HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_02_18 Town Board Minutes 393
Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Ka.ndeville
Councilmen Eirbury, Kane and McKeever
ABSENT: Councilman Waterman
Presence was also noted of Mr. Delius, Town Attorney, Mr. Gronberg,
Town Clerk and Pair. OPBrien, Superintendent of Highways.
The minutes of January 21st, 1953, were approved as presented..
The Town Clerk presented requests from the Villagesof Larchmont and
Mamaroneck for the use of election equipment for both registration
and election.
Following discussion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded
by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the requests of the Villagesof Larchmont
and Mamaroneck for the use of the Town' s election equip-
ment for registration and election be and they hereby
are granted.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated February lo, 1953, from
Arthur M. Brown, Secretary of the Fire Department of the Town of
Mamaroneck, giving the names of members nominated at the annual
meeting of the Department, to hold office for the year 1953.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following officers nominated by
the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department to hold
office for the year ,1953, -be`and they hereby are
Anthony Mirande Chief
Dominic Ianello First Deputy Chief
Edward L . Leone Second Deputy Chief
Arthur M . Brown Secretary
Harold 0 . Thomsen Treasurer
Dr. Charles Weller, Jr. Surgeon
Monsignor John J . Flynn Chaplain
Fred Dodenhoff Sergeant-at-Arms
Supervisor Mandeville commented that he will have something to say
on the subject of the paid firemen at a later meeting when Councilman
Waterman is also present.
The Clerk submitted a letter, dated February 4. 1953, from the County
Transportation Company, Inc. , enclosing a report for the year ended
December 31, 1952, in accordance with Paragraph 25 of the franchise
granted by the Town of Mamaroneck. This report was received and
The Clerk submitted the following reports:
Report of Receiver of Tares and Assessments for January, 1953
Town Clerk' s Report for January, 1953
Report of Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. , for January, 1953
Attendance Reports for January, 1953
Councilmen Kane and Embury had nothing to report.
The Supervisor presented a resolution received from the Village of
Mamaroneck, with a request for approval of their sale of property
acquired by their foreclosure proceeding in rem.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by CounciLnan Kane, the
following resolution was, upon roll tali, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, through the institution
of foreclosure proceedings in rem, has become and now is the owner
of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of
Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaro-
neck held tax liens on said parcels of real property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law, an agree-
ment was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town
of Mamaroneck which, among other things, set forth the interests of
said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed, the manner
of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the distribution
of the proceeds received from said sales; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck has, pursuant to an agree-
ment had with the Town of Mamaroneck, advertised for and has here-
tofore received bids on certain properties owned by the Town of
Mamaroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village
of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck
has given consideration thereto and after due deliberation, accepted
the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms therein set forth;
WHEREAS, since receipt of said bids, this Board has given care-
ful consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is
RESOLVED that the bids hereinafter listed be
accepted at the price and terms therein set
Town Village Assessed
Blk. Par. Sic. Blk. Lot Bidder Amount Valuation Terms
9 93A 2A Wm. A.. .Glaser 835 2,500 Cash
949 230 9 94 2B Wm. A . Glaser. 135 400 Cash
9 94 3 Wm. A. Glaser 1, 000 33000 Cash
The Supervisor presented a letter, dated February 10, 1953, re-
ceived from the New York State Employeesr Retirement System, stating
that Edwin G . Osborne, a general repairman in the Town Highway De-
partment, must retire on account of age, effective the lst day of
March, 1953 .
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the resignation of Edwin G . Osborne, who
has been in the employ of the Town of Mamaroneck since
1936, be and it hereby is accepted with regret.
FURTHER RESOLVED that there be granted to Mr. Osborne,
terminal vacation or leave, with pay, of one month
from March 1, 1953, the date of his separation from
service with the Town of Mamaroneck.
The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing the publication
of his Annual Report.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor' s Annual Report
for the year 1952, be published in the Mamaro-
neck Daily Times on February 28th, 1953•
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that we, the Councilmen and Supervisor of the
Town Board of Mamaroneck wish to record this humble
expression of our profound sorrow by reason of the
death of our good citizen Councilman Kane' s mother,
Mrs. Gertrude V. Kane.
She was a resident of our Town for many years . Her
fine character and pleasing personality endeared her
to all who had the good fortune to know her, and her
loss will be deeply felt by us all. She leaves as a
great monument to her, a fine family who like herself,
has contributed generously to our Country and community
and, further, the dignity with which she bore her dis-
tress and losses, if possible, increases the admira-
tion which all felt for her.
