HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_12_21 Town Board Minutes 0 1INUTAS OF L ZZGULAR E13717G OF TEL TOOK wCARD OF THE TO­TK OF HELD DECEMBER 311 1155 '-1: T7, CCU--�T as " TH3 TO IN POLICE HUDQUA=23 , 11 21)32000D LUNUZ, TOWN. PRESENT: 'up ervisor Mandeville councilmea laterman, Kane, and !rush A261INT: Kone presence was also noted of Mr. Gronbe2g, To= Clark, L . Finson, Town Accountant, an& Hr , Clprjan, Superintendent of Highways . The supervisor called the mestimg to Older at D" 1 - K- The supervisor brought up the matter Of the acceptance Of Vash- in1ton Square which matter had been laid over from the previous meeting. The superintendent of Highways stated that he would recommend the acceptance of this street . on motion by Councilman raoe, jeconjed by councilman Drush, tne following resolution was , upon roll call, unanimously adoptedp 7HEaEAS, tnic Tcaod heretofore and on the Oth day of Ge2- tembar, 125A requested the Superintendent 02 Public NOrks of the state of New York to approve dedication of the street o-z' highway now known as Washington SquSre , formerly known as Washington Street, as shown on a map known as "Amended Lap of Subdivisions A and 1 of Larchmont Heights , Property of Larch- mont 2egity Corp, , situated near Lanchnont Lanor Station in the Town of Mamaronech, r , Y, , made by J, A. Kirby & ions, Civil Engineers and Surveyors , June, 1011" which was filed in the County Clork ,s office , Division of Land EecoYds julY 31, 121''- as Map No, 2070; and j73RELS, this 3o&rd in such resolution further provided . that the Town Attorney and Superintendent of Highways take SuM steps as were necessary to dedicate Vashingion Square as a Town highway, ,,S,ant to §171 of the Highway Law; and WHEREAB, on October 11, 1154, the Department of lublic 7,,k, of the State of New York approved the acceptance and dedication of Uashington Square by Certificate issued November 12 , 1954; anal x'HERZ&3 , the Town A: CS- and superintendent of Highways now recommend to this =.',iidx ' the acceptance of such street or highway, TOW2 THEREFOREP 13 IT nESOLVED that the Town of hamaroneck hereby accepts the street or highway hnown as 7ashington Square between Ladison Avenue an& Chatsworth Avenue (formerly known as WashinZton street) , as shown on a map known as "Amended Yap of 3ubdivisions A L 3 of Larchmont Heights , Property Of Larchmont aealtY CO2P . , 7ituated near Larchmont Manor Station in the Town of :Kararonech, N . y- , made by j- A' Kirby a Sons , Civil Engineers and Surveyors , June 1911 , filed in the County Clerk's office, Division of Land j,l, S1, lElg , as Map yo , 2070, as a street which has been used for a period of over 20 years , pursuant to §171 of the Highway Law with a dedicated width of 35 feet as certified Q the Department of 1 ublic vorps . The 3upervisor suggested that Chief `lei ict who was present, it 11 looh into the matter of having Yarling On only one side G Washington 3quara - The Chief said he would investigate . Tie loard nest considered the matter of the acceptance Of TOccia Circle which matter had also been laid Over from the Previous meeting. The 3uperintandent of Highways recommended the acceptance Of this street also which he said had been built according to the road specifications established by the lianning Board. Re further stated that street lights have not been insuals-C mr . Jerome 7anshel, representing A. .:^-occia & Sons, !no. , deyosital a check in the amount of $50G to guarantee the intallation the street ligh s of ts . On motion by Councilman Brush, sacondef Q Councilman Waterman, it aas , upon rail call, Unanimously R23CLVED that this joard hereby accepts the street or roK know, a poccia Circle as shown on a certain map date, yovamber 30, 1954, and entitled "3undivision of property belonging to A. joccia L Sons, M . , in the Town of Hamaronsch, W,,,h,star County, N, Y, , nale by T . A YCEVOY, 3urveyor, Licanot yo, SIM" which map is filed in the County CjarLls office, Division of Land Moord Jun s, e 7, 1955, as t2^- .t No, 9S42, provided that a proper convey- once, signed by persons found to be owners of the bad of said street, is executed, delivered, and approved by the Town Attorney, and subJect also to the Payment by j. poccia & sons , Inc . , of the fee for title search anc recording fees . The Clerk Presented a letter dated "C"ber I', IS551 from the Building inspector, Thomas J. LCEVOY, announcing that the office of the Foote Ruilding Corporation at 75 lalmar Avenue, had bean discontinued . The Mard toot up the matter of the refund of $5% due Er . Harman Kobrin after completion of shoulder work done on the 3treat anown as Stonewall Lane . The Superintendent of Zigh- ways informed the Board that the shoulders of the road had bean co:aplated to his satisfaction. On motion by Councilman Zane, seconial by Councilman 2rush, the was , upon roll call, unanimously adopted: WHERM , this 3oard heretofore and on the ist day of June, 1055, adopted resolutions requiring the deposit Of the sum 0-7 Q10, D06 to completion of pavement , drainage, and other street improvements in connection with the street known as Stonewall Lane as shown on certain filed maps , and more particularly sat forth in said resolutions ; and MMEAS, by resolution adopted September 23, 1055, the aforesaid resolution adopted june 1, 1255 was modified in accordance with its Provisions SO as to direct the return of $9, 300 to Kobyin, the person by whom said $10, 030 was deposited, upon the conditions stated in the resolution adopted June 1, 1955, and providing that $3C3 be retained for the conplation of certain unfinished wort in connection with the ..........t of ,id treat Inoun as 3tonewall Lane as move particularly provided in said resolution adopted September ?81 1955; and TAMBAS , the superintendent of EiShways certifies to this Board that this wor! has been completed and recommends return of balance Of $500 to Harman Kobvin, 447 ?COP TgAIEFUE2 B! 1T VE30LVID that the return 02 0500 to Herman Tobrin is hereby authorized and directed, subject_tc his executing and delivering to the Town, a release for tie said �0500 . The ClerL presented a letter dated December le2 Police Chief Yerict stating that Tingged Foot Golf Club pro- poses to table for the time being, the matter Of installing k,et shooting range at that Club. The Clerk presented a letter dated December 2, 1955, from Mr- jltoL ," 3 . _�,,,u sssll, thanking the Board for tie immediate removal of a fallen tree which had damaged a fence on his property and asking what would by done to repair the damaged fence . The letter was referred to the Town Attorney . The Clark p resented a letter from tie Griffan De el opment COY - poration, requesting authorization from this Board for a 1 pipe line which is already installed, running from the SumP of tie residency located at No. 4 itonewoll Lane, and discharging into a gutter near a catch basin on Did White plains 20ad . The 3up3ri3tendent of Highways °# a ,. : that the catc! basis is in the Village of Scarsdale and the Clarl was instructsd to so notify the u' 1"9__....._ Deve!OPment "POrat''an- The Cler! Presented a letter dated Dscamber 11, 1555, from thc prssident and 3ecretary respectively of the Elian Dart Associa- tion, informing the Board that as Of January 13, l", the Association will have no further use for the playground in their area, forrerly !eased from the Town, and would, therefore, like to cancel their lease with the Togn of Vamaroneck. The 3uparintenient of Highways was instructed to MS13 0 list Of the usable playground equipment in the area and to submit the same to the lecTaatlom Commission. an motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman waterman, it was, upon roll call, unanimously R33OLVAD that this Board AarabY cOnsants to the cancellation of the lease between George 3 , Bell, Clifford V . wl= and Harvey 2 . UrY, representing Alvan part Lssociation, and the Town of Mamaroneck, dated juna 3 , 1954, as of january 13, 1956, in accordance with the terns of Paragraph "Fifth" of said lease, provided that all per- sonal property, fixtures , etc . remaining upon the preMiSaS on jannary 13, JE5?, Shall become tie jrojert-1,7 of the Town of Kamaroneck. My , jerams 7anshal, representing the Hampslire Country Club, stated that tie Club would liVe to have Permission to erect an earthen dyhe on Town gro2arty On HummOcIs Rcal, which, opinion, would Prevent flOOdinZ Of the Hamys"re Country Club. Ea further state! that the proposed tyke Would