HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Budget_1936Town of Mamaroneck Estimated Tax Budget For 1936 TOWN OF MAMARONEM SUIG(ARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET 1935 1 1936 'RAL TOWN 1935 RBVBNUES AND/OR AVAI LABLB AS SSS T 1936 :1935 NET BUDGF'T 193fi ratir-f; 298 835 00 292;096 50 ounts Payable 150 000 OC. 43 000.00" t Service 77 361 25-- 75 073 75 TOTAL 5 196 25 10 170,25 448, 975 199, 0 77 221 25 92V 971 05 .w526 `00 _317 [WAY OUTSIDE OF VU.XAGB3 3 GC 520 ,airs & improverlints 22 200 00 23 125 00 it Service 63 696 GG 61 959 00 _.~85 TOTAL 85 896 00 85 C84 00 85 896 CC 0811 r -'C..___. ,IDS OF Vi:aL_-.GF`S rating 88 804 40 97 6.1.7 92 +113-1 .ants Fpyable 5 000 CG t r41 3 GC 520 CC TOTAL. 92 324 40 106 t.37 92 5 200 01 5C 700 00 87 124 40 55 437 92 RIOT Y- 1. ratt.ng 46 940 CC 38, 671 44 t Service 77 1.23 25 75 795 75 TO'LAL 124 063 25 11.4 467 19 49; 759 25 48 879 75 74 304 00 65 587 41' ✓ R ICT NO 2 rating 3 000 GO 2 538 56 3 000 CO 2 538 5, R DISTR":T rating 7.351 00 6 455 00 t Ser vice '116 930 63 4; 260 38 TOTAL 124 281 63 14`4 '115.38 22 000 00 49. 000 00 IUZ 28" 83 99 715 3?r Town of Mamaroneck Summary of Proposed Tax Budget Gross Budget Revenue and/or Available Assets Net Budget 1935 1936 1935 1936 1935 1936 Street Sidewalk ICT Service 1,542.19 1,489.06 1,542.19 1,489.06 Assessment Service Improvement 27,615. 31 25 ,748.44 27,615.31 25,748.44 Valley District Service 23,888.50 23,057.50 23,882.50 23,057.50 Grand Total $1,008,801.53 $917,408.30 $525,934.25 $465,778.93 $482,867.28 $451,629.35 Town of Mamaroneck Estimated Revenues - 1936 General Town Interest & Penalties on Taxes $50,000.00 Interest on Bank Deposits 200.00 Justice Fines 1,500.00 Justice Fees 1,200.00 Income Tax 30,000.00 Beverage Tax 20,000.00 Refund under Wicks Law - 1936 69,299.20 Refund under Wicks Law - Prior Years 50,000.00 Taxes Receivable - 1935 55,000.00 Taxes Receivable - Prior Years 40,000.00 Total $317,199.20 Outside of Villages Dog Licenses 900.00 Building Permits 1,000.00 Franchise Tax 300.00 Mercantile & Manufacturing Tax 200.00 Mortage Tax 2,500.00 Town Clerk's Earnings 800.00 Taxes Receivable 45,000.00 Total $50,700.00 District No. 1 Water Revenues $48,879.75 Sewer District Available Funds (Cash) $49,000.00 ' TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1936 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OFFICES SE.RViCE3 - PERSONAL Permanent Employees --- Janitor $900.00 Telephone Operator 900.00 SERVICES CONTRACTUAL Rent 2,400.00 Light 200.00 Telephone 1,200.00 MATERIALS AND SuPPLIES Offi0e Supplies 500.00 ,ice & Water 60.00 mis c el.laneous 75.00 Furniture & Fixtures 1,500.00 -- $7,735.00 Town OF MAMARO NECK - GENERAL TOWN 1956 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF SUPERV13OR 3" ,:WIC' -'8 - P EMONAL Per-anont ' mpjgyees ^-.x ervisor Confidential Secretary clerk to Cupervisor ;wety 3ond d raveling Aiblishing Notices 0 ..2s 7 0 500.00 1! 