HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947_12_29 Town Board Minutes 911
In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville
at 8:15 P .M. ( Eastern Standard Time) .
Present : Supervisor Pandeville
Councilmen Stiner,Mills,Watson, Embury
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Gronberg, Accountant
Finson, and Councilman-Elect John T . McKeever.
The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed with the
Public Hearing on the application of the Fordham Transit Co. , Inc.
The Town Clerk read the affidavit of publication of the Notice
which appeared in the Daily Times on December 19, 1947.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished
to be heard on the matter .
Mr. Frank J. Zwick, Attorney, appearing in opposition, stated
that he represented both the County Transportation Co. and the New York,
New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. He said he was also appearing in their
behalf, as taxpayers as well. He submitted statements showing the amount
of taxes paid by them to the Town of Mamaroneck.
He called attention to the fine service which the County
Transportation Co. has rendered through the years sap to the present time.
He pointed out that the Fordham Transit Co. has a terminal in the Bronx
- and at the present time are running their buses from the Bronx to the
City of New Rochelle . He presented a map showing the route of the
County Transportation Co . and the proposed route of the Fordham Transit
Co. He said his Company has a main route along the Boston Post Road,
operating from New Rochelle to Stamford and return, and they serve the
residents by passing the New Rochelle terminus of the Fordham Bus Co.
where passengers can change.
He said there is absolutely no necessity for this other bus
service as the public Service Commission bases its consent upon two
factors, that of convenience and necessity. He said in this particular
case this is absolutely not a necessity, and the granting of this consent
would put a s;vere drain on the revenues of his Company.
He said the Fordham Transit Co, has made application to the
Village of Larchmont, and it is his belief that it has not been acted
upon as yet .
He further stated that the County Transportation Co. has served
this community for a great number of years and were quite tasked during
the war years . He said they are opposing this application because this
would take away their passengers, and ate taxpayers they have a right to
protect their property.
He said he was sure this Board recognizes the service performed
-- by the County Transportation Co. and urged the Board 's protection by
denying the application presented tonight.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one else present who
wished to be heard. There being no one, he stated that because of ill-
ness, the Town Attorney could not be present at the meeting and advise
the Board, therefore, he recommended that the Board postpone their de-
Mr. Zwick asked if there would be another public hearing.
The Supervisor replied that this would not be necessary'
however, if Mr . Zwick wished to appear at the next meeting of the Board
and add to what had already been said, it would be his privilege to do so.
A letter dated December 15, 1947, was received from 11r. K.G .
Van Sciver, Clerk of the Board of Education, which contained a resolution
expressing the appreciation of the Board of Education to the Supervisor
and Town Council for their cooperation on completing the liquidation of
the 1934-33-32 school taxes . The letter was ordered placed on file.
file : The following reports and statements were ordered placed on
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of November 1947.
Summary of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1 to November 30, 1947.
Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures from Janaary 1 to
November 30, 1947.
Analysis of Estimated Revenues from January 1 to November 30, 1947.
A letter dated December 22, 1947, was received from Henry R.
Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, advising that in checking the 1940 and prior
years of Tax arrears, the records of the Tax Office show One Dollar and
Twenty-seven Cents ($1.27) more Town Taxes and Seventy-One Cents ( .710)
less school taxes than the control records . He requested that a suitable
resolution be passed to adjust these differences .
Oh motion by Councilman Mills, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to adjust the control records for 1940
and prior years ' taxes, as follows :
State, County and Town
1940 and priors years taxes- Increase control figures - $1.27
School - 1940 and prior
years ' taxes- Decrease control figures - .71
The Supervisor presented his annual report of highway moneys
for the year 1947, which was signed by the members of the Board.
On motion by Councilman 'Matson, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor ' s annual report of highway
moneys for the year 1947 be and it hereby is approved.
The Supervisor presented a request from the Village of Mamaroneck
for Town Board approval of the sale of property acquired by the Village of
Mamaroneck in its foreclosure proceeding In Rem.
