HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_08_06 Town Board Minutes 879
Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 F . M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Kane, Waterman and McKeever
— ABSENT: Councilman Embury
Presence was also noted of mire Delius, Town Attorney; Mr. Gronberg, Tour_
Clerk; and Mr. O'Brien, Superintendent of Highways.
On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of July 2nd were approved
as presented.
At the request of the Supervisor, the Clerk read an Order of the Town
Board calling a public hearing in relation to the creation of the proposed
extension to Sewer District No. 1 in the Town of Ma-_aaroneck, to be held
August 6, 1952 at 8: 15 P . M. , in the Council Room of the Ineaver Street
Fire House, 1tieaver Street and Edge-wood Avenue in the Toi-nz of Mamaroneck,
and reported that a certified copy of said Order had been duly published
and posted as required by law®
The Supervisor thereupon declared the hearing open and asked if there were
any persons present who desired to be heard in connection with the pro-
posed extension of Sewer District Noe 1 as requested in the petition
filed in the office of the Town Clerk on July 2, 1952.
There being no persons irho desired to be heard, the Supervisor declared
- the hearing closed.
Councilman McKeever introduced the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,
County of Westchester, State of New York, as follows:
Section ,1. The following Order and Determination is
hereby adopted and approved and, when signed by members
of this Board present at this meeting, constituting a
majority of the entire Board, and when approved by the
Comptroller of the State of New York, the same shall
constitute an Order and Determination of this Board:
IN THE MATTER of the proposed �
Extension of Sewer District Nom 1 a ORDER AND
of the Town of Mamaroneck. County n DETERMINATION
of Westchester, State of New York "-
WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of July, 1952, a petition, together with a
map and plan, was filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the To-an of
Mamaroneck, purporting to be signed by the requisite number of property
owners as required by Article 12 of the Torn Law, petiticning the Town
Board of said Town to create an extension designated as ''Section J" to
Sewer District Nom 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck and the construction of
a sewer system therein; and
WHEREAS, the said Town Board on the 2nd day of July, 1952, adopted
an Order and caused the same to be entered in the minutes of its pro-
ceedings, reciting in general terms the filing of said petition, the
boundaries of the proposed extension, the improvements and services
proposed and the estimated expenses thereof, end specifying the 6th
day of August, 1952, at 8-15 P . M. in the Council Room of the Weaver
Street Fare House, Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue in the Town of
Mamaroneck, as the time when and the place where said Board would greet
to consider said petition, and hear all persons interested in the sub-
ject matter thereof and concerning the same; and
WHEREAS, said Town Board caused a copy of said Order, certified
by the Town Clerk, to be published and posted according to law; and
WHEREAS, said hearing was duly held at the time and place so
fixed in said Order; and
WHEREAS, the said Town Board has caused a copy of the aforesaid
Map and Man to be submitted to the State Department of Health; and
I�LUREAS, said Map and Plan was approved by the State Department
of Health and as so approved, was duly filed in the office of the
State Department of Health and in the office of the Town Clerk of the
Town of Mamaroneck,
(1) The petition referred to in the recitals hereof is
signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law, and
is otherwise sufficient®
(2) All the property, property owners and interested
persons within said Sewer District Extension will be
benefitted by the construction of the proposed extension
and all the property and property owners who will be
benefitted by said construction are included in said
(;) It is in the public interest to grant the relief
sought by the petition referred to in the recitals hereof
and the relief sought by said petition shall be granted.
(4) An extension to Sewer District No. 1, designated as
"Section d" is hereby created and established in the Town
of Mamaroneck, W estchester County, New York, pursuant to
the provisions of Article 12 of the Town Law of the State
of New York as amended, said Extension to include the
lands and premises described in said petition and shown
on a map entitled "Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
N. Y,, Proposed Extersion of Sewer District NO. 1, to be
designated as Section 9J9 , April 2, 1952', made by A. J.
Foote, Civil Engineer, 75 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. ,
which map is attached to the petition and filed in the
office of the Town Clerk_ of the Town of Mamaroneck. The
lands and premises included in said Extension_ hereby
granted and established are more particularly bounded
and described as follows:
BEGINNTNG at a point in the Easterly line of
Fenimore Road, where the same is intersected by
the existing Northerly boundary lire of Section "I"
of the Town of Mamaroneck Sewer District No. 12
and thence running Northwesterly along the
Easterly line of Fenimore Road to a point where
the Easterly line of Fenimore Road is inter-
sected by the dividing line between Lots 42 and
30 on map entitled 4°Map of Property belonging to ;.
Fenimore Cooper Park, Inc. , Section IDT in the
Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York" ,
as made by John M. Farley, Civil Engineer, July
9, 1923 and filed in the Westchester County
Clerk' s Office July 13, 1923 as map number Vol.