500.00 20100.00 200.00 300.00 150,00 "=11 0750.00 L. 0 ft '1, 7 :r .7 Cl ) -0 �7 000, )0a TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SAL TOWT 1936 BM*ET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES SERVICES PERSONAL , a Permanent Employees �R Receiver of Taxes & Assessments 3 750e00 Asste Receiver of Taxes & Assessments 2#400,00 Temporary Help 900.00 3ERVICBS m ONTRACTUAL rmY, Insurance & Surety Bond 650e00 h'' 1 MATERIALS ARD -SUPPLIES, Office Supplies 19500.00 << �. `- YISCELLA1080iTi ' Publishing Notices 200.00 9#400600 �tl i - A L f - .l-_� Z;) TOWN OF M"ROXV, ` OE�yFsRAZ, TOWN , 1936 B'JDG�REQUIREMENTS <' DEPARTMIENT OF HIGHWAYS MACH INERY FUND Purchase., repair and storage of tools and implam ants , gasoline and nil 69,857000 SNOW AND MISCE-11, AWHOUS FUND For salary of -Town superintendent ` 3,000100 \ For removal of snow 2;000.,,00 For insurance liability. auto & fire 1.,000,1,00 Cutting grass and cleaning streets 1'p300.00 D. Miscellaneous items 200,00 14;:357:00 DEPARTMENT OF TOWN EN4INM SERVICES PERSONAL x -Salaries S, 1X200,00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Records 1.9500 ,,00 ._ B�urniture & Fixtures 3001100 y + �. fE ',. 'aC. ^:i .vii .y ___._�....�_�` ''t' •�:'"i.. _ .k t =. J =�. Ur,u _.... _._�. __rA LA 0 u sago V, w ✓ a oo 0 0 4 V7d I 1Q36 BUDGET REQUIFMWTS DEBT SERVICE ,100 VAY IMPROVMNT.._. BONDS .A.. Boston Post Road i provean®nt Sonde 7.os, 46 to 60 inclusive dated April 15, 1932 due Aprii 15, 1936. 2a Boston Post Road Improvement Bonds, Series A, lose 341to 43 inclusive, dated June -1, 1932 due Jung 1, 1936. .>, Weaver Street - Part I - County Righway Ir"wovement Bond .No. 10 dated June 1, 1922 due June 1, 1936. 4, Weaver'Street.Improvement Bonds ros. 9 and 10 dated Sept, 1, 1927 due Sept, 1, j936. a. Street Improvement Bond No'* 6. dated Feb. -1,1931: due Feb,. 1, 1936. 6A 0n $270,000. 6%'Boston Post Road Improvement - Bonds dated April 15 1932, -due April 15s 1936,and on $255,;60. due Oct. 15,. 1936, 15,000,00 10,000.00 18,000000 2,000.00 1,000.00 15-,750.00 sjl `. On $2000000.'6% Boston Post Road Improvement Bonds., Series A, dated June la 1932 due June 1 1936 and on $lSo.000. due December 1,' 1936, 110700.00 0$5,0000. 5% weaver Stre t - Part I�- CountHighway Bonds due a 1,:1936 and on $4�000..due December , 1936, dated June 1, 1922* 225900 4 Q� On $26,000, 0% Weaver Street Bonds dated Sept. 1., 1927 due March let and Sept. let. d36, 12197.00 1 .; 10. On $80900,00.4j% Weaver Street Imp. Bonds dated Feb. 11 1928 due Feb. let and Aug. 1st, 1936. 400,5f!°. - L 1x. or, 416,9000, 4.25% Street Imp. Bondi dated'Feb. 1 1931 due Feb. 1 1936 and on $15,OW due Aug. 10 1936, 658975 58,981.$b e - � .. ';N > . - ., V �•,,>,::. !i n . .:'r ^71St s �"'.n . .:�' .;*kk ,. `.4.A* � ..�c�. .. v v w • N TOWN OF MAMARQ1 ECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1936 BUDG:,s'T REQUIRIMEMITS BUILDING DEPARTMEXT SIMVICES - PERSONAT: ""9Tmamt DOMM Ives Building Inspector Clerical Assistance SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Insurance 'MATERIALS .AND SUPPLIES Gas and oil Office Supplies DEPARTN! IT OF 11101WAYS Item No. I - for repairing and improving highways »17• $ 10500000 85.00 120.00 50.00 10795.00 $230125*00 50.-,00 900= TOn B_M D Notices of Hearings CARE OF AAIMALB PUBLIC LIBRARY' ,F Larohnont Public Librar, PUBLIC -ALTS EONS Employed pursuant to Seam 2Q -B Par. 8 of the Public Health Law SHADE TRES FUND ESTIMATED UNPAID CLADS t k F� 1 . 50.-,00 900= TO7,11 OF MAMARONECK • FIRR# LIGHTING AND WATER DIST o NON 1 DST.,.,... 