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Preliminary Budget_1935
m __MWE ICT N0. 2 taper atin g TOWN OF MAMONECY SUMIARY OF PROPOSrM TAX Ptr=T GROSS BUDGET REVENUES AND/OR 1934 1935 1934 1935 1934 Lyyw�:1e00 Z JOn'..00 2"925,00 3;r DISTRI C n operating 79813,33 7351,00 Debt Servioe 118 904188 116,,930c 63 TOTAI. 125;855,,21 124,,28lc63 +..18 041 88 22 ;000E,00 7,813.33 2.029,' ` MIR STREET SIDEWALK ' NSTRICT Debt Servioe 1;fi42 19 1 �; TOTAL SPECIAL DEBT SERVICE Street Improve rents E7 y, a 1f, 31 27 9 E TOTAL 27 615031 27 9 t CRANI; TOTAL 2�008�44�;_49�I ' 4 .051 53 - 32Col508,96 624�;9324 25:-1 687 939,48a925�] IFM F OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Highways Street lighting 15,000 00 2 2,-,2 00 5 C01,11-a-ATIVE BIUDG-1--2 Board of Appeals 510 C)o By Building Department 1-640` 00 GENERAL 5 Police Town Officeb Town Hall 61 .30C,, 150 62.--694 CC: Supervisor 4,1 741 Town Cl-erk TOTAL 1050391050 Elections 3 6€ 9433c;00 Comptroller 70�oc, Receiver of Taxes & AFSebommsmte Board of Assessors a 07C 2;} Law Justices of the Peace 4 500 .,5 Village Po lioe Justices pq5 0 Highways urxx-1 rx Contributions end Donatiore 550.0 Misoollanems ' `"j Ov q, n.76 SUB,. TOTAL 78. 276, or, loo Publio gelfare 160 -86.,2d• 196 Debt(, Service ,C 62 296,2f) 77: ,-7-`, 3 GRANT) TO TAT, bol 2.r -,8,-5P 376,19F. F OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Highways Street lighting 15,000 00 2 2,-,2 00 5 Board of Appeals 510 C)o Building Department 1-640` 00 5 Police 61 .30C,, 150 62.--694 40 Misoellaneoua Q0 TOTAL 1050391050 Debt, service 6€ 9433c;00 37,,216,no GRAND TOTAL 1709824,50 178g220A0 -5- 0 T r t, 491� r -C, 6 9 4, C N� rVi FL2,e 3 64 )rl 49.7 ., 59 2! 1',OTAL 126 2' 124 0623 D I Z-: I C T rye arl Sgl c L) 01' -j ,-: V .3 2 E, 0 2 40C, 00 2!7 e 6 13, '7,r� Y ( 13 f"j, 0:) Debt Strytoz 41, 11 1169501 63 12 e, 6f 5, El 124 63 MAM. VALLEY SKNIQ DE"T 114 990 32 t00 Debt Se"lat — 23•-882:, 50 TOTAL n 1 0 3w 1442882, :aTATE AND COUNN LEVY !Esti-7-r -Lp,-,r 15' 4116 641 1340 .5 420.!2 0, 30' WEAVER 5TREET ;51DK4ALY- DISTRICT Debt Service SPECIAL DEBT SERVICE Weaver Street Sidewalk Improvement Article 11A Old Town Law Myrtle and Madison Avenues Street Improvement Chapter 549 Laws of 1926 Maple Hill Part 1 Street Improye-rt Chapter 549 Laws of 1926 Maple Hill Part 11 Street Improvement Chapter 549 Laws of 1926 4 626,56 9 745, OC 7,443075 GRAND TOTAL 27 -a 615.31 0,4,w a 9 i n'T &CK 1936 BUDGiT Dr, - - TO Ci, T CES 19.34 Eetimatc-,c.:. �PPT. --r, -v t -lye c 1 nn i tu r 41 Tele-pilnne Operator ,a e -A 3ntz-Offioest,, T�,,Ymorary &mplo,-,es 2 2 cl, 0; -,;D 0 L 4 -on Light. 0 r, -clie phone 7,, loe ibloo Tripuranae* 26.,00 L'L -T,JALS AND SUPPLIES 047fioe 6uprlieso Poetage, krinting btat,ionery 400000 Furniture And ifixture s 100,000 bj-Bo.oc- -6- . 'upervi+or 6t,�it�ac�00 �,3Q0�4© 1.*300 *00 -� 300000 'doe 1.3upp�i en a ; _ �'oste�e a �r�tt � t.n � � - • �^ t �.r>�er9 •260000 .�. r e f n♦ A 41irt rsis a..00*00 r• •tie vel int 300,00br i - �liuhin� �ti®es MOO ° 1 'tat'* 00 5� !}.ems tYR±{ R ilk i ` y� ^r ?7 C) ms's y _•rytf _ a`i-r�J �e •z.