HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_06_13 Town Board Minutes 199 !; II MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETIIiG OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARO- NECK, HELD JUNE 13, 1955, IN THE COURT ROOM OF i+'ZE'MARONECK TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P. M. PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Waterman, Brush, and Kane ABSENT: None Presence was also noted of Mr . Gronberg, Town Clerk, Mr. Delius, Town Attorney, and Mr. O'Brien, Superintendent of Highways . The minutes of May 18, 1955 were approved as presented . T h e Town Clem reported d that a. Committee of representatives from the p two major political parties met at the home of Mrs . Henry R. Dillon, and discussed t h e creation of new election districts in the Unincor- porated Section of the Town. It was their recommendation that these districts should be created at this time . Those attending the meeting from the Republican Party were : Chairman - Burton C . Meighan Nice Chairman - Mrs . Henry R. Dillon Secretary - Charles J. Gronberg From the Democratic Party: Chairman - Martin Stern '. Vice Chairman - Mrs . David Chisholm Phil E. Gilbert, Jr. Mr . Stern addressed the Town Board, reporting on the Committee meet- ing, and urged the creation of these districts a.t this tinge, in order Presidential election year of 1c,�5C. to be ready for the Presa Y On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was, upon roll call, unanimously s twenty-one RF.SOY.c�F,D that the map submitted, c,rea.tin,., t y election districts in the 'Town of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the boundaries of said twenty-one election districts as shown on said map, be and they hereby are described as follows : i DISTRICT NO . 1 Bounded on the south by the New fork, New Haven and Hartford Railroad tracks ; on the east by the center line of Mamaroneck Diver ; on the north by the center line of Barry Avenue and Winfield Avenue ; and on the west by the center line of Old White Plains Road and Mamaroneck Avenue . DISTRICT NO. Bounded on the south by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad a • on the east b tracks , y the center line of Mamaroneck Avenue and Old White Plains Road ; on the north, by the Twon of Ma.ma.roneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary line; and on the west by the Town of Mama.rnneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary line . 2®1 1 DISTRICT NO. 3 j Bounded on the south by Long Island Sound ; on the east by the center line of Mamaroneck River ; on the north by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad tracks ; and on the west by the center line of Fenimore Road . DISTRICT NO . 4 Beginning at a. point in the boundary line between the Town h Villa. e of Mamaroneck, where the and the of Mamaroneck a g same is intersected by the northerly line of the Boston Post Road : thence northwesterly along the said boundary line to the right-of-way of the New York, New Raven and Hartford Railraad ; thence northeasterly along said right-of-way to Fenimore Road ; thence southeasterly along Fenimore Road to the northerly line of the Boston post Road ; and thence southwesterly along the Boston Post Road to the point or place of beginning. Said election District No. 4 being bounded on the southwest by the Election District No. lea; on the northwest by Election District No. 2 ; on the northeast by Election District No . 3 ; and on the southeast by .Election District No. 17, DISTRICT NO. 5 Bounded on the south b a line starting at a point on the Town of Mamaroneck-village of Mamaroneck boundary line situated 1, 300 feet easterly from the center line of Fenimore Road and extending to the center line of Old ?°dhite Plains Road ; thence southerly to the inter- section of Old White Plains Road and Winfield Avenue ; thence along the center line of Winfield Avenue and Barry Avenue ; on the east by the center line of Mamaroneck River ; on the north by the Town of Mamaroneck-Town of Scarsdale boundary line ; and on the west b y a. line starting at a. point on said Town of Mamaroneck-Town of Scarsdale _— boundary line 1 ,300 feet easterly from the center line ofFenimore Road and extending y xtendin southerly to a point on the Town of Mamaroneck- Village of Mamaroneck boundary line, which point is 1,300 feet easterly of Fenimore Road . DISTRICT NO. 6 Bounded on the south by the center line of Boston Post Road; on the east by the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of Larchmont boundary line; on the north b y the Ne 'fork, New w Raven and Hartford Railroad tracks ; New and on the west by the center line of Chatsworth Avenue . DISTRICT ISO . 7 Bounded on the south by the center line of Boston Post Road; on the ea st b y the center line n of Chatsworth Avenue ; on the north by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad tracks , and on the west by the center line of Easy, Avenue and Larchmont Avenue . DISTRICT NO . 