HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Budget_1945T O iI IT O F MJ.if, R 0 N 2 C K PRELIItiINARY TAX BUDGET FOR 1045 TABLE OF CONTESTS Page Summary of Proposed Tax Budget 1,2 Estimated Revenues 3 GENERAL TOWN, Department of Town Offices 4 Department of Supervisor 5 Department of Town Clerk 6 Department of Comptroller 6 Department of Elections 7 Department of Receiver of Taxes 8 Department of Town Assessor 9 Department of Law 10 Certiorari Proceedings and Foreclosures 10 Department of Justices of the Peace 11 Contributions and Donations 11 Department of Highways 12 Department of Town Engineer 12 Department of Public Welfare 13 Miscellaneous Expenditures 14 Debt Service 15,16,17 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Department of Board of Appeals 18 Miscellaneous Expenditures 18 Building and Plumbing Department 19 Department of Highways 19 Department of Police 20 Debt Service 21 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Collection 22 Garbage Incineration and Debt Service 22 PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Department of Parks 23 Debt Service 24 FIRE, LIGHTING &. WATER SUr'rLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department 25 Street Lighting 25 Hydrant Rental 25 Debt Service 26,27 SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department 28 Debt Service 29,30 • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Debt Service 31 Uviriiri1"111 . \_ 1: 1 .:A.v1 '/L-a ll 1 .:n. 1., 1,,J.L1 iV11 .. ..) 1944 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation GENERAL TON Town Offices * 10,816 ,00 14, 520.00 Supervisor 5,279 .00 5,350,00 Town Clerk 4,455,00 4,445.00 Comptroller 1,016.00 1,100.00 Elections 5,382 49 4, 533.00 Receiver of Taxes 8,765.00 8, 5 50 00 As s ,s uor 9,725,00 7, 635.00 Law 9,625.00 9, 625.00 Foreclosures & Certiorari Costs . . . 4,600.00 5,500.00 Justices of the Peace 5, 082.00 5,072.00 Contributions and Donations 600.00 600.00 Highways 15,000`00 15,000.00 Engineer 2,700.00 5,000.00 Public '•telfare 41,750.80 28, 545.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24,330.22 24,775.32 Debt Service 242,202„'75 220,172.75 Gross Total x`:391,3.»,26 360,383.07 Less ° Revenues 129 ,065 34 122, 234.00 Net Levy ' 262 293.92. 238 149.07 . TOWN =SID,, OF VILLAGES HIGHWAY Repairs and Improvements w 22, 500.00 22, 500.00 s Debt Service 56, 354.00 54 ,399.00 Gross Total 78, 854.00 76,899.00 Less: Revenues 900.00 900.00 Net ,Levy 0 77054 :00 75,999.00 Fire , Lighting; & 7jater Supply District '1 Fire Department $ 24,710.00 27,098.37 Street Lighting • 15,000.00 15, 500.00 Hydrant Rental . 9,500.00 9,500.00 7ater District Debt Service ' ' 48,009.00 47 ,021 .50 Gross Total 97,210.00 99,119.87 Less : ?'rater District Revenues 43,009.00 47,021.50 Net Levy ?}' 49 ,210.00 52, 09837 Garbatre District No. 1 Garbage Collection and Disposal . . . .> 19,000.00 x.9,462.95 . Garbage Incineration 3,000.00 6,000.00 Debt Service 6,027.50 6,718.00 Net Levy ; 31, 827.50 32 ,180,95 Other Departments Board of Appeals , 325.00 325.00 Buildin`, and Plumbing Department . . 2,125.00 2, 075.00 Police Department 71,600.00 74,453.03 Miscellaneous Expenditures 1 '.,426.55 14, 030.76 Gross Total 88,476.55 90,883.79 Less: Revenues 8.1000.00 10, 500.00 Net Levy hb 80 ,476,55 80,38:3.79 -1- OV. <t1111 V1' 1 A1Vl V. L7 , 1.n.. ..'.l✓ i. 1 VL _.�a/�. 1944 1945 Budget Budget 1. propriation =appropriation_ TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES (Continued) Park District Nc . 1: Operating9,420.00 10, 014.92 Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . 24,428.25 24 , 930.25 Net Levy ? 33 843.25 31-,945.17 Sewer District No. 1: Operating 5, 825.00 7,031 .01 Debt Service 126,726 37 124 , 222.12 Net Levy 3132,551037 131 ,253.13 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District Debt Service ,3 19, 522.50 - County Levy ( to be determined by the Poard of Supervisors ) - - Net Levy 19, 522.50 ___ . Judicial, Military & County Levy (to be determined by the Eoard of Supervisors) - - Special Assessment Debt Service: i Maple Hill - Part I " 6,270.00 - Maple Hill - Part II .. . . 