HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_12_17 Town Board Minutes 97 I II i AR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARO- NECK, S OF A REGULAR E WEAVER STREET NECK, DECEMBER 17, 1952, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE 1vEA _ _a �CK 9 FIRE EIOUSE, -0OV-Y OF MAMARONECK. Supervisor Mandeville called the .neeting to order at 8: 15 P . M . III PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Embury, Kane, W aterman.9 and McKeever ABSENT: None Presence was also noted of the Town Clerk, Mr. Gronberg, and the Town Attorney, Mr. Delius. As this meeting had been advertised as a public hearing to consider the application o£ quinto Building Corp. to re-zone premises owned by that corporation and known on the Tax Assessment Map as Block 133, Parcel 242; Block 133, Parcel 229; Block 133, Parcel 214; Block 133, Parcel 256; Block 133, Parcel 209; Block 133, Parcel 204; Block 133, Parcel 264; Block 1332 Parcel 267; Block 133, Parcel 199; Block 133, Parcel 269; Block 133, Parcel 186; Block 133, Parcel 274; and Block 133, Parcel 179, there were a number Of people present (approximately 150) and the Supervisor welcomed them on behalf of the Board. He said he was happy to see the display of interest in the government of the Town, and the Board would dispense with the regular order of hearing . business and proceed wit!--' the public of p ublication of the Notice of tied affidavit The sown Clerk submitted Public b Hearing and affidavit of mailing of the Notice to the West- chester County Park Commission., Mr. Delius described and located the property under consideration. -- Mr. Leo Fish, 8 Huguenot Drive, wanted 10 know now long this property has beer_ owned by its present owners. Mr. Delius said the property had been sold by the Town at its last auction sale, about 2 months ago . those -recce Mr. Mandeville said the Board would hear first, r rs wished to be heard in favor of this application. Mr. Nathan Shuman, an attorney, with an office at 271 North Avenue, New Rochelle, represented the applicant and submitted a picture of the proposed 2-story apartment building . Mr . Shuman said he would like to clear up what he believes is an erroneous impression about the property, and then went on to describe it as being 200 feet front on Chatsworth Avenue between Garfield Street and Adams Street, and bounded on the west by a "four-fa-oily ramshackle building" . The land is low and within one block of 6-story aaartments. The contemplated building, he said-, will be not more than a 2-story, garden-type apartment house, occupying not more than 60% of the land area.. He believes it would improve the appearance of the area, and would raise considerable taxes for the Town. It had been carried as tax exempt while owned by the Town. It was purchased been Town at a public sale somewhere between 30 and 90 days ago . ble agreement to restrict They are willing to enter into any reasona . the property and protect the Town and the entire location. He said he understood that Mr. Carnoy had, at one time, offered to purchase this property from the Town (if the property could be re- zoned) but the contract had never been consumated. III 99 1 I Mr. Richard Fisk, 10 Oxford Road; Mr . Allen K. Strong, 100 Madison Avenue; and Mr. Richard S . Cowen, 46 Vine Road, asked questions about possible plans, etc. Mr. Irwin Rosenzweig, representing the application, explained that the proposed building would be a luxury type apartment and would rent for about $50. a room. He said there seemed to have been some sort of a misunderstanding which resulted when one of their representatives remarked to a resident of the neighborhood, "If the persons now existing in this neighborhood were to build 'houses, would you be better off than with the type of apartment we contemplate building?'p He said the building would front on North Chatsworth Avenue. Mr. Frank X. O'Donnell, Jr. , 100 Palmer Avenue, asl.ed how many garages would be built to accommodate the apartment and was told the owners would build whatever was required by the Zoning Ordinance of the Town and Federal or State regulations . Mr . O'Donnell then asked if the present owner had known what the assessed value had been at the time they purchased the property. Mr. Rosenzweig answered that they had known the assessment was $10,500. ?sir . T . D . Poucher, S Roosevelt Avenue; Mr. Harry Bachreich, Edgewood Avenue; Mr. W. C . Geoghegan, L,.6 North Chatsworth Avenue; Mr. Julian Bers, 9 Lafayette Road; and