HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_12_17 Town Board Minutes 447 miNuTE'S OF' A SPECIAL T�EETIiVG OF THE 'iOVI1 BOARD OF iiE TO-011 OF _HA1%1AR0 .- tiECa, HELD DECE EhR 17, 1953, Ii9 T'H" AUDITORIU11A Or allE Ej� _VER S ''RELT FIFA HOUSE, CORKER OF EDGE-1,00D LVLNUE dD WEAVER STFEET, T0wli OF M yh.zOiVECK. _ PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Embury, Kane, 4Yaterman, and McKeever SBSEIuT: hone Presence was also noted of Mr. Gronberg, Town Cierk, Mr. Delius, Town Attorney, Mr. O'Brien, Superintendent of Highways, Mr. McEvoy, Assessor, and. Mr. C. Benjamin Brush, Jr., Councilman Elect to the Town Eoard. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M. The Supervisor called on Mr. Edmund B. Van Hook, 198 weaver Street, who gave a brief summary of the situation regarding 65 Palmer Avenue. He also, at the request, of the Supervisor, read a letter, dated December 3, 1952, which had been sent to various organizations. lir. Richard Frowenfeld, 28 Iselin Terrace, representing the Pine Brook Association, addressed the meeting repeating the objections to the apartment at 65 Palmer Avenue. Mr. Price Topping reported. for the Committee which had been appointed by the Supervisor at the last, rieetiJng to try to work out some agree- able settlement of this .natter. Topping said they had not had sufficient time, and requested a further extension. Most of the co:^- mitzee, he said, had been out of Town at various times during the past month. sir. Laurence :obel said tie had first learned o his appointment to - the committee through the newspaper. He also reported on the diffi- cu¢ties encountered by the committee. 'Mr. Frank Gironda, 11 Cabot Road, spoke in favor of tune apartment house. Tne following registered opposition: ;�Ir. Frahik X. 0"Donne ll, Palmer Avernae Mr. R. J. DeLargy, 23 Vanderberg Avenue Mr. Ferris Faulkern, 2 'Vanderberg P.venue Mr. John Barry, 69 Carleon Avenue Mr. Kane stated that he had agreed -o the appointment of a committee at the last meeting only because tie had been assured that a decision would be reached at this meeting tonight. Originally, he had been against the appointment of a committee because 'ne felt the matter had dragged on long enough. Councilman Z< aterman said lie nad understood that the committee was to meet with Supeer?iisor Mandeviile, Judge Close and the 'T'OS,in kttorney, to discuss the matter. Lt the time of the date set for the meeting, Judge Close had been out of Town and the Supervisor had been iii, so there had not been a. fair Opportunity to discuss the matter. ___.. iAr. Topping agreed, and Said it seemed tune appointment Of t1!2 com- mittee had been a futile gesture if they were not to be allowed to try to ream some agreement. SIr. Barry said he would like to have an opportunity to talk with Judge Close. Councilman Waterman Said that Judge Close' s opinion states that the questions involved are those of fact, the issue of wnicin cannot be determined in advance of a trial. 1'ir. Topping said the executive conimittee of the Howell Park Associa- tion is definitely resolved to proceed Witt_ legal proceedings, if the Board' s decision is adverse and they will be supported by other civic associations of the Town. re also has been given to understand that Shapiro Construction Company will not go to Court. -- 4r. Johnston said lir. Douglas S mite, his ciie-rt anct the owner of 65 Palmer Avenue, will take the matter to court if necessary. The Clerk presented a letter, dated December 16, 1953, froze_ Pinebrook District Property Owners' Association, Inc . , advising that tnat 1llsSoCia- tion is not in agreeilent with the resolution proposed by itr. 'Popping and seconded by Mr. Rubinger. The Clerk then ,resented letters and resolutions in support of the petition or resolution requesting that 65 Palmer Avenue be re-zoned, from tiie following* narcnmont hills Civic Association, A. G. Bogardus, President - resolution Larchmont Gardens Civic Association, W. I.P . O'Connor, president, letter, dated December 17, 1953 Woodbine Parr. Association, Eric Singleton, President, - letter, dated December 4. 