+� 3 _.ii "t < �s5'�ii'rl .#',s,c_.`. 4dB.c, 4W :ts. O r -I r a o r for 19,'l, Tovin CILrk 31,0i11111 i0r1 -e 31000,00 bf',7"Olty 10-Oln or) 7LO,00 iC X 6urety Lord 10,00 Offioe %"Upplics, Postape, ilri-ti-r t--T,,� 'Ionc-ny 200,00 260,00 s.i.ytTu� pus Trave 'I I r,7 -Publik,hirn, Noticrj 2 [)1 Or) 20000 00 Al 07, o r 4 TO,'17 OF MAMAPMOX 1935 BUDGET RE UIRMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVa OF TAXE.� 1934 Emtimsted Allowed "Mr for 193 for 1935 GENERAL TORN SERVICES- PEMSQNAALL Permanent Employees Recover of Taxes & Assessments 30500,00 Ass t G H N w N H to H 26400,00 Assistant Temporary help SERY I C ES—CONTRACTUAL Insurance and Surety bond 745,00 MATERIALS AND SVEPLI ES Office Supplies" .KGstage9 Printing and 1.x350,,00 Stationery Equipment Machine", XI SCELLAVEOUS Publi ab n g Notices To tal 1 �0.50Q00 9,045,00 3v75000 2 0400®00 12500.00 500,00 650000 �.m50Q,,,00 240000 500®00 11:,040000 TURN OF ykrvlrbw& a 1986 BUDGET B5QUjRIWE7Ta PEP* MM.ff T OF . ► . -. 1981fg;z 'tt®ated �tltarre� u; 3236 - ' • MERSQB/1D M9 _ „ pes"went Boployeee Tom Alttole�s 43000000 $ 49000.00 k a spool Counaal' 1 fl000.00 1 9000@00 6tancgmpUs Sork 600A00 600.00 �-• � �yiiV �{IV F Tota- $4.*600.00 6.006.00 k j 10 AJJa DUIJUZo1 ttllkLfjjEAAA Tb DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE$ OF DIE PEACE 1934 Estimated` Allowed Avvr. for 1938 for 1936 GENI�AI TONN a SS - FR50NAL Perment n t employee e Three Jus tine e Clerioal Aseistance SERVI GES - COBTRAcTUAL 30600000 3,600.00 600000 600000 Xent 600000 Fi0pc00 Insvranoe • Surety Bonds 150 00 15.00 Telephone 180000 120000 YA:TERIALS AND SUPPLIES ,. Offioe Supplies, . Postage, Printing mad Stationery 126;00 100000 WISC 3MLANEOUS Stenographio Charges 200oOC 100000 TOtal b�320o00 5.1$5,,00 DEPARMNT OF VILLAGE kOlICE JUSTICA8 S to no graphi a Fees in oriminal oases - Total 125,)00 180000 19250000 2v000o00 $10376000 29150000 -14- • r 0 TO'�j:' N 1925 BUL DEPAIRTNEFT GENERAL TOWN Machinery Fund Purchase, repair and storage of tools and implements, gasoline and oil Snow and Miscellaneous ?-and For salary end expense OfTo-m Supt rin ten dent For removal of obstruc- tions causes by snow For other misne!IE-,necus purposes inoluuing oompeneption I.nsurer(,e E S tims t e d Allowed fo 0 --r 19 17 1, for 1935 4 29260,00 4 5o4.PO,00 2 1, 6 () 0 o 0 0 35'000.00 2r,000,00 2.1,000,00 20E00.00 2;,600.00 9,)3F)O"Oo 12995C.,00 0 w18o 1e04b An�r� &Bb3maLea Ai10W►ea for 193b for 1938 GE9M4& TOWS SSS� $TtSOBAL Permanent Employees Public Welfare Officer 1*0600®OO 19500000 Office Manager Q� 1flbO0o00 Stenographer 10300000 19200000 Telephone operator 1E.040000 450000 Janitor 24000 660000 Supervising Case Worker 20000,00 8 9200000 Veterans' Case Worker 10800000 2;000000 Noo 1 Cane Worker 1060000 10600000 No. 2 Case .►Yorker 19500,00 1©600000 No. 3 Case worker 10500.00 10600"00 No® 4 Case Worker 10500000 10600000 No, 6 Case Worker 30600000 Veterans' Relief Officer m- 19200900 SJOY10R84ONTRAGIMAL ._.