HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951_08_01 Town Board Regular Minutes 565 MINUTES OF A REGULAR TLsR NEETIW OF THE TONE BOARD OF THE TOTTH OF iN RC VLC i, itiLD AJuL6n 1st, L951p IN THE COUNCIL p JO 2 i THE 1 >1LR Sn iLT T FIRE HOUSE, TOE-,_'.' of M. '1r'RONECK. Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8. 15 P . M PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville , „ouncnlmer- Enoury, ,?atson, Waterman and McKeever ABSENT: Done Presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg and Town Attorney Delius . The T'ou't Clerk presented a letter dated a uly ,9th, 1951, received from Mr. Nalter L . Roe, stating that the Sheldrake River is now almost totally blocked and the condition cause' by the overflow of the river has not improved within the past 90 days Supervisor Mandeville said that he would look into this situation. The Clerk presented a petition dated July 24th, 1951, signed by 5 resi- dents of the Dorris Bane area, requesting the Town to take prompt steps to cover the open brook on Doris Lade, which they believe is a con- stant source of pollution and a Menace to the health of the residents of the community. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the petition and refer it to the developer of the property in that area. I, The Clerk presented a petition dated August 1st, 1951, received Prow the Assessor, Mr. Thomas J . McEvoy, requesting approval of corrections to the Assessment Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck. i On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Em ury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves of the change of the Assessment maps of the Town of Mamaroneck as of June ist, 1951, and said maps are _Hereby Corrected and rectified as of June let, 1951, in toe following places: Page 7 Inde=. 71 31 3r 1C2 P ag e Page # Page T Page 71 132. 221 522 722 901 i 105 503 724 933 2�2 726 „i 223 106 907 001 728 907 111 226 603 911 604 803 912 119 636 806 913 120 301 639 8li 914 304 610 812 305 61l 813 916 121 122 14 123 315 613 8 920 124 320 614 815 921 125 340 6 81 ( 925 925 13 0 619 819 126 _- "133 Index 820 927 Filed Map 703 821 926 406 ,o 705 523 ^� 05 487 736 824 931 410 709 825 935 2, u 208 412 710 827 937 209 x,14 71,2 832 938 210 416 713 83l 939 714 832 940 21+ 715 833 942 213 717 943 214 718 944 216 720 948 217 721 953 2l8 955 952 963 567 The CCleri' presented a report receiveL? from J . Foote, Secretary to Che _=i71 aT7J DOarC: O_ Fit t`ii..i2r S, stc-t ng thaL _.. .;!.°..: Ding '_'1aC'. iJcC i=�°.1Q on Tune 33+h, 1951, and there had '--e en YiC api0 ....B:C<aS . r.'nc letter Cc v G - l5 r8Cc1;'cu fr07i ±^c I ' State =n-s.. ^.^e. of Correction, _. got-ar a _ of Lris.D ec pion. of the Tcrn The :1C1''ri 3reSent2C 2."_'_ c__1C!av-t of ya'clica.,,ion rno. a- � �fidavit- of post- ing ol , -::eic i.en_ts to the Cener='1 Crcirances, relative to dogs . The f01_o-,-irg reports Were ordered received and _pled- To°r;n Clerk s Re,,'ort, June, 1951 Report of ReCeiver` of 'T a:=e'S, J',LT-e, I C,j. ,e'ycrt of Tiestchester Shore H=ne - - IOC -et, ' Tnc. , June, l ;l pttcndance _.eports, Junee and Ju-; , 9 a 14—re !iepor; Jure, 1951 Statement of Ean_k Bala,^ces as of Jul F l a_. . August 1, List of Clain-S 1- and P aia by Ccm-,ptroller, J u'P_2 .,, g 1, v 1kS� � _L.dited �C _u The Clerk presented. a Ce' tificate oI A.r n . lent of '_-;_ection_ Inspectors fOr the election year 1.,,.g1,"'"-.'e??' ,1 lJ.l,y l„ lC'77 , signer. by Sut�)ery-'Scj- ,Ten i'_ . aa.Il�ev _112, or TL''_y 2, �'i5�-, 'ir accordance \,'.._ i_ '-.,he r^ccC1"GT..Y'.-_-i.ions of trig tL 1_1e=Men Cf the tL,,'o maIj Or polit-cel F2rties . The OlerI_ presented a list of the pC.11ing places for the Pur,,ose of designating the place -in each lection district c the Tcwn in 71,nich the '_eeting for the 1-s.gistratl_-.r_ of voters, e'-ect.:un end prlrlaries, shall be held - the year `olio ai`'.g the en Ding 1 S t d J 3 f (IC10 be `-- i:v �'Aon made t'j l.v�i;^_C1_':a. 1 c��Sv_�, Se CO�O eC'. r..t? �.vu.'"'C- -- ar ��:`ii y, 1 !, S'r=. ii-Q sly 71-SOLVE" the'-, in accordance T--ith the provisions of Section JG of the =-I ection Law, being lord. -a pt-er lr „__e of t cl id. r Co ns ated Laws of the State of Nei- Yorl c.0 ri ended ) the =o'ry-n LOard Of the TCT°rn cf Var—,'aroneck hereby designates a place in each elect en .-., trict in the Tcwn .;.t, 5P_'on, t'�^e -_.;ct1n ' for the egrs -raticn O" v C'ter S, elections -rd -y,-rL—fas, shall 'ile h ld yn the .jean fo}_ ,crvlrg the en--d---16- lst __y Oi- O .CtO Cer r'.