HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_12_07 Town Board Minutes W hq!7=3 OF A REGULAR �--fl ETING OF THE T, HELD, DIZC.21aiBER 7, 1955, IN TOWN POLICE HESLX.'1ULF.TER3, 11 EDGEWOOD PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen '.'jaterrqan, Brush, ABSENT : None BOARD OF TIP TGW_N� OF THE COURT HOOld° LT U*,'i� AVENUE2 T0"AT1,_! . and Lane Presence was also noted of EX. GrIonberg, Town Clark, hir . Deli"is, Town Attorney, Mr. Finson, Town Accou-nta,zat, and 1,1r. O'Brien, Superintendent of Hiohways . The Suvervisor called the meeting to order at G : 15 P. 17. The Supervisor -presented the claim of Mr. Edward S. 1-artley for expenses in connection with his worl-. on Civil Defense for the year 1z�55. On motion by Councilman Frus7- , seconded by Councilman Vi'aterrnan' it `."Jas , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the clai-m of Edward S . Hartley, Deputy Director of Civil Defense for ex-oenses for th-a year in the amount of '�)333 . 541, be and it hereby is approved . The 37_,pe=visor presented the followl_ng Petitions received fro�m the Assessor for the correction Of the �,sses5zaent so as to the apportionment of tazes' a.P3.d, on motion by Councilman ""ter-man, seconded '0y Counicilraaal Brush' the following resol-ution ca,31 , ado-pted: was , upon ro� W_ REAS, t7he Assessor has presented patitions f-o:- t-.-e cor- raction of the assessment rol , f0i carta-11 years , pursuant to ti-ie orovisioas of 3'ection 557, Article !a of the "estchesty - -1 t-,_�st4ve -ounty Ad-.aims Code, known as the 'ivest-c2sstar Coanty Ta.-z La.-w; and 51-73=3 , after due consideration, this Board finds Jlt -i--sirable to grant said petit-io-ns for the correction of said assessment roll, q0-W, R BE IT FESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1955, taxes of 1956, which show property noTV On tne roll as follows : Parcel flame Land only "i'�) 1_0 5 550 Edward C . Sonia & 77. � 10 U, be corrected as foiloS'is i-n accordance =iit-h the _OroViSionS Of SUbdiViSion r- of 6eCtjon 517: BIC 7 E -CL"� larcel 1,Pme Land only i 0 51 550 Edward C . Bonia 1,J 5 5 61 A:,-th-ur r Linh . FUaTE= RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 11"531 taxes Of 195, ''I whic-'a shoi,?s propertv now al,010earin2' on roll as fcllo,os : Else-- Parcel N,mae Land Total q - - -I 50C D ane D� I - U, I an i al,s - Z'.L) iS _130 �).i� M be corrected as follows in accordance with the wrovisicns of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Mesh Parcel Name Land Improvement Total 1% 54 Diane Daniels 1 6 Soo in, 100 �A25, 70C- 109 Go Harry silver::on S30 MC FURTHER RMOLVZD that the assessment roll of 1955 taxes of 1953, which shows property now appearinz Gil the roll as follows : Tloc' Yarcel Tama Land improvement Total i12 47S Belmont Wachtel & W. L, 503 ilp2oo 1S, 700 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 357: Moo! Parcel Kane Land Improvement Total i12 476 Belmont ?achtel i W. 25400 11,200 13160C M 700 Gerard A. Daniels & 0. 1&111 10C FUMHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 12531 taxes of 195S, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Eloch Tarcel Name Land only 348 300 Albert Could 3, OOC 342 325 Libert Gould 3 , 00r'' be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Elect Parcel Name Land only 346 Soo Albert Gould 2,oso 346 Soo Richard Tannous & W. so 346 325 Albert Gould 2, 950 3?3 501 Richard Tannous & W. 50 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1955, taNas of 1555, which shows property now appearing on tie roll as follows : Block Parcel Name Land improvement Total 603 509 New Yorh, New Haven &, Hartford RR 109,400 211, 005 400,405 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions f 5 of Section 557. loch Parcel Name Land Improvement Total E03 50i New yoryp New Haven L Hartford RR 135PS46 211' ou 503 i0lo James M. Lynch S' S45 390, e41 S, m R FUEff1u7R RESOLVED that the assess,:Tient roll of 1055P taxes of l sic o':is -p roper ty now appearing e56, wh sh on the roll as follovis : Blloc'-T Parcel Name Land improvement "0 is 1 ✓-112, 332 I'li-labeth Ric'nards $ 2' ,30" 13, 250 .;!1-2,21 F,0 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: 1�arcel ""amia 601, 33'2 L'ary E I in ab--th 2 ich a rds 6"C' U, 339 Poriald A. Barnes & -Y . Land 1mDrovement Total 50 1 1,350 ' 10c, 1IC2 2 SOO 900, F R ESE 30LVED that the assessme-at roll, of 1955P taxes of 1 5:), wn-ich shows -roperty now appearing on the roll as follows : BlOOD, Parcel Name Land only 609 143 John 21. 