HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951_09_12 Town Board Special Minutes 591 -1 0- M TE -io-,T- 0 P MENUTES OF A SPEC"I"-L TI`=?T!T,' l JF THE COUNCIL !MPI OF T-HE =T I 1-�n ?512 _j _1 _' L_I !'T STREET' FIRE HOUSEP T0- F T"he Suicerviscr o-alled t',-e -,,.eeting to order at 6, 15 -:� . M . ?HEScE_"_T: S-o.,3 e i�'T � ande•Till' _= 11 J_U and C-u n c I en �T�''son,n3 ES Courcilr= Embury Presence was also noted of Deii-s, Town .' ttornej, Town Clerk Gron- t berg, ta c ount Tit, IMr. Firson and the ASSsSS02, HCE_7oY-. T `. essei, a . al_dress-Cd t.a-a 3-ca�f 7 'Ii. iLnt-o--Y De" ­31 -,,71-r� (�e7Te � '- 'n� the -rclpe2iLy on H�,-- li - , � ri r­o 'ci- ­ t 9 houses -r Ridge f-,oad. He said Mr . Del.:,-- ._a s a-I the de7sl_-il-:Ient and is ab:D-it to ded--cats to t,- 7-w-n,, .,I_ --.a larg--st pa.-t of t'lat- h4-7.1-- waym He ftas buil� one h. usa o--n t11-- --crner of EocIanf and Hic'==y Gro,,7e Drive a-ad a: ov-er -ext Clo=, to it and now 'ti L' S_ftes to bu�iid on o-!- 9, ier s he Confronted wit's t pro'- , a o� --u'!dirg per- 1111U, as hickory Gro77-_ Drivo -i S not F �)ubllic street. Mr. Zfin,-esSer ,Tent- C- to say 'hat t.'­_ 11as agreed to a, vqatL er extensJor an�_ the ou' lier u,.tilities are also being installed. The 8a.,ervisoT suggested that Mr. Zingesser leave the pians -­-,ith the Board and the fiat ter ,TohLid be �flscu s_zaa iat-ar in the c Ling , Ti . _f f - -1 ­.Z- ' n-, �T, w�r 70 �:j i C -,,Te- -le, aN�3eaT d bef,­ the ��,ca,rf 7,,T a rc-C.,aest that the na_rae of Byron _ _- ce be cnanged t:_ 1,=,ff Etreetz . - e sF=Id tniat, in aad!_t_' o-- to Eyroh 21--ce, there is also a B7T7-- T -r- c�=es =PiLcion. as­sd -,,!ny he -vfshed to cha-�age __e �oqn, ---- U t,e name to Hanff Street, he replied that because he is ""-a owner of 87/�` oi the property on one side �f t8 stron-'13 he considered i-�- to be 3ropr�P The Super-\TiScr infor-ed tftat tie Eosr�� d_" Sc;-_,Ss the a t t ' _ ter an' -n- -could be notified of '�;s decision. TI;' IT-ft-n-ur NewkirR_, 5 ' on 7Hcau, apfearew to a .-asslble p �jo v cl_�tion at 49 �--ad -,,T-_' o'a he 'te-2 _e7ies I-S oe]ZE, I an "A" res 'd-n-s -cne. ---,e said -�`a` laflily Is house f-ade a t-,I-_-family dwelling and ...t t`-. _e he arcI h_� neighbors had protested. Howe-,.Ter, as the tenant at the ti-Me was a veteran and there had existed a serious housing emergency, the neighbors had waived their objections for the moment. Later the house was pur Chas Ed' subject to the occupancy oi- the vsteran, 'cerant and the neighbors continued to ti-eir protest. n n. 'HI r. -wk' r� sF-d, he had beer, i_.fomed -hat -Irr. t---- past mont a IIE Robert L � i-- pson, the present owner, has rented to a new tenant �-d 4 1 'his - a the case, and it is a twc-lamfiy house, Mr �i I i % . c.nd his n_=ig.nbcrs iji sh to protest. Hle said he had 717i th Mr ?'el iu S, t`e Tc,-,,.