HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_11_05 Town Board Minutes a MIN7UTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWId OF MAMARO- NECK, HELD AO EMBER 51 1952, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE HEAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 5: 15 P . M. PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Embury, Kane, Waterman and McKeever -- I ABSENT: None Presence was also noted of Mr. Delius, Town Attorney; Mr. Gronberg, Town Clerk; Mr. O 'Brien, Superintendent of Highways; and Mr. Finson, Town Accountant. The Town Clerk presented a letter, dated October 28, 1952, received from the Department of Agriculture and Markets of the State of New York, bringing to the attention of the Board, the fact that during the month of November an enumerator shall be appointed to take a census of dogs throughout the Town, (Unincorporated Area) . Upon recommendation by Supervisor Mandeville and on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 108 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, John C . Forrar be and he hereby is appointed Dog Enumerator for the Unincorporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1953. The Town Clerk presented and read a letter, dated October 21, 1952, received from Samuel Friedenberg, 161 Williams Street, New York City, requesting the Board to reconsider the existing assessment on approxi- mately 8 1/2 acres of property in the Constable Estate, Orienta Point, Mamaroneck, which will not be developed and which Mr. Friedenberg is holding for re-sale. The letter was referred to Mr. Delius who was instructed to contact Mr. Bibas, Chairman of the Board of Review, with reference to this matter, and make a report to the Board at its next meeting. The Clerk presented a letter dated October 24, 1952, from Mr. Frank H . Twyeffort, attorney for Sales Management, Inc. , requesting com- promise of certain tax liens. Mr. Delius said he would report on this later in the meeting. The Town Clerk presented and read a letter dated October 20, 1952, from the Department of Health of the State of New York, addressed to Mr. George R. Bishop, President of Split Tree Realty Corporation, stating that favorable consideration can be given to the plan to extend Sewer District No. 1 to include a proposed Section "K49 if addi- tional information could be supplied and the Department furnished with an application form signed by the Town Supervisor and accom- panied by prints in duplicate. Mr. Delius said he would discuss this also, later in the meeting. The Town Clerk presented a letter dated October 23, 1952, signed by 43 residents of the Lafayette Road and Madison Avenue area, thanking the Town Board for the recent favorable consideration liven to the closing of Madison Avenue and for the prompt action taken after the passage of the resolution. Pictures were submitted showing the barricade and dead-end signs which have been erected on Lafayette Road and Madison Avenue . 61 Supervisor Mandeville presented a report on the cost of this closing in the amount of $332.62. For the record, the Town Clerk presented an affidavit of publication of registration notice. The following reports were received and placed on file: Building Report, October, 1952 Report of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, October, 1952 Statement of Bank Balances as of November 1, 1952 S umnary of Receipts and Disbursements as of September 30, 1952 Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures as of September 30, 1952 Analysis of Estimated Revenues as of September 30, 1952 List of Claims Audited and Paid by the Comptroller from October 1 to November 1, 1952 With regard to the application of Mr. Vincent Marinelli to erect a fence at the rear of his premises, the Town Clerk reported he had written to 14 residents of the immediate neighborhood and had received 4 replies, - 2 favoring the application and 2 opposing it. Mr. Marinelli was present and ans_;ered some questions put to him by the Board members and was then informed that Councilmen Kane, Embury and Waterman would inspect the premises on Saturday morning and give him their decision. The Supervisor suggested that Councilman Kane obtain a list of the names of those persons in the Town now serving with the Armed Forces. Mr. Kane and Mr. Embury had nothing to report for their departments . Mr. McKeever reported on Mr. falter Nager? s application to construct a dr.,iveway into his _property located a.t 21 Kenmare Road, and submitted a profile plan of the proposed driveway. After discussion, the Town. Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Hager and residents of the immediate neighborhood that the application would again be considered and acted upon by the Board at its next meeting, to be held November 19th. Mr. Waterman reported that Deputy Defense Director John Forre s� had notified him that a County-wide air raid test will be held on Decem- ber 13th; that Mr. Sumner Kittelle has prepared a manual for block- wardens; and that Mr. Frank Pickett has been designated as County Rescue Chief. Supervisor Mandeville reported on the rubbish situation. He stated that on November 3rd, 35,000 lbs . had been picked up and burned in the incinerator. The next pick-up will be December lst. The Supervisor presented a letter from George S . Haight, General Super- intendent of the Westchester County Park Commmission, together with agreement in triplicate providing for the further extension of the lease with the Town of Mamaroneck, dated November 13, 1950, covering the use of vacant land known as Parcel 45 and a portion of Parcel 1-B, Sheet 9, Pelham-Port Chester Parkway, for a further period of one year ending October 31, 1953, at the annual rental of $1. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign a lease with the Westchester County Park Commission, covering use of vacant land known as Parcel 45 and a portion of Parcel 1-B; '-Sheet. 9, -Pelham-Port Chester Parkway for a. period of one year; ending October 31, 1953, at an annual rental of $1. 63 i The Supervisor presented a letter from Mr. Villiam H . Johnson, Village Manager of Mamaroneck, requesting approval by this Board of a bid by Bernard Quericia for property known as Section 9, Block 9, Lot 3 on the Village Map, located in the Village and Town of Mamaroneck. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the village of Mamaroneck, by deed dated August 22, 1950, and recorded September 13, 1950, in Liber 4899 of Conveyances, page 291, from Caroline E. Griffin of 51 Woodbine Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. , indi- vidtiaily, and Caroline E . Griffin and John H. Walsh, 8 Seymore Place, White Plains, as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Edward C . Griffin, became the owner of certain premises known as Section 9, Block 9, Lot 3 on the Tax Map of the Village of Mamaroneck, and as Block 902, Parcel 487 on the Tax Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which deed was subject to taxes and/or tax liens due the Town of Mamaroneck upon such premises; and NEEREAS, the Village has received a bid for the purchase of said property, from Bernard Quericia, in the amount of $575. which the Tillage Board has approved subject to approval by this Board, so that taxes due both the Town and Village may be liquidated, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the bid received from Bernard Quericia in the amount of $575 on premises known as Section 9, Block 9, Lot 3 on the Tax Map of the village of Mamaroneck, and as Block 902, Parcel y.87 on the Tax Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is accepted and approved. Mr. William E. Jeffrey, Winged Foot Drive, appeared and addressed the Board with reference to paving ,Tinged Foot Drive. He said that in order to obtain title to property, a court action would be necessary, appoint- ing new trustees to replace the Trustees of the Fenimore Cooper Estate who had been discharged, and this would necessarily take a great deal of tine. He asked if title to this property might not be acquired by the Town, either by foreclosure or "resolution" . The Supervisor informed Mr. Jeffrey that the Board would give further consideration to this matter and that he, personally, would contact Mr. C . W. Moody ,rith a view to obtaining a deed to the property. Mr. William Gross the developer of Stonewall Lane on the old "Hall pro- perty on Old White Plains Road, appeared and stated to the Board that he had, on October 27, 1952, filed a map entitled "Map of Stone Wall Lane, Section 1, Register' s Office No. 7837" . This map shows a street called Stone Wall Lane running appro__irately 100 feet north frori Old White Plains Road and indicates 6 building lots or plots with frontage on the proposed street. Mr. Gross said that he intends to apply for building permits to construct houses on these lots and asked whether such permits would be granted to him and what it would be necessary to do in connection with the street. He e_.hibited a. profile map made by A . J . Foote, showing grades for this proposed street. After some discussion, the Board informed Mr. Gross that the street must be drained and rough-graded before it would be accepted by the Town, -- but that in some cases, the Town had put the final coat of blacktop on roads otherwise acceptable as to grades, paving, and drainage. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was, upon roll call, (Supervisor Mandeville not voting) unanimously RESOLVED that the Building Inspector is authorized to issue building permits to William Gross for construc- tion of 6 houses on Stone Wall Lane as shown on map filed in the Register' s office, No. 7837, provided that no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued un- til the street upon which these lots front is improved as to grade, surface drainage and paving to the satis- faction of the Superintendent of Highways. Mr. George R. Bishop and Mr. Irwin OStiS were present in connection with t'.he sewer work in the Split Tree Realty Company development in Murdock Woods. The Town Attorney explained that he and Hr . Bishop had recently been in Albany and had presented to the New York State Department of Health, profile reaps of- a proposed sewer for this area which is to be connected to the trunk sewer of the Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District which runs through the property. This area is to be included in a new extension to Sewer District No. 1 to be known as Extension "K'P, and after sewers have been constructed at the expense of the developers, they will be taken over by the Town as part of its Sewer District. In connection with this the Attorney presented an application for approval of plans and permit to discharge sewerage which is to be sent to the New York State Department of Health, together with an Engineer' s report and the map. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was, upon roil call, unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign this application and forward it to Albany. -- The Town Attorney discussed with the Poard_, certain appraisals he had obtained from Mr. Thomas B. Sutton and Mr. George E . Mills, Jr. , of a. portion of property owned by Sean Higgins and another piece owned by for the construction Bernina Miller which are r_,eeded- ruction of a sidewalk be- tween Garden Road and Heather Lane on the easterly side of Veaver Street. He was instructed to have a re-port at the next meeting and to try to ascertain what offers would be acceptable to the owners if the Town were to acc_uire this ;property. The Town Attorney also reported in connection with Dudley Larne, that Mr. Moody had completed the sewer but Mr . Delius recommended that the sewer not be taken over until the street is also ready for acceptance. T-1r. Delius explained connection with the letter previously submitted by the Town Clerk, f ranMr. T'wyef f ort, that Mr. Twyef fort asked con- sideration in connection with payment of 1950 taxes on Block 225 Parcel 450 and Block 224 Parcel 998, which property is owned by the � Sales Management, InC . The letter states that, following acerti'orari proceeding taken in October, 1950, the assessed value was reduced by settlement approved by the Town Board, to $31, 700 and that the owners believed this valuation applied to the 1950 tax, while, as a matter of fact, it did not apply until 1951. In the -meantime, the 1950 tax - was sold at the Tax Lien sale held in 1951 for both the State, County and Town and the School taxes, for 12%x, . The letter asks that some of this interest be waived. After consider--rg the matter, it was d.eCidc^d that no action would be taken. There being no further Lusiness, tl�° .^ieeting adjourned at 9e35 P . M . to meet again On November 19th, and L=aediately reconvened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . 67 �I Mr. Ua.terYan presented the Fire Department claims which had been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously _.. . RESOLVED that the I01i0'r71nb described C1ai;'..S be and they hereby are approved and that th.e Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same cut of the budget for the Fire Departments Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc . 856 . 0 Harold 0 . Thomsen 299 ,72 DleI-. York Telephone Company 32,00 Signal Engineer•in L Mfg . Co. ' 2.09 Sraitl-t-'_Miller Co. 21.2; Vestchester Joint Water Wor'.ks #1 7.63 Hydrant Rentals The Vi-llage of harc-=c)nt 43 .34 Nestchester Joint ?rater L;orks 71 2,320.00 Total V 622. 3 There being no further business, the .izeet.ing adjourned at 9s4O P . H to meet again on November l9th. ! To.. Clerk I I i I i