11.1ignarri & or. 1 be corrected as follows in aoco:Ldance with the �rovisions of subl�ivision 5 of 3ection 55': 310cl- _-,,arcel El aas?:e �a.3?C'3 only �09 343 Rcna.3 d arnes I U J, bfj,22^ 341i John ra. Iligmarri Z'I.. or. 1,P 7130 FURTHER RE13'OLTED that the assessm�ent roll o f 1 W 5Z- ta,,,oss C.E. which shows property now appea,ramIg on the roll -as followc : 210c, Parcel i,,,am,e Land lrnprove-,ien 22�t—al 71i 26 Johnad 'Healty Corp. 2 1,U-C,o 1, 45C, S be corrected as 1ollo-v,7s in acco-rdance- ,zith t�,Ie ovi!s4ons of sud4vis4on 5 of Ssctfon ---arcel 7 ame Lan �7 Wm, . T. Harrin-t-on ','.9 01 & Ttl. I 3 o, 14P so 2'a", 1 175 Johnad -,ealty Fj 0 ri"c' 10 U'd L FURT."I"J RE301,VLD that the roll 0 f 12�,5 E ta-,es o f ±C''5, which sho\l,s property 'no'w on the roll as _,C110 wS : IParC-�l .,arms Land I mp r 0'J` Z,.t T,0 t-a I S S S Louis -1-arile L W. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section a-57: Bloc�, Parcel N ame provement L and Im, Total sC' Louis T-,,arile & 5-1 1 453 00 4,95,C 2 G 'r eyv Vo3�,,k State Thruwa.y 11 4 �r'6 17 FURTHER R23OLVED that the assessment roll of K55� taxes of 055, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Dioc! Parcel Name Land only 313 222 Thomas Vidile 05,175 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision Z of Section 557� Block Parcel Hame Land only Ko 222 Savaric, Luceno L W. 1, ;2,5 sic 25e Dominic T. Di Lallo, jr . 4J -Da FURTHER R2KLVZD that the assessment roll of 19555 taxes of YK7 which shows grWerty now appearing on the roll as follows : !lock Parcel Name Land only S2& 1 Uacona Corp. 33, 7010 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: clock Parcel Name Land only S23 1 Wacona Corp. 372000 326 K Robinson-Wagner Co . , Inc . 1, 700 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1955, taxes of 10563 which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : lock Parcel Name Land I zcvament improvement oil l0 Aurora M. Gaivac, a ors. 7, 500 WA 5, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the 20 James A. Dennis provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: 31500 310ch Parcel Name Land Improvement the Ell 101 & ill Aurora K. Galvao & ors GP300 , GOO ill i0G Manuel j. Galvao iY200 Koch jancel Name Land Improvement To FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1955, taxes of 1156, which shows property now appearing S, 200 on the roll as follows : 35 James A. Dennis & W. M Total 217,on" Total 10 P 3013 a, .Q' w Block larcel Name Land improvement Total 526 20 James A. Dennis A W. 3, 500 31500 ls, ovc be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of 3ection 557* Koch jancel Name Land Improvement To 520 20 Anna E. Donner i' soo 7, 000 S, 200 222 35 James A. Dennis & W. 1270i i' soo 3, 20-ii rairl L�rml FUNTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1955, taxes of 15561 which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total K4 313 Otto L. Harbach A W. $21, 500 $ SS, 500 $Ss'oo' be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Bection 55? : Eloch Parcel Name Land Improvement Total is? 313 Otto A. Harbach & W. 20, 000 33950 5S, 50c, 23? 408 Harris ! jensen Const. Corp. 0, 500 The minutes of September 28th, October 19th, and November Mtl, 19551 were approved as presented. The Clerk presented and read a letter dated October 29, 1155, from Hr . Thomas F. Farley, ramager of Winged Foot Golf Club, saying that the Club is interested in having a sleet or trap shooting range on the golf course during the wia7er season, to bo- located in the vicinity of the 12t3, Ath, and 14th holes on the East Course, a totally unpopulated area with SOO to 400 yards of woodland to the rearp and asliPig if they might obtain a license so their members may engage in the sport . The letter added that all possible precautions will to tahan* in the setting up of the range . The latter was referred to Chief Yorich and the Boaxd of Police Commissioners for