An excellent citizen, a perfect wife and mother, a, con-
siderate and loyal friend, and a wholesouled Christain
woman has gone from among us. Her memory will live
long in the hearts of this community.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the Councilmen
and Supervisor of the Town Board of Mamaroneck, extend
to our Councilman Kane and his sister and brothers, our
heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement and that
the Town Clerk send to them a copy of this resolution
and also that it be spread upon the official records
of the Town.
Also on motion of the Supervisor it was agreed that the adjournment
of this meeting would be in memory of Mrs. Kane.
Councilman McKeever had nothing to report.
The Town Attorney presented the petition for an extension to Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck to be known as "Extension K"
which is the property owned by George R. Bishop, being developed by
Split Tree Realty Co. on the south side of Griffen Avenue, contain-
ing approximately 70 acres and which has a present assessed value
of $46,200 and is known as part of Block 304 Parcel 1 on the Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck.
He stated that a permit for sewer cor_struction had been granted by
the State Department of Health and the maps accompanying the same
also have been approved. He suggested that a public hearing should
be called upon notice as provided by the Town Law.
Upon motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane,
the following was adopted:
The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing the publication
of his Annual Report.
On notion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisors Annual Report
for the year 1952, be published in the Mamaro-
neck Daily Times on February 28th, 1953.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that we, the Councilmen and Supervisor of the
Town Board of Mamaroneck wish to record this humble
expression of our profound sorrow by reason of the
death of our good citizen Councilman Kane' s mother,
Mrs. Gertrude V. Kane.
She was a resident of our Town for many years. Her
fine character and pleasing personality endeared her
to all who had the good fortune to know her, and her
loss will be deeply felt by us all. She leaves as a
great monument to her, a fine family who like herself,
has contributed generously to our Country and community
and, further, the dignity with which she bore her dis-
tress and losses, if possible, increases the admira-
tion which all felt for her.
An excellent citizen, a perfect wife and mother, a con-
siderate and loyal friend, and a wholesouled Christain
woman has gone from among us . Her memory will live
long in the hearts of this community.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the Councilmen
and Supervisor of the Town Board of Mamaroneck, extend
to our Councilman Kane and his sister and brothers, our
heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement and that
the Town Clerk send to them a copy of this resolution
and also that it be spread upon the official records
of the Town.
Also on motion of the Supervisor it was agreed that the adjournment
of this meeting would be in memory of Mrs. Kane.
Councilman McKeever had nothing to report.
The Town Attorney presented the petition for an extension to Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck to be known as "Extension K"
which is the property owned by George R. Bishop, being developed by
Split Tree Realty Co. on the south side of Griffen Avenue, contain-
ing approximately 70 acres and which has a present assessed value
of $/. 6,200 and is known as part of Block 304 Parcel 1 on the Assess-
went Map of the Town of Mamaroneck.
He stated that a permit for sewer construction had been granted by
the State Department of Health and the maps accompanying the same
also have been approved. He suggested that a public hearing should
be called upon notice as provided by the Tohrh Law.
Upon motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane,
the following was adopted:
.r..xi.�.X.Fa.m-X� ..x-a.--XXXxx::a-xx-.vri,. ••• ••
IN THE MATTER of the Extension of Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck,
County of Westchester, State of New York.
IEFXrinnnnvn nT vvYVV�v vi v_v`xnn' �n n�n�ni ;�C iCy nt i� YX
'ri iC^fT riT X�.r: viE'ri Ctri�v i �i:A
WHEREAS, a petition purporting to be signed by the requisite
number of property owners as required by Section 191 of the Town
Law, petitioning the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck to create
an extension designated as Section K. to Sewer District No. 1 of
the Town of Mamaroneck, and to construct a sewer system therein,
said petition describing the boundaries of the proposed extension
and stating the maximum amount to be expended for proposed sewer
system to be constructed in said extension, together with a map
and plan prepared by Sal Spinelli, licensed surveyor, Mamaroneck,
N. Y. , entitled "General Plan of Sewers for Proposed Section 9K9
in an Extension of Sewer District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, N. Y.", showing the boundaries of the proposed
extension, a general plan of the proposed sewers to be constructed
therein, including all outlets and the terminus, course, and the
profiles of each proposed sewer or drain,and a schedule showing the
manner in which said sewer system will connect with and drain into
the trunk sewers of the Westchester County Sanitary Sewer Commis-
sion (Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District) has been filed in the
office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck on February
18, 1953; and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of said proposed extension of Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck are as follows:
BEGINNING at a point, being the northeast corner of lands now
or formerly of H. Kennedy and which point is distant 150 feet
from the southerly side of Griffin Avenue on a line running
at right angles to Griffin Avenue and running thence S . 410
9 5559 E . 250.34 feet to a point in the easterly boundary of
lands of Winged Foot Holding Corporation; thence S . 4® 429 209.