Mr. Sidney Bierman, 54 Maple Hill Drive, t hahges whether there had been any understanding pin c asked about �o -� , , g with the Town at the time of the sale, etc. The applicant replied that there had not been any understanding. The Supervisor then suggested that one person should speak for the group opposing the a h lication and Mr. Rex_ Ricardi, 15 Lafayette ,u p Road, so spoke,. Mr. Ricardi said he was both confused and overwhelmed by the "marvelous turnout" . He said he would gladly speak for the Lafayette Road section and would vigorously oppose the changing of zoning of property in the locality of property which "I purchased and invested money in" . He went on, "we are all refugee cliff dwellers. We came to Larc'miont to give our children a little more room and to enjoy the luxury of a seat in the train going to and from our daily toil. I thin? these people are presumptious in coining into this community without any preliminary investigation and having the temerity to come before this body of men and tell them - " 'we bought a piece of property in An "A1l zone and 'want it changed to "B" so we can make some money and get out' . Some one went into one of my neighbors' houses and he did make a statement which is un-American and in my judgment, odious and invidious . There was some mention made of Mr. Carnoy. He has been a neighbor of ours for some 3 years . As a builder, he made some fair contributions to the development of this area. He had the same idea are we going g I as these builders and we fought him as vigorously as 5 0 t h was a neighbor and friend. you, ate she fact that � e o to fight ou II � J , p "Mr. Chairman, you will earn the everlasting gratitude of every public- spirited_ citizen of this community if that area, were devoted to recrea- bona l facilities in the form of a park and in all deference to that wonderful colony in Long Island, let us not 'Jackson Heights' Larchmont" . Mr. Leo Fish, S Huguenot Drive, said he hoped the application would be denied. Mr. Frank O 'Donnell said he is a. -nember of the Howell Park Associa- tion and he knows how that organization feels about this matter . He analyzed the tax situation in relation to apartment houses, by -leans of a chart which he said had been prepared by Mrs . Louis M. Bernstein, 1 Huguenot Drive. 1®1 li li Mr. Joseph B. wise, 74 Edgewood Avenue, felt that a vote should be taken at once. Mr. George D . Burchell, 30 Stoneyside Drive, said he has been a resi- dent of the community for many years and among other civic offices, had had held that of Chairman of the Zoning Board. He said the residents of Larchmont Gardens are opposed to this application as they feel that, among other reasons, it would be a flagrant case of spot zoning . He believes the burden of proof is on the petitioner _ to establish that there is a need for re-zoning. He feels that a study or survey should be made of the entire Town regarding zoning and the traffic situation and it is a matter which should be handled very cautiously. He feels the application should be denied. Mr. Robert Parsons, 42 North Chatswor th Avenue s pointed out that not only has Larchmont a great many attractive homes, but also that it has very few unattractive homes. He feels that the word "garden" is a misnomer when applied to apartments and that any likeness "between e garden and these apartments is purely coincidental." Mr. Joseph L . Seely, 8 Serpentine Trail, said he represented. 100 mem- bers of the Pine Brook Association at this meeting, all of whom feel this application should be denied. Mr. william, G . Ball, 19 Concord Avenue, representing the 6th District Home Owners, Association, wished to oppose the application and said•n the III' he had talked with Mr . T . J . Ahern, Superintendent of Schools r Town, who more or less verified what Mr. O'Donnell had said concerning the possible overcrowding of the school rooms® Mr. Price H . Topping, 32 Carlson Avenue, President of the Howell Park op behalf of that Association a�„ear in b Association, said he did rot r those he had r 1 ti - vc_ al a meeting . Howe , as there had been no time for s he application should be denied. He believes there eel t Illi contacted, f PP --- should be a thorough study made, perhaps a planning commission should. be created. Mr. Edmund B. Van Hook, 198 Weaver Street, represented the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association, and said he wanted to go on record as opposing the application on behalf of the organization. Mr. William