8 Bounded on the south by Long Island Sound; on the east by the village of Larchmont-Town of Yamaroneck boundary line ; on the north by the center line of Boston post Rpad ; and on the west by the center line of Beach Avenue. DISTRICT NO. 6 Bounded on the south by the center line of Boston Post Road ; on the east by the center line of Larchmont Avenue and East Avenue ; on the north by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad tracks ; and on the west by the Town of Mamaroneck-City of New Rochelle boundary line . 2®3 j i i DISTRICT N0, 10 Bounded on the south by Fong Island Sound ; on the east by the center line of Beach Avenue ; on the north by the center line of Boston Post Road ; and on the west by the Town of P.lamaroneck. - City of New Rochelle boundary line . zDISTRICT No. 11 Sounded on the south by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail- - road ; on the west by the City of New Rochelle-Town of Mamaroneck boundary line ; on the north by the southerly boundary line of the lands of the Westchester County Park Commission and the center lines of Maxwell Street, Madison Avenue, Washington Square, North Chatsworth Avenue and the northerly boundary line of the lands of the Westchester County Parr Commission; and on the east by the center lines of :Murray Avenue and North Chatsworth Avenue . DISTRICT No. 12 Bounded on the south by the center line of Forest Avenue, Shel- drake Avenue, holly Place, Forest Avenue, and Rockland Avenue from Forest Avenue to the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary line and by said boundary line to a point thereon ., Fenimore Road : on the l,�0�3 feet easterly from the center line of Fe 300 feet easterly east by a line 1, y from the center line of Fenimore Road to a point on the Town of Mamaroneck-Town of Scarsdale line 1,300 feet easterly from the center line of -Fenimore Road ; on the north by the Town of hlama,roneck-Town of Scarsdale boundary line ; a 9 nd on the west b the center line of Weaver Street . DISTRICT NO. 13 Bounded on the south by the center lines of Edgewood Avenue, North Cha-tsworth Avenue and mountain Avenue ; on the west by the City of New Rochelle-Town of Mamaroneck boundary line ; on the north by the center line of Forest Avenue ; and on the east by the center line of hurray Avenue. DISTRICT NC , 14 Bounded on the south by the center line of the Boston Post Road; on the west by the Village of La.rchmont-Town of Mamaroneck boundary line ; on the north by the center line of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ; on the east by the prolongation of the center line of P;lerritt Street a.-Lid Burton Road to the Boston Post Road . DISTRICT NO. 15 Bounded on the south by the New York, New Haven C Hartford Railroad ; on the west b the ce ntel° line of weaver Street ; on the north e y b y the center lines of Fernwood Road, East Brookside Drive, a. b Little Farms Road and Eton Road ; and on the east y the center line of Rockland Avenue and the Pillage of Mamaroneck-Town of Mamaroneck boundary line . DISTRICT NC. 16 Bounded on the east by the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of Mamaroneck - boundary line from the center line of the New York, New Haven & hartford Railroad to the waters of Long Island Sound ; on the west by the waters of Long Island Sound and the Village of Larch- mont line to the center line of Boston Post Road ; thence easterly along the center line of the Boston Post Road to the prolongation of the center line of Burton Road and Merritt Street to the center line of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ;on the north by the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad . I 2 DISTRICT NO . 17 Beginning at a point in the boundary line between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Yjamaroneck and at the southerly end of same on the stone boat landing pier on the westerly shore of Edgewater Point, (said point of beginning being alos the southwesterly corner of existing Election District No. 4) ; thence northwesterly along said boundary line to the Boston Post Road; thence northeasterly along the Boston Post Road to Fenimore Road ; thence southerly to a point in the ;hest Basin of Ijamaroneck Rarbor and , continuing southwesterly through the West Basin of Mamaroneck Harbor to the shore line of Orienta Point near following Bleaker -Avenue ; thence f g the shore lines of Orienta Point and Edgewater Point, southeasterly and southwesterly to the point or place of beginning. Said Election District No. 17 being bounded on the southwest by Election District Teo. 16, on the northwest by Election District No. 4, on the northeast by Election District No . 