L1. 214.59 feet: S . 60 509 3644 W. 575 .06 feet to a monument,
S . 10® 349 2584 E. 503 . 60 feet, S . 80 404 2311 E. 1,123.63 feel-
to a rock marked with a cross, S . 810 164 W. 112.93 feet to a
monument and S . 80 404 20" E. 583 .23 feet to a point and lands
now or formerly of Fenimore Cooper Park Estates: running thence
along said land, N . 610 594 2499 W. 508. 89 feet to a point in
the easterly side of Lot No. 36 as shown on a certain map
entitled 84Section One Subdivision Map of Murdock Woods, pro-
perty of Theresa Berne, Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester Co. ,
IAI. Y.° , made by Guy Vroman, dated December 27, 1947 and filed
in the office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records,
formerly Register' s Office of Westchester County, New York,
February 16, 1948 as Map Number 6528; running thence along
the westerly side of Lots 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, and 26, in a
northerly and westerly direction, the following courses
and distances: On a curve to the left with a radius of 404
feet a distance of 293 .81 feet to a point of tangency; N. 270
009 W. 120 feet to a point of curve; on a curve to the left
with a radius of 170 feet a distance of 194.34 feet to a point
of tangency; S . 870 304 W. 140 feet to a point of curve; on a
curve to the right with a radius of 188 feet a distance of
175.54 feet to a point of tangency; and N. 390 009 W. 100
feet to the northeast corner of Lot 26 on the above described
map; running thence along the northerly line of Lot 26
aforesaid, S . 661 299 W. 183.58 feet to a point and land now
or formerly of Chase National Bank; running thence along
land now or formerly of Chase National Bank and land now or
1 CP�
formerly of Grace Rollins, N . 19° 341 4011 W. 243.31 feet
and Pi. 201 411 001t �1 1,111 .96 feet to a point on the
southerly line of land now or formerly of Elizabeth Gordon
Pearson; running thence along the southerly and easterly
line of said land of Pearson, N. 690 501 2011 E. 850.86 feet
and N . 140 301 W. 255 .45 feet; thence in a northeasterly
direction, 190 feet more or less; thence N. 480 501 0511 E.
170 feet(; thence N. 370 311 0517 E. 50.99 feet; thence N . 410
091 5511 . 125 .0 feet; thence N. 480 501 05t1 E. along lands
of Ackerman & Balta, Max Ealtz, C . Withington and H . Kennedy,
610 feet to the point or place of beginning . ; and
WHEREAS, said proposed extension is situated in the Totem of
Mamaroneck, wholly outside of any incorporated village; and
WHEREAS, the estimated amount to be expended in constructing
and completing the improvements proposed is to be borne by the owners
and developers of the property to be added to the Sewer District
and without expense to the Town of Mamaroneck,
At a regular meeting of the Town Board, to be
held on the 18th day of March, 1953, at 8: 15
P . M. , in the Council room of the Weaver Street
Fire House, Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue,
in the Town of Mamaroneck, the Town Board of
the Town of Mamaroneck will meet to consider
the said petition for the extension of Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying
in the said Town of Mamaroneck outside of incor-
porated `T-illages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck,
and to hear all persons interested in the subject
thereof, concerning the same.
The Town Attorney stated that he had received from Mr. Paul Orrico, a
request for issuance of a duplicate tax lien, which lien was sold May
27, 1936, for the 1935 taxes, covering premises known as Block 112,
Parcel 546 on the Tax Map of the Town, in the amount of $10.58.
This lien was originally sold to Bonded Municipal Corporation and was
purchased from them by Paul Orrico through an assignment, on or about
November 19, 1937, at which time, Mr. Orrico received, in addition to
the assignment, the original tax lien. An affidavit was submitted by
Mr. Orrico stating that he had lost this lien and assignment and is
unable to find either, and he had received from Bonded Municipal Cor-
poration, a duplicate assignment. Also submitted is an affidavit from
Mr. A. U. Rodney, President of Bonded Municipal Corporation, confirm-
ing the assignment of this lien and stating that he has been unable
to find the original.
