HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_11_19 Town Board Minutes 73 ilVUTES OF A REGULAR A'iEETING OF THE TO?v2T BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MATiARO- NECK_, HELD NOVEMBER 195 19525 IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE, TOWN OF MAMP_RO_NECK. Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M. PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Embury and Waterman ABSENT: Councilmen Kane and McKeever Presence was also noted of Mr. Delius, Town Attorney; Mr. Gronberg, Town Clerk; Mr. Finson, Tom Accountant; and Mr. O'Brien, Superintendent of Highways. The Town. Clerk presented and read a letter, dated November 19, 19521 received from Quinto Building Corp., requesting a change in zoning from "A" to t1B99 on the following premises: Block 133, Parcels 186, 199, 204, 209, 2295 242, 2565 2645 2675 269, and 214. The letter stated that it is the intention of the corporation to erect garden_ type apartments, After discussion the Town Clerk and Attorney were instructed to pub- lish and post a notice of Public Hearing for December 17th. The application of Mr. falter Hager to construct a driveway into his premises at 21 Kenmare Road, was put over until the meeting of December 17th. The following reports were received and filed: Town Clerk' s Report, October, 1952 Report of Westchester- Shore Humane Society, October, 1952 Attendance Report, October, 1952 Councilman Embury said he had nothing to report for his departments. Mr. Vincent Marinelli, 7 Leafy Lane, appeared to learn the Board' s decision with regard to the fence he proposes to erect in the rear of his premises. Councilman Embury said he had looked at the situation and is strongly in favor of the fence . Councilman Waterman said he too had visited the premises and he is opposed to a solid wooden fence. ' I Messrs. Venerose and Allerton, neighbors of Mr. Marinelli, were present to urge permission for the erection of the fence. Councilman Waterman said he would again visit the premises and let the Clerk know his final decision. The Clerk was instructed to contact Councilmen Kane and McKeever to learn their feelings in the matter, and then to pass along the Board' s decision to Mr. Marinelli. The Supervisor said that during a recent storm, power had been shut off in the Police Station where a court and meeting were in session, -- and the Homelite generator carried all the electricity requirements in the building, including the radio, until current was restored. The Supervisor presented a resolution received from the Village of Mamaroneck with a. request for approval of their sale of property acquired by their foreclosure proceeding in rem. 75 On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, through the institution of an action in the County Court of Westchester County, entitled "In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens pursuant to Article VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village of Mamaroneck, List of Delin- quent Taxes for 1945" has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaro- neck held tax liens on said parcels of real property; and IiHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law, an agreement was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck which, among other things, set forth the interests of said municipalities in the properties teirg foreclosed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales.• and WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck has, pursuant to an agreement had with the Town of Mamaroneck, advertised for and has heretofore re- ceived bids on certain properties owned by the Town of Mamaroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS,, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaro- neck has liven consideration thereto and after due deliberation, accepted the bid hereinafter listed as to price and terms therein set forth; and WHEREAS, since receipt of said bid, this Board has given care- ful consideration theretc, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted a.t the price ar_d terms therein set forth: LIST OF EIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTIOiV 9 Total- Town Village Assessed Elk. Par. Sec. Elk. Lot Bidder Amount Valuation Terms 902 460 9 9 1 Frark Sforza $ 575 . 1,700 . Cash (Broker, John A. Fazio) The Supervisor reported that the Superintendent of Highways has com- pleted the paving of Dudley Lane. i The Supervisor stated that at the last meeting of this Board, Mr. William E . Jeffrey had appeared in reference to obtaining title to that por- tion of Winged Foot Drive run_ning approximately 200 feet from Fenimore Road. He said there are two houses oT that street and its condition is an "eyesorer' so, with the permission of the Board, he would autho- rize Mr. O?Brien to pave the aforementioned portion of Winged Foot Drive. Supervisor Mandeville reported on the request of Mr. ribert Poccia to the Torn, to install a drain in front of his property on Fenimore Road. The Supervisor said Mr. Poccia has new sold his house and the purchaser has requested an open drain. Mr. Poccia had, therefore, installed a 10" pipe under the driveway. The Town Attorney reported on the matter of the proposed construction of a sidewalk on Veaver Street