HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949_02_02 Town Board Minutes 5579 I ITINUTT'S OF A REGTLAR THETITTG OF THE TOV.jT,r BOARD OF THE TU7N OF ll?AITAROT'ECK, HELD FEBRUARY 2nd, 1949 , IN TT'!' COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor I;iandeville at 8:15 o'clock P. 1,1. (Eastern Standard Time) . PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen: Embury , Watson, IOills and McKeever � ABSEI'T : Iv'one i Presence- was also noted of Tov?n Attcrney Delius and Torn Clerk Gronberg. The following reports v'Tere ordered placed on file: Torn Clerk' s Annual Report for the year 1948 Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for January , 1949 Attendance Report for December , 1948 Claims Audited and Paid by the Comptroller , from January 19th, to February 2nd, 1949 Statement of Bank Balances as of February lst , 1949 Councilman Watson reported that on Thursday , Friday and Saturday, January 20th , 21st and 22nd. , the refuse from the Village of lIamaroneck was burned at the Tov,,'n Incinerator , The total amount of garbage burned on those days was 37.7 tons . He also reported that the Village of P,Tama.roneck had sent a. man to help with the extra. work at the Incinerator . Councilman Embury stated that he had nothing to report for his departments. Supervisor Yandeville requested a resolution re-appointing Charles F. Yink to the Board of Appeals. On motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Mills , it was unanimously RESOLVED that Charles F. Mink be and he hereby is appointed a. member of the Board of Appeals for Zoning , for a term ending February 19th, 1954• The Supervisor said that he had on hand a bid from Luby Chevrolet Co. , Inc. for the purchase of a 1949 2-door styleline Chevrolet in the amount of 51,663. less 7900® allowance on a 1947 Ford 2-door Sedan. On motion by Councilman I=TcKeever , seconded by Councilman Embury , it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Board authorizes the pur- chase of a 1949 2-door styleline Chevrolet for the price of 51 ,663. less allowance for a 1947 Ford 2-door sedan in the amount of 5900. Supervisor Mandeville reported that he had received an offer from Mr. Theodore Dunham, Jr. , owner of Block 614, Parcel 17 on the Tax Assessment ITap , to pay the face amount of liens with interest at 6%, together with the 1948 taxes on said premises . ' Following discussion, it ryas , on motion made by Councilman I:Iills , seconded by Councilman Embury , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept from Theodore Dunham, jr. , the sum of ?19273 ,71 for the following taxes on property described on the Tax Assessment I01ap of the Town of - D;;amaroneck as Block 614, Parcel 17, at the face amount of the tax liens , �,,ith interest at the rate of 65 from the date of sale Int. at Block Parcel Tax Year Sale Year Amt. of Lien 60 614 17 1944 1945 8261.47 X58.83 `320.30 614 17 1945 1946 261.65 43. 17 304. 82 614 17 1946 1947 282.36 29.65 312.01 614 17 1947 1948 322.09 14.49 336. 58 The Supervisor submitted an estimate for spraying the metal cabinets and safes in the To?,,-n Office , in the amount of $534.25 from the T;/estchester Spraying Service of Yount Vernon, Ne1�7 York. He reported that this amount is included in the Budget together �-.'ith the estimated value of the new furniture . Following dis- cussion, and on motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman mills , it was unanimously RESOLVED that the bid of Westchester Spraying Service for spraying all metal cabinets and safes in the Town Office , in the amount of `534.25 be and it hereby is accepted.. The Supervisor presented the following bids for installing the flooring in the entire first floor of the Police Station, in- cluding the Conference room, Court room and desk space in the Radio rooms New Rochelle ,Furniture and Floor Covering Corporation 8395.00 j Ha.lbert 's Lin.eoleum Arts 465.00 Floor