5, 531.25 5,318.75 Myrtle & Madison Avenue Street Improve- ment 4,180.00 - Total Levy 15,981.25 5, 518.75 SUMMARY: Total Operating 3349,588.06 348,201.36 Total Debt Service 540,051.62 482,782.37 Gross Expenditures 889,639.68 830,983.73 Less: Revenues 18i,974.34 180,655.50 Net Levy 703,665.343 _ 650,328.23 e 2— TO U OF MAMARONECK LSTI . ATED N REVENUES 1944 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation GENERAL TOWN Interest and Penalties on Taxes S 20,000.00 15,000.00 Justices ' Pines 200.00 250.00 Justices ' Fees 600.00 300.00 Income Tax 45,000.00 50,000.00 Beverage Tax 28,000.00 28,000.00 Welfare Refunds - Home Relief 12, 000.00 7,600.00 Welfare Refunds - Administrative 2,736.00 1,984.00 Town Clerk' s Earnings 700.00 700.00 1943 Omitted Tax 4, 829.34 - Refund - Post " ar Plans - 3,400.00 Cash Available 15, 000.00 15,000.00 Total h129,065.31 122,234 .00 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Doi Licenses 1,700.00 1,700.00 Buildin;- P :rmits 150.00 150.00 Plumbing Permits 50.00 50.00 Franchise Taxes 600.00 600.00 L. Lercantile &s Manufacturing Taxes 3,000.00 3,000.00 Mortgage Tax ,2500.00 5,000.00 Total a 8, 000.00 10, 500.00 FIRE, LIGHTING & WATL.:R SUPPLY DISTl�ICT N0. 1 later Revenuez 48,009.00 47,021.50 HIGHWAY DI STRICT Estimated State Aid `' 900.00 900.00 -3- s- -- - TON OF MAL ROi.\TECK - GEiNE J.L TOWN 1945 BUDGET RE UIREi';LNTS DEPARTEET,TT OF TOVIN OFFICES 1944 1945 Budget Budget SERVICES - PERSONAL Appropriation Appropriation Permanent Employees Caretaker 900.00 900.00 Telephone Operator (P.T. ) 710.00 720.00 inter. Account Clerk & Stenographer 1, 620.00 1, 300.00 Accountant 3,200.00 3,600.00 Junior Stenographer 936.00 1, 100.00 S=RVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent2,100.00 2,100.00 Adrressograph - 2,950.00 Light 150.00 200.00 Telephone 500.00 700.00 Office Supplies 400.00 450.00 14, 520.00 1;10, 816.00 -4- TOWN OF MAMA.RONECK - GENER.�L TOWN 1945 BUDGET REL_';UIREr; ,T.rTS DEPARTMENT OF SUPERVISOR 1944 1945 SERVICES - PERSONAL Budget Budge t Appropriation Lppropriation Permanent Employees Supervisor , 3, 600.00 3, 600.00 Clerk to Supervisor 1, 500.00 1, 500.00 SERVICES - C ONTR;.CTUAL Surety Bond 104 .00 - Publishing Annual Report 75.00 250.00 5,279.00 5, 350.00 • -5- P 1945 BUDGET RE(�UIRENZNTS DEP__RTT-ZN'T OF TOWN CLERK 1944 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation SERVICES - PERSON�.L Permanent Empl ovees Town Clerk t; 3,600.00 3)600.00 Clerical kssistant (P.T.) 710.00 720.00 SERVICES - CO TRIXTU..L Surety Fonds and Insurance 20.00 - Office Supplies 125.00 125.00 X4,455.00 4,445.00 DEPT":RTMENT OF. COMPTROLLER SERVICES - PFRSON.L Permanent Employees Comptroller '700.00 800.00 SERVICES - .CONTR,',CTUhL Surety Bonds ana Insurance 16.00 - Office SunDlics 300.00 300.00 :1.,01G.00 1,100.00 -6- .t v tvi tea ;.at taVt'.:_1V11 VaJ1'+.1:111..:;L 1V"1V 1945 BUDGET RbQUIRE'R ENTS DEP .RT :_EI T OF ELEC?IONS 1944 1945 Budget Budget 0 Lnpropriation .appropriation SERVICES - PERL'ON _L Custodians ( 2 ) 200.00 20.00 Compensation of Inspectors and Poll Clerks fore (a) Spring Primary 560.00 - (b ) Fall Primary 560.00 560.00 ( c ) Registration 1,760.00 1,760.00 (d) Gonc.ral Election 640.00 640.00 (c ) Instruct) on Meeting 128.00 128.00 Compensation of Chairmen for deliver. - ing returns to 'Mite Plains 264.-.48 177 .00 Labor in setting up and removing equipment 150.00 150.00 SERVICES - CONTRI.CTU-L Rent of polling places 240.00 208.00 Transportation of equipment 300.00 300.00 N:'.T7RTALS -ND SU PLIES New equipment and supplies 150.00 150.00 I' ISC1LL; 1720US Publishing 2?oticcs 175.00 175.00 Special Elections and Permissive Referenda 50.00 50.00 Re-canvass of Voting Machines 20.00 40.00 Insurance 1.77.01 - 5,382.49 4, 538.00 -7- TOWN OF NL,I?cROY CK - GENLR,L TOWN 1945 BUDGET REL;;,??IREiNTS DEPRT!I ENT OF RECEIVER OF T:A_,S • 1944 1945 Budget Budget ppropriation :appropriation SERVICES - i ERSONL Permanent Employees Receiver of Taxes and issessments ;; 4,125.00 4, 125.00 Senior 4ccount Clerk 2,800.00 2,300.00 SERVICES CONTR.'