­ L--torrey, -,71-3 'ad fr_ 'cyn 1eci-aested "r. IM­_Evoy Building Inspsctof, zo in TeSt-&F.te to 21-earn -,,71-ether or not Is ac V�_a_.-Y a t7,,7 ' _[ 0- FMI-Y _louse. ?Tr. ',jof:,pso-2 who was present, was aslfed 7T the E-_-,-e 17 Ll- S-or-v. He salf thzt a- t_`�e time he s�,. I --- I __­ U _',- ___ I u rc I i a S as e r-case he �aa. not urderstoocl- t",at there was ary ,iclatfl=. Ti._ adde-I �ha' of �ne houses 4-- t'ne reighborhoof., two of 1-hem a_-e d-,I-e 11=n6 E . 593 1 rr. Franl: Croxford 38 Dillon Ro.ad, t'r. t i° 1 .,- t ic_ a� c- _ a �,rc_^lc rr�- =» 1-CU.u.,,s tner°..y exc,e-t by a -Ta r_d_n.Cey ',e 1e-1 z Lh 10.' >._ ., _.ldl—ie enforced. T�_e SL!pervizoi: Said he ce17e 7e_: „S ._.:: t, .,'er sriculQ co-nue before the c,n'ng Boa-d. said he had ..°r'.eck.0-d s_.,ua-6im _.ndy in hfs Cp ,ni_,n, at I-ie NrsSe _L` time i,i-;ere is no The Board next considered corfi v . ,i,.. of the sale of E1Gck 204, Parcel 247 to ?Ir. Gaeta= Protano fGf L'1c SLUT' 11-, y'30. T_1e 'n_stalle- tion, of utilities, }11e. _"tensicn Of the sewer nine prepal-atf Of a s-u'od 4-7 Sion ,a 1 e ` .--us e�. with i . Frotano and ,r . b G r5 en 1r -.;_.0 were present. Ir. Zor5en said it ,. 1 ic;'e too COS l-' for" _r. :rotan0 t0 !c TTe sLL- flv' avl":. -ficy pret,aisl 1i.".e_ c r_e iS act'aa. I lT I-- 0, :^_e1 c, property. He - on to say t-at beca',::'se Of 8 statef."C t that Mr. Pactarc ?iFh1 be una. !- , to connect with the i.^resent sewer in Penh: Cre itiCa:d, .., ��.-"E--u .,c r1�, .. 'tcr' ,.. ,rl-hrl'ra-, ---Ce offer The a--- . diScL.Ssed the mat-ci at le ?gti! and reac ea .,:. =n _%Us CC-_ c lusi' m t.!at 'G-'^-e sale 5110 i;:1d r^.t be co-f.'=ed s.t lh--S iT'.:e aC, Prctano0 5 check sriou.id be returned t0 hiM. _t:_ respect to the sale of the ether properties =_t the auction of 8ep- te^lte-r 13th, COunciiman McKee?'er -noved and Ccurcilmai, '. a-' son Seconded the G 1 i r...ving r.eSG _L'y01 rhiGh -,,as, upOr roil call, LL2animousl dOp ted: the `" n Tit P'amarJne-k. tnzo,. ^_ the -stLt{" c- Oi a'..ticn in the L 't.L(lty Cou:'t G1 "Tc._tchester County, en _tied,. "In ! T c "l, G the mat tel of t'' e cr eclosure ens 1�arsua_. 0 a TliIw, , Title 3 u the Tay Lc.'n', y "_n. TOi,:_ .�L �?o�-'^,aT'O'_"!eG1Sy TiSG Of Delinquent Taxes for 1947" . has -and now ' S the 0-r' _.;r of a -, m^ 2 c ` Ol.S real e' situate ahe Un .. n ,��" .;ef f pare.. O. _ .l stB.1,C- T�77. V__.. COr`i.:Or'a teC S SC t.1cn of U_^!e To n Of !'Raf'arorec_ ; and t�'l:e TC,lT"_ �: i _.._ai r��','i. i sA c `t- c'J foi1 l;m':i.J nd he-_a a public 2,1,:cti-.n on September l0t'h,9 1,9511 a"'d rece i-ved bbl= On certain of sa ' parcels ^,f Peal e ta'te nci7 cwned a t"^_e TCn'r Of Na_lar 0_te C1Sp and Since the iecelpt of said cid S, t1ais %nerd 3 g'itien s care, ul CS''f_,.,. C.erl—Gicia t11ereto, c"'_C_ tea' i.Lo deli ._. _: t,icn, it is "at --e `I ._ereina- listed be cC'cpteCi at t''_c price z.