HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951_12_19 Town Board Regular Minutes 675 i MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TO1,,,_Tj" OF MAMARO- NECK, 7TELD DECEMBER 19, 1951, IV HE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE s;.`EAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE, TO?'!'d OF MAMARO NECK. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 5, 15 P . i'4 . PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville - Councilmen Embary, Watson, Waterman and McKeever ABSERiT: None Presence was also noted of Councilman-elect Peter F . Kane, Jr. , -Mr . Gror_berg, Town Clerk, Mr. Delius, Town Attorney and Mr. Frank R . O?Erien, General Foreman. Mr. Ford Anderson and Mr. J . M. Van Law appeared before the Board to ask that the Town pave Bryson Street. The S,:°;ervisor stated that pro- perty owned by St. John? s Episcopal Church abuts this street and the Church has paid taxes on this property for many years. The Church now has an opportunity to sell this property if the road is put in condi- tion. it was the Supervisor' s recommendation that this work be done. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Supervisor Mandeville, it was unanimously (Councilman Waterman not voting) RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is instructed to pave Bryson Street, pro- vided that the present ovners of property abutting said street, rough-grade it. The minutes of November loth were approved as presented. _ I The Town Clerk presented a letter dated December 1st, signed by four residents of nigh Ridge Road, asking that proper lighting be installed or said road or street. On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of residents of High Ridge Road, for installation of proper lighting on that street or road, be referred to Councilman McKeever, with power. The Clerk presented and read a letter dated December 13, 1951, from William G . Horn, Secretary of the Fire Council, requesting permission to change lettering on the Quad piece of apparatus from "Truck No. 2P' to "Engine No. 11' . The letter was referred to Councilman Waterman. The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated December 13, 1951, from William G . Horn, Secretary of the Fire Council, recommending that the position of Fire Inspector be held by the Chief of the Fire Department. i The letter was received and filed. I The following reports were received and filed: I Building Report, November, 1951 Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to November 30, 1951 Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures, January 1 -to November 30, 1951 Analysis of. Estimated Revenues, January 1 to November 30, 1951 677 i The Clerk presented the following applications for dance hall permits, which applications have been approved by the Building Inspector, Fire Inspector and Chief of Police. Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc. Waller° s Post Lodge Winged Foot Golf Club, Inc . i Veterans of Foreign Wars On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the applications of the hereinafter named applicants for dance hall licenses for the year 1952, be and they hereby are approved and the Town Clerk_ is hereby directed to issue the same: Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc. Waller' s Post Lodge Winged Foot Golf Club, Inc. Veterans of Foreign Wass Councilman Watson stated he had nothing to report for his departments. Councilman Embury said he had attended a meeting of the Park Commission on December 18th, at which time Mr. John A. ?,tang, Chairman of that Com- mission, announced his decision to retire as a member. Mr. Embury sug- gested that an appropriate resolution be drafted for presentation at the next meeting of the Town Board and the Clerk was instructed to pre- pare such a resolution. The Supervisor presented a letter, dated December 6, 1951, received from Mr. Orsino, Comptroller, requesting authorization to transfer funds -- within the 1951 budget and from surplus funds . Following discussion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the Comptroller and Supervisor be and they hereby are directed to make transfers within the 1951 budget and from surplus funds as follows: Town Office To B4 Supplies $100.00 B5 Janitor Service 32.40 From Light 82.40 Telephone 50.00 Election To Labor, etc. 120.00 From Inspectors and Poll Clerks 120.00 Assessor To Consultant 750®00 Office Supplies 175 .00 Traveling 225 .00 New Maps 28.48 From Salary, Town Assessor 13178.48 I 6791 Law To Traveling $ 50.00 Supplies 200000 From Foreclosure costs C,250.00 Justices of the Peace To Supplies 2+0.GO .dew Furniture 15 .32 From Stenographic charges 55 .32 Board of Appeals To Office Supplies 50¢00 From Surplus, General Town 50®00 I Building and Plumbing To Inspector 640®00 From Assistant 640.00 Highwa To Item 4 31250®00 From Surplus, General Town 35250.00 Dec. 1953 Deficit, Ice Control 877.14. 1951 iY 41 ®' and snow 15370¢ 51 Reserve for DeQ. 1951 snow and ice control 1000 252:21 1;22 Miscellaneous Expenditures To Auditing 500.00 Traveling, etc. 313043 Publishing Notices 253.00 Insurance 2, 700®00 Cemetery 23 .80 From Surplus, General Town 32787 .23 Police To Traffic Signals 150.00 ?dater, Light & Gas 25 .00 Miscellaneous 262.00 Traveling 50.00 Gas & Oil 150¢00 Office Supplies 4150o00 Repairs Equip. 