3, and on the southeast by Long Island Sound . DISTRICT NO. 18 Bounded on the south by the southerly line of the lands of Westchester County Park Commission and the center lines of Maxwell Street, Madison Avenue, Washington Square , Chatsworth Avenue, and the northerly boundary line of the lands of the Westchester County Park Commission ; on the west by the City of New Rochelle- Town of Mamaroneck boundary line ; on the north by the center lines of Mountain Avenue, North Chatsworth Avenue and Edgewood Avenue ; and on the east by the center line of Murray Avenue. DISTRICT NO. 19 Bounded on the south by the New York, New Haven & Ilartford mail- road ; on the west by the center lines of North Chatsworth Avenue and Murray Avenue ; on the north by the center lines of Orsini Drive and Byron Lane ; and on the east by the center line of Weaver Street . DISTRICT NO . 20 Bounded on the south by the center lines of Orsini Drive, Byron Lane Weaver Street, Fernwood P.oad, .Ea.st Brookside Drive, Little he center line of Farms Road and Eton Road ; on the west by t Murray Avenue, on the north by the center lines of Forest Avenue, Sheldrake Avenue , Folly Place and Forest Avenue ; and on the east by the center line of Rockland Avenue . DISTRICT NO . 21 Bounded on the south by the center line of Forest Avenue ; on the west by -the boundary line between the City of New Rochelle- Town of- Mamaroneck; on the north by the Town of Mamaroneck-Town of Scarsdale boundary line; and on the east by the center line of ,leaver Street . FURTHER RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated from Surplus , a sum not to exceed $1,200 for the expense incurred in carrying out the above resolu- tion providing for the creation of election districts in the Town of Mamaroneck. Mr. Jerome Wa.nshel presented the application of Frank Gua.dagnoio to re-zone property bounded on the north by North Chatsworth Avenue , on the south by Madison Avenue, on the east by Garfield Street, and on the west by Adams Street, from Residence District A-1 to Business District C . 207 Mr. A . G. Bogardus, who was present, requested that the application be again referred to the Planning Board for its recommendation, inasmuch as when this application was previously made and referred to the Planning Board, no recommendation had been made because the application was withdrawn. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that a public hearing be called for the 13th day of July, 1955, at 8: 15 P. M. , to be held in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House, corner of Edgewood Avenue and Weaver Street in the Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of considering the re-zoning asked for . FURTHER RESOLVED that this matter be referred to the Planning Board, pursuant to Section 274 of the Town Law, for its report which is to be submitted to the Town Board on or before July 13, 1955. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is instructed to publish the following notice : PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 1955, at 8: 15 P. M. , in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House, corner of Edgewood Avenue and Weaver Street in the Town of Mamaroneck, to consider the re-zoning of the block or parcel of property bounded on the north by North Chatsworth Avenue, on the south by Madison Avenue, on the east by Garfield Street, and on the west by Adams Street as shown on Map of Larchmont Heights, filet ., n the County Clerk's Office, Division of Land Records, as Map No. 2070, - from Residence District A-1 to Business District C , r which property is known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 133, Parcels 148, 161 , 179 , 186, and 274, and more particularly shown on the map or plan hereto attached . PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that this matter has been referred to the Planning Board, pursuant to Section 274 of the Town Law, to make a report on or before the 13th day of July, 1955. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons at said meeting will be given an opportunity to be heard . N . CHATSWO R TH AVEIMMO 205.0 Ib— W W W W CC B4:3 /86 PROPOSED BLOCK TOo BE REZONED '.C" kcs h � /05.0 Mr. A . G. Bogardus, who was present, requested that the application be again referred to the Planning Board for its recommendation, inasmuch as when this application was previously made and referred to the Planning Board, no recommendation had been made because the application was withdrawn. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that a public hearing be called for the 13th day of July, 1955, at 8: 15 P. M. , to be held in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House, corner of Edgewood Avenue and Weaver Street in the Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of considering the re-zoning asked for . FURTHER RESOLVED that this matter be referred to the Planning Board, pursuant to Section 274 of the Town Law, for its report which is to be submitted to the Town Board on or before July 13, 1955. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is instructed to publish the following notice : PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 1955, at 8 : 15 P. M. , in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House, corner of Edgewood Avenue and Weaver Street in the Town of Mamaroneck, to consider the re-zoning of the block or parcel of property bounded on the north by North Chatsworth Avenue, on the south by Madison Avenue, on the east by Garfield Street, and on the west by Adams Street as shown on Map of Larchmont Heights, filed An the County Clerk's Office, Division of Land tecords, as Map No. 2070, from Residence District A-1 to Business District C , which property is known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 133, Parcels 148, 161 , 179 , 186, and 274, and more particularly shown on the map or plan hereto attached . PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that this matter has been referred to the Planning Board, pursuant to Section 274 of the Town Law, to make a report on or before the 13th day of July, 1955. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons at said meeting will be given an opportunity to be heard . N . CHATSWO R TH AVE. 2054 w W W \\\. f55ocr/33 P4Rcf /86 PROPOSED BLOCK TOo BE REZONED °C" h h /05.0 jl BLOCK/33 P4RCEL 274 111 o _ _ 410.0 c o Bowe,e/33 L PARCEL/79 Q /05.e. 0 75.0 BLOCK/33 b ,eat ocIr/33 PAR EL/4B $ PARCEL/0 205.0 r MADI SON AVE. MAP SHOWING PROPOSED CHANGE IN ` ZONING 4 FROM ,DISTRICT"A" ONE FAMILY TO / 'E) DISTRICT"C"BUSINESS TOWN Of MAMARONECK ;` NEW YO RK Jui..Y l,1955 \` SCALE 1'=80' 29 FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this notice be sent to the Westchester County Park Commission, County Office Building, White Plains, N. Y. , and to the New York State Thruway Y, Authorit New England Section, 119 Washington Avenue, Albany 6, N. Y. , at least 10 days before the date of such hearing. Supervisor Mandeville introduced fair . Salvatore Pepe who in turn, introduced Mr . Frank Palmison, his attorney, lr . Palmison announced he was ready to answer any questions . Questioned by Mr. Mario Lorenti, Mr . Pa.lmison stated that the drive- way had been constructed to relieve traffic on the Boston Post Road ; that it was not incidental to business use ; that it was not a new driveway but just straightened out; and that a permit had been obtained from the State Department of, Public Works to enter Weaver Street . Mr. Thomas Abrahamsen and Mr . John Civitini, residents of the immediate area, complained of the increased traffic on ;leaver Street . Councilman Waterman suggested that if, in Mr. Lorenti's opinion, the driveway is a violation, he should take legal action. Mr . Lorenti said that in checking the records he had learned that Ferndale place had been deeded to the Town by the Herbert Land Co. , and that Ferndale Center, Inc . is at present transgressing across a. Town-owned street. Mr . 'William F. Gartland, 3 Winthrop Avenue, protested the increase. of traffic on Weaver Street and said the driveway is being used to avoid the g h traffic light at cleaver Street and Boston Post Road . Councilman Kane suggested that immediate steps be taken to obtain an injunction against the use of the driveway. The Town Attorney submitted a. memorandum to the Town Board in which he stated that the use of the driveway, in his opinion, is in violation of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance . Councilman Waterman then said that steps should be taken to obtain an injunction. This was followed by Councilman Ka.ne 's remark that immediate action should be taken to obtain such injunction. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby instructed to bring an action to enjoin the use by Ferndale Center, Inc . of the road or driveway leading to the parking area serving the supermarket operated by First National Stares on the Boston Post Road . The Town Clerk presented a letter dated June 8, 1955, from Rock- ridge Civic Association, requesting installation of a street light at the eastern end of Rockridge Road . I The letter was referred to the Superintendent of Highways for recommendation. _- The Town Clerk presented a letter dated June 10, 1955, from Mrs . Bette W. Schapiro, 41 winged foot Drive, Larchmont , requesting that dead trees near her home be removed and that a. constant puddle of dirty, swampy water at the corner of .dinged Foot Drive and Ormond Road be cleared up . 211 The Superintendent of Highways was present and stated that he had visited tsars . Schapiro (today, .Tune 33) and assured her that the matter will be taken care of. The Town Clerk presented a letter dated dune 13 , 1955, from the Superintendent of Highways, recommending the installation of a. street light at Hartung Street, at a cost of $85. On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to have Consolidated Edison Company of New Stork install a. street light on Hartung Street, at a. cost not to exceed $85. The Town Clerk submitted the following reports : Report from State Commission of Correction re the Town Lockup Town Clerk's Report for May, IS55 Report of Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc . , for May, 1955 Councilman gush reported that he had attended a meeting of the planning Board on June 0, 1955, at which time they had approved a subdivision map of A. poccia. & Sons for a small development off Fenimore Road . Mr . Brush went on to report that he had also attended a, meeting of