``Ty Tr'm ,7fl S.Veriue School, l`°amarcnecl" y` c]_'I.0 , " ,--aroi"'_ecri, LISTR-ICT <dC C er'-TCo Plastic , Corp . E i d-ne.s i 43.- it C v ++ i;ve , , 'I.a,'nar Onee ri, - V D7 STRICT NO . 3 T1-amaro Fire House, Pal-Ter live -ae, `: TiarcneCK T,ts T YO. Li Central School, Eoston Post Rood, °va_ a C-=, T . TT STRICT NO . -- �i a.ilCr2st ^ ,..a. .me ts, Warren Ave=nue Entrance, Ma.`na=eck, nT. Y . New Euiiding, ChatSIiorth =h_ -TO . i He-,.T bulk=ing, Ch_ . s ,'orth DIST -IC7 \ C . G L-^-,--C,m-ont Village all, :`_venue School, forest -_venue School, Y ore::t oston Post Road, Laic Par's' Avenue, Le c=cnt, T.Y. LaS;,f_-ont,''T.Ve -1lrion.t, I V. DISTRICT NO . 9 New Building, Chatsworth Zvenue School, Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. DISTRICT NO . 10 325 - - 2> Boston Post Road, Larc'simont, N. Y. DISTRICT NO . 11 Chatsworth Gardens Apartment, 14 -.\I . Chatsworth Avenue, Toll of Ma aro- neck DISTRICT NO. 12 Murray Avenue School, TowT of Mamaroneck, N. Y. DISTRICT NO . 13 ?4urray Avenue School, Totem of r.a_n.aroneck, N . `,?, DISTRICT N,0 . y4 Second Floor, Weaver Street Fire House, nTea7er Street, Tower of Ma.r!aro- neck . DISTRICT i\,'0 . 15 First Floor, Tiieaver Street Fire House, Weaver Street, Town of Ma maroneck DISTRICT NO . 16 i Fenimore Cooper House, Larch=iont Acres, Richbell Road, Town of Mamaroneck i DISTRICT NO . 17 I Centr_G School, Boston Post Road, Tia, aronecx, Ti. Y. I Counc-IL,Ian Watson. presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roil so as to permit the apportiorrn nt of -taxes and on motion by Coknciiman Wa-son, seconded by Councilman E-:bury, the following resolute ton was � n.__C.lsly adopted: 1,,THEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the I` ssessm2nt- Roll for certain years, pursuant to t'_^_e pro-\7ls ions of Section 557, Article 16 cf the Westchester County Adfa-1-nistrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and 1IHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessnle_n_t ro1!_, 70'W, T_ iEREF'OREE., BE IT RESOLVED that the assess-_`_ent roll of 1950,. School taxes of 1951, which shows property no„r µ;opea.ring on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land Imo® Total i20 145 Briarcliff Const. Corp. $17,000 950+00 26,000 be corrected as foilows in accordance .rith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557= Block eel Name 1,and T U. Total 120 145 Ger°win C . Stein Jr. & TT 630 600 120 14a Briarcliff Canst. Cor°p. 16,400 9,OOv 25,400 71 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Assessment roll of 1950, Sc_toi taxes of 1951 and the '_ssessment _oil of 1951, taxes of 1952 which show property now appearing on the roil as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Tom® Total 340 l25 Stanley Duhig & ?„i 11,750 30,650 42,400 be corrected as fellows in .ccorda;!ce with the pro-iisions of su Uu_ivislo_”! 5�of Section 557. E1cock Parcel N=.a Land iZ2. Total 343 125 Rosa Heintz 3,400 3,400 343 160 ;Marie B.. "tatson 5,350 30, 050 39,000 "Ut'1'-_ER RESOL-VED that the assessment roil of 1953, tapes pf 1951, which sl=ows property now appearing on the roil as follows, Block Parcel Names Lard onl:� 714 493 Kuhn, Ernst, J . 21750 be corrected as fDil'Cws in accordance ,,ith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Sect-ion 557= -Block DarCel damn Land only 714 493 Bernard Kovrner 275 114 502 ^_1e1>ander° Meffert 275 Tic 494 E>uh -n . & Ernst, J . 2,200 -_-_ IFURTHER "SOLVED that the asses=ent roil of 1951, taxes of 1952, which shows property no,T appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel NTalle Land ImJ _Ctal 714 493 Kuhn, H. & Ernst, J . 22750 2,000 4,750 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Bieck Parcel, 1yaMe Land liLL Tota1 714 493 Bernard. Kcvrner 275 275 7y_4 5G2 hlexander r:;effert 275 275 7J.4 494 Kuhn, H . & Ernst, J . 2,200 21000 4,200 F SPI' ii^;R RESOLED tL-at the assessment rc11 of 1950; SChC01 t2:eS Cf 1951, and the aS 52SSM!e^i r v11 C'r 1951, taxes of 1952, which show property now appearing on the roil as follows: Block Parcel ,!are .Land only Sit 16 Rose Cnipken 1, 250 be corrected as foilpews in accordance with the , revisions of subdivision. 5 of Sect-won 557, ,ILlock Parcel Naae Lard on!_ 8.L2 16 G_oria. & Louise Cross 625 8121 19 LOais M . "rebo= ©25 57 FUR'THER._REEOLVED that ti!e ass--SSmert roll of 19'50 School taxes. of 19,5 rh s, ._c,,,en �,�_, ar.