- Ren - offices 10 200000 �- Light nw 120000 Fuel- w- 450000 Water 26®00 Insurance WOO Telephone 600000 .1 jO0o00 Central Index 100000 100000 Larohmont Unemployment Relief 300000 • Yamaroneok Unemployment Relief 300000 Rent - Flour Stores 9626 C=)- KAZM4ALS AND SUPPLINS s Office Supplies Postage, Printing and } 290000 Stationery } 600,00 600000 Furniture & Fixtures 1 200000 lei soeileneous _ Gasoline and oil 760000 360000 Equipment Purchase of oar 920000 SC veli Traveling 3e0,00 380©00 Repair• w Building o4 300000 ROME c 'Welfare office 1000000000 1809000000 Veterans 400000000 409000,00 WOR$ R ' APZROGRR M 2 0 500 000 &.000000 Total $1609686025 190936bo0/�0/� Less Estimated Refunds 93422509{/ Net Total 41040690000 w18o m vL' 1934 19 :�b dpparo priati on Appropriation GEWLIi„ Z TO 4N RIGH4AYI11. hovEl-k 14T BOND , P i '`� a' AL 1, Ueaver atreet Part 1 l County Highway Improve- ment bond No„, 9.- dated June 1.. 1922 due June 13 1936 11.000.00 2. heaver Street Improvement Bonds Soso 7 and 8, dated Sept. 19 1927 due Sept. 10 1936 20000.00 20000.00 3. Street Improvement bond No. 8 dated Febo 1 1981 due Feb. 19 1986 1,000e.00 10006,00 4. Boston Post Road Improvement Bonds Nose 31 to 46 enol, o dated April The 1982 due* April 169 1986 160000,00 169000.00 B.' Boston Post Road Improvement Bonds Nos. E4 to 33 enol.,, dated June 1 c 198E due June 1, 1936 10000©00 109000.00 6. PRINCIPAL general bonds of 1933 No, 1. to 11 inol., dated. Feb. 1, 1934 duce Feb. 10 1936 -- 110000.00 MT �? 7. On $6,000.00, 6% Neaver Street Part 1, 0012ty Highway Bonds dui June 1, and on $6,000.00 due Deoember 1 326.00 876.00_ 8! On $28, 600.00, 4 dA4ves b tree t Improvement bonds dated Sept. 19 1927 due Mwah 1 and September " 1, 1935 10377.00 19207900 Total oont. $309702.00 X41 662.00 GMP iAL Tom TNM OF mjaj.,dio tqECK RJU T § I VI O h OO_._N T.'])-,- 1934 Anp-ronri ati on (carried forward) � 309702.00 9: On 48,900.00 490 deaver 3trest Imp ro vemen t Bonds dated Feb. 19 1928 due Feb. 1 and AnRns t 11, 19W 400,50 10. On 417, 000.00 4-„* 5 tree t I� ro�tent bonds dated Fst+. 1, 1932 due Febol, 1936 an4( on ;16, 000.00 bonds date. Aurnst 1. 1936 .743075 11. On $2859000.00 6% Boston Post Road INPro4eraent Bonds- dated tpril IS,, 1932 dine April 16,1938 e—d on interest on $270,000.00 bonds due Oo tobe r 16, 1936 17 , 55O.00 12. On.$210,000.00 0 Boston Yost Road Improvement bonds dated June 1, 1932 due June 1, 193E and on $200,000.00 due Deo. 1. 1935 12, 900.00 13. on $11Q,00a.00 General bonds Of 19339 016 dated Feb. 2.1934 due Feb. 1,1935 and on $99,000.00 due on Autt.1,1986 -� Total 6€,286.25 4 419662600 • 400.50 701.25 I c, a jo"00 12,300.00 6, 747. bO 77.861,.26 2 f E: OUTSIDE OF VILLILGES Rental of Street lights C .4ed T �Ir for D,1,'11A!-A"--'---� C17, FOikaD 07 OMI DE OF VILLiXES perithanclit Employees Gleritr-lal AW rtance MAMIRIAL6 AND Office TI o,,-tage,, Printing :ani 6 is ti. on F, ry ILI 6 1, alLiJI, iz us Publishing Notices Total -21- 560.c 00 t 300,00 90"(110 1 Jr) 0 1 C) () 61) 00 60 0 00 510.00 400.00 - �Zf for 1935 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1934 Estimated Allowed for 1935 for 1935 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 0 318VICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Building Inspector 1�200.