HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948_01_08 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL MEETING' OF THE TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF MAMARONECK R z8 FIELD JANUARY 8, 1948 In the. Council Room of the Weaver Street fire House, Town of _ Mamaroneck, New York® The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8:15 P.M. ( Eastern Standard Time) . Present - Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen McKeever, Mills Watson, Embury I Absent : None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg and Town Accountant Finsonm The minutes of December 3 , 1947, were approved with corrections , A letter dated December 31 , 19479 was received from Edward F.N. Uthe , Fxect�tive Secretary of the Association of Towns , giving notice that the annual meeting would be held in Albany , on February 18 , 19 and 20 , 1948® Also enclosed was a Certificate of Designation for the Town ' s voting delegate and alternate at this meeting. On motion by Councilman 7atson, seconded by Councilman Embury , it was , upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED , that Town Attorney Delius , Town Accountant Finson and Town Clerk Gronberg be and they hereby are designated and authorized to represent the Town of Mamaroneck at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York to be held in the City of Albany , N.Y. , on February 18, 19 and 20 , 1948; FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Comptroller is hereby authorized to audit their claims for the expenses of the trip, said amounts to be paid out of the items in the budget for traveling expenses , respectively. A letter dated December 31 , 1947, was received from Mr. Willis 'Neils , President , for the Executive Committee of the Association of Towns , advising that legislation is being sponsored again to provide for a four- year term for all elective town officers and requesting an expression of the Town in this matter. Following discussion, the following resolution was on motion by Councilman Mills , seconded by Councilman 77atson, unanimously adopted® WFLREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck has received a communication from the Association of Towns in regard to a four-year term for all elective town officers; - NOIAT 9 THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that this Town Board is in favor of the election of town officers for a four year term pro- vided that such four-year term is duly approved by a referendum of the duly qualified voters of the town. The following letters were received and ordered placed on file January 5, 1948 l The Town of Mamaroneck Department of Public works Mamaroneck, New York Attentions_ The Superintendent Gentlemen: - This is a letter of gratitude and appreciation to you and your valiant staff of workers who, facing almost impossible conditions , succeeded in freeing our community from being completely snowbound , within twenty-four hours after the snow had stopped falling. I think this is a splendid record and certainly shows wisdom and good judgment on the part of you and your assistants in making adequate preparation. I must admit it was a very cheering sight and sound to hear that powerful bulldozer chugging its way up our street in the middle of the following evening , and I am sure the entire community joins me in expressing appreciation and gratitude . Yours very truly /s/ Robert C. Greenwald 168 Rocky Road Larchmont , N.Y. -- January 5, 1948 Mr. A.J. Foote Town Fngineer 14amaroneck, N.Y. Dear Mr. Foote: I want to thank you most sincerely for the help you gave us during the recent snow storm when you plowed up Hommocks Road and by doing so relieved the people of The Hommocks from being snowed in after my poor jeep and snow plow broke down. You will find enclosed a copy of a letter I wrote to the Assistant Manager of the 'Hampshire Country Club , which is self-explanatory. Thanking you again for your good work, I am, with personal regards Cordially yours , /s/ A.E. Wullschleger P.S. Also convey the thanks of the Hommocks people to Supervisor Gwen A. Mandeville. i January 4, 1948 The Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck Dear Sir : A week has gone by since the storm. we from the La.rchmont 7,Voods section are still walking on the highway compelled -- to dodge traffic and stumble along on an uncertain footway. I refer to Chatsworth and Rockingstone Avenues. Every year there are the same recalitrant few who will not clear their sidewalks. It is my suggestion that the police serve warning on these selfish individuals. Very truly yours , /s/ C.E. Dornbusch 14 Springdale Road New Rochelle , N.Y. December 22, 1947 Supervisor Owen 14andeville and Town Board --,, Town of TvTamaroneck, Mamaroneck, IT.Y. Gentlemen: Two weeks ago during a trial at Special Term of the Supreme Court before Honorable Frederick G. Schmidt it was necessary for counsel concerned , including myself, to pro- cure records which were in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck. Judge Schmidt suggested that I call and ask the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck to bring certain papers for exhibition to the court. I thought this an unusual request but respectfully followed the suggestion of the court. The Town Clerk courteously acknowledged my request and stated that he would personally produce the papers requested. 