Roof Co. 350.00 F. R. Stevens Co. , Inc. 546.00 E. Laptook 498.00 Following discussion and on motion by Councilman I'cheever , seconded by Councilman Watson, it Maas , upon roll call, unani- mously RESOLVED that the bid of Floor Roof Co. in the amount of 5>350. for furnishing and install- ing factory-waxed asphalt the in the entire first floor of the Police Station at 11 Edge- wood Avenue , in the Tot,rn, including the Confer- ence room, Court room and desk space in the Radio room, be and it hereby is accepted. Councilman Watson discussed with Supervisor P7andeville , that portion of the Supervisor ' s report t,°hich deals with purchases made by the Town of ll;a.ma.ronech. No definite action was taken __- on this matter. Councilman 1,TcKeever stated he had nothing to report for his departments . Councilman 1,:7atson -_,presented petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. On motion made by Councilman ':`Matson, seconded by Councilman Embury , the following resolution was , upon roll call , unanimously adopted; 583 MERFAS , the Assessor has presented- petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years , pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Lairs of 1916 as amended , known as the T`estchester County Tax Act ; and WHEREAS , after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 , taxes of 1949 , which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec®_._ 1k. Lot I_Tame Land. _Imp. Total 1 29 33 to 46 Estate of Paul Kayser 015,600. $1 ,000. 016 ,600. (120-95) (George W. Z. Clark) 1 33 33A be corrected as follows in accordancewith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Sec._Blk_ Lot Name Land Imp. Total 1 29 33 to 37A I°ichael J. Harrington 5,000. 1,000. 6 ,000. 1 33 33C (120-95) W. 1 29 37D to 46 Est. of Paul Kayser , : 10 ,600 10,600 1 33 33A (120-107) etc. FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 , taxes of 1949 , which shows property now - appearing on the roll as follows: Secs-Ma-M! Name Land Imp. Total 1 37A 8 (121-827) Gaetano Gianetti $4,500 -- 04,500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section_ 33 : Sec^_Blk._Lot Name Land Imn. Total i 1 37A 8A (121-827) William L. Dommerich $2 ,800 -- $2 ,800 1 37A 8B (121-834) Gaetano Gianetti 1,700 -- 1,700 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949 , which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec._B&kN Lot Name ON Imp. Total 2 11 32 to 35 2 -- $2 ,650 (221-382) Anna M. Schulze 12 ,65o 5 0 be corrected as follows in accordance with the - provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : SecT_Blko_Lot Name Land Imp. Total 2 11 32A to 3% Orsino & Protano $1,650. -- 819650 (221-382) 2 11 32B to 35B Orsino & Protano 1 ,000 -- 1,000 (221-370) 585 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follomrs: Sec. Elk. Lot Name Land Imn. Total _ 7 21A 10A (711-220) Robert E. Avaunt $4,100 X79400 $11, 500 & YT. - be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Sec._Elk._Lot Name _ Lana Imp. Total 7 21A IOC (711-220) Joseph [i. Dukess 1,350 29400 39750 & W 7 21A 10A (711-223) Robert E. Avaunt 2,750 59000 7,750 & W. FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 , taxes of 1949 , 1^which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Sec.. Elk. Lot Name Land- Imn. Total 9 8 1 ,2 ,3 (903-445) Sam Varassi & W. 4,000 4 ,200 8,200 be corrected as follows in accordance ip!ith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : See._Elk.. Lot Name Land Imn. Total k 9 8 1B & 2B Cornelius O 'Leary 450 50 500 (903-4-54) & ':`I. -- 9 8 IA92A & 3 Sam Verassi & W. 3 ,550 4,150 7,700 (903-445) FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949 , which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: See._Blk._Lot Name Land Imp,. Total 9 86 3 & 4A Dorella Z. Dietrich 39400 -- 3 ,400 (937-12) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Sec . Elk._Lot Name Land Imp. Total i 9 86 