1953 Sixth District home Owners' Association, Ferris Faulkner, President, - letter, dated December 15, 1953 LarCiLmOnt 'Park r.ssociation, Andrew F. Steele, President, - resolution, dated December 15, 1953 In reply to questions, 1Kr. Joseph ,lohnston submitted a letter, dated December 15, 1953, from tviilton Kleban, Vice President, giving the cri- teria which would be acceptable to iii. Shapiro L Son Construction Co. , Inc. , in cor_nection with any building they might erect at 65 Palmer Avenue. i Tne Board now took up the regular order of business and the Clerk sub- mitted an affidavit of publication of a notice of public hearing, pur- suant to Section 130 of the Torn Law for the purpose of considering certain amendments to the General Ordinances of the 'Io?,m of Mamaroneck, to be held at the Weaver Street Fire 'riouse, corner of 6Jeaver Street and Edgewood Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, on December 17, 19533 at 8:15 ilr. Richard koitack appeared and requested that he be allowed certain relief from the strict parkirig regulations in the vicinity of iris home, if the proposed amendments are adopted. It was d.ecid_ed tnis woulc be amatter for the Police Department. Mr. L'dater'nan wished to know if Sie were correct in understanding that this a_:"endient will maKe par ling more difficult and, therefore, the .on of additional. _ 1 municipal parking space more necessary. After discussion, on motion by Councilman Embury, secoded by Council man Waterman (with the understanding t..a.t so_lletning will definitely be done to provide additional par=—ig area), -_t was unani=Rlousiy J 451 REOSOLV'ED that Chapter II Section 7 of the General Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, (UEE OF STREETS, HIGbr:AY"S, ETC.) as last amended July 1, 1953, be amended so as to read as follows: Section 7. T'ne following regulations regarding liinitation of parking in congested areas in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Laron--nont and _Mamaroneck, are hereby establis_led, provided suitable signs are posted: A. AREA SURROUuDIivG THE idliid rir_VEN RtTLROhD S'T'ATIOIN T LhRCr°IO T. 1. i4YETLE bOULEV'ARD (a) On either side - No parking 50 feet west of tiie corner of Nortn Cnatsworth Avenue. (b) On the South side - beginning at a point 50 feet west of t?,e corner of North Cnatsworth Avenue and runiin. west 200 feet, parking must be with front wheels to curb and limited to one hour from 3 E. M. to 6 P . M. , except Sundays and- holidays. (c) Between murray Avenue and 'vine Street - No parking on either side. (d) On the idorth side - No perking from -ine Street to Cabot Road. (e) On the South side - Between Cabot Road and Preston Street,-parking limited to one hour from 3 r.. M. to 1 P . M. , except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. (f) ado parkin. between Vine Street and Ltadison Avenue between 2 _- -H. and 6 A. M. (g) On the Soutn side - Flo parking 260 feet west of Cabot Road. (h) On the North side - No parking 50 feet east or west of Preston Street. (i} On either side - from Preston Street to Beaver Street, parking limited to one hour S A. =t. to i P . M. , except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays . 2. BALM- I S'I:NEE'T ibo parking on either side. 3. XORT_K CniI S4;JOR'iti AVEivUI (a) On west side between :Myrtle Boulevard. and New Haven railroad Bridge, all parking With rear wheels to curb and limited to 30 minutes from 6 A. M. to S P. iM. , except Sundays and holidays. (b) On either side - From Myrtle boulevard to Garfield Street, parking limited to one hour from a A. M. to li A: iN:. , except Saturdays, Sundays and 'holidays. 453 i (c) On west side - no parking witnin 50 feet of Garfield Street in either northerly or soutneriy direction. (d) no parking between the Railroad Bridge and Garfield Street between 2 A. M. and 6 A. M. i;. MURRAY AVENUE (a) Do parking from Myrtle Boulevard to County Parkway Bridge on east sine. (b) On west side from Edgewood Avenue to Myrtle Boulevard, parking limited to one hour from S A. M. to 11 A. M. , except Saturdays, Sundays and 'holidays. (c) No parking between Myrtle Boulevard and Edgewood Avenue between 2 A. M. and 6 A. M. 5 . CABOT ROAD (a) On either side - Parking is limited to one hour from 8 A. M. to 1 P . M. , except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays . (b) On the nest side - Do parking from the Railroad parking space 260 feet north. 