55, page 79; thence Northeasterly through Lot
30 on above mentioned map along the boundary
line between lands belonging to Rockledge
Holding Corp. on the South and lands belonging
to A. F. Beringer on the North, to a point in
the Westerly boundary line of lands belonging to
the Winged Foot Holding Corporation; thence
- Southeasterly along the Westerly line of Winged
Foot Holding Corporation to the Northeasterly
corner of Lot 29 on the above mentioned map of
- Fenimore Cooper Park, Section I'D"; thence in a
Southwesterly direction to a point in the Easterly
line of Fenimore Road, the point or place of -be-
ginning .
(5) A sewer system shall be constructed in said exten-
sion substantially in accordance with the Map and Plan
prepared by A. J. Foote, Civil Engineer, and approved
by the State Department of Health of the State of New
York on May 15, 1952 and filed in the office of the
State Department of Health and thereafter filed in the
office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck on
July 2, 1952, but all such construction shall be without
cost or expense to the Town of Mamaroneck and shall be
paid by the Rockledge Holding Corporation.
Section 2. A signed or certified copy of said
Order and Determination shall be duly recorded in
the Office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester
as provided by Section 195 of the Town Law.
Section 3 . The Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck
is hereby authorized to apply to the Comptroller of
the State of New York for permission to extend Sewer
District Nom 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck so as to in-
clude Extension e'Jee as referred to in the Order and De-
termination of this .Board, and such application is to be
made in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 3-A
of Section 194 of the Town Law.
Section 4. This resolution shall take effect
on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the
foregoing resolution was adopted by the following votes
AYES: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Kane, Waterman and McKeever
NOES: None
After the hearing had been closed, Mr. Edgar Roedelhei?aer, 2 Boulder Brae
Lane, which is not in the proposed extension, appeared to inquire what,
if any, effect the construction of the sewer extension would have on
his taxes.
He was told that the area of the Sewer District would be increased and,
therefore, individual sewer taxes .night be expected to be decreased
Mr. William E . Jeffrey, 59 Glen Road, appeared and said that he is build-
ing a home on the corner of Fenimore Road and dinged Foot Drive. He
says there is a very bad water condition on Winged Foot Drive to the
northwest of his property, a condition which call be dangerous in
the wintertime. It is a nuisance to him because it takes so long for
the water to run off. His home is not being built for speculation,
and he would like to have the Town do something about the water problem.
A partial remedy, he believes, would be to pave the street and insure a
rapid runoff.
The Supervisor said he is familiar with the situation and suggested that
Councilmen McKeever and Waterman look into it and bring in a report at
the next meeting.
Mr. Jeffrey said Winged Foot Drive is a paper street and has never been
The Supervisor stated that until such time as a street becomes a Town
highway, the Town does not have jurisdiction and, therefore, cannot
take care of the maintenance. He suggested that, perhaps, Mr. Jeffrey
might be able to obtain a deed from the present owner or owners and
in turn, dedicate the street to the Town.
Mr. Jeffrey said he will do what he can to obtain such a deed.
Mr. William A. Powers, 12 Hawthorne Road, appeared and said he is con-
sidering the purchase of property on Laurel Avenue, 100 feet beyond
the existing pavement. He wondered whether, if he puts a house on the
property, the Town would consider extending the pave_rnent 100 feet. He
believed the sewer is in the street but was not sure about water.
The Supervisor suggested that he see Mr. McEvoy, Building Inspector,
who would be able to give him the necessary information, about the
water and sewer.
Mr. Charles Williams submitted a map of the subdivision of South Ridge
Road and requested the Town. Board to approve the issuance of permits
or 3 houses to be erected before the street is finished.
After discussion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by
Councilman Waterman, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the issuance
of building permits for 3 houses along the street to be
known as South Ridge Road, running generally south from
Mohegan Road, provided that no Certificate of Occupancy
for such houses be issued unless or until the street
?mown as South Ridge Road is graded, paved and drained
to the satisfaction of the Town Superintendent of High-
ways, and a deed in proper form and approved by the Town
Attorney, be furnished, deeding the land lying within the
bed of the said street, to the Town of Mamaroneck, and upon
the further condition that each house for ,which a Certi-
ficate of Occupancy is issued, be provided with water, gas
and/or electricity and a. sanitary sewer.
Mr. Williams also brought up the matter of a new light to be located
at the corner of South Ridge Road and Fenimore Road and the matter
was referred to the Superintendent of Highways for recommendation at
the next meeting.
