HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952_01_08 Town Board Minutes 695
Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Embary, Dane, Waterman, and McKeever
Presence was also noted of Mr. Delius, Town Attorney, Mrs Finson, Town
Accountant, and Mrs. Barnes, Deputy Town Clerk.
The minutes of December 3rd and 5th, 1951, were approved as presented.
The Fire Report for the month of December, 1951, was read and ordered
received and filed.®
A claim in the amount of $111. representing the annual membership dues
of the Town for the year 1952, in the Association of Towns of the
State of New York, was submitted for approval.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Ton of 'Mamaroneck continue its member-
ship in the Association of Towns of the State of New York
for the year 1952 ' and that the annual dues in the amount
of 1111. be paid out of the item set aside for this pur-
1,ose in the 1952 budget.
Mr. Finson presented a petition received from the Assessor requesting
a correction of the 1951 Assessment Roll covering Block 906, Parcel
111. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
the following resolution was, upon roil call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor, pursuant to Section 557 of the Westches-
ter County Tax Law (Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative
Code) presented a petition for the correction of assessments upon the
roll of 1951, tax of 1952, so far as it affects Block 906, Parcel ill;
WHEREAS, it appears that this correction is asked on the ground
that there was an error in the assessment, inaSmidCh as the building,
which had been demolished, was erroneously included in said assess-
ment, thus making it greater than it should have been,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1951 be cor-
rected as follows:
— Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
906 111 J . & E . Lightbody $22500 $ 23500 45,000
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
906 111 J . &o E . Lightbody $2, 500 -- $2, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that service of the petition with
notice of presentation thereof to this Board, upon
the owners of the said parcels, is hereby waived
in view of the fact that the correction results
in a reduction of the assessment.
Mr. Finson presented a letter dated January 5, 1952, from Mr . Vito I .
Barbieri, requesting permission to erect a fence 6 feet high in the
rear of premises known as Block 223 Parcel 166 and Block 223, Parcel
,'sir. Barbieri, who was present, agreed to meet Councilman Waterman on
Saturday morning. Mr. Waterman will investigate the situation and
report back to this Board ,
The following reports were received and filed:
Fire lnspectorvs Report for November, 1951
Report of Receiver of Takes and Assessments for December, 1951
List of Claims Audited and Paid by the Comptroller from December 1,
1951 to January 1, 1952
Statement of Bane Balances as of January 2, 1952
Town Clerk' s Report for December, 1951
Mr . Pinson presented a letter, dated December 31, 1951, from the
Executive Secretary of the Association of Towns of the State of New
York, giving notice of the Annual Meeting to be held at the Hotel Statler,
Buffalo, New York, on February 6, 7, and 8, 1952. it was also requested
that a delegate and alternate be designated by the To-,n Board, to be
registered and present at the meeting.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that John L . Delius and Alex Pinson be and they
hereby are authorized to attend the Annual Meeting of the
Association of Towns of the State of New York, to be held
in Buffalo, New York, on February 6, 7, and S. 1952=
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Comptroller is hereby authorized
to audit their claims for expenses of the trip, said ex-
penses to be paid out of the item in the Budget for
travelling expenses .
The following resolution, presented by Councilman Embury, seconded
by Councilman Vaterman, was unanimously adopted:
THEREAS, John A. Mang did retire as a member of the Board of
Park Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, at the expiration of his
term of office, which term expired December 31, 19519 and
1'HEREAS, he has, since July 1, 1942, been a member of the Board
of Park Commissioners, and has been outstanding in his efforts toward
the improvement and maintenance of the parks in the Town; and
WHEREAS, he dial, at the time of the construction of the Honor
Roll, give unselfishly of his time and talent, contributing in great
measure to the very beautiful Memorial which was constructed at
Station Park,
RESOLVED that this Board looks with regret upon the
retirement of JOHN A. WANG as an active member of the
Board of Park Coszmissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck,
and expresses, by means of this resolution, its apprecia-
tion and gratitude for service so generously and com-
petently rendered.
FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent
by the Clerk of this Board to Mr. Wang.
The following resolution, presented by Councilman Embury, seconded by
Councilman McKeever, was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, on December 31, 1951, the Honorable Edward F. Matson did
retire from office as Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck, because of
the demands of his personal business which requires all of his time; and
WHEREAS, during his term of office he has been an outstanding
public servant, faithful at all times and ti_oLjELtful of the welfare
of the citizens of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, he has been untiring in his efforts on behalf of the
Town of Mamaroneck, more particularly in his capacity as an engineer
with reference to the operation, of the incinerator jointly operated
by the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont,
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
hereby expresses its regret at the termination of the
public service of EDWARD F 'IIATSCNti a. man widely known
and respected for his untiring work or, behalf of the
people he served.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the
- Honorable Edward F. Vatson.
The Town Clerk was instructed to have the above resolutions engross ad
for presentation to Mr . Wang and Mr. Watson respectively.
Councilman Embury said he had nothing to report for his departments .
The Supervisor presented his Annual Report of Highway moneys for the
year 1951. On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded. by Councilman
McKeever, it was, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor' s Annual Report of highway
moneys for the year 1951 be and it hereby is approved.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman_ Embury, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following notice be published in the
Mamaroneck Daily Times:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in compliance with Section 112
of the Highway Law, that Frank R . OeBrien, Superintendent
of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, has recommended the purchase of a 3-5 ton Road
Roller at a cost not to exceed $4,300. and 2 Temple Stone
L Chip Spreaders at a cost not to exceed x;295 . each. The
Town Board of the Tom of Mamaroneck will meet at the
Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, ITeaver
Street, Larchmont, New York, on the 6th day of February,
1952, at 6: 15 P . M. to consider such purchases .
The :highway Agreement for the year 1952 was presented and on motion by
Councilman. McKeever, seconded by Councilman Naterma.n, it was, upon roll
call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Highway Agreement as presented by the
Superintendent of Highways for the year 1952, be and it
hereby is approved,
The Supervisor suggested that the Board proceed with matters of organi-
Councilman McKeever moved the adoption of a resolution to approve the
salaries of all Town officials and employees and to appoint officers
and employees for the year 1952.
This motion, being seconded by Councilman Embury, was duly adopted
as follows:
Section 1. That the salaries of all elected officials
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1952 are to be
the salaries stated and appropriated in the annual
Budget or Estimate for the year 1952 as follows:
Name Office Salary
Owen A. Mandeville Supervisor 13,600
David A. Embury Councilman 1, 200
J . C ® Naterman Councilman 1, 200
John T . McKeever Councilman 1,200
Peter F. Kane, Jr. Councilman 11200
Henry A . Dillon Receiver of Taxes 5, 580
Charles M. Baxter Justice of the Peace 2, 520
- Munn Brewer Justice of the Peace 2, 520
Charles J . Gronberg Town Clerk 51380
Section 20 That the following persons are hereby
appointed as Town Officers as of January 1, 1952,
in accordance with the provisions of the 'Town Lai,,
and for the respective terms and at an annual salary
or rate of compensation hereinafter stated, such
annual salary or compensation to be paid from the
amounts appropriated in the annual Estimate or
Budget for the year 1952 or so much thereof as shall
be sufficient to ray the salary or compensation as
hereby fixed:
Name Office Term Salary
John L . Delius Town Attorney 1/1/52 to 12/311/53 Q 6,844
Francis O'Brien Supt. of Highways °9 44240
Vacant Town Engineer -
Thomas J . McEvoy Assessor 4,240
Leo N . Orsino Comptroller av 1,000
Section 3 = That a, bond be required for the faithrul
performance of the duties of each of the following
officials in the amounts stated, with sufficient
sureties to be approved by this Board, and the form
to be approved by the Town Attorney.