Commission on the same evening, at which meeting the Recreation CQ Ti271RS g�s final plans for the Town Golf Tournament were discussed . Councilman Waterman presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roil so as to permit the apportionment of taffies , and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: WHEREAS , the Assessor has presented petitions for the correc- tion of the assessment roll for certain years , pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the `4'estchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1954, School taxes of 1955 and the Assessment Roll of 1955, taxes of 1950, which show property now appearing on the roll as follows : Block parcel Name Land Improvement Tota.1 131 57 Town of Mamaroneck $ 400 400 131 59 Daniel A. Ritch & W. 150 400 550 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block parcel Name Land Improvement Total 131 57 Town of Mamaroneck 300 300 131 501 New York State Thruway (496) 100 100 131 59 Daniel A. Ritch & 01 . 100 400 500 50 131 507 New Mork State Thruway (4..9 5� 5® 3 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1954, taxes of 1c,55, and the assessment roll of 1655, taxes of 1056, which show property now appearing on the roll as follows : Block parcel Name Dana only 131 53 Florence De Santo & ors $ 760 131 65 Viola. Harris 10 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block parcel Name Band only 131 53 Florence De Santo & ors 600 131 500 New fork State Thruway (498) 100 131 65 Viola, Harris 9 131 510 New York State Thruway (4S4) 1 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1654, School taxes of 1955, and the assessment roll of 19 55 P to°. S ®f i0 56 Y rn_c1 show property er t y now appearing on the roll as follows : Block parcel Name Land Improvement Total 801 366 J. F. Schwind & W. 3, 975 11, 750 15, 725 314 311 perry ?Feinberg .- W. 1, 73C -5, 600 7, 500 815 217 Lillian. R. Dietz 1, 366 4, 766 59666 615 222 Anne E . Hagen 1, 156 5, 156 6,566 be corrected a.s follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block parcel Name Land Improvement Total 801 366 J. F. Schwind & '6. 3 , 200 11, 756 14, x50 801 1000 New York State Thruway= (811) 775 775 W. 4 814 '312 Perry Weinberg & . (108v3) 1� , �00 5, 800 7, 200 814 311 New York State Thruway 300 300 815 217 Lillian H. Dietz 1 , 206 4, 700 5, 006 815 1004 New York State Thruway (107€) 100 100, 815 222 Anne E . Hagen 700 5, 150 5, 850 815 323 New York State Thruway (1076) 450 456 The Supervisor presented a. bill received from I<r . George Forbes , attorney for Deputy Chief Edward Leon in the Hooker matter, in the amount of $600, which was referred to Councilman s'7 ate rman for investi- gation and report . The Town Attorney reported that Marbourne- .'estchester has deposited ash to cover roper construction of Stonewall Lane . X10 000 c p _ 9 The Town Attorney read a. letter from the Corporation Counsel's office of New Rochelle, stating that thew Engineer, Mr . Paul T . 'reutler, had advised that cost of reconstruction of the bridge would be in the neighborhood of $32, 500 . After some discussion, on motion by the Supervisor, seconded by councilman Waterman, it was , upon roll call, unanimously 215 RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby instructed to request the City of New Rochelle to publish an invitation for bids to reconstruct the Pryer Manor Bridge according to the plans and specifications prepared by Paul T. Treutler, dated February 16, 1954, and then submit such bids to this Board for consideration. Mr . Delius reported that Fordha.m Transit Company has filed an appli- cation with the Public Service Commission for a temporary permit to run a race-track special bus through the Town. He said he had gone — Public Service Commission as being opposed to on record with the the same . The Supervisor requested a. resolution authorizing the Town Accountant, 1 1r . Finson, to attend the summer meeting of the Supervisors ' Association at Schroon Lane, New York, on June 19, 20, and 21 . On anon �'on b Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Accountant be and he hereby is authorized to attend the summer meeting of the Super- visors ` Association at Schroon Lake, New York, on June 19, 20, and 21, expenses for same to be paid out of the item in the budget appropriated for such expenses . Mrs . David Chisholm, who was present, asked who would make the appointment to fill the vacancy on the Town Board. The Supervisor informed Mrs . Chisholm that this is a. Town Board appointment and also that it is not necessary that it be made . Mr. C . Roberts Pope, 53 Dillon Road, asked that the ball field directly in the rear of his home, be moved into a. new area. The Supervisor said this would be considered . There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 9 :35 F. M. , and immediately reconvened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . The Fire Inspector 's Report for March and April, 1955, was presented, and the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M. Town erk I