J . McWilliams, 99 Willow Avenue, said "even as far as Woodbine Avenue, being a part of the Town, we are directly affected." His association, the Woodbine Park Association, would like to see apartments limited to 2 1/2 garden type apartments, throughout the Town. The Supervisor said the Board would take the matter under advisement and render a decision in due time. Mr. Shuman requested permission to reply to some of the remarks which had been made. He said the property cannot be used for residential property and he believes it would be only fair to have a representative meet with the builder and try "to get together" . Mr. William Geoghegan, 46 :north Chatsworth Avenue, also suggested that the property might be turned into a playground and said he would be willing to contribute $100. if a group would get together and purchase the property and then turn it over to the Town. Mr. Simon Hauser, 45 Eton Road, said, 11Larchmont is one of few towns which has not been commercialized and this meeting c fully demonstrates that we want to keep it the way it is." I j 103 I II I Mr. Julian Bers presented petitions requesting that the application be denied. There being no one else who wished to address the Board, the Super- visor declared the public hearing closed in order that the Board might proceed with the usual order of business. Mr. Price Topping presented a petition, dated December 161 1952, and signed by 47 residents of the Town of Mamaroneck, petitioning the Town Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck and to change the map accompanying and forming a part of said Ordinance, so as to change the zoning of Block 4.01 Parcel 1, from "B-2 Residential" to "A-Residential°' . Mr. Delius was asked to explain the Town' s position. He said that until a permit is granted, the Town can re-zone the pro- perty after a public hearing, and assuming that, after such hearing, the Town Board decided to re-zone said property, the owner could then, having purchased it prior to the re-zoning, naturally apply to the Zoning Board for a variance on the theory that he had a case of hardship, since he had purchased the property with the intention of erecting an apartment house, and in the event the Zoning Board refused to grant the variance, the owner would have the right to review its decision in Court. Mr. Fred L . Maggini, 87 Palmer Avenue, said he was appearing in sup- port of the petition. The Supervisor informed Mr. Topping that the Board would study the matter. Mr. M. P . Medwick, 77 Cooper Lane, appeared and presented an estimate for an 8" main in Fenimore Road from Cornell Street to his property — known as Block 301, Parcel 1, approximately 500 feet south. The estimate is in the amount of $1,847®68 and includes material, labor, and supervision for laying this main in the bed of Fenimore Road. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1, be:_.and. he hereby is authorized to install an $f° main in Fenimore Road from Cornell Street to property of M. P . Medwick, known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 301, Parcel 13 approximately 500 feet south, provided M. P . Medwick pays to the Westchester Joint Water Norks, No. 1, ' the sum of $1,847.68. FURTHER RESOLVED that refund up to 90% of revenues derived from the sale of water to customers along this line or extension, be made to M. P . Medwick for a period of 10 years, or until the total amount of the deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur. Mr. William M. Gross, representing the Griffin Development Corp. made ment application for the installation of a water main in his development known as Stonewall Lane. The pipe is to connect with the water main in Old White Plains Road and to run into Stonewall Lane, a distance of approximately 600 feet north, to service houses to be constructed by the Griffin Development Corp. 1 105 I An estimate from the Water Company gives a price of $2, 515 .04 to install a 649 water main in Stonewall Lane up to and including connec- tion to Fairway Drive, Prince Willows, Town of Mamaroneck. On motion by Councilman ?McKeever, seconded. by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the usual agreement between the Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1, William M. Gross, and the Town of Mamaroneck for the -- t installation of a 61' water main in a private st ee n norm as Stonewall L ane, u p to and including connection to F ,' , Fairway Drive Prince Willows, Town of Mamaroneck, provided the owner deposit