4C (937-33) John Nevin & tM. 80 -- 80 9 86 3 & 4A Philrose Const. Corp 3,320 -- 3,320 (937-12) FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948, taxes of 1949) which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Sec._Elk._Lot Name Land Imp. Total 9 104 (956-123 & 175) Edmund La Voie 26,000 -- 26 ,000 be corrected as follows in accordance is,ith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Sec. Blkp._Lot Name Land Imp. Total 9 104 1 (956-190) Hilton Adelberg $ 49000 -- 4,000 9 104 (956-123 & 175) Edmund La Voie 229000 -- 229000 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 , taxes of 1949, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Sec._Blk. Lot Name Land Iron. Total 9 17 14B & 14D (902-298) Pasquale Stracuzzi 1,750 -- 1,750 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec., Blk, rtLot Diane Land Imp. Total 9 17 14B (902-298) Therese Grob 1,500 -- 1, 500 9 17 14D (902-305) Pasquale Stracuzzi 250 -- 250 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1948 , taxes of 1949 , which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec.^B1k.eLot Name Land Imn. Total 9 105 12 ,13 & 14 (960-118) Donald F. La Sala 12 ,100 -- 12 ,100 be corrected as follows in accordance 4with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 : Sec ._TElk.�Lot Name Land Imp. Total 9 105 12&13 (960-123)Roselia G. La Sala 89100 -- 8 ,100 9 105 14 (960-118) Donald F. La Sala 4,000 -- 49000 Councilman Yills presented a list of claims from the Fire Department totaling $478.39. He said he had checked the bills and recommended their approval. The members of the Town Board sitting as the Board of Fire Commis- sioners , considered the claims , and on motion by Councilman Mills , seconded by Councilman 7atson, it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same out of the budget for the Fire De- partment : Eureka Fire Hose ?49.38 (Division of the U. S . Rubber Co. ) Raymond & Fealey 7.70 Globe Motorists Supply Co. , Inc. 9.70 Globe Notorists Supply Co. , Inc. 8.23 Sirlin's 2.20 Goldies , Inc. 88.00 Thomas B. Buhler 74.13 Turnbull Agency , Inc. 36.02 Prospect Stationery 2.25 Suburban Fuel Oil Service , Inc. 62. 50 tMr s. A. M. Brown 35-00 Russell Uniform Co. 48.28 Elmer E. Radcliffe $478.39 0891 Councilman Mills submitted the following reports : fire Report for January , 1949 Jan, 1 , 12:12 - 12:30 P. III. Full alarm, Box 112 , -444 4Qyrtle Boule- vard, oil burner and rubbish in cellar , damage approximately $35. Engine 2 , Truck 2 , Patrol , Chief Burton. Jan. 7, 4: 58 - 5:12 P. la. Full alarm, Box 336 , #4 Knollwood Drive , smoke from overheated oven , no damage , Engine 2 , Truck 2 , Patrol , Chief Burton. Jan. 12 , 8:40 - 9 P. Ed% Still alarm, Box 561, Apt. 225D , Leaking ammonia fumes from refrigerator , same removed to roof , Chief' s car , iaellor. Jan. 14, 2 : 50 - 3 P. TT. Still alarm ..'633 Forest Avenue, flue from furnace to chimney b1o�F7n off, no damage , Engine 3 , Testa. Jan. 15, 1:15 - 1:30 P. 1'1. Minor alarm, Box 122 , brush , Laurel Avenue , no damage , Engine 3 , Chief Burton. Jan. 15, 5: 15 - 6:00 P. IJ. Still alarm, Box 113 , 20 Edgewood Avenue , beams under fireplace. Deafening removed and fire extinguished. ' Truck 2, Chief Burton, Jan. 17, 7:45 - 8:45 P. I,,I. Still alarm, Box 711 , brush , Vanguilder Street, no damage , Engine 3 , Chief Burton. Ja.n® 18', 6: 57 - 7: 15 A. I;r. Still alarm, Box 255, 11 I.Tohegan Road, leaking refrigerator disconnected. Patrol , Chief Burton. Jan. 18, 12: 55 - 1:12 P. 1,4. Still alarm, Horch, Harmon Drive , small fire on roof of old garage , (tmage trifling. Truck 2 , Miller and ha.011. Jan. 18, 5:20 - 5:45 P. M. hlinor alarm , Box 712 , brush rear of Loyal Inn, No damage , Engine 3 , Chief Burton. Jan. 19 , 10:25 - 10:36 P. P:':. Still alarm, Box 312 , car fire , hurray and Forest , no damage , Engine 3 , Moll and Muller Jan. 20, 5:25 - 6100 P. M. Full alarm, 6 [goody Lane , T,,�rater