7-iithin a half hour PjTr. Charles J. Gronberg , the Town Clerk of Mamaroneck, was in the court room and properly and graciously presented the records concerned to the court. I send this letter to you so that you will officially bb advised of this fine public service and will know that such courtesy and gracious conduct in public office does not go unnoticed. This extension of public attention was beyond the acceptable and reasonable requirements of full attention to public duty. I congratulate your Town and your adminis- tration for having such a good public servant. I extend to your members and to your official family every best wish for a continued successful administration. Very truly yours , /s/ Alfred F. Sulla, Jr. Harrison, New York. A letter dated January 6 , 1948 , was received from FZr. L.C. Smith , Jr. enclosing a statement signed by the residents of Barnum Road, describing the nature of the water service on that street. The Supervisor pointed out that a resolution was passed at the last meeting of the Board in connection with this matter. - The following reports were ordered placed on file- Report of the Building Inspector for the month of December , 1947. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of December , 1947. — Report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of December , 1947. Report of the Westchester County Dog Protective Association for the month of November and December , 1947. Councilman 7,latson stated that he had nothing to report for his Departments. Councilman Embury had no reports for his Departments. The Supervisor asked if there was any one in the room who : wished to be heard. Yr. Clemeth Banks of 616 Fifth Avenue appeared and informed the Board about the snow condition in front of his home. He said that each time he shoveled out his driveway the plow came by and backfilled it making it impossible to get through. Fie also informed the members of the Board that cars speed along this street endangering the lives of the many children who live there. The Supervisor said this condition would be watched more carefully in the future. Referring to the condition of the Town caused by the recent heavy snow storm, the Supervisor stated that in the past three days he had covered the entire Town at least four or five times and he feels that there is no place in the Town that anybody can complain about . Fie said that he and Jim Ward had spent the evening previous to the meeting making a survey of every street that should be taken care of. The Supervisor stated that he would like to move and recommend the salaries for all Town officials and employees and to appoint officers and employees for the year 1948 including that of the Fire Inspector. He made exception to the salaries of the paid personnel of the Fire Department until some clarification is made about a matter which he said he had discussed with Councilman Mills and Fire Chief Burton. Fire Chief Burton appeared and said he had discussed the sentiments of the Supervisor with the men. He explained to them what is to be expected during the coming year. He said he realized thAt one or two of the paid personnel created a source of annoyance but he had ;their assurance they all want to cooperate and there would be no more discord. Chief Burton P ointed out that the past two weeks had been very hectic and it is his belief that almost everyone agrees that the Fire Department did an excellent job during the snow storm and , in fact , took over some of the duties of the Police Department. The Supervisor remarked that he can not say too many nice things about the volunteer and paid firemen, and what he had in mind did not apply to all of the men. He said he did not want to hear any more complaints; all he wanted was more work and more harmony in the Department. Chief Burton replied that the men appreciate the fact that .....___.. _.___..