Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Embury, Watson, Waterman and McKeever
- ABSENT: None
Presence was also noted of Town Attorney Delius, Town Clerk Gronberg
and Town Accountant Finson.
Supervisor Mandeville said the Board would dispense with the regular
order of business in order to hear those present.
Mr. Eugene N. West, 20 Bonnie Way, announced that he is one of a group
of residents from the Bonnie Way Section, who are looking for some
help. He said he had written a letter to the Town Clerk which was
self-explanatory, and requested that it be read.
Supervisor Mandeville read the letter which was dated April 10th and
asked for a water channel emptying into the Sheldrake River to re-
lieve the present problem in the Bonnie Way area.
Dr. James G . Haralambie said that from a public health standpoint,
the entire area is involved. He believes that something should be
done about the condition. He furtner stated that this faulty drain-
age has resulted in a swamp which is a breeding place for rats and
mosquitoes and it is difficult to keep the children on the street
-- from playing in it.
The following also protested the drainage system in Bonnie Way and
requested some relief:
Robert C . Dalton, 21 Bonnie Way
J . J. Flynn, 29 Bonnie Way
William G . McLaughlin, 1 Bonnie Way
The Supervisor stated that a survey of this area will be made and a
report given at the next Town Board meeting which will be held May 2nd.
Mr. Martin Stern, Alden House Apartments, addressed the Board relative
to the lifting of the all-night parking ban on the west side of Alden
Road and on the east side of Copley Road, during the summer months.
Mr. Stern suggested that stickers be issued to the residents of the
Alden House Apartments to permit them to park in reserved spaces ad-
joining the apartment house. He further went on to say that if the TOaa
enforces the law against parking between 2 and 6 A. M. , the tenants
in the Alden House feel that patrons of the bar located in that apart-
ment house, should not be permitted to park there until 3 A. M. and
sometimes later.
Mr. Kenneth Dayton of the Alden House, also spoke in favor of lifting
the parking ban.
The Supervisor said this is a matter for the Police Commission which
has jurisdiction over these regulations, and he suggested that Mr.
Stern appear before a meeting of the Police Commission and make his
request to them. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Stern as
to the date of the next meeting of the Police Commission.
Mr. John M. Thompson, 1880 Palmer Avenue, appeared representing Castro
Convertible Corporation, and asked permission to erect a neon electric
sign 15' x 169 flush with the property line. Mr. Buccallo of the
Phillips Company, manufacturers of the sign, said that the sign con-
forms in all respects with the provisions of the Building Code except
as to set-back. The request is made to erect this sign in front of
the building, and not on either end (where it could have the required
set-back) or on top of the roof (which is permitted by the Building
Code) so as not to be a nuisance to the residents in the immediate
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, the
following resolution was adopted: (Councilman Waterman voting against
WHEREAS, Castro Convertible Corp. heretofore applied to the
Building Inspector for a permit, pursuant to Article 10 of the Build-
ing Code, to erect a ground sign on premises on the Boston Post Road,
known as Block 412, Parcel 489; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector denied the issuance of the per-
mit inasmuch as the plan for said sign is not in accordance with the
regulations and conditions for the erection of such signs in the
Building Code; and
WHEREAS, Castro ConveE, able Corp. has appealed to this Board for
modification of the ruling the Building Inspector in accordance with
the provisions of Article 1, Section 23 of the Building Code,
RESOLVED that the Building Inspector be and he hereby is
authorized to issue a permit to Castro Convertible Corp.
to erect a ground sign on premises on the Boston Post Road
known as Block 412, Parcel 489, upon the following conditions:
That the sign be placed at right angles to the street
line at a point approximately 22 feet from the easterly
end of the building, exclusive of the terrace;
That the sign be not more than 15 feet in height and
16 feet in width;
That the sign may be placed on the building line but no
part of said sign may project beyond the building line;
That in all other respects the said sign shall comply
with the provisions of the Building Code.
The minutes of April 4th, 1951, were approved as presented upon
motion by Councilman Watson seconded by Councilman McKeever.
The Clerk presented and read a letter dated April 10th, 1951, received
from Walter L . Roe, requesting that the bed of the Sheldrake River
be cleaned as the river had caused considerable damage during the
recent flood. The Town Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter
with thanks and to inform Mr. Roe that the Board has this matter
under consideration.
The Clerk presented and read a letter dated April 11th, 1951, re-
ceived from Mr. Gennaro Copodanno, 6 Cabot Road, informing the
Board that, during the heavy rains, the basement of his home is
constantly filled with water, from "sewer conditions that exist in
the rear of his property" , and asking that this condition be im-
proved. The letter was received and filed.