- — - �- c'T`2i:' set 'L'LRT1-ER RESOLVED that the acceptance ^�.''. -"'!1e bid _ Or° Eioclk 50!., Parcel 168 and Eiock 531, Parcel 216, is subject to the di.sm :.Ssal Or t-ermiration in fa70r Of the Town of 14 a-maro- neck, Of 2. certain Suit now perding in the Supreme Court, brougnt by L Ili a.n P . ; a.TT e IS Z 1'.._ t, 2t aga.ns',t '�1�., To`r'r ? n ii!Iiici_7 aCticn. the plair+iffs c, im -hat transfer of ti'_ese parcels to the `j'OT;ili of nne�.'",°n is irTT£:.1',.d. 10C!. ia.rcel P'uLcMassr - 124 373 Peter Foti 8 530 Cash 501 IOC Fred ley'eis 7 J St JU I16 Mrs . w O } y V 23 -30 l,a✓_.. 1L` l'iiFr REQ-`L�r',_'D tha tree 8u;.;ervisor is alathorized and airected to executle and dei ,vet' ., e,:s to _aeSe .,ar.,'els _._ a.Ccofd'arc., :Tith the terms .. d contracts of sale and the i0;,'r, .Attor'?,.ey is auLhGr'ized to take all steps neCes_ sa°'y t0 CO:apiete the sale and transfer these , arcels . 'L'LRT1-ER RESOLVED that the acceptance ^�.''. -"'!1e bid _ Or° Eioclk 50!., Parcel 168 and Eiock 531, Parcel 216, is subject to the di.sm :.Ssal Or t-ermiration in fa70r Of the Town of 14 a-maro- neck, Of 2. certain Suit now perding in the Supreme Court, brougnt by L Ili a.n P . ; a.TT e IS Z 1'.._ t, 2t aga.ns',t '�1�., To`r'r ? n ii!Iiici_7 aCticn. the plair+iffs c, im -hat transfer of ti'_ese parcels to the `j'OT;ili of nne�.'",°n is irTT£:.1',.d. WE ._...:.:'y OS Recei,,tc arid: DySJta° unL , T „ay $O lU 3':, x951 i r Ana l`y vZ_� of Li:cQet ai_w''r0i'i _..C1-i'.� a'_'iCL " ._., .��.,.._ 'ti, ?=.t1 '_.�y ! :Sic 3J, 1971 IIa 'yr m ary 1 , U GU_��:,s_;`'•1a_i t C.:Gi^_ i'P-.;�c^-nt2� '"'^_E - -OT 1'-"'.o Et t1C'_'_S T .i.Ci TC-C._ is v"! the G"_sseS50P for the CGrrec"tiOn_ o� the assessment aG11 So e_li1a.t t^.E ap,pci _ent of z:S :-_s -and on motiOTi_ oy Olo-uncil= _- '.;aGso -, s8,or.cl _u ' Ol?._WiT:o c:�J-Q ._1� e;%.s �.t'!_TV "''.CUS''_`? CG��"G S'u; 1 ST IILRE�`_S3 the .3.-cess01 has i r. s,_nt f p:etf_ticn is-�<e co-_-_ cti Cn Of %,_ ., _ asr s SZ_'e„_i, ,..__I I.,r c r t a 1'1 -I-ea_S, pUi's ont to the NrOV 51Cn5 CS _ceGt..i.C11 557, Li,ticle 1 . _''c ..cd C r!°,.tc�' iot,;l.'_^_Lj 4 d=l iT3.l;. ur"a', tro aft--_: d-,.;-e .;crsfde—.- '- r. _::I'S -ard "inds 'ate ddesii a`ls t0 oira^_t Sa.7.d pe Ui'icns for t,' coPPectfcn Ci said asses 'meet _o—1 , i-tT',K_L7/Ei�. l,_"'_at i^_^c ,.SesSi_1E71'v roll of %JV', uS C'_n00i ta:>es of 1951 and the assess--ent Poll Of 19515 .rases of lC52, rhiC.n Cl OTr? .hoof_r t„ now t pear rT or the roll as feilowse E1'QCII Parcel .lame T end - l Ma 'affino yj, G' Its Corrected as ; oL1C-s bn acccrr'arce 7,71th the yI GTT _Sims Of SU.SUC''_iviSion 5 Of SE"+lOn J5P4 .' uli!'