6. THOMPSON STREET On either side - parking limited to one hour from a A. M. to 1 P . i,. , except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 7. LEAFY LANE (a) On the south side - No parking 200 feet east of Murray Avenue. (b) On the north side - No parking 50 feet east of Hurray Avenue. 8. DEPOT WAY No parking on either side. 9. PREST01 STREET On either side - Parking limited to one hour from S A. M. to 1 P. M. , except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 10. VINE STREET No parking either side. B. AREA ARUURD kPARTNEOT HOUSES, I.E. LARCHMONT ACRES, iIVOTTY KAOLLS AND ALDEN HOUSE APARTMENTS 1. RICHBELL ROAD (From Palmer Avenue to 6he village of Mamaroneck line) (a) West side - No parking between 2 A. M. and 6 A. M. (b) East side - No parking between 2 A. M. and 6 A. M. (c) On either side - No parking from Palmer Avenue for 100 feet south. I 2. BLhTON ROAD (a) On East side - -No parking � (b) On blest side - Eo parking between 2 A. M. and_ 6 A. M. (c) On Hest side - No parking from PaGner Avenue for 50 feet south. 3. P�LMEI (a) On North side - No parking from Merritt Street to the Mainaroneck Viilage line. (b) On South side - No parking from Barton Road to the ila_garoneck Viilage line between 2 A. M. and 6 A. (c) On Soutri side - No parking for 75 feet east or west from Richbell Road. (d) On the South. side - No parking from High School entrance for 50 feet west. L . ALLE-N RUAD (a) On East side - wo parking between the Boston Post Road and Copley Road. (b) On the West side - No parking between the Boston Post Road and Copley Road, between tree Hours 2 r, vi. and 6 A. M. (c) PJo parking either side fro:: Copley Road for 100 feet north. 5, C0 73LEY ROAD (a) On Nortn side - iuo parking between Alden Road and Kenmare Road. (b) On South side - No parking between Alden Road and Kenmare Road between the hours of 2 A. M. and 6 A. M. (c) On South side - No perking from Alden Road for 5O feet east. (d) On South side - No parking between signs at the entrance to the Alden house. 6. Nii;RRTTT STREET ldo parking on either side. 7. MADISOI STREET On T•rest side - From , ashington Street 100 feet ;youth, 2 nark- ing from S A. M. to 4 P. idi. , except Saturdays, Sundays and hoiidays. S. GARFIELD ST'REE'T' On the dortn side, no parking from North Chatsworth Avenue for 50 feet west. 9 . NORTri CHA'dSIr..ORTH AvENUE (a) On the blest side - No parking for 50 feet between signs at the entrance to tine Stonecrest Apartments, and for 50 feet between signs at tine entrance to the 7 arcnmont Hilis Apart- . lne nt s. (b) On the rust side - _1uo parking for 50 feet between the sia-ns F+ ?Pm e-trance $n +-h Ch.a.'tcvnrtn (G'arr�an,s G pr .-pan 57 C. OTTER C&GES EE AREAS 1. GARFIELD STREET On South. side - No parking between North Chatsworth Avenue and :Madison Street. 2. DILLOI ROAD (a) On West side - No parking between the Boston Post Road and Chester Place. (b) On East side - No parking between the Boston Post Road and Chester Place between the tours of 2 A. T. and i (c) On East side - No parking from Parkiand Avenue for 60 feet north. 3® PA KLoAD AVENUE (a) On either side - No parting_ ffom Diiion Road for 50 feet east. (b) No parking either side from 2 A. M. to 6 E. M. � . EDGZWOOD k LnUE On South side - No parking from Police Headquarters to heaver Street. 5 . HILLCREST AVENUE (a) On South side - No parking from Judson Street for 60 feet east. (b) On South side - No Narking from .leaver Street for 300 feet west. 6. WINGED FOOT DRIVE On East side - duo parking from Dundee Road 300 feet north. D. AREA SURROUNDING SCHOOLS 1. HURRAY AVENUE On both sides - From a point 170 feet south of Forest Avenue to a point 400 feet south of Forest Avenue, io parking or stopping during scnool hours. 2. rAR1ON DRIVE (a) On South side - No parking 200 feet east from ?leaver Street. (b) On north side - No parking 25 feet east from Weaver Street. 