.CTUJ L Insurance and Surety Bonds 260.00 - YL,TERI..LS :SND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 1, 550.00 1, 550.00 MISCELLJ NEOUS • „ Publishing Notices 30.00 30.00 18, 765.00 8, 505.00 -8- TOWN OF NL,MARONECK .- GENERI L TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TON ASSESSOR 1944 1945 Budget Budget appropriation 'ppropriation SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Town Assessor 3,960.00 3,960.00 Assessment Clerk (P.T. ) 2,500.00 550.00 ' Senior Typist 1,500.00 1,860.00 Board of Review 500.00 500.00 Maintaining Assessment Yaps and Cards 500.00 - h ,TERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 200.00 150.00 MISCELLANEOUS Traveling and Insurance 250.00 250.00 Publishing Notices 15.00 15.00 Deod and Mortgage Abstracts 200.00 250.00 T o7 Yaps 100.00 100.00 p 9,725.00 '7,635.00 -g. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REUIRL ANTS DEPARTMENT OF LAW 1945 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation SERVICES . PERSONAL Permanent :employees Town Attorney 3 6,600.00 6,600.00 Legal Assistance 1,000.00 1,000.00 Senior Stenographer 1, 500.00 $1,920.00 Loss: Services to Park District 170.00 Board of Appeals 250.00 1,50000 MISCELLANEOUS Traveling 225.00 200.00 Supplies, stationery, title searches, etc. 300.00 325.00 3 9,625.00 9,625.00 CERTIORARI PROCEEDINGS AND FORECLOSURES Tax Lion Foreclosure Costs: Searches, Referees ' foes, title changes, etc. 600.00 1,500.00 Certiorari Costs: Referees + fees , real estate appraisal foes, court costs, etc. 4 .000.Q0 4.000.00 P4,600.00 5,500.00 —10. TOWN OF MAMLRONLCK •. GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET R.LQUIR:;n'ENTS DrPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 1944 1945 • Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Justices of the Peace (2) 3,600.00 3,600.00 Clerical Assistance 900.00 900.00 Stenographic Charges 50.00 50.00 SLRVICLS - COTTTRACTUAL Rent 300.00 300.00 Surety Fonds 10.00 - Telephone 120.00 120.00 Light 12.00 12.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 90.00 90.00 5,082.00 5,072.00 CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONLTIONS Memorial Day Observance American Legion, 1 Post 100.00 100.00 Veterans of Foreign Wars 100.00 100.00 Maintenance of Post Quarters (2) 400,00 400.00 600.00 600.00 -11- TOWN OF MAIL;RONECK - GENEPU.L TOWN 1945 BUDGET REOIREMENTS DEPARTMENT ENT OF HIGH JLYS 1944 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation BRIDGE FUND - Item No. 2 t 500.00 500.00 M,,CHITERY FUND - Item No. 3 5,300.00 5,300.00 SNO',"'' ..P:D 3 CLLLN?L OUS FUND - Item No. 4 Superintendent of Highways (P.T. ) 2,600.00 2, 600.00 Snow removal 3, 500.00 3, 500.00 Insurance 2,100.00 2,000.00 Triscellaneous 1,000.00 1 ,100.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 DEP.;RTM NT OF TOWN ENGINEER Town Engineer (P.T. ) 1,200.00 1,900.00 Less: Services to Sewer Dist. 700.00 - 1,200.00 Office & Engineering Expenses 1,200.00 3, 500.00 Services of Building & Plumb- ing Inspector 300.00 300.00 2,700.00 5,000.00 -12- TO'�'N OF Dfl:/iL:RON SCK - Gi:NLR1,L TOWN • 1945 BUDGET RLq,UIRLL ANTS DI;P; RTMENT OF PULLIC r: :,LF..R :; 1944 1945 Bud-et Budget SERVICES .. PIR3ON; L Appropriation Lppropriation Permanent Empl.oycos Tom Tlfare Officer 2,000.00 2,000.00 Medical advisor 1, 200.00 Junior :Stenos:rapher 1,144.00 - Intermediate Stenographer - 1, 300.00 Custodian 720.00 720.00 Social Case ?'