HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_09_04 Town Board Minutes 19260 P"[Wa MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF 2HE TOUN BOARD OF THE TORN OF MAMARO- NECK, HZLO SEPIEMBER 4, 1952, IN THE COUMCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE, TOWN OF MAHkaO!wCX. Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Em bury, Kane, Uatermanand McKezv= ABSENT: None Presence was also noted of Mr. Delius, Tcwn Attorney and Mr. Ffnson, Town Accountant, who acted as Town Clerk in the absence of Mr. Gronber& Because of tte large crowd in attendance az the meeting, the - Super visor suggested that the meeting adjourn to the upstairs auditorium. Supervisor Mandeville introduced each member of the Board to the people atten.ling the meeting and submitted a petition signal by 60 residents of the Dillon Park area, prousting the C ., : p located in that section. Mr. Robert E . Thompson, 45 Dillon Road, said the residents of the Dillon Road area are here to learn the intenticns of the Town Board Nith regard to the dump which has been established in that area. The Supervisor explained that that area had been chosen because it was tbought to corTect a swamp condition. it is hoped by the and that this land can, in time, be re-clEined and become useful and, per- haps, valuable property, citing Flint Park and the Town and as ex- amples . Also, the Supervisor continued explaining, there is; at present, no other place in the Town where this refuse (-,Th1ch i-c the residue fro4 the incinerator) can be deposited. The following people addressed the Board and complained of the situa- tior: Mr. Morris Solomon, 22 Pryer Manor Road Mr. Albert L . Morris, 52 Dillon Ecad Hr. P . D . Perutz, 16 Tildwood Circle Mrs. i3hn Rziiy, 22 Deane Place Mr . Edwin Hoffman, 10 Locust Terrace Mr. Cnarles Pope, 53 Dillon Road Mr . Joseph E. Geraghty, 7 Edgewater Place Mrs . William Southern, 42 Deane Place Supervisor Mandeville stated Village of Larchmont to sell used for dumping purposes by resiEted considerable pressu that the Town had been requested by the to the latter, a piece of property to be the Willa.ge. He said the Town Board had re and had denied the request. After further discussion. Mr. Hodgdon, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Southern =1 Mr . Perutz were appointed a committee to meet with Councilman Kane on the following Saturday to see if any solution of the problem could be found. The Eoard then adjourned to the Council room where the Supervisor submitted an affidavit of publication of a Notice to Bidders The following bids were received and opened: Grand St. Total Fewer Fame of Girder Address Pumy St. Lunn Sari Fred Girardi Count. 15 Fountain Fl. New Rochelle, N. Y. IN- le,-; Rochelle Count. Co.230 Huguenot St. , New Rochelle, N. Y. Croye Count. Co. 9 W . Prospect Ave. $33, 650 3,330 Mt. Vernon, N. Y. DiHarco & Ciccone^,Inc . 151 E . Post Rd. 55,500 4,900 White Plains, N. Y. NEW PJAM Force Main Using Asbestos pipe ! 16, 722.30 1x,200.00 19,000.00 Dome ` crrello A Son 11 New St. 39,50`^s 6,000 242000.00 Domenico �..av1 � 4s Rye, N. Y. On motion by Councilman McKeekrer, seconded. by Councilman Embury*, it was, on roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the bias be referred to A. J . Foote, En- gineer in charge of this project, for tabulation and recommendation. MT. Alfred Poccia again appeared before the Boar? to ask again a 'cout his request for a drain in front of his property on Fenimore Road. The l'ia.tter was referred to Councilman McKeever for report at the nest _meeting. Mr. Anthony DeCicco appeared and asked the Board to consider a propcsi- tion for the installation of a water .rain_ in a proposed street known as Hickory Grove Drive, which is shown on "Revised Map of Part of `Acct.