Comptroller 1,000 - two years
Supt. of Highways 1,000 - two years
Building a Plumbing Inspector 13000 - one year
Senior Acct. Clerk (Tax Office) 10,000 - one year
Accountant (Tax Office) 10,000 - one year
Section 4. That the foll. p positions shown in the
Budget or Estimate are hereby continued and the annual
compensation for the safe in the year 1952 is hereby
fi ,ed and shall be paid from the amounts appropriated
in the annual Estimate or Budget for the year 1952 or
so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay such Annual
compensation to be effective as of January 1, 19520
Title of Civil Service or Comaen-
iyame Position Classification sationy
T ilhelmina Schroeder Telephone Operator
& Deputy Clerk Comp® $2, 860
Jean Corbia int® Acct. . Clko & Steno ." 3,020
Alexander Finson Town Accountant 4? 5,380
Donna hiedemann Int. Account Clk. 41 2,760
Leo N. Orsino Senior Account Clkm " 4,380
Frances Riley Senior Typist ev 3,020
Margaret Barnes Senior Stenographer 91 32020
James Degina Jr, Eng. Aid (Prov<) R9 21740
Charles Kane Assm° tm Clk® (Prow,} 2,920
Paul A . Yerick Police Chief
Fi 6,1 /0
Francis Waterbury Police Lieutenant ry 5,140
Philip Millheiser Sergeant 87 4,620
11 . Cunningham g °°
<<_ � Sergeant 620
Eugene DeVeau Sergeant °P 4, 620
Joseph Paonessa Detective a+ 4,420
Chauncey Smith Sergeant ++ 4,740
John Grenan Patrolman ++ 4, 220
John Caputo Patrolman P° 42220
James Knox Patrolman °P 4, 220
Lawrence McAllister Patrolman IT 4,220
Christopher Loveley Patrolman °P 4,220
James Mancusi Patrolman °i 4,220
James Staropoli Patrolman P1 4,220
George Mulcahy Patrolman P° 49220
Louis Turco Patrolman °t 49220
Edward A. Bakker, Jr. Patrolman IT 49220
James Jo 0 °Brien Patrolman " 3,720
John M. Leonard Patrolman " 3,720
Richard ,dinckler Patrolman 3, 720
John Welsh Patrolman ev 3, 520
Eugene Agnessanto Patrolman °P 3,520
David McClintock Patrolman '° 3,720
John E . Rowan Patrolman °P 4,220
John Seufert Custodian B+ 2,860
Thomas M . Aitchison Park Foreman won-comp. 4, 200
Arthur Johnson Ass° t. Park Foreman lion-comp. 3,420
Michael Gallagher Fire Lieutenant Camp. 3,820
Michael Harrington Fire Lieutenant °` 3,820
Louis Testa Fire Lieutenant " 31820
Joseph Miller Fire Truck Driver Non-comp'._ 3, 680
Alfred Moll Fire Truck Driver 4° 3; 68o
Earl Mellor Fire Truck Driver °t 3,680
Edward Muller Fire Truck Driver °+ 3,680
Nicholas Soriano Fire Truck Driver °f 2,990
Joseph Donohue Automotive Mechanic °S 4, 020
George Osborne General Repairman. ®' 3,460
Winifred 0 . Taylor Public Health Nurse
CP . T .) Comp. 11670
Tm. Celestino Patrolman 71 3,320
Paul Fortuna Motor Equip. Opera-
for Non-Comp. 3,020
Section 5 . That the employment of the last named
persons to the aforesaid positions, is in accordance
with the classifications made by the County Personnel
Officer, under the provisions of the Civil Service Law
of the State and any vacancies which now exist or which
.may, from time to time, occur in said positions, are
to be filled at salaries set in accordance with the
provisions of the salary scale adopted by the Town
Board and in conformity with the Civil Service Rules
and amendments thereto, for towns, villages and special
districts in Westchester County, New Ycrl.