x,21515 .04 with t West- chester U I chester Joint Water Works, No. 1, to cover costs. FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreement provide that refund up to 90% of revenues derived from the sale of water to customers along this line or extension, d of 10 ears be made for a peso years, or until the total deposit is refunde d whichever event amount of the depo i , shall first occur. FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement and the installa- tion of the water line, are conditioned upon convey- ance to the Town of a proper pipe easement. The matter of the application of Mr. Walter Hager, 21 Kenmare Road., for a sidewalk curb cut permit, was next on the agenda, but inasmuch as neither Mr. Hager nor his attorney were present, it was decided that this would be put over until the second meeting in January. Mr. Hager will be so notified. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the minutes of December 2nd were approved as presented. The Town Clerk presented and read a letter, dated December 162 1952, ` en Superintendent of Highways, recommending that the 0 BrA from Mr . P f , s request of Mr. Irwin Guttag for installation o� a street light on q _ � has submitted Edison Company an Briar Close, for whm.en the Consolidated Ediso p Y an estimate of x51. , be granted. This request has also been approved by the Chief of Police . On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is instructed to authorize the installa- tion by the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Briar Close Inc. , of a street light o n B , in the amount of $51. for labor and material as per estimate re- ceived by that Company. The Town Clerk presented an agreement with the County of Westchester for removal of snow on County roads for the winter- season of 1952- 1953 at a flat rate of $200. per mile. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement with the County of Westchester for the removal of snow from the County roads within the Unincorporated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a flat rate of $200. per mile. I 1 107 The Clerk presented a letter, dated December 17, 1952, received from Mr. Orsino, Comptroller, requesting authorization to transfer funds within the 1952 budget and from surplus funds . Following discussion, and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the Comptroller and Supervisor be and they hereby are directed to make transfers _ within the 1952 Budget and from Surplus Funds as follows: GENERAL TOWN Department of Town Offices_ To: Telephone 50.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 300.00 Department of Elections To: Inspectors & Clerks 63.50 Labor - Temporary 56.11 Transportation & Equipment 111.26 New Equipment & Supplies 59.53 Department of Assessor To: Travel Expense 23 . 53 New Maps 62`05 i Department of Law To: Travel Expense 55 °44 Office Supplies, Searches, etc. 550.00 Department of Justices of the Peace To: Supplies 25. 00 Department of Engineers To: Temporary Help 1, 250.00 Department of Miscellaneous Ex-cenditures To: Publishing Notices & Reports 150.00 Department of Elections From: Instruction Meeting 6.00 Rental of Polling Places 120 Re-canvass Voting Machines 4 Special Elections 50®00 Rental of Voting Machines 54.41 -- Department of Assessor From: Addressograph Plates & Sur_.plies 55 .61 Department of Justices of the Peace From: Stenographic Charges 25 '00 Department of Engineers From: Junior Engineering Aid 11250.00 Town Engineer (P . T .) 11025 .23 1 Department of Miscellaneous Expenditures From: Insurance & Surety Bonds } 150.00 OUTSIDE VILLAGES DISTRICT Department of Police To: Police Patrolmen 96.87 Traffic Signals & Signs 900 .00 - Water 5 .9v Miscellaneous 115 .00 Building Supplies 65 . 78 Repairs to Headquarters 150 .00 Fuel Oil 420.68 Gasoline & Oil Office Supplies -465 -00 Clothing Repairs & Maintenance of Autos 1,025 .00, Radio Maintenance & New Equipment 400.00 From: Insurance 594.87 Travel Expense 190.13 Equipment 70.30 Range Supplies 150"06 Retirement System Contributions 981.06 New Cars & Cycles Department of Miscellaneous Expenditures From: Shade Tree Fund 1,009.00 Surplus Funds 499 '73 Garbage District No. 1 To: Dump Maintenance 500.00 New Truck 3,107 .05 From: Wages 825 .00 Insurance 175 .66 Rat Control 210.00 106. 3 Retirement Fund Contributions 4 Equipment Rental 190 .00 Incineration 730.09 Gas & Oil 70.00 Surplus Funds 11389 .87 Fire District 110. 1 To: Insurance 48' 55 . Gasoline & Oil 125 -00 Materials, Supplies & Equipment 350.00 Fire Inspection & Convention Expenses 156. 