� e a� .,�av �c__„ roll of 1951, taxes of ?952, which show property now appearing on the roil as follo� s: E1oce- Parcel TQaue Land Lin® Total. 810 9 Ed-mac Realty Corpa 7,00E 4, 000 115300 be corrected J.o f ollG? s it accordance with the provisions GI susdiviSi.or_ 5 of Section 557: Elock Parcel Land Lmck 1'OU".1 I�i am 816 9 Hickcr;r Realty Corp . 51300 4,000 9,000 816 29dnac realty Corp. 2, 3 0 01 2, 000 FURT`IEFL EEECLVED that the aSsessmeY ''`, roll c£ 950 School tayes -of 1951, and t, e assessment roll - 1951, to->es of 1952, -inic_h snow property new appearing on the roil as -follows: E1cck Parcel "Name Land 3. pm Tote- 620 S Village ci' Mamaroneck L:,000 X00 4, 500 I be corrected as -follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel iL•;a-de Land TB tie lot 820 144 Frank Huber 1,700 13700 820 85 ?Ji11age of r •aroneck 2,3D0 5GG 25800 -_ - - FURTIERL RESOLVED +he- the assessment roll of 1?'Ou School taxes of 1951, and the assessment roll of 195 , taxes o£ 1952, ? h cn show property now appearing on the roll as fo1?_c- s: o cI _ ar'.'.e iN�ame Land On=.y 820 211 Marie 1, m M i I er & ors ® i,GOG be corrected as follows in accordance with the pi..ov_t_s'ions of Subdivision 5 . of Section. 557: ElCci Parcel lei 2=e T,and ' onl;y 82'0 211 Leslie Pulgh z 7cG 820 8G Marie " a ':'Fi_ler L ors. 250 .: yr T'Ha!R RE✓GLVED -1ia.t the ...SSessm-n.t r01 e o£ 1n1�0 School taxes cl 1951, and t..e assessment roil Y of -`1519- f - j�, „o i��cn SRCw property nO;T appearing on the roil as follows: -- +1,vc.: Parcel Name Land Total i 832 269 Fredgr ico la.drin.i 2;5;00 1! 500 1 ^ be corrected as fcl1-'gas in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557': Block_ Parcel iName Land Ism Tctal 032 274 F"redericc L� Bernardo Quadrini 1, 250 11,000 12,250 832 26,, Frederico Quadrini 1, 250 1,250 1 L1i:T HEii RESOLVED trio t The assess Gent roll of 195 3) CC h ocl taxes of 1051, -,�ihic'a s11m"s -,ro�oert,y :^ow 1ea.rin on the roll_ as "ollo-,is. 31oe Parcel Vane Tarf only al „ 04 tT ve a John Bar"oieri N„bOC be corrected as follows In accordance -pith the roV4 sionS 1� i f cCtion 557; locli ?arcel "Ta-ne r.n C. :;_'].l 'f I V SG E iiZaUeth oerleen Iy OU'3 ylo 84 V_to a John Ea 'oferi ,yoJJ 0_LT: RESO!•1'ED t_ at the assass .=_nt c -1 1 o:- 5 1 y tales of 1;52, j-i ,ch snows ps-opert no ppe^.ring on the -oll as follows- 3 1 o c L: Parcel lgma ,and _. otal 916 d4 its & John Zarbie_. i y 3v , }3U 11, 6Vv be corrected as follows in accordance ,al u-i ,.'ne p r ovI s ion s Ol sl. 'd' vis i=n J J1 0—e—c ion 557: 916 E Liza v `n 3e1l en V, 3 30 910 84 Vito a John Barbieri FJRTijE.P RE.SCL':iED that t?1e aesaet, o of L _rJ Scl'lool 'taxes of =-iilp wliicn shows i0ro er-.j7 now appearing on t!�C r011 as follows. Bloc-': Parcel `\i' me Ti:`.':nc- oTi!,.1 942 224 E Lionel ?avlo 1 15_=5 be corrected as 'olio' s in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section. 557: Land ?arCe� iName T.a _d O <i.Y 042 _22/� a '.11en 0 . `+ enSen 042 239 E . Lionel Pavlc 5,750 JPiT h E L'=r t i1 ,e c Seo i ,e.. t roll of 195 s ta.Xes of 1052, -,2h-_cn srio-, property noi- appearing on the roll as 'ollows: Bloc's Parcel 1;1 a}.'-:e T an2f. ` 942 224 21 . Lionel Paolo " 1 11 S, GGG be C0=°Y'eGte��''� as follows il"i aC C:"?T°, _2Z1C:e '.?1.y_- tie provisions of subdivision 5 of erection 557: Elocv Parcel N aiae Land 942 224 T . R. _len 8 0 . Jensen 5,750 6 p'330 Pavlo Ji lJ3 R^�, TTTE^ the ass° srient Poll ..i 1950 Sc'no i tai:-_s of 1351, ','Lii CY'i sn-_ws prope_'ty now appearing on the roll as fo1lo.,s: Bloc'� Parcel IT air e Land onI 9C2 5S Ei.`^T. G^i lier.7er 9,__33 be cor2ected a.S °o1 a0is it a:,COr :.anCe -ditty L:c 'cro,_.si.Dns Of subs fvrLS ion 5 of Section 557: BIOCx ?a:1 C2l l c.a"ie T a?"id Jnl:i' 962 67 1 . David Easton 1,000 962 58 Ed,,i. Goldcerger L 10,7® 5,333 Fp L o±,!.l yp800 1, 803 1 O t�al 503 TO.ta� llp �>5o 5,750 575 577 un1HIER rwavL`%E'D that the assessment foil of 1951, taxes of 1952, wftich shows property now appearLng on the roil as follows* Blocs Parcel H ame Nand Zm+,p-. Tota-1 962 58 Ed,t< Goldberger & "a 9,300 20,000 29,300 be corrected as foliows in acco.-dance With the prOvisicns of sLlNdivision 5 Of Section 557- B OCii Parcel !`T al'1a Lard 1P�. Total 962 67 1 . David Easton. 1, 300 1,000 962 58 Ed,, . Goldberger & '1d. 8,3oo 20,030 28,303 FLT-M= RESOLV-'D that the assessment roll of 1951, tales of 1952 and the assessment roil cf 1950, School taws of 1951, Which show property now appearing on the roil as follows; E1oc_k P arcel Name ,T.,and only 962 47 Ruth G . Joseph 10,850 be correct--d as fC1lOids in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel DI am,e Land onl:! 