600.00 --- Finger-, : In t, :Equf.'- 30.00 Radio ",faint. 500.00 Traffic signs, etc . 220.00 From Retirement Fund Cont. 725000 Range Supplies 75 .00 Repairs Headquarters 75 .00 Building Supplies 175 .00 Surplus - Outside Villages 1,387.00 i Garbage To Wages X8, 740000 Gas & Oil 200.00 Repairs trucks 400400 Equip. , Supplies 190.00 Dump Maint. 725 .00 From Salaries - Operators 8,340.56 Insurance 800.03 Equip. Rental 1,115400 F ire To Fuel 225.00 Gas L Oil 50600 Materials, Supplies & Equip. 515 .00 Clothing 380.00 From Repairs, Equip, 150.00 Repairs, Maint. Bldg. 70.00 Surplus, Fire District 950®00 Hi rant Rental To Hydrant Rental 25.03 From Supplies, Fire District 25 .00 Lighting District To Street Lighting 460.00 From Surplus, Lighting District 460.00 Park To Light, Power, etc . 43.00 Materials, etc. 200.00 Capital Repairs 55 .00 From Park Groundsmen & Laborers 295 .00 Sewer To Pump Station Maintenance 400.03 Leslie Sewer 158.61 From wages 558. 61 On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that there be advanced from General Town Surplus to the hereinafter named departments, amounts sufficient to pay for the following items purchased during 1951, refund of which is included in the 1952 budget: Police Department, purchase of cars $2, .255 .14 Miscellaneous Dept. O/V, publishing notices 2,125.00 Fire Dept. , generator, roof and sirens 2, 517.63 l 683 The Supervisor requested a resolution setting January 14, 1952 as the date for the next auction sale. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman ZrIaterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that January 14, 1952, be and it hereby is set as the date for the next auction sale of Town- __ owned property, to be held in the Council room at the k'eaver Street Fire House, mown of Mamaroneck, at S. 15 P . M. Councilman McKeever had nothing to report for his departments . Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Department claims, approved by Chief Thomsen and audited by the Comptroller. The members of the Town Board, sitting as the Board of Fire Commis- sioners, considered the claims a.nd, on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are .authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: A. & A . Automotive Co. 9=54 Bose & Parker Motors Corp. 2.43 Arthur Massey Brown 50.00 Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co . , Inc. 225 .14 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York 36.74 Thomas J . Francella 15 .77 Free Parking Gas Station 19.05 — Joe and Patsy� s Garage 12.00 William B. Lemon 17.50 Mitchel Oil Corp. 44.70 New York Telephone Company 72.30 bdesco Fire Equipment and Service 18. 30 Nestchester Joint Water Works #1 (hydrant rental) 6.30 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York 38.78 tieII7 York Telephone Co. 32.00 Total $600®30 The Town Clerk presented an affidavit of publication as well as the affidavit of posting of notice of a public hearing on the project to construct a pumping plant and force main in Fenimore Road. Mr . Delius presented a letter dated December 17, received from Mr. A. J . Foote, Town Engineer, amending his report of March 299 1949, relative to the Fenimore Road sewer. Mr. Foote stated in this letter that the cost of Scheme �3 in said report, based on present day prices, would be $40,000 and the cost of operation estimated at x;900 per year. No one appeared for the hearing . Following discussion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by j Councilman Embury, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unani- m_ously adopted: 1,'1iEREAS, public notice of a hearing, pursuant to Section 202b of the Town Law, has been duly posted and published, which notice, with the proofs of such publishing and posting, is now on file with the Town Clerk; and II 685 AJT EREAS, the Town_ Engineer has submitted to this Board, a map and general plan for the improvement or reconstruction of the trunk sewer in Fenimore Road in Sewer District No. 1 of the Town and for the construction of a pumping plant and force main near the boundary line between the Town and Village, together with a 10" pipe connection with the Mamaroneck Valley= Sewer maintained by the County of West- chester, all as shown on the map and general plan; and WHEREAS, the said Town Engineer has given his opinion that the cost of such construction and improvement will not exceed $43, 000, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby decides and finds that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of Sewer District No . I in the Town of Mamaroneck by the construction of a trunk sewer in Fenimore Road in Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck and by the construction of a pumping plant and force main near the boundary line be- tween the Town and 'village, together with a 10" pipe con- nection with the Mamaroneck Valley Sewer maintained by the County of Westchester, f i FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board hereby directs and authorizes A. Jo Foote, a Civil Engineer duly licensed by the State of New York, to prepare definite plans and specifications and to make a careful estimate of the expense and with the assistance of the Town Attorney, prepare a proposed contract for the execution of the work. FURTHER RESOLVED that A. J . Foote shall receive such compensa- tion