."ori, Supervisor 1,980.00 2,160.00 Intermediate account Clerk 2,516.80 1, 500.00 Si✓1ZV LC)£ - CONTRACTUAL Light Fuel 65.00 65.00 350.00 400.00 Telephone 800.00 700.00 Insurance 100.00 'Fater 25.00 25.00 Central Index 100.00 75.00 rig-,TERIaLS -ND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 300.00 300.00 Furniture and Fixtures 100.00 100.00 MISC :LL�J fOUS Repairs to Building 200.00 100.00 Traveling Lxpensos 150.00 100.00 HOFS RELIEF Public .:Welfare Office 25,000.00 18,000.00 Veteran Relief 1000.00 1,000.00 11,750.60 28, 545.00 -13- TOV N OF MAMARONDCK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS I ISCELLr.NEOUS EXPENDITURES 1944 1945 Budget Ludret Apbropriation ::ppr priation AUDITING SERVICES Town Audit 3 1,200.00 1,200.00 TOWN BOARD Reports, surveys, travoling 100.00 100.00 Publis'ning notices 75.00 650.00 Salaries, four O councilmen 4, 800.00 4, 800.00 BANK SERVICES 500.00 500.00 LEGAL _(PINIONS, FORMS, etc . 575.00 400.00 TOWN CAR - Repairs, gasoline and oil 50.00 - INSURANCE AND JRLTY BONDS 475.00 1,100.00 FEES FOR VITAL STA,TISTICS 70.00 70.00 CARL OF TO'JN. C . _:TERY 100.00 500.00 1vEMBERSHIP IN TOWN A3SOCI�.TION 103.00 102.00 TAXES ON TOWN-OWNED PROPERTY - 7, 500.00 7,000.00 RETIREMENT FUND CONTRIBUTION 3,812.22 3,353.32 CONTINGLNT PURPOSES 5,000.00 5, 000.00 24,360.22 24,775.32 u -14- TOWN OF M.AIvIAROT;ECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET IiEiJIP:;P.-ANTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Weaver Street Improvement Bond No. 8, dated Feb. 1, 1928, due Feb. 1, 1945. " 1, 000.00 2. Hi`;h.Way Improvement Bond No. 15, dated Feb. 1, 1931, due Feb. 1, 1945. 1,000.00 3. General Bonds of 1939, Nos. 61 to 70 incl . , dated Feb. 1, 1939, due Feb. 1, 1945. 10,000.00 4 . ' leaver Street - Part I - Highway Improvement Bonds, Fos. 27 and 28, dated Sept. 1, 1927, due Sept. 1, 1945. 2, 000.00 5. Ti`hway Bonds of 1936 (Boston Post Road Land Damare ) Nos . 17 and 18, dated Oct. 1, 1936, due Oct. 1, 1945. 2, 000.00 6. HiGhway Improvement Bonds (Boston Post Road) Nos. 181 to 195 incl ., dated April 15, 1932, due Apri.]. 15, 1945. 15, 000.00 7. Hi yhway Bonds (County Road 67-II) No.. 7, dated May 15, 1938, due May 15, 1945.. 1, 000.00 8. Highway Bonds (Series A - Boston Post Road) Nos. 124 to 133 incl . , dated June 1, 1932, due June 1, 1945. 10,000.00 9. Hi?.hwr Bonds of 1937 (Boston. Post Road Land Damage ) Nos. 18 to 20 incl . , hated June 1, 1937, due June 1,• 1945.. 3,000.00 10. General Bonds of 1937 (W.P.A. ) Nos . 106 to 120 incl . , dated June 1, 1937, due June 1, 1945. 15,000.00 11 . General Bonds of 1940 (Series I) No. 27, dated July 15, 1940, due July 15, 1945. 1,000.00 12. General Bonds of 1940 (Series II ) Nos.. 15 to 18 incl . , dated July 15, 1940, duo July 15, 1945. 4,000.00 13. General Bonds of 1941 (W.P.A. ) Nos. 31 to 40 incl . , dated March 1, 1941, due March 1, 1945.. 10,000.00 0 14 . General Bonds of 1943, Nos . 5 and 6, dated March 1, 1943, due Sept. 1, 1945. 2,000.00 Carried forwardt, .77,000.CO -15- TOWN OF MAI:'ARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE (Continued) Brought Forward $ 77, 000.00 15. Payment on account of tax lien note due July 1, 1945. 120,000.00 I NTE RE ST 16. On 10900 42% Weaver St. Improvement Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1928, due Feb. 1, 1945 and on ?900. due August 1, 1945. 63.00 17. On $7,000 4e 1 Hiirhway Improvement Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1931, due Feb. 1, 1945 and on $6000 due August 1, 1045. 276.25 13. On •; 40,000 1.90% General Bonds of 1939 dated Feb. 1, 1939, due Feb. 1, 1945 and on 30,000 due August 1, 1945. 665.00 19 . On 18, 600 42° Weaver Street - Part I - Highway Improvement Bonds dated Sept. 1, 1927, due March 1 and Sept. 1, 1945. 387.00 20. Or. 129,000 34 o Highway Bonds of 1936 (Boston Post Road Land Damage ) dated Oct. 1, 1936, due April 1 and Oct. 1, 1945. 942.50 21 . On •;;135,000 6% Highway Improvement Bonds ( Boston Post Road) dated April 15, 1932, due April 15, 1945 and 'on $120,000 due Oct . 15, 1945. ' 7,650.00 22. On .113,000 3.60% Highway Bonds (Co. Rd. 67-II) dated May 15, 1938, duo May 15, 1945 and on "12,000 due November 15, 1945. 450.00 23. On $110,000 6% Highway Bonds (Series A) dated June 1, 1932, due Juno 1, 1945 and on $100,000 due December 1, 1945. 6,300.00 24. On 139,000 3i% Highway Bonds of 1937 dated June 1, 1937, due June 1, 1945 and on ' 36, 000 due December 1, 1945 1,218.75 25. On ' 55,000 3i% General Bonds of 1937 dated June 1., 1937, due June 1, 1945 and on 'w40,000 due December 1, 1945. 