___._.._. . the Department received unprecedented help and consideration from the Town Board this past year. He asked that the Supervisor reconsider the matter and approve the salaries as proposed in the 1948 budget and assured the Board they would get the desired results. On the basis of assurance given by Chief Burton, the Supervisor recommended approval of the salaries. The Supervisor complimented Chief Burton on becoming the first Fire Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck. He said there is no ' - doubt that he will do a good job and this appointment will make him more or less directly responsible to the Town Board. The Fire Chief replied that it will be an honor and privilege to serve in this capacity. He called attention to the members of the Town Board of his two competent deputies , namely , Louis Turco and Leonard Ericson. He said they are two of the finest assistants that any Chief could desire. Chief Burton also called attention that the American LaFrance Co. has started the work of installing the new motor in the Aerial Truck. The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that due to an error the previous list which had been presented to them showedthe salaries of Patrolmen blancusi , Staropoli and Mulcahy as X2 ,940. each and that the salaries for each should be S3 ,440.for Patrolman Mancu.si , and Patrolman Staropoli and S:-Tulcahy , $3 ,040 each. Supervisor Mandeville moved the adoption of a resolution to approve the salaries for all Town Officials and. employees and to ap- point officers and employees for the year 1948. This motion being duly seconded by Councilman 17atson, it was duly adopted as follows RESOLVED- Section 1. That the salaries of all elected officials of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1948 are to be the salaries stated and appropriated in the annual Budget or Estimate for the year 1948; Section 2. That the following persons are hereby ap- pointed as Town Officers as of January 1 , 1948 in accordance with the provisions of the Town Law and for the respective terms and at an annual salary or rate of compensation hereinafter stated , such annual salary or compensation to be paid from the amounts appropriated in the annual Estimate or Budget for the year 1948 or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the salary or compensation as hereby fixed: Title Name Salarx Term Town Attorney John L. Delius e,6 ,600. 1/1/48 to 12/31/49 Superintendent of Highways A.J. Foote 3 ,000. 1/1/48 to 12/31/49 Town Engineer Including services to Sevier District A.J. Foote 21440. 1/1/48 to 12/31/49 Assessor James M. Smith 40800. 1/1/48 to 12/31/49 Comptroller Leo id. Orsino 1 ,000. 1/1/48 to 12/31/49 I Section 3. That a bond be required for the faithful performance of the duties of each of the following officials in the amounts stated , with sufficient sureties to be approved by this Board and the form to be approved by the Town Attorney : Comptroller - $1,000. for 1 year Superintendent of Highways - $1 ,000. for 1 year Section 4. That the following positions shown in the Budget or Estimate are hereby continued and the annual compensation for the same in the year 1948 is hereby fixed and shall be paid from the amounts appropriated - in the annual Estimate or Budget for the year 1948 or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay such annual compensation to be paid as of January 19 1948: Title of Name of Civil Service Position Incumbent Classification Compensation !. Telephone Operator (In cluding services to Town Clerk) Wilhelmina Schroeder Comp. $2080. Int . Acct. Clk & Steno. Jean Corbia " 2340. Accountant Alexander Finson 11 4600. Int. Account Clerk. Donna Wiedemann 10 1980. Senior Account Clerk Leo N. Orsino It 3600. Senior Typist Francis Riley t1 2340. Senior Stenographer Margaret Barnes i° 2340. Asst Town Engineer (P.T.) James ward it 1600. Asst Bldg. & Plb. Insp. (P.T. ) James "lard " 2200. Senior Engineering Aid Edward Proch " 2780. Public Health Nurse (P.T. ) Vacant " 1290. Police Chief Paul A. Yerick '! 5200. Police Lieutenant Paul Euiler °f 4600. Police Sergeant Louis Boivin p' 3840. Police Sergeant Francis Waterbury " 3840. Police Sergeant Vacant '° 3840. Police Patrolman (Det.) Chauncey Smith t1 3640. Police Patrolman (Det. ) Joseph Paonessa " 3640. Police Patrolman George Blenniss It 3440. Police Patrolman John Grenan t1 3440. Police Patrolman 7 illiam Cunningham " 3440. Police Patrolman John Caputo " 3440. Police Patrolman Lawrence McAllister " 3440. Police Patrolman Philip Millheiser 3440. Police Patrolman Christopher Loveley °' 3440. Police Patrolman James P,nox " 3440. Police Patrolman Eugene DeVeau " 3440. Police Patrolman James Yancusi " 3440. Police Patrolman James Staropoli " 3040. Police Patrolman George Mulcahy " 3040. Police Patrolman Edward A. Bakker , Jr. " 2700. Police Patrolman Louis Turco 2700. Custodian John Potts " 1500. Park Foreman Thos. 14. Aitchison, Jr. Non Comp. 3300. Asst Park Foreman Arthur Johnson t0 17 2640. Fire Lieutenant Patrick Nolan comp. 2920. Fire Lieutenant Michael Gallagher 2920. Fire Lieutenant Michael Harrington " 2920. Fire Truck Driver Joseph