962 50 Edward Goldberger & W� 9,:50 96.2 4, Ruth G . Joseph 1,5oC Counci at lman T,,,i� reported that he had received a letter from the V41- - .son lage Engineer of Larch-.ont, relative to the request made sos?e time ago that the Town take over, frone the Village of Tarchnont., the project of supplyirg grater to the uo=ocks area . Su-per7iscr M=ndeville said he would Obtain estimates from the biestchester Joint Vater T1or'_ss, giving the cost of extending the present line on =tiommlocks Road and connecting t,ith the -rtlain ?k ieh is already there. Councliman Embury sub=mitted a blueprint s1_' owing a. new road cut into the larc'mont Station area, which would be an attem_,°°, to do sway with the bottleneck condition j,-,ast beyond the CnatsTrorth "I'venue Railroad bridge . he said that the Town Engineer, wr_o -as looked into this situation, believes this road is a practical proposition although the grade is sl-me•,rhat Steep. It would be one-way only and Mr. Foote estimates the cost would be approximately $21725 . The Town Clerk was instructed to contact Chief Yerick for any comment he may have on this proposed Tier road . Su-pervr sor Mandev`s.1' e regl .ested a resol V.tlon approving t".ie sale of properties sold at the auction held on July 9th, 1951. On motion by Councilman VTatson, seconded by' Councilman 1,4ate r man, the !. foil owing reSo-',,tion was unaniimcus1y adopted: -WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, through the institution Of an action in the Count-,- Court of ITestchester County, entitled "Zn the Natter of the FcTeciosure of Tax Liens pursuant to -,.rticle 11$n- , T-it-ie 3 of the I'ax Law, by the Town of Mamaroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 197" . has become and now is the owner of a. number of parcels of real estate siuua':,e in the Unincorporated Section of the Toll of Mamaroneck. and i[7TI' I,Q y Oil n t �i�',S, t. e Town I - neck-neck adver ised for bids and held a ub1?' auction on July %th, 1351, and -received bids on certain of said parcels of real estate now owned by the ToTaa of Mamaroneck; and i 579 ',dP;EREAS, since the receipt of said bids, this Board has given careful consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLT D t'r!at the bids Y1ere4na"—r i4steu be accepted at the price and terms t_rerean set fort:!: LIST OF SIDS ACCEPTED Il SECT i to 5 IST�CjLTSIVE FTRTHER RESOLVED that the SuperiTisor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver deeds to these parcels in accordance -jitn the terms and contract-s of sale and t'1ne Tc--'_"i Attorney is auti"_orized to ta!-,e ail steps neces- sary to complete the saie and transfer these parcels . On motion Counclll an Watson, seconded by Coun.-i iman T' _erman2 the f cllo„ring resolution o?.s unanf-,raously ado, tedm t�)e mn.rn O 'tan-ar neeck, thrO-ngh the ins+ilution Of an ac tio: in the "°GUnty Cc r't Of Sb e to Count r`, en hied 7° n ti^__ .latter' Of t_1e Foreclosure of Tax Liens p- rsuart to Y Articie VII-,L, Title 3 Of the Tat lea IT by the T GS M =RarOneck, List Of Delinctient Taxes for` 19,471' , has, becGiue and now is tine O?,mer Of a” n"'a^ber of paarcels of Peal estate situate in the !Tillage of Man-ar G_ne'ck and TG:-+t1 of .".ic._maro- n.ec' 9 and, `' a:y.a:,i'ER E Avg 'Llvti the j,7iliage Of iea"7ar On.^-,Gli and '10hfi of Mamaroneck held tai: liens on said parcels of rea.i property; and pursuant to Section 16,1H CS the Iax Law, an agr'C-ei_ert T,aS ents4ed Into between the 7 _LllabG Of ?_c ''.aror,eck and the Town -_ ,'''_aiTaro- neck 11 ich, araong 'Cher filings, set fcrth the interests of said I"_u'ni- cipalities in t_-,e properties being foreclosed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the ristrioution Of the pro- 4eeds received from said saies9 and .Lin:_` EA'S, the TO?f_ CI T arias Cne''cs: has, 3=5-:ianti, to an agreement had ,..'iti'1 tl^^c 11;. liege ^f r"'a=".1cl.rO nt^C-i, adve`rtised for bids and heid a pub is auction on July 9th, 1951, and received bids On certain Of said pare Cola Of real estate no c-rmed by the T'O'r:n Of "ia aroneck; and 1 '=_EAS, since the receipt Of said ',-ids, th?S ;Gard has careful c0_ s_deratiQn thereto, and after ; ae gi ,en daliberaticn, .t is R___'SOL,'TED that the bids hereinafter listed, be accepted at the ,:r %e a;^_'. terms therein sell forth® LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTION 8 c.