The Town Clerk presented and read a letter, dated July 9, 1952, from
Mr. C . J . Q uinn, Secretary of the Board of Police Commissioners,
acknowledging with sincere appreciation, the action of the Town Board i
in recognizing by resolution, the competent and efficient action of
the Police Department in the handling of the aeroplane disaster at
the Lonnie Briar Golf Club on June 11, 1952.
The letter was received with thanks.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated July 9, 1952, from Mr. C .
J . Quinn, Secretary of the Police Commission, stating that the Com-
mission wishes to recommend that any member of the Police Department
who has completed 25 or more yearsf service, shall be entitled. to
4 weeks' vacation with pay. The letter went on to say that presently
2 members of the Department have attained this record of service and
are eligible for retirement, and next year 2 more members will reach
that record of service .
Upon motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that all members of the Police Department of the
Town of Mamaroneck who have 25 yearsg or more of continued
service, shall be entitled to a vacation of 4 weeks with
pay each year.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect
The Clerk presented and read the following letter received from Father
John J. Flynn, Pastor of the Church of Sts. John and Paul, which letter
he was instructed to acknowledge with thanks:
"July 14, 1952
Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck
MaumarD eck, N. Y.
Attention: Supervisor Owen A. Mandeville
This letter is to express to you the deep gratitude and
appreciation of the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck
who are parishioners of the Church of Sts. John & Paul
for the kindness accorded to them in allowing them to
use the Auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire ?douse for
religious services during the past two years and ten
As the Pastor of the Church of Sts. John & Paul it is
very difficult to find words to convey my feeling of grati-
tude for the hospitality extended in the establishment of
this new parish. Please be assured that Y am deeply
appreciative and always will be mindful of the gracious
manner in which the Town Board offered its assistance.
I wish to make it a matter of record in stating that
during the past months there has been nothing but good
will and kind thoughtfulness on the part of the Chiefs
of the Mamaroneck Town Fire Department and its paid and
volunteer members. As we take leave of the Fire House to
move into our own Church, we do so with hearts filled
with gratitude for all that the Town Board and Town Fire
Department have done for us.
The spirit of civic interest, charity* and traditional
American tolerance which marked our entry into the 'Fire
Douse for religious services, have continued with warmth
and sincerity down to the present day. This fine spirit
of good will and true Americanism is a tribute to our
community and sets an example for every community through-
out the country.
To the Town Board of the Mamaroneck Township, and to its
Fire Department, who gave us a home when we were homeless
aFid continued to shelter us for nearly three years, we
offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for their
great kindness and their willing and warm response to
assist both Priests and people of this new parish in our
day of need.
May I respectfully ask that this letter be read at the ;.
next meeting of the Town Board and, if it meets with your
approval, be incorporated into the minutes of the meeting.
With my cordial good wishes to the members of the Town
Board, and asking God to bless you, I ate
Sincerely yours,
John J . Flynn,
The Torn Clerk presented an estimate dated May 29, 1952, received from
Westchester Joint Mater Works, No. 1, of the cost of installation of
water main in Bryson Street between Murray and Chatsworth Avenues in
the Town of Mamaroneck, in the amount of $594.500
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that Mr. Hans Kuhn,, a
builder, wished to enter into the usual agreement with the Town and
Westchester Joint `dater Works, whereby he would furnish the trench,
deposit $594®50 and receive refunds up to 9Y of revenue, from the sale
of water for a period of 10 years or until the total amount of the
deposit is refunded, whichever first occurred.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane (Council-
man Waterman not voting) it was unanimously
RESOLVEDthat the Town Board hereby approves the usual
agreement between Hans Kuhn, Westchester Joint Water
Tdorks, :tom 1, and the Town of Mamaroneck for installa-
tion of a water lire in the street known as Bryson
Street, provided that Mr. Kuhn furnish the trench and
deposit $594.50 with the Westchester Joint Water Works,
to cover the cost of pipe and installation.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreement provide that refunds
up to 9CY,n of revenues derived from the sale of water to
customers along this line or extension, be made for a
period of 10 years or until the total amount of the
deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur®
The Town Clerk presented a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees
of the Village of Larchmont, approving the sale by the Town of Mamaro-
neck, of Block 619 Parcel 11, to Oliver M. Oake for the sum of $12050.
In connection with this sale, the Town Clerk presented a letter, dated
August o, 1952, from Mr. William S . Brill, attorney for Mr. Oake, re-
spectfully requesting that the Town Board permit Mr. Oake to withdraw
his bid and have his deposit in the amount of $105 . returned to ham.