-_TL 'u�'JJ. w-D t`!a- tl-t° f1 .e_ _,,c-nL roll O 195', ='ch.001 to _esL of 19511 and the s sSeSS-me- t*. R011 of 1951, tp_,<_es of 1152, if-ch si-im, prc t-Y new e rL^g on th.e _-oll as C ev!1o`frs: D cck '_.1'cel ame Lc and v^il' -? be corrected aS foill o .'S iP accordance wit—_n the prOvisions of Subdivis cn. 5 of Section. 557a Land On1T.- 213 175 Fnt_n.on77 De Cicco T,a.f::7 Orl1' 1 1 1 /3 Ed l .. Fe11i c f1 L ?1. 3, 103 5'in.cer t C .pc-�e11c L 1'. 530 .' uli!'-_TL 'u�'JJ. w-D t`!a- tl-t° f1 .e_ _,,c-nL roll O 195', ='ch.001 to _esL of 19511 and the s sSeSS-me- t*. R011 of 1951, tp_,<_es of 1152, if-ch si-im, prc t-Y new e rL^g on th.e _-oll as C ev!1o`frs: D cck '_.1'cel ame Lc and v^il' -? be corrected aS foill o .'S iP accordance wit—_n the prOvisions of Subdivis cn. 5 of Section. 557a Land On1T.- 213 175 Fnt_n.on77 De Cicco 13,370 213 244 5'in.cer t C .pc-�e11c L 1'. 530 ^ -EE RESOT VED that the AsseSsn.ent roil of _ 5v, Echc-o! =cs of 195'_ and the Assessment Roll of � /:,- l,a.>ES C° X052, illGi. SfiCI ,i .re •t� no,r apse.=_i° in on .e o � roll ?s fo l,_,ws. o Vaffe Land !MIJ107=lerl. OYi G.1 G 1.6 267 c a ria 1- 5, /J%'.J o li ,ll U be cor-rectea as f-. 1-1cws in accordance -o7ith 111-i=_ '31 i ,S Of 3C 'di.vr�ion O, SCCtion 5 7. E_1001 Parcel N a—r.^e L a^_d Inlpro a-.'1a n _'ots.l 2J_u 2 7 A- LnUr Jn %as ari 0 J 2yC 377 J ^:nie Lm iil - 3, 8J0 0, 33'3 9, u0 599 be corrected, _._ folio ,•_ in accordance ,*it?: the pro,7isions of subdivision 5 of Section 557; 31cc L ,5II3__ ,R, TEEOL T= tr F the .L'_ss-ssraent roll of 1950, Lend only 728 SCh'ool ta_ es of 19/5.1 witiCih snows iorc-er ty no-,-, o, 730 728 a,,�pear mina on the roll. as folio-,Is- J __'es Is _ tEr 5,533 Bloc-_r Parcel T4 a. e Land !71-p^C ATE-"lent :7TU--Pt`iEa :ESOLVED tti1aT, `L c ”- 437 303 Mitchell Lanza X11753 I,GGG 2,75 be corrected as follows a n accordance with the dock provisions of subc:_'�.vision 5 of Section 557: L=-nd_ only 72, l are' P, B_oc_r F�.rc�l _lama Land F".^_'"�r oye-1.-,ent Tote _ - µJ7 33 Dorothy G . ?r'al1 1,000 e1J 1,0OG 4 y 7 z 'n_L__ 3.5 Lcnoll La;hz_. r,. 7�u ' 0 x,753 , _.. � r..E `.sse sri,ant tell of 1951 to-es of 1952, ,niCh snows oro �er.cy now ac rearing on t_�e roll as follows: Floc'__ Parcel !j= lle Lard I:irrovement Total µ07 M itchell Lanz. 2, 750 9,003 11,750 be corrected as follo-.rs in accoraancs .,*it1 the y]ro CtSio_`Ss --f i vision 5 of Section 557: loci Parcel T�Tarre L=r6. -ro,Tesent Total 437 3OG Dorothy_ 0 . ',,-alp ', OOO 1,000 4O" 3l ; i .che_1 Lanza 1, /JG 7,' uJ 10, 750 FLRL' "EvO E J r._e _sseJs Ent roil of 1;50 o^ ' Ec a—es of 1951 c'.r the As esS1_-,ent �cll .,_ 1911, taxes of i)52, -._ on show Cr y. rGf no'rl apf�ear8^o on the roll as fc1l_--, s; l oc a ca c.1e T,and l.. ,.r^•7c _E„t C'tS - 705 03 Tr .rginia Har d in +, 000 12,GGO l , 030 be coT„~ected as ” _l ,'s In cco.