+ Parcel Bidder 512 Eugene Deb-curro 815 388 Dairid. So Cuyler Final Assessed Value - Price 1,200 510 4ssessed Sales B-Oci Parcel PuTchasei, Value .,ice Ter.Ts 123 186 Artirar Mancini x_,000 353 Cash 132 iy"+_0 envy HanI ''.2850 1,o2O Cash 203 193 E. w 122,E Forbes 72390 , 000 4 ' a, h C_.s._. 226 97 Lee H. Whitestone 92933 38303 Cash 403 1 Antonio Galvao 22250 750 Cash 5 . L � tl. Fe " en c,vl3 3233 Cash. 503 4'-15 Carina 111_rgenta 6'-o 200 va.sY, FTRTHER RESOLVED that the SuperiTisor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver deeds to these parcels in accordance -jitn the terms and contract-s of sale and t'1ne Tc--'_"i Attorney is auti"_orized to ta!-,e ail steps neces- sary to complete the saie and transfer these parcels . On motion Counclll an Watson, seconded by Coun.-i iman T' _erman2 the f cllo„ring resolution o?.s unanf-,raously ado, tedm t�)e mn.rn O 'tan-ar neeck, thrO-ngh the ins+ilution Of an ac tio: in the "°GUnty Cc r't Of Sb e to Count r`, en hied 7° n ti^__ .latter' Of t_1e Foreclosure of Tax Liens p- rsuart to Y Articie VII-,L, Title 3 Of the Tat lea IT by the T GS M =RarOneck, List Of Delinctient Taxes for` 19,471' , has, becGiue and now is tine O?,mer Of a” n"'a^ber of paarcels of Peal estate situate in the !Tillage of Man-ar G_ne'ck and TG:-+t1 of .".ic._maro- n.ec' 9 and, `' a:y.a:,i'ER E Avg 'Llvti the j,7iliage Of iea"7ar On.^-,Gli and '10hfi of Mamaroneck held tai: liens on said parcels of rea.i property; and pursuant to Section 16,1H CS the Iax Law, an agr'C-ei_ert T,aS ents4ed Into between the 7 _LllabG Of ?_c ''.aror,eck and the Town -_ ,'''_aiTaro- neck 11 ich, araong 'Cher filings, set fcrth the interests of said I"_u'ni- cipalities in t_-,e properties being foreclosed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the ristrioution Of the pro- 4eeds received from said saies9 and .Lin:_` EA'S, the TO?f_ CI T arias Cne''cs: has, 3=5-:ianti, to an agreement had ,..'iti'1 tl^^c 11;. liege ^f r"'a=".1cl.rO nt^C-i, adve`rtised for bids and heid a pub is auction on July 9th, 1951, and received bids On certain Of said pare Cola Of real estate no c-rmed by the T'O'r:n Of "ia aroneck; and 1 '=_EAS, since the receipt Of said ',-ids, th?S ;Gard has careful c0_ s_deratiQn thereto, and after ; ae gi ,en daliberaticn, .t is R___'SOL,'TED that the bids hereinafter listed, be accepted at the ,:r %e a;^_'. terms therein sell forth® LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTION 8 c.+ Parcel Bidder 512 Eugene Deb-curro 815 388 Dairid. So Cuyler Final Assessed Value - Price 1,200 510 FURTHER RESOLVED that the terms on the above bids are all cash. FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing acceptance With respect to these par-c-12 subject to appr-Iral by the Village :;Oar's: of the Village of Manaroneck. FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of the bid by the Village Board Of the Village Of F`a-aro-ne Ck. ` 1_e T-,m C +,+„ ley is -roceed ,"3.t11 Gale y.;r Opera.L'iOTI of -ortracts, and such other 'dol, "_ents _=S arc necessary to pass title- to said property, and tSae Supsrvisor is hereby authorized to sign such contracts and deeds as are necessary to pass title to said property. i.'.p'e1 , fso '.an e7T� _�e J.t.-ste.i a r` s0 .,.ti0? �ul.hoi'.izlv"!g t FiecOi°Ter of Taxes to accept payment of School Ta-es in two instal.11:lents. Upson notion mao.e by Co,w''^.cilm "•:1 ',, catson, seco.._i:ed by Co-a''_Cil :=n Embl:iry, RE30],VED that, pursuant to Section 96A Of :hapter 62 of the Laws of 1707 as a*_e°-_ded, the- Town hoard of ;,_12 1—c-, 1 of A =sa.r 1e3is does h rsby at.',thcr�_zc and empower the Receiver Of _axes ., the �'OP_1 of 'T :.ar0'_�e:''Gi t0 cOl1e 1-'x.1' 1'yj± School ta, es for U'/'__O.r T-'ree School _1i_s tfict ?SIC. i. in the Town or qr tai=;.ar0;^_e CAS and S'.;'_^_Ocl. Distr`a.Lt 'CIO® 2, Town of S'c.._ sdale, Ne . _ ,f '_., ,;hIch, '1yder t1'_e provisions of The 4destchester County Ta: ia'rF, being F_rticie 16 of the Westchester Co arty 1A:h7 _in .StraLi42 Code, bec0?!le a lien and are payable on September lst, 1951, in t W 0 partial payments, each amoanti to filty per cent n JU;� Oa any such school ta!_ as 12c?ie��.. UP _`E °r' 01'7 i��SVLZlED L'1.ct the Rene'—?