Mr. Orrico requests that he be allowed to satisfy this lien without
the production of the original and for this purpose, requests that a
duplicate be issued. He has agreed to indemnify the Town against
any "loss occasioned by the production of the original.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever (Upon
recommendation of Mr. Delius) it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that duplicate lien, covering premises known as
Block 112 Parcel 546 (formerly known as Section 1, Block
28, Lot 1)+) on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town. of
Mamaroneck, sold to Bonded Municipal Corporation on
May 27, 1936, in the amount of $10.58 and thereafter
assigned by Bonded Municipal Corporation to Paul Orrico,
may be issued to Paul Orrico pursuant to the provisions
of the Westchester County Administrative Code, Chapter
852 of the Laws of 1948, Section 582, in order that this
duplicate lien may be surrendered to the Receiver of
Taxes, together with a satisfaction, so that the
same may be cancelled of record.
The Town Attorney read a letter from Mr. Bernard L. Miller, stating
that he would accept $1,650. for the strip in front of his property
at 286 Weaver Street, corner of Heather Lame, for the construction
of a sidewalk but that, in addition, he wanted a contract or agree-
ment providing for the following:
(1) An anchor wire fence, 4 feet in height of suitable type
for residential property, which is to be erected along the new
line of his property after the taking on Weaver Street and also
on Heather Lane.
(2) Trees to be cut down and removed from the area to be taken.
(3) The wire fence to be properly planted with evergreen
shrubs and climbing roses to provide privacy.
(L,) Legal expenses to be assumed by the Town of Mamaroneck.
After discussion, the Town Attorney was authorized to make a contract
for the acquisition of the necessary strip for the sidewalk upon the
terms stated in Mr. Miller' s letter.
The Town Attorney presented Mr. T. H. Allen of the Westchester Shore
Humane Society who, he stated, wished to appear and address the
Board in co- ection with the contract for impounding and care of
The usual contract, the Attorney stated, had been signed in January
of this year in form identical to that used in previous years, but
this contract was returned on January 12th, by the Commission of
Agriculture and Markets with the notation that the contract could
not be approved unless it contained a clause providing that the
Humane Society would comply with all provisions of Section 5A of
the Public Health Law of the State of New York (Metcalfe-Hatch Act,
Chapter 96 of the Laws of 1952) .
The Attorney further stated that the Society, in view of the declared
purpose of this law, refuses to accept this amendment to the con-
tract and, instead, is contesting the constitutionality and validity
of the Metcalfe Hatch Act and that, although decisions so far have
been against the Society, they intend to litigate the matter further
by way of trial and appeal.
Mr. Allen, he said, had prepared a new contract which he wishes
to substitute for the one previously signed and which he suggests
that the Town sign and forward to the State Department of Agricul-
ture and Markets with the request that it be approved.
Mr. Allen then addressed the Board and explained the matter in de-
tail and submitted the contract which he said was fair and reasonable
insofar as it accepted the provisions of the Public Health Law but
reserved the Society' s rights to contest the validity of the Act in
the Courts. He produced the new contract which is with the West-
chester Shore Humane Society rather than with the Westchester County
Dog Protective Association, Inc., which was - the contracting party
in the former agreement. He stated that this change had been made
because the former was already involved in litigation whereas the
latter had not, as yet, contested the law.
Mr. Embury and the Town Attorney agreed that the Town Board should
do whatever possible to assist the Society in getting its contract
approved so that the services heretofore rendered by the Humane
Society can be continued.
Upon motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign and execute, on behalf of the Town,
the contract now submitted by the Westchester Shore
Humane Society for the impounding and care of dogs
for the year 1953.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to forward this
contract to the Department of Agriculture and
Markets for approval, with the request that favorable
action be taken.
Mr. Harry Alpiar, 132 Chatsworth Avenue, again appeared and addressed
the Board in connection with a proposed swimming pool to be jointly
built and operated by the Village of Larchmont and Town of Mamaro-
neck. He said he would like to suggest that if the pool becomes
an actuality, that it be named as a living memorial to the War
He also said he believed the Town Board should appropriate $500 and
he hoped the Village of Larchmont would appropriate a like amount
to be used in making a survey of the swimming pool situation.