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Embury
the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck through the institution
of an action in the County Court of Westchester County,
entitled "In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens
Pursuant to Article Vll-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the
Village of Mamaroneck, List of Delinquent Taxes for 1945"
has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of
Real Estate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck and Town
of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of !�*maro-
neck hold tax liens on said parcels of real property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165 H of the Tax Law an agree-
ment was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck and
the Town of Mamaroneck, which among other things set forth
the interests of said municipalties in the properties being
foreclosed ; the manner of the sale of said properties ; and
the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from
said sales ; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, has pursuant to an
agreement had with the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for
and has heretofore received bids on certain properties owned
by the Town of Mamaroneck as well as on certain properties
owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck
have given consideration thereto and after due deliberation
accepted the bids hereinafter listed as to price and terms
therein set forth; and
WHEREAS, since receipt of said bids this Roar-d has given
consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is
RESOLVED, that the bids hereinafter listed, be accepted at
--- the price and terms therein set forth:
Village Town Assessed
Block Lot Block Parcel Bidder Amount Valuation Terms
61 4 821 550 Bernard Frafoli $6o0. $3, 000. Cash
(Broker-Joseph S .
In connection with the request made at the last Town Board
meeting, concerning the existing water service on Barnum Road, the
Supervisor stated that he had at hand an estimate from the Westchester
Joint Water Works No .1 of the cost of installing a 6 inch main and fire
hydrant, amounting to 2, 861.88®
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Mills,
seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Westchester Joint Water Works No.l
is hereby authorized to install a six inch main and fire
hydrant in Barnum Road, Town, as per estimate dated
December 17, 1947, at a cost not to exceed $2 „ 861.88®
The Supervisor presented the following resolution, which was
on motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Watson, upon roll
call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, on October 15, 1947, the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck passed a resolution accepting the offer of
Retuol Inc . , to purchase the property designated, on the
assessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck_ as Block 935,
Parcel 1 and Block 414, Parcel 262, for the sum of seven
Thousand ($7,000.) Dollars, said resolution being con-
' ditioned upon the approval of said offer by the Village
of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck,
by resolution duly approved said offer of sale; and
WHEREAS, title was conveyed to said Retuol Inc . , or his
Assignee ; and
WHEREAS, the receipts and disbursements in connection
with said property are as follows :
Receipts :
Sales Price $7, 000.00
Tax Adjustments ® 61.1 _ $7,361,13
Disbursements :
Broker ' s Commission 350.00
Pro rata share of foreclosure costs,
seven (7) lots @ $26.15 per lot 183 .05
Town, Sewer & School Taxes since
acquisition 2 663 .05
Village Taxes - since acquisition 1,261.12 4,4 7.22
Net Receipts $2, 903 .91
Showing the net receipts to be apportioned between the
Town and Village of Mamaroneck to be $2,903 .91; and
WHEREAS, the amount of unpaid taxes and percentage due
to the Village and Town are as follows :
Total Town Village
Unpaid taxes to 1/22/42 $15,985.64 $61419.26 $9, 566.38
Percentage of Distribution 100.00 40.15 59.85
Amount to be distributed 2, 903 .91 19165.92 1,737.99
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the percentages above
set forth that there be paid to the Village of Mamaroneck
59.85% of the net proceeds of $2, 903 .91, or $1, 737.99.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this disbursement be made from
the receipts of the aforementioned transaction.
The Supervisor reported that the advertisement stating the
intention of the Board to purchase certain highway equipment, and discussed
--, by the members of the Board, had been published on December 23, 1947, in
the local newspaper.