-dance , ':,_l the ,,ro?,rlsi--= c subdi"Iir .C?''. 5 of cCCti,:1 JJ^le Elocre Parcel P, pr al 'r G5 463 e_^__ i2 0 ° Uu.Ll "'ai 3�J 3vJ 705 454 VirZini Hamlin 3,7 JO 12, 003 1;9700 r`JnTI RESOLVED that t..e .I'ISSeSSri2Ent 'School tcnES of r..hich snows rO Net�� n G_t^ - .,,ear': g on thee roll as follo,Ts: E oc-,, ?aresl Narria L,ar_d. on!-,7 I 132 1 5 Foy :Tanny 10, , °00 be corrected, _._ folio ,•_ in accordance ,*it?: the pro,7isions of subdivision 5 of Section 557; 31cc L Parcel da E Lend only 728 1': J^ Pcy ,canny o, 730 728 105 J __'es Is _ tEr 5,533 28 � 75 11 ,., :7TU--Pt`iEa :ESOLVED tti1aT, `L c ”- sSasS:nEnt C?1_ of 1351, ia.;ES of 1 52, bleb shows pr o, Ertl no„ a_ ri:^_o on the roll as fcllcws. dock Oar-El I:an.e L=-nd_ only 72, 1a/ `ian_ny e1J be cn 'ecte'd as in ac f-ace --iti'h t`le rro°,? ` S Or!S of ion , of Sect _Cn 557; em I FTJ7iRTIIIERR REISCITIT7D that the -e '- -a.. s h s_-OW I sEessment Roil of 195,0 >ssLient roil cf ty now ap.3earing -Z 10 c'_i Parcel N ez,e and c,-nI 720 X63 af,e s s b s -' e r b3i 939 7' Roy Manny 330 FTJ7iRTIIIERR REISCITIT7D that the -e '- -a.. s h s_-OW I sEessment Roil of 195,0 >ssLient roil cf ty now ap.3earing -Z 10 c'_i Parcel N ez,e Land n I 320 iso, V I'11 a g e o f a-n a 1-(-,r e-c k SrF2,000 939 433 G f f f o r ct "I". P 1-c-me &1 330 be corrected as fo41.0 7._T5 in _FCO_=C'2nc_= -,7_' t- 'Ohe _,=_-7Ti�7j-=S of Se .:10Y'_ 557, Of s ub aiv]'.5 ' 1--n - Qe,t�= 01 EE-Lock 12-rcei P ainr.= 7 ­1( -"I ,- 020 18 6 Louw s NSlk 3'0 C+ is'-' i Vf-iage cf tj0 =T__17` EESC..,_VEE tlri.t tuine I'_ssesS--!ient Roll of LTD School ta—leS, of lc)g�lp ea_ T 2 tell as fo!lcwse Farce_ ;T a.-e c,I :L e T 2nd one 923 41D E n U---c'_ T e 939 433 G f f f o r ct "I". P 1-c-me &1 330 of sub _-visfon J of Se .:10Y'_ 557, a r c e I I ,, Lard crly 223 Ch lies E-eno` 130 IL7T—TI the Rci l of 1` P_� L --- owz- f E1 c c _2 c e T'am6 TFrc- ; -NrC lit ot al Z 5 228 rG. :f T VC, 10 be correct&61 as o-L- n ccord_� ijtl- s=s oC subCivlSion o_ _c, arcel n1-m T gi_n-' i--a 1� -7 e era mCcur 92 ­5 22S C) 140 I I- '�X�D I-3 7d—, d T a TV o - - I±i I J, .).)u 4,5501 F=_= TIESCL7�,TZD tlhat -,'-is 1�� c_Sessf,-.snt 'Dc-L-1- -of Schocl ta_�:es Oi 7 O� ; a-ril-f tl'le met 4. _-Roil cf s Ch s o--e i,ty nc-", s a_- th2 -roil as follows; o c a:0 c e7 c,I :L e T 2nd one C/I 3 01 f f e be Corrected., as fo i I c w s in 2,-_c c i�_,an c c ­11-u-TT pro-,rzqi-ns o ' subaivisi-n 5 o� section land on!- 939 433 G f f f o r ct "I". P 1-c-me &1 330 RESOLVED t'-at the follc-,­-_*n�; descri"oe-I claim..S . be an t-ney hereby are a.-pfroved and tnatl t,, _- Sa, erviso.- ana p-c - `� ­ n �rcllor be a nd -Y_1C `� -Y t t1le a: e out or the bud.get for the ' re Pepartme-nt, _\I sW York " q eeo Fire Eo-u'�?_:nent an� S v i ,l P . �3 1-1, C a r,,ID a--ny Clorte Enofneeri-.g Co .