HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_12_02 Town Board Minutes 433 VINJ'IES OF ^__ REGULAR MEE IAG OF Tilt T09h BOARD OF THr, TOWI OF i�A_ IRONEC i, HELD DECEMBER 21 19535 10 THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WiAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE, CORNER OF T ER ST "' , .;A1 ...r� ..1REE'1' AID EDuE�adCV AVY;ivI�E UVN OF MANARONECK. PRESENT; Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Embury, Kane, Waterman, and McKeever ABSE'iVT: None Presence was also noted of Mr. Gronberg, Town Clerk; Mr. Delius, Town Attorney; Police Chief Yerick; and Councilmen Elect C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P. M. Mr. John B. Forrest was present with a group of young people and the addressed the Board., stating that he is very much interested in a project which these your people are trying to advance, namely, a Teenage Canteen. Mr. Forrest introduced the Chairman of the group, Peter 'T'ourtellot, who in turn addressed the meeting and explained the project which would require a building lot, 15,000 to erect a building, and ; 2,500 annually for a paid part-time director and maintenance of the Canteen. The Supervisor stated that the budget for 1954 cannot now be increased. After some discussion, the Supervisor appointed Mr. Guterman to work with the group and suggested that an effort be made to interest some other adults, including the Police Chief from each of the munici- palities interested. (Mamaroneck, Larchmont, and the Unincorporated Town) Mr. Forrest thanked the Board and noted that they realized they had -- started too late to have anything in the budget for 1954 but they would be very pleased to have the support of the Town Board and, meanwhile, would like to suggest that the Board have in mind the possibility of putting aside a piece of property for the purpose of tine group. The Board then proceeded with the matter of the budget. The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication and affidavit of posting of the "h otice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the Year 1954t . Mr. David Play, 11 Winslow Place, Larchmont, said he would like to have explained how the village of Larchmont shares in the surplus. The Supervisor explained the surplus and said he would send Mr. May some further figures the following day. Mr. Price Topping, President of Rowell Park Association, said he had studied the budget and felt that the Board should be commended. Mrs. Malcolm Brown, President of the Manaror_eck Health Center, thanked - the Board Members for granting the increase. (Public Health S urse) The Clem. presented a certified copy of water arrears as of Septem- ber 30, 1953, appearing unpaid as of December 2, 1953, for the pur- pose of including same in the 1954 tax levy of the Town of Mamaroneck, in the total amount of 154.59 . There being no further questions, the following resolution was moved by Mr. Waterman. 435 swHEREI,S, this Board ilas heretofore Made, compiled and filed with the Town Clerk, a preliminary tax budget containing the es- ti=mated probable revenues and estimated expenditures for the several departments, offices and other town and special district purposes for the year 1954; and v,-HEREAS, notice of the completion _:nd filing of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon, has been duly pub- lished on idovember 21st and 28th, 1953, in the Da.iiy 'Times, Mamaro- neck, and posted in the manner required by law; and Vk1=iREAS1 a public hearing upon said tax budget was duiv held this day, in accordance with the notice so published; and 1.dHEREAS, all persons present were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and 1h,EREAS, this Board has reviewed the items in said preiim- inary tax budget as required by Section 113 of the Town Law, t'AO4 TH REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the final estimates as completed by the Town Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, be and the sane hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1954, pursuant to the provisions of the Town La?,*, aria that said estimates, as so adopted, be ei,tered in detail in the minutes of the Board as follows: (tiE�RE INSERT COPY OF BUDGET) and it is further RESOLVED that tine annual gadget estimates of the expenditures of the Ton of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 1954, be adopted and confirmed and. that the 'Totem Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the urinates; and that the sums of _Honey hereinafter stated are hereby appropriated from tree current revenues, as provided by law, for the offices, departments, boards, commissions and purposes hereinafter enumerated for expenditure in the manner directed by law, io wit: (1) GE'vERAL TOWN PURPOSE'S Tom Offices 4302670.00 Supervisor 6,000.00 Com p troller 1,580.00 Town Clerk 61/.+90.00 Elections 92955 .00 Receiver of Taxes and Assessments 13,200.00 Assessor 161755 .00 Law 9,105.00 justices of the Peace 7,490.00 Contributions and Donations 11600.00 Board of Appeals 25.00 Engineer 11,590.00 Building and Plumbing Department 1,550.00 Highway - General Iowa 21,270.