° I' High7iew Ridge, Situated in the `.t'o'rn and. Village of Mamaron.eck,1Ttaest- chester County, N. `ter. ," made by A . J . Foote, Surveyor and filed in the Counts- Clark's Office as Map No. 737. It appears that Mr. DeCicco, in addition to the house in which he resides and which is on the corner of Rockland Avenue and the proposed street, has built two other houses which front on the proposed street and are located on Lots 8 and 9 as shown on above map and these houses are supplied with water through a connection with his own house. He now contemplates erecting houses on the other end of the street, par- ticularly on Not 12 as shown on that map and there is no water avail- able there at the present time. It further appears that there is an existing water connection at the southerly end of this proposed street which now serves the residential property formerly belonging to Albert Wilson and now owned by George V. Lacks and wife. Mr. DeCicco states that Mr. Thrasher of the Nater Company has made an estimate on this upon the basis that he, Mr. 'DeCicco, would_ do the trenching and back-filling. There was discussion as to the extent to which Mr. DeCicco should fur- nish trench excavation and also as to the size of the pipe and Mr. DeCicco was advised to have his attorney contact the ToFV:7 Attorney as to the proper form of agreement. Mr. Bishop addressed the Board regarding installation of a sanitary sever an $i : itlC nal water i811 Cr connection in M urdock Road. He stated that he has cha nged his plans which were submitted and approved by this Board on July 2, insofar as he is now installing a sanitary sewer instead of septic tanks and he states he has permission from the County Sanitary Sewer Commission to connect his lateral sewer with the Mamaroneck Valley Sever, mai.-_taired by Westchester County. Also, he wishes to change the arrange__ents regarding the water 'line. He was advised by the Board that he must take up with the S�..perin.ten- dent of the dater Company. the matter of the -Mater line, and before the To4, n will accept the lateral sewer, the area muust be included in the Town Sewer District. Mr . Finson, acting as Town Clerk, requested authOriZc'stion to publish U l registration notice in the Daily Times t_ a u.sua regis t%°a m on motion by Councilmen McKeever, seconded by C<ol�_nciL an Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with *'_^.e provisions of Section 76 of the E l ec ticri Vats', a notice be published in the Daily Tim es on September 30 and October, 7, 1952, giving a, list of the places of registration in the Town of Mamaroneck, a statement of the days and hours of registration, and a brief description of each registration district in the Town. The Acting Clerk presented a petition signed by S residents of Mtvrray "'venue, requesting the installation of an additional light on that street. The matter was referred to Mr. C"Brien, Superintendent of Highways. The following reports were ordered received and placed or, file: Town Clerk' s Report, Augusta 1952 Report of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, August, 1952 Report of Westchester Snore i`lulaa.ne Society, Inc . , 7-jy, 1952 Building Inspector' s Report, Sugust, 1952 Statement of Ealances as of Septe-tuber 1, 1952 Suz r ary� ob Receipts and Disbju senents as of Jaaly 31, 1952 Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures as of July 31, 1952 Analysis of Estimated Revenues as of July 31, 1952 -- List of Claims Audited and raid by the Comptroller fror'i August 1, to Sep- tember 1, 1952 The Clerk presented a report received from County Transportation Co. , Inc. , relative to the operation of buses of that Company in the Town of Mamaroneck, for the b months period ending June 30, 1952, together with a check in the amounnt of 6134. 