On _motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously resolved as follows:
Section 6. That the following persons are hereby
appointed to positions classified as exempt under
the Civil Service Law, such appointments to be made
as of January 1, 1952 and to continue at the pleasure
of the Town Board, at the annual salary or rate of
compensation hereinafter stated, which is to be paid
from amounts appropriated in the annual Budget or
Estimate for the year 1952, or so much thereof as
shall be sufficient to pay the salary or compensation
as hereby fixed:
Name of Title of Salary or
incumbent Position Compensation
Curtiss Major Sanitation Man S3,020)
Anthony Cugliari Sanitation Man 3,020
Matthew :alley Sanitation Man 31020
David Lyde Sanitation Man 3,020
Roscoe Paysoure Sanitation Man 3,020
Dominick Loiacon.i Sanitation Man 3,020
George W. Burton Fire Inspector 960
Marjorie V. McCulloch int. Stenographer, P . T . 750
Pearl E . deGrau Clerk, P . T. 750
Thomas J . McEvoy Bldg. & Plbg . Insp. P . T . 1,190
On motion by Councilman Embury seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously resolved as follows:
Section 7. That the salaries of all officers, elected
and appointed, and all employees, be paid semi-monthly
on the first and fifteenth days of each month.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded. by Councilman Embury, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously resolved as follows;
Section S. That there is hereby appropriated- from the
item in the annual Estimate or Budget for the year 1952
for the Department of Highways, Item III, the sum of
X3,420 and from the Sewer Department, Maintenance Man,
the sum of x;600 as the annual salary and compensation
of Joseph Donohue, Automotive Mechanic, for services
an the Departments of Highway and Sewer.
FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions become effective
_ as of January 1, 1952.
On motion by Councilman wa.terman, seconded by Councilman Embury, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following bonds for elected officials are
hereby required pursuant to the Town Law and approved as
Bond, Owen A . Mandeville, as Supervisor of the Town of
Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful performance
of his duties including the payment of all school moneys,
pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Law, upon -which the
National Surety Corp. is surety in the penal sum of
125,000 for a term of two years .
Bond, Charles J . Gronberg, as Clerk of the Town of
Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful performance
- of his duties, including the depositing of all funds
or moneys of the Town received by him, pursuant to
Section 25 of the To'w'n Law, upon which the National
Surety Corp. is surety in the penal sum of ? 1,000 for
a term of two years.
Bond, Charles M. Baxter, Justice of the Peace of the Town
of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful performance
of his duties, including the depositing of all funds
or moneys of the Town, received by him, pursuant to
Section 25 of the Town Law, upon which the Sun Indemnity
Co. is surety in the penal sum of $1,000 for a term of
four years .
The following letters were received;
44December 29, 1951
Honorable TownBoard
Town of Mamarcneck
Subject to your approval, I desire to deputize Mr. Leo N.
Orsinc, Senior Account Clerk in my office, to perform any
and all of the duties of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
ments, including thereanong, the duty of receiving tax money,
giving proper receipt therefor in his name, and entering the
same upon the records and d.epositirg the tax money in the bank
as required by law.
Very truly yours,
Henry R . Dillon
hrd/i-as Receiver of Taxes
December 29th, 19.51
Honorable Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Subject to your approval, I desire to deputize Mr. Alexander
Finson, Accountant of the Town, to receive tax money, give
proper receipt therefor in my name and enter same upon the
records and deposit the tax money in the bank as required by law.
Very truly yours,
Henry R. Dillon
nrd/ws Receiver of Taxes"
"� 91
On motion by Councilmen McKeever, seconded by Councilman Embury, it
was, upon roll Call, unanimously
RESOLVED that in accordance with a request received
from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, this Board
hereby aplroves of his appointment of Leo Y . Orsino,
Senior Account Clerk, as Deputy Receiver of Taxes,
and his designation of Alexander Finsor_, Accountant �
as a person authorized to receive tax money, give
— proper receipt therefor in his name, enter such pay-
ments upon the records and deposit tax money in the bank,
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the appointment by the Town Clerk of
iiilhe mina. Schroeder and Margaret Barnes as Deputy
Torn Clerks, in accordance with his certificate dated
December 29, 1951, and this day presented to the Board
is hereby approved.