12 Equipment Repairs 100.00 From: Light 75 .00 100.00 Fuel Telephone & Alarm System 200.00 Retirement Fund Contributions 194.18 -- Clothing 185 .49 Miscellaneous 25 .00 Pare District No. 1 To: Light, Power, Leases 40.00 Office Supplies 25 .00 bs Supplies 2 .00 o 75 Materials, Shrubs, III, Repairs to Building 35 -00 G 5 .00 Repairs to Equipment I I i i From: Capital Improvement & Replacement 900.00 Sewer District No. 1 To: Materials, Supplies, etc. 750.00 Pump Station Maintenance 650.00 From: Wages 300.00 Services, Town Engineer 700.00 400 .00 Surplus Funds The Clerk submitted the following reports which were received and filed; Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, November, 1952 Attendance Report, November, 1952 The Clerk presented the following applications for dance hall per- mits which applications have been approved by the Building Inspector, Fire Inspector and Chief of Police: The Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc. Winged Foot Golf Club, Inc. Waller' s Post Lodge On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane it was unanimously RESOLVED that the applications of the hereinafter named applicants for dance hall licenses for the year 1953, be and they hereby are approved and the Town Clerk is herebv directed to issue the same: The Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc. -- Winged Foot Golf Club, Inc. Waller' s Post Lodge Councillman Kane reported that the list he is preparing, of per- sons serving in the armed Forces from the Unincorporated Town, is nearing co_npletion. It is his intention to recommend that an honor roll be erected containing the names of these men and women. Mr . Embury submitted a letter from the Police Commission containing bids for winter uniforms and a recommendation from the Police Com- mission. There were 3 bids for winter uniforms, coats and trousers for the Police Department, as follows: Brooks Uniform Company $463.50 Caleb Smith 457.50 Merson Uniform Coi pany 492.75 After some discussion of these bids, it was decided that Mr. Embury would discuss them with the Police Commission. Councilman McKeever presented the following petitions received I from the Assessor- for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: IL II' 113 I WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions,-for the correction of the Assessment Roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 132 435 Nicoletta Casciaro 31300 5,000 11,300 Perciasepe Assunta be corrected as follows in accordance with the Pr ovisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: III Block Parcel name Land Improvement Total 132 435 N . Perciasepe and/or 900 900 132 458 Assunta Casciaro 1,200 1, 200 132 463 N. Perciasepe 1,200 81000 9,200 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 206 208 Charles G . Williams 8,050 10,000 18,050 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 206 208 Charles G . Williams 11200 1,200 206 240 Jean C . Tennay 11200 10,000 11, 200 206 258 Charles G . Williams 51650 51050 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 211 334 Greta Goldsmiths 11800 III be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 211 334 Greta Goldsmith 900 --- 211 337 Ernest Aschner & W. 900 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roil of 1952, taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: 115 I I I Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 314 48 Alfred J . Poccia 81600 102000 18,600 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 314 48 Alfred J . Poccia . 4,600 4' 600 314 72 Ludwig F . Hug 4,000 10,000 141000 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land on!y 326 1 Sam Paonessa 4, 000 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 326 1 & 44 Sam Paonessa 3,000 326 20 Rudolf E . M achen & W. 11000 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1 95 , taxe s of 1 ,53 which shows property now 2 9 appearing on the roll as follows. Blocs Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 501 311 F . Grovesnor Smith & ti . 