Following discussion, the following resolution was on motion
by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury, upon roll call,
unanimously adopted;
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways did on
the 15th day of Deco o'er_ , 1947, duly recormend the
purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, and a
notice of such recommendation has been duly published
as provided in such action,
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway
Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby
authorized to purchase Two ( 2) Model 153A Baker Snow
Plows Complete, Serial No. 5959 and 5943, at a unit
price of $530. , total amount $1, 060. , from Frantz
Tractor Co'-pang, Inc. , 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New
York 20, New York,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section. 142 of the
Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is
hereby authorized to purchase One (1) 1948 Ford SDL
Tudor at a price not to exceed $1, 600., less allowance
on 1942 Ford Tudor, from Flinn Motor Corp. , 18 Boston
Post Road, Larchmont, New York.
The Supervisor stated that in accordance with the action of
the Board at the last meeting, `a check in the amount of $1,416.40 had
been received from Post Road Securities Corporation.
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Embury,
seconded by Councilman Mills, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed
to accept from Post Road Securities Corporation, the
sum of $1,416.40 for the following taxes on property
described as follows, at the face amount of the tax
liens plus interest at the rate of six per cent from
the date of sale :
Block Parcel Tax Year Sale Year Amount of Lien Interest at 6% Total
614 17 1943 1944 $ 249.42 53 .63 303 .05
614 220 1943 1944 289.00 62.14 351.14
614 240 1943 1944 475.51 102.23 577.74
614 567 1943 1944 136.39 29 .32 165.71
614 588 1943 1944 15.44 3 .32 18.76
$1—,4�b ,40
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is authorized
to stipulate for an extra nsion of the time to answer in the
pending tax lien foreclosure proceedings until March 25, 1948.
The Town Clerk reported that four (4) applications for dance hall
licenses for the year 1948 had been received. Each had been approved by
the Assistant Building Inspector and Fire Inspector, but they did not have
the written approval of the Police Department . He said he would get the
Police Chief 's approval before issuing the licenses .
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Mills,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following applications for dance
hall licenses for the year 1948 be and they hereby
are approved, and the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is directed to issue the licenses :
Winged Foot Golf Club
Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc .
Johnny Johnson' s Diamond Trail
Waller' s Post Lodge
The Supervisor asked to be excused from the meeting because
of an unexpected and unavoidable engagement, and before turning the
meeting over to Councilman Watson, he said he wished to read the follow-
ing statement and requested that same be made part of the records
°A The taxpayers of the Town of Mamaroneck, and the entire population
as a whole, can be rightfully proud of the complete coordination
and cooperation of all departments of the Town during this ter-
rific storm. The standing of the community is only as good as its
department heads, and every department head served this community
in a fashion second to none and in a manner which cannot be
described in mere words .
To l,Tr. Foote, Superintendent of Highways, and his able assistant
Jimmy Ward, to the chiefs of the Police Department Paul A. Yerick
and the Fire Department George W. Burton, thanks and appreciation
are not, the words . These men have worked with their forces m±gkt
night and day since the storm began; their men have taken what
sleep they were able to get at their headquarters and willingly
shared the burdens of all others . The Police Department, Fire
Department and Highway Department have worked together as one
unit and have taken each other ' s places wherever the lines per-
mitted. ( Both the firemen and policemen operated trucks and
snow removal equipment in expert fashion) . Al Finson took upon
himself the task of driving through the storm at its height to
obtain necessary parts for the highway equipment, assisted Mr .
Foote and Mr. Ward throughout the entire storm. His service in
this respect certainly deserves recognition. The fact that the
streets and the highway's are open is due in great measure to the
untiring efforts and the working-around-the-clock of the three
bulldozer operators, one of whom was our own town mechanic,
Joe Donohue . There were many who gladly and willingly offered
their services . They came at a most opportune time and rendered
a service to this community that should not go unrecognized.
This gratitude is particularly directed to the volunteer fire-
men and the Boy Scouts .