Miller Non Comp. ' 2780. Fire Truck Driver Alfred 1Ioll 17 " 2780• Fire Truck Driver Eatl Mellor It " 2780. Fire Truck Driver Louis Testa It " 2780. Fire Truck Driver Edward Muller It " 2570. Motor Equipment Oper. (Garb.) Paul Fortuna It It 2350. General Repairman George Osborne " It 2800. It 2800. Automotive Mechanic Joseph Donohue 11 Section 5. That the employment of the last named persons to the aforesaid positions , is in accordance with the classifications made by the County Personnel Officer , under the provisions of the Civil Service Law of the State and any vacancies which now exist or which may, from time to time, occur in said positions , are to be filled at salaries set in accordance with the provisions of the salary scale adopted by the Town Board and in conformity with the Civil Service Rules and amendments thereto, for towns , villages and special districts in Westchester County , New York. Section 6. That a bond be required for the faithful performance of the duties of each of the following employees in the amounts stated , with sufficient sureties to be approved by this Board and in the form approved by the Town Attorneys Senior Account Clerk, in the Office of Receiver of Taxes $10,000. for 1 year Accountant , Office of Receiver of Taxes $10 ,000. for 1 year Section. 7. That the following persons are hereby appointed to positions classified as exempt under the Civil Service Law, such appointments to be made as of January 1, 1948 and to continue at the pleasure of the Town Board , at the annual salary or rate of compensation hereinafter stated, which is to be paid from amouhts appropriated in the annual Budget or Estimate for the year 1948, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the salary or compensation as hereby fixed: Salary or Title Name COMensation Service Officer Charles D. DeVlnne 81 ,200. Sanitation Man Curtiss Major 2 ,350. Sanitation Man Anthony Cugliari 29350. Sanitation Man Matthew Halley 2,350. Sanitation Ilan David Lyde 2,350. Stenographer (P.T.) Marjorie V. I.4cCulloc'h 600. Bldg. & Plbg. Insp. (P.T. ) A.J. Foote 300. Section 8. That a bond be required for the faithful performance of the duties of the following official in the amount stated , with sufficient surety to be approved by this Board and the form to be approved by the Town Attorneys Building & Plumbing Inspector - 81 ,000. for 1 year Section 9. That there is hereby appropriated from the amount levied in the annual Budget or Estimate for 1948 for "Department of Police , Patrolman" the sum of $2 ,700. to be paid as salary or compensation to the following names temporary patrolman now serving as such by virtue of an appointment pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 47 of the Laws of 1943 , as long as the period of his appointment shall continue : Edward Westfall - $2,700.00 Section 10. RESOLVED, that George W. Burton is hereby designated as Inspector of the Fire Department; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sum of $700. is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying said George 1,13. Burton, for services in making such inspections as provided for in the Fire Prevention Code or Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall remain in full force and effect until further resolution of this Board; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the payments to be made to George IN. Burton as aforesaid, shall be from the budget of Fire District Teo. 1, "Fire Department , Fire Inspector , part time , $700." Section 11. That the salaries of all officers , elected and appointed, and all employees , be paid semi-monthly on the first and fifteenth days of each month. Section 12. That there is hereby appropriated from the item in the annual Estimate or Budget for the year 1948 for the Department of Highways , Item 1 , the sum of $2,000. and from the Sewer Department , Maintenance Man, the sum of $800. as the annual salary and compensation. of Edwin George Osborne , General Re- pairman, for services in the Departments of Highway and Sewer. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution becomes ef- fective as of January 1, 1948. It was on motion by Councilman Mills , seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED , that the following bonds for elected officials are hereby required pursuant to the Town Law and approved as follows: Bond, Owen A. Mandeville , as Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties including the payment of all school moneys , pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Law, upon which the National Surety Corporation is surety in the penal sum of $25,000. for a term of two years. Bond, Charles J. Gronberg , as Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties including the depositing of all funds or moneys of the Town, received