The letter went on to say that Mr. Oaks had contemplated the erection
of multiple dwellings (this being permitted under the existing Zoning
Ordinances of the Village of Larchmont) but now learns that it would
be prohibited by private restrictive covenants of record as contained
in Liber 1951 of Conveyances at page 401, allowing only single family
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, the
following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, heretofore and on June 11, 1952, Oliver M. Oaks
offered to purchase from the Town of Mamaroneck, a parcel of
property known as Block 619 Parcel 11, for the sum of 03050. ,
and upon acceptance of such bid by the Supervisor, he deposited
the sum of $105; and
WHEREAS, said sale was thereafter approved by the Town
Board and the village Board of Larchmont; and
WHEREAS, the said Oliver M. Cake made said offer to pur-
chase, in the belief that the erection and construction of
apartment houses or multiple dwellings would be permitted on
said premises, but it now appears that certain deed restric-
tions prevent such use of the property; and
WHEREAS, Oliver Cake has requested the Town to refund his
RESOLVED that the sum of $105 . heretofore and on the
11th day of June, 1952, deposited by Oliver Cake for
the purchase of property known as Block 619 Parcel 11,
be refunded to him and he be released from his bid.
FURTHER RESOLVED that such payment is subject to the
adoption of a similar resolution by the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Larchmont.
The Town Clerk presented an application for a dance hall license from
Elin L . Hansen, proprietor of the Terrace Lounge at 15 Boston Post Road,
Larchmont, N. Y . , which application had been approved by the Building
Inspector and the Fire Inspector.
In connection with this, the Town Clerk also presented and read a letter
dated August 4, 1952, from Chief Paul A. Yerick, in which it is stated
that he cannot recommend the issuance of this license.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was
RESOLVED that the application of Elin L . Hansen for a
dance hall license for premises known as Terrace Lounge,
15 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, Nm Y. , be and it hereby
is denied.
The Town Clerk presented and read a letter addressed to Mr. Delius,
Town Attorney, from Mr. George P . Forbes, Attorney for the Village of
Larchmont, asking if the Town had come to a decision with respect to
the purchase by the Village, of property located in the Town and which
would be used as a dump by the Village. The Supervisor stated that he
believes people who own hones in the area should not be burdened with
a disposal area of this sort. He went on to say he feels it would be
a betrayal of confidence and also, if some day this area is to be
used for champing purposes, it might well be that the Town itself
will have need of it.
The Town Board unarimously and with regret declined the request of the
Village of Larchmant and the Town. Attorney was instructed to so in-
form Mr. Forbes.
For the record, the Towns. Clerk presented an affidavit of publication
and affidavit of posting of the Notice of a permissive referendum in
connection with the proposed establishment of a parking space at the
Larchmont Railroad Station.
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that the Thruway
Commission had met and there now seems to be a possibility that the
Larchmont Railroad Station may be replaced or re-located. Further,
he said, the parking area might also be re-located. However, it is
has opinion that if this happens, an area containing about 25% more
parking space will be provided. Therefore, the lease with the Rail-
road Company has not, as yet, been signed, and Mr. Delius has again
written to the Railroad Company.
Mr. Delius read a letter from the Agent for the Railroad Company (re-
plying to a previous one from him to the Company) asking that the
lease be signed.
After discussion, it was suggested that Mr. Delius again write the
- Railroad Company and request a conference with a view to further
clearing up the matter. It was also suggested that, perhaps, Mr.
James G . Harding, Commissioner of the Public 'Works Department of the
County of Westchester, might -be invited to attend the conference.
The following reports were ordered received and filed;
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, June, 1952
Report of Receiver of Taxes, July, 1952
Report of Building Inspector, June and July, 1952
Town Clerk @s Report, July, 1952
Statement of Bank Balances as of August 1, 1952
Claims Audited and Paid by 'the Comptroller, July 1 to August 1, 1952
Surrsaary of Receipts and Disbursements as of June 30, 1952
Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures as of June 30, 1952
Analysis of Estimated Revenues as of June 30, I 2
Attendance Report, July, 2952
The Town Clerk presented a list of polling places for the purpose of
designating a place in each election district of the Town in which a
meeting for the registration of voters, election and primaries shall
be held in the year following the ensuing let day of October.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was
RESOTVED that in accordance with the provisions of
Section o® of the Election law, being Chapter Ir of
the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as
amended, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
hereby designates a place for each election district
in the Town at which a meeting for the registration
of voters, election and primaries shall be held in
the year following the ensuing let day of October
as follows:
The Town Clerk submitted the following bids for the sale of a 1951 Ford
2-door sedan, Engine #31EG105905: (owned by the Police Department)
Midway Motor Sales 0:050
Flinn Motor Corp. 1,075
Chulew Motor Sales 1,225
On. motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the bid of Chulew Motor Sales, in the
amount of $12225 for the purchase of one 1951 Ford
2-door sedan, Engine No. BIEG105905, be and it hereby
is accepted.
