HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951_06_27 Town Board Regular Minutes 555 MINUTES OF __ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARO- NECK HELD JUNE 27th 1951, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE, TOOK OF MA•1A RONECK. Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order -at 8 : 15 F . Mn PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Embury, Watson, Waterman. and McKeever — ABSENT: None Presence was also noted of Town! Clerk Gronberg and Town Attorney Delius . Mr. Robert Marcus, La.rchmont Acres, appeared before the Boari to re-- quest the installation of a water line in Villa Road. The Supervisor informed the Board that in 1928 the records of the Teter Board indicated authorization of the installation of a Prater line in w'illa. Road but the work led never been done . The Supervisor presented an estimate from W E . Thrasher, Superintendent of the Water Works, showing the cost of the proposed extension to be $1, 683 -38. On _.ioticn by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the extension of the water main in Villa Road from the present dead_ end to Boulder Road, approxi- mately 230 feet, is hereby authorized and the Superin- tendent of the Water Works is authorized and directed to proceed with Such extension. The Town Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of an amend- ment to the General Ordinances. The Town Clerk presented and read a letter dated June 22nd, received from Benjamin_ B. Watson, Secretary of the Lonnie Briar- Country Club, commending Fire Inspector Burton for his cooperation in connection with the installation of new hose on four fire stands and one old hose in the kitchen. The letter was ordered received and filed. The Clerk presented and read a letter dated June 19th, from Mr. Henry R . Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, requesting the cancellation of State, County, Town and District taxes in the amount of $10.55 and School taxes in the amount of$6.66 on property known as Flock 224, Parcels 771 and 772, as this property was incorporated into a road known as Bonnie Briar Lane on the 1948 Roli. On -_notion made by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman McKeever, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED that the State, County, Town and District tax for the year 1947, sale of x_948, amounting to W0.55 and School tax for the year 1947, sale of 1948, amounting to $6.66 be cancelled and the records of the Receiver of Taxes corrected accordingly. The Ciern presented a report from A. J . Foote, Town Engineer, dated June 18th, on the installation of curb in front of property located at 35 Holly Place as requested by Mr. Robert Ernst. The estimated cost of a concrete curb was given at $158 • and a stone curb at 039 , The estimated cost to curb the entire street with concrete was _even at $3,990. and with stone at $3, 515 . It was the opinion of the Board that if any work is to be done, the entire street should be curbed, but inasmuch as there is no money avaiiabie at the present time, no definite action was taken. if The Town Clerk presented a, report received from A. J . Foote, Town. Engir_eer,. dated June 11, showing the estimated cost of pro77iding drainage by means of catch basin and storm drain leading to Fifth Avenue for surface water which now collects in the IVilliams and Tester Place area, to be �1,60D . for labor, mater ia1 and eC_uipment rental. The report also stated that a 1C foot easement must be obtained from Mr . Joseph Pittera who owns clock 130, Parcel 1.41 and � another ase_mcn+ from Vivian Raasch, who Gowns Blcek 13o, Parcel 2310 I The Clerk was instructed to inform Mrm Foote that it would We necessary for Mr. Pitter'a to obtain these two easements before anything can be contemplated. The Clerk informed tre Board that he had written to the three resi- dents whose property adjoins No. 28 Mohegan Road, relative to the erection of a split cedar fence 6 feet 6 inches in height, and stated that he had received one reply f roII� M7—. W. H. Cathcart who wrote that he has no objection to the erection of the fence. The Supervisor said that he had also talked with Mr. Richard Fisk, lD iOxford Road, who also has no object ton to the erecti.or.' or "-,is fence. i Following discussion, on -motion by Councilman tEPLc.n, seconded by Councilman Embury, the_ following resolution was unanirlcusiy adopted, i VTHEREAS, Mr. Richard J . Kins heretofore requested a permit _or the er'e'ction of a woven wood fence to be erected between the boundary of his property situated at 28 Mohegan Road, end the property adjcin- ing; and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector re-fused to grant such p ­=` on the ground that the construction or erection of such fence violated the provisions of Section 112, Article 21 of the Building Code, and , '-H- N! F�REAS, Mr. Kins has appeaie°d to the Tow _ Zoard for a modifi- cation of the ruling of the Building Inspector, pursuant to Section 23, Article i of the Building Code, so as to c_ilc,T the erectioi"! of s id fence, NOW,, THEREFORE—E, BE IT HESCiVED that permission is hereby granted to Mr. Richard J . Kins to erect a. woven. wood fence which is i more than 1/'4 solid., to a. n. fight not exceeding 6 feet, 6 inches . The following reports were ordered received and filed: S—Lruaary of Receipts and Disburserients, January i to ''Iay 311 1197-1. Analysis of Budget .,ppr .