^n 1$200.00 Clerical -- 100,00 BERVICES CONTRACTUAL Insurance 40.00 50.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies, Postage, Printing and Stationery 400000 150.00 Total 1,640000 $110500,000 D E PAR TME NT OF HIGHWAYS 1934 Estimated Allowed fir# for 1935 for 1935 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Item Boo 1 - for repairing and improving highways Item Boo 2 - for repairing bridges Total 4 -22- $159000.00 $ 2,1®000,000 $15,000.00 1,200.00 22,200.00 -23- we "T ti t C I .Pur -1.) :3 L V A" C'� 32 (K 13 0 0 (11 770 U(N s;5 C, I A OLF,9 AO i t t G 900 00 1. c v c e 1 600 1200. 00 T f 1-c ,.,,ho.ne eervi c( 0 r -j 40 2t,400<,00 T r j, "J. a n a 1. s 2. 98f, 2,000,00 n em ran c e 'Ire `3 2 bo 0,, 00 n 0, m ,eater Light cs f,0 300.-,00 AT& I M6L Fuel `j11 00 Gaeoltric and 1700, 00 Offiae y X. t i 300,00 Equi prr. c- r t 4,10, 00 - 60,00 Clothing 1 12,00,00 500300 Care A; Votoroyolas 7D0,00 19400000 va S ELI.ANtr us Repairs-Orirs. .14 Motorcyoles 19200.00 900.00 Total 619,506,50 629694A0 -23- we • e 1935 BUDGET REaUI:RI- _ I+P�.SC ;LLr1NWIro EXPITA I1'U£�L'S • 1934 Estimated Allowed Appr, for 19 35 for 1935 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES TOIN. BOARD Notices of Bearings CARE OF AR I MLS PUBLIC LIBRARY Larohmont Public Library PUB:,,I C HEALTH NlrzSZ.Q. Employed k: arsuant to Seco 20-B kart s" Public Health Law SHADE TREE FUND To tal WI -42 .--C _ 00 7 r nf) nfj 3 310 Or, 1,660,,00 60935,,00 58710x00 TOWN OF MAW O NECK DEBT SERVICE CONT OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES (oarri ed forward) loo On 41440000000 403% Highway Improvement Bonds (Murray Menne) due June 1® 1935 and on $1350000000 due Deo* 10 1936 110 On $649000000 Pine Brook Improvement Bonds W due February 1® 1934 and August 19 1935 Total UA#s 4 1934 1935 Appropriation Appropriation 4 59.,,0,' -,tQ j 579697,50 6,385050 50998.50 m 39520000 Z, 66r,43300 679E16o00 197,4 Estimated for_I9 :-tom a4 �� J.... J. O Four Drivers 7,870;;00 7,.070.00 6ERVIOES - CON 71RAc TUAL Ren V51 of Fire Hyarwts 13,000100 14,000,.00 Light 600 1 r.10 500 Fuel 850,100 00,0, 600,00 Water 10010G 90.00 Fire Liability 2. 750,00 29,700.00 Indemnity Tel erhone 200, 0'0 200100 MAT:u 1 !.S :irD � UPEZE : Of fl oe :3uppli e e -- 50.00 Posta.m, Printing & Stationery -- 60.00 Furniture and Fixtures 50,00 ri010U Gasoline Pn d oil 4f IC C0 400000 Misoellubtous Supplies -- 100000 Materials 400.00 550.00 Equi pmen-t 1 t> 6 O 0 1 OWL) I Ou Clothing 330000 Machinery -- 20u .UL Repai.ra, building 250,00 500100 ETaipment 750.00 750.0L, . Total 288,720,00 .# 30,4EO.00 Dees amount ohorped District No, 2 16800000 20400.00 269920.00 280050.00 41.11owed for O DzPARTUNT OF PARKS 1934 DISTRICT HOo 1 5IZVES -- F12WONAL Permanent hbsployees Foreman Clerical Temporary Employees EnFdneer SEgVICES - CONTRACTU1IL "`Light -later Insurance Compensation Fire and Theft Liability 9 General ? Liability on ::ruok ) ,.