59 covering gross earnings tax for that period. The Supervisor presentee a list of properties which had been sold a.t public auction earlier in the evening . On :notion by Councilman NcKeever, seconded by Councilman Cane, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: U1HER.EAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, through the institution c an action in the County Court of Westchester County, entitled P4In the matter of the Foreciosure of Tax Liens pursuant to Article VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law, by tha Town of Mamaroneck, List of Del n_Quent Taxes for 194711 has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the Unincorporated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck; and NHEREAS, the Town of Man„aroneck advertised for bids and held a public auction on September y, 1952, and received bids on certain of said parcels of real estate now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck, and WHEREAS, since the receipt of said bids, this Board has given careful consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLw,T D that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms therein set forth. W, LIST OF BIDS ACCEPTED IN SECTIOES ? to, 5 INCLUSIVE B1oc1_,� parcel pure:aser 133 186,199, 2042 209, 229, 242, 25b,26µ, 267,269, 433 253 501 125 Eleanor Shuman Mrs . Louis Fusco Fred ?Meyers Assessed S ales Value Vice Terns N'0,950 3, =5'0 Cash 1,950 650 Cash 3, 000 1,000 Cash FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver deeds to these parcels in accordance with the terms and contracts of sale and the Town Attorney is authorized to take all steps neces- sary to complete the sale and transfer these parcels . The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing the attendance of the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Accountant at the Annual meeting of the New York State Association of To,,m- Superintendents of Highways, Inc. , to be held on September 17, 18, and 19, in Rochester, N. Y On motioi, by Coll cil-'._an Kane, seconded by Coounciil:'= McKeever, t was unanimously RESOTVED that Town Superintendent of Highways 0"Drien and Tow-n Accountant Finson be and they hereby are authorized to attend the Annual Meeting of the New, York State Associa- tion of Town Superintendents of igh�,7ays. Inc . , to be held in Rochester, D . Y. , on September 17, 18, and 19, expenses for said trip to be paid out of the item in the budget appropriated for such= expenses . The Supervisor presented a claim in the amount of $110.72 for expenses of Mr. 7,Tillia , G . Fulcher, Town Historian in att.endi- the Annual meeting of the New York State Historical Society in Ticonderoga on Aug-st 11-18. On =emotion by 'C ancilman Em"bury, seconded by Co-uncilman ',rater-Tian, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RE&OL"ED that the claim of t, l la. ._ u . Eulciler, TC,„Tn His- torian, in the mount o f ;110.72 "or at'c ru^. _c at the Annual ;eetirg of the lIe`% F{ York State yc vorl.Ca.