The Clerk presented and read a letter dated April 11th, 1951, re-
ceived from Mr. Munn Brewer, with respect to payment by Mr. Leslie
for installation of the sewer to his property. Mr. Brewer said that
Mr . Leslie is away and it may be impossible to obtain a check until
the first part of the week. He also said he had talked with Mrs.
Leslie who is very much pleased that the former condition has been so
well corrected.
The Clerk presented and read a letter dated April 12th, 1951, re-
ceived from Mr. George J. Mulcahy, thanking those responsible for
having the entrance to his driveway repaired, and commending the men
in the Sanitation Department for their quietness and neatness . He
also praised the clean condition of Palmer Avenue.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated April 9th, 1951, re-
ceived from Mr. Edward J . Ganter, Commissioner of Finance, thanking
the Town for the pre-payment of the 1951 Town, State and County
-- taxes in the amount of $100,000.
The Clerk presented a request dated April 5th, 1951, received from
the Board of Education, for the use of voting machines for the annual
School election.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Board of Education be and it hereby is
granted the use of a voting machine or machines as need be,
for the annual School election to be held. May 2nd, 1951.
The Clerk presented a letter, dated April Toth, 1951, addressed to
Mr. T. McEvoy, Building Inspector, received from Mr. William H. Kins,
requesting permission to erect a cedar fence b feet o inches in height
in the rear of his property at No. 28 Mohegan Road. Mr. Kins said
that the fence, which had been a gift from members of his family, was
already on hand, and he believed that the appearance of the fence
itself and the contour of the land are such as would make the fence
an attractive addition to the landscaping of the general area. This
matter was referred to Councilman Waterman for report at the next
The Clerk presented the March, 1951, report of the Westchester
Shore Humane Society, Inc.
Councilman Watson presented the following petition received from the
Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit
the apportionment of taxes and on motion by Councilman Watson, seconded
by Councilman Embury, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for the correc-
tion of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the provi-
sions of Section 557, Article lb of the Westchester County Adminis-
trative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Laws and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable
to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950, taxes of
1951, which shows property now appearing on the roll
as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
101 29 "Lee Whitestone & W $81000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
101 29 Lee Whitestone & W 42300
101 54 Owen A . Mandeville, Inc. 3,700 - contains sewer easement
A vote taken on this resulted as follows:
AYES: Councilmen Embury, Watson, Waterman and McKeever
NOES: None
Supervisor Mandeville not voting
Councilman Watson presented the following petitions received from
the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to
permit the apportionment of taxes and on motion by Councilman Watson,
seconded by Councilman Waterman, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correc-
tion of the Assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Admin-
istrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable
to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950, taxes of
1951, which shows property now appearing on the roll
as follows:
Block Parzal Name Land only
104 1 Town of Mamaroneck $8,295
105 1
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
104 1 ) Sarah Cliner 71200
105 1
104 551 Town of Mamaroneck 1,095 retained as road
105 900
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roil as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
114 194 H. Raymond Mitchell 22000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel. Name Land only
114 194 H. Raymond Mitchell 750
114 197 W. Elgert & Sherman 1,250
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
- taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
120 352 Briarcliff Const. Corp. 2,600
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
120 500 Garvin C . Stein & 19 50
120 352 Briarcliff Const. Corp. 2,550
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
121 24 J . Ernst & J . Kuhn 32000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the j
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel. Name Land only
121 31 J . Ernst & J . Kuhn 375
121 24 ee to 21625
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
226 1 Town of Mamaroneck 215900
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
226 1 Carnoy-Wolter Corp. 12,000
226 97 Town of Mamaroneck 9,900
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
412 258 Est. of Wm. T. Wood 11500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
412 258 Katherine S . Scheuble 300
412 260 Otto Scheuble 11200
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
-- on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
503 551 Louis Arger_ta 1,400 50 1,450
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp- Total
503 556 Mrs. Angelo Guglielmo 750 750
503 551 Louis Argenta 650 50 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
601 213 Harry D. Edwards X83750
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
601 213 Harley M. Griffiths & W 1,500
601 214 Harry D. Edwards 7,250
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
715 215 William_ M. Gillette 19,000 62000 25,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imo. Total
715 332 David Robertson & W 11000 1,000
715 334 Merritt Bldg . Corp. 21100 2,100
715 344 Phillip Tuchman 21100 2,100
715 215 William M. Gillette 13,800 6,000 19, 800
-- FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp . Total
820 14 Alonzo Seeley & W 1,100 1,700 2, 800
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivison 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
820 14 Harry Green & W 400 1,700 2,100
820 17 Alonzo Seeley & W 700 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
833 490 Est. of Wm. A. Boyd 4,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
833 490 Est. of Wm. A. Boyd 2,000
833 500 Battista J . Santoro & W. 2,000
505 l
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950,
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
942 31 E. L . Pavlo $15,975
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
942 31 Ralph Blood 91475
942 65 E. L. Pavlo 61500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1950
taxes of 1951, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imo. Total
950 1 Helen n. Scholle 36,000 39,000 75,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
950 1 Helen H. Scholle 27,700 39,000 66,700
950 44 Edgar G . _Vinton & W 8,300 81300
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1949,
taxes of 1950, and the assessment roll of 1950,
-- taxes of 1951, which show property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
950 58 Greacen Estates, Inc . 19,100
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
950 58 Edgar G . Minton & W. 3,600
950 69 Greacen Estates, Inc. 15,500
Councilman Embury reported that the walks at the Lake and in the
Station Park, were completed and he would be pleased if the members
of the Board would inspect them.