3MV-129 PRINCIPAL Fater Z7orks System Bonds Nos, 22 to 24 dated bane 10 1927 due June 10 1936 2 water Distribution 57s tem Bonds otos, 29 to 32 iaviusive 4A►ted June l,, 1.9V due June 10 1936 3. water works 37s tem "6--A 5010 188 to 160 iralusive dated Zme l0 1927 due June 10 19360 4, Water Distribution 3lstem Bands Noe o 167 and US dated Feb, Is 19x0 due Feb* Is 1936 5* "tater Works System Bonds Noeo S86 to 261 ImIusive dated Nova 15,9' 1931 due Roved 150 1966o C .later Distribution 37stem mond Nos 261 dated Nova 15s 1981, due Nov* 150 1936. IN T�..:37--S..T 7 rn w118p0{00 4r : hateriorks Slstsm 13onds dated June 1 1927 duel June 1 1936 and on $115,.,000 due Dec a 1., 1956 ., 0 On $128,,000 4j�b :pater Distribution �Ion,ds dated June 1 1927 due June 1 1936 and on 0124O0J0, due Dec., 1, 14 9 (n X80,000 4j% Mater Works Stem Bonds dated dune 1� 1927 due June 1 19� and on $77,&* due Deco 10 19h. Total Continued .Q 30000000 40000 ,00 3,000*00- 2,000,00 6;,000000 10000000 i i 4p9514.5 5P355«n0 39532650 32,838075 TOWN OF NAMAROVECK FIRE, LIGHTOG AND WATEn D13T. 110, 1 DEBT 8 MICE JCONTINUED) (Op.rrted Forward) 100 On ',�90,0000 4*% Water Distribution System Bonds dated Febo I- 1950 due Febo 10 1936 and on 4.�68,000* due Aug 10 - 1936 III, On '.200,000, Sol% Water -3orks System Bonds dated rave 15, 1931 due Yay 15th and Wovember 15th, 1936. 12on $3611000C 6 a ?Fater Distribution System Bonds dated 14ovember 25, 1931 due May 15th and November 15th,,,, 1936o Total Wo7b 400054)00 10'.'200o00 I 19SWOOO 48C,879,,,75 Y _ I?bol )00 on t• , ` :'4 • i 1,/ 9619('00 1050848038 iMAI OF WAMARANM- K • SEMM DISTRICT NO. 1 DST SERVICE (CONTINUED) (Carried Forward) $1050848038 214-. On $640,000:, 4oU Sewer District Noo 1 Bonds - Series I Wth issue) dated Jvne 15 1931 due on June 15 1933 and on j84,000 due on Dec. it, 1936t� 856912.00 22o On $1450000,, 6% sewer District Nb* 1 Bonds - Series J'(13th issue) dated April 15, 1932 due April 16th and Oct© 15thp 1938. 100500.00 Total 1420260&38 in fa 8,,057,350 23,1067,50 . :` r TOM OF A"RAVER STRUT SIDEWALK DISTRIOT ' 1956 BUDGET RBQ - DEBT SIUMORi �. Umver Street Sidew4k . Divtriot x 1wrove®ent 10v1#4``. aant to Seotion 253 .of tie ` Tbwn La�rt� f One fourth of interest and w . amortisati ,.;m bones authoriaed'dea� Artiols:: �� 4 of the ,aid Toren ` Law :.. 2W6 Principal i id!lr4a 3 Interest. " 239.46 h -A Total x: 4 1 f" yN d kk tt.yy SPECIAL ASSESSI+11 DESi S.M CR 1, MiPU HILL PART I w STREET 2WRCV '�,NT Interest and amortisation on bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 543 of Laws of IP26 as amended .x.936 Principal 4 due Deco 1» 1938 Interest - 0 -due June 13t and Doe. is t , 1933 x ; Total 3 MYRTLE AND MISON AVE13 W STRF,R'T IldPRwBRT interest +Ad amortization on boride _ .ry Issued pursuant to Chapter 549 of Laws of 1926 as ascended._ 136, Priwipa l ue Deo F. 1 1936 Interest 4% . , due June let and ' Dec ., .ls t, 1935., 1 'Total KA C, STRM 63DiWALS IIdPFtbV1 ':i'I' fix` v Levied pursuant to Section 253 of the Old Tma Law , Three. fturths-of interest and amorlc , eft E ..ems bonds =tharlsed AVbole 11.A. of the Old TOM 2,00 $ 8 430 ,CC L -figI ` h ` a s 5 r 'Na S3�fi y�r .. ,r.,. ,. �f,i.,r, .�...,.T;t!"4 '-ray