3. DAYMO1v TERRACE On vest side - No parking from Senate Place for 200 feet north. 4. 'iEATkER LANE' No parking either side 9 II E. AREA SURROUNDING COUNTY PARKS OR PARKWAYS 1. OLD I HI'TE 2LnIRS ROAD From Griffen Avenue south to the village of Mamaroneck boundary line - No parking between 8 A- M. and 8 P . M. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 2. 4'IESLEYAN AVENUE No parking between 8 A. M. and 8 P. M. , Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. RESOLVED that Chapter IV of the General e ck n " o Ordinance of t e I o�m of Mamaroneck (PEACE InD GOOD ORDER) be amended by adding a new section to be known as Section 13, wriicn shall read as £olio*ors: Section V. PROHIBITING ABAaDOhWENT OF ICE BOXES AND REFRIGER!ICRS it PLACES ACCESSIBLE TO CHILDREV. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to leave or permit to remain outside of any dwelling, building, or other structure, or within any unoccupied or abandoned building, dwelling or other structure under his or its control, in a place accessible to children, any abandoned, unattended or discarded ice box, refrigerator or other container whicn has an air-tight door or lid, snaploch or other locking device which may not be released from the in- side, without first removing said door or lid, snap- iock or other locking device from said ice box, re- frigerator or container. RESOLVED that Cn apter I , Sections 1 and 2 of -- the General Ordinance of tae Town of Mamaroneck (FINES ARD PENALTIES) as last amended July 1, 1953, be amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. violation of any of the foregoing ordinances shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a. fine of not more than 1500 for each offense, or both. Section 2. Violation of these Ordinances shall sub- . ject the offender, for each offense, to a civil pen- alty not to exceed the following amounts respectively: Chapter IIII Sections i and 5 w 50.00 Chapter IV Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 91 WA, i2, and i3 25 .00 Chapter 'V Sections 1 and 2 10.00 Chapter VI Sections 1, 4, 6,7, 8, and 9 100.00 Chapter VII Sections 2, 3, and 7 50.00 461 Chapter VIII Sections 1, 2, and li 50.00 Chapter IX Sections 2, 61 92 iO, and 11 50.00 The pe"halties for violations as above provided shall be in addi- tion to any fine provided for in the preceding section. Every day or part tnereof that such violation shah continue, shall be deemed to be a. separate and distinct violation of the said several provisions of these -ordinances and shall render every person liable for a. separate penalty for each such viola- tion. RESOLVED that Chapter II, Section 6 of the General Ordinance of the 'Town of Mamaroneck � (USE Or STREETS, hIGiiiiiL S, ETC. ) as last amended July 1, 1953, be amended so as to correct a clerical error as follows: "Cine" Road to read B'VLae" Road RE83iVED that Chapter I1, Section 11 of the General Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck (USE Or STREET:, HIGriiltIAYS, ETC.) as last amended July 1, 1953, be amended so as to correct a clerical error As follows: Section 11. Crosswalk: ho vehicles or animal, or pushcart, baby carriage or other device moved by I man power si_aii stop or stay on any crosswalk or driveway. The minutes of November 4th, 1953, were approved as presented. The Clerk presented a letter from the New York State .Employees' Retirement System, dated December 4, 19532 stating that the City of New Rocneile is currently engaged in a. long term effort leading to the re-writing of its Zoning Ordinance and in this connection, the inclusion of the foliok,*ing paragraphs had been suggested: At least 10 days before the date of any public hearing, t} e secretary of t_ e board of appeals shall transmit a notice of such public 'nearing to the clerk of any _municipality the bounday of which lies 500 feet or less from the property which is the subject of any appeal or applica- tion® Any agency of an adjoining r:;unacipality so notified may submit to the board of appeals any advisory opinion on said appeal or applica- tion at any time prior to the rendering of a decision. This was referred to the Town Attorney. The Cler_ presented a letter, dated December i6, 1953, received from Mr . Orsino, Comptroller, requesting authorization to trans- fer funds "';Tit_iin the 1953 budget and from surplus fuunds. Follow- ing discussion, and on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously 463 RESOLVED that the Comptroller and Supervisor be and they hereby are directed to -eke transfers within the 1953 budget and from surplus funds as follows: GEYIERAL TOIriV TR.