HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_10_07 Town Board Minutes 387
PRESS-HT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Embury, Kane and Waterman
ABSENT- Councilman McKeever
Presence was also noted of the Town Clerk, Mr. Gronberg, the Town
Attorney, Mr. Delius, and the Superintendent of highways, Mr. O'Brien.
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8.i5 P. M.
Mr. Benjamin Burstein, 175 main Street, White Plains, appeared repre-
senting Dr. Israel Weinraub who had. purchased property known on the
Tax Assessment Map as part of Block 510 Parcel 1, at an auction sale
and had requested an apportionment of such property for the purposes
of paying school taxes. Mr. Burstein said he wished to oppose
approval by this Board of the apportionment made by the Assessor,
on the ground that it is not a fair or reasonable one.
After discussion the matter was referred to t11e Town Attorney with
the suggestion that a conference be held with the Assessor and the
other two buyers, Earle H. Rodney and Samuel Magid, who had pur-
chased part of the same block and parcel at the said auction.
At the same time, the matter of the apportionment of Block 201
Parcel 48 and Block 202 Parcel 1, sold by Walter Aidricn to Bonnie
Briar Realty Corporation, was referred to the Town Attorney.
Mr. Mario Lorenti, 36 W. 4/+th Street, New York City, appeared and
submitted a petition signed by i8 residents of Plymouth and Winthrop
Avenues, requesting the Board to take such measures as are necessary
and proper to relieve the dangerous traffic condition now existing
on these streets, which condition arises from and is the result
of the fact teat Plymouth Street and Winthrop Avenue are used con-
stantly and continuously by motorists wino, desiring to reach the
Post Road, seek to avoid the traffic light barrier at Neaver Street
and the Post Road.
The petition was received and filed and the matter referred to the
Police Chief for recommendation.
Mr. Hill L. Joseph, 50 Overlook Terrace, appeared representing 6
property owners in his immediate neighborhood. He addressed the
Board in connection with a lane or right of way which adjoins his
property and is used by himself and his neighbors. It is claimed
that water from Over look Terrace and Edgewood Avenue drains into
this lane. he asked the Town to re-pave the road and build a
gullet' to take the water off and raise the curb at Edgewood Avenue.
Mr. Joseph said he had had some correspondence with Mr. Mandeville
about this matter and Mr. Mandeville had inspected the property.
:sir. William C . Geogehan, Jr. , 46 1Vorth Cnatsworta Avenue, feels the
- Town should repair the damage done.
The matter was referred to the Town Attorney and the Superintendent
of Highways.
The minutes of August 5th and September ist were approved as presen-
The Clerk read a- letter addressed to the Town Clerk, dated September
22 1953, from rir. James C. Harding, Commissioner of the Department
of Public Works of Westchester County, relative to material sub-
mitted to the Town Board by the Mamaroneck Rangers and in turn re-
ferred to the County, in connection with the pollution of local
The Cierk presented a resolution received frost the V'iliage of Larch-
wont, approving sale by the Town of Block 604 Parcel 24, together with
letter of transmittal dated Oveober 6, 1953 . Tnis was received and
Tne Cierk submitted and read a resolution enclosed with a letter,
dated September 15, 1953; addressed to Mr. Gror_berg. The resolution
reported that a conference or meeting had been held on August 6, 1953
by representatives from the Town of Rye, the City of Rye, the Town of
iriame>ro neck
, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Harrison in
connection with the question of flood control in the Blind Brook area,
and that it had been the consensus of opinion of that conference that
the several communities should jointly request the County of Westches-
ter to direct Commissioner Harding to make further study and upon
completion thereof, to submit copies to the municipalities in the
Blind Brook flood area. Tnis was received and filed.
The Clerk submitted the following reports:
Town Clerk' s Reports for August and September, 1953
Building Report for September, 1953
Report of Fordnam Transit Company for 6 months ending June 30, 1953
Reports of Yestchester Shore Humane Society, Inc ., for August and
September, 1953
Statement of Receiver of 'Taxes and Assessments for September, 1953
Attendance Reports for August and September, 1953
Statement of Bank Balances as of October 1, 1953
Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to August 31, 1953
Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures, January 1 to
August 31, 1953
Analysis of Estimated Revenues, January 1 to August 31, 1953
The Town Cierk requested authorization to publish the usual regis-
tration notice in the Daily 'Times.
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of
Section 76 of the Election Law, a notice be published
in the Daily 'Times on October ist and fith, 1953, giving
a. list of the places of registration in the Town of
Mamaroneck, a statement of the days and hours of regis-
tration and a brief description of each registration
district in the Town.
For the record, the Clerk submitted affidavits of posting and pub-
iication of a notice of meeting held July 1, i953, after a public
hearing duly held in accordance with the provisions of the Town Law,
at which a resolution was adopted amending the General Ordinance
of the 'Town of Mamaroneck.