be B feet at thy base, 5 feet in height, and 4 feet in width across the toy' Ha said it would Us sessed and maintained by the Fampshire 0ountry Club, and also that the Club wouis te willing to indam- nify the Town against any loss . qte 3uperintandent of highways SUZ90sted that an engineerinS survey be obtained concerning this PrOject . Councilman Lane said proposed dyne and us who had prepaxad the he would obtain an engineer 's report all also discuss the matter with yr. ICE70y, thatch. The matter was laid over until the next meatinS. ahe War> Presented a letter dated 3ecembsr M 1255, 'Tom or - Eattista K Santoro, informing the Scald that, 180BUS3 Of hi3 election as Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck, he would be O--U-WnittA,- Nis resignation as ,mbs _, of the Recreation Con- mission, effective December 31, 1255- expressed his thaals for having had the opportunity Of serving the Town of Eam=O- necR in this capacity The resignation was accepted with regret . The Clarm presented a letter from the Superintendent of Eigh ways, dated December 21, Q55, informing the Board that to ,,ditions at the intersection of Une street ,ad Myrtle Zoulavard, it would be necessarY to remove one Town shade tree and replace one old standard street light with a mew nodern mercury vapor. The total cost of these changes would be approximately Z325 . Cn motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Slush, it was unanimously 23SOLVZD that the Superintendent of EighwaYs is hereby authorized to remove one Town-owned shade tree and to install a new modern mazcurY vapor street light at the intersection of Vine Street and Myrtle Boulevard , at a cost not to emceed yn. n,,_ n inttaw datal December 5 , 1955, from yr - yrann Turco, complaining of the illegal Parking On County-owned property on Taidwin Avenue and yyrtia Toulevard. This matter was hold over until the meeting Of January 4, 195i- The Wart presented a latter dated December 15, "55, from the Department of Law Of tie State of yew yorw, requesting the cancellation of certain taxes which appeal in the office of the County Finance Commissiczer lut do not appear on the records of t>e Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Lsmarcnech- on motion1by Councilman Kona, seconded !Y Councilman Srush, it was , upon roli call, unanimously RWOLVID that tie followinZ tane3 , liens , or leases , apysarinZ on the records in the County Finance Commissioner's Office, �e cancelled, tie same having apparently bean paid, accord- ing to the records in the office of the TeceivW of Tares of the Town of Yanaronncl: Bloch 333, parcel S7 . HAP GF ULSHITOTONVILL12 i 4 ge Lot Year Amount sale To Years Lease'd 191 !S73 017 .74 !S7i ToTn 313 ?J& 101 Town 33Y 191 Hsi 331 iii 1302 2 .2i iST3 Town 11000 333 K! 1293 i .62 i3dj Town 1, 00'o i . 5? IgI5 Town 1, 00C 335 101 ICK 337 ISP l; lal lout 5. 33 1326 Town 1, 000 s3s 201 1895 1 .11 1327 Town 1, W ins, 100 Town 13 30C, 301 351 1 .02 1903 Town 1,000 1 .71 190B Town 1, 000 3sl 191 NOT 363 W 100S 1 1 .22 lgog Town W 191 lece 1 42 1015 Town SS9 101 lsio 2. 50 191". Town 1, 30o" 371 Isl 1211 2 .45 1912 Town 1, 00"c' zags lot 7eam Amount Sale To 07.30 Leaae-'t 72 .0- 550 .M( Supplier -7aars 374 191 191S 12 .47 1914 To7n 191 1033 3 .51 HS4 la-n 379 Department of Euilding & Plumling Traveling exPOnses 63M 385 182 1'- office supplies 23.M Dim partynt Of scellanecus Traveling & other ampen3es 191 1336 3 .15 !D37 Mon Fees , Dog snuserator 322 191 1M 3 .42 !B91 Town 1, 003 The Clash presented a letter dated December 17, 1@55, Yr . orsinol the Comptroller, requesting authorization to mate certain transfers within the 1A5 budget . 0, b, Councilman daterman, sazonded ly Muncilman Lane, 7as, upon Toll call, Unanimously RUCLUD that the Comptroller and MuervisOr be and they hereby are directed to mate transfers within the 19✓5 budget as follows : GENERAL TOWN TO From Department of Town Offices Light :>5 .50 office Supplies 300 .00 Department of Town Clel`17 office Supplies 25.013 Department Of Elections iaspectors A Poll clephs MAO Labor - temporary 07.30 lent of polling places 72 .0- 550 .M( Supplier Depirtment of La",-! Travelin? MPMSM 50 .M office Supplies 1 aynensas MU.Ju, Department Of justices of ianca 125 .03 stenograllic ctarzas zup2lies Department of Euilding & Plumling Traveling exPOnses 63M 3e2artPent �oars U! "Y'00A office supplies 23.M Dim partynt Of scellanecus Traveling & other ampen3es 275M Putlishing notices & reports civil Defense Fees , Dog snuserator 15.M 3,,jal &ecurity contributions 13C .00 insurance & Surety Bonds M OUT61DE OF VILLAAM� TO, Fire Department Department of lolice onhool Guards 514.00 75 . 