Councilman Embury also reported that he had noticed many cars are
parked at the rear of Baldwin Avenue, apparently because they are
unable to park at the Station.
Mr. Embury presented a letter, dated April 6th, 1951, together with
a Traffic Commission order received from the State Traffic Commis-
- sion, which regulates the parking or standing of vehicles on the
Boston Post Road in the vicinity of Dillon Road. The Clerk was in-
structed to acknowledge the letter and inform the Commission that the
Board is unanimously in favor of its decision.
The Supervisor presented a resolution from the Village of Mamaroneck
for the sale of property acquired in its proceeding In Rem, and recom-
mended its approval. Upon motion made by Supervisor Mandeville,
seconded by Councilman McKeever, the following resolution was, upon
roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, through the institution
of an action in the County Court of Westchester County, entitled
"In the :Hatter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens pursuant to Article
VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village of Mamaroneck, List of
Delinquent Taxes for 1945" , has become and now is the owner of a.
number of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck
and Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaro-
neck held tax liens on said parcels of real property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law, an agree-
ment was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck and the
Town of Mamaroneck, which, among other things, set forth the
interests of said municipalities in the properties being fore-
closed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner
of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck has, pursuant to an agree-
went had with the Town of Mamaroneck, advertised for and has here-
tofore received bids on certain properties owned by the Town of
Mamaroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village
of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck
has given consideration thereto and after due deliberation accepted
the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms therein set
forth; and
WHEREAS, since receipt of said bid, this Board has given con-
sideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is
RESOLVED that the bid hereinafter listed, be
accepted at the price and terms therein set forth:
Town Village Total Assessed
Blk. Par. Blk. Lot Bidder Amount Valuation Terms
820 182 54 north Louis N ask $ 500 21250 Cash
& part S4 of (Broker -
of 186 Lot 2, jos . Warren)
all of
Lot 3
The Supervisor presented a letter received from the Personnel Office
of the County of Westchester, notifying him that a review of the duty
statement submitted for Charles F . Kane indicates that this position
is properly classified as Assessment Clerk and that an examination
is being requested for this title. On motion by Councilman Watson,
seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that, in accordance with the recommendations
of the Westchester County Personnel Director, there
be and hereby is created the position of Assessment
Clerk, which position is to be in the competitive
class of the Civil Service.
FURTHER RESOLVED trat Charles F. Kane be and he
hereby is appointed Provisional Assessment Clerk,
pending an examination.
Supervisor Mandeville asked for a resolution setting May 14th, 1951;
as the date of the next Town auction sale. On motion by Councilman
McKeever, seconded by Councilman Watson, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the date for the next Town auction sale
for the sale of property acquired by foreclosure pro-
ceeding In Rem, be and it hereby is set for May 14, 1951.
The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing the attendance of
-- Town Assessor McEvoy at a Training School for Assessors to be held
on April 18th, 19th and 20th. On motion by Councilman Waterman,
seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Thomas J. McEvoy be and he hereby is
authorized to attend the Training School for Assessors
to be held in Albany on April 18th, 19th and 20th, 1951.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the expenses for this trip, in
an amount not to exceed $60. shall be paid out of the
item in the Budget appropriated for such purpose.
The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing the purchase of a
gasoline-engine-driven chain saw, complete with 32" guide bar and
chain in the amount of $396. Upon motion made by Councilman Embury,
seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized
to purchase from Homelite Corporation, one Model 20 MCS-20
gasoline-engine-driven chain saw, complete with 32" guide
bar and chain, for the sum of $396. to be paid out of the
Shade Tree Fund in the 1951 Budget.