Supervisor Mandeville requested a resolution authorizing an increase in
salary for Patrolmen Eugene Agnessa-ritc and John Welsh.
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was
RESOLVED that the annual compensation of Eugene Agnessanto
and John Welsh, Patrolmen, be and it hereby is fixed at
13,720 each, effective as of September ls 1952, in accor-
danne with the regular increment schedule allowed.
Supervisor Mandeville requested a resolution authorizing the Receiver
of Taxes to accept payment of School taxes in two installments.
Upon motion made by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 96A of Chapter
62 of the Laws of 1909 as amended, the Town Board
of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize
and empower the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of
Mamaroneck, to collect the 1952 School taxes for
Union Free School District No. 1 in the Town of
Mamaroneck and School District No. 2, Town of
Scarsdale, New York, which, under the provisions of
the Westchester County Tax Law, being Article 16
of the Westchester County Administrative Code, become
a lien and are payable on September lst, 1952, in two
partial payments, each amounting to fifty per cent
v5Q%) of any such school tax as levied.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes of the
Town of Mamaroneck is authorized and empowered to
receive the payment of such partial payments or in-
stalments of the 1952 School taxes for Union Free
School District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck,
and School District No® 2, Town of Scarsdale, New
York, at any time, but subject to the same penalties
as are specified and provided in Section 542 of the
Westchester County Administrative Code, for neglect
to pay the total amount of the School taxes after
the levy thereof.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the acceptance of any such
partial or instalment payment of the 1952 School taxes
for Union Free School District No® 1 in the Town of
Mamaroneck, and School District No. 2. Town of Scars-
dale, New York, shall not be deemed to affect, in any
manner, any right of the Town of Mamaroneck under any
general or special act, to enforce collection of the
unpaid balances of such taxes as may remain due and
owing to said Town, but such rights and powers shall
remain in full force and effect to enforce collection of
the unpaid balance of such school taxes, together with
interest, penalties and other lawful charges.
On -potion made by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman
laa.terman, it was unanimously
rBSOT ED that this Board hereby designates 7'The .Daily
Times" , a daily newspaper published in the Village and
Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of publishing the
notice of the collection of the 1952 School taxes as
required by lamp and be it
-- FURTHER RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions
of Section 550 of the Westchester County Administrative
Code, the Town Board do and hereby does direct the Re-
ceiver of Taxes and Assessments to -:ail to each taxpayer
of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known to said
Receiver of Taxes and assessments, a tai ball for 1952
School taxes, the expense thereof to be a To-wm charge.
On motion made by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the date for the next Town auction sale
of property acquired by foreclosure proceeding in rem,
be and it hereby is set for September 3, 1952s at 7: 45
F ® Ma in the Council room of the Weaver Street Fire
House in the To}-r:? of Mamaroneck.
The Board discussed the amount of compensation to be paid to lam J
Foote, Civil Engineer, in connection with the construction of a
trunk sewer in Fenimore Road a_a pumping plant and force -Hain and
also publishing of notice for bias on this project®
On .notion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the
following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, this Board heretofore and on December 19, 19511
adopted resolutions pursuant to Section 202B of the Town Law to
increase and improve the facilities of Sewer District Nom 1,
by the construction of a trunk sewer in Fenimore Road and a p,ampm
ang plant and force main., for which purpose A. Ga Foote, Civil
Engineer, was retained to prepare definite plans and specifications
for such work, his compensation to be agreed upon prior to the
awarding of the contract; and
?4HEREAS, the Notice to Bidders, Flans and Specifications,
vhichh have been prepared by Am J . Foote, ClviJ Engineer, have
been submitted to this Board and approved by the Town Attorney,
RESOLVED that the following notice be published in
the Daily Times once a week for 3 successive weeks,
coimaencing August ll, 1952:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be
received by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,
5bestchestei County, New York, until 8 o- clock Fm M.
Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on September 33 1952, at the
Office of the Town Clerk, 158 .rest Boston Post Road in the
Village of Mamaroneck, New Yore, and then at Town Board
meeting room in the Neaver Street Fire House, publicly
opened and read aloud, for furnish--ng all materials, tools,
machinery, equipment and appliances. of every kind and
description whatsoever, and providing the labor required
.. .. .......... _ .
for construction of Sewage Pump Station and Force Main in
FenL-nore Road, Mamaroneck, New York, in accordance with the
Plans and Specifications drawn and prepared by A. J . Foote,
Civil Engineer, and which now may be obtained in the Office
of the Town Clerk, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,
upon payment of Ten 0;10¢00) Dollars for each set. A refund
of Ten (410.00) Dollars will be made to each bidder and a
refund of rive ($5 .00) Dollars to each non-bidder, upon
return of such sets in good condition within thirty (30)
days after receipt of bid.