2,050 10,450 12, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imoroveme_nt Total 501 311 F. Grovesnor Smith 1,750 10,450 12,200 501 330 Dominick J . Littieri & W. 300 I FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 720 174 Robert G . Cuskley &. W. 13,000 10,000 23,000 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 720 174 Robert G . Cuskley & W. 8,000 10,000 18,000 720 204 Ralph E . O' Connell & V. 4,900 4'900 s G _._ 720 214 Robert Hollister & W. 100 I FURTHER RTriER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1952, taxes of 1953, whicn shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: I 317 I I Block Parcel Name Land onl:,r 950 69 8; 96 Greacen Estates, Inc . µ11,800 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: -- Land only Block Parcel Name 950 69 Edmund La Voie 950 96 Cove Estates, Inc . 8,100 The Town Attorney explained to the Board, in connection with the pur- chase by Sales Management, Inc. of property known as Block_ 224, Par- cels 771 and 772, which was sold at auction on June 11, 1952 and con- sists of a narrow strip and a triangular piece of property lying between Bonnie Briar Lane and the former Bill property, that the Title Company had determined that the strip was not owned by Rock- ledge Holding Corp. from whom the Town had accepted a deed in lieu of foreclosure in 1947, but that the property is owned by a defunct tor- s poration, Rockland Knolls, Inc. , and that attorneys for the purchasers, (Sales Management Corp.) had straightened this matter out by obtaining from the President of Rockland Knolls, Inc . , a deed running to the Town, with the idea that this should be recorded and. the Town then close the matter on the original basis . He was authorized to pro- ceed as suggested. On the matter of the Weaver Street sidewalk, he reported that he had received a letter from Jean Higgins conta.ining aqualified acceptance of the bid of "1,250 but that Bernard Miller had not as yet accepted the offer made to him, pending some arrangement satisfactory to him, - - regarding the replacement of the fence. In connection with the acceptance of Leafy Lane as a Town street, Mr . Delius stated that efforts over a. period of 6 months to obtain signa- l tures from property owners on that street to a deed giving title to the Town, had been unsuccessful and that only a few of the necessary 1 parties had signed. He suggested that it might be possible to accept this street by resolution under the provisions of the Highway Law, Section 189, on the theory that it had been used for 20 years. After discussion with the Board, he was authorized to proceed on this theory and obtain, if possible, affidavits from persons having knowledge of the fact, that this street had been publicly used for 20 years. The Town Attorney also ,resented a proposed 'notice for holding a public hearing on the amendment of certain ordinances, i.e. the taxicab ordinance with respect to permits, the dance hall ordinance, and the ordinance concerning dogs running at large. After some discussion with the Board, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish a notice for a public hearing to be held January 7th. After discussion, on 'motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Council- man McKeever, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the application of Quinto Building Corp. to re-zone the area between North Chatsworth Avenue, Adams Street, and Garfield Street, known on the Tax Assessment flap of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 133; Parcels 242, 229, 214, 2565 209, 204, 264, 267, 199, 269, 186, 274, and 179, from District E-Residential to District B-Residential Apartments, be and it hereby is denied. I I I The Town Clerk was instructed to publish a request for bids for 1 - 1947 Ford Pick-up, Engine No 17'08047, which the Tower has for sale . There being no further business to come before the Board, the meet- ing was adjourned at 10:45 P . M. , to meet again on January 71 1953, and Lamediately re-convened as the Board. of Fire Commissioners . Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Department claims, which had been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller, and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: I Reginald Jubb Garage $112.29 Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co . , Inc. 163 .59 Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y. 45 .00 McGuire Bros. , Inc. t Merrell G . ,,T. Merre 3.24 70 . 50 Merson Clothes, Inc. 67.05 Mitchell Oil Corp. 37,50 New York Telephone Company 12.00 The Seed Store Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 µ29 Total $523 .05 councilman Waterman presented the Fire Reports for October and. Novem- ber, 1952, and the Fire Inspector° s Report for November, 1952• There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10: 50 P . M. , to meet again on January 7, 1953 . mown C rk I� _