� TE IA6 AND SUFPLIES Office Supplies; Postage Frinting end 3tationery Gasoline and Oil Mate rials ,, soil seeds,) trees and shrubs EC UI P= T General Machinery M l :i C 4!,L!A i€:;GUS Repairs,, Building ( garage roof) Equipment Tree Surpery TO Till, Includes MAO for Liphtintr of Christmas Tree, 4_ 4 Z-00-00 270,.00 -28- 100.00` 460 ,, 00 260.00 -_ 6001,100 Estimated for 1935 14600000 100000 3 26:) .00 250,00 40,00 400 ,,0v 190.00 3: 100 MAO 25000 120000 600,00 1 U 100') 00 300,00 ftco 266,00 100.00 -- 140.00 300,00 6845.,00 3,490.00 Allowed for 19 35 ;V if if Vl' /�ilLll rira a. a+vs 1935 BUDGET GARBAGE Dj6TRICT "'1 1934 Estimated AlIowe d e Aper. for 193b -Prr 19::1. DI S'Mal, CT &0. 1 Contract, January 1, 19;% to Dcacmbe r 31. 1935 $10 400600 4'P1J 400,00 a -99- 0 99- O DEBT 6XI VIG. GONT9 2.934 3est0hester 4oint ,pater Appropriation . Forks District 30.1 "Onta, s (carried forward) 9. On $83900040 4*jb eater :corks System Bonds due dune 1j; 1936 and on 180,000_:=00 due Doc. 19 1936 10. On $92000040 4% gater Distribution 6y®tem Bonds due Feb, 10 1936 and on $90.,000.00 due August 1,, 1936 lie On 12060000*00 0 6(,1% Water Works System bonds due stay 169 and Novo 160 1986 18. On $37 000.00, 6.1% Water DistriGtion System Bonds due May 169 and Bove, 16 1935 Total Bess estimated share of net revenues from operation of Westchester Joint Water Works :fou 1 29 r,901o26 3:-802150 4,186000 10o812,00 1938 Anrorriglioll $ 29®603,76 8A667.60 4,096.00 10V606.00 1L,938000 19887.00 60638*76 49p789o26 6OQ658976 494769a2b A S .: Ri a�•.i 1� 19.35 16 ,.r TL: 11 DISTRICT N0� 2 AMIZOA3.:. DOP` "TUAIP Fire Protection Services Rental of Fire Hydrants TOTAL D2 TRIOT m 2 1934 listimated Allowed Annr,, _tor 1935 for 1935 10800, 00 $ 1,800 ,00 526.,00 600000 E ,326.,00 $ j,400000 GAY .WAU DISTRICT tip - 2 Contract January 1, 1935 to December 31, 1936 $ 600,,00 $ 600,,00 -33- 1936 BUDGt.T D.r.T: Ah'i IENT OF 1934 Estimated 8nur, for 1936 691Y" .$16TR.I C T 19, T 1 v a�Ai�,66 — PiRSONAL Permanent Lmployees 6uperintendent 2; 600.,00 1..300,00 Plant Operator 1' 640,.00 820000 Stenographer 400 00 100;00 s Temporary :employees Engineering Services Laborers VICa - „02EMACTUAZ Power ) Light )later } Insuranoe. Li abili tq ) Indemnity '! Telephone Rents of IZ.,R, rights of way Gara{re rent 1&TkRI__�__aL§.%-ND 8UjpUJW Ot°ioe Supplies Yostageo minting & Stationery Gasoline and oil aundry Items Materials S� c(n�Olo thin�gT �4�V�4iV Vv 250 00 11,680,00 250,100 150,:, 00 WIN 333 � a 200,00 -- raveling -- Repairs 100,00 Manhole heads r'8�e1198D is -. Publishing Motioes b0,OO Total1 7 p @13.33 100®00 20000000 96;,00 121,00 60C,00 250000 750,00 40,00 50,00 333100-. M- 160,,00 - 160,,00 50.00 400,00 20000 30,00 200,00 80,00 600.00 0 ®361.00 81.1owed for 1936 "AWW. A arcica va 5b4-e,R D16 RI CT 1lQ a 1 1934 DIBTRICT NO, 1 �£opriation I* Bower District Soo 1 bonds 66 to 70 incl v fist issue) dated July 19 19 21 due July 1® 1936 20 Bewer Dist riot No, 1 bonds Bos. 63 to 66 incl. (Bad Issue) dated July 10 1921 date July IV 1936 3o Bower District No, 1 Bonds Boo 180 (8th issue) dated July 1 0 19 23. due July 10 19 36 Sewer District No, 1 Bonds 800a 26 to 28 inol, ( 6th isane) dated January 1n 1924 due January 1 v 1936 6 000 00 4,000,,00 500,00 4 000,,00 2. 