investigation and report . The Cleo! presented an agreement with the County of n3stclesteT for the removal of snow on county roads for the Winer season of 055-155e, at a flat rate of $250 per mile . On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Naterman, it was Unanimously 2MOLUD that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement with the County of Westchester for the removal of snow on County roads within the unincorporated section of the Town of Eamaronech, at a flat rate of &0? per mile . The Clerk presented and read a latter dated November 13, 1955l Ky . atephan H. Desch of the law firm of Cann, Lamb, Long, and Zittelle, 420 Lexington Avsnue5 law Yon! City, saying thatlis firm represents Dradford C . Prau and Hazel 1 . preu, his wife, owners of To . is itons vail Lane, 1. Y. , also known as lot To . 23' hap of on Wall, Lamaronech, Yew York - Larocuona destchoster, Inc . , an! that they have beez informed that Lar be,urne Westchester, Inc . at the time they oi�imanced tkeir development, of which Lot No. 23 is a part, deposited a 110,000 performance bom�_� with the Town, covering the installation of roads within the subdivisioni and that $S, 500 of this amount has been returned, leaving $500 retained by the Town as security for the further performance of obligations of Earbourna Westchester, lnC . in the way of the complationof the road and shoulder work. The latter went on to say that a member of the firm would be present at this meeting on behalf of the ?rues for the purpose of securing reimbursement for monies spent by them in the perfor- mance of worl which was to have been done by har3ourna Vestchester, loc . rw The Clerk then presented a letter dated lovember 21, 1155 fTorf-,, the Town Attorney, addressed to Lt . Deach, stating that it would be impossible for the Town to pay any part of this money to Lt . Beach's client without either (1) an assignment from Herman Kobria or C 3 some sort of court order or levy under a Judgment against lerman hobrin . The Clarl then presented and read a letter dated November 21, 1055, from Mr. Milton S . Xusell, 5S Edgenood Avenue, stating that during one of last summer 's hurricanes , a tree in the back of his property was uprooted, destroying a fence on his property line, and ashing that this matter be to en care of. Following discussion by the Board, Er. 012rien was instructed to have the tree removed. The Clarl presented and read a letter dated December 2, K55, from Mr . C . J. Quinn, Secretary of the Board of Police Com- missioners, approving a recommendation by Chief Yerich to have two men from the Police Department attend the F. 1. A . Law Enforcement Conference at Dear Loqntain inn on December 7, K55, and requesting an appropriation of $10 to cover lunch and sundry eNpenses . On motion by Councilman 'rush, seconded by Councilman Taterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board approves the recommendation of the Eoard of Police Commissioners for the attendance of two men from the Police Department at the F. B. 1 . Law Enforcement Conference to be held at Eear Hountain Inn on December 7, 055 and hereby appropriates the sum of $10 for lunch and sundry expenses to be paid from the item in the budget for such eapenses . The Clerk presented a letter dated December 2, Ouinn, Secretary to tie Board of Police Commis that the Police Commission strongly recommends lighting at Kyrtle Boulevard and Vine Street . referred to the Luperintandent of Highways for ani report. 1155, from Er. C . j. sioners , stating improved street The letter was investigation The Clerk presented a letter dated December 6, 055, from Chief Paul A. yerich, saying that he would lile to send Detective Loveley to a Photographic Training En t` being hold in White Tlains ly the F. E . 1 . during the week of December l2th, aod rejuesting an appropriation of Q0 for lunches and transportation eypenses . Cm motion by Councilman Waterman seconded ly Councilman 2rush, it was unanimously REKLVED that this !card authorizes the attendance of Detective Lovaley at the Photographic Training Scol ho to be conducted by the F. B. 1 . during the week of December l2th, and hereby appropriates 2123 for lunches and transportation, out of the it in the olice 3udget for such expenses . Lt . Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes , submittal a list of properties acquired by the New Yorl Gtate Thruway Authority, prior to April 1, 105, and requested that the 1055 3tate, Town anc! County taz, which became a lien on April 1, 19K, a date sub- s.crept to the date of accuisition of tLest waocels bv the Thruway Authority, be cancallel . This is because of the position tahen by the Thruway Authority that neither they nor the former owner of properties acquired by the Thruway, is responsible for any 3tate, Town and County taxes which become liens subsequent to the date of acquisition. On motion by Councilman YataTman, seconded by Councilman 3rush, it Wa82 upon roll call, unanimously nESOLVED that the follo7ing itate, Town and County taxes which became a lien April 1, 1255, upon premises acquired by the New Yorh State Thruway Authority prior to april 1, IME , be cancelled : bloc! Yarcel IZ55 Town Tax 131 510 US . 132 3 3 5 103 .1 E5 132 Ml S2 . 521 132 3 6 IS GG.77 132 3 TO 3.95 132 Bei 55.0i 132 43 C, 32 5 .7131 iss 257 412 .30 Iss 365 325.2i US 3 755 357. 0 I. 330 f,M,37 Total $E ,42403 Water 13. W $13.73 The Clerk presented a letter dated December 2, 1955, from the Board of Elections to which was attached a. Certified Copy of the "Statement of Canvass and so much ,of the Decision of Can- vass as is applicable" to the Town. The certification stated, that the following were elected by the greatest number of votes to the respective offices set opposite their names : George D. hurchell 3upervisor Peter F. Lane, Jr. Councilman Dattista J. Santoro Councilman Charles J. Gronberg Town Clerk Charles E. Sax ter, Jr . justice of the Peace The Clerk brought up the matter of appointing an enumerator to take the census of dogs tAroughout the unincorporated area of the Town. Gn motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that, pursuant and harLats Law, John C appointed Peg Enumerate the Town of MamaTonacl, to 3ection los of Forrar be and he for the Unincorp for Ve year 1555 The Clerk presented the following: the Lgricultura hereby is orated part of K U CIE 14 L-f=A Statement of Gross Receipts from Fordham Transit Co. , IDc . for the nine months ending 3eptamber 30, 1255. Report of Westchester More Humane Society, !no . for Octoosr, Z55. Town Clark 's Report for October, 1S55. 2aport of Receiver of Taxes for November, K55. Statement of Dan! Balances as of December 1, 1S55. Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to October S1, 1155. Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures , January 1 to October 31; 1155. Analysis of Estimated 2evenues, January 1 to October 31, 155 5. List of Claims Audited and Paid by the Comptroller from November 1 to December 1, 055 . EM For the record, the Clerk presented affidavit of publication and posting of notice of amendments to the Soning Code and Building Code which were adoDted at a meetism of the Town `card held October is, 1955 The Supervisor requested a resolution authorizing tie permanent appointment of William Kirtland, intermediate clerk, as of january 1, 055. Cn motion by Councilman 7aterman, seconded by Councilman Trust, it was , upon roll call, unanimously I RESOLVED that William Lirtland do and he hereby is appointed Intermediate Clark at an annual salary of $3,390, such appointment to be effective as of january 1, IS56. On motion by Councilman Drush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the following resolution was, upon roll coil, unanimously adopted: WH =REAS, the Town of Yamaronecl, through tie institution of actions in the County Court of Westchester County, pursuant to Article VII-1, Title 3 of the Tan Lan, has become and now is the owner of a nunbew of parcels of real estate situate in the Umincorporated Section of the Tc.