circulator on gas furnace. No damage , Engine 2 , Truck 2 , Patrol. Deputy Chief Lund. Jan, 26 , 10 :15 - 10:20 P. I& Still alarm, 78 Id. Chatsworth , leaking refrigerator , Chief' s car , Chief Burton. Jan. 27, 10:10 - 10:20 A. I.Q. Still alarm, 334 Weaver Street , child locked in bathroom. Chief Burton, Box 216. f Jan. 27, 3047 - 3: 52 P. Ii. , still alarm, No. 18 Ca.rleon Avenue, overheated furnace , No damage , Engine 3 , Iiluller , Box 552 . Jan. 30 , 8:11 - 8:43 A. h. , Full alarm, Box 158 , 220 Rockingstone Avenue , floor beams ignited from lack of insulation on flue pipe, damage approximately $25. Engine 2 , Truck- 2 , Patrol , Chief Burton. Jan. 30 , 9:45 - 9: 55 A. Y. Still alarm, ti'Qeaver Street and Palmer Avenue , cat removed from tree , Truck 2 , Iellor and Testa.. - Totals for month still alarms 11 minor alarms 2 full alarms 4 emergency calls 0 injuries or fa.talaties 0 estimated. damage $125.00 Respectfully submitted , Geo. B?ston Chief Inspector^!s Report for JanuarS _.b1949 Colony Nursery School Exits , fire extinguishers , wiring , heating system satisfac- tory. Harriss Apartments , Rich-bell Road Construction of fire wall in L shaped units not satisfactory. This condition reported to I.T . Charles F. T.Jink, Special Building Inspector. Winged Foot Club Premises thoroughly checked tuith IIr. Quinn. Conditions excellent. Sprinkler system to be tested in Diarch. Bose and Parker Conditions satisfactory urray Avenue School Conditions excellent Prlyrtle Garage Conditions excellent. Paint shop being moved to separate building. La.rchmont Acres All standpipes checked and lubricated. Bonnie Briar Improvements to be made in boiler room. Recom endations being prepared for third floor . Respectfully submitted , Geo. Burton, Inspector Councilman T atson said that in connection with the matter of taking care of the 1lamaroneck Village garbage in the Town Incinerator , he had neglected to mention that the Village had done the same service for the Town in the past when repairs were being made in the Town Incinerator , and he felt it was an indication of good will between the municipalities . The Supervisor said the friendly feeling and cooperation which exists has taken a long time to develop but there is nov, a feeling of good will which has arisen from reciprocal agreements of this kind. He said Uayor Santoro and Nlanager Johnson have consistently done everything in their power and have gone out of their way to be helpful. It was the considered. opinion of the Board that an excel- lent job has been done in the Village. Kr. Alfred 17illis , representing 11r. Gaetano Ciancuilli , appeared before the Board to request a permit to lay a sewer to service property on Hoyt Avenue , known as Block 130 , Parcel 94 on the Town Assessment Yap. It was his suggestion that , tihile this eras being done , the Town might wish to lay the pipe a little lower so that it would also service a group of lots beyond IL-. Ciancuilli 's pro- petty. T:-Ir. Ciancuilli is prepared to pay whatever would be the cost of installing the sewer to his property. After discussion, it was decided that Supervisor P.andeville and Councilman McKeever would look into the matter and they were authorized to spend $300. if that amount would take care of the additional cost of laying the sewer lower down in the bed of the road.. The To,,an Attorney reported that , in accordance with instructions of the Board at the meeting of January i9th , he had contacted- the attor- neys for Fordham Transit Co. and County Transportation Company and both had attended at his office . Since Fordham Transit Co. asked for more time to supply additional material in support of their applica- tion , he asked that his report be deferred until the next meeting. The Town Attorney also reported that he had received a letter from Tr. Edward Ely Hoxie in connection with his bid to purchase from the Town , certain property known as