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 372775 .00 Debt Service 7,759.75 43? (2) FOR PURPOSES it TJT, 00761DI OFF VILLr_GES Police Department 1167,068.25 Miscellaneous Expenditures 20,734.32 Debt Service 4, 237.50 (3) HIGHWAY DISTRICT - 0/V Highway Department 61,000.00 (4) GARBAGE DISTRICT 00. 1 Garbage Colection 562438.00 Garbage Incineration 16,763.50 (5) FIRE DISTRICT 10. t Fire Department 52,455 .00 Hydrant Rental 10,225 .00 (6) LIGHTIOG DISTRIK A0 . 1 Street Lights 22,300.00 (7) WATER SUPPLY" DISTRICT SO. I Capital Construction and Equipment 102870.00 Debt Service 382976.50 (S) PARK DISTRICT 00 . 1 Park Department 22,575 .00 Debt Service 192424.50 (9) SEWER DISTRICT 00e 1 Sewer Department 273070.00 Debt Service ,0231.1s(3563 a37 Grand Total 8182816.19 and it is further aESOLUED that as the Estimated Revenues and Cash on Hand equal the Estimated Expenditures for the General Toun purposes, there be no General To m tax levied for the year 1954; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that, for the fiscal year 1954, toe sum hereinafter set fortis and for the purposes listed below, be levied, assessed and collected upon the taxable properties in the Town of Mamaroneck out- side of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, the properties of the several districts specified below and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise assessments and persons Hrithin the Town and within such special districts be extended on the Tax Roll of the Tom_ of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments, or parts thereof, to wits 439 For purposes in Tom Outside of Villages as mentioned and described in the fore- . going budget $192,040.07 Less Estimated Revenues Total Levy for Purposes in Town Outside of Villages 192,040.07 DISTRICT LEVIES HIGHVAY DISTRICT - 0/V Highway Department 77,000.00 Less Cash & State Aid i4,000.00 FJet Levy 63,000.00 GARBAGE DISTRICT 1%0 . 1 Garbage Collection 56,433.00 Garbage Incineratio 16.763 .50 Total Levy, Garbage District ivo. 1 731201.50 IRE DIS'RICT iiO. 1 Fire Department 523455 .00 Hydrant mental 10.225. 00 Total Levy, Fire District _ c. 1 62,680.00 LIGH vG DISTRICT c,10 . 1 Total Levy, Street Lights 22,300.00 LISTRlli vo. 1 Capital Construction & Equipment 10,870.00 Debt Service 38.976.50 -- 49, ,346.50 Less Revenues 38,976.50 Total Levv, Water Supply District No. 1 !0,870.30 YARz� DISTRICT NO . i Operating 22,575 .00 Debt Service i9,424.50 41,999. 50 Less Revenues 1, 550.00 Total Levy, Parz,, District -lo. i 4'0:449.50 SEy,E'R DISTRICT ivo . 1 Operating 27,070.00 Debt Service 103,363.87 '!.^.tai. Levy, Sewer- District -No. 1 i3o,933.87 Grand Total 595,474.94 and it is 11RTHLR E''i OLv D that, ±ursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Law; of 1927 as amended and t2e prc=sions of Article 12 of Cha^.ter 61 of the Conscii- r. .^.',-B.teC�. i�aws, 'dZiQ`.-rn c.5 t112 iO+7Zi La.v% CS a.t^_enC;20'-, there �"',e levied against the several 'lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto annexed and r1.arKEd H:.hib4 t "A19, e he several sums set opposite each such oar- cel or lot of land on sucri st8 tement as a:nd for =j1 a.id water charges due upon s2.i0. lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Roll of the I Oh'n of Mamaroneck, under ttre name M,� ater Rents19 . X41 After being seconder. by Counciiman E:atury, a vote was taren upon the fore- going resolution and, after roll call, the vote was recorded as foliowsa t`'ES; Supervisor liandeviiie Councilman Lmbury, Bane, V:atermand and McKeever NOES, !lone The Supervisor noted that the candidates who had had so much to say about the spending of the suprius, were conspicuous by their absence . The Clerk presented a card of thanks from the family of Micnael Gallagher. The Clerk presented a. letter, dated Aovember 30, 1953, received from Mr. C. Eenjamin Brush, Jr. , tendering his resignation from the Town of Mamaro- neck Zoning Board of Appeals to take effect December 31, 1953. The Clerk submitted an affidavit of publication of notice that sealed bids will be received by the Town board of the '1oirn of Ma,aro_ieck until five o' clock P1 M. , on the 2nd day of December, 1953, at the Town Office 158 West Boston Post Road, Village of Ma__ aroneck, ivew York for certain equipment, in accordance with specifications now on file with the Chief of Police of the Town of Mamaroneck at Police headquarters on Edgewood F_venue, Larchmont, N. Y. The Clerk presented a bid for said equipment (traffic signal light) and bids to install the same at the intersection of Ricnbeli Road and Palmer Avenue, Town of Mamaroneck, as follows: Bid on Traffic Signal Equipment Net Each Extension. i - Modei 824DA hlectro-ilatic Two Phase Serai- Actuated Dispatcrner with an additional actuated Pedestrian WALK Phase. In Type D Cabinet for WOOD POLE- VOU,vTIAG. With Flasher and Radio Line Filter X857.15 857.15 3 - Pedestrian Push Buttons and Signs which read: "To cross street push button wait for walk light4l 11.44 34.32 i - 81 Type HT !von-Directionai Pressure Sensitive Vehicle Detector 219.30 219.30 i - 4-way, A.