Now, while I am handing out bouquets, I might just as well go
all the way for a man who has served this community well and
for a considerable length of time . Never having experienced
the joys and sorrows of fraternity activities, I am naturally
at a loss to understand too clearly what takes place in this
respect and, therefore, do not under any circumstances take
the burden on of assuming the role of judge in the recent con-
troversy between T?r . Embury and the local press. This con-
troversy has brought about various reactions, some of which
are very serious and some are comical. To those who have in-
terpreted this matter in a serious fashion, I feel for them but,
as usual, there are always some who feel that they are capable
and able to decide at' any time on a given point .
To the fair lady who qualified herself as being a judge and
finally decided that our good friend, 'Dave Embury, had his tie
a bit askew, I can agree with her because, any gentlemen who ever
wore a tie has at some time or another had it go askew or out
of line. And he who has not, either never wore a tie or does not
live . To the gentleman; �1ho referred to Mr . Embury' s position
and the Honor Roll matter I must say he should acquaint himself
and inform himself in a better manner concerning the position
this Board took, together with 1r. Embury, in that respect .
The decision as to the type Honor Roll was made by those who
have the right to decide . It was not Mr. Embury°s idea nor the
members of the Board, except that they acted for those who should
have the right to decide how this community should show its respect
in the way of remembrance to those who are now enjoying Eternal
Peace with their Maker. Except for one fine gentleman, none of
the members of the Board decided in their own way as to the _Memorial
but allowed the people, who are most interested and who have the
most right, to decide upon this matter . The Board members carried
out their wishes and this should be a matter well known to the
As to ir. Embury6s ability, willingness and sincerity in serving
this community, I can well debate and feel I am ably qualified to
do so. He has served this community efficiently and unselfishly '
in every possible way and, I might say, these words describe his
services very lightly. While he has oppossed me on different oc-
casions, it has been done by him in a gentlemanly and dignified
fashion and for the best interest of the community insofar as he
is concerned. He is a tolerant man and a gentleman. I say this
because of my experience with him in dealing with practically every
race, creed and color in the management of the town affairs ; the
rich and the poor, the fortunate and the unfortunate have always
enjoyed the benefits of his kindness . He is a kind man and an
asset to this community.
Whatever his problems are with the 'Local press and their problems
with him in the matter involved is something that can best be
settled between those who are involved. But, any reference to
Mr. Embury as not being a qualified, tolerant and humble citizen
is entirely out of order. I believe, in my humble way, that my
experience with him entitles me to make this statement ."
The members of the Board were unanimous in their approval of
the foregoing statement .
In paying tribute to Councilman Stiner and in rounding out his
term as Town Councilman, the Supervisor said: "! It pains me to see you
leave this Board in spite of the fact that I think the man who follows
you will endeavor to fill your place . It has been a pleasure to work
with you, Mayor. You have always been an inspiration to everyone who
comes along . You are an estimable and fine person. God bless you and
may good fortune and good health always be with you."
Councilman Mills said: 68 I have known Munroe for some time and
he has dope a swell job at all times . It comes right from the bottom of
my heart when I say I am going to miss him, after sitting on my right at
the Board meetings these past two years ."
Councilman Watson said he would like to echo the same remarks
and added that it has been a pleasure to work with Councilman Stiner and
was sorry to see him go.
Councilman Embury expressed his sentiments by saying that every-
thing that was said in behalf of Councilman Stiner went double for him.
Councilman Stiner thanked each member of the Hoard and said
it has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve on the Board. That during
his term a great deal of work has been accomplished by the Town and
it will be a source of gratification to him to look back and recall his
pleasant associations with all the Town personnel, from the dean of the
Tax Office, Rod Dillon, right down to the office boy, if there were one .
Councilman Watson, as Acting Supervisor, asked if there was
any one present who wished to be heard.
Mr. Al Rukin, Attorney, appeared and said he represented the
Fordham Transit Co. , Inc . He apologized for being late and stated that
due to the weather conditions it took him two hours to get to the meeting.
Mr. Rukin stated that the Fordham Transit Co. proposed to travel
along the Post Road as far as the Village of Mamaroneck boundary line .