1,543.75 26. On '5,000 1 .60% General Bonds of 1940 (Series I) dated. Jul: 15, 1940, due January 15 and July 15, 1945. 80.00 Carried Fo;ward $216, 576.25 -16- TOWN- OP MAi:ARON CK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET PE ;UIRE1 NTS DEBT SERVICE Continued) Brought Forward 216, 575.25 27. On 114,000 1 .60% General Bonds of 1940 (Series II) dated July 15, 1940, due January 15 and July 15, 1945. 224 .00 28. On i 35, 000 1 .70% General Bonds of 1941 dated March 1, 1941, due March 1, 1945 and on 125,000 duo September 1, 1945 510.00 29. On 5, 000 14-% General Bonds of 1943 dated March 1, 1943, due March 1 and September 1, 1945. 62.50 30. On 150, 000 1.60% Refunding Bonds of 1943 dated June 1, 1943, duo June 1 and December 1, 1945. 800.00 31 . Interest on temporary indebtedness . 2, 000.00 Total 1220,172.75 -17- TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS 1944 1945 Budget Budget SERVICES - PERSONAL Appropriation Appropriation Permanent Employees Senior Stenographer, (P.T. ) ti 250.00 250.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 25.00 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS Publishing Notices 50.00 50.00 325.00 325.00 • MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES TOWN BOARD Notices of Hearings 50.00 - CARE OF ANIMALS 1,200.00 1,200.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY Larchmont Public Library 5,820.00 7,350.00 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES (2) (P.T. ) Employed pursuant to Sec. 20-B Par. 8 of Public .Health Law 1,560.00 1,560.00 SHADE TREE FUND 200.00 750.00 WAR EMERGENCY PURPOSES War Council 1,800.00 850.00 Civilian Protection 500.00 325.00 RETIREMENT FUND CONTRIBUTION 3,111 .55 1,810.76 FEES FOR DOG ENUMERATOR 185.00 185.00 014,426.55 14,030.76 -18- TO',7N OF MLM:ji0NT CK •. OUTSIDE OF VILLLGLS 19`•5 BUDGET F.'=:.UIP=TS BUILDIIG 4'_I?D PLUT,'BII'G DEFLRTT,21.T 1944 19-.15 Budget nud ct l,ppropriu.tion l.ppropriation SERVIC2S - PLR. ON,L Pcrma.ncnt Lmplovoe s Buildin- and Plumbing Inpuctor <' 1, 800.00 2,6&0.00 Less: Services to :assessor 3crvicL,s, to Town 550.00 :gin ineer ':0C.00 1,800.00 xaminin` ford of Plumbers 150.00 Interm:d5 c to StonoTrap.��he 5 150.00 , r (� . ; . ) ,0.00 :tVIC - COITTR,XTU-L Insurance 55.00 35.00 ! ,T3FI:.L -ND SUPPLIES Publishing notices 5.00 Travelin expenses5.00 80.00 75.00 Office Supplies 3.00 5.00 2,125.00 2,075.00 DEP .R=T Or HIGH'2_1'S Iter No. 1 - for rcpa ring and improving highways, incluring foreman and iS22, 500.00 lhaor_rs 22,500.00 -19- TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF POLICE t, 1944 1945 Budget Budget SERVICES - PERSONAL Appropriation Appropriation Permanent Employees Police Chief § 3,800.00 4,250.00 Police Lieutenant (1 ) 3,276.00 3,650.00 Police Sergeants (3) 8,775.00 9,750.00 Police Patrolmen (16) 39,842.00 43,078.03 Custodian 1,200.00 1,200.00 Stenographer 400.00 400.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Telephone, alarm, teletype 1,650.00 1,650.00 Traffic signals 900.00 700.00 Insurance 1 ,842.00 1,900.00 Water, Light and Gas 325 .00 325.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 600.00 600.00 Repairs to headquarters 500.00 100.00 Fuel Oil 450.00 450.00 Gasoline and Oil 1,550.00 1,350.00 Office Supplies 300.00 300.00 Equipment 50.00 50.00 Clothing 1,000.00 1,000.00 Repairs to motorcycles, cars 1 ,300.00 1,500.00 Fingerprint equipment 100.00 100.00 Range Supplies 50.00 50.00 Radio Maintenance 200.00 200.00 Traffic safety 50.00 50.00 Purchase of new cars 3,440.00 1,800.00 V.11,600.00 74,453.03 -20- TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1945 BUDGET REQUIREIvNTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL a 1 . Murray Avenue Widening Bonds Nos. 31 and 32 dated Februar3 1, 1926, due February 1, 1945. $ 2,000.00 2. Pine Brock Improvement Bonds Nos. 15 and 16 dated February 1, 1934, due February 1, 1945. 2, 000.00 3. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 40 to 42 incl . , dated September 1, 1927, due September 1, 1945. 3,000.00 � . Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 161 to 170 incl . , dated October 1, 1928, due October 1, 19," 5. 10,000.00 5. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 166 to 180 incl . , dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1945. 15,000.00 6. Highway Drainage Bonds Nos . 18 to 20 incl . , dated May 15, 1938, due May 15, 1915.< 3,000.00 7. Highway Improvement Bonds (Murray Ave . ) Nos . 127 to 135 incl. , dated June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1915.= 9,000.00 INTEREST 8. On $18,000 4k% Murray Ave. Widening Bonds dated February 1, 1926, due February 1, 1945 and on $16,000 due August 1, 1945. 765.00 9. On $50,000 5i% Pine Brook Improvement Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1934, due Fob. 1, 1945 and on $48,000 due August 1, 194f . 2,695.00 10. On $6,000 41% Highway Improvement Bonds dated September 1, 1927, due March 1 and September 1, 1915. 270.00 11 . On $40,000 4114 Highway Improvement Bonds dated Oct. 1r, 192`3, due April 1, and Oct. 1, 1945. 1,800.00 12. On 660,000 4£% Highway Improvement Bonds dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1945 and on $45,000 due November 1, 1945. 2,362.50 13. On $12,000 3.60% Highway Drainage Bonds dated May 15, 1938, due May 15, 1945 and on $9,000 due November 15, 1945. 378.00 a 14. On $54,000 1.30% Highway Improvement Bonds dated June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1945 and on $45,000 due December 1, 1945. 2, ,28.50 Total $54,399.00 -21- 1v :;< vt1k4iLj.tiQi,T .;CK - G-RB-0.1] DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDG:T I' : JTIR3k:NTS G IRB .GE COLL:CTION 1944 1945 Budget Budget fippropria Li on appropriation S RVIC?3 - P RSOi\:.i.L Permanent 7m1Dlo ees Motor Equipment Operators (2) Sanitation Mon (5) 3,600.00 3,600.00 Temporary Help 9,000.00 9,000.00 650.00 650.00 SERVICES - CONTRLCTU-L Insurance 1000.00 Retirement Fluid Contribution ' 1, . 562.95 L ISC LE-YLOUS Ga olinc and Oil 700.00 Truck Repairs 500.00 qui_pmer_t 600.00 800.00 Clean-up "'oak 200.00 300.00 'at Control at Diunp 200.00 150.00 150.00 Separate ash removal C.^re of Dump 1,800.00 1,800.00 800.00 800.00 19, 000.00 19,462.95 G:,RB-G: INCIN: R4.TION .:ND DEBT SERVICE, Town Share of Incineration 3, 000.00 6, 000.00 P R I Y C I P_,L 1. Incinerator Site Bond No. 6 dated January 1, 1910, due July 1, 19,15. 1, 000.00 2. Incinerator Bonds Nos . 22 to 26 incl. , dated October 1, 194C, due October 1, 1945. 5,000.00 INTL RE T 3. On_ :k1, 000 2.20% Incinerator Site Ponds dated January 1, 19:0, due January 1 and July 1, 1945. 88.00 4. On :;36, 000 1 .75 ' Incinerator Bonds dated October 1, 1940, due April 1 and Octc''or 1, 1945. 630.00 '//� Total Debt Service 6,718.00 -22- TOWN OF MAMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS • 1944 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Park Foreman 2,700.00 2,700.00 Senior Stenographer (P.T. ) 170.00 170.00 Park Groundsman 4,200.00 4,700.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Light, Power and Leases 70.00 70.00 . Water 400.00 400.00 Insurance 515.00 400.00 Retirement Fund Contribution - 159.92 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 15.00 15.00 Gas & Oil & Repairs 150.00 150.00 Materials, soil, seeds, trees and shrubs 400.00 450.00 EQUIPMENT General Equipment 250.00 250.00 MISCELLANEOUS Repairs to Building 150.00 150.00 Repairs to Equipment 100.00 100.00 Honor Roll 300.00 300.00 $ 9,420.00 10,014.92 -23- TOWN OF MAMARCNECK . PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET 'E UIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE • PRINCIPAL 1. Town Park District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 53 to 56 incl . , dated February 1, - 1925, due February 1, 1945. , 000.00 2. Town Park District No. 1 Bond No. 8, dated April 1, 1937, due April 1, 1945. 1,000.00 3. Town Park District No. 1 Bonds Nos . 76 to 81, dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1945. 