The principal items of work consist of-
Section A Reinforced concrete subsurface sewage pump
station including the furnishing and installa-
tion of all ecuipment connecting piping and
Section B Furnishing and installing about two thousand
(2,O00A ) feet of ten (10") inch cement lined
cast iron pipe or cement-asbestos pipe force
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the
sum of five per cent (5 ) of the amount bid, payable to the
Town of Mamaroneck, drawn upon a State or National Bank or
Trust Company authorized to do business in the State of New
York, and no bidder may withdraw his bid, and in case the suc-
cessful bidder shall fail or refuse to enter into a contract
in accordance .with the Proposal, the proceeds of said check
will be retained, by the Town.
The successful bidder will be required, within ten
days after the awarding of the Contract, to furnish
and file with said Town Board, in such form and with such
insrer and guarantor as the Town may approve, po?icies in-
the Town of Mamaroneck against any loss and/or
damages resulting either directly or indirectly from or
during the prosecution of the work provided for under the
Contract and a bond in the amount of the Contract guaranteeing
the faithful performance of the Contract.
The Town Board reserves the right to consider bids for ten
(10) days after receiving vane, before awarding the Contract,
and the right is reserved to include or exclude any alternate
estimate called for herein, if any, as Tray be determined by
t^_e Town Board, to reject any or all bids or to accept any
bid or bids .rich the Town Board may deem advantageous to the
Town of Mamaroneck and` to award the Contract to other than the
lowest bidder.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation of A. J.
Foote, Civil Engineer fo-r supervise-ng the work
is hereby fixed as follows-
10%' of the amount of the contract when awarded;
$200. for expenses of preliminlary surveys already made.
The Supervisor stated that Weaver Street, between Heather Lane and
Garden Road is without a.. side'-ial'c and because of tl.e opening of the
new school of Sts. John and. Paul, he believes that the construction
of a sidewalk has now become necessary. A certain taking, from 1 to
4 feet will be necessary and he submitted maps for consideration by
the Board.
The matter was referred to the Supervisor and the Town Attorney for
investigation any negotiation.
Mr. Delius was requested by the Supervisor to investigate the possi-
bility of an ordinance which would prohibit indecent dress on public
Councilman McKeever presented the folio ing petitions received from
the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to per-nit
the apportionment of taxes and on motion by Councilman McKeever,
seconded by Councilman- Kane, the following resolution was unanimously
T EREAS, t1_'?e Assessor has presented petitions for the correction
of the Assessm=ent Roll for certain ;fears, pursuant to the provisions
of Section 557, Article 16 of the o,Testche.stet' County 'administrative
Hoke, anown as the Westchester County Tan Law; a2^i"a
WHEREAS, after due consideration; this Board finds it desirable
to grant said petitions for the %OrrBCt'i.OrE of said assessment roll,
RESOLIED that the assessment roll of �951, School
taxes of 1952, which shows property now appearing
on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
124 191 Frank _Miller 1, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land on!
124 191 Paul A. Yerick Sou
121 200 Frank Miller 1,000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 19513
School taxes of 1952 and the Assessment Roll of
1952, taxes of 1953 which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land jm2ro'.iement Total
201 1 Ethel K. Morner 10,000 162500 26, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance -alt.^ the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land 3mor'ovement Total
- 201 1 mans George Morner 2,000 62000 51000
201 19 Ethel K. Morner 8,000 10,500 182500
-_" 1952-1953
Block_ Parcel Name Land kmjrovement Total ;
201 1 - Ethel K. Morner 10,000 23,000 33,000
be corrected as follows in accordance the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imcrovement Total
201 1 Hans Georfle Morner $2,033 12, 500 14,5O3
201 19 Ethel K. Morner 8,000 10, 500 15,500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951,
School taxes of 1952 and the assessment roll of
1952, taxes of 1953 which show property now
appearing on the roll as -follows:
Block Parcel Name rand on! J