He said his Company has secured the permission of both the landlord and
tenant for the right to turn at Johnson' s Restaurant, providing that the
consent is granted by the Town Board. The reason for extending this
service to the Town to accomodate the residents of this area who may
want to go to the Polo Grounds, Yankee Stadium, Fordham University,etc . ,
and to make connections with the Third Avenue El.
To questions that were asked by the members of the Board, Mr.
Rukin replied that the type of equipment to be used is the latest that
can be purchased and that all of the buses are 1947 models . The buses
are very comfortable and each has a seating capacity of 45 adults . He
said the Company proposes to charge a one-way fare of forty ( .40¢) cents .
They plan to run them every half hour from 7 A.M. to 1 A.M. the next morn-
ing. The .trip will take approximately 40 minutes from the Town of 111amaro-
neck to the end of the line.
Councilman Watson asked when they contemplated starting service .
Mr. RuAkin replied that if all consents are given, the next
step would be to file an application with the Public Service Conmission
and upon their consent, which takes about sixty days, the Company would
be in a position to operate immediately.
There being no further questions, Councilman Matson advised
Mr . Rukin that the application of the Fordham Transit Co. Inc . would be
given due consideration.
Councilman Watson requested that the meeting proceed with the
regular order of business.
A letter dated December 23, 1947, was received from Comptroller
Orsino requesting authorization to transfer funds within the 1947 budget .
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Embury,
seconded by Councilman Stiner, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Comptroller and Supervisor be and
they hereby are directed to make transfers within the
1947 budget, as follows:
Department of Town Office
Telephone $105.00
Department of Supervisor
Clerk to Supervisor 5.30
_ Department of Elections
Transportation 47.00
Department of Assessor
- Assessment Cards 375.00
Department of Law
Traveling Expense 20.00
Dept . of Justice of the Peace
Supplies 45.00
Department of Board of Appeals
Office Supplies 20.00
Department of Bldg. & Plumbing
Traveling expenses 25.00
Contigent Fund 1367. 50 $2009.80
T0 :
Dept. . of Town Office
Light 25.00
Supplies 50.00
Janitor Service 30.00
Dept . of Supervisor
Publishing Notices 5.30
Dept . of Comptroller
Supplies 25.00
Department of Elections
Labor 47.00
Department Receiver of Taxes
Supplies 150.00
Department of Assessor
Travel 25.00
Supplies 350.00
Department of Law
Supplies 20.00
Department of Justice of Peace
Rent 45.00
Stenographic Assistance 135.00
Department Board of Appeals
Publishing Notices 20.00
Department of Engineer
Supplies - Engr. Exp. 855.00
Assistant Engineer 112.50
Department Building and Plumbing
Supplies 25.00
Miscellaneous Depts .
Travel, etc . 15.00
Publishing Notices 50.00
Bank Services __21,00 $2009.80
Insurance 335.45
Light 20.00
Fuel 35.00
Equipment 115.00
Radio Maintenance 300.00
Retirement Fund 225.00
Miscellaneous Departments
Public Health Nurses 6L0.00 $1680.45
Police Department
Telephone 20 .00
Traffic Signals 650. 00
Repairs- Headquarters 35.00
Gas and Oil 225.00
Clothing 115.00
Repairs - Equipment 300 .00
Purchase of Cars . _ $1680.45
Miscellaneous Departments
Public Health Nurses 25.00
Dog Enumerator 25.00
Garbage District Surplus 905.00
Insurance 100.00
Retirement Fund 181.35 1186 .35
Compensation collectors, etc . 200.00
Gas and Oil 100.00
Truck Repairs 150.00
Equipment 31.35
Dump Maintenance -22L 00 1186.35
Modernization 15Q.00
Equipment ( new) 125.00
Fire Truck Drivers 150.00
Repairs to Buildings 100.00
Gas & Oil 100.00
Light --f-2.48 710.48
Water 10 .00
Fuel 50.00
Insurance 7.60
Retirement Fund 67.88
Miscellaneous Expense 75.00
Materials 450.00
Clothing 50.00 710.48
SEWER DISTRICT #1 - Department of Sewers
Supervisor Foreman 161.00
Gas, Oil, p 65m
Repairs 00
Clothing 46.00
Materials 50.00 161.00
Park Groundsmen $775.29
Light and Power 10.00
Insurance 165.29
Materials, etc. 600.00 $775.29
The Town Clerk reported that Police Chief Yerick had obtained
two estimates for two types of signs, but before making recommendations
he was waiting to hear from the State Traffic Commission as to the
specific type of sign that would be satisfactory to them.