�Ie,JSFERS TO: Department of Town Offices Light 60.00 T'eleprione 375 .00 Office Supplies & Expenses 11000.30 De:oartment of Elections Inspectors & Poll Clerks 32.50 Department of Receiver of Taxes Office Supplies & Expenses 35 .00 Department of Assessor Office Sup d ies & Expenses 30.00 -Jew iiaps 62.51 Department of Law Traveling Expenses 20.13 Office Supplies & Expenses 175 .00 Department Justices of Peace Supplies 100.00 i Department of Board of Appeals Office Supciies 75 .00 Department of Enbineer Temporary Help 1,333.32 Department of [disc. Expenditures Publishing inotilces & Reports 25G.GO Recreation 36.L8 TRA,i SFERE FROM Department of Engineer Fees Engineering Services 2,O00.00 Depa.rt_,ent of ^isc. Expenditures Shade Tree Fund 1, 584.6 OUTSIDE vILLxGES - D'ISTRICT I'RA'VSFE.RS 'TO: Department of Police Police Patrolman 894®6i 'Water, Light, Gas 36J.00 Misce= aneous 230.00 Traveling Expenses 34.4-L Office Sup.plies 175 .00 Equipment 35 .45 Clothing ?,iG0.00 Repairs & Mai_^tenance of Puto Equipment 600®00 New Cars & C;rcles 359.`01 Rr_\iSF"'-RS FROM: Police Detecti-ies 894.51 Traffic Signals & Signs 100.00 Insurance 923.75 .'lu _Lding Supplies 150.12 !.. Re1e.irs to : adcuarters 300.'G0 Gasoline w 'Jil 2JO.GO, Ni �oavannir,r u'n�i_ma.�� 53.0G . r? :-ge Su.—plies 150-C Ra to Maintenance .L Equipment 2'v D.33 Retirement -,-stem Contributions 3 20.30 465 I Miscellaneous Expenditures Pubiic Nurse GARBAGE DISTRICT NO .D SAT . T L GI REl'.li_'.� I TRxISFERS TG : Salaries & '.;Roes X1,200.00 insurance 2126202 Truck Repairs 650.00 TR ISFER FROM: Rubbish & Refuse Collections 3, 000.00 Dump Maintenance & Materials 462.82 Equipment Rental 650.00 FIRE, DISTRICT 10. 1 s TIRE Dui �tiRT� �T�1T iRkAVER 10: I Truck Drivers 731.25 water 35 .00 Insurance 167. 21 Katerials & SuppAes 603.00 Fire Lieutenant: 3, 1.90 Repairs & MFin.Lieutenants BuVwing ?91.56 Equipment Repairs 230 .00 I i T R 10 Street Lights 500®00 TRANSFER FROy_: surplus Funds 50040 ?AvK DISTRICT NO. 1 TRANSFER TO: Light, Power, Leases 150®00 Insurance 253,31 Materials, Shrubs, Supplies 400.00 General Equipment 381.71 TRANSFER FROM: Capital Improvements & Replacements 1,185®02 SEWER DISTRICT V. 1 TEZ56FER TO: I Water, Power, Telephone 130.00 Materials, Supplies & Otter Expenses 25 .00 Pump Station, iv!aintenance 50.00 TRANSFER FRO L: Wages 175 .00 I 6? For the record, the Clerk submitted results of the recent election; the following being elected to office: Supervisor Mandeville, Council- men Waterman and Brush, Town Clerk Gronberg, Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, Munn Brewer, Justice of the Peace, and Jeanne Gottlieb, School Director. The Clerk submitted the report of the Vestchester Shore Humane Society, - Inc., for November, 3953. The Clerk submitted the following 4 applications for dance hall licenses, whicn have been approved by toe Building Inspector, the Fire Inspector and the Police Chief, and upon which the Clerk will issue licenses: The Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc. Ui?