301 Telephone Hose & iquipment W3 .00 Light 3upplias i: hiscol expenses W5.0c, Traveling Manses 135.0-, Repairs & main. to Hdqrtrs . MM) Fuel Gil 320 .0C Gasoline L Oil i5o .Q Equipment 415 .0-1 Clothing &,30.03 aagairs A Lgin.Auto Eqpt . I& Fingerprint & Camara Eqpt . MAC) nange supplies 27E .010 Retirement System Contr . 245 .00 insurance patrolmen MAC' Traffic Signals & MEM KOM insurance Radio Laintonance A Equipment Purchase of Yew Cars 733.00 GLRBAGE D13THICT W. I Department of Gz1abale 3al6 rlss & wages 1,400 .03 insurance 1, 400 .0c, FIRE DIMICT NO. I Fire Department MOO Light Hose & iquipment 510.20 Clothing MM) Repairs & Uain , of MS. 502 .013 Fire inspection Expenses 13230 03 Equipment Repairs 170 00 . Hydrant Tent2l 5 001 insurance 2' eomo cierw a letter dated Docambzr 179 U55, Won Kr- The presented N. Wins, Comptroller, requesting athe rzation to transfer Lao 550 from Burplus Receipts of the Parking keters , to the 149 parting meter Expenditure Account in the General Town Miscel- lanaous Department for the year 1;' 5 . This was ti' ecessarY CT se in received from tte parhinT meters . of the increase revenues 655 on motion 1V Councilman Lana, seconded by Councilman 3rush, it was , upon roll call, unanimously 133CLVED that, in accordance sitt the request of tta Comptroller by letter dated December 17, 1535, the sum of $4, 553 constituting Surplus receipts Of Pnrh'ng meters over and above the astinate in the lG55 hudget, L4 transferrei to ths Far!= Hater Manditure "court for the year USE The Clay! yresented the followinW Town Clark's Report for AM—a-1 , 2aport of westchaster 0hore Humane society, Wo . for Mvambar, "55 - Report of the Building inspector for KOVaMr, 1W . by 0--iprsnt Cor- The request for transfer of funds to PEI Jacol, T- ,oration for work done on sever pumping stations to be taken w..t.haster County, was put ower until the meeting Of january 4, ME. The Cler! presented the lease received from the Westchester County raxV Commission covering the use of several parcels TM_ land by the Town ?ant Department . On motion by Councliman 2rumn, seconded by Councilman Enna, it was unanimously a2aQW2D that the Supervisor he and he her3bY is authorized to Sign a lease with the Neotchnsts:�' Connty Far , Wtich W07tdes for the 2,,th,, sytension of lease dated February 1S , NAS, covering the use Of several Wcals Of vacant land on Sheet 2 . paijam. Tert Chester Tarkway, for u further period of One Year, ending December 31, 10- mi, at an anhal rental of 51 .00 . The Supervisor Presented for the foara 's Wrovall a sale by the Village of Larchmont to a0bert Esposito Of Block Sli Parcal W, in the amount of ;I'Sso . On motion by councilman lane, seconded by Councilman latarman, ,,, T6311,,j.. ....l,tion uRs , ulcm roll call, unanimously alolted: 7n3aILB , the 7illaga of Larchmonz , through tha institution of ,ti,, begun an yebruary 13 , MAS, in the CountyQuyt Of Q...y, and antitian "in the Hatter of the Tore- closure of Taa: Lions lurSuMt to Article Sevem-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law by the Village of Larchmont (List of DelinWant -' Tares for 1M)" has tecome and now is the owner Of a numhaL of Parcels 02 real 35tata situate in the Village of Larchnon''', and Town 02 1Y virtue Of a judgment in Za''' foreclosure action made and entered in pursuance of MEL judgment ; and YHEREAS, both the Village of Larchmont and Town of EamarO- 3,11 t,, liens for unpaid taxes on said parcels Of real pronerty; and .......t to Section 135.A of tha Tax Law, an 1146, was entered into between the 7illaga of Larchmont ant the Town of LamaTcnach which, Sucs-Z utter trings , cef Mo?" the interests of said municipalities in the properties being foz-OWDS3d, the dislosition of said tlu-' liens and unpaid taxes and the manner of the diotinIMMM the proceeds received from saia sales ; and