234 102 Gaetano Protano 4,000
be corrected as follows in accordance Wit_. the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
ElC'p3i YarC^c_'•. _,1 a..�ie Land Cis—,�
201 102 Gaetano Protano 3,300
20 155 Darold H. Sharp 200
Blocs Parcel Name Land Imarovc:±nent Total
4,D4 102 Gaetano Protano 6,800 1G,OOO. 16,800
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Bloch Parcel Plane Land lmiroveuent Total
201 102 Gaetano Protano 62600 10,000 16,600
204 155 Harold �. Sharp 200 200
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951,
School taxes of 1952 and the assessment rol'_ of
1952, taxes of 1953, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
B1ocL Parcel Name Land on1:a
208 197 Est. of Maxwell Miller 7,200'
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
238 197 Merritt Building Cor-P. 3, 700
._ 208 207 Marc F. Braeckel 3, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951,
School 'taxes of 19152 and the assessment roll of
1952, taxes of 1953, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follov.s-
Blocf�: Parcel Name Land Im2rovement Total
210 789 Hlghridge Realty Corp. 15,360 15,250 30,610
211 333
be corrected as follows in accordance -with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Tmnrovement Total
213 789 John H . Collins 152360 15,250 303250
210 901 Highridge Realty Corp. 360 360
FjRTHER RESOLVED t'_^_at the assessment roll of 19512
School taxes of 1952, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel IT ame Land orl
226 1 Carnoy-Molter Const. Corp . 12,300
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section. 5570
Bloc's Parcel Ne me Land onl:v
226 1 Carnoy®?Wolter Const. Corp. 3,000
226 27 ea n a+ tr 1, 750
22,5 55 & 5011 'plan L . Carnoy 53
226 62 v? r ±a 22830
226 500 a? vs 403
226 238 Carnoy-Wolter Const. Corp. 2,000
226 258 Eli D. De Vries & W. 2,000 �
FURTHER 7E,S'OTV7 that the assessment roll of 1951,
School taxes of 1952 and the assessment roll of
1952, takes of 1953, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
532 239 George A. Gatti 1,790
be corrected as follows in. accordance with the
Provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
50,2 239 Helen G . Gotti 8001
532 297 George A. GoWti 900
Block Parcel Name Land Zimprovei:1.e~t Total
502 239 George A. Gatti 1,950 5,000 0,950
be corrected as follows in accordance ,rith the
provisions of subdi7iSion 5 of Section 777:
Block Parcel name Land h112r07ement Total
702 239 Helen G . Gotti 950 950
502 247 Georgc- A. Gatti 1,000 �,Q00 6,300
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951
School taxes of 1952 and the assessment roll of
1952, taxes of 1953, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows-
:311cTTo7 Se TTCj aLj� u •ss
o 9- -,T-aad
-Ou L%j@dcjd Mows g011Tm `CS6T 'o saxes `Z56T
„7.0 TTCS �.Y -^,L?SSGSSe au4 IJUH s7C6•T LO Sa-74 _ccg0S
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:sMOTTOJ Ss TTca SLIT uo Su7jeadde
r;Cu fi",J9dOJd 1'OT4s uoz=I" `MT ,;c saxeq `'5'/bT
T TTc i auL tdue `Z56L JO ut�o,T
`TSbT TO TTc Yuau?ssass� a l5 �eL,I C[ +'IOS�a JJT=-d �IPZ
C6g`T 11: cTopuopucqQ;; Se- j -L70
09Z 4T -,I_(' gLd,::oOQ ' ,1). Ta;v,j CL ZTQ
TUO Pue1 auieIII i eo-e,5 Y=,ccT9
:1 c5 uo-;OGS To ; UOTSTAIT grLS TO suoTsT�_otd
a lj LJgT - aOue-�JOOO-e UT SNOLTOi Se Pa43ezJ00 a®
:S"LOLTC3 S2 TTca a< O SUTz2ad'e
etc u ;Latto zd ohs L oT M `E56T To Saxes `Z56T
zc TT01- -,U-Mussasse auk, Tue `Z56T 3o se-YV Tooting
`T56T zo LLOS 4ueuiss9ss2 a4� Lek CEAUSSF IUI'cIlaT
C5e` 0,99 `T 00 °L 22 Ta=Le j ° ' L{daSO'_' Sw TC8
001/ CC"T cueTaey;I oTpT a Z9Z LCS
r; r s urn n z o" aO te. 'J O'4'
Lc"�.�iL `.�U Ci<.c i37y Loup l aiA.i'aiq T 7 -7, L9u
:x,55 UOT-OaS -0 5 iUG'CSThTpCiCc JO SueTSTYaCJd
a<i; aouePac,30e uT sa.cTT07 se TagoaJzaC aq
OSv `� C591T OCT`Z jaur;eai T4dasoT ZoZ TC8
Le+O'1. i-LC84.TaflOS .u�.T pLLc i ^o??Te l'J. LOO,?2Q -L Tg
as?,OTTov Se LTcj auk uc
2uTaeadd-e rou S;.Tadca(f Mo7s -uoTT41M, s 6T jo saxes. `Z56T
zo TLos quaassesse a,Tq pue 756T 3o saxeT TCCUOS
` o TT . e i L CHA 32'J 7TI Tu6T „ '113TM
bJ0 cr CO `£ ogcsadog oTuc;uT b9Z 9TL --
n,C9 6a7 000 c^T COO C'L aw;Ti` - 2 <f-ua H 99T tG
Tea.Oy �U a lLO , Pue7 a"w�I•I Ta O.ie j Y,�" ic
:L..55 uOT1.0aS ,-O = i,iGT S' i1?FgYtS TO SUCTSZAC,ld
a`Lin4 U '•�h: aOtie .IOOO-a UT S"`O'C TGJ se p q oe T..?oo aq
0,C,C'6C� vi" $o,`C 0CCr'17T a++vi41 ° LluaF 99T AL-
T-a'401 .a wia[i0 T.Q',-g nlie'1 c^L' 2iV. �i.8OI2:f 7OO79
Bloc. Parcel Name Land only
924 122 ago_"_n Lanza 8 W. 13050
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 5570
?-and only
`ii 9
John Lanza w T.