� Society at Ticonderoga. on August {11-18, be ncC it hereby is approved. qr. The Supervisor presented r'e SO1Cl.ty^oi�S recce Ved IrO”-! the 5;i11asc of "_c_lar0- nec? .'ith a request for ar,Droval cf their sale of property acquired by their foreclosure proceeding in ree . Upon motion by Co i 1 1-ai1 Mc.-Keever, seconded by Councilman burY> the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimousl,, adopted: t^HEBR,pE S, the Village CS :Mamaroneck, through the institution Cf _ several actions in the County Court of .Jestchester Count-7,, entitled "In the Matter of the Forecics-are of TE .- s -" `' —a-nt ` n i - T*TT n �n !`rl ..�.'.r-i � �._ _a.__ T - 2-_., i U.1 ,�ixc.__� z.0 r_Y t-cle Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Vi iage of MiYi1...:ro'_ ecsi, List of Delinquent Taxes fcr 1945 and List of Delinquent Taxes for 195111 , has b__0me and now is the o=er of a lumbeer of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of Maf2aronecsi and To,,-n of Ma_..aarcne-1-,; and uHEREAS, both the Village Cf MaLia=ecti anG the TCwrl oR 1Ma c:r0 eC£ held tax -e'S?s on said parcels of red? prpp.eZ tyy and 1:TgERE4S, pursuant to Section 165H of the Tax Law, an agreement was entered into between the V ' l , ge of Mar, aroneck and the ToyY; of Mamaroneck which, among other thinks, set forth the interes'l:s of said municipalities in the properties beirg fcreclassd., the `a^T:L<IaS JOTJ Og anp UCTgnCT. IL7- 1�Cua.-: a3 Lup ,�C '��LiT1CL.iE .`TTLia a',q; 7 y.SOO T2U � 'T��?% '�^•7tS TC i1°.LS S2 ^'�. OS L"iMGw @:l-? Ja Tq Op q-3- q 7. �tA vO -wDO` C1 : � r'=i - /l^ q^_ Q^ uGt�..^tea':. „G r,,,1 CTS-Z,=CTIS UT _aL, � OJd Ill.a �� 5.'_;.c ;T ?ry._:C LIOn Io 4c'CZ). Lpn aT- T J=�Cu 2T%i.g ='C yU-=a(!M,'_'!SS3 cJ-q C- -J-. 9^ T _r%rT `..0 `: lis`j -' : +`T.J aLl_+ , IC Q9 L-OT� Oaj ua�.:uti J.a F„TTG ' (l:,i..� LL T.2JT.,T TO 2-? c�.tegaT TDC_GTgdC @L,g L72Tl`_ U—T4vauuOC u; u:. !_gOD au*ip'1 Cg J'. G? 4TL'sq Ca�,_S ai T?aa ...pL ?TOaCCa"2L::B il�; I -' ,^-�Ll�r TO n,T rnG 2c- L0 Q 8`�."t ,TO a.S 65`' r ?':1"i `T LT'= t. LGS uc=.:.,1 5S �,,. LT v''�.p' C;So✓ °i.s�i°LCT TO,j u. u,-ou-nC- So, -TucoaS Sti v.;t ` L"3II-. - -_)Ul Cv i C a 1o,117 L C `u CTs anCAS . � T�'y'j- "L PaT' CUr_ guau _}J?d.au -LT^:' ACaAC Tom."r.g'y % Uh+�^.,T„ av^ vC S-.^.aC"vT.�L;.i G" Og 2LC7 ' ` L :DIl`2 aT�X ,ue -p2/dO��p a 6"' s aOT1>>Saj TTl',Tw aT,,a. TO S's Si' LIOTgC @S` JapUT U-,T,7 Coq. 1+ ,°-;LIT_r '�.,-ICCa,J tSJ t, 6TS5=u77c4^, ?Ci LO TO a°v'1 ,� J FO ,Ta0aJ + q-'a ` Za 1 q O 6� w 'v^ p'v.D Q, S!' UITTO�.S I'i d'_T cTao^V BU.I�T JC Lv`I i °. .%G ya LIT a. aU,- Sli ,:c� TutE C-0-Ea: aU"y 'q"a p a C:.c_700; aq pags-T zag pu aaag s-STq aLlg gpug =A-0=1 ST `uoTgaJacTTap anp Jagje pup logaaati<q uoTgpJapTs -UCO uaAl2 S'eTq paDCg STUq `s-p-c P es jo +dTGO @J @OUTS `Svgg'ITAP1 puD `•u+JCj gas uTaJau+ SuJaq pup GOTJd Cq Se pagSTT JagTS_=aGq spTq avg paadaOOD eUCTg"aSaq;T @p anp Jaq,jD pup OlaaaT4g uCT .DJ @ATST OC UaAT2 S72 _ a 0.SaT,i7 Yy y?C asp TTT!1 a�+ ,jC saagSnay Io pJpCc a'-T+ `S`13�3F_ �1 cq pup `?jOau jo L mo TO a2D LT TII UO s'a TTak: Sa 7,oaLSOa? IETy� ,o Low aL1j_ q pau o saTgaadcJd uTpgaeo uo spTq pGaTaOaJ aaozCg -a -a CL Seq pup JC3 ?^a5T^¢Jalip"2 �3_139ICJpLT-_J�j JC 7111iO,L Sq-+ 4n,T/i pp:i lu &al maaJSp uD Cq qupnsand `s'a xOaUGap: "aK 3o a�aTTT.tI a)q+ `S'37,la u1 pie dSBT2S PT-3S LIICJJ paeTaoaJ SpaGQOJd @14q -o UoTgraTJq _STp @7-1; „To aavu Lu"2iII aq4 pup 'SaTgaadoJd -p--p-s -C aT'es @;,g To Jeuu.p%u_ rm ffc T CC�, GL a9 08 db TE'IT '.�`�CL O ' tis C C'OS `T OSL `T ebb SOT b � Usa0 oaa`z c)C, d d S6 DoT b SAC OOCSz OC£ Lb h01 796 LiS'C 6 cc'C v r`7 �`r'� :t ad a ^b C!T b gO2C CC.O `? OC£`7 y OuI "TISS�,' esaau_vo tgaav:o +u_o„ a rr.a4pg cb SOT b t OTaa gJD CS Fau-pTS Ja?