_ged Foote Golf Club, Inc. ltaller' s Post Lodge veterans of Foreign tears, V . F. W. , Post 1156 Councilman Kane reported that at the last meeting of the Incirera.tor Commission, Mayor Washburn questioned the 41,500 item in the budget for half the salary of the man employed at the dump. The refuse from the Incinerator is dumped on the Town dump and a careful study indicates that about half comes from the village and half from the Town. Mr. Kane feels the Incinerator Commission should pay the entire amount. The alternative would be to dump one year at the Viliage dump and the following year at the '!own dump. Cou ciiman _McKeever feels nothing would be gained by changing dumps . Councilmen E_mbury and McKeever had nothing to report. Councilman 'r'Jaterman suggested to the Board that as this was Councilman Er: bury& s last meeting, he would like to propose a. resolution of appre- ciation of the Town Board for the long and distinguished service of 115 brother COU'1Ci1man from ti"1,. Un1._Ca_"OOr- c,ed area, LaV'• G A. Embury, !, and to express his vies: that F1we will miss him in the future and we hope ,. for him, many years of civil life . We will miss his wise counsel.'T Councilman sane seconded this . The Supervisor said the Board tiill do something shortly after the first of the year to show its appreciation of Councilman Emburyas service. Mr. imbury thanled the board members and said his service on the Board has been a wonderful experience. He believes that some younger man should now have a chance. Mr. Deii.us broug ht up the matter of the acceytance of Hickory Grove Drive and after discussion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman a atermian, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby accepts for street purposes, the bed of the street known as hickory Grove Teri'+%e as describe,.'., i in deed fro!"! DeCicco, et al, and as shown on map known as Re- vised :-lap of Part of Block 1, Bighview Ridge, situated in the Town aad village of Mamaroneck, made by A. J . Foote, r. E. and S., filed in the County Cierits Office, Division of 'Laa'_"i^', Records, August 6, 1952, as Map jo. 7?86. FURTHER R"_bOLV D that this Board also accepts an easement or right of way from DeC,icco and wife, for a lateral sewer from the property of R. J . Metz, premises known as :mot 45 Block I, on Lle Neap of Hignview Ridge, situated in the Town and village of Mamaroneck, made by A. J . Foote, C. E. and S. , filed in the County ClerkTs Office, Division I �9 �I of nand x,.coro. dune 2 '. 1 1 as Riau Pao. 7 ' 7 and li 4, 95 4.3 running in the bed of the street inown as Highridge Road on the said map, to ioc_land (_"venue and along Rockland .venue to a. manLole in tine Mamaroneck Vii- !age sewer at Grand Street and Rockland '.venue, pro- vided, however, that in connection with the construc- tion of this sewer, the 'To=,n be furnished with maps, profiles and applications to the State and County Health Departments for the connection: of this sewer with the Village of Mamaroneck sewer. ' :iR` nER t` ELOLVED that t_lis Board accepts the check oI Robert J . Metz in the amount of 4"1,500, upon the terms and conditions stated in his letter to the Board, dated December 10, 1953, the amount of which is to be appiied toward the grading and paving of Hickory hove Drive as shown on the aforesaid map, provided, however, that the acceptance of said check shall be contingent upon the issuing and granting of all necessary permits by the State, County, village and Town for the connec- tion of said lateral sewer. F RTHER ESOLVL'D that the Supervisor is authorized to sign the necessary letter addressed to the Board of Trustees of the village of Mamaroneck, requesting that connection be made with the village sewer at Grand Street and Rockland Avenue, and stating that the Town will maintain and repair t"pis sewer exten- sion when necessary. Mr. Delius brought up the matter of the apportionment of the property purchased by Messrs. beinraub, Magid and Rodney, and after discus- sion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: I HEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for the correc- tion of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to tale pro- visions of Section 557, Article 16 of the hestchester County n m!in- istrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and ,viEESAS, after- due consideration, this Board finds it desira- ble to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll, 000, 1HEREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roil of 1952, School taxes of 1953 and the assessment roll of 1953, taxes of 1954, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement 'T'otal I 510 1 Stanton D. Sanson 125,000 25,000 