-,7n of Lanamonech; and WHEaEAS , the Town of Lamaronsc! advertised for bids and hold a public auction on December 7, 19Z5, and received bids on certain of said parcels of rsal estate now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck; and HER, ASJ since the receipt of said b0s , this Board has given careful consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the bids hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms therein set forth: PU%THZR R13GLVED that the Juparvisor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver deeds to these paL- els in accordance with the terms and contracts of sale and the Town Attorney is authorized to take! all steps necessary to complete the sale and transfer these parcels . FURTHER RESOLVED that the deposit heretofore Tscaivsd from Vac Realty Company on account of bid of $300 for the purchase of Block 2E7 Parcel 1, be returned . The request for the Town to accept the 2edication of the stTes-, known as lashington 3quare was put over until the meeting of Decemssr 21st, in order that the Board members might better acquaint themselves with the situation and also upon recommanda- tion of Er . Delius who suggested that it might be possible to chtain a gramt of some land from tie owners of Larchmont Hills Lyartments, thus making it possible to have a uniform paved widt-a of ntreet from Madison Avenue to North Chatsworth Avenue. LIST OF DID3 LLCIPTE-ED SlocL Parcel Purchaser Assessed Value Sales ?rice Terms 71S 500 C . Iran! jolsoq EGO Cash 227 1 Sound View loads Inc . 3' wo 0 as 12 PU%THZR R13GLVED that the Juparvisor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver deeds to these paL- els in accordance with the terms and contracts of sale and the Town Attorney is authorized to take! all steps necessary to complete the sale and transfer these parcels . FURTHER RESOLVED that the deposit heretofore Tscaivsd from Vac Realty Company on account of bid of $300 for the purchase of Block 2E7 Parcel 1, be returned . The request for the Town to accept the 2edication of the stTes-, known as lashington 3quare was put over until the meeting of Decemssr 21st, in order that the Board members might better acquaint themselves with the situation and also upon recommanda- tion of Er . Delius who suggested that it might be possible to chtain a gramt of some land from tie owners of Larchmont Hills Lyartments, thus making it possible to have a uniform paved widt-a of ntreet from Madison Avenue to North Chatsworth Avenue. M In application hy Mr. Jerome Tanshel to have the Town accept the dedication of Toncia Circle was put over until the meeting of Danomber 21st, to give the Board members an opportunity to visit tie property. The request of Hr . Lorris Karnes, attorney for Herman Kowrin, that the $50? retained by the Town to insure completion of the roads in the 3tonswall Lane area, should to rsturne! to his client, was put over until the meeting of December 21st. Mr . Winton L, Lille r, Weaver Street, registered a complaint with the Board against the use of residential property for business , slecifically 75 Talmer wenue . He said that the Foote Building Company, Inc . is listed in the Telephone Directory as 75 Palmer Avenue and that trucks are continually going in and gut of this property. The matter was referred to Hr . Thomas McEvoy, Suilding inspector . In reply to a question from Mr . Hiller, Mr. Delius informed him that the lawsuit to obtain an injunction against the First National 3tores property is on the court calendar . Hr . Marshall do Noyelles, Jr . appeared and stated that he r8pre- santed the Council of Larchmont Civic Associations which had met and adopted a resolution requesting this Board to further amend the Loning Ordinance with respect to apartment houses in the 2-2, C , and D districts , so as to restrict the mayimu',,,' number of families housed so any plot of ground to 30 families per acre, instead of 352 which is the present provision. The Supervisor stated that he believed this should not be acted on now as it is something for the new Town Eoard to pass on. Hr . Waterman, however, believed that a date for a public hearing should be set vow, which public hearing may to held at the first meeting of the new Doard on januaTy ?, 195e . -- . P k. .7. Bogardus, together with Mr. &a Toyelles, urged that a data be set for a public hearing. Hr. Xana aNpressed himself as bsliaving that it was too late to, have any affect on the 0 Talmer Avenue situation and rem d, Mr. Bogardus that the action to set aside the present zoning as being spot zoning, has bean pending for two years and that nothing has been done to obtain any in'lunction