The Town Clerk recuested a resolution approving rates of pay for
Election Inspectors.
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was unanimously
_ _
Rr;SOi,"V ED that rates of pay for Election Inspectors
and Poll Clerks shall be as follows:
Election Inspectors per day I
Primary Day,--September 15 $12.00
Registration, Personal, October 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 8.50
--- Registration, Pers;onai, October 10 15.00
Registration, lion-personal, October 3 15.00
Registration, 1don-personal, October 10 11.00
Election Day, November 3 15.00
Two instruction meetings at $1. 50 each
Election Day, November 3, Chairman 55 . extra
Poll Clerks
Election Day, November 3 15 .00
The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. George S. Haight, General Super-
intendent of the Westchester County Park Commission, togetiaer witri
agreement in triplicate, providing for the further extension of the
lease with the Town of Mamaroneck, dated November 13, 1950, covering
use of vacant land 'known as Parcel 45 and a portion: of Parcel 1-B,
Sheet 9, Pelham-Port Chester Parkway, for a furtner period of one
year, ending October 31, 19542 at tree annual rental of $i.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign a lease with the Westchester County
Park Commission, covering use of vacant land known as
Parcel 45 and a portion of Parcel 1-B, Sheet 9, Pelham-
- Port Chester Parkway for a period of one year, ending
October 31, 1954, at an annual rental of 41.
MT. Embury reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Rufus K.
Allerton, dated September 19, 1953, containing a synopsis of what
money will be necessary for the Police Pension Fund. Mr. Embury
stated that he had gonve over it and suggests that $4,000 be put in
next year' s budget.
Mr. Embury presented a letter from Mr. C. J. Quinn, Secretary of the
Board of Police Commissioners, recommending the appropriation of $60.
to cover expenses of Detective Sergeant Smith for attendance at a
meeting of the State Division of the International Association of
Identifications to be held at Utica, New York, on October 18, 193
and 20, 1953®
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that Detective Sergeant Smith be and he
hereby is authorized to attend a meeting of the
State Division of the International Association
of Identifications to be held at Utica, flew York,
on October 18, 19, and 20, 1953.
FURTHER RESOLVED that expenses, not exceeding
460. be paid out of the item in the Budget
appropriated for the same.
Mr. Embury presented a letter, dated September 22, 1953, from tine
Sheriff of Westchester County, Mr. John E. Hoy, stating that rifle
and pistol range facilities will be made available at Camp Smith,
through. tie cooperation of Mr. Leland Boardman, Special Agent, In
Charge Federal Bureau of Investigation, for Police training pur-
poses, during the week of October 5th to 9th, inclusive, hours from
9 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Mr. Embury said the Chief had requested an appropriation of $25. for
the purpose of sending two men to this training school.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it
was unanimously
RESOLED that the Chief of Police be and he hereby is
authorized to send two men from the Police Force to
attend the training school at Camp Smith, Peekskill,
New York, during the week of October 5th to Stn.
FURTHER RESOLVED that expenses, not exceeding $25 .
be paid out of the item in the Budget appropriated
for the same.
The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing 530 feet of water
line to be laid by the Westchester Joint Grater Works in Briar Cliff
Road at a cost of $2,936 to be advanced out of surplus and put in
next year' s budget.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman rune, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated the sum
of 42,936, for the replacement and/or repair of a.
water line in Briar Cliff Road_ wnicii is now a 1 1/2P0
main and will be replaced by a 6P1 ruin.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this amount be advanced from
Surplus and included in next year' s budget for the
Water District.
