HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_04_15 Town Board Minutes sot
Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 015 F . M
PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Embury, Kane, Waterman and McKeever
Presence was also noted of t_'.^_e Town Clerk, Mr. Gronberg, the Town
Attorney, Mr. Delius and the Town Superintendent of Highways, Mr.
O 'Brien.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated April 12, 1952, received �...
from the Children" s Councils Inc. , requesting use of the Town Yard
for its Charity Carnival, to be held July 12, 1952•
On motion by Councilman Embry, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that permission be and it hereby is granted to
the Children' s Council, Inc. to use the TcT-n Yard for
its Annual Charity Carnival, to be held July 12, 1952.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated April 81 1952, from the
Garden Club of Garchmont, asking cooperation of the Town Board as well
as the Police and Fire Departments of the Town, in discouraging the
_._ practice of burning over empty lots in the Unincorporated "Area.
The Clerk was instructed to thank the Garden Club for bringing this
matter to the attention of the Board, and to inform them that they would
receive the requested cooperation. Mr. O'Brien was instructed to dis-
continue the burning of lots .
The Clerk presented and read a letter dated April 5, 1952, received
from Carney- Totter Construction Corp. suggesting widening Fenimore Road,
above Durham Road. The letter was received and filed.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated April 2, 1952, received
from Mr. Reuben Sirlin, attorney for Mr. Bernard :.sancia, inquiring
regarding refund from the Yestchester Joist Water Yorks, relative to
houses constructed by Mr. Lancia. in Lancia. Lane, in connection with
which, he had paid for the installation of water.
The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated April 14, 1952, from Mr.
Frank H. Tuyeffort, attorney for Sales Management, Inc ., owner of
property in the Town of Mara.roneck commonly known as the Colonel Edward
Lyman Bill Estate, offering to purchase a triangle and one-foot strips
described on the 49Asseessor' s Field Book of the Town of Mamaroneck" as
91Reputed Owner, Town of Manaroneck. 72 x 45 Tr®
Sec. 2, Block 9A
Tot 408E Block 224 Lots 771, 772, In Road"
The offer was for 1/3 of the assessed valuation or 1133.34 and Mr.
Twyeffort@s check for 10% of that amount, or $13 .34 was enclosed.
The matter was referred to Mr. Delius.
..... .._..._
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The Clerk presented and read the Fire LnspectorEs Report for the month
cf, March, 1952.
The Clerk presented a Local Records Disposition Request covering vari-
ous Town licer_ses issued prior to January 1, 1946.
On fiction by Councilman McKeever, seconded. by Councilman Waterman, it
waz tivnanLnously
RESOLVED by the To-,,°n Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, that
Charles Fa Gronberg, Town Clerk, be and he hereby is autho-
rized to dispose of record items numbers 1, 2, 5, 141 23
and 28 on Records Disposition Request List Number 2, issued
pursuant to Section 114 of the Regulations of the Co is-
sinner of Education, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be and he
hereby is directed to furnish a. copy of this resolution
to Charles jw Gronberg, Town Clerk, to be forwarded to
the Commissioner of Education.
The Supervisor submitted a resoluticn -received from the Village of
Larchmont, authorizing the sale of Block 601, Parcel 142, and
recc_nmended its approval.
Upon motion by Councilman Fmbu y, seconded by Councilyan McKeever, the
following resoluticn was, upon roll call, unanizously adopted-
WHEREAS, the Village of Larchmont, through the institution of
an action. begun February 13, 1946, in the County Court of V estchester
County, and entitled "7r the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens
pursuant to Article Seven-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village
of Larchmont (list of Delinquent Taxes for 1946) 1" has become and now
_- is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the
Village of Larchmont, and Tovm of Mamaroneck, by virtue of a judgrient
in said foreclosure action made and entered in pursuance of said
judgment; and
dHEREP_S, both the Village of Larchmont and Towr_3 of Mamaroneck
held tax liens for unpaid taxes on said parcels of real property- and
NHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165-A of the Tax Law, an agreement,
dated May 20, 1946, was entered into bet-,weep the Village of Larchmont
and the Town of Mamaroneck which, among other things, set forth the
interests of said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed,
the disposition of said tax liens and unpaid taxes and the manner of
the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales; and
WHEREAS, the Village Treasurer, pursuant to authorization of the
Village Board. of the Village of Larchmont, on March 1, 1945 accepted
the following offer of the upset price on said property.
Upset Price Village
Block Parcel Purchaser Price Accented Assessment
601 142 Angela Maria Del Duca $835.82 12300®00 12600°00
BE IT RESCL 7D that the sales price bid for the parcel
- of real property listed above is hereby approved, and
that all consents and approval by the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the sale of the aforesaid parcel
of real property by the Village of Larchmont required
under the provisions of the aforesaid agreement between
the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck,
dated May 20, 1946, are hereby granted and allowed°
Supervisor Mandeville reported that Councilman McKeever, who is ably
qualitied, has been act:bng as Building Inspector for the Town in the
absence of Mr. McEvoy who has been ill.
Councilman McKeever said that he had been very happy to be of assistance,
Councilman McKeever presented the following petitions received from the
Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the
apportionment of tames and on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded
by Councilman Embury, the following resolution was unanimously adopted;
TTHEREAS, the Assessor has presented, petitions for the correction
of the Assess=rer_t Roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions
of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative
Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and
ti;rriEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable
to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 195=, taxes
of 1952, which shows property now appearing on the
roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
819 416 Maria Rositi & ors $1,625 3,500 53125
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Lard Improvement Total
819 416 Maria Rositi & ors 1,375 3,500 4,875
819 422 BP rP eP 9P 250 250
FURT-HER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1951, taxes of 19522 which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows.