-_,,'any, -no . T 0-j_ S Preston _,TeOuire Lros . p 1--, . Ccrsolidated TEC'ILSon Co. of -Ne-,i 7=7� �Jcew Yor'L Telephone Com.pary 77e st-oh--Fts-r, Joint li� I­r Tdoi.1S -1 '­Iran' 7isn-al 2 IT 4 1 7 of Scarsda-l -, lja ! e­artmenl Total 2m 74 -43 lV ,+C','7 5 . DO 3 5 .2 3 32.x© 343. 609 1 Yeq-aest Of ry "'7� Hanff to cii=Ze tl)_- name of Byr3n P-l -,cs to H-anff Street was denied. �7, Tne TD-,,-_ ktIclo-r-ey �press-nted __ lease f32 r_ 0 "arcel 76, on 'he is a strip: of lard cr he S -d: 0-7 70st _7,o_ 7dj a'-C­t pi..,DSIte lje,­-­ Q-- 1 �18.-t and ,ne I-nd Pc--Il� el- SE-IsS _"l . �- " as s-' atec7i '!,a' +h' s lease ha-_ been �iDrel 1--, --se E)nd _n'- o-a con-a� +.n u, lns 1Dro7ISI=S s ':ic -Let 'or the sl=7,_e or Sale --f -assd o�r_s aIscl lesSee s-ia' _L, at all 1pe -es, kee�p ce p drain ',,hf ch tn- To- ne.s -,r - s �n ,--,a Dr0'_ssS ^ Ui..wt t prope­ty; -ree and unobsti­ucted . Upor =t.Lcn '-y iTcKee­er, it was -�.­ous ly �VQ RE.OL-YED that the Super,,,,isor be and he hereby is aut'-CriZed. r 77 - - -1 'FO =_-cute and deli er the lease wnicli is for a one ,year fror.i to rose and P ark e.-, Tn, T he Att-­­s-y 14 7 L;Z�Ur2.11, U,, 'r j e' r'� ,w F--,7 en an Ea-tfc-rd z-,ai-Ir—d Thf s C7 f= jL, ja - j- E n y Cl._-a S s a c - c r 14' r r y Cwizs mel-1, r-sc veil S a e i as c 7 S o tar e r s c n a I in 4,u.,_' a s y in-_I-ad in 87 �. of s�u -, in c -- -- re u_L t a fall a fe--nOz r berY- _­ in the a:�ea ieaSed - c the To-,r�. of Mamaro- ne-j- o -7 -or ��-_-Lr_oo se a a' the 'a- automobile par n I-a ji --a r�a r - Z�_ , u eaStsrly -=f_ of the we_ und platform at the L-arch-nont St a 1,2'on. n. Kro-w,les le_-ou ht a- ac 'liooi in tne "'u_r_zci,:)sl CoUr" o, "he City of Tdew .17orlz aga._i sC tre ..al-' road Co_,Lpany ffcr Th.-- i=4v-u_ries are said, t.: '-ave occurre" on the 27tn C'.a-,, of November, l;ivy but KnovTleS has never filled ar.-Y cl_�in or or c-'a the --o-,71n. The To-,Tn aal ch orfties h.-ave no knoil-Tiedge of how t'-,_f s accildent T're Tlailroad .-1,-f_aZralDh 15 "he sulti-6- frj­!, the _ Z - __6 7 C-m-an-.7 claims raiMburserient tl-le 3.n. a leas_ bet7Tss-i- and h 3ta 1-oad. -any, To- r agrees to indeTnify tftE Railllro_-�f any -Less -_� sastained upar on, in connection wiLh L �r -14 ,as stated t1-- the Law Dnpart,71ert of t.1-ie Railroad '3--a7-v has ad­_" se,� h-cp tha- '�i­ ease ca-- be se't-led '-r ��553. 9.121,. that t-,le R-�il- 0, Ma-I TO,M, r.read is -,,,Ti' llJirA-, tl- - C, Liuloll � -1 con6l-illlate the ct-he--ir 'Y250 . Upon notion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilmen McKeever, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the claim of 2e New York, Ney Haven and Hartford Railroad Company for the aQcunt laid in settle- ment of the claim of Harry V. Kno etc s, which claim was filed with the Town Clerk on june 8, 