The matter was discussed by the members of the Board and
action was postponed until definite instructions were received from
the State Traffic Commission.
Regarding a letter received from Mr . Edward Ely Hoxie, dated
December 5, 1947, the matter was discussed by the members of the Board,
It was decided that Councilman Hills contact Mr. Hoxie and suggest that
he submit a set of plans and specifications of the proposed building,
together with a check for the property he is interested in purchasing .
Councilman Watson made a report • on the Town' s building permits
which show that from June 1, 1947 to October 31, 1947 eighty-eight (88)
permits were issued for new dwellings, alterations and other improvements
amounting to $1, 236, 110. , or an increase of approximately 12a of the
present assessment roll. The distribution is as follows : 18 in the Village
of Mamaroneck. 39 in the Unincorporated area; 31 in the Village of
Larchmont . He pointed out that the ratio of the value of the building
permits is almost the same in the three localities, that is : $444,400.
in the Village of Larchmont ; $318, 335. in the Village of Mamaroneck;
$473,375• in the unincorporated area. He said this is rather interesting
to note and quite an improvement after a stagnation of years .
Councilman Vlatson further reported that the equalization rate
of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County had dropped from 96 to 95• That
the rates in other communities in the County also dropped so that actually
the Town is slightly better off in that last year (1947) the Town bore
.05092° of the County and State tax. This year (1948) the rate will be
.05062 .
Councilman Embury said he had nothing to report for his De-
partments .
Councilman Stiner reported that at the meeting of the Board
of Plumbing Examiners held December 20, 1947, there was full attendance
of the Board but no applications were received. He said the meeting
adjourned in fifteen minutes .
Councilman Mills presented the Inspector ' s Report for December,
1947, which showed as follows:
Loyal Inn - No violations; New Year' s Eve, no Fireman or
Policeman necessary; no dancing, only dinner being
Sagamore - All night license. No Yusic ; No Fireman or Policeman.
-- Post Lodge - Close at 3o ° clack ; Regular routine, Fireman or Police-
man wanted.
Johnson' s - Regular Routine, All night license, Fireman or Police-
man wanted.
Bonnie Briar - Party will close at 4 A.M. Fireman or Policeman
71inged Foot - Same as above .
Apartments - No Violations - Chatsworth Gardens
Apartments ( Continued)
Larchmont Hills
Alden House
Larchmont Acres
Westchester Chemical - No Violations
Schenley Distillers - Inspected by Chief Burton
Councilman Mills discussed with the members of the Board
the possibility of making it known to the home owners in the Town that
the Fire Department will gladly make, upon request, an inspection of
residences for fire hazards .
Following discussion, the members of the Board thought this
best could be handled through the medium of the local newspaper.
Councilman Mille presented a list of claims for Fire Department
expenditures amounting to $1, 865.53 and stated that he had checked the
bills and recomr;:ended approval and payment .
The members of the Board sitting as the Board of Fire
Commissioners considered the claims, and on motion by Councilman Mills,
seconded by Councilman Embury, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and
Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
same out of the budget for the Fire Department .