-Section Span Wire Signal with 4-Section "WALK all around 270.70 270.70 $1,381.47 Tne above prices are f.o.b. East Ivorwa!k, Connecticut, with fuli freight allowed to Ma _aro_.eck, !vew York. Prices cuoted are net and are guaranteed for 30 days. Delivery of above equipment can be made in six weeks from receipt of order, sugject to delays beyond our control. one prices Ghotim abo-,-e include equipment only and do not include wire or installation. Bids on Traffic Signal Installation Fv . Goidman, 665 worth Avenue, ivew Rochelle c!,125 .00 Hawkins Electric Co., 5604 Rhode Island Ave. , riyattsville, M-.ryland (Alt. A) 12485 .00 or Same as kit. k with additiona.i steel pole and mast arm 1,650.00 tiaaldman Eros. , 140 E. 3rd St., mount 'Vernon 1,732.00 I After discussion, upon motion by Counciiman Embury, seconded by Council- man Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the bid of automatic Signai Division in the a.._ount of $1,381.47 for traffic signal equipment be and it hereby is accepted. FURTHER RESOLvED tnat t e bid of N . Goldman for labor and material necessary to install traffic signal ligi.t, which reads as follows: To insta.il control box on existing pole To install signal ligit suspended from 2 existing poles To install 3 manual push buttons mounted on 3-2 11pipe stands, approximately 4° nigh tiring of above equipment to be overhead, except 3-pipe stands which wiil be underground from nearest pole to stand All the above complete for the sun of 475 .00 To install remote control road mat switch on Ricnbell Road To install conduit and conductors necessary to con- nect same to control box To excavate and replace roadway All the above for the sum of 650.00 x:1,125 .C0 It is understood that signal lights, control boxes, push button station and road mat switch to be furnished by others. be and it hereby is accepted. The Clerk presented the foliowing reports: �� Building Report, October and ivovemiber, 1953 Report of Viestchester St:icre Humane Society, October, 1953 Town Cierkos Report, October and iiovember, 1953 Report of Receiver of Tares, October and igovember, 1953 Attendance Report, October and !November, 1953 State-rent of Bank Balances as of December 1, 1953 List of Claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from September i to Idovermber i, 1953 Sv=-ary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to October 31, 1953 Anaiysis of fudget Appropriations and Expenditures, January 1 to October 31, 1953 Analysis of Estimated Revenues, January i to October 31, 1953 Counciiman Tune, Embury, McKeever and Waterman had nothing to report. .dr. Delius reCjuested per "�iSSion t0 pubiisr, notice of amendments t0 tile Genera.i Ordir_ance and on motion by Counciiman ivicseever, seconded by Cou---ciiman Embury, at was unanimously RESOLVED that tiie Clerk be and he hereby is authorised to publish a notice of public hearing on m , such amendments, nearing to be held December 17, 1953° Counciiman McKeever inquired about Blossom Terrace and Pair . Delius ex- plained treat tie hopes to have some definite word by December 15th. The Supervisor suggested that a resolution of condolence be sent to George Burton and on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman %ickeever, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Irene Lockwood Burton died on Y ovember 29, 1953; and WHEREAS, site was the widow of George 1. Burton, Sr. , Supervisor of the 'Town of Mamaroneck for some 15 years, and HEREAS, she is survived by her son, George W. Burton, Jr. , who ably and efficiently served the Town of Mamaroneck for many years as Fire Chief and is presently serving as Fire inspector, t&j THEREFORE, BE I'T RESOLVED that this Board expresses to George T. Burton, Jr. its sorrow on the loss of his mother, and extends to nim its deepest sympathy in his bereavement. FUR'T'HER RESOLVED that toe Town Clerk is hereby instructed to send to George W. Burton, Jr. , a copy of this resolution, in token of this Board' s sympa.tty. It was then suggested that a resolution should also be sent to the family of Michael Gallagher and on motion by Councilman Taterman, seconded by Councilman Emtury, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, death has claimed Michael F. Gallagher; and VHERFAB, he so ably and honestly served_ the Town of Ma�aroneck for many years, earn=ng a. well-deserved reputation as an efficient and de- pendable fireman, vOid, 'THEREFORE',, BE IT' -- RESOLVED that this Board, in appreciation of the service rendered by Michael F. Gallagher to the Town of Mamaro- neck as one of its able public servants, hereby expresses its sorrow at his loss . FURTdER RESOLVED that this board extends to the widow and family of Michael F. Gallagher, its deep sympathy for their bereavement, and in token thereof, instructs the Town Clerk to send to them a copy of this resolution. There being no further business to come before tine meeting, it adjourned at 9:40 P. M. to meet again on December 17th, 1953, and i-i'mediately re- convened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Report for Eovember, 1953. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P . iii. to meet again on December i7th, 1953. Aid I m C� erk