FM 1HIxEIS, tie Village Treasurer, pursuant to allthOrization of the village Board of the Village of LorchnOnt, on Yarch 1, 1143, accepted the following Offer Of the ufset Price On said property: Upset price Village Mact Tarcel Nurchaser price Accepted As5assmant nobert Esposito 1, 250 S2 XT aWOLVED that the sales price bid for the Pa"al of ...I ......t, listed above is hereby approved, and that all consents and approval hY the Town Board of the Town of Lamarcnsct for the sale Of the aforesaid of ,,I prcgerty by the Village of Larchmont recuired nn&a2 the provisions of the aforesaid agreement between the Village of Larchmont and the Town of MamaronacV, dated bay 20, ME, are hereby granted and allowed. Supervisor Nanda7ille then read a report which reviewed the period during which he was Supervisor Of the citing conditions at the beginning of wrasant condition of the various Town eapressed his thants to the employees leads, members of the various Commiss and former Members of the Town Boaras Town of mamaronect, his first term and the departments . He also of the Town, Department Lons ant also the present The Clerk then presented a telegram received from L" Arthur W,11,4.hl..... ..pressing his sincere aDpreciasion and gra&i- tude to Supervisor Mandeville for his never to he forgotten outstanding services . The Clark then presented a letter fr= Mr. Earshall Y . de Koyelles , Jr . , President of the Republican Club, thanking Mz - Kendsvi!D� 2arsonally and on behalf of the Club for the contribution he haz made as an honorable public sarvint of the Town of .MmaTOD-ecl. Er . Arthur Bogardus , who was present, stated that he wished also to voice the sentimsnts Contained in Kr. da Noyelles ' letter. Hr , Jerome Tanshal, representing LarchnOnt 2ary Association, sypresoad his personal thanks and also those Of the Association, for Er . Kandeville 's contribution to the Town, stressing in particular, his efforts which !apt tie truct "Whing station out of Larchmant. L, , Wanshal also eztandad thanks to the members of the Ward for their contribution to Our government and also his thanks to all the employees of the Town of Hamaro- neck for their unfailing WurtesY. ^n i1 man :a an, sramming on behalf of the Uembars of the 20arj, tbanked Yr , Larsevilla for his is years of devotel, loyal and efficient service randared to the people of the Town of pamaronech, mentioning the condition of the Town departments ana the efficient manner in which tie Town has been Operated luring his administration . He then ;resented sugervis=' Kandavilsue. with a gift fro--m the of the Town Board . Eandeville then thanhed the Members of had been a privilege to have been Ohio to Town of Lanaronech whom he 107ed SO uall . the Icard and said it serve the peolle of the 0oun1I6 man Enna znn arush added their Violas for along life sna continued success . Councilvan vatarman and Kane lai nothing to report for their aelartmenvo . IM There being no furthen business, the meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P . K. and immediately reconvened as the Ward of Fire Commissioners - The clerh presented a latter dated December IK 1S55 from Fire Chief lanallo, recommandinE the p-,,Dointment of acaman L. Turdy and Joseph Wapanic� as emergency drivers in the Firs Denartmant . notion 2, Councilman vaternan, saconana wy wwwau-- it was unanimously ansoLVED that Zodman L . lurdy and KOWN 3!aPanic-' and they are appoints& emergency drivers in the Town Of hamarcnacl Fire Department ' il,,, Waterman presented the Fire Department claims WhWh ....oved by the Fire Chief =2 audited by the comDtroller, am! on motion by Councilman Taterman, seconded by Councilman Eane, it was -nnanimously awCIVAD that the following described claims be and the, h,raty aye alyrovas and that the supervisor and Comptroller he and the, hereby are authorimad to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: 41 .2c consolidated Edison CO. Jubb GaraSe Reginald McGuire Eros . , Inc . Yitchall oil Corp . _E ...v'. ped York Telephone 00 . 24AE WE Tommy 's Earlwaye Wasco Fire 2quipmant 1 Larvica 212 .75 Westchester joint water worts ES-) of y unn There being no further business to come before the meeting, it at S :S5 1 . K. to nest aZRin on January 4, W3 . adjourned