or to dispose of that case . Messrs . Bogardus and do .erg Iles both stated L..._ ?.t the request for the amendment was made, regardless of tie Palmer Avenue situation. After some discussion as to the anvisability of this Toard ssttin�z a date for a public hearing for the new loard, on notion sy Councilman Ratarman, seconded by Councilman brush, a vote tanan on the question of holding a public hearing on january ted 4, 1055, resul as follows : AYES : Councilmen 7aterman and Erus-'a YOU : Supervisor Mandeville Councilman None The petition from the Councilof Larchmont Civic Associations was filed with tie Clerk. Mrs . Winton L. Miller, Weaver Street, praised the 3oard and the Town Attorney for the "vast amount" of service they render. ihe said that only those who attend the 7own Council meetings are aware of the "tremendous amount of work performed by the Supervisor, the Councilmen, and the Town Attorney" . Tie Board then proceeded with tie matter of Clar! presented the affidavit of publicatho notice of gullic hearing on the preliminary of Kamaronect for the year t 56. the budget and the 2 and posting of the budget of the Town The budget was re7iewsd paZe by page an& skan the aeoreation Department was reached, Mrs . Inrran Spann commented that she was very happy to see this item in the Budget . Lo . Joseph L. jeely, G S "Director of Recreation" for said director be put that item $9, 500 . arpentine Trail, suggested that the its-.-,,, be omitted and the amount in the budget under the heading "Recreation" , n ling 631 At the conclusion of the review of the Budget, Mrs . Green said she would like tc, command Mr . Mandeville and the Councilman and the Attorney an behalf of the League of Women Voters . the vent on to say "I want to express our appreciation to you Er. Zandaville for the time you have given to Town affairs and for your loyal service which has made our Town richer .'' Mr. Randaville replied that he had graat respect for the League and insofar as serving the Town is concerned, he said, "I have made mamy sacrifices . if 1 had never started, you couldn't buy the years I have spent for a fortune . _Lt you couldn 't buy back my years of service for 10 fortunes . it 's a great Town, ware 's not another like it . All of usp the Councilmen, the Attorney, and the faithful Town enplayees, play our part and contribute something4l, Lr. Handeville concluded the period by thanking those who had spoken and urging their support of the new Supervisor and Council . The Town Clark presented a certified copy of water arrears received from the Westchester Joint later Works, No, 1 . The following resolution was moved by Councilman Brush: NNBRELS , this Board has heretofore made, compiled and filK with the Town Clerl, a preliminary ta7 byaget ccntaining the estimated probable revenues and estimated expenditures for the several separtments , offices and other town and special trict purposes for the year 1058; and WHEREAS, notice of the completion and filing of said ta,->. budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly published on November 26 and December 3 , 1955, in the Daily Times , Mamaroneck, and posted in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held this day in accordance with the notice so published ; and fUREA3 , all persons present were afforded an opportunity to be heard ; and T=LaS, this Ecard has reviewed the items in said pre- limiaary tax budget as required by Section 113 of the Town law2 rw YOW3 THEaVFORE$ W IT EESOLVED that the final estimates as completed by the Town Toard and filed in the office of the Town Clart, be and the same hereby are adopted as the hudget for the year 1956, pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law, and that said estimates , as so adopted, be entered in detail in the minutes of the Ward as follows : (insert sulzat, and it is further USOLVED that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 105e, be adopted and confirmed and that the Town Cler! to and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes ; ani tiat the sums of none-y hereinafter stated are lerely appropriated from the CUrrent revenues as PrWided by law, for the offices , departments , loaris, commissions and purposes hereinafter anumeratei fon exuanditura in the munaar airacted by law, to wit Town Offices 34, 330.00 supervisor 1, P00 .0o, Comptroller 1, 6SO .0o Town clar!. b,F2 a.0--, Elections 01430.00 asceiver of Taxes 14010 .00 Assessor 16, 7SVOO Law 10' osmo justices of the leacc 7, 210 .00 Contributions & Donations I' eoo.co Soard of Appeals 100 .00 Engineer 1422GO.00 Duilding & Plumbing Department 55C .013 Recreation sjoono Highway - General Town 2c5 SSS.