On motion by Councilman Wa.terva.n, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that Charles J . Gronberg be and he hereby
is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the term beginning January 1,
1952 and ending December 319 1953 .
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to sign the Certificate of Appointment
of the Registrar of Vital Statistics to be filed with
the New York State Department of Health.
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the regular meetings of this Board he
held on the first and third Yedensdays of each month
at 8: 15 P . M . in the Council Room of the heaver Street
Fire House.
The Supervisor recommended the appointment of the following committees
for the year 1952:
Councilman David A. Embury Legislation
Police Pension Fund
Councilman Peter F . Kane, Jr. Incineration
Veterans' Service
Councilman Mere ian C . tt:aterman Recreation
Civil Defense
Water Supply
Councilman John. T . McKeever Assessments
The Board unanimously approved the foregoing appointments.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Giaterman, it
was upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the "Daily Times°t of Mamaroneck be and it
hereby is designated the 'official newspaper of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing notices .
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the firm of Glick-Freedman., Certified
Public Accountants of New Rochelle, New York, be and
they hereby are appointed to audit the records of the
Town for the year 1951.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation for this
service be in the amount of x';2,000. which is the
amount in the 1952 Budget.
On .-notion by Councilman ?'cKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following be and they hereby are
appointed constables to serve for the term beginning
January 1, 1952 and ending December 31, 1952, without
Rocco V . Miglia.ccio, 243 Kno'_lwood Avenue, Mamaroneck, ., . Y.
Thomas Faillace, 601 -Marnaroneck !"-venue, Mamaroneck, _, . Y.
J RESOLVED that the appointed Constables, Rocco
V . M<gliaccic and Thomas Fail-lace, each file a bond in
the sum of $2, 500. for the faithful performance of their
duties, said bond to be for one year and to be approved
by the To'T._ ttorncy, and the premium for the sane to be
paid out of Town funds .
On motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following be and they hereby are
appointed as members of the Board of Police Corrmis-
sioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, to serve
at the pleasure of the Board:
Cecil W . Borton
Loren R. Dodson
Cornelius J . Quinn
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was,
upon roll call, (Councilman Embury not voting) unanimously
RESO"LVED that Town Councilman David A . Embury be and he
hereby is reappointed as amember of the Board of Trustees
of the -Police Pension F nd for the term 'beginning January
1, 1952 and ending December 31, 1952
On motion by Councilman E�bory, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was,
upon roll ca-11, unanimously
RESOLVED that John W. Sha_rbough be and he hereby is
appointed a member of the Board of Park Commissioners
of Park District No. 1 of the Town of Ma::1aroneck, New
York, to serve for the term beginning January 1, 1952
and ending December 31, 1954
The Supervisor, in accordance with �'.rticle 2, Section 12 of the
Pli;_mibing Code of the Town of 'Vairiaroneck, ai-pointed members to the
Exam� 4=ing Board of plumbers as follows:
Y 1111 an, Fordyce 1 ,ear
Dr . ti;'sll am Conway 3 =ears
'.. uC1'l.n McKeever 4 years
On _motion by Councilman Embury, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following banks and trust com-
panies in which the funds of the Tower of Mamaro-
neck and its various districts and departments are
now deposited, shall continue to be the depositories
of such funds for the year 1952, upon the same terms
and conditions as now obtain, including security
deposits now in effect:
County Trust Company, Mamaroneck Branch, Mamaroneck,
County Trust Company, Larchmont Branch, Larchmont, N. Y.