for preparing such plans and specifications and the -- work incidental thereto as may be agreed upon between him and this Board, but prior to the awarding of the contract and provided that the amount of such engineering fee be included in the cost of such construction and improvement. Mr. Carlton Cutbill, an attorney from White Plains, appeared and stated that he represented Mr. Charles Everett Moore, whose applica- tion for the issuance of duplicate tax liens was before this Board at its last meeting® He said he was getting further proof and documents together and was requested to work the matter out with the Town Attorney for presen- tation to the Board at some future meeting . Mr. Walter Lm Roe, 584 Weaver Street, appeared before the Board with a request that the Town do something about the over-flow of the Sheldrake River, which abuts his property. He suggested that the brook be cleaned and sufficiently deepened so that the opening of the reservoir gates would not cause it to over- flow. He said a contributing factor to the filling of the brook, is the sand and silt which comes down from Weaver Street and drains into it. The Clerk was instructed to write to Bonnie Briar Country Club and request that the Club clean out the part of the river which runs through its property. The Town Attorney presented a deed from the Carnoy-Wolter Construction Corp. together with a blueprint and survey made by A . J . Foote, show- ing the location and giving the description of the land lying in the bed of a street known as Winding Brook Drive, which gives access to I 687 property improved by the Carnoy®Wolter Construction Corp. over a bridge from Fenimore Road, and he stated that the Carnoy-Wolter Con- struction Corp. requested that this street be accepted as a Town street. He stated further that the Town Engineer had approved the street and recommended its acceptance . Upon motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, _._ it was, upon roll cai1, unanimously RESOLVED that the Town accept the street called Winding Brook Drive as shown on a certain survey entitled "Revised Map of Sheldrake River Acres, Property of Carnoy-Wolter Con- struction Corp. , Town of Mamaroneck, ?.Testchester County, New YorkR9 , made by A. J . Foote, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, dated October 1, 1951, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester, Division of Lard Records on October 15, 1951, as Map No. 7499, provided the deed and title search be approved by the Town. Attorney. The Town Attorney stated that Arthur H . Kaaren, Esq. , attorney for Mr. C . Frank Jobson, had written asking for a renewal of the lease of an island in Long Island Sound 'mown as Great Knoll Island, which lease expired December 31st, 1951, for 2 ,years on the same terms. On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was unaninously RESOLVED that the above lease be extended for two years from January 1, 1952, on the same terms as contained in the lease dated April 255 1950. The Town Attorney presented an affidavit from George Polera, stating - that he had lost a tax lien purchased by him on May 28, 1947, cover- ing Block 124, Parcel 445; that he had made due and diligent effort to find it but had had no success; that he asked the Town to issue a duplicates and that he would indemnify the Town against any claim resulting from the production of the original, if found. The Town Attorney recommended the following resolution which was, on j motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: i WHEREAS, Frank Polera, residing at 49 Myrtle Boulevard, Larch- � mont, New York, is the owner of Block 124, Parcel 445 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, and George Polera of the same address, is the owner of a certain tax lien for taxes on said Block 124, Parcel 445, levied for the year 1946, having purchased the same from the Town of Mamaroneck on May 28th, 1947, in the amount of 034.24;° and WHEREAS, through some inadvertence or accident, the said lien was lost, iVOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a duplicate lien covering premises known as Block 124, Parcel 445, on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, sold by the Town on May 28th, 1947, may be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Westchester County Tax Law (Section 582 of the West- chester County Administrative Code} so that the same may be surrendered to the Receiver of TTaxes, together with a satisfaction, and marked T" satisfiedT4 . it 689 The Ton Attorney reported on the matter of the Pryer Manor bridge and said that he had submitted to the attorneys for the City of New Rochelle and the Village of Larchmont, a memorandum of law and proposed legislative bill which was submitted to the Town: Board at an earlier meeting. The Supervisor again stated that the Board would be willing to contribute 113 of the cost of repairing this bridge provided there is legal authority for so doing. The Town Attorney also reported that an appeal had been taken by Joseph Lewis (Free Thinkers of America) from the order dismissing his petition to prevent the Town Board from allowing the use of the Fire House for religious purposes . There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad- journed at 9: 10 P . M. to meet again on December 22nd, 1951. o Clerk i i i I f i l Ii