1 3 900
Eugene G'ianCola
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 19513
School taxes of 19523 and the .assessment roll of
052, taxes of 1953, nhion show property raw
appearing on the roll as follows:
La,.,.a only
`ii 9
_ oundati tns,
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
P t 5
�ur0'7slOil3 of subdivision 5 of Section 5 'ye
La,.,.a only
`ii 9
Alvin u'cias!^.o;.,, Inc.
10iml ch Foundations,_.s, Inc.
4; 000
FURTHER nESv VED that the assess. en t roll of 951
School taxes of 1952, and the assessment roll of
1972, taxes of 1953, which snow property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Bloc! Parcel Name Land on!
942 65 Eigert a Sherman, 3,000
be c'orrec'ted as follows in ..accordance ,ith the
provisions of subdivision 7 of Section 557:
Land Imarovement
Land cnli
Eigert &
Ralph M.
Bloc? Parcel
Land Imarovement
lgert L
be corrected
foll''.i"✓:s in accordance with the
of subdivision
5 of Section 55 is
Block Parcel
Land lmor-o7ement
Elgert &
Ralph M.
that the
assessment roll of 1951,
taxes of
1352, and
the assessment roll
1952, taxes
of 1953,
s o ,. property now
on the
roll as fol1lowsz.
Block Parcel
Lan on!
L+..+:o ii P .
be corrected as follows in accordance vith the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Elosh Parcel Name Land onLr
956 1 Damon P . Polcini 163300
956 350 P 41 14,40,)
056 426 Cornwall Construction, inc.12, 600
Supervisor Mandeville asked Mr. Delius to investigate the matter of 8,
medallion on a car, said to be owned by Mr. Thomas Manville, which
reads, "Town of Mamaroneck Fire Chief" .
Mr. Delius submitted to
brought by Consolidated
of Yew York, attacking
the Board the matter of a certiorari proceeding
Edison Company of New York against the State
special franchise values in the Town of Mamaro-
Mr. Delius was authorized to go to Albany to attend the hearing or
tkiE matter.
There being no further business to come before the veetirE, it ad-
journed at 10: 10 P . A. to meet again on September 3r?; 1952, and imme-
diately re-convened as the Board of Fire Commlssionersm
Fire Chief Eyieson appeared and submitted several
chase by the Fire Department, of a nev compressor .
cussion, on motion by Ccuncilmsn McKeever, seconds
Waterman, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
bids for the pur-
Following dis-
i by Councilman
RESOITED that this Board hereby authorizes the
purchase from Gardner Denver Co. of one air
compressor unit in the amount V $752. plus am
allowance cf $125 . for installation of the same .
Chief Ericson- sal _ would have ready Qr the next Lcard meeting, a
report on the Fire Department equipment.
Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Report for the month of iuly2
1952, and the inspector' s Report for June, 1952.
Councilman Waterman pre v en. el the Fire De2artmart claims for july, 1952,
which had been approved by the Tire Chief ara audited by the Comptroller.
On action by Councilman Taterman, seconded by Ccuncilman McKeever, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Super7iscr and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to lay
the same out of the Budget for the Fire Department:
A L 1 Automotive Co.
W 5 .08
American LaFrance Foamite
Arthur A. Brown
Consolidated Edison Cc .
32 .58
Blalse Fatone
joe-Patsyls Garage
50 .00
Librandi Florists & Nursery
McGuire Eros . , Inc.
5 .03
G. V. Merrell
Y. Y . Telephone Co .
140 .76
Testchesteo joint later Vorks
7 .0
Wesco Fire Equipment & Service
16. 70
Ramon Yusi
Hydrant Rentals
Testctezter joint rater Works
New Rochelle Water Co.
=643 .68
"+heTe being no fua'fhe —aSlMe-sSe !1z meeting ad-1---U.S'ed at 10: 30 P . M.
tr, raeet aga,4n 3n September ig 10'2.