First National Bank, Mount Vernon
Chase National Bank, New York City
Huguenot Trust Company, New Rochelle
First National Bank, New Rochelle
Marine Midland Trust Co. , New York City
The Supervisor presented the renewal of the contract between the Town
of Mamaroneck and the Vestchester County Dog Protective kssociaD.on,
Inc., for the year 1952 in the sum of $1, 500.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was,
upon roll call, unani*r_ously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and 1^_e hereby is
authorized to sign the contract between the Town of
'H amaroneck and the tidestchester County Dog Protective
Association, Inc. , for the year 1952, in the amount
cf1,500m as provided in the 1952 Budget.
The Supervisor presented the renewal of the contract between the Town
of Mamaroneck, the Village of Lar•ch_nont, and the Larchmont Public Libraaay
in the amount of $14,300. as provided in the 1452 Budget.
On motion by Councilman mane, seconded by Councilman Embury, it was,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized
to sign the contract between the Town of Mamaroneck, the
Village of Larc.iraont, and the Larchmont Public Library, in
the amount of X14,300 for the year 1952, which amount is
provided in the 19152 Budget.
The Supervisor presented a lease for tT,=o years, covering the rental of
the premises at 157 tdest Boston Post Road, used for the Town Offices .
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it
was, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized
to sign the lease for the rental of the premises used as the
Town Offices at 158 Vest Boston Post Road, Village of Mamaro-
neck, the lease being for the years 1952 and 1453, at the
rate of $3,000. per annum.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLED that the salary scale of Civil Service
employees of the To4Y? of Mamaroneck, adopted
January 3, 1951, is hereby amended as follows:
Minim'=n Maxlm�Un1
- Telephone Operator $23000 x32000
Int. Account Clk, & Stenographer 2,080 3, 200
Town Accountant 42600 5, 800
intermediate Account Clerk 2,000 32000
Senior Account Clerk (Tax Dept.) 3,400 42603
Senior Typist (Assessors Dept.) 2; 083 3,200
Senior Stenographer 2, 080 3, 200
Junior Engineering Aid 2,000 3,000
Police Chi �
4,7J0 o, 2vC3
Sergeant 42200 4r 700
Detective 3, 150 4,500
Patrolman 3,,000 2,,330
Custodian 21000 3,000
Park Foreman 3,200 42200
Assistant Park Foreman 22700 31 SOG
Fire Lieutenant 3,300 3,900
Fire Truck Driver 2,900 3,700
Automotive Mechanic 3,000 4 100
General Repairman 2,600 3, 530
Public Health Nurse (P . T .) 1,300 1,800
Deputy Supt. Public Works 3,600 41600
Motor Ecuioment Cperator (Gar'--,age Dept.) 2,100 3,100
Gabor Foreman (ri :ghway Dept°) 1.40 1.70 per hr®
Motor Equipment Operator (Highway Dept.) 1.10
1.4' per hr.
Road Maintainer (I!ighway Dept.; i®00 1.40 per hr.
Sewer Maintenance Man 1.30 1. '0 per hr.
Ass9t. Supt. Highways {Pm T ,} %�00 700
Fire Inspector (P . T®) 700 1,000
Bldg . &; Plbg . Inspector (P . T .) 550 1, 200
Assm° t. Clerk 2,080 3, 200
Detective Sergeant 4r 320 4 800
Police Lieutenant 1 ,500 5,200
The Supervisor presented a resolution received from the Village of
Lar=ncrt approving t'_e sale Block 701 P 73 to David Trachtenber
Of �, oc_ ��_ aree! _ g,
together with a request from the Village Clerk that the Town a �yrove
said sale .