After discussion, on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by
Councilman Kane, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED (:i£ the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Larchmont concurs) that the Town of Mamaroneck appro-
priate the sum of $500 for the employment of a compe-
tent engineer or engineers to make a survey of loca-
tions suitable and available for a swimming pool and
study of the cost for constructing a swimming pool
adequate to accommodate the residents of the Unincor-
porated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck and the
Village of Larchmont.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this appropriation is contingent
upon the appropriation of a similar amount by the
Village of Larchmont for the same purpose.
FURTHER RESOLVED that such appropriation, if made, be
made from General Town Surplus available for the purpose.
The Clerk submitted a letter from Mr. E. B. Van Hook, 7n. , Presi-
dent of the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association, replying to a
letter addressed to him by Mr. Gronberg, stating that he would be
happy to serve on the committee appointed by the Town Board to work
with the committee appointed by the Village Board of Larchmont, to
study the matter of a jointly owned and operated swimming pool in
this area. Mr. Van Hook was present at this meeting.
Mr. Price Topping appeared to ask if any action had been taken on
the matter of the application by some residents of the Howell-
Park section, to have the so-called 91Smith" property on Palmer
Avenue re-zoned by this Board.
The Supervisor said the Board members had visited the property and
Mr. Delius is analyzing the situation.
Mr. Topping said he would like to have assurance that there will be
a public hearing on the matter.
Mr. Frank O'Donnell also was anxious that a date be set for a
public hearing.
Mr. William G. Ball, Jr., 19 Concord Avenue, representing the Sixth
District Home Owners' Association, said he would support Mr.
O 'Donnell' s request.
Mr. Theodore S. Bates, /+0 Pine Brook Drive, representing the Pine
Brook Association, said his associates are vitally interested in
the question of zoning. He is not familiar with this situation but
thinks possibly the whole zoning situation should be reviewed and
cleared up.
Councilman Kane announced that he feels there is an ethical issue
The Supervisor suggested that at the next meeting, the builder might
be in a position to come before the Board and give some idea of
his position.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned in memory of
the late Mrs . Gertrude V. Kane, at 9: 55 P . M. , to meet again on the
18th of March, 1953, and immediately re-convened as the Board of
Fire Commissioners.
The Clerk presented the Fire Report for January, 1953, and the Fire
Inspector' s Report for January, 1953 .
The Clerk presented the Fire Department. claims, which had been
approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller, and on
motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
the same out of the budget for the Fire Department:
William K. Fordyce $ 56.75
Free Parking Gas Station 57.35
M. Jacobs, Locksmith 4.75
Librandi Bros. 63.45
McGuire Bros., Inc. 7.50
Mamaroneck Lumber & Supply Co. , Inc. 1.25
New York Telephone Company 79.43
Peter A. Turco 12.00
Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 7.63,
Hydrant Rental
Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 2,330.89
Total $2,621.50
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
adjourned at 10 P . M. , to meet again on March 18th, 19 3.
easterly along the Westerly line of Winged Foot
Holding Corporation to the Northeasterly corner
of Lot 29 on the above mentioned Map of Fenimore
Cooper Park, Section I'D?' ; thence in a Southwesterly
direction to a point in the Easterly line of Feni-
more Road, the point or place of beginning.
WHEREAS, said proposed extension is situated in the Town of
Mamaroneck wholly outside of any incorporated village; and
WHEREAS, the estimated amount to be expended in construcing and
completing the improvements proposed is $2,500,
At a regular meeting of the Town Board to be held on the
6th of August, 1952, at 8: 15 P. M. , in the Council Room
at the Weaver Street Fire House, Weaver Street and Edge-
wood Avenue, in the Town of Mamaroneck, the Town Board
of Mamaroneck will meet to consider the said petition for
the extension of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of
Mamaroneck lying in the said Town of Mamaroneck, outside
of incorporated Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, and
to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof,
concerning the same.
Section 2. A copy of such Order together with a Certi-
ficate by the Town Clerk showing the date of the adoption
of the same, shall be published once, i.e. on the 21st of
July, 1952, which is not less than 10 nor more than 20 days
--- before the date set therein for the hearing, in the Daily
Times, the official newspaper in the Town of Mamaroneck,
and shall be posted in 5 public places within the proposed
extension to Sewer District No. 1 and also on the Bulletin
Board at the Town Clerk' s Office, 158 West Boston Post
Road, in the Village of Mamaroneck, not less than 10
nor more than 20 days before the date of said hearing.
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, the
foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Kane and Waterman
NOES: None
The Town Attorney reported that he had received no word from the
Winged Foot Golf Club with respect to connecting its sewer with the
Town sewer line in Fenimore Road.