between Garden Road and Heather Lane. 77 I He said he had contacted both Mrs .. Jean '_H4 =ins and Mr. Bernard. Miller l0/ who are the only owners of property in` that ,area and had attempted to aseerta'In`what they would accept for the portion of their property needed to have a lOw strip available for the sidewalk construction along the easterly side of tiTeaver Street. He said Mrs. Higgins finally said she would accept w1,250 for the damage to her property and that she -�Tanted in addition, to be assured that the Town would build a --.. retaining wall; save the trees on her property; set back a barberry hedge; and give her a statement that there would be no assessment against her property for the construction of the sidewalk and that she — would receive a decrease in the assessed value of her property. ??ith regard to Mr. Bernard Miller, discussion with him- developed the fact that since the taking is to be 709 square feet as against 504 square feet of Mrs. Higgins, he would expect to receive roughly 1,3 rao_°e and he indicated a price of X1,650 with possibly the additional factor of setting back his board fence which is now on the property. The Supervisor suggested that this fence is undesirable and should not be replaced. The Town Attorney sub-raitted esthetes on the cost of laying the side- Talk, etc., one which ha.d been received from Daniel McNa-ee in the arlount of $2,425 , and the other from Anthony Garofalo in the amount of Sj25700. The Town P_ttorney _further- stated that the average or composite of the t`.i0 c-iv y0raisals from Thv^iIl3S :u= SLlttOri and George � . 1'•lilis, J'_ ';ere as follows: For the Higgins property $;1,163 • For the Na11er property 1,335 . He feconrended that ratter than institute conue--nation proceedings, an off-_l- should be :lade to these owners along the lines suggested 'cy them. Upon :213t4 On by Coin cli_ an Wetermar, seconded by 'Councilman E.---,bu-y, it was, a on roll call, unanimously RESOL`,TED that the Town r'_ttorney, on behalf of t'ais Board, is hereby authorize" to offer to Jean R. -Higgins for that portion of her property on the corner of Garden Toad. and [weaver Street encwn as 2SS 1teaver Street (31cck 217 Parcel 117) as shown on a certain survey map entitled Land on cleaver Street in the Town of r,?a_aarcneci., W est- chester County, property of Jean R. Higgins, made by A . J . Foote Engineering Corp. , on March 6, 1429, being an area of 509. 59 square feet" , the sur! of X1,250 7,*ith the furti-ier stipulation that the Tote will, at its of,-,n cost -and expense, remove a.nd replace the hedge so as to re-locate it on the new property line; excavate the slope and construct stone masonry retainl'_1g wall on the new property line: said ,na.11 to be 2 1/2 fee ., in the ground and t_:e elevation, to be deter-. ined by the slope of the land behind the proposed wall, __SO_ ED that the Town Attorney, on behalf of this Eoard, is _^ereby authorized to offer Be= rd L . Hiller, for that portion of his property on the corner of -,Seaver. Street and Heather i�ane known as 286 'leaver Street (Bloc?_ 217 Parcel 134) as shown on a certain sur- Vey rrnap entitled "Lot 1 on Survey and Subdivision of Part of ti2e Bennie Hea-this Farm, Tp�:vfi of 16a_iaronec`Y:, �,.e.=tcines- ter Coimty, Ne',F York, dated March 1, 1920/ 1 Property o- Saiiiaci L . `?ass, -ads by A. J . Foote Engineei ing Corp. , t-ea. of Taking 709.13 suuere feet", the sum v X1, 653 ?,Titi the further i;' Stipulation tiulation that the Tor': i11, at its Own cost an:. pCC-ns C, `raise drop curve at the a.banacred d i e-11'8y. The TCS'n Attorney reported that Elin hansen_ owner Of the Terrace LoiLnge, located at 15 Boston Post ^oadf L", '-'ahe Town of Ma=°_ar_-neck, iss 'J r'eSSing c. .0 OUrt prOCecdino' LO co,—(t--1 the Towni0ard to issue a dance hall license for the prei ises, c.nd to set asiC,e the reSOlation Of t-4 -oardy ado-pled �iug i3_st O, 1)52, denying the license. Mr. Dell-,;s was instructed to enter a N.e_fsr_se to oppose this _'lication. Ihe Town Attorney also stated tliat broker Z had inquir a as to whether -- the property h_ch has en i , by Fc '_tiledge oldz_ g Corporation at the sale held March l9, 1952, i-n3w . as -I ocir 204 Parcel 247, was in. I 7 the mar met. He was instructed to write Ro- ledge 4Clding Corporation a_d,iising them that thhey iiiust complete their purchase Or the property would be resold. There being no further business to coi.e before the mece-ling it adjourned at 3:45 P . M. to meet aga in on Deccmb—er 2?' d, a;.n'a i=,edlately re- convened as the Board of fire COrfiss20ners . Cc ;r_ciL.sn .'aternan sum tte ' the Fire inspectors s Report for October, 1952 and the Fir Depa.t i,-:tent v ( L-i-I_ 7-t't,_i cit had been e.p -roved by tine Fire Chief end audited by the Co_n_ptroller. On motion by Counciiman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. , Inc . $ 93 .10 Gardner-Denver Company 752.00 Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y . , Inc. .'Jest. 27.09 H . Derby 51.00 McGuire Bros., Inc. 5.00 Ramon Martinez 48.65 G . W. ?Merrell 16.78 The Seagrave Corporation 18 .72 Sound Tire & Supply Co., Inc. 43 .52 Total %1,055 .86 There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad- journed at 8: 50 P . M. , to meet again on December 2nd, 1952. wn Cle k