—r Of Taxes Of the Town of :`I_taro-ne ;'_,: I' S authorized a';'1_d eP.;r.o ,cr S;1- to receive the payment of such partial oaynents or in- stal eats of the 1751 School ta._-;es fCr IT Free Schcol District iC. 1 in the Tern of '"amaroneck, and Sc1lo01 Disti ict 1o. 2, 'I o-,rTn of Scarsdo:.le, v e",T at any tve, but subject to the sa-r_e penalties as are speeif'ieed and pro lded in Section 542 of the 1,est'chester County- A .iairistrative Ccde, for neglect to pay the atal a-mount of the School _'axes after the levy thererf. i UKTt:i Y: EuO__ E✓ ''"�!"' ''=',.e crt�i=Jt�nee any Suon `gd"tics Oi i stalTrent ypay-!ent of tPc 10151 School t :--ss or Unillon Free School District No . I in the '?'^_wn of xc-r aro_1e C5iC: C-nd School Dim i,_,, I\IOm •G, O''n71 1 11-carj- n �, ' 't7=1. t e a,.• � ,. .�o c t dale, a , hail no b de� ea t f e U, i any manner, any right of '-^.c `1'O -Tn of MaMar o ne c r under any general or special act, to enforce co? l_ctxGn of t'_'!e :;repaid balances of such to xes as may remain due and owirg to saiC: TO-•.in, but silch _-i, ,!1t-s and powers sr-'al ! _I_ ve.7aJ n in full force and pled U_^ erf Ors col lecti'On Of t.1e -,.o'?1pi.....i.',1 V.,c_aYl•.'. ..- such ..,vh O.Ol V_:.:>eS, together interest, penalties and other lawful charges. On motion :_ads by Councilman 5;Tatson, seconded by Co ncylnar -_, uury, was 1 a.nimously RESOLVED t-"sat this i a.-d hereby designates "_`he Daily Times'' , a daily newspaper publiSrOd_ in the ST�l 1 , ,d To—:'n To-:'n of °•a-1ar'One Cf, for t_2e purpose of publishing the notice Of the Collection Of the 1751 School ..axes as required by ldW9 and it t ORTnER RESOLVED that, in accordance 7itt the provisions of Section 550 of the is estches ter County U-✓ _d ,"iistra .ive Code, the Town Board ( o and hereby does direct the Re- Cei7er of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the To4IZ' of Mamaroneck, whose address is '✓>"?_^nn to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for 05 School taxes, tine expense thereof to be a Town charge. Upon notion by Councilman Bmbury, seconded by Councilman TeTatson, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Rowan, Patrolman, August 20th, 1951, increment schedule annual compensation be _ insd at 13,980. in accordance with allowed. of john E. effective ective the regular M The Supervisor read a letter from Yr. Viggo Bergen, a real estate broker re� representing ti"re Guy R. P_'O t2_1:0, ::ac.K's.n;° u.'_'! offer t0 yL'l'c!nase -property known as Block 204, Parcel 247, which consists of 7.23 acres f for the sum of $1, 303. upon certain conditions stated in the letter, which generally are that he will iay out streets giving access to the property, supply, drainage, water and sanitary and storm sewers, rough grade the streets and construct 15 houses upon the property. After some discussion, Councilman McKeever moved. and Councilman Embury% seconded the following resolution: RESOLVED that t-P_e hoard hereby authorizes the publica- tion f no ff n f c the property known _ CS __ notice, C � eri."_g Or sale � e .prep 1 �y n0 ti��,_ as r:lockJ 204, Parcel 247, which notice small be published in the Daily Times Mamaroneck, one ay in each of the e,I;i August t I t" 7 y, September 4 . . ., commencing . �1SL.� � u3 ° Y?, 20th, Litz, and 3rd. FURTHER RESOLVED that the notice snail be as follows: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Supervisor of the To=, of Mamaro- neck .,..gill on the 13th day of September, 195 3 p ,5 9 y ".'7 j--y a� Uo JV L . , at tne .c=. ,,-r Street Fire :louse, take bids for the sale of a piece or parcel of property which is known as Black 204, Parcel 247 on the rssessr, ent Map of the Town of .`Mamaroneck. The Supervisor has received a hid to purchase this property for C1,000. The bid, however, is made on the following con- ditions . Qld That the buyer will, at his Own cost and anpense, im- prove approximately 1,003 feet of street giving access to the property to be sold., With sanitary end stow^, severs, pater, and establish a rough grade on said street, the loca- tion of such streets and the details and specifications of such street improvements to be in accordance with the recom- mendations of the Town Engineer and Superintendent n'dent of High- ways. (2) That the buyer will agree to construct 15 houses upon the property, which houses are to comply- in all respects with the Roning ordinance and Building v ,ue of th e Town CI Mamaroneck. (3) That title will close on or before the lst day of November, 1951. The successful bidder stall be required to enter into c con- tract embodying the terms of purchase in further detail. All ids are subject to approval of the Town Ecara of t'_^_e r o ,�. c . Ma_.'