The Superintendent of Highways was instructed to see Messrs . LeFurgy
and Otis regarding this matter.
Supervisor Mandeville submitted 2 claims from Consolidated Edison
Company, one for the month of April in the amount of $1,935 .39 and
the other for the month of May, in the amount of $1,882.89. These
claims had been figured at the increased rates.
After discussion the Board members agreed that these claims would
be paid under protest.
Following discussion and upon recommendation of the Town Attorney,
on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to pay, under protest, to Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, for street lighting,
the sum of $1,935®39 for the month of April, 1952
and the sum of $1,882.89 for the month of May, 1952.
The Town Attorney reporting on the matter of the Railroad lease,
stated that at the last meeting the Board had passed a resolution
generally approving the lease subject to a public referendum, and the
period within whicn it could be protested expires on the 15th of July.
Following a lengthy discussion of the provisions of the lease, on
motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was
RESOLVED that upon expiration of the Notice of the
adoption of the resolution approving a lease with
the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Com-
pany for parking space at the Larchmont Railroad
Station, as adopted by this Board at its meeting
held June 11, 1952, and which was published on
June 1/+, 1952, the Supervisor is authorized to sign
the lease in form approved by the Town Attorney,
the same to be effective as of August 1, 1952 •
There being no further business the Board adjourned at 10 P. M. to
meet again on August 6, 1952, and immediately reconvened as the Board
of Fire Commissioners.
To Cler
Supervisor Mandeville informed the Board members that he had invited
Fire Chief Erickson and Fire Inspector Burton to the meeting for the
purpose of reporting on fire conditions generally throughout the Town.
Chief Erickson reported that he had located 2 violations.
Inspector Burton said he believed the Chief had reference to the Avon
more Apartment, located on the Boston Post Road. He said that he, him_
self, had had a great deal of trouble with this apartment because of
the fact that the Superintendent is employed on a part-time basis. He
had made 6 inspections of this building during the last 10 days after
he had found refuse in the incinerator to the height of the second
floor. He contacted the owner of the apartment house and understands
that a new superintendent is to be employed on a full-time basis and
the boiler room is to be made fire-proof.
Chief Erickson went on to report on the icebox situation in the Larch-
mont Acres Apartments. He said the boxes are old and, he has been
told, are badly abused by the tenants. He, together with Inspector
— Burton, had talked with the Manager of the Acres who said he would do
what he can about the situation, and agreed, upon recommendation of
the Chief and the Inspector, that an inspection would be made of all
The Supervisor informed the Chief and Inspector that the Town Board
sits as the Board of Fire Commissioners and is desirous of acting be-
fore anything happens and this can only be done upon the recommendation
of the Chief and Inspector. He went on to say that the Board of Fire
Commissioners is responsible to the people, and if it is a question of
additional help or added pressure being brought by the legal department,
it can be done. He said, "We want no excuses if anything happens.
Let' s correct it at the present time" .
Again reverting to the subject of the Avonmore Apartments, Chief
Erickson said that another inspection would be made the following morning.
Inspector Burton stated that the over-all picture, with regard to fire
conditions in the Town, is excellent.
The Supervisor asked about conditions existing in the rear of the
Plaza buildings which he believes constitute a fire hazard.
Mr. Burton said it had been at his request that the Garbage Department
of the Town make an extra pickup at this building.
The Supervisor submitted a report on the cost of rubbish collection for
June 16 and 17 and July 1 and 2.
It was decided that the stores there, (notably Gristede? s) are entitled
to no more service than any resident in the Town and any necessary
extra pick-ups should be made by private carriers.
Inspector Burton said he would so notify the Manager of Gristedees store.
Chief Erickson and Inspector Burton then retired from the meeting.
The Clerk presented the Fire Report for June, 1952.
- Mr. Waterman presented the Fire Department claims which had been approved
by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller.
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they
hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller
be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the
budget for the Fire Department:
A & A Automotive Co. 7.29
Consolidated Edison Company of New York 32.33
Coretti-Gross, Inc. 32.14
Fire Chiefse Emergency Plan of West. Co. 50.00
The Free Parking Gas Station 85.85
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 5.00
G . W. Merrell 39.50
New York Telephone Company 32.00
Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 4.29
Wesco Fire Equipment & Service 198.52
Total $486.92
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Board of
Fire Commissioners adjourned at 10:30 P. M. to meet again on August 6,
own lerk