>priations and Expenditures, January i to May 31, 10,5 Analysis of Estimated. Revenues, January 1 to May 31, 11931 ^o stated d,. E2 - i. L1_ cil_a . fat,�,o__ ated tat he a received a suggestion f.cm, a citizen and taxpayer of the Town, to Encourage the use of driveways for parking cars instead of leaving them in the streets . Councilman Embury reported that the Town Engineer, Mr„ A. J . Foote, is pro-paring a blue print of a ne a Entrance ..rive to the I?ailroac Station, jti'.st beyond the Chatsworth _Lvenu:,e railroad bridge. Mr. Embury continued that he has t_�Ik up with the Pollice Co -raissao , the Latter of parallel parking on North Chatsworth Avarua. Although Chief Yerick iS net in favor of it, he frill, Mr . Dmbury said., give the matter ftitrther consideration. The Chie is an expert on "his subject, Councilman Embury believes, and he wiil be happy to bac'_> un any reco=endations he may make. m Councilman Embury presented a letter, dated June 25th, from Mr. Cor- nelius J . Quinn, Secretary of the Board of Police Co_oLssione-rs, in which it is recommended tat Chief Yerick attend the !"aleu York State Association of Police Chiefs? Con7ention, and that Detective Sergeant .Smith attend the Convention of toe international identification Association. On motion. by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Chief Paul A. ierick be and he hereby is authorized to attend. the Convention of hew York State Police Chiefs, at the Hotel New Yorker, New York City on July 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1951, one expenses of such attendance not to exceed 135 . to be paid out of the item in the Budget appropriated for such expense. FURTHER RESOLVED that Detective Sergeant Chauncey Smith be and he hereby is authorized to attend. the Convention of the international identification Association to be held at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 30th, 31st, August lst and 2nd, 1951, expenses not to exceed 465 . to be paid out of the item in the Eudget appropriated for such en;eases . The Towq Clerk presented tie affidavit of i ublicati n of a notice to purchase a Ford Sedan by the Highway Department from the Police Department.. ' On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman l'laterval—, the following = esolution was, upon roil call, unanimously adopted: WzEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways did on the 6th day of June, 1951, du l d recommend the purmase of certain equipment, pur- suant to the provisions of Section 142 of the "igin',aa.y Lau, and notice of such recommendation has been duly published as pro7lle'd in such section, NOW, 1 EREFuRE, BE IT RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Lew, the Ton Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase from the Police Department, Tom of Mamaroneck, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, one 1950 1* ord. Sedan, Engine rBOE0154883, for a total price of 11,000. On _lotion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Watson, it --as, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the annual co_;ensation of David McClintock, Patrolman, be fined. at 1.3, 50. effective July 16, 1951, in accordance with the regular salary increment allowed as per schedule. Supervisor Mandeville brought up the =tter of one Pryor Manor Bridge closing and suggested that something should be done to again open this bridge. He pointed out that there are 5 large properties in this area which have assessments on the Town tax roll of over y$200, 300 . -- ie said he had discussed this matter ? tn M ayor Church of Ne New Rochelle who is agreeable to doing something about it . He also said that a petition is to be presented to the Village of Larch_mont by the resi- dents in the area, requesting that tie bridge be repai_^ed and restored. To,�im Engineer Foote has given an ap1rorimate estimate of the cost of repair to be 110,500. and the Supervisor asked the Boars members if t-hpy would she willing to day 113 of this cost 61 ..'=_>te a length, discussion, the Board expressed itself share in the cost of repairing or replacing this bridge of New Rochelle and the Village of Larch•_mont, provided possible to appropriate Town money for this purpose , willing to with the City it is legally Supervisor MandeT7ille read. _ letter dated. June 22nd3 1951, received from Elkan Park Association, requesting that the Town reimburse that Association for the installation of 4 ornamental street lights erected long r72an Road., at a cost of .0348. The letter further stated that ._._ if -e _vY+'n si10L11d reimburse Lhc7'1 for the lights, the Association ?^!l; l bear the cost of electricity, bulbs, painting and any other necessary maintenance cost. The Supervisor added that these lights were an added attraction and had enhanced the beauty of the Ell;an Par's Development. On motion _made by Councilman McKeever, seconded by I:OLrcilman M1,,?atson, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board- hereby appropriates $345. for the purpose if reimbursing .. lkan Park Association for the erection, along Elhan Road a public street, of 4 street lights, -upon condition that the Association pay for the _maintc-nance of these lights, furnishing bales, painting, and the charges for electricity. The Supervisor reported that ?r. Foote' s Department had removed a large Cherry tree on Alden Road upon request �f residents in that area. The Supervisor informed the Board d that the additional cost for the new coL'Irehensive liability insurance will amount to u2,404.87. Councilman KCKOever r e gorted that roads throughout the Town are now being seal-coated. Councilman l^laterman presented a list of claims for Firs Department expenditures which had been checked C Chlef no sen and audits? by the Comptroller. The members of the Tonn Board, sitting as the Board of Fire Commis- sioners, considered the claims and on lotion by Councilman Taterman, seconded: by Councilman Embury, it Was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same Out of the budget for the Fire Department: Consolidated Edison Co. of N . Y., Inc. x30.35 Foley Hardware 9 .95 Keeler Associates 92.92 4lilliam B. Lemon 77-4i McGuire Bros ., Inc . 5 .00 G . W. Merrell 1.38 New York Telephone Co. 32.00 Smith-Hiller Co :pany 21.00 Testchester Joint Uater Works ,d Total $21422 Chief Thomsen presented a claim, dated February 5th, For the instal- lation of 3 air/rel:Y ns, submitted by ;Cuts J . 'restore, a7P_^vunti5_� to x;497.53 . The Chief pointed out that there is no provisions in the Budget for this item. He was instructed to leave the claim with the Clerk for further consideration by the Board . 563 i Chief Thomsen reported that the roofing contractor is ready to repair the roof of the Fire rouse and he ranted an opinion as to the color of the shingles . He was asked to have the samples left at the Fire house � for the Board Members to inspect. The Clerk presented each member of the Board with a `'ieport on the Ttdater Resources of Westchester County and a booklet called "The Friendly Village", published by the League of Nomen Voters _... mere being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9. 30 F . M. to meet again on :august lstm c✓ To<<r _ Clerk I i I i i I I i i