600.:00 41000.00 2"000.00 1936 ®rproprI atm b�000"00 40000:,00 600-00 4;,000000 2.600 <,00 40000.00 24000,00 40200.00 30900.00 260200.00 264900.00 bo Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Noso 16 to 18 inolo (7th issue) dated January 1,1926 due January 1, 1936 . 6. Server Distriot No. 1 bonds ` Bos„ 21 to 24 inol a ( 8th issue) dated July 1 ,, 19B6 due July 1 e 1935 7o Meurer District No, 1 bonds Do** 9 and 104(9th issue) dated July 10 1926 due July 1L 1936 81 On $66 000.00 6% Sewer Distriot fonds No, 1 (let issue) dated July 10 1921 due January 1 and July l 0 1936 Total Cont, 6 000 00 4,000,,00 500,00 4 000,,00 2. 600.:00 41000.00 2"000.00 1936 ®rproprI atm b�000"00 40000:,00 600-00 4;,000000 2.600 <,00 40000.00 24000,00 40200.00 30900.00 260200.00 264900.00 Suver Distriot No, 1 _%ont. Appropriation 1'34 1':, Av, k;n Narri. ed forward.) 26,;2 ?Q x:00 � : F, _ 1100 - 00 9. On $68,000.00 6�6 Sewer District #1 BondB Una issue) dated Ju.7v 1, 1321 due January 1 and. July 1,J935 �4 �32t`�00 4 080 '` 10. On $1009000100 46 Sewer District #1 Bonds (3rd is euO ) dated June 19 1922 due June and December 1� .1935 ,� 0*0 4 ,c! P .a.: '.. v 11:, On $50,000„00 4034% Sewer , District #1 Bonds (4th issue) dated July 1, 1923 and due J ensu ary 1 and July 19 19 35 2, 37 5,- n0 2 _. 12® On $3,500 00 5% Sewer DistrIat 75th #1 Bonds issue) dated July 19 1923 due January 1 and 200,100 17b r0 July 1. 1935 . 130 On $156„000p00 4 sewer District #1 Bonds (6th issue) dated Jan. 181924 due January 1. „1935 $152,000.00 due Ju.1y 7 11000 and on 14,, On $879500s.00 Sewer Di e tT ct irI Bonds 4-j% (7th issue) dated Januar7-1,1925 due January 1;1.935 on $85,000.00 due July 1 1935 3 77i ,88 366,. 63 and 15, On $1209000.00 40 Sewer. District #1 Bonds (8th issue) dated July 1, 1925 due January € nd 5 59100.00 JULY 19 1935 ;270000 16o On $72,000.00 4 Sewer District #1 Bonds (9th issue) dated July 19 1926 and due January and 39330000 39240600 July 1, 1935 • 17c On $150,,000,00 4a% Sewer District #1 Bonds (10th 3.8 sue) dated January 10 1927 and due January . 6,375.00 6 375.00 o and July 1935 _ Total Conte $ 630451.88 $ 629340063 .36M ss' Sewer District No. 1 Cont, (carried forward) 18,0 On '$U59000,009 4.20% S e ve r District #1 Bonds (11th idene) dated February 15 1931 due February 1 and Angel, 1935 19, On $6409000o009 Cl% Sewer District. #1 Bonds (12th issue) dated June 15, 1931 and due June lb and Deo,., 15, 1935 200 On $1750000,00 6% Sewer Distriot #1 Bonds (10th issue) dated April .lb, 1932 due. April 15 and October 15, 1935 TOTAL 1934 1935 &,oronriation Arprorri ation $ 63 ,451.88 $ 629-340,63 17 t850n00 179850,:0+ 2 6 o 240 ,, 00 26,240,00 10.,500®00 10 Y, 500. 00 $ 1189041.88 $ 116,,930 63 •$'r too or NAM"O"OK `" �_..; �► moi. sti on • ti osa '�� i. 9oftw Bolds of ; { - _!4"t+l *bo IL 01 mob `` �/'� 1590M00600. 00 PA ' 4 fm` a� 4 �y� 2 Y� • t. f$ �� � �( �(�t: � �� � �,{`7��.1 a }�h _ t f ^'6"{� �- � ,�ra +�` dF�' w � '� 4� �, r� :' '� �,,�ys - � 6, �•y ��•2 yA ? � .- - Y'K+."'A..,+' . 1V.:3 �'^ .._.Lu: f. > ��.8-^', to J.•• LJ:�.t .:.ax'1 s!'aK