-CJg} -qsS r-C r)T j 'O T 'gdSSC P Q7 `fL7 `LL2 SOT 6 CC Z z96 1 LT.s o2 Sdrt u.Oa l - Ja1LCJ�} 74S D3 C07`T Sz9 uapa a Z L Ct 6 C9 b 9T°+d 9-6 LSDC Cvb t -21V-Ii amt- L:T,_C+a•' oL o+ LT S£ CbT STS 7 aay aapp?'= qC7 -J-2u? °ETC ? T3 - OaS gun GU anTD11 pasSaSS G' C°cT LTA iA?aOI T �g07 'v^ p'v.D Q, S!' UITTO�.S I'i d'_T cTao^V BU.I�T JC Lv`I i °. .%G ya LIT a. aU,- Sli ,:c� TutE C-0-Ea: aU"y 'q"a p a C:.c_700; aq pags-T zag pu aaag s-STq aLlg gpug =A-0=1 ST `uoTgaJacTTap anp Jagje pup logaaati<q uoTgpJapTs -UCO uaAl2 S'eTq paDCg STUq `s-p-c P es jo +dTGO @J @OUTS `Svgg'ITAP1 puD `•u+JCj gas uTaJau+ SuJaq pup GOTJd Cq Se pagSTT JagTS_=aGq spTq avg paadaOOD eUCTg"aSaq;T @p anp Jaq,jD pup OlaaaT4g uCT .DJ @ATST OC UaAT2 S72 _ a 0.SaT,i7 Yy y?C asp TTT!1 a�+ ,jC saagSnay Io pJpCc a'-T+ `S`13�3F_ �1 cq pup `?jOau jo L mo TO a2D LT TII UO s'a TTak: Sa 7,oaLSOa? IETy� ,o Low aL1j_ q pau o saTgaadcJd uTpgaeo uo spTq pGaTaOaJ aaozCg -a -a CL Seq pup JC3 ?^a5T^¢Jalip"2 �3_139ICJpLT-_J�j JC 7111iO,L Sq-+ 4n,T/i pp:i lu &al maaJSp uD Cq qupnsand `s'a xOaUGap: "aK 3o a�aTTT.tI a)q+ `S'37,la u1 pie dSBT2S PT-3S LIICJJ paeTaoaJ SpaGQOJd @14q -o UoTgraTJq _STp @7-1; „To aavu Lu"2iII aq4 pup 'SaTgaadoJd -p--p-s -C aT'es @;,g To Jeuu.p%u_ rm ffc NUI rAn \O?? s , , T RESOLVE that the Town of VanarJ'_^_eC3 i121 eby agrees to pay on account of a_1y eligible meTnDer or its p:oiaCc depa.rt ent an-,_ any of S _Zee c P :.'2. i., }^}-iJ 1_a s n.. y elected or s'_`lal hereafter duly Elect, to co tribute the aad-itional ano'u'._'].t ie' .1:i"_ ed for the ;;urpOSe of r ' t i-Tinb �fter twenty-f�:.TT2 arS of Ser`TZce as L;rovI b- subdivision 1 of S_ec . o .,., of the Civil Service Law, or any subs2auent a_uendraents thereto, the entire additions-1 n ac i l i - e n rendered ry such h best �n coant a`' the Via. c . or �1r2 s rvi„E r order d N of- icer ,._ ''.ber of the. yol.ice or ii-_­s epar • i r_nt pf'lo to t e date of the F;C' oy iori of this re Sol .'--1on, and fur ','1e_ agrees to pay one-half of the additional cost on acco--ant of police or f_-re sePvice r..^1.2 ed by such aver° of 'ie_aber- of ne _•oli e or fire de ,art-ae tl after the date of the adoption of this resol-,.ticn. F JRT IER RESOLj7_D that -this resolation . all tak'_ affect :J_.. ry ?, =753• The Supe='-visor presented an i i7it8.tiCi7 to ",he ::tC-'_rrbsrs of ;e To7,Tn Board rt3r J2 '2renc John J. tl,;r_,_n, asto-° of +1,e Ch turn of Ste . John. and l t .! -' T of the n school ^t+ ^,y9 September Paul, a attend t,t_e Edie�tOn _ �i..�., e: S o on i`.:wnii�.. 21, at %} P . M. The Board members noted the were . Mr . Elias re cr . on the _`Satter of the less- the Ra-,lroan Cara_ piny, Stating t}"a S, further corresponde-nce wi " that 'Car paC T a 1C'- the State Departiient O H bg',1� � has ind r ( � d that f-nr+her �.la�:tssS Ott should be had with the Rail _cab- off: c4a7 s and those of the State, before a lease is signed. He said he had a, letter frD-m Mr. T,ni tcomb of the �! Ebi Have- Railroad Oo_mpany, as .i�- ng for .. con,7_rEnc2 at the Railroad Ft,Ca=Ly„a'_1j'` .. aff:,_C2S 1x1 112sr York an SePt2lib2r 5, a- � b1 r.> M. The SuperT.isor stated that he, together with Mr. Embury and the Ta'N'n Attorney would attend this conference. The To-,,r_. Attorney submitted a letter iron Mr. Eligio Del Guercio, together •,*ith an affida-vit of Jennie Pascale, in co-nnection with a re nest (iade by her for tine issuance of i_i,,_ica-Ge liars_ on _:refuses known as Section 1, Block 26, Lot 42, sale of May 22, 1946, amount .