set forth the
interests of said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed ,
the rnarner of the sale of said properties , and the manner of the
distribution of the proceeds received from said sales , and
if1TEREAS , the Village of Lamaroneck has , pursuant t an
agreement had with the Town of P:Iamaroneek, advertised for and has
heretofore received bids on certain properties owned by the Totirrn
of 1.iar:aroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village
of Plamaroneck, in the Town of Mamaroneck; and
I7HEREAS , the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Mamaroneck has given consideration thereto and after due delibera-
tion, accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms
therein set forth; and
InIHEREAS , since receipt of said bids , this Board has given
consideration thereto, and after due deliberation , it is
RESOLVED that the bids hereinafter listed , be
accepted at the price and terms therein set forth:
__. .- _ Total
Village Town assessed .
Sec. Blk. Lot Blk® Pa.r. Bidder Amount Value Terms_
8, 25 17,18 815 827 Fred °k. B. Bamber S'300. 1,500- cash
A letter , dated March 23 , 1949 , was received from Mr . 1'dilliam H. John-
son, ViJ_lage I..1anager , advising the Board_ that a nev, nurse , Miss -
Miriam E. Scofield , 1365 York Avenue , Neer York 21 , had been assigned
to the Mamaroneck Health Center at a salary of 53 ,165. per annum, one-
half of which amount is to be paid by the Tovrn, and one-half by the
On motion made by Councilman McKeever , seconded by Councilman '?Tatson,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Miss Miriam E. Scofield be and she
hereby is appointed as public health nurse , p.t .
for the Town of Mamaroneck, at an annual salary
of x1,582. 50 , effective Parch 21 , 1949 , funds
for which are provided in the 1949 budget.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Compensation Plan of
the To7,,,,n of Lfa.ma.roneck be and it hereby is
amended as follows :
FROM Minimum Lluximum
Public Health Nurse , P. T. $19000 $1,500
Public Health Nurse , P. T. 1,200 19600
Su_ervisor Mandeville requested a. resolution authorizing the transfer
of 51 ,036.45 from Water Fund Surplus to Capital Fund to pay for costs
of the Water Distribution System, .during 1948.
On Taction by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman "cKeever , it
was unanimouslr
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to transfer "1,036.45 from [later Fund
Surplus to Capital Fund , to pay the cost of meters
installed during 1948.
Supervisor Mandeville presented a letter of resignation as a. member
of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Tovin of Paria.roneck, submitted
by Munn Brewer , dated March 15, 1949.
On motion made by Supervisor iu!ardeville , seconded by Councilman
7atson, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the resignation of 1,1inn Brewer , effective
as of April 15th, 1949 , be and it hereby is accepted
with regretm
On motion by Supervisor Liandeville , seconded by Councilman McKeever ,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Jeremiah C . Waterman be and he hereby
is appointed , as of April 15th , 194-9 , a member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals of the Torn of LTamaroneck, to
serve the unexpired term of Riunn Brewer , ending
February 19 , 1950.
Following discussion and on motion made by Councilman Embury , seconded.
by Councilman McKeever , it was unanimously
RESOLVED that George D. Burchell be and he hereby
is designated, as of April 15th , 1949, Chairman of
the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Plama.roneck,
for the term ending February 19th , 1951.
The Town Attorney presented a. deed to land lying in the bed of the
street known as Hoyt Avenue which is a continuation of Williams and
Lester Place , to the Town of lHariarcreck - CitT7 of New Rochelle line.
He stated that this was requested by the Superintendent of Highways
so that he might continue the paving and improvement of the street ,
to the New Rochelle line.
On motion made by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever ,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the deed to land lying in the bed of the
street known as Hoyt Avenue , which is a continuation of
7!illia.ms and. Lester Place to the Town of TTarnaroneck--City
of New Rochelle line , be and it hereby is accepted and
the Town Attorney is hereby instructed to record the same.
The Town Attorney presented an affidavit of George 17. Burton, Jr . ,
stating that he , as Administrator of the Estate of his father , George
--- tp Burton, deceased , had made due and diligent effort to locate two
certain tax liens covering premises known as Section 1 , Block 50 ,
Lot 50 on the Town Assessment 11a.p , p7hich liens were sold by the Town
of i'rlanaroneck in the years 1938 and 1939 to his father and then
assigned to the Bonded Municipal Corporation and later redeemed by
making payment to Bonded Municipal Corporation. In this affidavit ,
George 7% Burton, Jr . , agreed to indemnify and hold. the Town harm-
less against any loss which might occur by reason of the production
of the original liens . The Town. Attorney further produced a satis-
faction of these two liens , duly executed b=7 Bonded Municipal Cor-
p oration, from ?=rhich it appears that pat*ment of these liens v;as duly
received by them and satisfaction, together with the original liens
was delivered to George W. Burton, now deceased.
On motion made by Councilman 77atson, seconded by Councilman !Tills ,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that duplicate liens covering prem?-ses known
as Section 1 , Block 50 , Lot 50 , sold by the Town in
1937 and 19339 may be issued pursuant to the provisions
of the 7estchester County Ta.x Law (Section 582 of the
Westchester County Administrative Code) so that the
same may be surrendered to the Receiver of Taxes , to-
gether with a satisfaction, and marked. satisfied.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad-
journed at 9:07 P. T4. to meet again on April 20th , 1949.
o.r lerk