Block 125, Parcel 60 upon which he has a deposit of 8140. This letter from Tir . Hoxie states that he understood he was to buy the property only on. condition that the Zoning Board of Appeals would grant to him a variance of some kind to elloT,v him to improve the property and he now requested that a- con- tract be drawn, cord.itioned upon his receiving such a variance and otherwise that his deposit ,,,could be refunded to hire. The Board in- structed, the Town Attorney to enter into a conditional sales con- tract with Ivir. Hoxie upon terms satisfactory to the Town Attorney . The Town Attorney reported that the Appellate Division had dismissed. the appeal of Lillian E . R.avenscroft and that he was now ready to sell the parcels which were originally in the proceeding In Rem but had. been severed because of the interposition of answers . The Tovn Board thereupon set 11arch 10th, 1949 at 8:30 P. M. , in the auditorium of the Vleaver Street Fire House , as the time and place for such sale and instructed the Town Attorney to publish the notice of sale according to law. The Town Attorney also stated that Yr . Grassi requested additional time to complete his purchase of property known as Block 612 , Parcel 430 on the Tax Assessment Ilap. He was authorized to grant to Mr . Grassi an additional 30 days or until tTarch 5th, to close title. At the request of the Town Attorney , the Board , upon recommendation - of Supervisor Yandeville , authorized the employment of iqr . Harry K. Keller in the certiorari proceeding brought by Charles U. Hummel , et al , covering premises known as the Colony Apartment , at an agreed compensation of 8350. for an appraisal and report , and $100 for each day he testifies before the Court or Referee . The Town Attorney presented his claim in the amount of $36.06 for expenses incurred in attendance at the Annual I:Teeting of the lIuni- cipal Law Section of the Yew York State Bar Association in New York City on January 27th , 28th and 29th. On motion by Supervisor 11,1andeville , seconded by Councilman ITcKeever , it was , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Attorney ' s claim in the amount of x;36.06 covering expenses incurred in attendance at the Annual i-?eeting of the hm ni- cipal Law Section of the New York State Bar Association in New York City on January 27th , 28th and 29th , 1949 , be and it hereby is approved and the same ordered paid out of the item in the La .= Department Budget for that purpose . i The Town Attorney reported to the Board on the Ne�v Haven rate case and on the question of the necessity or advisability of the muni- cipalities ' appropriating money for retaining Mr . John Bower , a rate expert. The Town Attorney reported on the situation with regard to the so-called Harris Apartments , stating that it had been impossible for the Building Inspector to obtain compliance lnith his orders to have prefabricated iron stairs installed in the hallways and also in other respects making the stairwells and halls semi-fireproof. .._.. . ....._._.. .. . 595 The Town Attorney reported that since the plans and specifications were not in accordance z"ith the Code provisions regarding semi- fireproof restrictions for multirle dwellings , the Board could revoke the permit and thus stop the v,ork. He stated that he had already obtained a. criminal summons and served it upon the corpora- tion, Larchmont Properties , Inces and upon 1,9ra Harris , for violation of the Code in respect to the construction of stairways and in con- nection with four of the fifteen units in the Town of TTariaroneckm The Supervisor expressed himself as not in favor of revoking the permit at this time and the Town Attorney was authorized to attempt to negotiate a settlement subject to the approval of the Town Board, There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 10:00 P. 1% to meet again on March 2nd® _____ an Le✓ ___- -_-__.__ Torn Cler I