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 12, 20s . 0o Civil Defense 240.00 Debt Service 72197.1 (2) FOR PURPOWL YN TOWT MEW OF VILLAGE3 Police Department 1129 F02.00 planning Ward COMM miscellaneous 24, 571 ,%, Not swrvicz� S, 007. 50 (S) ZIGHWAY DISTUCT - 01`7 HighwayDepartment 71, SOQ.OD ruT_� 000- (4) GARBAGE DISTRICT NC . i 2arbage Collection $el, 012 .26 Garbage incineratioa lz , 000 .00 (5) WaL DUTUCT FO. 1 Fire Department 74,450 ,00 Hidrant Rental 10P753. 001 (5) LIGHTING DISWICT NO. 1 Street Lights 231700 .001 (7) WATEa ST72PLY DISTaICT Capital Construction 1 Equipment 1, 310.00 Debt Service Wjll. so (S) TAWDISTRICT NO. I operating 2i2oss .013 Debt Service 13 ,03 . 50 (1) SEA= DISTHICT C. 1 Operating LiW.W 7_ Debt service SS, 075 .W Grand Total J14, 00S .P4, and it is further RESOLVED that as the Estimated Revenues and Cash on Hand equal the Estimated Expenditures for the General Town purposes, there be no General Town tax levied for the year 1951; an it is FURTIZa RWOLVA that for the fiscal year li5i, the sum hereinafter set forth and for the purposes listed below, be levied, assessed and collected upon the tawable properties in the Town of Tamaronecl: outsids of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaronech, the properties of the several districts specified belo,-, and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise assessments and persons within the Town and within such spacial districts be extended on the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments, or parts thereof, to wit : For purDoses in Town Outside of Villages as mentioned and described in the fore- going budget $224, 720 . 05 Less 2°' e_ 130.313 Total Levy for iurposes in Town Outside of Villages U224, esa . 56 D13TRICT LEVIES HIGHUAY DISTMCT - C/V Highway Department Less Cash & State Aid Net Levy GAMAGE DIST71CT NO. I Garbage Collection Garbage Incineration Less la venues let Levy FIRE DI3TRICT NO. I fire Department Hydrant Rental Net Levy LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights (Total Levy) WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO . 1 Capital Construction & Equipment Debt Service Less Revenues Net Levy PARE DISTRICT NO. I Operating Debt Service Net Levy 3 E DISTRICT NC . 1 Operating Debt Service Yet Levy Grand Total and it is $ 72,S00 .00 107000 .001 I Eiy %3 .26 10 , 000 .00 74, 40e.00 10, 7 sir .00. 3, coo .0o, L 911 . 50 74,TI.y �0,i 1 6:WO SMII . so lPA ELL K Iu as,Soo.OG 7S, OIZ .2e 851316 .0131 239 700 .0'a 2e, On .00 14, 7, 104.03 98, 975;37, los, is; S7 $ 50e .w WaTE& RISOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter SW of the Laws of 1927, as amended, and the provi- sions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated Laws hnown as the Town Low as amenied, there !a levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto anne7ed and marked WhMt "A" , the moo everal sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of lani n such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels , which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Do!! of the Town of hamaronech under the name "Zater Rents" , except, however, the water charges due on 31och: 132 Parcel S51; and 13S Parcel 351, which were acquired ly the Kew York State Thruway kuthorit7 prior to the certification furnished ly the Board of Trustees of the Nee tclester Joint 7ate_-!- 7orls , Yo. 1, pursuant to Chapter W? of the Laws of lE27. M <s to being seconded by Councilman 7a ✓erman, a vote Tas tahan upon the foregoing resolution and after roll call, the vote was records& as follows : LYES : Amper7isor wandeville Councilman Waterman, Brush, and Kane NOES : None Councilman Erush reported that he had attended a meeting of the Park aoard on November 28th where the following resolution was adopted and he was requested to present it to this Doer* at an appropriate time : RE30LVED that the minutes of this meeting of the Foard of Part Commissioners of the Town of empress our pas t'.. 