A & A Automotive Co. $ 9.32
R.G. Brewer, Inc . 11.65
George Burton 83 .00
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. 39.87
William Collins 15.00
The Edmar Equipment Co. 12.05
U.S. Rubber Co. Eureka Fire
Hose Division 367.50
Foley Hardware, Inc . 7.36
Homelite Corporation .50
The Larchmont Print 25.25
Mamaroneck Plumbing Supply, Inc . 1.00
Ramon Martinez 90.50
G .W. Derrell 13 .75
Lawrence Newman,dba
Lawn and Garden 290.00
Lewis J. Preston 20.00
Raymond & Fealey 21 .82
Suburban Fuel Cil Service, Inc . 67.80
Solventol Chemical Products 28 .00
Wm. L. Vetter, Inc . 240 $1,128.87
Westchester Joint Water t"orks #1
Hydrant Rental
Grand Total $19865.53
In connection with the snow storm, Councilman Mills reported
that with the help, of the Soy Scouts, the Fire Department had uncovered
ninety per cent of the fire hydrants in the Town. He said he wished
to commend them upon the swell job they did.
Since some of the members would not be able to attend the
next regular meeting which is on the Seventh of January, 1948, it was
decided to meet on January 6, or January 8, in accordance with the
wishes of kha Supervisor Mandeville .
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at
9:30 P.M.
T wn�ler�e
RESOLVED, that this Board recommends to the Board of
Supervisors of the County of Westchester that careful
and detailed study be made of the possibilty and
advisability of adopting a tax on retail sales for
the purpose of augmenting the County revenues and
reducing the tax load upon real property in the
A vote of the foregoing resolution resulted as follows:
AYES ; Supervisor Mandeville
Councilman Mills, Watson ,Embury
NOES: Councilman Stiner
The Town Clerk was instructed to send a certified copy of
the above resolution to Tars . Florence A. Bause, Clerk of the Board of
The following statements were ordered placed on file: Statement: '
of Bank Balances as of July 1, 1947; List of Claims audited and paid by
the Comptroller from June 18 to July 9, 1947.
The Town Attorney reported that a letter had been received
from the Larchmont Veterans Building Corporation requesting that the
time for the completion of the contract so far as it applies to the paving
of the streets in Elkan Park under contract with Daniel F. YacNameCo.Inc.
be extended for approximately two weeks, of at least not less than ten
days so as to enably the General Contractor, Sheppard�Pollak, Inc . to
complete the grading around the buildings which so far are incomplete
because of the delay of construction of the retaining walls behind which
the grading must be done .
He said he had discussed this matter with both the Town Engineer
and Daniel F. MacNamee, with this result: The Town Engineer is in agree-
ment and is in favor of granting the request and stated that if this is
not done the grading work which must be done after the paving will damage
the paving of the streets and, furthermore, he suggested that a period
not exceeding thirty days be allowed before the paving is completed as
this will allow the backfill in the sewer and water trenches to settle
before the paving work is done.
The contractor is willing to postpone the completion of the
paving job if the time does not exceed thirty days, providing however,
that he receive payment of all moneys due under the contract with the
exception of 7 to be retained until the final payment instead of 1510
now retained under the provisions of the contract as written.
The Town Attorney recommended that the contract be amended
so as to extend the contractor' s time for completion for a period not
exceeding thirty days and to decrease the amount to be withheld from
payments due him from 15% to 7-2L%.
On motion by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Embury,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Contract # 107, Elkan Park Improvements,
- between the Town and Daniel F. YacNemee Co.Inc . be
amended and modified so as to provide that the time for
completion be extended for a period not exceeding thirty
days beyond the 45-day completion time from the beginning
of work and that the amount to be withheld from the pay-
ments until a final payment is made be reduced from 15%
to 71%
The members of the Board discussed the Setino matter and the
Town Attorney advised that no provision is made in the law for waiving
penalties or interest and that under the circumstances the Receiver of
Taxes must insist on payment in full of all such penalties.
The Town Attorney was so instructed to advise I.r . Setino.
Meeting adjourned at 10: 10 P.M. to ,meet August 13 1947.