6, 000.00 4 . Town Park District No. 1 Bond No. 15, dated, Juno 1, 1930, due June 1, 1945 1,000.00 ,INTEREST 5. On $96,000 4?% Town Park Bonds dated February 1, 1925, due February 1, 1945 and on $92,000 due August 1, 1945. '1, 230.00 6. On $3,000 2 3/4% Town Park Bonds dated April 1, 1937, due April 1, 1945 and on ' 2,000 due October 1, 1945. 63.75 7. On 14'180,000 42% Town Park Bonds dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1945 and onf 74,000 due November 1, 1945. 7,965.00 8. On `;;16,000 4.30% Town Park Bonds dated June 1, 1930, due Juno 1, 1945 and on 715, 000 due December 1, 1945. 666:50 Total 6 24,930.25 'AM Or i::. i ttQNiU11 FIRL, LIGHTING AND ' T-TER SUPFLY DISTRICT NO. 1 1945, BUDGT2T R UII-1 NTS FILE: Df,P1,RTMI1 T 1944 1945 " Budget Budget S:IRVICLS - PER:ON-L Appropriation pprcjri:tion Permanent Emplo ecs Fir. Truck Drivers (7) . 16,220.00 17, 100.00 SERVICES - COI T I.0 L..) Ligit 310.00 310.00 Fuel 525.00 525.00 "'iter 50.00 50.00 Insurance 2, 120.00 1,900.00 Telephone 300.00 300.00 Alarm System 200.00 200.00 Ietiremont Fund Contribution - - 1,028.37 P:'-.TEItI:.LS :,ND SUPPLE) Office Supplies 50.00 50.00 Gasoline and Oil 350.00 350.00 Picccllaneous 85.00 85.00 £:te ri al s 500.00 500.00 t 7.7quipment . 1,000.00 1,000.00 Clothing - 300.00 300.00 MI3CEILANLOUS Repairs to Building 600.00 600.00 Repairs to Equi pment900.00 900.00 ,:odernization of Equipment 1,200.00 1,200.00 Fire Inspection & Parado Expense �__ ':00.00 21,710.00 47, 098.37 STRL .;T LIGHTING Rental of street lights 15,000.00 15,000.00 HYDL_ T i .NTAL Rental of fire hydrants 9, 500.00 9, 500.00 4. -2 5- . TOWN OF NAMARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER SUI PLY DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET PEcUIR Y,ENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Water Distribution System Bonds Nos . 165 and 186, dated Feb. 1, 1930, due Feb. 1, 1945. $ 2,000.00 2. Water Distribution System. Bond No. 264, dated October 1, 1935, due October 1, 1945. 1, 000.00 3. Water Works Systf;m Bonds Nos. 15 and 16, dated May 1, 1937, due Nay 1, 1945. 2,000.00 4. Water '''orks System Bonds Nos . 310 to 315 incl . , dated November 15, 1931, due November 15, 1945. 6,000.00 5. slater Distribution System Bond Ho. 270 dated November 15, 1931, due November 15, 1945. 1,000.00 6. Water Distribution System Bonds Nos. 65 to 68 incl . , dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1945. 4,000.00 7. Water Works System Bonds Nos . 52 to 55 incl . , dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1445. 4,000.00 8. Water "Forks Systom Borns Nos. 182 and 183, dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1945. 2, 000.00 INTEREST 9. On :y72,000 4:1% Water Distribution System Bonds datd Feb. 1, 193:0, due Feb. 1, 1945 and on 70,000 due Au3ust 1, 1945. 3,195.00 10. On ' 29,000 3a;% -later Distribution System Bonds dated October 1, 1936, duo April 1 and. October 1, 1945. 942.50 11 . On ' 55,000 3.905 water Works System Bonds dated Pray 1, 1937, duo May 1, 1945 and on ; 53,000 due November 1, 1945. 2,106.00 12. Cn '3146, 000 5.10% '."Fater Works System Bonds dated Nov. 15, 1931, due May 15, 1945 and T:e . 15, 1945. 7,446.00 13. On $27,000 5.10% -later Works SJ stem Bonds dated Nov. 15, 1931 , due May 15 and November. 15, 1945. 1,377.00 14. On ` 92,000 -Y% water Distribution System Ponds dated Juno 1, 1927, duo Juno 1, 1945 and on ;,83,000 due December 1, 1945. 3,825.00 Carried F or7_ rd .40,891 .50 -26- TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND ':'ATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET RE :4UIRE TNTS DEBT SERVICE (Continued) Brought Forward ` 40,891.50 15. On 188,000 4?5 '.'Tater ':forks System Bonds dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1945 and on 884,000 due December 1, 1945. 3,655.00 16. On `"56,000 42% Water Works System Bonds dated June 1, 1927, due Juno 1, 1945 and on .154,000 due December 1, 1945. 