3c xi and appreciation to Kys . Eargarat Tarnas , Cler� to this Toard, for her diligent, talented , and pleasant sar7ics3 over these past twelve years . ohs leaves us wit! every assurance of our good oil! and good wishes for whatever she undertakes . Councilman natarmaa had nothing to report for his japartments . Councilman Kane said there was no rarort as yet with relard to conditions in the flooded Pine 3rook area. 1T . Delius presented an agreement between Larbourne Westchester, :. c . , Town of Namaronach, and the Westchester Joint Tater Works yo . 1, and on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Council=. Waterman, the following resolution was , upon 2cll call, unani- mously adopted : WHERE152 harstafore, on Septembar 26, 1255, too Town Board accepted the street known as Stonewall Lane in the Town of Manaraneck and thereafter Marbourne Westchester, !no . , at al conveyed to the Town by dead, the land in the bed of the said street, which deed was recorded in the Westchester County Clert 's Office on October 172 1955; and W=IA3, heretofore, this Board by resolution dated July 7, 1254, authorimed the construction of a water line in said street upon condition that MaTbourne Westchester, Inc . pay to 7astchaster Joint Water Works, No. 1, the sum of §4, 09R .33, which the said Karbourne Yestchestar, !no . thereafter paid ; and WHEREAS, Marbourne Westchester, s nc . is now desirous of obtaining the usual refund agreement, Noll TE223FOREP AS IT RE30LVED that refund up to SO% of revenues derived from the sale of water to customers along the above mentioned water line be made for a period of 10 years or until the total amount of the deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur . The Town Attorney stated that in connection with the sale of the property known as Block 612 Parcel 17, which had been sold to Otto Ernst at the auction held September 7, 1955, a question of title was raised by the Title Guaranty and Trust Company because of the death of Michele Sessa, a former owner, in the State of raw jersey, on May 7, 1947. Since no record exists in the State of New York as to the side of his estate, the Title Company raised the question of a possible federal inheritance tax which is not subject to foreclosure in the foreclosure proceeding in rem in this State . 0176%1 e,LZJ Ln . Delius said it had been necessary to ma, e some jn',jesti,'7 ,,,x,'C;.0 in the Kats of New Jersey and that he Had obtained from Mr . joseph P. Winberry, an attorney in Rutherford, New Jersey, an affidavit regarding the estate of Lichele Sessa, which the Title Company accepted and removed the exception. Mr . Winb ern y, he said, had requested $25 for his services ani Mr . Delius recommended that he be paid this amount . On motion by Councilman Hans, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously REACLV33 that Joseph i . Winberry be paid $25 . for services rendered in connection with closing of title in Town of Mamaronec? to Ctto Ernst (Block ..I parcel 17) title to which was closed on Decem�aar ��, 1�,55. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at !?:!? P. and immediately reconvened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . Councilman Uaterman presented the Fire Department claims Tlich And Veen ansroved hv ths Pion 04lAf PoN P-ditod hv vvn an, on motion ly Councilman 7ateryWin' seconded by councilmaa Lane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims he they hereby are approven and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department : Arthur Massey Brow-�, 50 .00 Chatsworth Oil a seating Co, , !no , 155.03 Consolidated Edison Co. of N . Y. S lac . , Uest . 45. 63 William K. Fordyce 11 .00 Henigson's Lumber Company .06 McGuire Bros . , Inc . 5.00 New York Telephone Company si .2s' Roberts , S1 .0i- Total 0440 .7Z Councilman 7ate7.man presented the Tire Report for November, 1555, and the Inspector 's Deport for 3aptembar and Octclar, !SK. Tlere being no further business , the meeting adjourrea at 10 : 15 P. W. to meet again on Dec.enter NIP K55 .