150,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Bloc, Parcel Name Land improvement Total i 510 1 Earle H. Rodney 33,000 -- 33, 000 510 50 Samuel Magid 21,000 5,000 26,000 510 i00 Dr. Israel Weinraub 71,000 20,000 91,000 i 71 The ToTn attorney discussed with the Board the advisability of intro- ducing a bill to the forthcoming session of the Legislature to j=- vide a swimming pool to be constructed and operated jointly by the Town and the village of 1,archmont or both the Vilia.ge of Larchmont and one 'village of ,lamaroneck. after some discussion of the suggestions which the attorney made, he was instructed to write a letter to the village Boards of Darchmont and. MamaronecjS asking them if trey were interested in sponsoring or recommending such a bill, in view of the fact that a resolution from the 'Village Boards would be necessary to have such a bill passed and signed by the Governor. Trie Supervisor presented a claim of Edward S. _r£a.rtley for car, gas, and zlliscellaneous expenses of the Deputy Director of Civil defense in the amount of $336.89 . Or_ motion by Cour_cl.i_man -McKeever, seconded by Councilman Exnbury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the claim. of Edward S. Hartley, Deputy Director of Civil Defense, for car, gas a--nu miscelianeous expenses from January 1, 1953 to December 1, 1953, in tne amount of 8336.39, be and it hereby is approved. F'IIR!NER RESOLVED that payment of said claim be made out of the item in the budget for such items. line Board now took tip the matter of tiie application by residents of Howeli Para to re-zone ido. 65 Palmer Lvenue and after discussion, Councilman Waterman made a motion L_2at the application t0 up-zone the property in accordance with notice heretofore pubiisned, be approved. After being seconded by Councaima.n we.ne, a vote on t_iis motion resulted as follows: hYE,S: Councilmen lrlaterman and Kane NOES: Councilman McKeever and E'mbury Supervisor Mandeville - not voting The matter was discussed furti-er and it was finally agreed that if and whe'_7 plans were filed with tY).e Building Inspector in co-!:nection wit-n '. an appl-- cation for a -,ermet to build, Messrs. Toj:ping, -McIviiliams, c-nd O°Donnell would be notified. There being no furtner business, the meeting ad.;ourned at 11: 5 P . M. , and irIlmediately reconvened as the Boar-f of Fire Commissioners . Council man bfaterman presented the Fire Depart-ent claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by tae Fire Chief, end on 7.lotion by Councilman lri,aterman, seconded by Counci i man ,ICYiee3C-r, it was unanimously RE63LvED that the fo lowi^.g described c-La:Lrs 'be and they lereby are approved and tiie Supervisor and Comp- trolier de and they hereby are authorized to pay the li sane out of the budget for tile Eire Department: — Chatsworth Oil w Heating Co. , Inc. X150028 Consolidated Edison Co. of i� . Y., Inc ., T,,'est. 33.39 Nestchester Joint i,ater works, Ro. 1 6.90 New York Telephone Company iic.6i J. --uelier, Inc. 8.60 _!itc'e i Oil Corp. 67.82 Gustav C . Klein "Klein° s" 34.89 4711 Smitt-miller Co. w 29.75 McGuire Bros., Inc. 5 .00 Ramon Martinez 57.50 j G. T. Merrell, Inc. 83.06 Vesco Fire Equipment & Service 571.90 Roberts 79.20 F & F Automotive Co. 2.59 William K. Fordyce 113.68 Fir Compressor & Pump Corp. 7. 50 Patsyas Garage 13. 20 Free Parking Service Statio 100.55 New Jersey hire Equipment Co. 170.00 American La France Foamite Corp . 31.dd *1,732.86 Councilman Waterman brought up the matter of the appointment of Nicholas Giacomo who replaced Niche& Gallagher in the Fire Depart- 'I ment. On motion by Councilman Taterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Nicholas Giacomo be and he hereby is appointed Fire Truck Driver in the Town Fire Depart- ment at an annual salary of 13,480 on a probationary basis (90 days) , such appointment to be effective as of December 16, 1953. Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Inspectors reports for September and October. There being no further business to come before the Board, it adjourned at 11: 53 P . M. to meet again on January 13, 1954. To c1e k i I