2,475.00 47,021.50 • -27- 1945 BUDGET R:tQUIREP' NTS SEWER DEPARTMENT 1944 1945 Budget Budget Appropriation Appropriation SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Services of Town Engineer P 700.00 700.00 Supervising Foreman (P.T. ) 1,200.00 1,200.00 Temporary Employees Sewer Maintenance Men 2,500.00 2,500.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Power 50.00 50.00 Insurance 200.00 250.00 Rents of railroad rights-of-way 50.00 50.00 Retirement Fund Contributions - 256.01 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Gasoline and oil 200.00 100.00 Materials 500.00 1,900.00 Clothing 25.00 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS Repairs, manhole heads, water, etc. 400.00 - 5,825.00 7,031.01 -28- L)ht:'1bt,MiuL • PRINCIPAL 1 . Sewer District No. 1 ( 1st Issue ) Bonds Nos . 116 to 120 incl . , dated July 1, 1921, due July 1, 1945. ','d5,000.00 2 . Sewer District No. 1 ( 2nd. Issue: ) Bonds Nos . 93 to 96 incl . , dated. July 1, 1921, due July 1, 1945. 4,000.00 3. Sewer District Nc. 1 ( 6th Issuc ) Bonds Nos . 65 to 68 incl . , dated January 1, 1924,.. due Jan. 1, 1945. 4, 000.00 4 . Sewer District No. 1 (7th Issue ) Bonds Nos . 46 to 48 incl . , dated Jan. 1 , 1925, duo Jan. 1, 1945. 2, 500.00 5. Sewer District No. 1 (8th Issue ) Bonds Nos . 61 to 64 incl . , dated July 1, 1925, duo July 1, 1945. A ,000.00 6. Sewer District No. 1 (9th Issue ) Bonds Nos . 29 and 30, dated July 1, 1926, due July 1, 1945. 2,000.00 7. Sower District No. 1 (11th Issue ) Bonds Nos . 100 to 110 incl . , dated Fob. 1, 1931, duo Feb. 1, 1945. 11, 000.00 8. Sewer District No. 1 ( 13th. Issue ) Bonds Nos . 41 to 45 incl . , dated April 15, 1.532, due April 15, 1945. 5,000.00 9. Sower District No. 1 (12th Issue ) Bonds Nos . 145 to 160 incl . , dated Juno 15, 1931, due June 15, 1945. 16,000.00 INTLPBST 10. On '45, 000 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds ( 1st Issue ) d.ated. July 1, 1921 , due J. n. 1 and July 1, 1945. 900.00 11 . On ' 26, 000 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds ( 2nd Issue ) dated July 1, 1921 , due Jan. 1 and July 1, 1945. 1, 630.00 12. On $50,000 4 3/4% Sower District No. 1 Bonds (4th Issue ) dated January 1, 1923, duo January 1 and July 1 , 1945. 2, 375.00 1e . On ,115,000 Sewer District No. 1 Bonds ( 6th Issue ) dated January 1 , 1921, du,' January 1 , 1945 and on 11;112, 000 due Jul: 1, 1945. 5, 130.00 14 . On '' 62, 500 4g Soder District Nc. 1 Bonds ( 7th Issue ) dated January 1, 1925, duo January 1, 1945 and on '1'60,000 duo July 1, 1945. 2 603 12 Carried Forward q66,183.12 -29- TON 02 MAARONECIc - SLI!ER DISTRICT NO. 1, 1945 BUDGET FEUIREEMENTS DEBT SERVICE (Continued) Frought Forward 60,188.12 15. On 180,000 000 4*% Sewer District No. 1 Fonds (8th Issue ) dated January 1, 1925, duo January 1 and July 1, 1945. 3,400.00 16. On :; 52,000 `.-% Seger. District No. 1 Bonds (9th Issue ) dated January 1, 1926, due 34p.00 January 1 and July 1; 1945. 17. On `;150,000 42`' Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (10th Issue ) dated January 1, 1927, duo 6 375.00 January 1 and July 1:, 1945. 18. On 1326,000 4.20% Sower District No. 1 Bonds (11th Issue ) dated February 1, 1931, due February 1, 1945 and on 1315,000 duo August 13,461.00 1, 1945. 19. On },135,000 65 Sower District No. 1 Bonds (13th Issue ) dated April 15, 1932, duo April 7 950.00 15, 1945 and on :4130,000 duo October 15, 1945. , 20. On 1,1004000 42.'. S.:wc;r District No. I Bonds (3rd Issue ) dated June 1, 1922, duo Juno 1 and 4, 500.00 December 1, 1945. 21. On 496,000 4.10% Sower District No. 1 Bonds (12th Issue ) datod June 15, 1931, duo Juno 15, 008 00 1945 and on 1480,000 due December 15, 1945. 20 Total x4.24,222.12 • -30- TOWN OF MAMARO ECK SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT SERVICE 1945 BUDGET REQUIREYENTS 1. MAPLE HILLS - PART II - STREET IMPROVEMENT Interest and amortization on bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 549 :of laws of 1926 as amended. 1945 Principal - due May 1, 1945 ':i50000.00 Interest - '45 due May 1 and November 1, 1945. 318.75 Total ; 5,318.75 • -31.•