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
633 18 V. G. Koroglian 10 750 83750 19, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel_ Name Land Immrovement Total
613 1$ V. G . Koroglian 4,500 4,500
613 23 BP sc ev 6P 25() 52750 1",000
FURTF= RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1951, taxes of 1952; which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total.
- 8820 85 Village of Mamaroneck 25300, 500 2,800
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557®
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Tota.i
820 85 Village of Mamaroneck 12000 500 11500
820 130 Alfred Stanton 1,300 12300
_ 807
Councilman McKeever reported on the proposed sewer project in Fenimore
Road that they should be able to advertise for bids about :tune lst.
He also reported that bids are being recei`?ed on the weighing station
,which is to be located in Port Chester.
Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Department claims, approved
by the Fire Chief" and audited by the Comptroller.
The members of the Town_ Board, sitting as the Board of Fire Commis-
- sioners, considered the claims and on motion_ by Councilman Waterman,
seconded by Councilman Embury, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
the same out of the Budget for the Fire Department.
Consolidated. Edison Co. of New York, Inc. $35.22
New York Telephone Company 45.90
McGuire Brosa , Inc. 12.50
Westchester joint '.cater Works #1 8.95
Harold 0 . Thomsen 15 .00
Modern Paint & Glass Co. 72.73
Arthur M. Brow-n 50.00
McGuire Bros, , Inc. 5 .00
A. & A. Automotive Co. 15 .91
G . W. Merrell 91.35
:Modern Dry Goods Store 38=84
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. ; Inc. 151063
Ramon Martinez
Hydrant Rentals;
Westchester joint Dater Works #1 2,290.00
The New Rochelle eater Company j6o25
Grand Total $2,927.54
Councilman Kane introduced Mr. Arthur Richards, Engineer for the Vil-
lage of Larchmont, who wished to address the Town Board regarding the
use of land in the Town for dump purposes.
He said he was at the meeting at the suggestion of Supervisor Mandeville,
and then proceeded to read 2 memoranda which he had previously submitted
to the Trustees of the Village of Larchmont. He went on to explain the
situation using a map, and emphasized the fact that it is rubbish and
not garbage which is to be dumped, Mrs. Richards said the Village is
now dumping in the area of Lorenzen Place which will be suitable to the
needs of the Village for the next 5 years. The Village is interested
in some arrangement to acquire property located in the Town which will
take care of future dumping . At present there is no property located
within the limits of the Village ;which could be used for this purpose.
The Supervisor said that the Town has been taking care of the residue
from the Incinerator for the last 7 or 8 years, which includes that of
the Village of Larchmont. He went on to say that he believed the people
living in the area of the property to be considered should be given an
opportunity to be heard before anything is decided. He also said it
is possible that the Incinerator might of necessity be moved in order
to make room for the proposed Thruway.
809 j
The Board agreed that this matter should be deferred for at least 6
The Supervisor thanked Mr. Richards for explaining his Boardis situa-
tion to the Town Board.
Mr. Delius reported on the matter of insurance for the auxiliary
policemen and said they could be insured under the provisions of the
Workmen' s Compensation Law, for a sup not to exceed $5 . per man, per
Following discussion, on motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by
Councilman .Fatermar_, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, pursuant to directives and
authority from the Civil Defense Authorities of the State of New York
and. County of Westchester, has recruited and trained an Auxiliary
Police Force consisting of not to exceed 35 members, and
WHEREAS, the County of Westchester has not obtained Korkmen4s
Compensation coverage as optionally authorized by law= for such
Auxiliary Police; and
WHEREAS, this Board is desirous of obtaining such Workmen' s CUM-
pensation insurance ,protection as -provided in Chapter i�-/7 of the Laws
of 1952,
RESOLVED that Workmen' s Compensation be provided pur-
suant to the Workmen' s Compensation Law of the State
of New York as amended by Chapter 347 of the Laws of
1952, which insurance shall be effective during any
period when the County of Westchester has not provided
Workmen' s Compensation insurance.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized to send to the State insurance Fund,
which is the carrier for Workmen7s Compensation for
the Town of Mamaroneck, a copy of this resolution
with the request that the members of the Auxiliary
Police of the Town of Mamaroneck as presently enrolled,,
be covered by such insurance.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to pay for such Workmen3 s Compensation
Insurance, a sum not to exceed Five 05 .) Dollars per
mare, per year, and such funds are hereby appropriated
from the amount appropriated in the 195: Budget for
Civil Defense.
Mr. Delius reporting on the mutter of the letter from Mr. Reuben Sirlin
on behalf of Mr. Lancia, with regard to the refund of the Water Com-
pany, said that Mr. Lancia, at the time of the installation of the
water mains, had not entered into an agreement with the Town and the
Westchester Joint Water Works.
Mr. Delius was instructed to take this matter up wit'_^. the Water Com-
pany and report back to the Board at a later meeting .
Mr. Delius referred to the offer deceived from Mr. Frank H . Twyeffort,
and said this is an offer to p rchase property which had been deeded
t e own Mr. n Si Moody. 1t Delius' suggestion that
o the T .,�+_ by � ® W. zt was r�r® g
this property be sold at public auction.
Mr. Delius reported on the negotiations with the Railroad Company re-
gardirg the lease of the present parking area at the station.
The matter was referred to him for further negotiation and report to
the Board.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad-
journed at 10020 Re Ma to meet again or_ May 6, 1952°
To Cl k