by him, pursuant to Section 25 of the Towr. Law, upon, which the National Surety Corporation is surety in the penal sum of $1 ,000. for a term of two years. Bond, Charles F;i. Baxter , Jr. , Justice of the Peace of the Town of Mamaroneck , conditioned for the faith- ful performance of his duties including the depositing of all funds or moneys of the Town, received by him, pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Lava, upon which the Sun Indemnity Company is surety in the penal sum of $1,000. , for a term of four years. The following letters were received: _I j January 2 , 1948 Honorable Town Board Town of Hamaroneck New York Gentlemen: Subject to your approval I desire to deputize Mr. Leo N. Orsino as my Senior Account Clerk to perform any and all duties of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments , including thereamong the duty of receiving tax money , giving proper receipt therefor in his name , and entering same upon the records and depositing the tax money in the bank as required by law. Yours very truly, /s/ Henry R. Dillon Receiver of Taxes January 2, 1948 Honorable Town Board Town of Mamaroneck New York Gentlemen: Subject to your approval I desire to deputize Mr. Alexander Finson, Accountant of the Town, to receive tax money, give proper receipt therefor in my name and enter same upon the records and deposit the tax money in the bank as required by law. Yours very truly, Js/ Henry R. Dillon Receiver of Taxes On motion by Councilman McKeever , seconded by Councilman Mills , it was , unanimously RESOLVED , that in accordance with a request received from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes , this Board hereby approves of his appointment of Leo K. Orsino, Senior Account Clerk, as Deputy Receiver of Taxes , and his designation of Alexander Finson, Accountant, as a person authorized to receive tax money, give proper receipt therefor in his name , enter such pay- ments upon the records and deposit tax money in the bank. On motion by Councilman McKeever , seconded by Councilman Yills , it was , unanimously _i RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Town Clerk of P.-iiss 17ilhelmina Schroeder as Deputy Town Clerk, in accordance with his certificate dated January 2 , 1948, and this day presented to the Board, is hereby approved. I On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, unanimously RESOLVED: that Charles J. Gronberg, be and he hereby is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics of the Town of Mamaroneck for the term1beginning January 1, 1948 and ending December 31, 1949; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the Certificate of Appointment of the Registrar of Vital Statistics to be filed with the New York State Department of Health. The Supervisor asked the members of the Board their wishes insofar as the dates of the Town meetings are concerned. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the regular meetings of this Board be held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 8:15 P.M. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House . The Supervisor recommended the appointment of the following Committees for the year 1948 : Councilman David A. Erabury - Legislation Police Pension Fund Parks Councilman Edward F. Watson - Assessments Incineration Recreation Councilman George E . liills,Jr.- Fire Protection Veterans ' Service Councilman John T. McKeever - Drainage Sewers Garbage Collection The Board unanimously approved the foregoing appointments . On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Mills, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the " Daily Times" of the Mamaroneck be designated the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing notices . The Supervisor stated that it would be in order to appoint the auditors to examine the Town' s records for the year 1947. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the firm of Glick-Freedman, Certified Public Accountants of New Rochelle, New York, be ap- pointed to audit the records of the Town for the year 1947; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the compensation for this service be in the amount of $19200.00. 21 On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, unanimously RESOLVED, that the following be and they hereby are appointed constables to serve for the term beginning January 1, 1948 and ending December 31, 19489 with- out salary: Rocco V. Migliaccio - 243 Knollwood Ave . , Mamaroneck, N.Y. Thomas Faillace 601 Yamaroneck Ave . , Mamaroneck, N.Y. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 465 of the Laws of 3,935, which amends sub- diYision 1 of Section 102 of the Town Law, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby determines to allow and pay the following Town Officer in an amount not to exceed six cents per mile for the use of his own automobile for each mile actually and necessarily traveled by him in the performace of his duties as the -Assessor for the Town of Mamaroneck: Assessor - James M. Smith On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, unanimously RESOLVED, that the following be and they hereby are reappointed as members of the Board of Police Com- missioners of the Town of hiamaroneck, New York, to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board: Clair V. Johnson Loren R Dodson Cecil 17. Borton Supervisor Mandeville commended this Board by saying that not only the tax payers but all of the residents of this community are certainly fortunate in having these three fine gentlemen serve on the Board of Police Commissioners in the Town of Mamaroneck. On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Mills, the following was adopted, Councilman Embury not voting : RESOLVED, that Town Councilman David A. Embury be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund for the term beginning January 1, 1948 and ending December 31, 1948. On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, unanimously RESOLVED, that Mrs. W.C . Lawton be and she hereby is reappointed as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District No.1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, to serve for the term beginning January 1, 1948 and expiring December 31, 1950- On motion by Councilman Mills, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, unanimously RESOLVED, that Clifford W. Cross be and he hereby is appointed as a member of the Board of Appeals for Zoning to serve for the ter%, effective February 19, 1947 and expiring February 19, 1952. 3 On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, the following resolution was adopted, Councilman McKeever not voting : RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article 2, Sec- tion 12 of the Plumbing Code of tie Town of Mamaroneck, the following be appointed to the Examining Board of Plumbers, to serve for the term January 1, 1948 and ending December 31, 1948: Councilman John T. 11cKeever Town Engineer A.J. Foote Dr. Ellsworth J. Smith Mr. Francis McGeough Mr . Victor Kriss On motion by Councilman Matson, seconded by Councilman Mills, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the following banks and trust companies in which the funds of the Town of Mamaroneck and its various districts and departments are now deposited shall continue to be the depositories of such funds for the year 1948 upon the same terms and conditions as now obtain, including security deposits now in effect : County Trust Corlpany; Mamaroneck Branch, Mamaroneck,N.Y. County Trust Company,Larchmont Branch, Larchmont, N.Y. First National Bank, Mount Vernon, New York Chase National Bank of New York City Huguenot Trust Company of New Rochelle, N.Y. The Supervisor reported that he had at hand the renewal of the contract between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Westchester County Dog Protective Association for the year 1948 in the sum of $19500. It was on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the contract for the sum of $1, 500. between the Town of Mararoneck and the Westchester County Dog Protective Association for the year 1948, which is provided for in the 1948 Budget . The Supervisor reported that he had at hand the renewal of the contract between the Town of Llamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont and the Larchmont Public Library, in the sum of $9, 770 . which is provided for in the 1948 budget . On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the contract between the Town of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont and the Larchmont Public Library, in the sum of $9,770 for the year 1948, which amount is provided for in the 1948 Budget . The Town Clerk presented the lease for one year covering the - rental of the premises at 178 West Boston Post Road used for the Town Offices . It was on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Mills„upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the lease for the rental of the premises used as the Town offices at 158 West Boston Post Road, Village of Iiamaroneck, the lease being for the sum of $2, 160. , for the year 1948, which amount is provided for in the 1948 budget . On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the brokers listed below are authorized to issue the following policies covering the Town of Mamaroneck and should be renewed during the year 1948: Goffe & Griswold Public Officials ' Bonds Turnbull Agency, Inc . General Liability - Fire House and Police Station Employees ' Non-ownership Fire & Police General Liability- Town Office Burbank & Levin General Liability - Highway & Park Departments Auto Non-ownership Thomas B. Sutton Corp. Fire - Highway Tools & Equipment Fire - Police Station Fire - Sewer Tools & Equipment Fire - Town Office Contents Public Officials Bond - C .M. Baxter Anthony Gagliardi Auto Public Liability & Property damage Thomas Buhler Auto. Fire and Theft Photo Equipment Fire and Theft Fire - Election Equipment Joseph Dinolfo Contractors Public Liability and Property damage State Insurance Fund Compensation On motion by Councilman McKeever and seconded by Councilman Watson, the following was , unanimously RESOLVED, that the appointed Constables , Rocco V. Migliaccio and Thomas Faillace , each file a bond in the sum of $2 ,500. for the faithful perfornance of their duties. Said bond to be for one year and be approved by the Town Attorney and the premium for same be paid out of Town Funds. FURTHER RESOLVED , that the salary scale of Civil Ser- vice employees of the Town of Mamaroneck, adopted January 5, 1944, is hereby amended as follows: Minimum Maximum Accountant $3 ,500. $4,600. Senior Account Clerk (Tax Dept. ) 29500. 3 ,600. Police Chief 49000. 5,200. Police Lieutenant 3 ,500. 4,600. Assistant Park Foreman 1 ,800. 2,640. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect as of January 1 , 1948. The Supervisor reported that he had talked with Town Attorney Delius over the telephone , who is at home recovering from a cold relapse. He recommended that the two matters which are pending , the application of Fordham Transit Co. and the Town Attorney ' s report of In Rem pro- perties be deferred until Iulr. Delius ' return. The Supervisor presented the following statements to the members of the Board: Statement of Bank Balances as of January 1 , 1948. List of Claims Audited and Paid by the Comptroller from December 3 , 1947, to January 1 , 1948. Summary of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1 to December. 31, 1947. Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures from January 1 to December 31, 1947. Analvsis of Estimated Revenues from January 1 to December 31 , 1947. The Supervisor referred to his report to the Board on the operations of the Town for 1947. There was general discussion on a part of the report and the Supervisor advised that there was no immediate necessity for action on the part of the Board members. In the matter of setting up a policy for sick leave and vacation leave , for the Town, as suggested by Supervisor Mandeville, it was de- cided that a copy of the Rules and Regulations be sent to the employees while further study and recommendations are made by the Town Board. The Supervisor reported that the tentative estimate of the cost of snow removal from December 26, 1947 to January 8, 1948, will be approximately $7,906.26. The Supervisor reported that the cost of the Christmas lighting on Piorth Chatsworth Avenue , Town, amounted to $41. 71. He said that funds are available in the regular street light district budget for the payment of same. The Board unanimously approved .the payment of this bill. Councilman Mills presented the Fire Report for December , 1947 , as follows: Dec. 4. Two rounds. Brush fire at Gedney Rd. & 'Winfield Ave . Box 113. 13. Still Alarm. Gas leak. Box 158. Mr. Van Law. 3 Glen Rd. 18. Two rounds. Brush fire back of Loyal Inn. Box 712. 21. Two rounds . Car fire at Murray Ave. & Chatsworth Ave. Box 142. 22. Still Alarm. Brush fire at Garden Rd. East. Box 243. 25. Four rounds. Oil burner fire . 30 Lansdowne Dr . Box 216. 26. Four rounds. Fire at Town garage. Box 543• 2 Still alarms. 3 Two rounds. 2 Four rounds. Councilman Mills presented and read the following letter: January 8, 1948 The Honorable Owen A. Mandeville Councilmen Gentlemen: IJ[y wife has been in poor health for the past year since giving birth to my baby Gerard Harrington. Iffy oldest boy , John Harrington, has been suffering from asthma for the past six years. He has been under constant treatment during this time with various doctors. Some time ago he was given diagnosis and treatments for six weeks at Grasslands Hospital. Consensus of the doctors opinion seems to be that a change of climate might prove very beneficial to himo I therefor urgently request a leave of absence for ap- proximately four and one half months , starting 11ay 15, 1948. 1 hope you gentlemen will give this request your utmost consideration, in order that I mat= have the op- portunity to provide every possible means of recovery for my wife and son' s. I am enclosing a letter from my physician, Dr. wm. A. Barrett which is self explanatory. Very truly yours , /s/ Michael J. Harrington Following discussion, the matter was referred back to Councilman Mills for further information. There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 10 :30 P.M. to meet on January 21 ,1948. To&��C k ��----