1951, be allowed in the amount of $250. on condit!Dn that the Railroad Company contribute the additional Q110. to settie KnowleM claim. MTHER RESOLVED settle the matte from it, as well that the Town Attorney is authorized to with the Railroad Company and obtain as from Knowles, a Eeneral _ea Se , Fimm M The Town Attorney recommended settlement of the certiorari proceedings from 1945 to 1353 inclusive, brought by Dominick j. Caiderazzo and wife, on property known as Block 962, Parcel 128, as well as those for 1912 , 1944, 1946, 1948 and 1949, brought by Nartha H . Reybine, et M, on Block 563 . Parn2l 63. Monk 969 . P2rnpl 206 erd Monk PEI . Pp7n& 157 . On motion by Councilman Meson, sezondsd by Councilman Waterman, the following resolution was, upon roll call, adopted. hHEREAS, heretofore writs ✓f certiorari were obtained by Dominick j . Calderazzo, at a!, owners of property described on the assessment map and assessment roll of the Tc-,,,n of Mam'aro(leck as Block 362, Parcel MAP to ----view the assessments for Me years 1345 to 1.953 Ctaxes of 1946 to 195 1) inclusive; and 4HEREAS, the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend to tkis Board that the proceedings be settled and discontinued u1cr the reduction of tAe assessments, NOT, THEREFORE, BE 17 RESOLVED that the assessments for the years 1945 to 1950 Ctaxes of 1946 to 1951) inclusive, uon property o-,Tnad by Dominick j . Calderazzo, et 0, and described upon the assessment map and assessment of the Town of '_�,,anraro- neck as Biock 962, Parcel AS, be reduced as follzws: FRON-11 Assm? t. Tax Year Year Block Parcel Lan! improvement Total 1945 1946 902 16S y040,000 55, 00C) 95,000 1346 1947 962 16S 403000 55100:� 95,000 1947 1944 962 16S 402000 553000 95,003 1943 1949 962 168 40,000 55,003 95,000 1949 1950 962 Q8 40,000 55,000 0,000 1950 1951 962 16a 40,000 55,000 95,000 TO Assm2t� M7 Year `Tea, Block Parcel Land imirovement Total 1945 1946 962 08 43,000 30'w0 70,000 1946 1347 902 i68 43,30j 35,00c) 75,000 1747 194t 932 108 40,000 35, 303 75, 000 194S 1949 962 163 40,000 40;033 80,000 194? 1950 ?62 10 43,000 43,300 83,000 1950 1951 62 166 43,030 43,000 S3;003 HE -Drcv1ded the ceytiorar,' rcceedLngs now pending n 1-1 7,0 T � I - Caldprazz�_ , e 'l LL, y i0r n�.�jn of _21fn t T'I e--: L 11 to !,/�,;J (ta.---� of 1-346 to, be disc3ntinued -vTith--ut c-sts s � tl—' no —rtforarf pro- a,7-a2L-st sithe.- partly, ceedir E be brou 0 �htl to reduce the assesss.enll- fol -,Tea-,- 1952 ��-Fl -,Qy - p+�Zyn�y � s 1, Lj -n � I, - -ez,- authorf--ee anL to t--e- neclass�ry stipulatio'n, to oc-tain ci dsl--s fi ., 'le pl�c, a---g 13-,. Suc The -Tote ---ecorded on t,.is reS31utLon was as folio-,,7s: I Icy 1-YES- Council-men -1 7 atson, =d .1 o-n. S-perviscr ardev-, ' e not vctJ--cig On motion by Counciimman lVaterman, se-conded by Counc-iiman McKeeve.