Supervisor Mandeville said he would like an expression of opinion
from the members of the Board with respect to printing a booklet
giving information about the Town of Mamaroneck, which booklet was
previously discussed by the Board. The Supervisor reported that the
booklet can be prepared for approximately 11,800. He said proofs
would be submitted to the Board members. The Board was unanimous
in its decision to have the booklet prepared.
Councilman McKeever reported that work on the Winged Foos Club
property to correct certain flood conditions had been started. He
also reported that he had received an estimate from Lewis & McDowell
to gunite manholes at a _price of $200. per manhole. It was suggested
that Councilman McKeever discuss this matter with the Town Engineer
and that competitive bids be obtained.
Councilman Waterman presented a list of claims for Fire Department
expenditures which had been checked by Chief Thomsen and audited by
the Comptroller.
The members of the Town Board, sitting as the Board of Fire Commis-
sioners, considered the claims and on motion by Councilman Waterman,
seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
— the same out of the budget for the Fire Department:
11 I
Burton & Fenton $64.50
A & A Automotive Co. 13 .43
Alpine Disinfecting Co. 15. 50
Arthur M. Brown 50.00
The C . G. Braxmar Co. , Inc. 31.63
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. , Inc. 175 .00
Consolidated Edison Co. of N . Y. 37.27
Crossroads Auto Parts Dist. , Inc. 1.00
Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan of West. Co. 50.00
Foley Hardware, Inc. 3.4:9
William K. Fordyce 3.50
Homelite Corporation 490.00
Kohlenberg Buick, Inc. 9.05
Lott-Merlin, Inc. 10.50
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 5.00
Mitchel Oil Corp. 68.30
New York Telephone Co. 98.31
Star Overall Dry Cleaning Laundry Co. , Inc. 60.75
Westchester Joint Water Works #1 11.26
Westchester Joint Water Works #1
Hydrant Rental 2, 278.13 r
The New Rochelle Water Company
Hydrant Rental 56. 25
Librandi Florists & Nurserymen 5.00
H . M. Everitt, Jr. 1.38
Total $3, 542. 55
Councilman Watson reported that in the last bulletin received from the
Association of Towns of the State of New York, there is an article
referring to road improvements for which the State is offering some
benefits. Councilman McKeever said that Mr. Foote has recently
written for information concerning this, and is of the opinion that
the offer was designed primarily for rural areas.
Mr . Delius, the Town Attorney, was instructed to write to the Post
Road Building Corporation, requesting that the Hcmmocks Road, which
has been opened to install water pipe, be restored to its original
Councilman Embury reported that he, together with Supervisor Mandeville,
had met with. Mr. Bardo of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail-
road Company, relative to setting aside a portion of the parking j
space at the Larchmont Railroad Station for residents of the Unincor-
porated Area. Mr. Bardo has promised to give the matter serious con-
sideration and will let them know what kind of an offer from the Town,
the Railroad Company might be willing to accept.
Mr. Delius reported that the New Rochelle City Council has voted to
close the bridge over the Premium Mill Pond in Pryer Manor, as of May 1st.
Mr. Delius also reported that Governor Dewey had signed a bill amending
the Agriculture and Markets Law with respect to control of dogs. Mr .
Delius said he would bring in a proposed new dog ordinance to the
next meeting .
Mr. Delius said that Miss Lillian E. Ravenscroft has filed suit in
the Supreme Court to set aside the conveyance of the Deed In Rem to
the Town and the Deed from the Supervisor at the auction sale, to
Ronconi and to Gibbons (16 parcels in all) on the ground that the
assessment upon which these taxes were based, was illegal. Several
of the parcels have been insured by Title Companies, including the
one sold to Jerry English on the Boston Post Road near the New Roch-
elle line, and those sold to Ronconi and Gibbons. Mr. Delius will
move to dismiss the complaint on April 25th.
The attorneys for Levine and Marx (in their certiorari proceedings)
are bringing the Levine matter on for trial next month, claiming
that the assessed value should be reduced because of the presence
of the Westchester Day School (formerly the Weiskopf property) and
the Westchester Religious Institute (the former Weatherbee property) .
Mr. Delius said he would need an expert if these are to be tried,
and the Supervisor suggested that a preliminary appraisal be obtained
and it was decided that Mr. Harry K. Keller and Mr. Percy M. Bibas
would be asked for such an appraisal.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad-
journed at 11: 30 P . M. to meet again on May 2nd, 1951.
Town Cler