Supervisor Mandeville presented the following petitions receivea from
the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to per-
mit the apportionment of taxes, and on motion by Councilman Kane,
seconded by Councilman Embury, the following resolution was, upon
roil call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor had presented petitions for the correc-
tion of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Admin-
istrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board. finds it desirable
to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, school
taxes of 1953, and the assessment roil of 1953
taxes of 1954, which show property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
- 1952-1953
213 177 A. Poccia & Sons $2,540 22540
213 177 A. Poccia. & Sons 3,000 71000 lo,OOO
be corrected as follows in accordance with tLe
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Laird Improvement Total
213 177 Zelda Burke 500 500
213 188 A. Poccia & Sons 2,040 2,040
213 177 Zelda Burke .600 71000 7,600
213 188 A. Poccia & Sons 21400 2:400
- FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roil of 1952
school taxes of 1953, and the assessment roll of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Bloc: Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
606 260 Paul H. Terry 4,100 102300 14,400
606 282 Paul H. Terry 7,300 5,100 12,400
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel name Land Improvement Total
606 260 M. A. Schultz & M. S. Wilson 37700 10,300 14,000
606 281 Rose Del Duco 400 400
606 282 Rose Del Duco 3,800 5,100 8,900
606 292 Paul H. Terry 3,500 32500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952
school taxes of 1953, and the assessment roil of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on the roil as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
716 1 Helen E. Kenmore 15,000 17,000 32,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
716 1 James A. Isbister 3,000 3,000
716 13 Helen E. Kenmore 12,000 17,000 29,000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952
school taxes of 1953 which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land onir
805 1 Cabalan Holding Co. , Inc. 27,000
807 1 Cabalan Holding Co. , Inc. 192800
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Blocs, Parcel Name Land only
805 1 Cabalan Holding Co., Inc. 232000
805 1000 Moorland homes, Inc. 4,000
807 1 Moorland 'Homes, Inc. 9,100
807 10 Cabalan Holding Co. , Inc. 10,700
FURTnER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952,
school tares of 1953 and the assessment roll of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on tine roll as follows:
Block Parcel iyame Land Im-provement Total
515 506 Anna M. Smith X3,600 5,500 9,100
- 515 521 P.nna M. Smith & ors . 1,200 1, 2 00
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel ;came Lana Improvement Total
315 506 Lenard Lucia & d. 1,500 1,800
515 514 Anna M. Smith 13800 55500 7,300
515 521 Anna M. Smith 600 600
815 526 Loreto Dal Vito & A 600 600
FURTaLR RESOLVED that the assessment roil of 1953
taxes of 1954 which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Eiock Parcel Name Lard. Improvement Total
523 469 Felicia N:a.cri 2,500 3, 500 6,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel frame Land Improvement Total
823 469 Felicia114acri 1,200 32500 4,700
823 474 Louis A. Santoro & W 1,300 15300
FuEliiER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952,
school taxes of 1953 and the assessment roil of
1953, taxes of 1954 which show property now appear-
ing on t.ie roll as follows:
Eloc> Parcel iVame Land Improvement Total
935 15 William 0. Bohmert 8,000 8,000
938 15 -William C . Bohmert 82000 26,000 34,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Tota.i
938 15 Wiilian C. Bohmert 4,000 42000
938 114 John. C. Eohmert 4,000 4,000
935 15 William C. Bollmert 4,000 21,000 25,000
938 114 Jot-in C. Bo'nmert 4,000 5,000 92000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roil of 1952,
- - school taxes of 1953 and the assessment roll of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel 1varme Land Improvement Total
956 362 Cornwall Constructors 9,600 91600
956 362 Cornwall Constructors 13,200 44,800 58,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
956 362 Cornwall Constructors $4,800 4,800
956 405 Isabelle Petrillo 42800 42800
956 362 Cornwall Constructors 62500 22,000 28,500
956 405 Isabelle Petrillo 62700 22,800 29, 500
FUR'T'HER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 19525
school taxes of 1953, and the assessment roil of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on the roil as follows:
Block Parcel .same Land only
960 162 John R. Shepard, Jr. 8,800
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
960 162 John R. Shepard, Jr. 8,550
960 163 Edgewater Point Property
Owners' Association 250
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952,
school taxes of 1953, and the assessment roll of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel E ame Land only
960 172 Harvey Conover 7,750
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Land-on!
960 172 Edgewater Point Property
Owners' Association 12400
960 179 Harvey Conover 20
960 182 Dorothy Conover 80
960 500 Harvey Conover 61250
FURT ER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952,
school taxes of 1953, and the assessment roll of
1953, taxes of 1954, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
960 i83 Edgewater Point Property
Ownerst Association 7,350
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
960 183 Dorothy Conover 11000
960 515 Edgewater Point Property
Owners' Association 6,350
Mr. Delius had nothing to bring before the Board.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad-
journed at 9: 30 P. M. to meet again on November 4tn, and immediately
reconverted as the Board of Fire CoYrimissioners.
Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Inspector` s Report for
July and August, and the Fire Report for September.
Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Department claims which had
been audited by the Comptroiler and approved by the Fire Chief and
on motion by Councilman Vaterman, seconded by Councilman E-mbury,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that tiie following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
the same out of the budget for the Fire Department:
Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 1P 9.57
Air Compressor & Pump Corp. 23.62
Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 35.57
Henigson' s Lumber Company 7.45
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 5 .00
G. W. Merrell, Inc. 4.23
New York 'Telephone Company 114.20
Ronconi Lawn Mower Service 39.25
ri. Strauch, Inc. 5.00
Hydrant Rental
New Rochelle Water Company 56.25
Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 L5.02
Total $345 .16
Councilman Waterman submitted a letter from Fire Chief Mirand.e, dated
October 5th, 1953, recommending that Michael S. Galvin, having served
his probationary period as an emergency driver and having been passed
on by the Emergency Driver' s Committee, be appointed by the Town Board
as a permanent emergency driver.
Upon motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that Michael S. Galvin be and he nereby
is appointed as a Permanent Emergency Driver for
the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned
at 9®35 P. M. to meet again on November 4th, 1953.
To Cl rk