-, the fo-I resc -ut, on 'r,,as, upon ioj- Call. unan.. ,.,3u -,,,, adcped: here-o-ore iii ' t 3 - -w-rc ob-a- reQ bj T 17,7-1,T t alp wnei s of nyol,--:�ty descr-ced on the asses-S- ment mac and assessfa-ert --cil cf' t�-- To-,--n of -'�Iama.-cnecl, as _71cck 91'-3, Parcel '68, !)J-cc�, -a e ndt 3 Cl- aably ?arcel L5-, �o ce 1 11 s,.5S j,!-nt� of 1 -9 ._ICs a- -/1+1+p J- �nd L3,- , �t,--r-y End �Ssesco-- :r2co=-n' t hi S '-- ,-'l--,I �f a-nd 6 0 nt n-d d I Boa-rd t'-at 1 �.& pr3ceedin-6-S -,-On 'I 's reducti=, 0i th.e -�ssessf,-,=tsy IT :RES0L-"7'-`l --nat tlh-e as SF.Ss-------7tE fo:c 'I�e -,,----�rS -IC;42, 1944' Y r) 17401/ 117 40/ (t f 1 174.1y 1 4? F 19 5 0 upon ay and descr- be,� up =., th �ss;sz-iLer' map 2nd s—szoe- t G_.1 of t-,e '0-1- , c f a-2 on e-.'h- as f j C_ a_ as —IMI 7 f�, - Z2c. x,1.0 ol: Yari:ol L_7 n r, i -a r o 7 T e-ri e r t T0—al C, H q J2y D-32 2 0 6 3 6 2 2 5 G 812'0 Ic 3 Jv 38, 2j0 38; -50 I 9si 15 ! 32 /03 °° Sy r'U 3 1`'4C' 104-, 32) 700 S23 500 1+1 J- 11 0 011 00 1 9431 9��3 0- 503 3 2 U3 0 !749 %C/3 20/0 37, 1-,33 37 50J 4 0 011 /0 1�- 1 700 3, 7 00 1949 0 963 0 J -�41 50C 21 ()j 19 ,49 i9S 0 6 20 6 50' iJ /l+3 19 5 0, 3 -zoo TO Assm? t. Ts.: 6"15 � Year Year Block Parcel Land ImTro7snent T 0 tai 1942 1943 913 56 no reduction no reduction 1942 043 963 206 32,500 32' 5n 1942 1943 6 6l 157 no reduction no reduction 1944 1945 963 68 no cduc , io mw no reduction 1944 1945 963 206 32,503 32, 500 1944 1945 961 157 no refuction no reluctior 1945 1947 963 68 no reducti3n no reduction 1346 1947 963 206 32250-- 32, 500 1946 1947 961 157 no reduction no reduction 1944 1949 963 63 no refucticn no reduction T94S 1949 963 206 32,503 32000 1 -348 1949 961 157 no reduction no reduction 1-349 053 963 68 no reduction no reduction 1949 1950 963 206 32,500 y 32, 503 043 1950 01 157 no reduction no reduction provided the certiorari proceedings no pending in the name of Martha H . Feyine, NO -01-P f-- WI the years i942, 1944p 1946p 1948 and 1949 f.taxes Of 0435 19459 047, 1949 ant 1953) be discontinued 11th3ut costs as against either party, FURTHER R2SOLNED tnat the To—a Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipulations to obtain orders from the Supreme Court providing for such reductions. The Town Attorney presented the lease for the Court Room at i3o Mamaroneck Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneco. On motion by Councilman Natson, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to eXeCUtE ant deliver to the lardioM the c fcr the Court Room located at 103 Manaro- neck Avenue, in the 701age of Mamaroneco, for the period from May 1s G, 1351 t3 December Ast, 1351, at a monthly rental of 64j. There being no furtner business, the meeting adjourned at 11: 25 ? � M . to meet again on October 3rd, 1951� it