__a-or,ecx, 71icn :-'a-y reject any or -,i_^. bids . MIA Supervisor Mandeville read a. prepared statement relative to p'arhfng at the _iailr'c d. station and the location of truck weighing stations in the Town. Councilman McKeever submitted a list of streets throughout the Town which had been seal-coated as of August ist. He also submitted the Building Reports for the months of vune and July* 1951. Councilman Waterman presented a. list of claims for ;'ire Department ex- penditures -„___ch had bee='! checked by Chief Thomsen and audited by the Comptroller. The members or the Tow, Board, sitting as the Board of L''.'ire Commissioners, considered the claims and on motion by Councilman atei"�an, seconded by, Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that he Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. Consolidated Edison Co. G . W . Merrell __srson Clothes, !no. Aitcnelh Oil Corp . N . Y. Tele,,rc_n_e Co. Star Overall �Cc Westchester Joint T°ia.ter ?or"hs Hydrant Rental ?lestchester Joint later Works New Rochelle Voter Co. Total X83.50 30./,5 23 .03 1.2 7 . 50 109 .20 113.25 7.30 22270.00 56. 25 02, 76S.76 7 vc. , .. Supervisor Mandeville reported that the shingles for the Fire House have been received and are black in color. The c iVC=` isor suggested that it might be appropriate to JaSS a resolu- tion thank7ng Messrs. Bixby and. Harding for their efforts in re- locating the truck weighing stations . On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Vaterman, the following resolution was unanimously adopted® Tl'.i'lur.'.iS, the Department of Public Works of the State of New York, with the assistance of the Commissioner of Public Vofls of Westchester County, heretofore yenta tl7slj selectef two sites along the Boston Post cad2 in the Town of Mamaroneck, for the Location of two truck Lei Y',-= ing scales to be used by the State in connection with the erfcreevent and collection of the "Highway Use Tale` ; and 1.iIIEIR^lid Ow of vl � 'i Supervisor v_sor' of the town of Ifi,,;'Iaroneck �,.,r_w, hen A. e._..o.ei il_..., 9 made protest to State and County against these locations, and supported such protest by affidavits of ]office officials, indicating that these locations would create serious traffic hazards and decrease property values, as the result of which, conferences were held with Local offi-- cial_s, after ,hif c_"_ these _Locations were abandoned, tOU, T1,EnLrvn_, BE -_ RESOLVED that this Board expresses its tY!an1_-is and appre- ciation to Mr. James S . Bixby, District Engineer, State Depart_. ent of Public Vorks and Ctrs James C . larding, Com- missiener of Public Works of Westchester County, for their consideration of this protest and their cooperation iait__ !cca__ officials in bringing about the re-laca ticn of truck weighing scal es along the Boston post Road, and the disapproval of the sites tentatively selected in the Town of Mamaroneck. 587 The Tom Attorney submitted a. form of property on the south side of the Bos ., opposite Bose and _ art_er? s automobile is a piece of property having about 99 -ease for the rental of Town an Post Roaj, approximately Earage and sales room. This feet on toe Post Road and a depth of 103 fee;,, and is entirely within the "C " Business District as shown on the Zoning Map. He stated that Bose and Parker had requested a lease at 9650. a :".Ohi;,h with a cancellation. clause, for the storage of automobiles which s they need in connection with their business After some discussion, the and Parker that they would Ordinance and if the lease only for the storage of he be used as a used car lot. Attorney tvas instructed to advise Bose have to comply strictly with the Zoning were made, t'_=ey could use this property w cars and no part of the property could Town Attorney Delius reported that Mr. ~ J . Foote, Superintendent of has Highways, has recoi"_menled acceptance of Leafy Lane as a public street and as the Street is approximately pC feet in h, it 7ill he neces- sary to obtain lermlssicn from the Superintendent of Public bror_-:s n State Gi the i..; mac.,. of New York. on l=otion by Coun„i Iman Entury, seconded by Councilman McKeever, the foilowing resolution as unanimously adopted; FiEiiEt-',S, this Superintendent of Highways has recommended this Eoard, the acceptance of a portion of a street known as Leafy Lane G.i °I-Hap of a Portion of Chatsworth Park at Larchmont, in the' Town of Mamaroneck, Trrestchester County, Key. York, comprising p. op`=1._ties of the Est is of Lucy doodnow, deceased, and Sarah d . Taylor, made by Walter . . n i eS C . E . and Surveyor, M 1908 i ✓ �' -' 9 wy �9 /v J, and f1_ed in the County Clew' s Office, Division of Land Re cords, May 11, 1908, as Hay _`To . I 'O": and '_ETiE-' c, 'F''le Superintendent if Highways has prepared aTlG'. sub- mitted wito Pis recommendations, a. sketch map showing that portion r. _ j- Cf L"d1 Lent. vhich he _ .eCGm'1e=^Cl.' s be accepted, with the '"c'_:".8S of owners of property abutting Cr adjoining said portion OS Leafy Lane, and T.HEREiS, it appears from said map or sketch that the width of the said street, known as Leafy Lane, is approximately 40 feet and is CI insufficient width to permit its accepta.nce or dedication under the provisions of the Highway Law, without certification by the Supe nt_.:ndent of Publi 589 The Town Attorney and _-ien,bers of the Board discussed the Calder .zzc certiorari prGCe2C'_1^g m ii12 )� t t'vrn ey `',vas instPllCted'. to bring in figures shC>,Ting T,That a CC- _ PG Ise of this II:at''cer would =^ean to the TO,m in dollars and cents. Mr . - Y.Py Geiger; O is at>iorn Road Tos y appeared aced before L Gar l and suggeste-,'. that a si.devral_!i be i-stalled on the west, side CS !'eaver Street iron, the Railroad. bridge to Mvi—tie Lculevardo The Supervisor promised _Sro s t - Zeioer that tLi _nat er mould e _ G!ded into a. Zeiger also asked if tpe TGhrn and County 7,,ould be represented at the hearings to be held in col"nection ?pith a Pr puss.;. rate in- . crease ty "he Telep~_one Co'mpan.Y9. anti Was ass''„xed that both the and the County -„ould be represented at these hearings , There being no further business to come before the meeting. _'Lt s.QJOU_Pned at iv .. rFn meet ab- an or Septeilbef l2th, ill. -li 577 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951, taxes of 1952, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Bloc's Parcel ?dame Land !M2. Total 962 5S Edw. Goldberger & V 19,300 20,000 29,300' be corrected as follows in accordance v thi the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557- Block Parcel Name Land. !my . Total 962 67 I David Easton 1,000 1,000 962 58 Edw. Goldberger €c K. 5,300 20,000 25,300 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951, taxes of 1952 and the assessment roil of 1950, School ta_;.es of 1951, which show property now appearing on the roil as follows: icck Parcel Name Land" only 962 47 Ruth G . Joseph 10,550 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel N a m a band onl.v 962 50 Edward Goldberger & Z 9,350 962 47 Ruth G . Joseph 1,500 Councilman Natson reported that he had received a letter from the Vil- lage Engineer of Larchmont, relative to the request made some time ago that the -Town take over, from the Village of Larchmont, the project �. of supplying water to the Hommocks area. Supervisor Mandeville said he would obtain estimates from the Westchester Joint Vater works, giving the cost of extending the present line on Hom--iocks Road and connecting with the mainvwhich is already there. Councilman Embury submitted a blueprint showing a near road cut into the Larchmont Station area, which would be an attempt to do away with the bottleneck condition just beyond the Chatsworth Avenue Railroad bridge . He said that the Town Engineer, who has loo=ked into this situation, believes this road is a practical proposition although the grade is somewhat steep. It would be one-way only and Mr. Foote estimates the cost would be approximately $2,725 . The Town Clerk was instructed to contact Chief Yericx for any comment he may have on this proposed new road. n Super'.' .SGr �'�a..'.xv^--vd-1 Ie ?'egi;cSted a %'eSGil:lt].^vn approving tye sale of properties sold at the auction held on July 9th., 1951. On motion by Councilman UTatson, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the f ollc wing resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the 'Town of Mamaroneck, through the institution of an action in the County Court of Westchester County, entitled "In the matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens pursuant to Article II--'_, Title 3 of the Tax Law, by the Town of Mamaroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 1947' , has become and now is the owner of a. number of parcels of real estate . ituats in the Unincorporated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck; and hHERj--AS, the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for bids and held a publ ic aucticn on July 9th, 1951, and received bids on _ certain of said parcels of real e state now o'Yr edi by the Town of Mamaroneck; and I i I I