Cn motion by Coi.ncilTian McKeever, seconded by Coumcilman Embury, -he
ollowing resolution was, on roll call, u_na-n:Lncusly adopted:
,LHEREAS, the village of La,rc'-`1mOnt, through the institution of
an acticn begun February 13, 1946, in the County Court of ?lestches-
ter County, and entitled "In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax
Liens pursuant to Article .Seven-A , Title 3 of the Tax Lary by the
Village age of Lar ch:mcnt (List of Delinquent Taxes 1 07:" 1946P? has be-
come and, now is the owner of nuL'-i O,er of parcels of real estate
sit'aate b the village of Larchmont and TGw_: of Mamaroneck by virtue
of a judgmien.t in said foreclosure action made and entered in pur-•
suance c_° said- judgment; and
'V EREAB, ^th the Vf-I l age Of Larchmont and Town of Ma':rarOnecx
held ta.. 1iensv for paid taxes on said parcels of real property;
r i t-
HEREAS, pursuant to Section 165-1 of the Tat: Law, an agreement
dated May 20, 1946, Was entered into between the Tillage of larchmont
and the Town of Mamaroneck, which, among other things, set forth the
interests of said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed,
the disposition of said tad: liens and unpaid taxes and the manner of
the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales; and
the Village Treasurer, pursuant
to authorization of the
Village Hoard
of the Village of
Larchmont, on
March 1, 1943,
the following
offer of the upset
price on said property;
Block Parcel
701 73
David Trachtenberg
$1, 667
1, 700
EE IT RESOLVED that the sales price bid for the parcel
of real property listed wove is hereby approved, and
that all consents and approval by t_^e Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the sale of the a.fereiwa:id parcel
of real property by the Village of Larchmont required
under the provisions of the aforesaid :agreement be-
tween the Village of Larchmont and ^e Town of Mamaroneck,
dated May 20, 1946, are hereby granted and allowed.
The Supervisor presented a letter dated December 21st, 1951, received
from Carney Wolter Construction Corp . requesting street lights on
Tinding Brook Drive .
On :motion by Councilman Waterman, se GG ^d by Councilman Lm u T , it was
RESOLVED that the request of Carney- Wolter Construction
Corp for the installation of lights on finding crook
Drive, be referred to Councilman McKeever, with power.
The Supervisor said that Mr .. Ca Crawford Eadie had called him the pre-
viCUS evening Co learn the reaction of the Town Hoard toward the joint
installation by the Town and `village of larchmont, of a mechanically
refrigerated skating r
The Supervisor appointed Councilman Waterman a conizi ittee of one to con-
fer with Mr. Eadie and report back to this Board.
The Supervisor thanked the Board `.embers for their cooperation during the
past year and ;wished each one a very Happy New Year .
He also said he was very happy to welcome Mr„ Peter Kane, jr. to the
Town Council.
Council McKeever reported that a Plumbing Examination had been called
according to law but there had been no applicants. He also reported
that a new street light would be installed on high Ridge Road,
Councilman McKeever iwent on to report that he had gone, with Mr. i' r='.n
_.. 'O9Brien, to Confer with Mr. Walter L . Roe regarding the d=airage problem
on his property. arrangements will be made for Mr. O ?Brien to talk
with the :'tanager of Bonnie Briar Country Club in connection with this ,
Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Department t claims, approved by
Chief Thomsen and audited by the Comptroller.
The members of the Town Hoard, sitting as the Hoard. of Fire Commissioners,
considered the claims s and on motion by Councilman, Waterman, seconded. by
Councilman Emb4.-'..r y, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
the sage out of the Budget for the Fare Department-
Star Overall Dry Cleaning Co . , Inc. x;152075
A & A Automotive Co. 1, 09
New York Telephone Company 29.95
Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y® , Inc . 3.00
Westchester Joint Z'vatar 'forks „l 3.96
Hydrant Rental:
The New Rochelle Water Company 56.25
Total $26000
Mr. Delius asked about the 70 feet of seder to be repaired by the dinged
Foot Golf Club. The Supervisor reported that Mr. Thomas Quinn, Manager
of that Club, has been ill and he, therefore, suggested that Mr. Delius
Trite to Mr. John Nadel, attorney for the Club.
It was suggested that Mr. 06Brien and Yr. McKeever confer with Mr. Delius
regarding uniform specifications for streets or highways before acceptance
by the Tosco.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P . M. to
meet again on February 6, 1952®
To C jerk