$63 . 23, covering State, County, To-nn and School taxes :Cox the year 1947p �-7,ic'1'1 were .-u-r-eased P,-oia the Toldn by jennie 7ascale, anfl. rrhl.cl,. property is now i n'JVdin as Block 112, Parcel 16y and also affidavits of ,"juSa_n Orrico, in connection with a request made by her Q_' the issuance of 2 duplicate liens coT7ering pre-rises known as Section 1, Block 126, LOU 427, (now knat,n as Block 126, Pa----el 427) : (1) vale of May 269 1937, amount u)98. 22p cc'vering State, County, Toxin and School tales for the year 1936, Purchased from the Tow? by Susan Orrico, and (2) Sale of May 25, -19'8, a=mount $119.43, covering State, County, Ta .n and School tares for the year 1937, purchased from the To;- _ by Susan Orrico. After 'discussion, upon deco amenda.tion by the Tovm Attorney, it Was, on nnotion by Council-man McKeever, seconied by nauncilrlan Em Dury and upon roll call, unaniLmo•usly RESOL'VE'D boat d�_`7-ate 'lien covering pre;IliSes known as Block !!'I, Parcel 16, on the Tax Assessment Map of tl1e Town of 'a,-_aronecx, sold to the T•o4 '^ on May 22, 1i46, and assigned to Jehnie- Pascale ins. t}_ ^_e arPaont of w63 . 28 for State, County, To=-m and School taxes f or the year 1945, ?Pay be - sSUEC3 to J•ery ie Pascale, pursuant to provisions of the 'JeStcinester County d_nini..strati.-�7e 'Code Chapter 852 of the La WS of 19.4-1 Section 5332, and that du�licate liens conTering pre-nises !s c-m aS Block 126, Parcel 127 on L`i'fe Town Assessment Map of the To-,,,n of Ma1'_aroneck, sold respectively on °Tav 26, 1937 to the To n of ?4.a-_c.rcneck for 198.22, covering State, County, Torn: and School taxes for the year 1936, and on May 25, 1936 for 1119.43 covering State, County, Town and School taxes for the year 1937, and both of z,,iich were assigned to Susan Orrlco, may be issued Susan r Westchester to ,�usa.n Orrico, pursuant t� provisions of t_� �.� County Administrative Code, Chapter 852 of the 1a'rds of 1948, Section 562, so that these duplicate liens may be surrendered to the Receiver of Tares, together rv.ilt7 a satisfaction. FURTHER RESOLVED that as a condition for the issuance of such duplicate liens, the said Jennie Pascale and Susan Crrico shall furnish the Town of Mamaroneck. with an indem- nity agreement satisfactory in form to the Town Attorney. There being no further business, the to meet again on September 17th, and Board of Fire Commissioners. Mr. v ater_'_7an presented the 2 ire lnsp the Fire Report for Aug Llst, 1952. meeting adjourned at 10: 30 P . M. immediately re-convened as the actorTs Report for July, 1952 and RMW Mr. Waterman presented the Fire Department claims which had been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman McKpever, it was unanimously RESOVED that the following described claims hereby are approved and that the Supervisor be and they hereby are authorized to pay the budget for the Fire Department: Arthur M. Brown Reginald Jubb Garage G . W . Merrell — !alpine Disinfecting Co. Richard Thorburn Free Parking Service Station A & r Automotive Co. Smite'-Miller Co. Mitchell Oil Corp. William K. Fordyce Consolidated Edison Co. of New York New York Telephone Company Westchester joint pater forks, No. 1 Village of Scars Jale, Water Dept. (hydrant rental) Total be and they and Comptroller same out of the $50.00 26.75 .50 19.75 43.25 6.00 1.99 10«5'0 57.05 30.55 57.55 3 .53 348.00 "P736.95 There being no further business to Co=le before the meeting, the Board of Fire Commissioners adjourned at 10: 45 P . M. , to meet again on September 17th, 1952.